Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: May 2013
Generated 31-May-2013 07:40 CEST
GEO-106FREE 20090701 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for May 2013
Total Hits 1486
Total Files 1137
Total Pages 687
Total Visits 383
Total KBytes 3.20 MB
Total Unique Sites 89
Total Unique URLs 26
Total Unique Referrers 23
Total Unique User Agents 66
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 2 43
Hits per Day 49 118
Files per Day 37 89
Pages per Day 22 39
Visits per Day 12 24
KBytes per Day 109.06 KB 373.07 KB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 1137
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 205
Code 302 - Found 11
Code 304 - Not Modified 3
Code 404 - Not Found 130

Daily usage for May 2013

Daily Statistics for May 2013
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 47 3.16% 29 2.55% 18 2.62% 15 3.92% 12 13.48% 72.85 KB 2.23%
2 52 3.50% 38 3.34% 27 3.93% 24 6.27% 15 16.85% 94.71 KB 2.89%
3 59 3.97% 43 3.78% 24 3.49% 14 3.66% 13 14.61% 107.78 KB 3.29%
4 33 2.22% 29 2.55% 16 2.33% 15 3.92% 12 13.48% 42.47 KB 1.30%
5 23 1.55% 20 1.76% 16 2.33% 15 3.92% 8 8.99% 39.42 KB 1.20%
6 17 1.14% 12 1.06% 9 1.31% 4 1.04% 6 6.74% 25.88 KB 0.79%
7 36 2.42% 31 2.73% 23 3.35% 14 3.66% 13 14.61% 55.52 KB 1.70%
8 54 3.63% 32 2.81% 28 4.08% 19 4.96% 12 13.48% 97.82 KB 2.99%
9 118 7.94% 89 7.83% 34 4.95% 19 4.96% 15 16.85% 353.13 KB 10.79%
10 57 3.84% 44 3.87% 30 4.37% 19 4.96% 16 17.98% 108.87 KB 3.33%
11 46 3.10% 29 2.55% 21 3.06% 12 3.13% 6 6.74% 43.25 KB 1.32%
12 46 3.10% 39 3.43% 28 4.08% 19 4.96% 16 17.98% 68.34 KB 2.09%
13 40 2.69% 26 2.29% 17 2.47% 16 4.18% 13 14.61% 35.04 KB 1.07%
14 41 2.76% 30 2.64% 26 3.78% 22 5.74% 14 15.73% 63.39 KB 1.94%
15 27 1.82% 23 2.02% 16 2.33% 16 4.18% 8 8.99% 37.03 KB 1.13%
16 93 6.26% 78 6.86% 35 5.09% 12 3.13% 1 1.12% 253.30 KB 7.74%
17 25 1.68% 20 1.76% 12 1.75% 7 1.83% 1 1.12% 76.54 KB 2.34%
18 58 3.90% 41 3.61% 22 3.20% 10 2.61% 1 1.12% 110.61 KB 3.38%
19 49 3.30% 32 2.81% 20 2.91% 8 2.09% 1 1.12% 88.43 KB 2.70%
20 82 5.52% 71 6.24% 38 5.53% 10 2.61% 2 2.25% 373.07 KB 11.40%
21 62 4.17% 46 4.05% 26 3.78% 12 3.13% 1 1.12% 140.43 KB 4.29%
22 55 3.70% 50 4.40% 29 4.22% 9 2.35% 1 1.12% 124.32 KB 3.80%
23 79 5.32% 55 4.84% 23 3.35% 10 2.61% 1 1.12% 199.39 KB 6.09%
24 51 3.43% 37 3.25% 21 3.06% 9 2.35% 1 1.12% 119.83 KB 3.66%
25 30 2.02% 25 2.20% 20 2.91% 11 2.87% 1 1.12% 63.64 KB 1.95%
26 37 2.49% 31 2.73% 25 3.64% 10 2.61% 1 1.12% 58.19 KB 1.78%
27 8 0.54% 7 0.62% 2 0.29% 2 0.52% 1 1.12% 9.25 KB 0.28%
28 64 4.31% 47 4.13% 39 5.68% 12 3.13% 1 1.12% 90.97 KB 2.78%
29 52 3.50% 44 3.87% 21 3.06% 8 2.09% 1 1.12% 179.29 KB 5.48%
30 45 3.03% 39 3.43% 21 3.06% 11 2.87% 1 1.12% 139.05 KB 4.25%

