Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: December 2008
Generated 01-Jan-2009 04:54 CET
GEO-106FREE 20070601 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for December 2008
Total Hits 50580
Total Files 47129
Total Pages 834
Total Visits 619
Total KBytes 815.62 MB
Total Unique Sites 564
Total Unique URLs 132
Total Unique Referrers 37
Total Unique User Agents 25
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 67 1415
Hits per Day 1631 5113
Files per Day 1520 4681
Pages per Day 26 91
Visits per Day 19 58
KBytes per Day 26.31 MB 81.17 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 47129
Code 206 - Partial Content 11
Code 304 - Not Modified 2872
Code 404 - Not Found 568

Daily usage for December 2008

Daily Statistics for December 2008
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 2103 4.16% 1942 4.12% 41 4.92% 24 3.88% 30 5.32% 34.52 MB 4.23%
2 1762 3.48% 1741 3.69% 33 3.96% 25 4.04% 26 4.61% 31.02 MB 3.80%
3 1547 3.06% 1424 3.02% 34 4.08% 21 3.39% 22 3.90% 23.65 MB 2.90%
4 1475 2.92% 1332 2.83% 23 2.76% 18 2.91% 19 3.37% 23.30 MB 2.86%
5 1411 2.79% 1390 2.95% 23 2.76% 18 2.91% 20 3.55% 22.98 MB 2.82%
6 1179 2.33% 1167 2.48% 18 2.16% 13 2.10% 14 2.48% 20.28 MB 2.49%
7 1241 2.45% 1033 2.19% 14 1.68% 13 2.10% 16 2.84% 17.53 MB 2.15%
8 1622 3.21% 1515 3.21% 23 2.76% 19 3.07% 21 3.72% 25.49 MB 3.13%
9 2118 4.19% 1927 4.09% 32 3.84% 25 4.04% 34 6.03% 33.80 MB 4.14%
10 1956 3.87% 1842 3.91% 31 3.72% 23 3.72% 22 3.90% 33.04 MB 4.05%
11 2715 5.37% 2395 5.08% 42 5.04% 31 5.01% 32 5.67% 41.20 MB 5.05%
12 1470 2.91% 1352 2.87% 21 2.52% 18 2.91% 18 3.19% 23.92 MB 2.93%
13 920 1.82% 900 1.91% 13 1.56% 10 1.62% 12 2.13% 15.55 MB 1.91%
14 1701 3.36% 1678 3.56% 32 3.84% 23 3.72% 23 4.08% 29.58 MB 3.63%
15 915 1.81% 705 1.50% 15 1.80% 10 1.62% 12 2.13% 11.52 MB 1.41%
16 1467 2.90% 1429 3.03% 28 3.36% 21 3.39% 22 3.90% 24.67 MB 3.02%
17 5113 10.11% 4681 9.93% 91 10.91% 58 9.37% 61 10.82% 81.17 MB 9.95%
18 2110 4.17% 2071 4.39% 35 4.20% 28 4.52% 26 4.61% 36.26 MB 4.45%
19 1156 2.29% 1098 2.33% 18 2.16% 15 2.42% 19 3.37% 18.79 MB 2.30%
20 1062 2.10% 852 1.81% 19 2.28% 13 2.10% 15 2.66% 14.27 MB 1.75%
21 1039 2.05% 927 1.97% 15 1.80% 14 2.26% 16 2.84% 16.27 MB 1.99%
22 2792 5.52% 2662 5.65% 48 5.76% 31 5.01% 32 5.67% 46.86 MB 5.75%
23 3004 5.94% 2869 6.09% 40 4.80% 33 5.33% 33 5.85% 49.28 MB 6.04%
24 906 1.79% 799 1.70% 13 1.56% 12 1.94% 13 2.30% 13.87 MB 1.70%
25 1357 2.68% 1241 2.63% 26 3.12% 20 3.23% 21 3.72% 21.39 MB 2.62%
26 1113 2.20% 1092 2.32% 18 2.16% 14 2.26% 17 3.01% 18.01 MB 2.21%
27 1370 2.71% 1293 2.74% 22 2.64% 18 2.91% 20 3.55% 22.24 MB 2.73%
28 1483 2.93% 1366 2.90% 23 2.76% 17 2.75% 19 3.37% 22.95 MB 2.81%
29 1006 1.99% 965 2.05% 14 1.68% 10 1.62% 14 2.48% 16.88 MB 2.07%
30 1003 1.98% 987 2.09% 17 2.04% 14 2.26% 17 3.01% 17.20 MB 2.11%
31 464 0.92% 454 0.96% 12 1.44% 10 1.62% 11 1.95% 8.11 MB 0.99%

