Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: July 2010
Generated 01-Aug-2010 03:34 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for July 2010
Total Hits 41391
Total Files 35059
Total Pages 6501
Total Visits 3216
Total KBytes 2390474
Total Unique Sites 1634
Total Unique URLs 489
Total Unique Referrers 299
Total Unique User Agents 986
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 55 1313
Hits per Day 1335 2448
Files per Day 1130 1691
Pages per Day 209 397
Visits per Day 103 140
KBytes per Day 77112 120037
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 3
Code 200 - OK 35059
Code 206 - Partial Content 1805
Code 302 - Found 128
Code 304 - Not Modified 3759
Code 400 - Bad Request 1
Code 401 - Unauthorized 64
Code 403 - Forbidden 2
Code 404 - Not Found 568
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 1
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 1

Daily usage for July 2010

Daily Statistics for July 2010
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1187 2.87% 969 2.76% 243 3.74% 136 4.23% 156 9.55% 58374 2.44%
2 1260 3.04% 1031 2.94% 176 2.71% 102 3.17% 89 5.45% 77427 3.24%
3 963 2.33% 865 2.47% 197 3.03% 79 2.46% 86 5.26% 45661 1.91%
4 817 1.97% 680 1.94% 138 2.12% 75 2.33% 76 4.65% 51005 2.13%
5 853 2.06% 721 2.06% 122 1.88% 73 2.27% 83 5.08% 50874 2.13%
6 984 2.38% 885 2.52% 237 3.65% 94 2.92% 99 6.06% 63501 2.66%
7 1211 2.93% 1004 2.86% 193 2.97% 111 3.45% 114 6.98% 44049 1.84%
8 1766 4.27% 1302 3.71% 209 3.21% 96 2.99% 114 6.98% 109154 4.57%
9 971 2.35% 859 2.45% 158 2.43% 79 2.46% 91 5.57% 76345 3.19%
10 806 1.95% 711 2.03% 185 2.85% 96 2.99% 96 5.88% 35482 1.48%
11 804 1.94% 727 2.07% 213 3.28% 85 2.64% 99 6.06% 55736 2.33%
12 1017 2.46% 940 2.68% 202 3.11% 83 2.58% 89 5.45% 48385 2.02%
13 907 2.19% 819 2.34% 118 1.82% 83 2.58% 106 6.49% 37858 1.58%
14 833 2.01% 722 2.06% 131 2.02% 101 3.14% 99 6.06% 53722 2.25%
15 1452 3.51% 1308 3.73% 165 2.54% 95 2.95% 103 6.30% 110056 4.60%
16 1682 4.06% 1543 4.40% 225 3.46% 110 3.42% 123 7.53% 94455 3.95%
17 1073 2.59% 973 2.78% 155 2.38% 92 2.86% 101 6.18% 71610 3.00%
18 996 2.41% 858 2.45% 116 1.78% 81 2.52% 100 6.12% 52384 2.19%
19 1833 4.43% 1616 4.61% 163 2.51% 105 3.26% 124 7.59% 96175 4.02%
20 1625 3.93% 1429 4.08% 351 5.40% 83 2.58% 98 6.00% 85912 3.59%
21 1873 4.53% 1670 4.76% 222 3.41% 109 3.39% 93 5.69% 92020 3.85%
22 1548 3.74% 1409 4.02% 231 3.55% 132 4.10% 108 6.61% 66531 2.78%
23 1269 3.07% 1189 3.39% 230 3.54% 126 3.92% 97 5.94% 117410 4.91%
24 1237 2.99% 1132 3.23% 242 3.72% 135 4.20% 98 6.00% 93158 3.90%
25 2448 5.91% 1231 3.51% 397 6.11% 110 3.42% 98 6.00% 75383 3.15%
26 1266 3.06% 1134 3.23% 265 4.08% 112 3.48% 120 7.34% 114739 4.80%
27 1585 3.83% 1415 4.04% 231 3.55% 131 4.07% 115 7.04% 70369 2.94%
28 1772 4.28% 1638 4.67% 227 3.49% 133 4.14% 121 7.41% 116662 4.88%
29 1582 3.82% 1198 3.42% 184 2.83% 113 3.51% 113 6.92% 96684 4.04%
30 1841 4.45% 1691 4.82% 252 3.88% 140 4.35% 124 7.59% 109317 4.57%
31 1930 4.66% 1390 3.96% 323 4.97% 116 3.61% 121 7.41% 120037 5.02%

