Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: April 2011
Generated 01-May-2011 04:41 CEST
GEO-106FREE 20090701 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for April 2011
Total Hits 13731
Total Files 11897
Total Pages 4471
Total Visits 2447
Total KBytes 121.82 MB
Total Unique Sites 886
Total Unique URLs 78
Total Unique Referrers 130
Total Unique User Agents 407
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 19 211
Hits per Day 457 1035
Files per Day 396 903
Pages per Day 149 297
Visits per Day 81 103
KBytes per Day 4.06 MB 9.64 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 11897
Code 206 - Partial Content 30
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 285
Code 304 - Not Modified 160
Code 404 - Not Found 1359

Daily usage for April 2011

Daily Statistics for April 2011
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 542 3.95% 454 3.82% 159 3.56% 79 3.23% 69 7.79% 3.93 MB 3.23%
2 324 2.36% 271 2.28% 143 3.20% 87 3.56% 68 7.67% 2.53 MB 2.08%
3 353 2.57% 237 1.99% 177 3.96% 68 2.78% 64 7.22% 2.31 MB 1.89%
4 708 5.16% 615 5.17% 162 3.62% 95 3.88% 80 9.03% 7.06 MB 5.80%
5 675 4.92% 593 4.98% 184 4.12% 98 4.00% 87 9.82% 6.13 MB 5.03%
6 576 4.19% 497 4.18% 153 3.42% 77 3.15% 67 7.56% 5.59 MB 4.59%
7 623 4.54% 549 4.61% 174 3.89% 84 3.43% 73 8.24% 6.24 MB 5.12%
8 597 4.35% 541 4.55% 152 3.40% 96 3.92% 75 8.47% 6.12 MB 5.03%
9 301 2.19% 192 1.61% 85 1.90% 68 2.78% 71 8.01% 1.26 MB 1.04%
10 342 2.49% 218 1.83% 92 2.06% 64 2.62% 53 5.98% 2.28 MB 1.87%
11 1035 7.54% 903 7.59% 247 5.52% 103 4.21% 87 9.82% 9.64 MB 7.91%
12 776 5.65% 670 5.63% 297 6.64% 102 4.17% 78 8.80% 6.07 MB 4.98%
13 438 3.19% 399 3.35% 200 4.47% 100 4.09% 74 8.35% 3.84 MB 3.15%
14 755 5.50% 683 5.74% 180 4.03% 84 3.43% 73 8.24% 8.05 MB 6.61%
15 486 3.54% 433 3.64% 132 2.95% 79 3.23% 77 8.69% 4.82 MB 3.95%
16 247 1.80% 223 1.87% 96 2.15% 76 3.11% 67 7.56% 2.17 MB 1.78%
17 385 2.80% 360 3.03% 159 3.56% 94 3.84% 73 8.24% 3.73 MB 3.06%
18 450 3.28% 405 3.40% 92 2.06% 70 2.86% 67 7.56% 4.71 MB 3.87%
19 634 4.62% 574 4.82% 151 3.38% 87 3.56% 82 9.26% 6.18 MB 5.07%
20 400 2.91% 358 3.01% 140 3.13% 76 3.11% 63 7.11% 2.71 MB 2.22%
21 506 3.69% 396 3.33% 166 3.71% 66 2.70% 60 6.77% 4.49 MB 3.68%
22 416 3.03% 365 3.07% 132 2.95% 79 3.23% 61 6.88% 4.34 MB 3.57%
23 189 1.38% 177 1.49% 129 2.89% 83 3.39% 58 6.55% 1.50 MB 1.23%
24 242 1.76% 218 1.83% 116 2.59% 81 3.31% 67 7.56% 1.83 MB 1.50%
25 196 1.43% 183 1.54% 86 1.92% 62 2.53% 58 6.55% 1.63 MB 1.34%
26 164 1.19% 151 1.27% 85 1.90% 70 2.86% 56 6.32% 1003.08 KB 0.80%
27 184 1.34% 174 1.46% 108 2.42% 64 2.62% 50 5.64% 1.17 MB 0.96%
28 414 3.02% 383 3.22% 162 3.62% 82 3.35% 61 6.88% 3.23 MB 2.65%
29 453 3.30% 381 3.20% 178 3.98% 84 3.43% 67 7.56% 4.15 MB 3.41%
30 320 2.33% 294 2.47% 134 3.00% 90 3.68% 67 7.56% 3.13 MB 2.57%

