Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: November 2010
Generated 01-Dec-2010 03:38 CET

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for November 2010
Total Hits 41557
Total Files 37323
Total Pages 6277
Total Visits 3448
Total KBytes 2744845
Total Unique Sites 2075
Total Unique URLs 449
Total Unique Referrers 351
Total Unique User Agents 1037
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 57 396
Hits per Day 1385 1942
Files per Day 1244 1669
Pages per Day 209 389
Visits per Day 114 151
KBytes per Day 91495 239057
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 8
Code 200 - OK 37323
Code 206 - Partial Content 1531
Code 302 - Found 199
Code 304 - Not Modified 1763
Code 401 - Unauthorized 8
Code 403 - Forbidden 4
Code 404 - Not Found 716
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 3
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 2

Daily usage for November 2010

Daily Statistics for November 2010
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1453 3.50% 1302 3.49% 234 3.73% 135 3.92% 122 5.88% 69166 2.52%
2 1284 3.09% 1136 3.04% 277 4.41% 141 4.09% 137 6.60% 69217 2.52%
3 1579 3.80% 1336 3.58% 236 3.76% 140 4.06% 134 6.46% 80304 2.93%
4 1526 3.67% 1312 3.52% 389 6.20% 127 3.68% 108 5.20% 74225 2.70%
5 1269 3.05% 1166 3.12% 160 2.55% 107 3.10% 104 5.01% 73327 2.67%
6 1153 2.77% 1054 2.82% 186 2.96% 102 2.96% 100 4.82% 68329 2.49%
7 1062 2.56% 950 2.55% 133 2.12% 94 2.73% 106 5.11% 113754 4.14%
8 1241 2.99% 1187 3.18% 161 2.56% 107 3.10% 110 5.30% 85970 3.13%
9 1900 4.57% 1500 4.02% 192 3.06% 106 3.07% 111 5.35% 84559 3.08%
10 1790 4.31% 1669 4.47% 210 3.35% 117 3.39% 118 5.69% 81556 2.97%
11 1467 3.53% 1297 3.48% 331 5.27% 106 3.07% 111 5.35% 66361 2.42%
12 1058 2.55% 985 2.64% 223 3.55% 111 3.22% 99 4.77% 42474 1.55%
13 838 2.02% 761 2.04% 126 2.01% 92 2.67% 82 3.95% 43101 1.57%
14 1389 3.34% 1252 3.35% 168 2.68% 116 3.36% 114 5.49% 70638 2.57%
15 1791 4.31% 1436 3.85% 275 4.38% 138 4.00% 157 7.57% 123904 4.51%
16 1602 3.85% 1551 4.16% 200 3.19% 123 3.57% 114 5.49% 94561 3.45%
17 1509 3.63% 1431 3.83% 182 2.90% 111 3.22% 200 9.64% 187443 6.83%
18 1378 3.32% 1305 3.50% 194 3.09% 107 3.10% 257 12.39% 239057 8.71%
19 1483 3.57% 1431 3.83% 248 3.95% 106 3.07% 162 7.81% 147896 5.39%
20 752 1.81% 706 1.89% 141 2.25% 97 2.81% 103 4.96% 78960 2.88%
21 1942 4.67% 1667 4.47% 260 4.14% 151 4.38% 165 7.95% 125995 4.59%
22 1546 3.72% 1303 3.49% 203 3.23% 119 3.45% 147 7.08% 85932 3.13%
23 1588 3.82% 1448 3.88% 168 2.68% 124 3.60% 129 6.22% 83876 3.06%
24 1072 2.58% 998 2.67% 228 3.63% 116 3.36% 144 6.94% 95344 3.47%
25 1609 3.87% 1525 4.09% 200 3.19% 115 3.34% 131 6.31% 112039 4.08%
26 1257 3.02% 1158 3.10% 196 3.12% 113 3.28% 137 6.60% 69448 2.53%
27 1151 2.77% 890 2.38% 126 2.01% 95 2.76% 119 5.73% 70972 2.59%
28 1439 3.46% 1355 3.63% 279 4.44% 122 3.54% 118 5.69% 73106 2.66%
29 1258 3.03% 1157 3.10% 162 2.58% 111 3.22% 127 6.12% 81596 2.97%
30 1171 2.82% 1055 2.83% 189 3.01% 100 2.90% 111 5.35% 51738 1.88%