Hourly usage for July 2010

Hourly Statistics for July 2010
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 33 1051 2.54% 29 913 2.60% 7 220 3.38% 2225 68982 2.89%
1 39 1210 2.92% 33 1044 2.98% 8 266 4.09% 2714 84123 3.52%
2 23 743 1.80% 20 632 1.80% 4 132 2.03% 1121 34751 1.45%
3 22 711 1.72% 19 615 1.75% 9 281 4.32% 1271 39391 1.65%
4 16 508 1.23% 13 429 1.22% 5 185 2.85% 1666 51632 2.16%
5 20 623 1.51% 16 526 1.50% 6 205 3.15% 1009 31280 1.31%
6 22 690 1.67% 18 575 1.64% 5 173 2.66% 2429 75294 3.15%
7 27 842 2.03% 21 665 1.90% 7 225 3.46% 2180 67584 2.83%
8 46 1455 3.52% 42 1331 3.80% 6 215 3.31% 4817 149316 6.25%
9 49 1546 3.74% 46 1430 4.08% 6 212 3.26% 2094 64923 2.72%
10 61 1918 4.63% 56 1739 4.96% 5 176 2.71% 3280 101680 4.25%
11 72 2252 5.44% 68 2108 6.01% 8 255 3.92% 4547 140971 5.90%
12 74 2311 5.58% 68 2138 6.10% 9 282 4.34% 3468 107500 4.50%
13 79 2465 5.96% 68 2110 6.02% 13 420 6.46% 3744 116064 4.86%
14 86 2671 6.45% 66 2062 5.88% 8 262 4.03% 4955 153618 6.43%
15 108 3354 8.10% 89 2764 7.88% 11 344 5.29% 6236 193322 8.09%
16 92 2872 6.94% 73 2267 6.47% 13 412 6.34% 5187 160804 6.73%
17 48 1516 3.66% 39 1235 3.52% 7 228 3.51% 3152 97703 4.09%
18 57 1797 4.34% 53 1647 4.70% 5 170 2.61% 3315 102778 4.30%
19 58 1817 4.39% 52 1638 4.67% 10 317 4.88% 3435 106475 4.45%
20 78 2428 5.87% 68 2136 6.09% 19 591 9.09% 6092 188848 7.90%
21 73 2263 5.47% 67 2102 6.00% 10 336 5.17% 2773 85974 3.60%
22 96 2987 7.22% 56 1760 5.02% 11 352 5.41% 2633 81616 3.41%
23 43 1361 3.29% 38 1193 3.40% 7 242 3.72% 2769 85845 3.59%