Hourly usage for May 2013

Hourly Statistics for May 2013
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 1 47 3.16% 1 32 2.81% 0 23 3.35% 2.07 KB 62.08 KB 1.90%
1 1 57 3.84% 1 46 4.05% 1 39 5.68% 3.16 KB 94.75 KB 2.90%
2 1 54 3.63% 1 43 3.78% 0 29 4.22% 3.37 KB 100.98 KB 3.09%
3 1 44 2.96% 1 33 2.90% 0 26 3.78% 1.78 KB 53.53 KB 1.64%
4 1 36 2.42% 0 24 2.11% 0 20 2.91% 1.54 KB 46.28 KB 1.41%
5 1 48 3.23% 1 40 3.52% 0 25 3.64% 3.02 KB 90.47 KB 2.77%
6 1 50 3.36% 1 33 2.90% 1 30 4.37% 2.91 KB 87.43 KB 2.67%
7 2 62 4.17% 1 45 3.96% 0 27 3.93% 3.27 KB 98.20 KB 3.00%
8 2 76 5.11% 1 54 4.75% 1 37 5.39% 4.90 KB 147.00 KB 4.49%
9 5 159 10.70% 4 122 10.73% 1 50 7.28% 14.69 KB 440.85 KB 13.47%
10 2 79 5.32% 2 64 5.63% 1 38 5.53% 6.51 KB 195.18 KB 5.97%
11 3 97 6.53% 2 83 7.30% 1 38 5.53% 11.01 KB 330.45 KB 10.10%
12 2 75 5.05% 2 65 5.72% 1 33 4.80% 7.91 KB 237.17 KB 7.25%
13 2 89 5.99% 2 71 6.24% 1 43 6.26% 8.44 KB 253.19 KB 7.74%
14 1 52 3.50% 1 42 3.69% 0 22 3.20% 5.09 KB 152.60 KB 4.66%
15 2 74 4.98% 1 49 4.31% 0 27 3.93% 4.17 KB 125.04 KB 3.82%
16 1 42 2.83% 0 25 2.20% 0 15 2.18% 3.14 KB 94.24 KB 2.88%
17 1 32 2.15% 0 23 2.02% 0 15 2.18% 1.04 KB 31.25 KB 0.96%
18 1 57 3.84% 1 44 3.87% 1 34 4.95% 5.58 KB 167.33 KB 5.11%
19 2 65 4.37% 1 43 3.78% 1 32 4.66% 4.91 KB 147.28 KB 4.50%
20 1 48 3.23% 1 41 3.61% 0 21 3.06% 1.84 KB 55.29 KB 1.69%
21 2 60 4.04% 1 48 4.22% 0 22 3.20% 3.17 KB 95.24 KB 2.91%
22 1 52 3.50% 1 39 3.43% 0 24 3.49% 3.88 KB 116.35 KB 3.56%
23 1 31 2.09% 0 28 2.46% 0 17 2.47% 1.65 KB 49.62 KB 1.52%

Top 21 of 26 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 288 19.38% 757.68 KB 23.16% /
2 238 16.02% 34.17 KB 1.04% /robots.txt
3 98 6.59% 295.32 KB 9.03% /getfile.php
4 44 2.96% 36.61 KB 1.12% /imageFill.php
5 43 2.89% 231.24 KB 7.07% /sejmi/
6 38 2.56% 109.91 KB 3.36% /kontakt/
7 34 2.29% 112.41 KB 3.44% /pravni-poduk/
8 34 2.29% 815.04 KB 24.91% /varpulis/_css/31_default.css
9 33 2.22% 77.78 KB 2.38% /razstavljanje/
10 31 2.09% 98.95 KB 3.02% /o-podjetju/
11 30 2.02% 83.23 KB 2.54% /obisk-sejma/
12 30 2.02% 149.80 KB 4.58% /varpulis/_js/basic.js
13 24 1.62% 50.50 KB 1.54% /o-avtorjih/
14 24 1.62% 58.65 KB 1.79% /prijava/
15 12 0.81% 74.20 KB 2.27% /varpulis/include/tigra_calendar/calendar1.js
16 8 0.54% 19.22 KB 0.59% /content/2011/01/06/what-the-mac-app-store-means-for-musicians/
17 4 0.27% 5.79 KB 0.18% /iskanje/
18 4 0.27% 3.12 KB 0.10% /showPicture.php
19 4 0.27% 9.84 KB 0.30% /vstopnice-iaa/
20 1 0.07% 2.40 KB 0.07% /koledar/automechanika/
21 1 0.07% 2.40 KB 0.07% /koledar/paperworld/

