Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: June 2011
Generated 01-Jul-2011 04:45 CEST
GEO-106FREE 20090701 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for June 2011
Total Hits 16461
Total Files 14293
Total Pages 4318
Total Visits 2192
Total KBytes 124.74 MB
Total Unique Sites 818
Total Unique URLs 173
Total Unique Referrers 128
Total Unique User Agents 367
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 22 2832
Hits per Day 548 3712
Files per Day 476 3611
Pages per Day 143 246
Visits per Day 73 94
KBytes per Day 4.16 MB 10.67 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 14293
Code 206 - Partial Content 48
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 207
Code 302 - Found 9
Code 304 - Not Modified 312
Code 404 - Not Found 1592

Daily usage for June 2011

Daily Statistics for June 2011
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 372 2.26% 346 2.42% 128 2.96% 78 3.56% 56 6.85% 3.52 MB 2.83%
2 440 2.67% 391 2.74% 148 3.43% 70 3.19% 45 5.50% 4.34 MB 3.48%
3 591 3.59% 500 3.50% 246 5.70% 94 4.29% 61 7.46% 5.67 MB 4.55%
4 154 0.94% 147 1.03% 68 1.57% 46 2.10% 37 4.52% 1.17 MB 0.94%
5 124 0.75% 103 0.72% 52 1.20% 46 2.10% 34 4.16% 553.86 KB 0.43%
6 757 4.60% 635 4.44% 165 3.82% 86 3.92% 63 7.70% 7.70 MB 6.17%
7 517 3.14% 430 3.01% 164 3.80% 69 3.15% 56 6.85% 5.64 MB 4.52%
8 582 3.54% 537 3.76% 172 3.98% 89 4.06% 62 7.58% 5.53 MB 4.43%
9 615 3.74% 503 3.52% 197 4.56% 87 3.97% 63 7.70% 5.01 MB 4.02%
10 440 2.67% 392 2.74% 129 2.99% 72 3.28% 45 5.50% 3.70 MB 2.97%
11 264 1.60% 240 1.68% 124 2.87% 77 3.51% 54 6.60% 2.56 MB 2.05%
12 259 1.57% 247 1.73% 149 3.45% 81 3.70% 57 6.97% 2.91 MB 2.33%
13 501 3.04% 463 3.24% 177 4.10% 88 4.01% 58 7.09% 5.01 MB 4.01%
14 704 4.28% 458 3.20% 144 3.33% 82 3.74% 60 7.33% 4.89 MB 3.92%
15 583 3.54% 388 2.71% 208 4.82% 94 4.29% 61 7.46% 4.67 MB 3.75%
16 496 3.01% 430 3.01% 169 3.91% 75 3.42% 52 6.36% 4.38 MB 3.51%
17 440 2.67% 368 2.57% 170 3.94% 75 3.42% 48 5.87% 3.40 MB 2.72%
18 490 2.98% 442 3.09% 126 2.92% 62 2.83% 48 5.87% 4.12 MB 3.30%
19 347 2.11% 316 2.21% 129 2.99% 72 3.28% 48 5.87% 3.86 MB 3.10%
20 618 3.75% 500 3.50% 139 3.22% 80 3.65% 56 6.85% 6.12 MB 4.91%
21 346 2.10% 310 2.17% 104 2.41% 66 3.01% 46 5.62% 4.04 MB 3.24%
22 318 1.93% 285 1.99% 72 1.67% 48 2.19% 43 5.26% 2.53 MB 2.03%
23 593 3.60% 474 3.32% 124 2.87% 66 3.01% 52 6.36% 4.29 MB 3.44%
24 314 1.91% 257 1.80% 119 2.76% 68 3.10% 45 5.50% 2.77 MB 2.22%
25 282 1.71% 265 1.85% 168 3.89% 82 3.74% 53 6.48% 2.45 MB 1.96%
26 269 1.63% 236 1.65% 119 2.76% 66 3.01% 50 6.11% 2.19 MB 1.76%
27 329 2.00% 294 2.06% 95 2.20% 56 2.55% 45 5.50% 3.24 MB 2.60%
28 705 4.28% 459 3.21% 175 4.05% 72 3.28% 64 7.82% 5.40 MB 4.33%
29 299 1.82% 266 1.86% 133 3.08% 56 2.55% 40 4.89% 2.40 MB 1.92%
30 3712 22.55% 3611 25.26% 205 4.75% 90 4.11% 52 6.36% 10.67 MB 8.55%

