Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: September 2007
Generated 01-Oct-2007 05:06 CEST
GEO-106FREE 20070601 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for September 2007
Total Hits 3572
Total Files 2827
Total Pages 2517
Total Visits 442
Total KBytes 16.86 MB
Total Unique Sites 243
Total Unique URLs 87
Total Unique Referrers 64
Total Unique User Agents 26
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 4 245
Hits per Day 119 393
Files per Day 94 314
Pages per Day 83 255
Visits per Day 14 31
KBytes per Day 575.44 KB 1.68 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 2827
Code 206 - Partial Content 5
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 132
Code 302 - Found 4
Code 304 - Not Modified 238
Code 404 - Not Found 365
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 1

Daily usage for September 2007

Daily Statistics for September 2007
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 89 2.49% 62 2.19% 62 2.46% 15 3.39% 17 7.00% 515.54 KB 2.99%
2 65 1.82% 35 1.24% 58 2.30% 16 3.62% 17 7.00% 207.72 KB 1.20%
3 55 1.54% 36 1.27% 40 1.59% 14 3.17% 15 6.17% 347.37 KB 2.01%
4 57 1.60% 49 1.73% 41 1.63% 7 1.58% 8 3.29% 267.20 KB 1.55%
5 393 11.00% 215 7.61% 209 8.30% 27 6.11% 22 9.05% 1.63 MB 9.69%
6 45 1.26% 31 1.10% 37 1.47% 11 2.49% 10 4.12% 215.60 KB 1.25%
7 38 1.06% 31 1.10% 26 1.03% 6 1.36% 9 3.70% 150.91 KB 0.87%
8 31 0.87% 22 0.78% 22 0.87% 9 2.04% 12 4.94% 145.83 KB 0.84%
9 72 2.02% 61 2.16% 47 1.87% 10 2.26% 8 3.29% 370.07 KB 2.14%
10 87 2.44% 70 2.48% 58 2.30% 12 2.71% 14 5.76% 570.05 KB 3.30%
11 153 4.28% 149 5.27% 118 4.69% 11 2.49% 10 4.12% 1.44 MB 8.54%
12 133 3.72% 107 3.78% 97 3.85% 20 4.52% 20 8.23% 656.70 KB 3.80%
13 110 3.08% 82 2.90% 71 2.82% 19 4.30% 19 7.82% 713.53 KB 4.13%
14 142 3.98% 120 4.24% 109 4.33% 18 4.07% 18 7.41% 751.85 KB 4.36%
15 55 1.54% 40 1.41% 39 1.55% 17 3.85% 19 7.82% 110.13 KB 0.64%
16 37 1.04% 19 0.67% 29 1.15% 10 2.26% 10 4.12% 79.80 KB 0.46%
17 253 7.08% 203 7.18% 173 6.87% 15 3.39% 14 5.76% 1.68 MB 9.99%
18 59 1.65% 52 1.84% 43 1.71% 7 1.58% 7 2.88% 253.79 KB 1.47%
19 88 2.46% 75 2.65% 56 2.22% 13 2.94% 12 4.94% 438.34 KB 2.54%
20 153 4.28% 137 4.85% 105 4.17% 19 4.30% 16 6.58% 911.96 KB 5.28%
21 172 4.82% 126 4.46% 137 5.44% 16 3.62% 13 5.35% 649.12 KB 3.76%
22 45 1.26% 29 1.03% 32 1.27% 9 2.04% 9 3.70% 86.73 KB 0.50%
23 35 0.98% 24 0.85% 23 0.91% 10 2.26% 9 3.70% 66.29 KB 0.38%
24 64 1.79% 52 1.84% 38 1.51% 11 2.49% 9 3.70% 189.29 KB 1.10%
25 178 4.98% 154 5.45% 139 5.52% 18 4.07% 16 6.58% 665.90 KB 3.86%
26 181 5.07% 160 5.66% 133 5.28% 16 3.62% 15 6.17% 889.71 KB 5.15%
27 86 2.41% 69 2.44% 56 2.22% 16 3.62% 18 7.41% 654.33 KB 3.79%
28 355 9.94% 314 11.11% 255 10.13% 31 7.01% 23 9.47% 1.19 MB 7.05%
29 37 1.04% 31 1.10% 24 0.95% 10 2.26% 12 4.94% 163.83 KB 0.95%
30 304 8.51% 272 9.62% 240 9.54% 29 6.56% 28 11.52% 1.08 MB 6.40%

