Partner organizations of the Foundation »TOGETHER«

The Foundation "TOGETHER" realizes its’ programs in collaboration with a network of partner organizations in particular regions. For this purpose an agreement of collaboration is signed. The Foundation collaborates with numerous domestic and foreign experts and governmental and nongovernmental organizations both at home and abroad. In the year 2004 a local office of the Foundation "TOGETHER" was registered in Baghdad - Iraq.

The Foundation "TOGETHER" coordinates and directs most of its programs with the Office for International Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Assistance of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia.

• Bosnia and Herzegovina

OSMIJEH - Association for the Psychosocial Help and Development of Voluntary Work
Naselje Lamele, bb, 75320 GraÄŤanica, Bosnia and Hercegovina
Tel: +387 35 702 860
Fax: +387 35 787 281
Contact person: Hamdija Kujundžić

• Kosovo

FTK - Fondacioni Together Kosova
Rr. Garibaldi 3/8, 10 000 Priština, Kosovo
Mobile: +386 49 120 361
Contact person: Aliriza Arenliu

• FRY Macedonia

Psychosocial and pedagogical education and support association "Rezja"
Mobile: + 389 70 258 289
Contact person: Buniamin Memedi

• Serbia and Montenegro - Central Serbia

DUGA - Center for Voluntary Work and Help to Children
Zaplanjska 79, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
Tel: +381 11 246 77 28
E-mail: centarduga@ptt.yu
Contact person: Radmila Marušić


SRCE - Center for Emotional Support to People in Crisis
Trg Mladenaca 7, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro
Tel/Fax: + 381 21 63 15 137
Mobile: + 381 63 536 939 / + 381 64 135 29 25
Contact person: Tanja Bokun

• Iraq

Iraqi Network for the Psychosocial Help and Well-being of Children in Iraq, and Office of the Foundation “TOGETHER” for Iraq, based in Baghdad.

• Chechnya / Ingushetia

ARD Denal – Agency for Rehabilitation and Development
Evdoshenko St. 56, Karabulak
Tel: + 8734 44 42 90 / + 8734 44 49 97
Mobile: + 8732 24 04 09
Contact person: Luba Archakova

• Albanija
ADCMH - Albanian Development Center for Mental Health
Rr. Emin Duraku, Pallati 10/1, ap.4/1, Tirana, Albanija
Mobilni: +355 692 091 999
Kontaktna oseba: Blerta Bodinaku

Foundation »TOGETHER« became a supporter of the »All of...
Foundation "TOGETHER" met with the director of the Amsterdam Personal Development Institute.    
Supervision seminar in Struga
Foundation »TOGETHER« conducted a supervision seminar for local experts in Struga, Macedonia.    
Supervision seminar in Kruševac
Foundation »TOGETHER« conducted a supervision seminar in Kruševac, Serbia.    
Supervision seminar in Pristina
Foundation »TOGETHER« in cooperation with Peskovnik and Fondacioni »TOGETHER« Kosova has conducted th...    
Donation of sports gear to the Macedonian NGO Ambrela
Donation to the Roma NGO Ambrela     