Hourly usage for December 2008

Hourly Statistics for December 2008
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 25 777 1.54% 24 762 1.62% 0 19 2.28% 422.82 KB 12.80 MB 1.57%
1 18 560 1.11% 17 546 1.16% 0 11 1.32% 315.58 KB 9.55 MB 1.17%
2 3 118 0.23% 3 102 0.22% 0 7 0.84% 63.83 KB 1.93 MB 0.24%
3 0 9 0.02% 0 8 0.02% 0 6 0.72% 21.34 KB 661.47 KB 0.08%
4 3 108 0.21% 3 105 0.22% 0 7 0.84% 76.83 KB 2.33 MB 0.29%
5 6 198 0.39% 6 194 0.41% 0 3 0.36% 114.56 KB 3.47 MB 0.43%
6 6 208 0.41% 6 197 0.42% 0 6 0.72% 114.59 KB 3.47 MB 0.43%
7 21 678 1.34% 21 668 1.42% 0 13 1.56% 402.15 KB 12.17 MB 1.49%
8 54 1675 3.31% 49 1519 3.22% 0 30 3.60% 846.56 KB 25.63 MB 3.14%
9 69 2144 4.24% 61 1893 4.02% 1 36 4.32% 1.07 MB 33.25 MB 4.08%
10 95 2951 5.83% 88 2740 5.81% 1 38 4.56% 1.55 MB 47.97 MB 5.88%
11 109 3385 6.69% 104 3236 6.87% 1 53 6.35% 1.79 MB 55.43 MB 6.80%
12 137 4254 8.41% 121 3771 8.00% 2 74 8.87% 2.11 MB 65.54 MB 8.04%
13 130 4043 7.99% 126 3925 8.33% 1 58 6.95% 2.19 MB 67.80 MB 8.31%
14 127 3948 7.81% 124 3872 8.22% 2 63 7.55% 2.19 MB 67.95 MB 8.33%
15 109 3393 6.71% 102 3167 6.72% 2 64 7.67% 1.76 MB 54.69 MB 6.71%
16 126 3912 7.73% 119 3719 7.89% 1 55 6.59% 2.07 MB 64.17 MB 7.87%
17 81 2538 5.02% 77 2406 5.11% 1 38 4.56% 1.35 MB 41.88 MB 5.14%
18 98 3066 6.06% 94 2932 6.22% 1 48 5.76% 1.62 MB 50.23 MB 6.16%
19 70 2191 4.33% 64 1991 4.22% 1 34 4.08% 1.11 MB 34.26 MB 4.20%
20 101 3154 6.24% 87 2697 5.72% 1 49 5.88% 1.47 MB 45.71 MB 5.60%
21 75 2353 4.65% 68 2131 4.52% 1 40 4.80% 1.20 MB 37.18 MB 4.56%
22 108 3370 6.66% 104 3225 6.84% 1 47 5.64% 1.78 MB 55.12 MB 6.76%
23 49 1547 3.06% 42 1323 2.81% 1 35 4.20% 741.21 KB 22.44 MB 2.75%

Top 16 of 132 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 696 1.38% 17.42 MB 2.14% /
2 561 1.11% 2.69 MB 0.33% /stil.css
3 544 1.08% 933.13 KB 0.11% /include/KMain.js
4 541 1.07% 227.06 KB 0.03% /include/okno.js
5 540 1.07% 160.87 KB 0.02% /include/photoWindow.js
6 539 1.07% 393.18 KB 0.05% /include/sl_KValidate.lang.js
7 538 1.06% 4.62 MB 0.57% /include/KModeChange.js
8 538 1.06% 968.87 KB 0.12% /include/KUtil.js
9 538 1.06% 10.04 MB 1.23% /include/KValidate.js
10 537 1.06% 137.64 KB 0.02% /include/KModeChange.lang.js
11 533 1.05% 44.34 MB 5.44% /images/trgovinaanimacija.swf
12 102 0.20% 226.02 KB 0.03% /components/photoDisplay.php
13 12 0.02% 16.01 KB 0.00% /sub/opodjetju.html
14 10 0.02% 26.23 KB 0.00% /sub/pomoc.html
15 8 0.02% 30.33 KB 0.00% /sub/splosnipogoji.html
16 1 0.00% 3.48 KB 0.00% /sub/pravnipoduk.html

