Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: January 2011
Generated 01-Feb-2011 03:30 CET

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for January 2011
Total Hits 41949
Total Files 38909
Total Pages 7491
Total Visits 3920
Total KBytes 2382990
Total Unique Sites 1651
Total Unique URLs 472
Total Unique Referrers 348
Total Unique User Agents 882
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 56 351
Hits per Day 1353 1943
Files per Day 1255 1796
Pages per Day 241 419
Visits per Day 126 158
KBytes per Day 76871 112834
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 21
Code 200 - OK 38909
Code 206 - Partial Content 726
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 2
Code 302 - Found 294
Code 304 - Not Modified 1568
Code 403 - Forbidden 2
Code 404 - Not Found 418
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 3
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 6

Daily usage for January 2011

Daily Statistics for January 2011
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1236 2.95% 1152 2.96% 257 3.43% 137 3.49% 115 6.97% 102145 4.29%
2 954 2.27% 870 2.24% 207 2.76% 132 3.37% 113 6.84% 50353 2.11%
3 1754 4.18% 1650 4.24% 196 2.62% 115 2.93% 113 6.84% 99803 4.19%
4 1354 3.23% 1255 3.23% 204 2.72% 136 3.47% 140 8.48% 80143 3.36%
5 1057 2.52% 885 2.27% 226 3.02% 119 3.04% 120 7.27% 72191 3.03%
6 1189 2.83% 1116 2.87% 305 4.07% 155 3.95% 145 8.78% 81177 3.41%
7 932 2.22% 860 2.21% 211 2.82% 145 3.70% 130 7.87% 48542 2.04%
8 988 2.36% 900 2.31% 229 3.06% 120 3.06% 113 6.84% 57954 2.43%
9 1658 3.95% 1577 4.05% 313 4.18% 157 4.01% 134 8.12% 87731 3.68%
10 1441 3.44% 1346 3.46% 277 3.70% 158 4.03% 124 7.51% 109342 4.59%
11 1471 3.51% 1387 3.56% 217 2.90% 142 3.62% 118 7.15% 65911 2.77%
12 1635 3.90% 1496 3.84% 185 2.47% 115 2.93% 115 6.97% 65130 2.73%
13 1492 3.56% 1392 3.58% 226 3.02% 117 2.98% 123 7.45% 93117 3.91%
14 714 1.70% 642 1.65% 168 2.24% 124 3.16% 108 6.54% 54151 2.27%
15 1239 2.95% 1178 3.03% 356 4.75% 116 2.96% 107 6.48% 76665 3.22%
16 1176 2.80% 1070 2.75% 261 3.48% 121 3.09% 101 6.12% 76776 3.22%
17 1943 4.63% 1742 4.48% 219 2.92% 133 3.39% 131 7.93% 83636 3.51%
18 1288 3.07% 1238 3.18% 207 2.76% 131 3.34% 136 8.24% 68269 2.86%
19 1147 2.73% 1078 2.77% 182 2.43% 113 2.88% 98 5.94% 66942 2.81%
20 1136 2.71% 1027 2.64% 174 2.32% 115 2.93% 126 7.63% 61248 2.57%
21 1044 2.49% 940 2.42% 166 2.22% 109 2.78% 112 6.78% 59246 2.49%
22 1454 3.47% 1325 3.41% 276 3.68% 116 2.96% 110 6.66% 64944 2.73%
23 1566 3.73% 1389 3.57% 241 3.22% 135 3.44% 130 7.87% 83010 3.48%
24 1826 4.35% 1678 4.31% 308 4.11% 135 3.44% 123 7.45% 112834 4.73%
25 1710 4.08% 1616 4.15% 273 3.64% 109 2.78% 116 7.03% 95936 4.03%
26 1577 3.76% 1481 3.81% 310 4.14% 99 2.53% 92 5.57% 84257 3.54%
27 967 2.31% 894 2.30% 177 2.36% 104 2.65% 89 5.39% 41237 1.73%
28 1479 3.53% 1396 3.59% 419 5.59% 149 3.80% 132 8.00% 94535 3.97%
29 1122 2.67% 1084 2.79% 227 3.03% 115 2.93% 105 6.36% 87332 3.66%
30 1866 4.45% 1796 4.62% 282 3.76% 141 3.60% 120 7.27% 70490 2.96%
31 1534 3.66% 1449 3.72% 192 2.56% 109 2.78% 113 6.84% 87943 3.69%