Hourly usage for November 2010

Hourly Statistics for November 2010
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 29 878 2.11% 26 802 2.15% 6 203 3.23% 2866 85971 3.13%
1 44 1330 3.20% 33 1000 2.68% 5 168 2.68% 2611 78343 2.85%
2 36 1094 2.63% 27 822 2.20% 6 209 3.33% 2070 62111 2.26%
3 20 626 1.51% 18 568 1.52% 9 278 4.43% 1186 35571 1.30%
4 19 597 1.44% 18 544 1.46% 6 190 3.03% 1172 35170 1.28%
5 20 614 1.48% 17 521 1.40% 4 147 2.34% 1761 52822 1.92%
6 25 764 1.84% 22 668 1.79% 10 303 4.83% 2945 88337 3.22%
7 23 705 1.70% 21 632 1.69% 6 189 3.01% 1322 39666 1.45%
8 46 1381 3.32% 43 1308 3.50% 7 227 3.62% 4900 146993 5.36%
9 61 1859 4.47% 56 1692 4.53% 9 298 4.75% 4719 141565 5.16%
10 76 2281 5.49% 68 2044 5.48% 13 390 6.21% 4832 144971 5.28%
11 77 2315 5.57% 67 2010 5.39% 9 293 4.67% 4381 131422 4.79%
12 62 1860 4.48% 57 1727 4.63% 9 275 4.38% 3205 96142 3.50%
13 70 2114 5.09% 58 1765 4.73% 11 358 5.70% 3856 115689 4.21%
14 89 2694 6.48% 74 2221 5.95% 14 438 6.98% 7986 239584 8.73%
15 64 1935 4.66% 59 1795 4.81% 12 363 5.78% 4247 127421 4.64%
16 77 2328 5.60% 72 2174 5.82% 9 283 4.51% 4579 137381 5.01%
17 86 2580 6.21% 83 2495 6.68% 8 246 3.92% 4285 128551 4.68%
18 72 2181 5.25% 69 2099 5.62% 7 228 3.63% 4284 128518 4.68%
19 78 2361 5.68% 75 2254 6.04% 7 228 3.63% 5246 157390 5.73%
20 102 3080 7.41% 89 2690 7.21% 8 257 4.09% 5964 178934 6.52%
21 88 2667 6.42% 82 2485 6.66% 9 296 4.72% 5469 164057 5.98%
22 59 1796 4.32% 56 1692 4.53% 6 199 3.17% 3559 106771 3.89%
23 50 1517 3.65% 43 1315 3.52% 7 211 3.36% 4049 121465 4.43%

Top 30 of 449 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1428 3.44% 29261 1.07% /robots.txt
2 870 2.09% 6453 0.24% /main.css
3 869 2.09% 4659 0.17% /includes/cssmenus2/skins/simple/horizontal.css
4 854 2.06% 1584 0.06% /includes/highslide/highslide.css
5 803 1.93% 6751 0.25% /css/product.css
6 792 1.91% 2232 0.08% /css/login.css
7 732 1.76% 64041 2.33% /includes/cssmenus2/js/cssmenus.js
8 700 1.68% 137066 4.99% /files/File/iVinska tura.pdf
9 674 1.62% 28370 1.03% /includes/highslide/highslide.js
10 666 1.60% 1389 0.05% /includes/js/validation.js
11 633 1.52% 1088 0.04% /css/newsletter.css
12 626 1.51% 12744 0.46% /
13 624 1.50% 10944 0.40% /en/send-a-postcard/
14 623 1.50% 1523 0.06% /css/univer.css
15 569 1.37% 55322 2.02% /files/Flash/bohinjsko.swf
16 515 1.24% 292 0.01% /includes/highslide/graphics/zoomout.cur
17 475 1.14% 9667 0.35% /favicon.ico
18 472 1.14% 842 0.03% /css/news.css
19 430 1.03% 9885 0.36% /en/important/photo-gallery/23/
20 318 0.77% 32170 1.17% /files/Flash/logarska dolina.swf
21 250 0.60% 145 0.01% /includes/highslide/graphics/zoomin.cur
22 248 0.60% 98 0.00% /images/insidersicon.ico
23 241 0.58% 6442 0.23% /en/recipes/
24 230 0.55% 4024 0.15% /plugins/plg_postcards/send.php
25 207 0.50% 4307 0.16% /en/slovenia/
26 177 0.43% 38573 1.41% /files/File/iSPKrajnska goraBL.pdf
27 163 0.39% 123084 4.48% /files/File/iAktivna tura.pdf
28 134 0.32% 3037 0.11% /en/important/photo-gallery/23/graphics/zoomin.cur
29 134 0.32% 140369 5.11% /files/File/Slovenia River Archaeology.pdf
30 130 0.31% 2923 0.11% /en/tour/295/57/theme-tours/1440/highlights

Top 10 of 449 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 134 0.32% 140369 5.11% /files/File/Slovenia River Archaeology.pdf
2 700 1.68% 137066 4.99% /files/File/iVinska tura.pdf
3 103 0.25% 134454 4.90% /files/File/iPule shortbreakWINTER SEASON.pdf
4 163 0.39% 123084 4.48% /files/File/iAktivna tura.pdf
5 40 0.10% 102022 3.72% /files/File/Traveler May
6 27 0.06% 96072 3.50% /files/File/Articles_about_Slovenia/Traveler article.pdf
7 732 1.76% 64041 2.33% /includes/cssmenus2/js/cssmenus.js
8 569 1.37% 55322 2.02% /files/Flash/bohinjsko.swf
9 29 0.07% 52754 1.92% /files/File/iPohorje insiders.pdf
10 4 0.01% 46528 1.70% /files/File/Na_krilih_ptic(2).flv