Top 10 of 26 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 34 2.29% 815.04 KB 24.91% /varpulis/_css/31_default.css
2 288 19.38% 757.68 KB 23.16% /
3 98 6.59% 295.32 KB 9.03% /getfile.php
4 43 2.89% 231.24 KB 7.07% /sejmi/
5 30 2.02% 149.80 KB 4.58% /varpulis/_js/basic.js
6 34 2.29% 112.41 KB 3.44% /pravni-poduk/
7 38 2.56% 109.91 KB 3.36% /kontakt/
8 31 2.09% 98.95 KB 3.02% /o-podjetju/
9 30 2.02% 83.23 KB 2.54% /obisk-sejma/
10 33 2.22% 77.78 KB 2.38% /razstavljanje/

Top 10 of 13 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 288 19.38% 251 65.88% /
2 43 2.89% 28 7.35% /sejmi/
3 34 2.29% 20 5.25% /pravni-poduk/
4 38 2.56% 17 4.46% /kontakt/
5 33 2.22% 17 4.46% /razstavljanje/
6 24 1.62% 13 3.41% /prijava/
7 30 2.02% 10 2.62% /obisk-sejma/
8 24 1.62% 8 2.10% /o-avtorjih/
9 31 2.09% 8 2.10% /o-podjetju/
10 4 0.27% 5 1.31% /vstopnice-iaa/

Top 10 of 14 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 288 19.38% 246 64.57% /
2 43 2.89% 26 6.82% /sejmi/
3 34 2.29% 22 5.77% /pravni-poduk/
4 38 2.56% 20 5.25% /kontakt/
5 33 2.22% 15 3.94% /razstavljanje/
6 31 2.09% 11 2.89% /o-podjetju/
7 24 1.62% 11 2.89% /prijava/
8 24 1.62% 10 2.62% /o-avtorjih/
9 30 2.02% 10 2.62% /obisk-sejma/
10 4 0.27% 4 1.05% /vstopnice-iaa/

Top 30 of 89 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 501 33.71% 398 35.00% 1.19 MB 37.16% 97 25.33% Slovenia
2 289 19.45% 225 19.79% 810.40 KB 24.77% 43 11.23% Slovenia
3 140 9.42% 92 8.09% 120.04 KB 3.67% 54 14.10% United States
4 72 4.85% 70 6.16% 117.26 KB 3.58% 41 10.70% United States
5 66 4.44% 32 2.81% 55.37 KB 1.69% 7 1.83% Slovenia
6 56 3.77% 39 3.43% 169.33 KB 5.18% 2 0.52% Unresolved/Unknown
7 34 2.29% 23 2.02% 32.51 KB 0.99% 6 1.57% Russian Federation
8 19 1.28% 0 0.00% 4.45 KB 0.14% 12 3.13% United States
9 18 1.21% 13 1.14% 59.91 KB 1.83% 1 0.26% Poland
10 16 1.08% 11 0.97% 55.12 KB 1.68% 1 0.26% Unresolved/Unknown
11 12 0.81% 12 1.06% 26.59 KB 0.81% 1 0.26% United States
12 11 0.74% 8 0.70% 42.40 KB 1.30% 1 0.26% United States
13 10 0.67% 7 0.62% 38.03 KB 1.16% 1 0.26% Slovenia
14 10 0.67% 8 0.70% 42.40 KB 1.30% 1 0.26% Croatia
15 9 0.61% 9 0.79% 19.73 KB 0.60% 6 1.57% United States
16 9 0.61% 9 0.79% 17.39 KB 0.53% 3 0.78% United States
17 9 0.61% 8 0.70% 43.03 KB 1.32% 1 0.26% Germany
18 8 0.54% 8 0.70% 19.22 KB 0.59% 8 2.09% China
19 8 0.54% 8 0.70% 6.17 KB 0.19% 0 0.00% Canada
20 8 0.54% 8 0.70% 17.91 KB 0.55% 7 1.83% Unresolved/Unknown
21 8 0.54% 8 0.70% 42.23 KB 1.29% 4 1.04% United States
22 8 0.54% 7 0.62% 38.26 KB 1.17% 3 0.78% United States
23 8 0.54% 8 0.70% 12.18 KB 0.37% 6 1.57% United States
24 7 0.47% 7 0.62% 10.99 KB 0.34% 3 0.78% United States
25 6 0.40% 6 0.53% 12.71 KB 0.39% 5 1.31% United States
26 6 0.40% 6 0.53% 498 bytes 0.01% 0 0.00% United States
27 6 0.40% 6 0.53% 498 bytes 0.01% 0 0.00% United States
28 6 0.40% 6 0.53% 6.77 KB 0.21% 1 0.26% United States
29 5 0.34% 3 0.26% 2.72 KB 0.08% 2 0.52% Unresolved/Unknown
30 5 0.34% 5 0.44% 32.88 KB 1.01% 0 0.00% United States