Top 30 of 489 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1545 3.73% 31633 1.32% /robots.txt
2 874 2.11% 5554 0.23% /main.css
3 869 2.10% 3936 0.16% /includes/cssmenus2/skins/simple/horizontal.css
4 863 2.08% 1431 0.06% /includes/highslide/highslide.css
5 820 1.98% 5805 0.24% /css/product.css
6 812 1.96% 150227 6.28% /files/File/iVinska tura.pdf
7 799 1.93% 2012 0.08% /css/login.css
8 740 1.79% 12977 0.54% /en/send-a-postcard/
9 732 1.77% 56680 2.37% /includes/cssmenus2/js/cssmenus.js
10 682 1.65% 26474 1.11% /includes/highslide/highslide.js
11 672 1.62% 13660 0.57% /favicon.ico
12 664 1.60% 1297 0.05% /includes/js/validation.js
13 645 1.56% 1021 0.04% /css/newsletter.css
14 634 1.53% 1411 0.06% /css/univer.css
15 609 1.47% 49590 2.07% /files/Flash/bohinjsko.swf
16 601 1.45% 12125 0.51% /
17 482 1.16% 11073 0.46% /en/important/photo-gallery/23/
18 477 1.15% 759 0.03% /css/news.css
19 456 1.10% 9576 0.40% /en/important/photo-gallery/23/graphics/zoomin.cur
20 455 1.10% 237 0.01% /includes/highslide/graphics/zoomout.cur
21 359 0.87% 30948 1.29% /files/Flash/logarska dolina.swf
22 305 0.74% 5338 0.22% /plugins/plg_postcards/send.php
23 266 0.64% 69321 2.90% /files/File/iPohorje insiders.pdf
24 213 0.51% 5585 0.23% /en/recipes/
25 189 0.46% 110 0.00% /includes/highslide/graphics/zoomin.cur
26 184 0.44% 3794 0.16% /en/slovenia/
27 168 0.41% 45326 1.90% /files/File/iLogarska.pdf
28 138 0.33% 54 0.00% /images/insidersicon.ico
29 131 0.32% 2959 0.12% /en/tour/295/57/theme-tours/1440/highlights
30 113 0.27% 163635 6.85% /files/File/iAktivna tura.pdf

Top 10 of 489 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 113 0.27% 163635 6.85% /files/File/iAktivna tura.pdf
2 812 1.96% 150227 6.28% /files/File/iVinska tura.pdf
3 87 0.21% 144852 6.06% /files/File/iPule shortbreakWINTER SEASON.pdf
4 32 0.08% 115320 4.82% /files/File/Articles_about_Slovenia/Traveler article.pdf
5 49 0.12% 111726 4.67% /files/File/Traveler May
6 73 0.18% 76020 3.18% /files/File/Slovenia River Archaeology.pdf
7 266 0.64% 69321 2.90% /files/File/iPohorje insiders.pdf
8 732 1.77% 56680 2.37% /includes/cssmenus2/js/cssmenus.js
9 76 0.18% 51258 2.14% /files/File/iSPKrajnska goraBL.pdf
10 609 1.47% 49590 2.07% /files/Flash/bohinjsko.swf

Top 10 of 115 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 740 1.79% 652 20.54% /en/send-a-postcard/
2 601 1.45% 446 14.05% /
3 482 1.16% 259 8.16% /en/important/photo-gallery/23/
4 213 0.51% 135 4.25% /en/recipes/
5 184 0.44% 118 3.72% /en/slovenia/
6 131 0.32% 77 2.43% /en/tour/295/57/theme-tours/1440/highlights
7 92 0.22% 57 1.80% /en/tour/295/57/theme-tours/1446/highlights
8 80 0.19% 48 1.51% /en/tour/296/53/short-breaks/1447/highlights
9 73 0.18% 41 1.29% /en/about-us/our-experts-and-guides/
10 71 0.17% 40 1.26% /en/custom-tours/

Top 10 of 119 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 740 1.79% 374 11.81% /en/send-a-postcard/
2 601 1.45% 372 11.75% /
3 305 0.74% 288 9.10% /plugins/plg_postcards/send.php
4 482 1.16% 263 8.31% /en/important/photo-gallery/23/
5 213 0.51% 131 4.14% /en/recipes/
6 184 0.44% 118 3.73% /en/slovenia/
7 131 0.32% 78 2.46% /en/tour/295/57/theme-tours/1440/highlights
8 92 0.22% 55 1.74% /en/tour/295/57/theme-tours/1446/highlights
9 105 0.25% 51 1.61% /files/Image/Traveler May
10 80 0.19% 46 1.45% /en/tour/296/53/short-breaks/1447/highlights