Hourly usage for June 2011

Hourly Statistics for June 2011
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 5 178 1.08% 5 166 1.16% 3 98 2.27% 46.76 KB 1.37 MB 1.10%
1 7 229 1.39% 6 186 1.30% 4 128 2.96% 73.80 KB 2.16 MB 1.73%
2 7 223 1.35% 6 187 1.31% 5 153 3.54% 50.89 KB 1.49 MB 1.20%
3 7 230 1.40% 5 157 1.10% 3 98 2.27% 41.25 KB 1.21 MB 0.97%
4 6 195 1.18% 5 159 1.11% 4 134 3.10% 37.49 KB 1.10 MB 0.88%
5 8 247 1.50% 7 211 1.48% 5 164 3.80% 50.62 KB 1.48 MB 1.19%
6 5 177 1.08% 5 160 1.12% 3 95 2.20% 48.98 KB 1.43 MB 1.15%
7 14 425 2.58% 12 385 2.69% 5 170 3.94% 122.59 KB 3.59 MB 2.88%
8 16 498 3.03% 14 430 3.01% 6 196 4.54% 150.37 KB 4.41 MB 3.53%
9 27 831 5.05% 24 720 5.04% 6 193 4.47% 262.91 KB 7.70 MB 6.17%
10 25 767 4.66% 22 676 4.73% 6 207 4.79% 263.24 KB 7.71 MB 6.18%
11 31 951 5.78% 27 826 5.78% 7 217 5.03% 302.19 KB 8.85 MB 7.10%
12 30 922 5.60% 25 756 5.29% 6 185 4.28% 322.49 KB 9.45 MB 7.57%
13 45 1376 8.36% 41 1250 8.75% 7 226 5.23% 347.86 KB 10.19 MB 8.17%
14 127 3831 23.27% 120 3627 25.38% 9 297 6.88% 533.88 KB 15.64 MB 12.54%
15 23 718 4.36% 20 617 4.32% 7 213 4.93% 249.76 KB 7.32 MB 5.87%
16 18 556 3.38% 15 474 3.32% 5 176 4.08% 185.59 KB 5.44 MB 4.36%
17 19 595 3.61% 17 517 3.62% 6 207 4.79% 182.42 KB 5.34 MB 4.28%
18 22 665 4.04% 19 587 4.11% 7 230 5.33% 173.21 KB 5.07 MB 4.07%
19 14 429 2.61% 13 392 2.74% 6 187 4.33% 119.99 KB 3.52 MB 2.82%
20 21 655 3.98% 13 409 2.86% 7 225 5.21% 140.86 KB 4.13 MB 3.31%
21 21 657 3.99% 14 426 2.98% 6 182 4.21% 143.79 KB 4.21 MB 3.38%
22 24 725 4.40% 21 647 4.53% 5 176 4.08% 265.29 KB 7.77 MB 6.23%
23 12 381 2.31% 10 328 2.29% 5 161 3.73% 141.50 KB 4.15 MB 3.32%