Hourly usage for January 2011

Hourly Statistics for January 2011
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 43 1333 3.18% 39 1239 3.18% 11 354 4.73% 2557 79270 3.33%
1 37 1155 2.75% 33 1044 2.68% 9 286 3.82% 1715 53175 2.23%
2 26 823 1.96% 23 742 1.91% 7 233 3.11% 1710 52999 2.22%
3 22 689 1.64% 19 609 1.57% 7 233 3.11% 1423 44098 1.85%
4 15 495 1.18% 12 398 1.02% 7 226 3.02% 1317 40824 1.71%
5 24 756 1.80% 21 664 1.71% 7 240 3.20% 1268 39298 1.65%
6 32 1012 2.41% 29 927 2.38% 8 264 3.52% 3969 123040 5.16%
7 26 816 1.95% 23 726 1.87% 7 223 2.98% 2400 74413 3.12%
8 39 1216 2.90% 35 1111 2.86% 10 317 4.23% 2930 90826 3.81%
9 47 1470 3.50% 43 1361 3.50% 11 341 4.55% 2403 74479 3.13%
10 48 1513 3.61% 45 1425 3.66% 6 214 2.86% 2909 90177 3.78%
11 60 1881 4.48% 54 1703 4.38% 8 250 3.34% 3342 103612 4.35%
12 72 2237 5.33% 67 2088 5.37% 13 404 5.39% 3634 112644 4.73%
13 91 2824 6.73% 84 2627 6.75% 15 470 6.27% 4919 152488 6.40%
14 81 2523 6.01% 76 2356 6.06% 11 362 4.83% 3951 122495 5.14%
15 68 2115 5.04% 65 2035 5.23% 10 323 4.31% 4102 127150 5.34%
16 71 2212 5.27% 66 2073 5.33% 10 340 4.54% 4213 130604 5.48%
17 80 2481 5.91% 74 2296 5.90% 10 319 4.26% 3849 119307 5.01%
18 89 2778 6.62% 82 2548 6.55% 10 324 4.33% 4363 135265 5.68%
19 99 3089 7.36% 93 2901 7.46% 13 422 5.63% 4200 130190 5.46%
20 99 3070 7.32% 95 2957 7.60% 13 420 5.61% 4665 144617 6.07%
21 63 1957 4.67% 60 1863 4.79% 10 320 4.27% 4276 132551 5.56%
22 50 1568 3.74% 44 1390 3.57% 8 254 3.39% 3789 117448 4.93%
23 62 1936 4.62% 58 1826 4.69% 11 352 4.70% 2968 92018 3.86%

Top 30 of 472 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1665 3.97% 34087 1.43% /robots.txt
2 985 2.35% 17273 0.72% /en/send-a-postcard/
3 893 2.13% 18028 0.76% /
4 872 2.08% 4522 0.19% /includes/cssmenus2/skins/simple/horizontal.css
5 853 2.03% 6236 0.26% /main.css
6 847 2.02% 1516 0.06% /includes/highslide/highslide.css
7 803 1.91% 6608 0.28% /css/product.css
8 776 1.85% 2137 0.09% /css/login.css
9 711 1.69% 61127 2.57% /includes/cssmenus2/js/cssmenus.js
10 656 1.56% 28024 1.18% /includes/highslide/highslide.js
11 644 1.54% 1351 0.06% /includes/js/validation.js
12 614 1.46% 1073 0.05% /css/newsletter.css
13 613 1.46% 1518 0.06% /css/univer.css
14 571 1.36% 13127 0.55% /en/important/photo-gallery/23/
15 560 1.33% 11430 0.48% /favicon.ico
16 547 1.30% 54593 2.29% /files/Flash/bohinjsko.swf
17 502 1.20% 290 0.01% /includes/highslide/graphics/zoomout.cur
18 488 1.16% 883 0.04% /css/news.css
19 389 0.93% 6808 0.29% /plugins/plg_postcards/send.php
20 314 0.75% 32592 1.37% /files/Flash/logarska dolina.swf
21 271 0.65% 158 0.01% /includes/highslide/graphics/zoomin.cur
22 246 0.59% 6574 0.28% /en/recipes/
23 234 0.56% 92 0.00% /images/insidersicon.ico
24 192 0.46% 4227 0.18% /en/important/photo-gallery/23/graphics/zoomin.cur
25 179 0.43% 3725 0.16% /en/slovenia/
26 146 0.35% 124025 5.20% /files/File/iVinska tura.pdf
27 138 0.33% 136012 5.71% /files/File/Slovenia River Archaeology.pdf
28 118 0.28% 40018 1.68% /files/File/iPostojna.pdf
29 111 0.26% 2530 0.11% /en/tour/295/57/theme-tours/1440/highlights
30 95 0.23% 1114 0.05% /en/important/private-jets/41/

