Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: November 2007
Generated 01-Dec-2007 05:00 CET
GEO-106FREE 20070601 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for November 2007
Total Hits 59094
Total Files 53235
Total Pages 33150
Total Visits 3247
Total KBytes 934.91 MB
Total Unique Sites 1904
Total Unique URLs 484
Total Unique Referrers 366
Total Unique User Agents 78
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 82 652
Hits per Day 1969 3667
Files per Day 1774 3307
Pages per Day 1105 2331
Visits per Day 108 159
KBytes per Day 31.16 MB 94.75 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 53235
Code 206 - Partial Content 243
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 839
Code 302 - Found 93
Code 304 - Not Modified 3247
Code 403 - Forbidden 2
Code 404 - Not Found 1424
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 11

Daily usage for November 2007

Daily Statistics for November 2007
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 475 0.80% 435 0.82% 214 0.65% 49 1.51% 54 2.84% 2.62 MB 0.28%
2 1415 2.39% 1289 2.42% 693 2.09% 89 2.74% 85 4.46% 12.30 MB 1.32%
3 723 1.22% 684 1.28% 476 1.44% 66 2.03% 52 2.73% 5.00 MB 0.53%
4 890 1.51% 811 1.52% 554 1.67% 63 1.94% 55 2.89% 4.67 MB 0.50%
5 3083 5.22% 2782 5.23% 1773 5.35% 155 4.77% 148 7.77% 72.51 MB 7.76%
6 2455 4.15% 2264 4.25% 1364 4.11% 112 3.45% 110 5.78% 85.45 MB 9.14%
7 2238 3.79% 2038 3.83% 1115 3.36% 135 4.16% 132 6.93% 17.78 MB 1.90%
8 2104 3.56% 1849 3.47% 1120 3.38% 106 3.26% 105 5.51% 31.14 MB 3.33%
9 2160 3.66% 1992 3.74% 1310 3.95% 96 2.96% 86 4.52% 17.99 MB 1.92%
10 1120 1.90% 1038 1.95% 806 2.43% 60 1.85% 49 2.57% 5.99 MB 0.64%
11 1169 1.98% 1090 2.05% 670 2.02% 63 1.94% 57 2.99% 9.15 MB 0.98%
12 2666 4.51% 2372 4.46% 1686 5.09% 119 3.66% 101 5.30% 16.51 MB 1.77%
13 2384 4.03% 2129 4.00% 1437 4.33% 124 3.82% 113 5.93% 51.77 MB 5.54%
14 3667 6.21% 3307 6.21% 2331 7.03% 159 4.90% 125 6.57% 40.89 MB 4.37%
15 2309 3.91% 1939 3.64% 1354 4.08% 121 3.73% 93 4.88% 57.23 MB 6.12%
16 1943 3.29% 1699 3.19% 1012 3.05% 102 3.14% 97 5.09% 38.10 MB 4.07%
17 813 1.38% 741 1.39% 496 1.50% 57 1.76% 51 2.68% 3.76 MB 0.40%
18 1212 2.05% 1074 2.02% 668 2.02% 104 3.20% 100 5.25% 6.09 MB 0.65%
19 2899 4.91% 2571 4.83% 1513 4.56% 158 4.87% 137 7.20% 42.46 MB 4.54%
20 2718 4.60% 2422 4.55% 1490 4.49% 141 4.34% 120 6.30% 40.87 MB 4.37%
21 3016 5.10% 2682 5.04% 1722 5.19% 157 4.84% 133 6.99% 52.80 MB 5.65%
22 2173 3.68% 1902 3.57% 1146 3.46% 112 3.45% 94 4.94% 38.30 MB 4.10%
23 2221 3.76% 2028 3.81% 1172 3.54% 116 3.57% 103 5.41% 41.15 MB 4.40%
24 921 1.56% 769 1.44% 507 1.53% 64 1.97% 53 2.78% 3.35 MB 0.36%
25 1407 2.38% 1279 2.40% 723 2.18% 100 3.08% 99 5.20% 18.70 MB 2.00%
26 2552 4.32% 2316 4.35% 1401 4.23% 141 4.34% 115 6.04% 21.64 MB 2.31%
27 1916 3.24% 1770 3.32% 974 2.94% 105 3.23% 94 4.94% 43.06 MB 4.61%
28 2010 3.40% 1866 3.51% 1050 3.17% 108 3.33% 121 6.36% 94.75 MB 10.13%
29 2860 4.84% 2664 5.00% 1531 4.62% 149 4.59% 119 6.25% 48.40 MB 5.18%
30 1575 2.67% 1433 2.69% 842 2.54% 121 3.73% 110 5.78% 10.49 MB 1.12%