Top 30 of 173 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 3005 18.26% 4.71 MB 3.77% /varpulis/include/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/browser/mcpuk/connectors/php/connector.php
2 1983 12.05% 99.69 KB 0.08% /imageFill.php
3 1025 6.23% 8.55 MB 6.85% /
4 996 6.05% 140.06 KB 0.11% /imageColor.php
5 806 4.90% 115.71 KB 0.09% /robots.txt
6 461 2.80% 2.07 MB 1.66% /varpulis/_js/basic.js
7 334 2.03% 198.44 KB 0.16% /sitedata/305/media/page/randomMedia.swf
8 329 2.00% 10.65 MB 8.54% /varpulis/_css/305_default.css
9 327 1.99% 3.21 MB 2.58% /varpulis/_js/305_menu.js
10 324 1.97% 4.09 MB 3.28% /varpulis/_css/305_print.css
11 309 1.88% 60.33 KB 0.05% /sitedata/305/media/page/randomMedia.xml
12 205 1.25% 1.76 MB 1.41% /struktura-odseka/center-za-masno-spektrometrijo/
13 139 0.84% 1.69 MB 1.35% /oprema/
14 138 0.84% 4.09 MB 3.28% /varpulis/_css/577_default.css
15 133 0.81% 71.76 KB 0.06% /sitedata/577/media/page/randomMedia.swf
16 133 0.81% 1.27 MB 1.02% /varpulis/_js/577_menu.js
17 132 0.80% 1.51 MB 1.21% /varpulis/_css/577_print.css
18 119 0.72% 21.52 KB 0.02% /sitedata/577/media/page/randomMedia.xml
19 105 0.64% 1010.45 KB 0.79% /struktura-odseka/center-za-radon/
20 83 0.50% 468.86 KB 0.37% /projekti/tekoci-nacionalni-raziskovalni-projekti/
21 82 0.50% 406.89 KB 0.32% /domov/
22 81 0.49% 2.86 MB 2.29% /projekti/tekoci-in-koncani-mednarodni-projekti/
23 81 0.49% 336.28 KB 0.26% /struktura-odseka/laboratorij-za-analizno-kemijo-okolja/skupina-za-anorgansko-analizno-kemijo/
24 81 0.49% 396.28 KB 0.31% /struktura-odseka/laboratorij-za-analizno-kemijo-okolja/skupina-za-organsko-analizno-kemijo/
25 78 0.47% 543.23 KB 0.43% /section-structure/centre-for-radon/
26 78 0.47% 899.72 KB 0.70% /struktura-odseka/skupina-za-biogeokemijo/
27 78 0.47% 806.23 KB 0.63% /struktura-odseka/skupina-za-izotopsko-geokemijo/
28 75 0.46% 1.27 MB 1.02% /equipment/
29 70 0.43% 543.83 KB 0.43% /struktura-odseka/skupina-za-modeliranje-ocene-tveganja-in-ocene-posegov-v-okolje/
30 69 0.42% 361.08 KB 0.28% /prijava/

Top 10 of 173 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 329 2.00% 10.65 MB 8.54% /varpulis/_css/305_default.css
2 1025 6.23% 8.55 MB 6.85% /
3 3005 18.26% 4.71 MB 3.77% /varpulis/include/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/browser/mcpuk/connectors/php/connector.php
4 138 0.84% 4.09 MB 3.28% /varpulis/_css/577_default.css
5 324 1.97% 4.09 MB 3.28% /varpulis/_css/305_print.css
6 30 0.18% 3.35 MB 2.69% /sitedata/305/upload/File/O2-shema-sodelvci-181110[1].pdf
7 327 1.99% 3.21 MB 2.58% /varpulis/_js/305_menu.js
8 81 0.49% 2.86 MB 2.29% /projekti/tekoci-in-koncani-mednarodni-projekti/
9 461 2.80% 2.07 MB 1.66% /varpulis/_js/basic.js
10 54 0.33% 1.78 MB 1.43% /projects/international-projects-eu/

Top 10 of 46 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1025 6.23% 692 31.82% /
2 205 1.25% 143 6.57% /struktura-odseka/center-za-masno-spektrometrijo/
3 139 0.84% 88 4.05% /oprema/
4 105 0.64% 75 3.45% /struktura-odseka/center-za-radon/
5 81 0.49% 48 2.21% /projekti/tekoci-in-koncani-mednarodni-projekti/
6 75 0.46% 44 2.02% /equipment/
7 78 0.47% 40 1.84% /section-structure/centre-for-radon/
8 81 0.49% 39 1.79% /struktura-odseka/laboratorij-za-analizno-kemijo-okolja/skupina-za-organsko-analizno-kemijo/
9 69 0.42% 38 1.75% /section-structure/laboratory-for-analytical-chemistry-in-environment/group-for-organic-analytical-chemistry/
10 81 0.49% 38 1.75% /struktura-odseka/laboratorij-za-analizno-kemijo-okolja/skupina-za-anorgansko-analizno-kemijo/

Top 10 of 48 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1025 6.23% 620 28.68% /
2 205 1.25% 140 6.48% /struktura-odseka/center-za-masno-spektrometrijo/
3 139 0.84% 97 4.49% /oprema/
4 105 0.64% 72 3.33% /struktura-odseka/center-za-radon/
5 75 0.46% 48 2.22% /equipment/
6 81 0.49% 46 2.13% /projekti/tekoci-in-koncani-mednarodni-projekti/
7 81 0.49% 44 2.04% /struktura-odseka/laboratorij-za-analizno-kemijo-okolja/skupina-za-organsko-analizno-kemijo/
8 78 0.47% 42 1.94% /struktura-odseka/skupina-za-izotopsko-geokemijo/
9 78 0.47% 41 1.90% /section-structure/centre-for-radon/
10 78 0.47% 41 1.90% /struktura-odseka/skupina-za-biogeokemijo/

