Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: May 2011
Generated 01-Jun-2011 04:42 CEST
GEO-106FREE 20090701 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for May 2011
Total Hits 16167
Total Files 14190
Total Pages 5188
Total Visits 2513
Total KBytes 143.14 MB
Total Unique Sites 901
Total Unique URLs 180
Total Unique Referrers 129
Total Unique User Agents 433
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 21 744
Hits per Day 521 1324
Files per Day 457 1141
Pages per Day 167 314
Visits per Day 81 118
KBytes per Day 4.62 MB 8.96 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 14190
Code 206 - Partial Content 25
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 274
Code 302 - Found 24
Code 304 - Not Modified 316
Code 404 - Not Found 1338

Daily usage for May 2011

Daily Statistics for May 2011
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 276 1.71% 244 1.72% 99 1.91% 68 2.71% 53 5.88% 2.39 MB 1.67%
2 322 1.99% 301 2.12% 129 2.49% 98 3.90% 74 8.21% 2.68 MB 1.87%
3 367 2.27% 331 2.33% 126 2.43% 85 3.38% 66 7.33% 3.31 MB 2.31%
4 798 4.94% 677 4.77% 257 4.95% 90 3.58% 68 7.55% 7.52 MB 5.26%
5 648 4.01% 566 3.99% 234 4.51% 72 2.87% 57 6.33% 4.66 MB 3.26%
6 668 4.13% 423 2.98% 144 2.78% 88 3.50% 74 8.21% 3.96 MB 2.77%
7 405 2.51% 366 2.58% 137 2.64% 90 3.58% 71 7.88% 3.57 MB 2.50%
8 203 1.26% 187 1.32% 107 2.06% 65 2.59% 50 5.55% 1.41 MB 0.98%
9 901 5.57% 800 5.64% 212 4.09% 98 3.90% 73 8.10% 8.88 MB 6.20%
10 740 4.58% 670 4.72% 220 4.24% 118 4.70% 73 8.10% 6.12 MB 4.27%
11 655 4.05% 596 4.20% 137 2.64% 69 2.75% 53 5.88% 6.07 MB 4.24%
12 542 3.35% 472 3.33% 134 2.58% 72 2.87% 50 5.55% 5.07 MB 3.54%
13 391 2.42% 367 2.59% 150 2.89% 68 2.71% 55 6.10% 4.08 MB 2.85%
14 328 2.03% 306 2.16% 162 3.12% 85 3.38% 59 6.55% 2.94 MB 2.06%
15 364 2.25% 335 2.36% 147 2.83% 76 3.02% 54 5.99% 3.40 MB 2.38%
16 556 3.44% 499 3.52% 190 3.66% 101 4.02% 73 8.10% 5.48 MB 3.83%
17 848 5.25% 783 5.52% 215 4.14% 93 3.70% 71 7.88% 7.65 MB 5.34%
18 675 4.18% 627 4.42% 191 3.68% 92 3.66% 66 7.33% 7.08 MB 4.95%
19 562 3.48% 504 3.55% 234 4.51% 92 3.66% 63 6.99% 4.92 MB 3.44%
20 316 1.95% 296 2.09% 148 2.85% 86 3.42% 63 6.99% 3.27 MB 2.28%
21 329 2.04% 306 2.16% 123 2.37% 60 2.39% 35 3.88% 2.86 MB 2.00%
22 244 1.51% 201 1.42% 130 2.51% 72 2.87% 54 5.99% 1.61 MB 1.13%
23 377 2.33% 337 2.37% 148 2.85% 76 3.02% 57 6.33% 3.81 MB 2.66%
24 697 4.31% 566 3.99% 209 4.03% 100 3.98% 73 8.10% 7.02 MB 4.90%
25 1324 8.19% 1141 8.04% 314 6.05% 89 3.54% 68 7.55% 8.96 MB 6.26%
26 422 2.61% 361 2.54% 116 2.24% 63 2.51% 49 5.44% 4.47 MB 3.12%
27 494 3.06% 430 3.03% 178 3.43% 79 3.14% 63 6.99% 4.93 MB 3.44%
28 366 2.26% 320 2.26% 167 3.22% 68 2.71% 43 4.77% 2.87 MB 2.00%
29 469 2.90% 385 2.71% 169 3.26% 58 2.31% 50 5.55% 3.14 MB 2.19%
30 457 2.83% 415 2.92% 116 2.24% 79 3.14% 57 6.33% 4.85 MB 3.39%
31 423 2.62% 378 2.66% 145 2.79% 65 2.59% 51 5.66% 4.15 MB 2.90%