Top 10 of 108 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 626 1.51% 556 16.56% /
2 624 1.50% 547 16.29% /en/send-a-postcard/
3 430 1.03% 249 7.42% /en/important/photo-gallery/23/
4 241 0.58% 151 4.50% /en/recipes/
5 207 0.50% 121 3.60% /en/slovenia/
6 130 0.31% 81 2.41% /en/tour/295/57/theme-tours/1440/highlights
7 108 0.26% 67 2.00% /en/about-us/our-experts-and-guides/
8 72 0.17% 50 1.49% /en/tour/295/57/theme-tours/1446/highlights
9 72 0.17% 45 1.34% /en/insider-s-slovenia/
10 60 0.14% 43 1.28% /en/terms-and-conditions/health-requirements/

Top 10 of 114 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 626 1.51% 483 14.36% /
2 624 1.50% 325 9.66% /en/send-a-postcard/
3 430 1.03% 263 7.82% /en/important/photo-gallery/23/
4 230 0.55% 219 6.51% /plugins/plg_postcards/send.php
5 241 0.58% 146 4.34% /en/recipes/
6 207 0.50% 120 3.57% /en/slovenia/
7 130 0.31% 85 2.53% /en/tour/295/57/theme-tours/1440/highlights
8 108 0.26% 66 1.96% /en/about-us/our-experts-and-guides/
9 72 0.17% 50 1.49% /en/tour/295/57/theme-tours/1446/highlights
10 72 0.17% 46 1.37% /en/insider-s-slovenia/

Top 30 of 2075 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 889 2.14% 428 1.15% 75526 2.75% 119 3.45%
2 801 1.93% 379 1.02% 49392 1.80% 105 3.05%
3 436 1.05% 424 1.14% 12732 0.46% 1 0.03%
4 403 0.97% 137 0.37% 10967 0.40% 3 0.09%
5 336 0.81% 335 0.90% 39305 1.43% 5 0.15%
6 283 0.68% 282 0.76% 78648 2.87% 47 1.36%
7 274 0.66% 274 0.73% 9756 0.36% 1 0.03%
8 261 0.63% 261 0.70% 3108 0.11% 5 0.15%
9 230 0.55% 230 0.62% 4047 0.15% 208 6.03%
10 222 0.53% 220 0.59% 18924 0.69% 6 0.17%
11 213 0.51% 142 0.38% 2585 0.09% 71 2.06%
12 213 0.51% 211 0.57% 3762 0.14% 27 0.78%
13 204 0.49% 136 0.36% 2476 0.09% 68 1.97%
14 193 0.46% 190 0.51% 5477 0.20% 2 0.06%
15 182 0.44% 182 0.49% 4690 0.17% 5 0.15%
16 178 0.43% 160 0.43% 28109 1.02% 64 1.86%
17 177 0.43% 177 0.47% 3621 0.13% 0 0.00%
18 170 0.41% 170 0.46% 11921 0.43% 2 0.06%
19 169 0.41% 90 0.24% 1081 0.04% 2 0.06%
20 149 0.36% 149 0.40% 23723 0.86% 2 0.06%
21 148 0.36% 58 0.16% 917 0.03% 3 0.09%
22 144 0.35% 131 0.35% 2953 0.11% 13 0.38%
23 142 0.34% 142 0.38% 2845 0.10% 2 0.06%
24 140 0.34% 108 0.29% 1963 0.07% 2 0.06%
25 138 0.33% 113 0.30% 25572 0.93% 70 2.03%
26 137 0.33% 137 0.37% 9413 0.34% 1 0.03%
27 136 0.33% 135 0.36% 3523 0.13% 4 0.12%
28 123 0.30% 123 0.33% 9108 0.33% 1 0.03%
29 122 0.29% 61 0.16% 2130 0.08% 62 1.80%
30 117 0.28% 78 0.21% 3057 0.11% 1 0.03%

Top 10 of 2075 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 283 0.68% 282 0.76% 78648 2.87% 47 1.36%
2 889 2.14% 428 1.15% 75526 2.75% 119 3.45%
3 801 1.93% 379 1.02% 49392 1.80% 105 3.05%
4 336 0.81% 335 0.90% 39305 1.43% 5 0.15%
5 96 0.23% 91 0.24% 31039 1.13% 29 0.84%
6 178 0.43% 160 0.43% 28109 1.02% 64 1.86%
7 138 0.33% 113 0.30% 25572 0.93% 70 2.03%
8 149 0.36% 149 0.40% 23723 0.86% 2 0.06%
9 100 0.24% 97 0.26% 20754 0.76% 1 0.03%
10 222 0.53% 220 0.59% 18924 0.69% 6 0.17%