Hourly usage for April 2011

Hourly Statistics for April 2011
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 9 282 2.05% 7 229 1.92% 5 151 3.38% 53.05 KB 1.55 MB 1.28%
1 7 233 1.70% 7 217 1.82% 3 114 2.55% 59.40 KB 1.74 MB 1.43%
2 6 206 1.50% 5 158 1.33% 4 142 3.18% 40.69 KB 1.19 MB 0.98%
3 7 224 1.63% 5 177 1.49% 4 143 3.20% 35.53 KB 1.04 MB 0.85%
4 6 192 1.40% 5 160 1.34% 4 138 3.09% 35.34 KB 1.04 MB 0.85%
5 6 208 1.51% 6 183 1.54% 3 104 2.33% 51.83 KB 1.52 MB 1.25%
6 7 218 1.59% 6 187 1.57% 4 127 2.84% 56.71 KB 1.66 MB 1.36%
7 11 348 2.53% 10 310 2.61% 4 141 3.15% 67.54 KB 1.98 MB 1.62%
8 27 819 5.96% 20 628 5.28% 8 265 5.93% 226.60 KB 6.64 MB 5.45%
9 35 1055 7.68% 31 945 7.94% 8 243 5.44% 363.20 KB 10.64 MB 8.73%
10 33 1012 7.37% 29 886 7.45% 8 269 6.02% 313.56 KB 9.19 MB 7.54%
11 22 687 5.00% 20 609 5.12% 5 165 3.69% 246.78 KB 7.23 MB 5.93%
12 33 993 7.23% 30 926 7.78% 7 237 5.30% 336.77 KB 9.87 MB 8.10%
13 42 1275 9.29% 37 1129 9.49% 10 309 6.91% 456.65 KB 13.38 MB 10.98%
14 42 1275 9.29% 39 1173 9.86% 9 297 6.64% 418.20 KB 12.25 MB 10.06%
15 22 679 4.95% 18 547 4.60% 5 178 3.98% 205.41 KB 6.02 MB 4.94%
16 17 524 3.82% 15 451 3.79% 6 184 4.12% 154.08 KB 4.51 MB 3.71%
17 13 393 2.86% 11 352 2.96% 7 217 4.85% 102.39 KB 3.00 MB 2.46%
18 14 447 3.26% 12 387 3.25% 5 151 3.38% 129.67 KB 3.80 MB 3.12%
19 17 539 3.93% 16 484 4.07% 6 202 4.52% 166.01 KB 4.86 MB 3.99%
20 15 470 3.42% 14 429 3.61% 5 161 3.60% 162.41 KB 4.76 MB 3.91%
21 23 695 5.06% 16 493 4.14% 7 219 4.90% 181.42 KB 5.32 MB 4.36%
22 19 576 4.19% 17 516 4.34% 6 181 4.05% 181.17 KB 5.31 MB 4.36%
23 12 381 2.77% 10 321 2.70% 4 133 2.97% 113.75 KB 3.33 MB 2.74%