Top 10 of 472 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 138 0.33% 136012 5.71% /files/File/Slovenia River Archaeology.pdf
2 146 0.35% 124025 5.20% /files/File/iVinska tura.pdf
3 31 0.07% 123229 5.17% /files/File/Articles_about_Slovenia/Traveler article.pdf
4 64 0.15% 113252 4.75% /files/File/iAktivna tura.pdf
5 47 0.11% 105221 4.42% /files/File/iPule shortbreakWINTER SEASON.pdf
6 25 0.06% 67914 2.85% /files/File/Traveler May
7 711 1.69% 61127 2.57% /includes/cssmenus2/js/cssmenus.js
8 82 0.20% 58749 2.47% /files/File/iPohorje insiders.pdf
9 547 1.30% 54593 2.29% /files/Flash/bohinjsko.swf
10 49 0.12% 53394 2.24% /files/File/iLogarska.pdf

Top 10 of 120 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 985 2.35% 810 20.97% /en/send-a-postcard/
2 893 2.13% 724 18.74% /
3 571 1.36% 317 8.21% /en/important/photo-gallery/23/
4 246 0.59% 150 3.88% /en/recipes/
5 179 0.43% 108 2.80% /en/slovenia/
6 111 0.26% 64 1.66% /en/tour/295/57/theme-tours/1440/highlights
7 93 0.22% 57 1.48% /en/about-us/our-experts-and-guides/
8 77 0.18% 54 1.40% /en/tour/295/57/theme-tours/1446/highlights
9 79 0.19% 48 1.24% /en/about-us/general-information/
10 79 0.19% 45 1.16% /en/important/links/24/

Top 10 of 126 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 893 2.13% 649 16.78% /
2 985 2.35% 460 11.89% /en/send-a-postcard/
3 389 0.93% 349 9.02% /plugins/plg_postcards/send.php
4 571 1.36% 302 7.81% /en/important/photo-gallery/23/
5 246 0.59% 151 3.90% /en/recipes/
6 179 0.43% 116 3.00% /en/slovenia/
7 111 0.26% 71 1.84% /en/tour/295/57/theme-tours/1440/highlights
8 77 0.18% 56 1.45% /en/tour/295/57/theme-tours/1446/highlights
9 93 0.22% 54 1.40% /en/about-us/our-experts-and-guides/
10 91 0.22% 50 1.29% /files/Image/Traveler May

Top 30 of 1651 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1613 3.85% 733 1.88% 113105 4.75% 211 5.38%
2 861 2.05% 857 2.20% 186926 7.84% 81 2.07%
3 470 1.12% 314 0.81% 5715 0.24% 158 4.03%
4 466 1.11% 431 1.11% 48312 2.03% 145 3.70%
5 389 0.93% 389 1.00% 6844 0.29% 310 7.91%
6 293 0.70% 270 0.69% 4251 0.18% 99 2.53%
7 260 0.62% 174 0.45% 3166 0.13% 88 2.24%
8 235 0.56% 110 0.28% 13065 0.55% 34 0.87%
9 232 0.55% 232 0.60% 5611 0.24% 6 0.15%
10 192 0.46% 164 0.42% 31699 1.33% 114 2.91%
11 190 0.45% 188 0.48% 3306 0.14% 26 0.66%
12 161 0.38% 161 0.41% 26197 1.10% 1 0.03%
13 150 0.36% 148 0.38% 2077 0.09% 8 0.20%
14 144 0.34% 131 0.34% 2953 0.12% 14 0.36%
15 142 0.34% 120 0.31% 4428 0.19% 1 0.03%
16 140 0.33% 66 0.17% 2393 0.10% 75 1.91%
17 130 0.31% 130 0.33% 7320 0.31% 2 0.05%
18 129 0.31% 116 0.30% 4889 0.21% 2 0.05%
19 127 0.30% 126 0.32% 3264 0.14% 1 0.03%
20 124 0.30% 38 0.10% 1919 0.08% 6 0.15%
21 120 0.29% 84 0.22% 1359 0.06% 2 0.05%
22 119 0.28% 118 0.30% 8260 0.35% 1 0.03%
23 118 0.28% 117 0.30% 3502 0.15% 1 0.03% 77-105-45-76.adsl-2.sezampro.yu
24 117 0.28% 62 0.16% 2411 0.10% 1 0.03%
25 113 0.27% 113 0.29% 1848 0.08% 6 0.15%
26 112 0.27% 112 0.29% 11140 0.47% 1 0.03%
27 108 0.26% 108 0.28% 5644 0.24% 1 0.03%
28 107 0.26% 106 0.27% 5978 0.25% 1 0.03%
29 107 0.26% 96 0.25% 3916 0.16% 1 0.03%
30 106 0.25% 105 0.27% 2935 0.12% 1 0.03%

Top 10 of 1651 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 861 2.05% 857 2.20% 186926 7.84% 81 2.07%
2 1613 3.85% 733 1.88% 113105 4.75% 211 5.38%
3 466 1.11% 431 1.11% 48312 2.03% 145 3.70%
4 103 0.25% 103 0.26% 44212 1.86% 40 1.02%
5 192 0.46% 164 0.42% 31699 1.33% 114 2.91%
6 161 0.38% 161 0.41% 26197 1.10% 1 0.03%
7 87 0.21% 79 0.20% 19120 0.80% 35 0.89%
8 39 0.09% 37 0.10% 13380 0.56% 12 0.31%
9 59 0.14% 58 0.15% 13268 0.56% 1 0.03%
10 235 0.56% 110 0.28% 13065 0.55% 34 0.87%