Hourly usage for May 2011

Hourly Statistics for May 2011
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 14 463 2.86% 13 420 2.96% 6 196 3.78% 91.27 KB 2.76 MB 1.93%
1 8 270 1.67% 8 259 1.83% 4 146 2.81% 76.73 KB 2.32 MB 1.62%
2 10 335 2.07% 9 307 2.16% 5 156 3.01% 86.64 KB 2.62 MB 1.83%
3 7 222 1.37% 6 210 1.48% 4 137 2.64% 48.07 KB 1.46 MB 1.02%
4 10 329 2.04% 10 310 2.18% 6 213 4.11% 104.90 KB 3.18 MB 2.22%
5 8 261 1.61% 7 235 1.66% 4 134 2.58% 76.82 KB 2.33 MB 1.62%
6 7 237 1.47% 6 195 1.37% 4 138 2.66% 44.47 KB 1.35 MB 0.94%
7 21 676 4.18% 19 612 4.31% 7 237 4.57% 217.78 KB 6.59 MB 4.61%
8 19 592 3.66% 17 532 3.75% 6 211 4.07% 175.74 KB 5.32 MB 3.72%
9 37 1173 7.26% 33 1040 7.33% 10 321 6.19% 371.68 KB 11.25 MB 7.86%
10 59 1839 11.38% 51 1593 11.23% 15 471 9.08% 414.32 KB 12.54 MB 8.76%
11 27 864 5.34% 22 689 4.86% 7 221 4.26% 261.93 KB 7.93 MB 5.54%
12 36 1143 7.07% 30 946 6.67% 7 246 4.74% 400.00 KB 12.11 MB 8.46%
13 26 827 5.12% 24 747 5.26% 6 209 4.03% 281.22 KB 8.51 MB 5.95%
14 38 1201 7.43% 34 1060 7.47% 9 281 5.42% 417.24 KB 12.63 MB 8.82%
15 26 806 4.99% 22 710 5.00% 7 224 4.32% 264.56 KB 8.01 MB 5.60%
16 23 732 4.53% 21 662 4.67% 5 183 3.53% 254.82 KB 7.71 MB 5.39%
17 14 459 2.84% 13 425 3.00% 4 146 2.81% 150.68 KB 4.56 MB 3.19%
18 18 578 3.58% 15 480 3.38% 6 209 4.03% 153.25 KB 4.64 MB 3.24%
19 30 934 5.78% 27 862 6.07% 8 251 4.84% 197.23 KB 5.97 MB 4.17%
20 18 587 3.63% 16 521 3.67% 4 149 2.87% 179.63 KB 5.44 MB 3.80%
21 15 465 2.88% 12 377 2.66% 7 242 4.66% 116.62 KB 3.53 MB 2.47%
22 17 555 3.43% 15 478 3.37% 6 211 4.07% 175.90 KB 5.33 MB 3.72%
23 19 619 3.83% 16 520 3.66% 8 256 4.93% 166.60 KB 5.04 MB 3.52%