Top 30 of 351 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 8638 20.79% - (Direct Request)
2 454 1.09%
3 344 0.83%
4 330 0.79%
5 185 0.45%
6 176 0.42%
7 114 0.27%
8 101 0.24%
9 80 0.19%
10 71 0.17%
11 48 0.12%
12 47 0.11%
13 43 0.10%
14 42 0.10%
15 41 0.10%
16 38 0.09%
17 37 0.09%
18 36 0.09%
19 36 0.09%
20 34 0.08%
21 33 0.08%
22 30 0.07%
23 30 0.07%
24 28 0.07%
25 26 0.06%
26 24 0.06%
27 22 0.05%
28 20 0.05%
29 20 0.05%
30 19 0.05%

Top 20 of 46 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 17 19.77% ptici
2 4 4.65% logarska dolina
3 4 4.65% slovenian coat of arms
4 3 3.49% coa-
5 3 3.49% insiders slovenia
6 3 3.49% medieval castles filetype:pdf
7 3 3.49% rok kvaternik
8 3 3.49% slove-
9 2 2.33% -
10 2 2.33% carthusian monasteries-
11 2 2.33% dolina
12 2 2.33% poli-
13 2 2.33% ptici fotos
14 2 2.33% sloven-
15 2 2.33% slovenian sayings
16 2 2.33%
17 1 1.16% %22struklji%22
18 1 1.16% 30 dag sugar
19 1 1.16% active tours slovenia
20 1 1.16% belokranjska povitica

Top 15 of 1037 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 1864 4.49% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +
2 1308 3.15% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20101026 Firefox/3.6.12
3 1292 3.11% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp;
4 1147 2.76% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.3
5 1124 2.70% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/7.0.517.44 Safari/534.7
6 995 2.39% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20101026 Firefox/3.6.12
7 896 2.16% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20101026 Firefox/3.6.12 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
8 803 1.93% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101026 Firefox/3.6.12
9 800 1.93% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101026 Firefox/3.6.12
10 652 1.57% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/7.0.517.44 Safari/534.7
11 628 1.51% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
12 529 1.27% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
13 462 1.11% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp/3.0;
14 459 1.10% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; GTB6.5; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET C
15 436 1.05% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101012 Firefox/3.6.11 ;ShopperReports

Usage by Country for November 2010

Top 30 of 64 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 14462 34.80% 13389 35.87% 889945 32.42% Network
2 10424 25.08% 9578 25.66% 485608 17.69% Unresolved/Unknown
3 6528 15.71% 6267 16.79% 797245 29.05% US Commercial
4 1554 3.74% 1501 4.02% 177360 6.46% Slovenia
5 1183 2.85% 1174 3.15% 44333 1.62% Croatia (Hrvatska)
6 662 1.59% 651 1.74% 32453 1.18% Italy
7 619 1.49% 617 1.65% 19759 0.72% Poland
8 418 1.01% 363 0.97% 31435 1.15% Russian Federation
9 370 0.89% 369 0.99% 14333 0.52% Slovak Republic
10 350 0.84% 350 0.94% 8669 0.32% Netherlands
11 335 0.81% 335 0.90% 13504 0.49% Belgium
12 322 0.77% 320 0.86% 7303 0.27% Non-Profit Organization
13 313 0.75% 313 0.84% 15746 0.57% Czech Republic
14 300 0.72% 83 0.22% 14653 0.53% Germany
15 300 0.72% 284 0.76% 11926 0.43% United Kingdom
16 267 0.64% 266 0.71% 9397 0.34% France
17 232 0.56% 228 0.61% 11083 0.40% Hungary
18 214 0.51% 208 0.56% 16145 0.59% Canada
19 173 0.42% 173 0.46% 19699 0.72% Austria
20 153 0.37% 127 0.34% 8295 0.30% Switzerland
21 152 0.37% 152 0.41% 3571 0.13% Bulgaria
22 147 0.35% 147 0.39% 3364 0.12% Macedonia
23 144 0.35% 144 0.39% 9517 0.35% South Africa
24 136 0.33% 134 0.36% 5242 0.19% Brazil
25 132 0.32% 127 0.34% 6257 0.23% US Educational
26 120 0.29% 120 0.32% 3792 0.14% Spain
27 116 0.28% 116 0.31% 6488 0.24% Indonesia
28 104 0.25% 104 0.28% 1901 0.07% Greece
29 102 0.25% 102 0.27% 3761 0.14% Turkey
30 100 0.24% 97 0.26% 3725 0.14% Portugal

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01