Top 30 of 78 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2026 14.75% 101.76 KB 0.08% /imageFill.php
2 1142 8.32% 163.94 KB 0.13% /robots.txt
3 1021 7.44% 143.30 KB 0.11% /imageColor.php
4 942 6.86% 6.55 MB 5.37% /
5 497 3.62% 2.39 MB 1.96% /varpulis/_js/basic.js
6 362 2.64% 3.75 MB 3.08% /varpulis/_js/305_menu.js
7 351 2.56% 11.51 MB 9.45% /varpulis/_css/305_default.css
8 348 2.53% 4.48 MB 3.67% /varpulis/_css/305_print.css
9 346 2.52% 205.93 KB 0.17% /sitedata/305/media/page/randomMedia.swf
10 330 2.40% 66.45 KB 0.05% /sitedata/305/media/page/randomMedia.xml
11 149 1.09% 1.34 MB 1.10% /struktura-odseka/center-za-radon/
12 140 1.02% 1.55 MB 1.27% /oprema/
13 139 1.01% 1.30 MB 1.07% /struktura-odseka/center-za-masno-spektrometrijo/
14 139 1.01% 1.57 MB 1.29% /varpulis/_js/577_menu.js
15 132 0.96% 4.40 MB 3.61% /varpulis/_css/577_default.css
16 127 0.92% 1.66 MB 1.36% /varpulis/_css/577_print.css
17 119 0.87% 71.76 KB 0.06% /sitedata/577/media/page/randomMedia.swf
18 115 0.84% 23.20 KB 0.02% /sitedata/577/media/page/randomMedia.xml
19 103 0.75% 473.67 KB 0.38% /domov/
20 96 0.70% 378.69 KB 0.30% /struktura-odseka/laboratorij-za-analizno-kemijo-okolja/skupina-za-organsko-analizno-kemijo/
21 95 0.69% 681.08 KB 0.55% /struktura-odseka/skupina-za-biogeokemijo/
22 82 0.60% 258.45 KB 0.21% /struktura-odseka/laboratorij-za-analizno-kemijo-okolja/
23 82 0.60% 742.63 KB 0.60% /struktura-odseka/skupina-za-radiokemijo/
24 81 0.59% 324.86 KB 0.26% /struktura-odseka/laboratorij-za-analizno-kemijo-okolja/skupina-za-anorgansko-analizno-kemijo/
25 74 0.54% 385.39 KB 0.31% /home/
26 74 0.54% 415.68 KB 0.33% /projekti/tekoci-nacionalni-raziskovalni-projekti/
27 72 0.52% 584.39 KB 0.47% /struktura-odseka/skupina-za-izotopsko-geokemijo/
28 72 0.52% 473.38 KB 0.38% /struktura-odseka/skupina-za-modeliranje-ocene-tveganja-in-ocene-posegov-v-okolje/
29 70 0.51% 661.42 KB 0.53% /struktura-odseka/skupina-za-radioekologijo/
30 68 0.50% 231.40 KB 0.19% /projekti/

Top 10 of 78 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 351 2.56% 11.51 MB 9.45% /varpulis/_css/305_default.css
2 942 6.86% 6.55 MB 5.37% /
3 48 0.35% 6.06 MB 4.97% /sitedata/305/upload/File/O2-shema-sodelvci-181110[1].pdf
4 348 2.53% 4.48 MB 3.67% /varpulis/_css/305_print.css
5 132 0.96% 4.40 MB 3.61% /varpulis/_css/577_default.css
6 362 2.64% 3.75 MB 3.08% /varpulis/_js/305_menu.js
7 497 3.62% 2.39 MB 1.96% /varpulis/_js/basic.js
8 68 0.50% 2.02 MB 1.66% /projekti/tekoci-in-koncani-mednarodni-projekti/
9 66 0.48% 1.71 MB 1.40% /projects/international-projects-eu/
10 127 0.92% 1.66 MB 1.36% /varpulis/_css/577_print.css

Top 10 of 45 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 942 6.86% 716 29.48% /
2 149 1.09% 97 3.99% /struktura-odseka/center-za-radon/
3 140 1.02% 89 3.66% /oprema/
4 139 1.01% 88 3.62% /struktura-odseka/center-za-masno-spektrometrijo/
5 96 0.70% 57 2.35% /struktura-odseka/laboratorij-za-analizno-kemijo-okolja/skupina-za-organsko-analizno-kemijo/
6 95 0.69% 55 2.26% /struktura-odseka/skupina-za-biogeokemijo/
7 82 0.60% 47 1.93% /struktura-odseka/skupina-za-radiokemijo/
8 103 0.75% 45 1.85% /domov/
9 67 0.49% 45 1.85% /section-structure/centre-for-radon/
10 68 0.50% 44 1.81% /projekti/

Top 10 of 49 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 942 6.86% 630 26.10% /
2 139 1.01% 98 4.06% /struktura-odseka/center-za-masno-spektrometrijo/
3 149 1.09% 95 3.94% /struktura-odseka/center-za-radon/
4 140 1.02% 90 3.73% /oprema/
5 96 0.70% 58 2.40% /struktura-odseka/laboratorij-za-analizno-kemijo-okolja/skupina-za-organsko-analizno-kemijo/
6 95 0.69% 57 2.36% /struktura-odseka/skupina-za-biogeokemijo/
7 103 0.75% 54 2.24% /domov/
8 82 0.60% 48 1.99% /struktura-odseka/skupina-za-radiokemijo/
9 67 0.49% 46 1.91% /section-structure/centre-for-radon/
10 68 0.50% 44 1.82% /projekti/