Top 30 of 1634 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1741 4.21% 561 1.60% 155181 6.49% 257 7.99%
2 1488 3.59% 336 0.96% 11955 0.50% 2 0.06%
3 869 2.10% 866 2.47% 199459 8.34% 55 1.71%
4 597 1.44% 398 1.14% 7245 0.30% 199 6.19%
5 524 1.27% 519 1.48% 21312 0.89% 3 0.09%
6 353 0.85% 148 0.42% 4425 0.19% 1 0.03%
7 314 0.76% 299 0.85% 15579 0.65% 2 0.06%
8 306 0.74% 234 0.67% 4386 0.18% 1 0.03%
9 306 0.74% 306 0.87% 5384 0.23% 277 8.61%
10 274 0.66% 234 0.67% 89363 3.74% 168 5.22%
11 258 0.62% 172 0.49% 3131 0.13% 86 2.67%
12 200 0.48% 200 0.57% 5538 0.23% 0 0.00%
13 181 0.44% 180 0.51% 3130 0.13% 2 0.06%
14 180 0.43% 179 0.51% 5325 0.22% 1 0.03%
15 175 0.42% 123 0.35% 3408 0.14% 2 0.06%
16 165 0.40% 150 0.43% 3384 0.14% 15 0.47%
17 160 0.39% 114 0.33% 6280 0.26% 2 0.06%
18 160 0.39% 70 0.20% 1712 0.07% 1 0.03%
19 159 0.38% 72 0.21% 4381 0.18% 1 0.03%
20 149 0.36% 149 0.42% 3049 0.13% 0 0.00%
21 148 0.36% 97 0.28% 3599 0.15% 1 0.03%
22 147 0.36% 110 0.31% 2470 0.10% 1 0.03%
23 145 0.35% 145 0.41% 3328 0.14% 1 0.03%
24 142 0.34% 142 0.41% 4127 0.17% 1 0.03%
25 129 0.31% 61 0.17% 2176 0.09% 1 0.03%
26 128 0.31% 93 0.27% 3729 0.16% 1 0.03%
27 128 0.31% 127 0.36% 7268 0.30% 1 0.03%
28 126 0.30% 126 0.36% 3792 0.16% 1 0.03%
29 126 0.30% 124 0.35% 1951 0.08% 3 0.09%
30 123 0.30% 69 0.20% 2557 0.11% 1 0.03%

Top 10 of 1634 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 869 2.10% 866 2.47% 199459 8.34% 55 1.71%
2 1741 4.21% 561 1.60% 155181 6.49% 257 7.99%
3 274 0.66% 234 0.67% 89363 3.74% 168 5.22%
4 524 1.27% 519 1.48% 21312 0.89% 3 0.09%
5 77 0.19% 76 0.22% 19483 0.82% 1 0.03%
6 9 0.02% 8 0.02% 19324 0.81% 1 0.03%
7 314 0.76% 299 0.85% 15579 0.65% 2 0.06%
8 11 0.03% 11 0.03% 14440 0.60% 6 0.19%
9 97 0.23% 96 0.27% 14219 0.59% 1 0.03%
10 18 0.04% 18 0.05% 14081 0.59% 10 0.31%

Top 30 of 299 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 10153 24.53% - (Direct Request)
2 1003 2.42%
3 757 1.83%
4 312 0.75%
5 309 0.75%
6 158 0.38%
7 130 0.31%
8 84 0.20%
9 78 0.19%
10 67 0.16%
11 63 0.15%
12 48 0.12%
13 48 0.12%
14 47 0.11%
15 38 0.09%
16 38 0.09%
17 37 0.09%
18 36 0.09%
19 34 0.08%
20 33 0.08%
21 31 0.07% coaster/
22 27 0.07%
23 23 0.06%
24 21 0.05%
25 21 0.05%
26 21 0.05%
27 20 0.05%
28 20 0.05%
29 18 0.04%
30 18 0.04%