Hourly usage for November 2007

Hourly Statistics for November 2007
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 36 1105 1.87% 33 990 1.86% 20 627 1.89% 224.18 KB 6.57 MB 0.70%
1 26 805 1.36% 24 734 1.38% 17 510 1.54% 76.30 KB 2.24 MB 0.24%
2 24 724 1.23% 21 651 1.22% 16 500 1.51% 121.54 KB 3.56 MB 0.38%
3 12 368 0.62% 11 331 0.62% 9 291 0.88% 56.55 KB 1.66 MB 0.18%
4 19 597 1.01% 17 521 0.98% 12 379 1.14% 115.27 KB 3.38 MB 0.36%
5 15 460 0.78% 13 410 0.77% 11 348 1.05% 36.34 KB 1.06 MB 0.11%
6 23 700 1.18% 20 619 1.16% 16 491 1.48% 120.30 KB 3.52 MB 0.38%
7 33 1006 1.70% 27 837 1.57% 17 529 1.60% 211.51 KB 6.20 MB 0.66%
8 104 3145 5.32% 94 2848 5.35% 58 1758 5.30% 3.81 MB 114.44 MB 12.24%
9 160 4823 8.16% 141 4230 7.95% 88 2665 8.04% 2.52 MB 75.63 MB 8.09%
10 153 4614 7.81% 138 4152 7.80% 85 2562 7.73% 2.98 MB 89.42 MB 9.56%
11 158 4749 8.04% 144 4330 8.13% 88 2654 8.01% 1.17 MB 34.98 MB 3.74%
12 162 4888 8.27% 147 4435 8.33% 87 2632 7.94% 3.04 MB 91.25 MB 9.76%
13 165 4974 8.42% 146 4403 8.27% 92 2764 8.34% 3.18 MB 95.43 MB 10.21%
14 159 4796 8.12% 143 4307 8.09% 86 2581 7.79% 2.27 MB 68.10 MB 7.28%
15 165 4956 8.39% 148 4449 8.36% 98 2959 8.93% 2.51 MB 75.43 MB 8.07%
16 106 3195 5.41% 96 2891 5.43% 54 1629 4.91% 2.93 MB 87.94 MB 9.41%
17 92 2764 4.68% 83 2499 4.69% 51 1550 4.68% 2.13 MB 63.86 MB 6.83%
18 63 1913 3.24% 58 1749 3.29% 33 995 3.00% 552.97 KB 16.20 MB 1.73%
19 64 1921 3.25% 59 1788 3.36% 32 983 2.97% 1.06 MB 31.75 MB 3.40%
20 61 1847 3.13% 55 1666 3.13% 32 988 2.98% 502.43 KB 14.72 MB 1.57%
21 60 1815 3.07% 56 1707 3.21% 34 1037 3.13% 1.03 MB 30.82 MB 3.30%
22 63 1904 3.22% 58 1763 3.31% 39 1186 3.58% 348.48 KB 10.21 MB 1.09%
23 34 1025 1.73% 30 925 1.74% 17 532 1.60% 223.34 KB 6.54 MB 0.70%