Top 30 of 180 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2679 16.57% 134.68 KB 0.09% /imageFill.php
2 1341 8.29% 188.44 KB 0.13% /imageColor.php
3 1166 7.21% 8.72 MB 6.09% /
4 1044 6.46% 149.87 KB 0.10% /robots.txt
5 542 3.35% 2.33 MB 1.63% /varpulis/_js/basic.js
6 401 2.48% 3.68 MB 2.57% /varpulis/_js/305_menu.js
7 399 2.47% 12.96 MB 9.05% /varpulis/_css/305_default.css
8 394 2.44% 5.03 MB 3.51% /varpulis/_css/305_print.css
9 389 2.41% 230.26 KB 0.16% /sitedata/305/media/page/randomMedia.swf
10 385 2.38% 74.04 KB 0.05% /sitedata/305/media/page/randomMedia.xml
11 210 1.30% 1.93 MB 1.35% /struktura-odseka/center-za-masno-spektrometrijo/
12 142 0.88% 1.69 MB 1.18% /oprema/
13 142 0.88% 1.39 MB 0.97% /struktura-odseka/center-za-radon/
14 141 0.87% 4.61 MB 3.22% /varpulis/_css/577_default.css
15 140 0.87% 1.32 MB 0.92% /varpulis/_js/577_menu.js
16 138 0.85% 1.77 MB 1.24% /varpulis/_css/577_print.css
17 135 0.84% 707.66 KB 0.48% /domov/
18 131 0.81% 78.00 KB 0.05% /sitedata/577/media/page/randomMedia.swf
19 130 0.80% 26.16 KB 0.02% /sitedata/577/media/page/randomMedia.xml
20 121 0.75% 467.43 KB 0.32% /struktura-odseka/laboratorij-za-analizno-kemijo-okolja/skupina-za-organsko-analizno-kemijo/
21 106 0.66% 339.70 KB 0.23% /struktura-odseka/laboratorij-za-analizno-kemijo-okolja/
22 104 0.64% 686.22 KB 0.47% /struktura-odseka/skupina-za-modeliranje-ocene-tveganja-in-ocene-posegov-v-okolje/
23 101 0.62% 951.23 KB 0.65% /struktura-odseka/skupina-za-izotopsko-geokemijo/
24 96 0.59% 988.17 KB 0.67% /struktura-odseka/skupina-za-biogeokemijo/
25 92 0.57% 398.37 KB 0.27% /struktura-odseka/laboratorij-za-analizno-kemijo-okolja/skupina-za-anorgansko-analizno-kemijo/
26 90 0.56% 883.68 KB 0.60% /struktura-odseka/skupina-za-radiokemijo/
27 89 0.55% 414.74 KB 0.28% /section-structure/laboratory-for-analytical-chemistry-in-environment/group-for-organic-analytical-chemistry/
28 88 0.54% 833.04 KB 0.57% /struktura-odseka/skupina-za-radioekologijo/
29 87 0.54% 2.96 MB 2.07% /projekti/tekoci-in-koncani-mednarodni-projekti/
30 86 0.53% 575.37 KB 0.39% /projekti/tekoci-nacionalni-raziskovalni-projekti/

Top 10 of 180 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 399 2.47% 12.96 MB 9.05% /varpulis/_css/305_default.css
2 1166 7.21% 8.72 MB 6.09% /
3 63 0.39% 7.57 MB 5.29% /sitedata/305/upload/File/O2-shema-sodelvci-181110[1].pdf
4 394 2.44% 5.03 MB 3.51% /varpulis/_css/305_print.css
5 141 0.87% 4.61 MB 3.22% /varpulis/_css/577_default.css
6 401 2.48% 3.68 MB 2.57% /varpulis/_js/305_menu.js
7 87 0.54% 2.96 MB 2.07% /projekti/tekoci-in-koncani-mednarodni-projekti/
8 542 3.35% 2.33 MB 1.63% /varpulis/_js/basic.js
9 210 1.30% 1.93 MB 1.35% /struktura-odseka/center-za-masno-spektrometrijo/
10 68 0.42% 1.86 MB 1.30% /projects/international-projects-eu/

Top 10 of 48 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1166 7.21% 786 31.49% /
2 210 1.30% 126 5.05% /struktura-odseka/center-za-masno-spektrometrijo/
3 142 0.88% 82 3.29% /struktura-odseka/center-za-radon/
4 142 0.88% 78 3.12% /oprema/
5 121 0.75% 53 2.12% /struktura-odseka/laboratorij-za-analizno-kemijo-okolja/skupina-za-organsko-analizno-kemijo/
6 135 0.84% 47 1.88% /domov/
7 96 0.59% 46 1.84% /struktura-odseka/skupina-za-biogeokemijo/
8 87 0.54% 45 1.80% /projekti/tekoci-in-koncani-mednarodni-projekti/
9 63 0.39% 42 1.68% /pravni-poduk/
10 72 0.45% 42 1.68% /projekti/

Top 10 of 51 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1166 7.21% 688 27.63% /
2 210 1.30% 129 5.18% /struktura-odseka/center-za-masno-spektrometrijo/
3 142 0.88% 81 3.25% /struktura-odseka/center-za-radon/
4 142 0.88% 79 3.17% /oprema/
5 135 0.84% 54 2.17% /domov/
6 121 0.75% 51 2.05% /struktura-odseka/laboratorij-za-analizno-kemijo-okolja/skupina-za-organsko-analizno-kemijo/
7 87 0.54% 50 2.01% /projekti/tekoci-in-koncani-mednarodni-projekti/
8 101 0.62% 50 2.01% /struktura-odseka/skupina-za-izotopsko-geokemijo/
9 104 0.64% 50 2.01% /struktura-odseka/skupina-za-modeliranje-ocene-tveganja-in-ocene-posegov-v-okolje/
10 89 0.55% 49 1.97% /section-structure/laboratory-for-analytical-chemistry-in-environment/group-for-organic-analytical-chemistry/