Top 20 of 50 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 10 9.62% logarska dolina
2 9 8.65% belokranjska povitica
3 5 4.81% coat o-
4 5 4.81% sloven-
5 4 3.85% %c5%a1pehovka
6 4 3.85% 386 hotel email address
7 4 3.85% rok kvaternik
8 3 2.88% bograc
9 3 2.88% slovakian symbols
10 2 1.92% %-
11 2 1.92% %c5%a0peho-
12 2 1.92% bogojina
13 2 1.92% bohinjsk-
14 2 1.92% lipizzaner horses
15 2 1.92% logar-
16 2 1.92% logarska dol-
17 2 1.92% luxury private jets
18 2 1.92% national geographic traveller may/june 2008 slovenia portfolio
19 2 1.92% slo-
20 2 1.92% slov-

Top 15 of 986 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 1682 4.06% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp/3.0;
2 1452 3.51% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; SIMBAR={FB0AEDCD-DC7C-406f-822E-8DC326A4E69B}; .NET CLR 1.1.4
3 1393 3.37% msnbot/2.0b (+
4 869 2.10% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible;
5 829 2.00% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.375.99 Safari/533.4
6 591 1.43% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100701 Firefox/3.5.11
7 486 1.17% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6
8 485 1.17% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
9 479 1.16% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; GTB6.5; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729;
10 470 1.14% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30;
11 452 1.09% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.375.99 Safari/533.4
12 440 1.06% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.3
13 438 1.06% msnbot-media/1.1 (+
14 430 1.04% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152
15 415 1.00% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)

Usage by Country for July 2010

Top 30 of 62 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 14212 34.34% 11433 32.61% 609597 25.50% Network
2 7027 16.98% 6277 17.90% 253114 10.59% Unresolved/Unknown
3 6396 15.45% 5943 16.95% 712848 29.82% US Commercial
4 3412 8.24% 3273 9.34% 117433 4.91% Croatia (Hrvatska)
5 2522 6.09% 2404 6.86% 255133 10.67% Slovenia
6 761 1.84% 671 1.91% 29218 1.22% Italy
7 721 1.74% 692 1.97% 34570 1.45% Germany
8 650 1.57% 574 1.64% 97700 4.09% Russian Federation
9 636 1.54% 633 1.81% 28664 1.20% Hungary
10 445 1.08% 442 1.26% 18811 0.79% Czech Republic
11 443 1.07% 439 1.25% 22265 0.93% Poland
12 425 1.03% 424 1.21% 29771 1.25% Netherlands
13 324 0.78% 321 0.92% 10716 0.45% Canada
14 314 0.76% 301 0.86% 8217 0.34% Australia
15 292 0.71% 289 0.82% 12430 0.52% Belgium
16 279 0.67% 279 0.80% 10494 0.44% Austria
17 271 0.65% 266 0.76% 14297 0.60% Israel
18 240 0.58% 235 0.67% 9738 0.41% Slovak Republic
19 211 0.51% 204 0.58% 6324 0.26% Brazil
20 162 0.39% 160 0.46% 2425 0.10% United Kingdom
21 148 0.36% 147 0.42% 2941 0.12% Latvia
22 131 0.32% 128 0.37% 3518 0.15% Non-Profit Organization
23 126 0.30% 126 0.36% 6670 0.28% Finland
24 118 0.29% 117 0.33% 2190 0.09% Portugal
25 117 0.28% 113 0.32% 3007 0.13% Taiwan
26 101 0.24% 100 0.29% 14356 0.60% South Africa
27 98 0.24% 97 0.28% 10028 0.42% Switzerland
28 74 0.18% 72 0.21% 4637 0.19% Spain
29 69 0.17% 69 0.20% 3682 0.15% Trinidad and Tobago
30 68 0.16% 65 0.19% 3691 0.15% Thailand

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01