Top 30 of 818 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 3728 22.65% 3652 25.55% 10.26 MB 8.23% 18 0.82% Slovenia
2 286 1.74% 256 1.79% 868.77 KB 0.68% 43 1.96% Slovenia
3 283 1.72% 0 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 2 0.09% United States
4 214 1.30% 214 1.50% 3.69 MB 2.96% 94 4.29% Germany
5 203 1.23% 203 1.42% 3.17 MB 2.54% 87 3.97% Germany
6 202 1.23% 202 1.41% 2.95 MB 2.37% 86 3.92% Germany
7 182 1.11% 166 1.16% 1.16 MB 0.93% 3 0.14% Slovenia
8 179 1.09% 147 1.03% 1.90 MB 1.52% 10 0.46% Slovenia
9 176 1.07% 156 1.09% 1.45 MB 1.17% 5 0.23% Slovenia
10 153 0.93% 152 1.06% 416.55 KB 0.33% 102 4.65% United States
11 149 0.91% 69 0.48% 731.74 KB 0.57% 3 0.14% Brazil
12 149 0.91% 0 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.05% Germany
13 143 0.87% 143 1.00% 356.27 KB 0.28% 92 4.20% United States
14 139 0.84% 139 0.97% 2.34 MB 1.88% 60 2.74% Germany
15 136 0.83% 107 0.75% 575.57 KB 0.45% 4 0.18% Slovenia
16 121 0.74% 121 0.85% 331.64 KB 0.26% 73 3.33% Unresolved/Unknown
17 100 0.61% 78 0.55% 934.81 KB 0.73% 2 0.09% Slovenia
18 82 0.50% 79 0.55% 798.03 KB 0.62% 7 0.32% Slovenia
19 81 0.49% 72 0.50% 901.86 KB 0.71% 3 0.14% Slovenia
20 78 0.47% 72 0.50% 766.09 KB 0.60% 1 0.05% Slovenia
21 74 0.45% 74 0.52% 1.36 MB 1.09% 35 1.60% Germany
22 73 0.44% 70 0.49% 399.71 KB 0.31% 1 0.05% Italy
23 73 0.44% 67 0.47% 940.57 KB 0.74% 6 0.27% Slovenia
24 73 0.44% 61 0.43% 493.06 KB 0.39% 1 0.05% Slovenia
25 71 0.43% 71 0.50% 1.32 MB 1.06% 34 1.55% Germany
26 71 0.43% 61 0.43% 436.50 KB 0.34% 1 0.05% United Kingdom
27 70 0.43% 60 0.42% 1.04 MB 0.83% 3 0.14% Brazil
28 68 0.41% 57 0.40% 542.68 KB 0.42% 2 0.09% United States
29 68 0.41% 57 0.40% 1.07 MB 0.86% 3 0.14% Slovenia
30 67 0.41% 67 0.47% 1.26 MB 1.01% 28 1.28% Germany

Top 10 of 818 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 3728 22.65% 3652 25.55% 10.26 MB 8.23% 18 0.82% Slovenia
2 214 1.30% 214 1.50% 3.69 MB 2.96% 94 4.29% Germany
3 203 1.23% 203 1.42% 3.17 MB 2.54% 87 3.97% Germany
4 202 1.23% 202 1.41% 2.95 MB 2.37% 86 3.92% Germany
5 139 0.84% 139 0.97% 2.34 MB 1.88% 60 2.74% Germany
6 179 1.09% 147 1.03% 1.90 MB 1.52% 10 0.46% Slovenia
7 176 1.07% 156 1.09% 1.45 MB 1.17% 5 0.23% Slovenia
8 74 0.45% 74 0.52% 1.36 MB 1.09% 35 1.60% Germany
9 71 0.43% 71 0.50% 1.32 MB 1.06% 34 1.55% Germany
10 67 0.41% 67 0.47% 1.26 MB 1.01% 28 1.28% Germany

Top 30 of 128 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 6033 36.65% - (Direct Request)
2 122 0.74%
3 80 0.49%
4 70 0.43%
5 35 0.21%
6 31 0.19%
7 28 0.17%
8 23 0.14%
9 22 0.13%
10 17 0.10% Sciences O2
11 14 0.09%
12 12 0.07%
13 9 0.05%
14 9 0.05%
15 8 0.05%
16 7 0.04%
17 5 0.03%žef_Stefan_Institute
18 5 0.03%
19 5 0.03%
20 4 0.02%
21 4 0.02%
22 3 0.02%
23 3 0.02%
24 3 0.02%
25 3 0.02%
26 2 0.01%
27 2 0.01%
28 2 0.01%
29 2 0.01%
30 2 0.01%