Top 30 of 901 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 1011 6.25% 873 6.15% 6.41 MB 4.48% 19 0.76% Slovenia
2 332 2.05% 291 2.05% 965.08 KB 0.66% 48 1.91% Slovenia
3 268 1.66% 268 1.89% 4.35 MB 3.04% 104 4.14% Germany
4 235 1.45% 218 1.54% 2.19 MB 1.53% 13 0.52% Slovenia
5 206 1.27% 0 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.04% Unresolved/Unknown
6 200 1.24% 182 1.28% 1.90 MB 1.33% 4 0.16% Romania
7 198 1.22% 198 1.40% 3.23 MB 2.26% 81 3.22% Germany
8 195 1.21% 195 1.37% 516.50 KB 0.35% 129 5.13% United States
9 186 1.15% 182 1.28% 950.06 KB 0.65% 3 0.12% Unresolved/Unknown
10 172 1.06% 156 1.10% 1.28 MB 0.89% 9 0.36% Slovenia
11 164 1.01% 164 1.16% 392.55 KB 0.27% 104 4.14% United States
12 156 0.96% 156 1.10% 1.97 MB 1.37% 62 2.47% Germany
13 154 0.95% 134 0.94% 663.04 KB 0.45% 1 0.04% Poland
14 143 0.88% 139 0.98% 750.60 KB 0.51% 4 0.16% Slovenia
15 137 0.85% 137 0.97% 1.85 MB 1.30% 61 2.43% Germany
16 136 0.84% 123 0.87% 771.19 KB 0.53% 2 0.08% Croatia
17 134 0.83% 134 0.94% 2.01 MB 1.41% 62 2.47% Germany
18 125 0.77% 125 0.88% 2.16 MB 1.51% 13 0.52% Czech Republic
19 123 0.76% 123 0.87% 2.10 MB 1.47% 57 2.27% Germany
20 122 0.75% 121 0.85% 488.07 KB 0.33% 1 0.04% Slovenia
21 116 0.72% 112 0.79% 822.47 KB 0.56% 1 0.04% Slovenia
22 115 0.71% 115 0.81% 276.98 KB 0.19% 55 2.19% Unresolved/Unknown
23 115 0.71% 109 0.77% 825.30 KB 0.56% 1 0.04% Slovenia
24 112 0.69% 90 0.63% 1.55 MB 1.08% 7 0.28% Slovenia
25 109 0.67% 96 0.68% 1.39 MB 0.97% 5 0.20% Slovenia
26 102 0.63% 93 0.66% 1.01 MB 0.71% 3 0.12% Slovenia
27 95 0.59% 95 0.67% 1.32 MB 0.93% 45 1.79% Germany
28 94 0.58% 77 0.54% 1.03 MB 0.72% 1 0.04% Slovenia
29 85 0.53% 81 0.57% 769.04 KB 0.52% 1 0.04% Slovenia
30 84 0.52% 75 0.53% 554.82 KB 0.38% 1 0.04% Slovenia

Top 10 of 901 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 1011 6.25% 873 6.15% 6.41 MB 4.48% 19 0.76% Slovenia
2 268 1.66% 268 1.89% 4.35 MB 3.04% 104 4.14% Germany
3 198 1.22% 198 1.40% 3.23 MB 2.26% 81 3.22% Germany
4 235 1.45% 218 1.54% 2.19 MB 1.53% 13 0.52% Slovenia
5 125 0.77% 125 0.88% 2.16 MB 1.51% 13 0.52% Czech Republic
6 123 0.76% 123 0.87% 2.10 MB 1.47% 57 2.27% Germany
7 134 0.83% 134 0.94% 2.01 MB 1.41% 62 2.47% Germany
8 156 0.96% 156 1.10% 1.97 MB 1.37% 62 2.47% Germany
9 200 1.24% 182 1.28% 1.90 MB 1.33% 4 0.16% Romania
10 137 0.85% 137 0.97% 1.85 MB 1.30% 61 2.43% Germany

Top 30 of 129 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 6915 42.77% - (Direct Request)
2 112 0.69%
3 112 0.69%
4 86 0.53%
5 44 0.27%
6 36 0.22%
7 27 0.17%
8 19 0.12%
9 19 0.12% Sciences O2
10 15 0.09%
11 12 0.07%
12 9 0.06%
13 9 0.06%
14 6 0.04%
15 5 0.03%
16 4 0.02%
17 4 0.02%
18 4 0.02%
19 4 0.02%
20 3 0.02%
21 3 0.02%
22 3 0.02%
23 3 0.02%
24 3 0.02%
25 2 0.01%žef_Stefan_Institute
26 2 0.01%
27 2 0.01%
28 2 0.01%
29 2 0.01%
30 2 0.01%