Hourly usage for September 2007

Hourly Statistics for September 2007
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 1 53 1.48% 1 44 1.56% 1 33 1.31% 3.20 KB 95.99 KB 0.56%
1 2 72 2.02% 1 48 1.70% 1 51 2.03% 12.74 KB 382.22 KB 2.21%
2 1 45 1.26% 0 26 0.92% 1 39 1.55% 4.32 KB 129.50 KB 0.75%
3 3 98 2.74% 2 69 2.44% 2 77 3.06% 15.97 KB 479.17 KB 2.78%
4 2 79 2.21% 2 76 2.69% 2 64 2.54% 10.92 KB 327.57 KB 1.90%
5 1 35 0.98% 0 23 0.81% 0 27 1.07% 2.20 KB 65.96 KB 0.38%
6 0 22 0.62% 0 18 0.64% 0 10 0.40% 6.56 KB 196.91 KB 1.14%
7 2 68 1.90% 1 50 1.77% 1 44 1.75% 13.44 KB 403.12 KB 2.34%
8 3 116 3.25% 3 107 3.78% 2 79 3.14% 20.54 KB 616.30 KB 3.57%
9 3 90 2.52% 2 76 2.69% 1 51 2.03% 24.50 KB 735.12 KB 4.26%
10 13 412 11.53% 8 240 8.49% 7 220 8.74% 48.52 KB 1.42 MB 8.43%
11 12 382 10.69% 11 341 12.06% 8 258 10.25% 52.94 KB 1.55 MB 9.20%
12 8 244 6.83% 7 231 8.17% 6 189 7.51% 50.72 KB 1.49 MB 8.81%
13 7 227 6.35% 5 178 6.30% 5 166 6.60% 31.66 KB 949.90 KB 5.50%
14 7 238 6.66% 6 203 7.18% 5 175 6.95% 37.23 KB 1.09 MB 6.47%
15 6 193 5.40% 5 157 5.55% 4 147 5.84% 36.61 KB 1.07 MB 6.36%
16 6 190 5.32% 4 141 4.99% 4 139 5.52% 58.17 KB 1.70 MB 10.11%
17 2 81 2.27% 2 70 2.48% 1 53 2.11% 15.12 KB 453.78 KB 2.63%
18 3 100 2.80% 2 85 3.01% 2 89 3.54% 29.19 KB 875.80 KB 5.07%
19 6 199 5.57% 5 154 5.45% 4 136 5.40% 32.48 KB 974.54 KB 5.65%
20 7 236 6.61% 6 203 7.18% 6 188 7.47% 22.62 KB 678.72 KB 3.93%
21 5 157 4.40% 3 100 3.54% 4 129 5.13% 12.99 KB 389.74 KB 2.26%
22 3 99 2.77% 2 84 2.97% 1 56 2.22% 16.50 KB 494.91 KB 2.87%
23 4 136 3.81% 3 103 3.64% 3 97 3.85% 16.26 KB 487.77 KB 2.83%