Top 10 of 89 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 501 33.71% 398 35.00% 1.19 MB 37.16% 97 25.33% Slovenia
2 289 19.45% 225 19.79% 810.40 KB 24.77% 43 11.23% Slovenia
3 56 3.77% 39 3.43% 169.33 KB 5.18% 2 0.52% Unresolved/Unknown
4 140 9.42% 92 8.09% 120.04 KB 3.67% 54 14.10% United States
5 72 4.85% 70 6.16% 117.26 KB 3.58% 41 10.70% United States
6 18 1.21% 13 1.14% 59.91 KB 1.83% 1 0.26% Poland
7 66 4.44% 32 2.81% 55.37 KB 1.69% 7 1.83% Slovenia
8 16 1.08% 11 0.97% 55.12 KB 1.68% 1 0.26% Unresolved/Unknown
9 9 0.61% 8 0.70% 43.03 KB 1.32% 1 0.26% Germany
10 11 0.74% 8 0.70% 42.40 KB 1.30% 1 0.26% United States

Top 11 of 23 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 1033 69.52% - (Direct Request)
2 17 1.14%
3 11 0.74%
4 9 0.61%
5 5 0.34%
6 4 0.27%
7 3 0.20%
8 2 0.13%
9 2 0.13%
10 2 0.13%
11 2 0.13%

Top 2 of 2 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 1 50.00% andrej prpič
2 1 50.00% postavljanje sejmov

Top 15 of 66 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 291 19.58% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +
2 133 8.95% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
3 122 8.21% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible;
4 73 4.91% msnbot-media/1.1 (+
5 68 4.58% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.64 Safari/537.31
6 67 4.51% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7 (compatible; Googlebot-Mobile/2.1; +
7 60 4.04% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.64 Safari/537.31
8 58 3.90% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +
9 56 3.77% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Sosospider/2.0; +
10 50 3.36% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/4.0; +
11 47 3.16% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)
12 32 2.15% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Ezooms/1.0;
13 29 1.95% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:20.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0
14 26 1.75% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/27.0.1453.93 Safari/537.36
15 21 1.41% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/6.0)

Usage by Country for May 2013

Top 11 of 11 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 870 58.55% 664 58.40% 2.08 MB 65.20% Slovenia
2 387 26.04% 300 26.39% 559.10 KB 17.09% United States
3 109 7.34% 78 6.86% 292.70 KB 8.95% Unresolved/Unknown
4 34 2.29% 23 2.02% 32.51 KB 0.99% Russian Federation
5 33 2.22% 33 2.90% 100.85 KB 3.08% China
6 18 1.21% 13 1.14% 59.91 KB 1.83% Poland
7 10 0.67% 10 0.88% 7.71 KB 0.24% Canada
8 10 0.67% 8 0.70% 42.40 KB 1.30% Croatia
9 9 0.61% 8 0.70% 43.03 KB 1.32% Germany
10 4 0.27% 0 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% France
11 2 0.13% 0 0.00% 482 bytes 0.01% United Kingdom

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)