Top 10 of 132 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 533 1.05% 44.34 MB 5.44% /images/trgovinaanimacija.swf
2 696 1.38% 17.42 MB 2.14% /
3 538 1.06% 10.04 MB 1.23% /include/KValidate.js
4 538 1.06% 4.62 MB 0.57% /include/KModeChange.js
5 561 1.11% 2.69 MB 0.33% /stil.css
6 538 1.06% 968.87 KB 0.12% /include/KUtil.js
7 544 1.08% 933.13 KB 0.11% /include/KMain.js
8 539 1.07% 393.18 KB 0.05% /include/sl_KValidate.lang.js
9 541 1.07% 227.06 KB 0.03% /include/okno.js
10 102 0.20% 226.02 KB 0.03% /components/photoDisplay.php

Top 2 of 2 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 696 1.38% 613 99.35% /
2 102 0.20% 4 0.65% /components/photoDisplay.php

Top 5 of 5 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 696 1.38% 545 88.76% /
2 102 0.20% 49 7.98% /components/photoDisplay.php
3 10 0.02% 9 1.47% /sub/pomoc.html
4 12 0.02% 7 1.14% /sub/opodjetju.html
5 8 0.02% 4 0.65% /sub/splosnipogoji.html

Top 30 of 564 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 600 1.19% 511 1.08% 6.28 MB 0.77% 8 1.29% Slovenia
2 540 1.07% 539 1.14% 9.23 MB 1.13% 7 1.13% Slovenia
3 389 0.77% 293 0.62% 5.12 MB 0.63% 3 0.48% Slovenia
4 294 0.58% 196 0.42% 3.36 MB 0.41% 2 0.32% Slovenia
5 292 0.58% 102 0.22% 1.78 MB 0.22% 1 0.16% Slovenia
6 292 0.58% 193 0.41% 3.35 MB 0.41% 2 0.32% Slovenia
7 289 0.57% 289 0.61% 5.41 MB 0.66% 3 0.48% Slovenia
8 289 0.57% 98 0.21% 1.69 MB 0.21% 2 0.32% Slovenia
9 264 0.52% 263 0.56% 4.73 MB 0.58% 2 0.32% Slovenia
10 261 0.52% 96 0.20% 1.67 MB 0.20% 1 0.16% Slovenia
11 202 0.40% 107 0.23% 2.07 MB 0.25% 1 0.16% Slovenia
12 199 0.39% 195 0.41% 3.62 MB 0.44% 2 0.32% Slovenia
13 199 0.39% 195 0.41% 3.38 MB 0.41% 2 0.32% Slovenia
14 196 0.39% 192 0.41% 3.34 MB 0.41% 2 0.32% Slovenia
15 196 0.39% 194 0.41% 3.40 MB 0.42% 2 0.32% Slovenia
16 196 0.39% 101 0.21% 1.73 MB 0.21% 1 0.16% Slovenia
17 195 0.39% 98 0.21% 1.68 MB 0.21% 2 0.32% Slovenia
18 195 0.39% 98 0.21% 1.88 MB 0.23% 1 0.16% Slovenia
19 195 0.39% 192 0.41% 3.34 MB 0.41% 2 0.32% Slovenia
20 194 0.38% 192 0.41% 3.54 MB 0.43% 2 0.32% Slovenia
21 194 0.38% 99 0.21% 1.78 MB 0.22% 2 0.32% Slovenia
22 194 0.38% 192 0.41% 3.34 MB 0.41% 1 0.16% Unknown
23 193 0.38% 192 0.41% 3.44 MB 0.42% 2 0.32% Slovenia
24 193 0.38% 192 0.41% 3.34 MB 0.41% 2 0.32% Slovenia
25 193 0.38% 97 0.21% 1.68 MB 0.21% 1 0.16% Slovenia
26 192 0.38% 97 0.21% 1.68 MB 0.21% 1 0.16% Slovenia
27 192 0.38% 97 0.21% 1.68 MB 0.21% 1 0.16% Slovenia
28 192 0.38% 97 0.21% 1.68 MB 0.21% 2 0.32% Slovenia
29 192 0.38% 192 0.41% 3.34 MB 0.41% 2 0.32% Slovenia
30 192 0.38% 97 0.21% 1.68 MB 0.21% 1 0.16% Slovenia
View All Sites