Top 30 of 87 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 437 12.23% 4.89 MB 29.02% /getfile.php
2 349 9.77% 279.47 KB 1.62% /imageFill.php
3 345 9.66% 1.33 MB 7.91% /
4 341 9.55% 29.64 KB 0.17% /imageColorReplace.php
5 224 6.27% 32.16 KB 0.19% /robots.txt
6 168 4.70% 605.77 KB 3.51% /scientific-topics/
7 131 3.67% 413.11 KB 2.39% /home/
8 93 2.60% 316.32 KB 1.83% /varpulis/_css/526_default.css.gz
9 93 2.60% 133.76 KB 0.77% /varpulis/_css/526_print.css.gz
10 84 2.35% 469.41 KB 2.72% /varpulis/_js/526_menu.js.gz
11 84 2.35% 222.83 KB 1.29% /varpulis/_js/basic.js.gz
12 62 1.74% 153.59 KB 0.89% /organisers/
13 59 1.65% 174.57 KB 1.01% /general-information/
14 41 1.15% 163.20 KB 0.95% /local-information/
15 40 1.12% 240.67 KB 1.39% /scientific-topics/scientific-topics/
16 31 0.87% 73.28 KB 0.42% /login/
17 31 0.87% 102.95 KB 0.60% /travel-information/
18 29 0.81% 60.07 KB 0.35% /o-avtorjih/
19 27 0.76% 815.06 KB 4.72% /varpulis/_css/526_default.css
20 26 0.73% 303.79 KB 1.76% /varpulis/_css/526_print.css
21 26 0.73% 785.32 KB 4.55% /varpulis/_js/526_menu.js
22 25 0.70% 303.70 KB 1.76% /varpulis/_js/basic.js
23 21 0.59% 83.78 KB 0.49% /pravna-obvestila/
24 14 0.39% 11.31 KB 0.07% /showPicture.php
25 6 0.17% 14.56 KB 0.08% /search/
26 5 0.14% 21.81 KB 0.13%
27 2 0.06% 3.04 KB 0.02% /include/js/siteSearchSettings.js
28 2 0.06% 1.05 KB 0.01% /varpulis/_js/admin.js.gz
29 1 0.03% 16.30 KB 0.09% /include/js/wz_tooltip.js
30 1 0.03% 117 bytes 0.00% /templates/fckconfig.js.php
View All URLs

Top 10 of 87 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 437 12.23% 4.89 MB 29.02% /getfile.php
2 345 9.66% 1.33 MB 7.91% /
3 27 0.76% 815.06 KB 4.72% /varpulis/_css/526_default.css
4 26 0.73% 785.32 KB 4.55% /varpulis/_js/526_menu.js
5 168 4.70% 605.77 KB 3.51% /scientific-topics/
6 84 2.35% 469.41 KB 2.72% /varpulis/_js/526_menu.js.gz
7 131 3.67% 413.11 KB 2.39% /home/
8 93 2.60% 316.32 KB 1.83% /varpulis/_css/526_default.css.gz
9 26 0.73% 303.79 KB 1.76% /varpulis/_css/526_print.css
10 25 0.70% 303.70 KB 1.76% /varpulis/_js/basic.js

Top 10 of 15 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 345 9.66% 154 35.16% /
2 168 4.70% 104 23.74% /scientific-topics/
3 131 3.67% 61 13.93% /home/
4 437 12.23% 28 6.39% /getfile.php
5 62 1.74% 13 2.97% /organisers/
6 41 1.15% 12 2.74% /local-information/
7 31 0.87% 12 2.74% /login/
8 59 1.65% 11 2.51% /general-information/
9 21 0.59% 11 2.51% /pravna-obvestila/
10 31 0.87% 11 2.51% /travel-information/

Top 10 of 15 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 345 9.66% 125 32.89% /
2 349 9.77% 55 14.47% /imageFill.php
3 168 4.70% 49 12.89% /scientific-topics/
4 437 12.23% 47 12.37% /getfile.php
5 131 3.67% 26 6.84% /home/
6 29 0.81% 13 3.42% /o-avtorjih/
7 59 1.65% 12 3.16% /general-information/
8 62 1.74% 11 2.89% /organisers/
9 21 0.59% 11 2.89% /pravna-obvestila/
10 31 0.87% 8 2.11% /login/