Top 30 of 886 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 859 6.26% 785 6.60% 8.61 MB 7.07% 34 1.39% Slovenia
2 221 1.61% 189 1.59% 606.38 KB 0.49% 35 1.43% Slovenia
3 189 1.38% 0 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 0.00% Germany
4 176 1.28% 142 1.19% 1.28 MB 1.05% 4 0.16% Slovenia
5 156 1.14% 113 0.95% 929.87 KB 0.75% 3 0.12% Slovenia
6 150 1.09% 140 1.18% 1.74 MB 1.42% 8 0.33% Slovenia
7 139 1.01% 139 1.17% 2.00 MB 1.64% 66 2.70% Germany
8 134 0.98% 89 0.75% 761.50 KB 0.61% 2 0.08% Taiwan
9 111 0.81% 111 0.93% 302.94 KB 0.24% 72 2.94% United States
10 103 0.75% 103 0.87% 259.97 KB 0.21% 71 2.90% United States
11 87 0.63% 81 0.68% 1022.40 KB 0.82% 4 0.16% Slovenia
12 85 0.62% 85 0.71% 1.48 MB 1.21% 42 1.72% Germany
13 83 0.60% 82 0.69% 409.84 KB 0.33% 1 0.04% Belgium
14 83 0.60% 83 0.70% 212.69 KB 0.17% 48 1.96% Unresolved/Unknown
15 83 0.60% 79 0.66% 716.07 KB 0.57% 2 0.08% Croatia
16 82 0.60% 75 0.63% 977.48 KB 0.78% 2 0.08% Slovenia
17 81 0.59% 71 0.60% 555.16 KB 0.45% 1 0.04% Slovenia
18 77 0.56% 77 0.65% 1020.50 KB 0.82% 33 1.35% Germany
19 77 0.56% 74 0.62% 133.16 KB 0.11% 1 0.04% Slovenia
20 76 0.55% 76 0.64% 1.20 MB 0.99% 29 1.19% Germany
21 76 0.55% 74 0.62% 411.22 KB 0.33% 1 0.04% Slovenia
22 73 0.53% 70 0.59% 156.10 KB 0.13% 1 0.04% Slovenia
23 72 0.52% 72 0.61% 234.33 KB 0.19% 3 0.12% Ukraine
24 71 0.52% 65 0.55% 1.02 MB 0.84% 2 0.08% Slovenia
25 69 0.50% 66 0.55% 558.66 KB 0.45% 2 0.08% Switzerland
26 68 0.50% 66 0.55% 410.07 KB 0.33% 2 0.08% Romania
27 66 0.48% 65 0.55% 505.19 KB 0.40% 2 0.08% Slovenia
28 65 0.47% 61 0.51% 891.27 KB 0.71% 3 0.12% Slovenia
29 64 0.47% 61 0.51% 707.45 KB 0.57% 1 0.04% Unresolved/Unknown
30 63 0.46% 61 0.51% 399.08 KB 0.32% 1 0.04% Croatia

Top 10 of 886 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 859 6.26% 785 6.60% 8.61 MB 7.07% 34 1.39% Slovenia
2 139 1.01% 139 1.17% 2.00 MB 1.64% 66 2.70% Germany
3 150 1.09% 140 1.18% 1.74 MB 1.42% 8 0.33% Slovenia
4 85 0.62% 85 0.71% 1.48 MB 1.21% 42 1.72% Germany
5 176 1.28% 142 1.19% 1.28 MB 1.05% 4 0.16% Slovenia
6 76 0.55% 76 0.64% 1.20 MB 0.99% 29 1.19% Germany
7 71 0.52% 65 0.55% 1.02 MB 0.84% 2 0.08% Slovenia
8 87 0.63% 81 0.68% 1022.40 KB 0.82% 4 0.16% Slovenia
9 77 0.56% 77 0.65% 1020.50 KB 0.82% 33 1.35% Germany
10 82 0.60% 75 0.63% 977.48 KB 0.78% 2 0.08% Slovenia

Top 30 of 130 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 6299 45.87% - (Direct Request)
2 153 1.11%
3 86 0.63%
4 82 0.60%
5 37 0.27%
6 18 0.13%
7 17 0.12%
8 15 0.11%
9 15 0.11%
10 13 0.09%
11 12 0.09%
12 11 0.08% Sciences O2
13 10 0.07%
14 6 0.04%
15 6 0.04%
16 6 0.04%
17 5 0.04%
18 4 0.03%
19 4 0.03%
20 4 0.03%
21 4 0.03%
22 4 0.03%
23 3 0.02%
24 3 0.02%
25 3 0.02%
26 3 0.02%
27 3 0.02%
28 2 0.01%žef_Stefan_International_Postgraduate_School
29 2 0.01%
30 2 0.01%