Top 30 of 348 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 9412 22.44% - (Direct Request)
2 479 1.14%
3 367 0.87%
4 123 0.29%
5 111 0.26%
6 108 0.26%
7 70 0.17%
8 52 0.12%
9 51 0.12%
10 47 0.11%
11 41 0.10%
12 36 0.09%
13 33 0.08%
14 32 0.08%
15 29 0.07%
16 26 0.06%
17 25 0.06%
18 25 0.06%
19 25 0.06%
20 25 0.06%
21 23 0.05%
22 22 0.05%
23 20 0.05%
24 19 0.05%
25 18 0.04% +
26 18 0.04%
27 18 0.04%
28 17 0.04%
29 14 0.03%
30 14 0.03%

Top 20 of 39 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 15 17.86% logarska dolina
2 6 7.14% s-
3 5 5.95% zlikrofi-
4 4 4.76% ptici
5 4 4.76% slovenia symbols
6 3 3.57% slove-
7 3 3.57% slovenian sayings
8 2 2.38% %22belokranjska poga%c4%8da%22
9 2 2.38% %c5%a1pehovka
10 2 2.38% arne hodalic
11 2 2.38% d%c3%b6d%c3%b6le
12 2 2.38% dolina images
13 2 2.38% logarska dolina sloven-
14 2 2.38% logo dvd
15 2 2.38% rok kvaternik
16 2 2.38% slovenia coat of arms
17 2 2.38% slovenia-
18 2 2.38% slovenian symbols
19 2 2.38% slovenian-
20 1 1.19% %22sl-

Top 15 of 882 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 2012 4.80% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +
2 1956 4.66% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp;
3 1179 2.81% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13
4 1146 2.73% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/8.0.552.237 Safari/534.10
5 1123 2.68% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/8.0.552.237 Safari/534.10
6 861 2.05% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible;
7 839 2.00% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/8.0.552.224 Safari/534.10
8 837 2.00% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.3
9 786 1.87% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CL
10 721 1.72% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13
11 720 1.72% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
12 685 1.63% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
13 643 1.53% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13
14 573 1.37% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/8.0.552.224 Safari/534.10
15 562 1.34% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +

Usage by Country for January 2011

Top 30 of 64 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 13394 31.93% 12161 31.25% 648120 27.20% Network
2 8771 20.91% 8236 21.17% 322804 13.55% Unresolved/Unknown
3 6480 15.45% 6249 16.06% 695739 29.20% US Commercial
4 2241 5.34% 2233 5.74% 82712 3.47% Croatia (Hrvatska)
5 2001 4.77% 1940 4.99% 232226 9.75% Slovenia
6 1199 2.86% 1170 3.01% 49424 2.07% Poland
7 743 1.77% 612 1.57% 43348 1.82% Russian Federation
8 627 1.49% 615 1.58% 36509 1.53% Netherlands
9 527 1.26% 519 1.33% 21032 0.88% Indonesia
10 477 1.14% 476 1.22% 14437 0.61% Finland
11 378 0.90% 376 0.97% 16210 0.68% Belgium
12 374 0.89% 374 0.96% 12367 0.52% Italy
13 365 0.87% 354 0.91% 13149 0.55% Germany
14 349 0.83% 347 0.89% 18583 0.78% Hungary
15 301 0.72% 298 0.77% 13597 0.57% Austria
16 298 0.71% 291 0.75% 9777 0.41% United Kingdom
17 251 0.60% 251 0.65% 14145 0.59% Canada
18 250 0.60% 250 0.64% 9970 0.42% Slovak Republic
19 207 0.49% 204 0.52% 5854 0.25% Non-Profit Organization
20 200 0.48% 198 0.51% 8328 0.35% Portugal
21 198 0.47% 196 0.50% 6651 0.28% France
22 178 0.42% 178 0.46% 7534 0.32% Macedonia
23 173 0.41% 172 0.44% 8780 0.37% Sweden
24 165 0.39% 164 0.42% 3827 0.16% Australia
25 154 0.37% 153 0.39% 5394 0.23% Yugoslavia
26 136 0.32% 134 0.34% 11854 0.50% Turkey
27 107 0.26% 106 0.27% 5978 0.25% Uruguay
28 100 0.24% 99 0.25% 3307 0.14% South Africa
29 99 0.24% 99 0.25% 3630 0.15% Bulgaria
30 95 0.23% 88 0.23% 6874 0.29% US Military

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01