Top 20 of 37 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 4 8.70% milena horvat
2 3 6.52% nives ogrinc 2011
3 2 4.35% ionizacija proteinov
4 2 4.35% janja vaupotic
5 2 4.35% milena horvat ijs
6 2 4.35% sonja lojen
7 1 2.17% analytical organic chemistry lund
8 1 2.17% department of environmental sciences jožef stefan institute lj
9 1 2.17% dušan žigon
10 1 2.17% electric power research institute-gary parmenter contract negot
11 1 2.17% ester heath
12 1 2.17% how is organic chemistry related to analytic chem
13 1 2.17% inŠtitut joŽefa Štefana delovni prostori
14 1 2.17% isotope z a
15 1 2.17% jozef stefan institutedepartment of environmental sciences
16 1 2.17% kocman joze stefan
17 1 2.17% kvantitativen kromatografije
18 1 2.17% marinka gams petrišič
19 1 2.17% martina šturm
20 1 2.17% masna spektrometrija droge

Top 15 of 433 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 1226 7.58% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +
2 1170 7.24% findlinks/2.0.2 (+
3 950 5.88% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0.1
4 672 4.16% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; GTB7.0; InfoPath.3; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
5 636 3.93% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0.1
6 382 2.36% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0.1
7 364 2.25% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp;
8 332 2.05% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible;
9 275 1.70% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.3.3;
10 265 1.64% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
11 223 1.38% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110420 Firefox/3.6.17
12 205 1.27% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110420 Firefox/3.5.19
13 197 1.22% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0.1
14 175 1.08% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/5.0; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4325; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; .NET CLR 3.5.30707; MS-RTC LM 8)
15 167 1.03% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +

Usage by Country for May 2011

Top 30 of 45 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 7792 48.20% 6877 48.46% 76.95 MB 53.76% Slovenia
2 2775 17.16% 2545 17.94% 10.19 MB 7.12% United States
3 1613 9.98% 1601 11.28% 23.62 MB 16.50% Germany
4 1392 8.61% 1019 7.18% 9.47 MB 6.62% Unresolved/Unknown
5 318 1.97% 281 1.98% 2.67 MB 1.87% Croatia
6 200 1.24% 182 1.28% 1.90 MB 1.33% Romania
7 181 1.12% 181 1.28% 2.87 MB 2.01% Czech Republic
8 166 1.03% 115 0.81% 830.95 KB 0.57% Russian Federation
9 161 1.00% 116 0.82% 1.18 MB 0.82% France
10 154 0.95% 134 0.94% 663.04 KB 0.45% Poland
11 130 0.80% 119 0.84% 1.11 MB 0.77% China
12 119 0.74% 94 0.66% 1.15 MB 0.80% Serbia
13 104 0.64% 97 0.68% 975.69 KB 0.67% Austria
14 104 0.64% 16 0.11% 343.96 KB 0.23% Malaysia
15 100 0.62% 74 0.52% 748.23 KB 0.51% Switzerland
16 89 0.55% 78 0.55% 881.41 KB 0.60% Brazil
17 79 0.49% 67 0.47% 597.12 KB 0.41% Sweden
18 78 0.48% 68 0.48% 581.14 KB 0.40% United Kingdom
19 76 0.47% 61 0.43% 956.06 KB 0.65% Macedonia
20 62 0.38% 61 0.43% 397.81 KB 0.27% Portugal
21 56 0.35% 49 0.35% 676.66 KB 0.46% Italy
22 51 0.32% 47 0.33% 748.64 KB 0.51% Spain
23 37 0.23% 33 0.23% 433.07 KB 0.30% Taiwan
24 35 0.22% 34 0.24% 370.89 KB 0.25% Israel
25 34 0.21% 30 0.21% 285.19 KB 0.19% Canada
26 33 0.20% 31 0.22% 458.62 KB 0.31% Netherlands
27 31 0.19% 30 0.21% 446.38 KB 0.30% Europe
28 28 0.17% 27 0.19% 101.27 KB 0.07% Japan
29 22 0.14% 19 0.13% 267.28 KB 0.18% Norway
30 15 0.09% 12 0.08% 167.25 KB 0.11% Belgium

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)