// **************************************************** // *** Printer Driver for Default Printer *** // **************************************************** // // Description : S = General Settings // I = Initialization // G = Graphic Mode Settings // R = Print Resolutions // P = Printer Settings for Graphic Mode // U = Universal Commands // // All parameters (excl. Sxx, Rxx) must be written in Hexadecimal // The text may not include the character ':' // #S00# "Printer connected (0=Off/1=On)" : 0 #S01# "Printer Baudrate" : 9600 #S02# "Print Speed (0= 1 line/s >0= n char : 0 #S03# "Print Multiple line (0=No 1=Yes)" : 0 #S04# "Charakters per line" : 79 #S05# "Text column width in print form" : 39 #S06# "Number column width in print form" : 21 #S07# "Unit column width im print form" : 17 #S08# "Printer Timeout [ms]" : 5000 #I00# "Send BEFORE printing" : #I01# "Send AFTER printing" : #I02# "Printer Init" : #I03# "Printer Reset" : #I04# "Page Init Graphic mode" : #I05# "Form Feed" : 0C #I06# "Line Feed" : 0A #I07# "Carriage Return" : 0D #I08# "Line Space text mode printing" : #I09# "Line Space graphic text printing" : #I10# "Line Space graphic image printing" : #I11# "Page Init Text Mode" : #G00# "Graphic End" : #G01# "Graphic Init (150DPI,1024 Pixel)" : #G02# "Graphic Init (100DPI, 640 Pixel)" : #G03# "Graphic Init ( 75DPI, 320 Pixel)" : #R01# "Print Resolution (DPI, Pixel) of #G01#" : 150 1024 #R02# "Print Resolution (DPI, Pixel) of #G02#" : 100 640 #R03# "Print Resolution (DPI, Pixel) of #G03#" : 75 320 #P00# "Send Data in horizontal lines (1=Yes)" : #P01# "Data bits per pixel (1..8)" : #P02# "Color index printed black" : #P03# "Graphic Mode supported (1=Yes)" :