Top 20 of 26 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 5 14.71% milena horvat
2 2 5.88% department of environmental sciences jozef stefan institute
3 2 5.88% ester heath
4 2 5.88% radon v sloveniji
5 2 5.88% vreča polona ijs
6 1 2.94% atomic fluorescence spectrophotometer in soil and water analysi
7 1 2.94% bogdan kralj address: jozef stefan institute mass spectrometry
8 1 2.94% cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometer
9 1 2.94% doktor horvat jožef
10 1 2.94% fiksacija co2 v rečnih karbonatih sonja lojen
11 1 2.94% forenzična geologija
12 1 2.94% water supply
13 1 2.94% ingrid falnoga živo srebro
14 1 2.94% ionizacija
15 1 2.94% kaj se določa s plinsko kromatografijo
16 1 2.94% ku*ni proekti
17 1 2.94% merjenje radona
18 1 2.94% microwave digestion unit mars-5
19 1 2.94% milena horvat ijs
20 1 2.94% radon and its decay products project

Top 15 of 407 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 1608 11.71% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +
2 595 4.33% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20110319 Firefox/3.6.16
3 580 4.22% findlinks/2.0.2 (+
4 354 2.58% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.16 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/10.0.648.204 Safari/534.16
5 353 2.57% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp;
6 318 2.32% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:2.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0
7 297 2.16% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20110319 Firefox/3.6.16 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET4.0C)
8 257 1.87% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.3.3;
9 237 1.73% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20110319 Firefox/3.6.16
10 225 1.64% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
11 221 1.61% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible;
12 213 1.55% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)
13 203 1.48% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20110319 Firefox/3.6.16 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
14 198 1.44% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:2.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0
15 176 1.28% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; sl; rv: Gecko/20110319 Firefox/3.6.16

Usage by Country for April 2011

Top 30 of 46 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 6500 47.34% 5757 48.39% 70.84 MB 58.15% Slovenia
2 2571 18.72% 2452 20.61% 7.12 MB 5.85% United States
3 1168 8.51% 935 7.86% 14.05 MB 11.54% Germany
4 1067 7.77% 841 7.07% 9.69 MB 7.96% Unresolved/Unknown
5 304 2.21% 272 2.29% 2.78 MB 2.28% Croatia
6 206 1.50% 51 0.43% 952.38 KB 0.76% Spain
7 170 1.24% 130 1.09% 1.27 MB 1.04% Russian Federation
8 138 1.01% 91 0.76% 772.25 KB 0.62% Taiwan
9 132 0.96% 122 1.03% 1.48 MB 1.21% Serbia
10 116 0.84% 59 0.50% 707.48 KB 0.57% United Kingdom
11 109 0.79% 105 0.88% 937.53 KB 0.75% Switzerland
12 109 0.79% 56 0.47% 726.49 KB 0.58% Netherlands
13 83 0.60% 82 0.69% 409.84 KB 0.33% Belgium
14 82 0.60% 73 0.61% 936.32 KB 0.75% Italy
15 81 0.59% 78 0.66% 575.42 KB 0.46% Romania
16 74 0.54% 72 0.61% 482.13 KB 0.39% Sweden
17 73 0.53% 72 0.61% 234.55 KB 0.19% Ukraine
18 70 0.51% 63 0.53% 668.94 KB 0.54% Austria
19 70 0.51% 70 0.59% 980.44 KB 0.79% Hong Kong
20 59 0.43% 59 0.50% 846.98 KB 0.68% Syrian Arab Republic
21 57 0.42% 45 0.38% 385.60 KB 0.31% France
22 50 0.36% 47 0.40% 569.44 KB 0.46% Norway
23 49 0.36% 47 0.40% 345.85 KB 0.28% Japan
24 33 0.24% 29 0.24% 437.34 KB 0.35% Slovakia
25 31 0.23% 26 0.22% 406.83 KB 0.33% Algeria
26 30 0.22% 21 0.18% 116.75 KB 0.09% Montenegro
27 27 0.20% 24 0.20% 329.06 KB 0.26% Poland
28 25 0.18% 22 0.18% 294.70 KB 0.24% Finland
29 23 0.17% 23 0.19% 168.14 KB 0.13% China
30 22 0.16% 21 0.18% 77.95 KB 0.06% Europe

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)