Top 30 of 243 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 265 7.42% 225 7.96% 362.98 KB 2.10% 49 11.09% Slovenia
2 245 6.86% 94 3.33% 683.23 KB 3.96% 7 1.58% Germany
3 221 6.19% 210 7.43% 768.88 KB 4.45% 8 1.81% Slovenia
4 160 4.48% 151 5.34% 717.78 KB 4.16% 7 1.58% Slovenia
5 159 4.45% 137 4.85% 964.46 KB 5.59% 7 1.58% France
6 65 1.82% 65 2.30% 786.51 KB 4.56% 2 0.45% Italy
7 65 1.82% 64 2.26% 212.24 KB 1.23% 3 0.68% Yugoslavia
8 62 1.74% 44 1.56% 172.65 KB 1.00% 1 0.23% Slovakia
9 59 1.65% 53 1.87% 82.37 KB 0.48% 1 0.23% Yugoslavia
10 55 1.54% 54 1.91% 330.70 KB 1.92% 2 0.45% Germany
11 44 1.23% 42 1.49% 154.53 KB 0.90% 1 0.23% United Kingdom
12 44 1.23% 38 1.34% 86.84 KB 0.50% 1 0.23% Yugoslavia
13 41 1.15% 32 1.13% 756.49 KB 4.38% 4 0.90% Slovenia
14 41 1.15% 40 1.41% 328.58 KB 1.90% 2 0.45% United States
15 41 1.15% 31 1.10% 47.82 KB 0.28% 9 2.04% Slovenia
16 40 1.12% 40 1.41% 151.70 KB 0.88% 1 0.23% Korea, Republic of
17 36 1.01% 36 1.27% 212.79 KB 1.23% 6 1.36% Germany
18 34 0.95% 10 0.35% 91.67 KB 0.53% 4 0.90% Germany
19 30 0.84% 28 0.99% 225.93 KB 1.31% 2 0.45% Poland
20 30 0.84% 12 0.42% 79.37 KB 0.46% 3 0.68% Germany
21 30 0.84% 12 0.42% 79.96 KB 0.46% 3 0.68% Russian Federation
22 28 0.78% 27 0.96% 141.30 KB 0.82% 1 0.23% Costa Rica
23 28 0.78% 27 0.96% 122.11 KB 0.71% 2 0.45% Korea, Republic of
24 27 0.76% 27 0.96% 231.98 KB 1.34% 2 0.45% Yugoslavia
25 25 0.70% 18 0.64% 132.09 KB 0.77% 2 0.45% Indonesia
26 25 0.70% 24 0.85% 210.12 KB 1.22% 1 0.23% Slovenia
27 25 0.70% 25 0.88% 129.42 KB 0.75% 1 0.23% United States
28 25 0.70% 24 0.85% 33.36 KB 0.19% 1 0.23% Yugoslavia
29 24 0.67% 17 0.60% 55.43 KB 0.32% 2 0.45% United Kingdom
30 24 0.67% 6 0.21% 64.91 KB 0.38% 3 0.68% Germany
View All Sites

Top 10 of 243 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 159 4.45% 137 4.85% 964.46 KB 5.59% 7 1.58% France
2 65 1.82% 65 2.30% 786.51 KB 4.56% 2 0.45% Italy
3 221 6.19% 210 7.43% 768.88 KB 4.45% 8 1.81% Slovenia
4 41 1.15% 32 1.13% 756.49 KB 4.38% 4 0.90% Slovenia
5 160 4.48% 151 5.34% 717.78 KB 4.16% 7 1.58% Slovenia
6 245 6.86% 94 3.33% 683.23 KB 3.96% 7 1.58% Germany
7 265 7.42% 225 7.96% 362.98 KB 2.10% 49 11.09% Slovenia
8 55 1.54% 54 1.91% 330.70 KB 1.92% 2 0.45% Germany
9 41 1.15% 40 1.41% 328.58 KB 1.90% 2 0.45% United States
10 20 0.56% 20 0.71% 283.37 KB 1.64% 2 0.45% United Kingdom

Top 30 of 64 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 905 25.34% - (Direct Request)
2 20 0.56%
3 13 0.36%
4 9 0.25%
5 7 0.20%
6 5 0.14%
7 5 0.14%
8 5 0.14%
9 4 0.11%
10 3 0.08%
11 3 0.08%
12 3 0.08%
13 3 0.08%
14 2 0.06%
15 2 0.06%
16 2 0.06%
17 1 0.03%
18 1 0.03%
19 1 0.03%
20 1 0.03%
21 1 0.03%
22 1 0.03%
23 1 0.03%
24 1 0.03%
25 1 0.03%
26 1 0.03%
27 1 0.03%
28 1 0.03%
29 1 0.03%
30 1 0.03%
View All Referrers