Top 10 of 564 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 540 1.07% 539 1.14% 9.23 MB 1.13% 7 1.13% Slovenia
2 600 1.19% 511 1.08% 6.28 MB 0.77% 8 1.29% Slovenia
3 289 0.57% 289 0.61% 5.41 MB 0.66% 3 0.48% Slovenia
4 389 0.77% 293 0.62% 5.12 MB 0.63% 3 0.48% Slovenia
5 264 0.52% 263 0.56% 4.73 MB 0.58% 2 0.32% Slovenia
6 199 0.39% 195 0.41% 3.62 MB 0.44% 2 0.32% Slovenia
7 194 0.38% 192 0.41% 3.54 MB 0.43% 2 0.32% Slovenia
8 192 0.38% 192 0.41% 3.53 MB 0.43% 2 0.32% Slovenia
9 193 0.38% 192 0.41% 3.44 MB 0.42% 2 0.32% Slovenia
10 196 0.39% 194 0.41% 3.40 MB 0.42% 2 0.32% Slovenia

Top 30 of 37 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 47712 94.33%
2 1481 2.93% - (Direct Request)
3 285 0.56%
4 196 0.39%
5 190 0.38%
6 140 0.28%
7 104 0.21%
8 94 0.19%
9 92 0.18%
10 89 0.18%
11 79 0.16%
12 26 0.05%
13 14 0.03%
14 13 0.03%
15 8 0.02%
16 6 0.01%
17 6 0.01%
18 5 0.01%
19 5 0.01%
20 5 0.01%
21 4 0.01%
22 3 0.01%
23 3 0.01%
24 2 0.00%
25 2 0.00%
26 2 0.00%
27 2 0.00%
28 2 0.00%
29 2 0.00%
30 1 0.00%
View All Referrers

Top 20 of 43 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 13 13.83% modni dodatki
2 12 12.77% nakit
3 9 9.57% modni nakit
4 6 6.38% taurus
5 3 3.19% nakit taurus
6 3 3.19% spletna prodajalna
7 3 3.19% uhani
8 3 3.19% uhani swarovski
9 2 2.13% nakit modni
10 2 2.13% nakit spletna trgovina
11 2 2.13% nakit swarovski
12 2 2.13% nakit za telefon s swarovski kristali
13 2 2.13% prstani swarovski
14 2 2.13% swarovski nakit perla
15 2 2.13% zlati uhani
16 1 1.06% cirkon
17 1 1.06% kristali swarovski
18 1 1.06% luknjice v ušesih
19 1 1.06% modni nakit in kristali
20 1 1.06% ogrlica in viseči uhani
View All Search Strings

Top 15 of 25 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 19799 39.14% Mozilla/5.0
2 17319 34.24% MSIE 6.0
3 12445 24.60% MSIE 7.0
4 236 0.47% Opera/9.63
5 147 0.29% MSIE 5.5
6 121 0.24% Googlebot-Image/1.0
7 99 0.20% MSIE 8.0
8 97 0.19% MSIE 5.0
9 74 0.15% Opera/9.50
10 74 0.15% Opera/9.60
11 30 0.06% Googlebot/2.1
12 30 0.06% Najdi.s
13 28 0.06% holmes/3.12.4 (
14 25 0.05% Image Fetcher
15 23 0.05% Yahoo! Slurp
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for December 2008

Top 17 of 17 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 43669 86.34% 40977 86.95% 706.74 MB 86.65% Slovenia
2 4923 9.73% 4389 9.31% 77.18 MB 9.46% Unresolved/Unknown
3 538 1.06% 344 0.73% 6.53 MB 0.80% United States
4 260 0.51% 259 0.55% 4.39 MB 0.54% China
5 175 0.35% 173 0.37% 2.50 MB 0.31% Germany
6 158 0.31% 156 0.33% 2.64 MB 0.32% Bosnia and Herzegovina
7 146 0.29% 145 0.31% 2.45 MB 0.30% Sweden
8 124 0.25% 114 0.24% 3.61 MB 0.44% Czech Republic
9 98 0.19% 96 0.20% 1.67 MB 0.20% Croatia (Hrvatska)
10 97 0.19% 96 0.20% 1.67 MB 0.20% Italy
11 96 0.19% 96 0.20% 1.77 MB 0.22% Austria
12 96 0.19% 96 0.20% 1.67 MB 0.20% Great Britain (UK)
13 74 0.15% 73 0.15% 310.57 KB 0.04% Norway
14 63 0.12% 63 0.13% 1.07 MB 0.13% Yugoslavia
15 60 0.12% 60 0.13% 1.11 MB 0.14% Hungary
16 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 219.75 KB 0.03% Brazil
17 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 109.88 KB 0.01% Nigeria

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)