Top 30 of 484 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 9516 16.10% 42.25 MB 4.52% /getfile.php
2 4712 7.97% 476.79 KB 0.05% /imageColorReplace.php
3 4635 7.84% 203.55 KB 0.02% /imageFill.php
4 3401 5.76% 882.40 KB 0.09% /sitedata/334/conf/custom.css.php
5 1650 2.79% 6.07 MB 0.65% /varpulis/_js/basic.js.gz
6 1428 2.42% 383.30 KB 0.04% /sitedata/308/conf/custom.css.php
7 1377 2.33% 197.67 KB 0.02% /robots.txt
8 1307 2.21% 6.78 MB 0.73% /
9 1279 2.16% 6.56 MB 0.70% /varpulis/_css/334_default.css.gz
10 1273 2.15% 2.64 MB 0.28% /varpulis/_css/334_print.css.gz
11 885 1.50% 2.91 MB 0.31% /priprava-na-dogodek/mesta-sreanj/domina-ljubljana-hotel-spa/
12 670 1.13% 2.31 MB 0.25% /zavod-kongresnoturisticni-urad/slovenska-turisticna-organizacija/
13 414 0.70% 1.84 MB 0.20% /varpulis/_css/308_default.css.gz
14 413 0.70% 753.42 KB 0.08% /varpulis/_css/308_print.css.gz
15 316 0.53% 3.52 MB 0.38% /varpulis/_js/basic.js
16 256 0.43% 3.64 MB 0.39% /novice-in-mediji/
17 239 0.40% 92.29 MB 9.87% /sitedata/308/media/page/kongresni urad animacija.swf
18 217 0.37% 2.13 MB 0.23% /varpulis/_css/334_print.css
19 212 0.36% 965.91 KB 0.10% /slovenija-za-vas/
20 197 0.33% 5.29 MB 0.57% /varpulis/_css/334_default.css
21 189 0.32% 1.20 MB 0.13% /priprava-na-dogodek/
22 156 0.26% 1016.60 KB 0.11% /zavod-kongresnoturisticni-urad/nai-lani/
23 149 0.25% 142.15 KB 0.01% /showPicture.php
24 149 0.25% 590.77 KB 0.06% /zavod-kongresnoturisticni-urad/
25 134 0.23% 417.49 KB 0.04% /priprava-na-dogodek/mesta-sreanj/domina-ljubljana-hotel-spa-zmogljivosti/
26 134 0.23% 300.03 KB 0.03% /varpulis/include/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/browser/mcpuk/connectors/php/connector.php
27 131 0.22% 337.31 KB 0.04% /zavod-kongresnoturisticni-urad/kontakt/
28 125 0.21% 1.17 MB 0.13% /varpulis/_css/308_print.css
29 124 0.21% 3.09 MB 0.33% /varpulis/_css/308_default.css
30 115 0.19% 427.99 KB 0.04% /the-slovenian-convention-bureau/
View All URLs

Top 10 of 484 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 67 0.11% 301.96 MB 32.30% /sitedata/334/upload/File/01_Kongres_apr_2007.pdf
2 12 0.02% 107.34 MB 11.48% /sitedata/308/upload/File/Slovenian Convention Bureau catalog.pdf
3 239 0.40% 92.29 MB 9.87% /sitedata/308/media/page/kongresni urad animacija.swf
4 26 0.04% 86.82 MB 9.29% /sitedata/308/upload/File/01_Kongres_apr_2007.pdf
5 9516 16.10% 42.25 MB 4.52% /getfile.php
6 1307 2.21% 6.78 MB 0.73% /
7 1279 2.16% 6.56 MB 0.70% /varpulis/_css/334_default.css.gz
8 1650 2.79% 6.07 MB 0.65% /varpulis/_js/basic.js.gz
9 197 0.33% 5.29 MB 0.57% /varpulis/_css/334_default.css
10 26 0.04% 4.51 MB 0.48% /sitedata/308/upload/File/NOV-06-Slovenia.pdf

Top 10 of 196 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1307 2.21% 702 21.94% /
2 885 1.50% 479 14.97% /priprava-na-dogodek/mesta-sreanj/domina-ljubljana-hotel-spa/
3 670 1.13% 392 12.25% /zavod-kongresnoturisticni-urad/slovenska-turisticna-organizacija/
4 9516 16.10% 155 4.85% /getfile.php
5 212 0.36% 57 1.78% /slovenija-za-vas/
6 256 0.43% 52 1.63% /novice-in-mediji/
7 94 0.16% 50 1.56% /priprava-na-dogodek/mesta-sreanj/festivalna-dvorana-bled/
8 134 0.23% 35 1.09% /priprava-na-dogodek/mesta-sreanj/domina-ljubljana-hotel-spa-zmogljivosti/
9 62 0.10% 27 0.84% /pravni-poduk/
10 48 0.08% 27 0.84% /priprava-na-dogodek/mesta-sreanj/liffe-class-portoroz/

Top 10 of 195 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 4635 7.84% 1166 36.51% /imageFill.php
2 9516 16.10% 433 13.56% /getfile.php
3 1307 2.21% 391 12.24% /
4 4712 7.97% 137 4.29% /imageColorReplace.php
5 3401 5.76% 61 1.91% /sitedata/334/conf/custom.css.php
6 885 1.50% 57 1.78% /priprava-na-dogodek/mesta-sreanj/domina-ljubljana-hotel-spa/
7 1428 2.42% 42 1.31% /sitedata/308/conf/custom.css.php
8 670 1.13% 37 1.16% /zavod-kongresnoturisticni-urad/slovenska-turisticna-organizacija/
9 156 0.26% 22 0.69% /zavod-kongresnoturisticni-urad/nai-lani/
10 27 0.05% 20 0.63% /adRedirect.php