Top 15 of 15 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 5 18.52% central european lung cancer conference
2 4 14.81%
3 3 11.11% lung cancer conferences 2008
4 2 7.41% lung cancer conf. in 2008
5 2 7.41% lung cancer conference
6 2 7.41% lungcancer conference
7 1 3.70% cancer conference 2008
8 1 3.70% central european conference lung cancer
9 1 3.70% central european lung cancer conference ljubljana 2008
10 1 3.70% central european lung conference
11 1 3.70% letter to participants cancer conference
12 1 3.70% ljubljana bus terminal
13 1 3.70% lung cancer conferences in 2008
14 1 3.70% lung cancer lubljana
15 1 3.70% thoracic surgery

Top 15 of 26 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 1737 48.63% MSIE 6.0
2 869 24.33% Mozilla/5.0
3 300 8.40% Najdi.s
4 241 6.75% MSIE 7.0
5 96 2.69% msnbot/1.0 (+
6 79 2.21% Yahoo! Slurp
7 48 1.34% Googlebot/2.1
8 30 0.84% Opera/9.23
9 17 0.48% MSIE 5.0
10 15 0.42% SurveyBot/2.3 (Whois Source)
11 14 0.39% ICS 1.2
12 14 0.39% Opera/7.11
13 12 0.34% msnbot-media/1.0 (+
14 10 0.28% Acorn Browse 1.25
15 10 0.28% MSIE 3.02
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for September 2007

Top 30 of 38 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 767 21.47% 687 24.30% 2.89 MB 17.14% Slovenia
2 700 19.60% 523 18.50% 2.91 MB 17.27% United States
3 569 15.93% 308 10.89% 2.47 MB 14.68% Germany
4 314 8.79% 293 10.36% 1.01 MB 6.02% Yugoslavia
5 205 5.74% 175 6.19% 1.20 MB 7.13% France
6 139 3.89% 128 4.53% 893.37 KB 5.17% Great Britain (UK)
7 119 3.33% 99 3.50% 714.20 KB 4.14% Poland
8 102 2.86% 91 3.22% 583.49 KB 3.38% Korea (South)
9 89 2.49% 35 1.24% 234.39 KB 1.36% Russian Federation
10 65 1.82% 65 2.30% 786.51 KB 4.56% Italy
11 62 1.74% 44 1.56% 172.65 KB 1.00% Slovak Republic
12 55 1.54% 40 1.41% 286.75 KB 1.66% Indonesia
13 36 1.01% 32 1.13% 156.27 KB 0.91% China
14 34 0.95% 28 0.99% 165.50 KB 0.96% Israel
15 31 0.87% 30 1.06% 256.75 KB 1.49% Greece
16 31 0.87% 30 1.06% 279.17 KB 1.62% Croatia (Hrvatska)
17 28 0.78% 27 0.96% 296.46 KB 1.72% Australia
18 28 0.78% 27 0.96% 141.30 KB 0.82% Costa Rica
19 28 0.78% 28 0.99% 209.30 KB 1.21% Lebanon
20 25 0.70% 18 0.64% 145.11 KB 0.84% Canada
21 18 0.50% 18 0.64% 112.45 KB 0.65% Portugal
22 14 0.39% 14 0.50% 191.81 KB 1.11% Brazil
23 13 0.36% 12 0.42% 108.01 KB 0.63% Belgium
24 13 0.36% 12 0.42% 108.01 KB 0.63% Switzerland
25 13 0.36% 12 0.42% 108.02 KB 0.63% Czech Republic
26 12 0.34% 12 0.42% 185.58 KB 1.07% Finland
27 11 0.31% 11 0.39% 68.50 KB 0.40% Unresolved/Unknown
28 11 0.31% 11 0.39% 188.87 KB 1.09% Taiwan
29 10 0.28% 4 0.14% 26.46 KB 0.15% Latvia
30 10 0.28% 4 0.14% 26.46 KB 0.15% Malaysia

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)