Top 20 of 36 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 2 5.13% institut milena horvat
2 2 5.13% janja vaupotic
3 2 5.13% laboratorij kemije
4 1 2.56% analize s plinsko kromatografijo
5 1 2.56% analytical organic chemistry
6 1 2.56% andreja zelenik pevec
7 1 2.56% andreja zelenik pevec ijs znanosti o okolju
8 1 2.56% centres for mass spectrometry
9 1 2.56% department of environmental sciences jožef
10 1 2.56% dr. asta gregorič
11 1 2.56% ekstrakcija s pomočjo mikrovalov
12 1 2.56% ekstrakcija z mikrovalovi
13 1 2.56% ester heath
14 1 2.56% fate and effects of cytostatic pharmaceuticals in the environme
15 1 2.56% gregorič asta
16 1 2.56% institut jožef stefan odsek za znanosti o okolju
17 1 2.56% institut milena horvat email
18 1 2.56% inŠtitut za ionizacijo
19 1 2.56% inštitut jožef štefan okoljevarstvo
20 1 2.56% janja vaupotič

Top 15 of 367 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 3357 20.39% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20110303 Firefox/3.6.15
2 920 5.59% findlinks/2.0.2 (+
3 837 5.08% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +
4 776 4.71% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0.1
5 607 3.69% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0.1
6 447 2.72% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0.1
7 380 2.31% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp;
8 286 1.74% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible;
9 262 1.59% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.3.3;
10 198 1.20% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)
11 196 1.19% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20110420 Firefox/3.6.17
12 184 1.12% findlinks/2.0.4 (+
13 182 1.11% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/5.0; MSN Optimized;US)
14 166 1.01% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
15 144 0.87% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/12.0.742.100 Safari/534.30

Usage by Country for June 2011

Top 30 of 40 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 9720 59.05% 8929 62.47% 72.74 MB 58.31% Slovenia
2 2317 14.08% 1865 13.05% 6.76 MB 5.42% United States
3 1565 9.51% 1381 9.66% 22.14 MB 17.75% Germany
4 708 4.30% 550 3.85% 5.55 MB 4.45% Unresolved/Unknown
5 275 1.67% 173 1.21% 2.11 MB 1.69% Brazil
6 200 1.21% 122 0.85% 1.15 MB 0.92% United Kingdom
7 167 1.01% 106 0.74% 1.02 MB 0.82% Russian Federation
8 158 0.96% 106 0.74% 1.48 MB 1.19% Spain
9 155 0.94% 62 0.43% 1003.63 KB 0.79% Netherlands
10 145 0.88% 131 0.92% 1.54 MB 1.24% Serbia
11 106 0.64% 98 0.69% 741.61 KB 0.58% Italy
12 76 0.46% 69 0.48% 1.04 MB 0.83% Croatia
13 76 0.46% 70 0.49% 179.11 KB 0.14% Ukraine
14 73 0.44% 67 0.47% 957.94 KB 0.75% Switzerland
15 62 0.38% 58 0.41% 709.65 KB 0.56% India
16 62 0.38% 42 0.29% 384.12 KB 0.30% Montenegro
17 61 0.37% 58 0.41% 784.15 KB 0.61% Austria
18 52 0.32% 50 0.35% 391.18 KB 0.31% Romania
19 44 0.27% 34 0.24% 231.76 KB 0.18% France
20 42 0.26% 42 0.29% 792.96 KB 0.62% Hong Kong
21 41 0.25% 41 0.29% 132.48 KB 0.10% Japan
22 38 0.23% 37 0.26% 286.13 KB 0.22% China
23 36 0.22% 36 0.25% 72.04 KB 0.06% Sweden
24 32 0.19% 29 0.20% 424.40 KB 0.33% Asia/Pacific Region
25 29 0.18% 27 0.19% 390.85 KB 0.31% Portugal
26 26 0.16% 24 0.17% 332.08 KB 0.26% Belgium
27 26 0.16% 4 0.03% 84.42 KB 0.07% Malaysia
28 23 0.14% 21 0.15% 216.91 KB 0.17% Egypt
29 23 0.14% 2 0.01% 8.23 KB 0.01% Finland
30 21 0.13% 18 0.13% 188.45 KB 0.15% Poland

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)