Top 30 of 1904 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 2072 3.51% 1922 3.61% 2.82 MB 0.30% 50 1.54% Slovenia
2 1212 2.05% 804 1.51% 7.47 MB 0.80% 43 1.32% Slovenia
3 1203 2.04% 1109 2.08% 1.65 MB 0.18% 37 1.14% Slovenia
4 752 1.27% 683 1.28% 2.64 MB 0.28% 14 0.43% Slovenia
5 604 1.02% 499 0.94% 4.03 MB 0.43% 13 0.40% Slovenia
6 539 0.91% 432 0.81% 3.17 MB 0.34% 20 0.62% Slovenia
7 508 0.86% 465 0.87% 639.17 KB 0.07% 16 0.49% Slovenia
8 448 0.76% 330 0.62% 19.66 MB 2.10% 10 0.31% Spain
9 447 0.76% 409 0.77% 550.93 KB 0.06% 13 0.40% Slovenia
10 439 0.74% 375 0.70% 1.53 MB 0.16% 7 0.22% Slovenia
11 417 0.71% 367 0.69% 3.45 MB 0.37% 20 0.62% Slovenia
12 398 0.67% 337 0.63% 4.52 MB 0.48% 17 0.52% Slovenia
13 376 0.64% 368 0.69% 54.33 MB 5.81% 3 0.09% Slovenia
14 367 0.62% 329 0.62% 6.69 MB 0.72% 8 0.25% Slovenia
15 354 0.60% 348 0.65% 1.54 MB 0.16% 1 0.03% United States
16 350 0.59% 336 0.63% 2.37 MB 0.25% 19 0.59% Slovenia
17 344 0.58% 261 0.49% 698.26 KB 0.07% 96 2.96% United States
18 327 0.55% 285 0.54% 2.95 MB 0.32% 7 0.22% Slovenia
19 319 0.54% 318 0.60% 2.80 MB 0.30% 4 0.12% India
20 298 0.50% 284 0.53% 2.04 MB 0.22% 8 0.25% Slovenia
21 284 0.48% 282 0.53% 801.72 KB 0.08% 6 0.18% Slovenia
22 265 0.45% 247 0.46% 10.76 MB 1.15% 3 0.09% Slovenia
23 254 0.43% 165 0.31% 1.15 MB 0.12% 7 0.22% United Kingdom
24 252 0.43% 210 0.39% 1.66 MB 0.18% 3 0.09% Slovenia
25 241 0.41% 233 0.44% 3.22 MB 0.34% 7 0.22% Slovenia
26 235 0.40% 173 0.32% 10.56 MB 1.13% 4 0.12% Slovenia
27 232 0.39% 160 0.30% 1.31 MB 0.14% 11 0.34% Slovenia
28 227 0.38% 166 0.31% 1.64 MB 0.18% 3 0.09% Ukraine
29 226 0.38% 184 0.35% 19.94 MB 2.13% 6 0.18% Slovenia
30 206 0.35% 186 0.35% 1.72 MB 0.18% 2 0.06% Slovenia
View All Sites

Top 10 of 1904 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 376 0.64% 368 0.69% 54.33 MB 5.81% 3 0.09% Slovenia
2 117 0.20% 114 0.21% 53.13 MB 5.68% 2 0.06% Slovenia
3 142 0.24% 128 0.24% 37.62 MB 4.02% 1 0.03% Slovenia
4 196 0.33% 185 0.35% 36.39 MB 3.89% 8 0.25% Slovenia
5 85 0.14% 67 0.13% 27.70 MB 2.96% 1 0.03% Italy
6 169 0.29% 135 0.25% 27.21 MB 2.91% 8 0.25% Slovenia
7 115 0.19% 105 0.20% 26.62 MB 2.85% 1 0.03% Yugoslavia
8 51 0.09% 51 0.10% 26.16 MB 2.80% 1 0.03% Slovenia
9 22 0.04% 22 0.04% 26.06 MB 2.79% 1 0.03% Slovenia
10 226 0.38% 184 0.35% 19.94 MB 2.13% 6 0.18% Slovenia

Top 30 of 366 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 9509 16.09% - (Direct Request)
2 1287 2.18%
3 423 0.72%
4 277 0.47%
5 67 0.11%
6 52 0.09%
7 45 0.08%
8 38 0.06%
9 37 0.06%
10 37 0.06%
11 35 0.06%
12 35 0.06%
13 33 0.06%
14 26 0.04%
15 24 0.04%
16 21 0.04%čni-urad/Zavod-Kongresnoturistični-urad.htm
17 20 0.03%
18 16 0.03%
19 16 0.03%
20 15 0.03%
21 15 0.03%
22 14 0.02%
23 12 0.02%
24 12 0.02%
25 12 0.02%
26 9 0.02%
27 8 0.01%
28 8 0.01%
29 8 0.01%
30 8 0.01%
View All Referrers

Top 20 of 221 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 89 11.82% slovenska turistična organizacija
2 69 9.16% hotel domina ljubljana
3 57 7.57% domina
4 39 5.18% festivalna dvorana bled
5 29 3.85% dela prosti dnevi 2007
6 22 2.92% kompas hoteli bled
7 19 2.52% kongresni urad
8 14 1.86% slovenska turisticna organizacija
9 11 1.46% domina hotel ljubljana
10 10 1.33% slovenska turistiČna organizacija
11 9 1.20% hit alpinea
12 9 1.20% kongresni turizem
13 9 1.20% life class
14 9 1.20% slovenska turistična
15 8 1.06% domina ljubljana
16 8 1.06% hotel ljubljana
17 8 1.06% slovenian convention bureau
18 7 0.93% slovenian desserts
19 6 0.80% liffe class
20 6 0.80% ljubljana hotel
View All Search Strings

Top 15 of 78 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 26314 44.53% MSIE 6.0
2 12986 21.98% Mozilla/5.0
3 11426 19.34% MSIE 7.0
4 3991 6.75% Najdi.s
5 576 0.97% Yahoo! Slurp
6 536 0.91% Googlebot/2.1
7 354 0.60% heritrix/1.12
8 240 0.41% Gigabot/3.0 (
9 235 0.40% Interseek/3.1
10 165 0.28% MSIE 5.01
11 165 0.28% Opera/9.24
12 146 0.25% MJ12bot/v1.0.8 (
13 138 0.23% Mozilla/4.61
14 123 0.21% Yahoo-MMCrawler/3.x (mms dash mmcrawler dash support at yahoo dash inc dot com)
15 119 0.20% MSIE 5.5
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for November 2007

Top 30 of 51 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 46765 79.14% 42489 79.81% 710.87 MB 76.04% Slovenia
2 3612 6.11% 3128 5.88% 18.47 MB 1.98% United States
3 931 1.58% 778 1.46% 6.90 MB 0.74% Great Britain (UK)
4 781 1.32% 707 1.33% 7.48 MB 0.80% Croatia (Hrvatska)
5 758 1.28% 627 1.18% 24.58 MB 2.63% Spain
6 509 0.86% 476 0.89% 31.33 MB 3.35% Yugoslavia
7 486 0.82% 456 0.86% 49.28 MB 5.27% Italy
8 474 0.80% 458 0.86% 4.92 MB 0.53% India
9 420 0.71% 345 0.65% 3.31 MB 0.35% Unresolved/Unknown
10 391 0.66% 377 0.71% 22.33 MB 2.39% France
11 383 0.65% 371 0.70% 3.95 MB 0.42% Belgium
12 281 0.48% 259 0.49% 3.77 MB 0.40% Austria
13 257 0.43% 255 0.48% 19.65 MB 2.10% Switzerland
14 246 0.42% 202 0.38% 1.54 MB 0.16% Czech Republic
15 227 0.38% 166 0.31% 1.64 MB 0.18% Ukraine
16 197 0.33% 180 0.34% 1.29 MB 0.14% Bosnia and Herzegovina
17 176 0.30% 147 0.28% 2.76 MB 0.30% Poland
18 170 0.29% 148 0.28% 1.38 MB 0.15% Germany
19 167 0.28% 151 0.28% 1.70 MB 0.18% Canada
20 166 0.28% 164 0.31% 1.08 MB 0.12% Sweden
21 158 0.27% 146 0.27% 1.52 MB 0.16% Greece
22 152 0.26% 151 0.28% 1.43 MB 0.15% Finland
23 131 0.22% 131 0.25% 1.17 MB 0.12% Luxembourg
24 123 0.21% 112 0.21% 602.05 KB 0.06% Denmark
25 112 0.19% 95 0.18% 1.08 MB 0.12% Portugal
26 104 0.18% 101 0.19% 1.28 MB 0.14% Korea (South)
27 92 0.16% 91 0.17% 982.63 KB 0.10% Nigeria
28 83 0.14% 79 0.15% 521.28 KB 0.05% Australia
29 81 0.14% 74 0.14% 1.01 MB 0.11% Argentina
30 80 0.14% 78 0.15% 486.07 KB 0.05% Hungary

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)