Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: November 2015
Generated 30-Nov-2015 07:40 CET
GEO-106FREE 20090701 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for November 2015
Total Hits 300225
Total Files 252222
Total Pages 24134
Total Visits 7342
Total KBytes 2.19 GB
Total Unique Sites 6419
Total Unique URLs 1257
Total Unique Referrers 308
Total Unique User Agents 1701
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 431 2829
Hits per Day 10352 14322
Files per Day 8697 12137
Pages per Day 832 1153
Visits per Day 253 311
KBytes per Day 77.42 MB 170.68 MB
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 6
Code 200 - OK 252222
Code 206 - Partial Content 345
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 17
Code 302 - Found 3
Code 304 - Not Modified 38405
Code 404 - Not Found 9204
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 23

Daily usage for November 2015

Daily Statistics for November 2015
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 7747 2.58% 6515 2.58% 702 2.91% 218 2.97% 237 3.69% 50.99 MB 2.27%
2 13256 4.42% 11381 4.51% 1085 4.50% 302 4.11% 369 5.75% 87.56 MB 3.90%
3 10074 3.36% 8617 3.42% 772 3.20% 267 3.64% 314 4.89% 66.72 MB 2.97%
4 10741 3.58% 8618 3.42% 791 3.28% 253 3.45% 313 4.88% 71.82 MB 3.20%
5 12289 4.09% 9960 3.95% 825 3.42% 295 4.02% 378 5.89% 88.30 MB 3.93%
6 10878 3.62% 9208 3.65% 797 3.30% 276 3.76% 301 4.69% 74.34 MB 3.31%
7 8253 2.75% 6383 2.53% 549 2.27% 218 2.97% 246 3.83% 61.47 MB 2.74%
8 9584 3.19% 7807 3.10% 728 3.02% 255 3.47% 273 4.25% 61.49 MB 2.74%
9 13716 4.57% 11704 4.64% 1119 4.64% 290 3.95% 339 5.28% 91.43 MB 4.07%
10 14322 4.77% 11893 4.72% 899 3.73% 311 4.24% 364 5.67% 101.71 MB 4.53%
11 11167 3.72% 9256 3.67% 907 3.76% 242 3.30% 286 4.46% 74.28 MB 3.31%
12 13833 4.61% 12137 4.81% 1086 4.50% 291 3.96% 318 4.95% 112.20 MB 5.00%
13 9293 3.10% 7920 3.14% 844 3.50% 268 3.65% 256 3.99% 75.12 MB 3.35%
14 6636 2.21% 5753 2.28% 572 2.37% 194 2.64% 192 2.99% 49.03 MB 2.18%
15 6894 2.30% 5872 2.33% 457 1.89% 206 2.81% 255 3.97% 58.19 MB 2.59%
16 12365 4.12% 10310 4.09% 863 3.58% 257 3.50% 361 5.62% 81.94 MB 3.65%
17 10985 3.66% 9551 3.79% 790 3.27% 271 3.69% 316 4.92% 75.56 MB 3.37%
18 11796 3.93% 9882 3.92% 831 3.44% 270 3.68% 333 5.19% 79.70 MB 3.55%
19 10024 3.34% 8391 3.33% 806 3.34% 244 3.32% 287 4.47% 80.57 MB 3.59%
20 12016 4.00% 10263 4.07% 1089 4.51% 247 3.36% 257 4.00% 170.68 MB 7.60%
21 6886 2.29% 5986 2.37% 1121 4.64% 235 3.20% 212 3.30% 86.26 MB 3.84%
22 8612 2.87% 7251 2.87% 765 3.17% 249 3.39% 262 4.08% 59.43 MB 2.65%
23 11318 3.77% 9644 3.82% 844 3.50% 289 3.94% 280 4.36% 87.39 MB 3.89%
24 12481 4.16% 10209 4.05% 832 3.45% 271 3.69% 342 5.33% 79.01 MB 3.52%
25 11068 3.69% 9654 3.83% 1153 4.78% 237 3.23% 260 4.05% 78.31 MB 3.49%
26 11539 3.84% 9708 3.85% 895 3.71% 260 3.54% 287 4.47% 81.44 MB 3.63%
27 10134 3.38% 7848 3.11% 740 3.07% 243 3.31% 240 3.74% 62.31 MB 2.78%
28 6106 2.03% 5198 2.06% 505 2.09% 184 2.51% 215 3.35% 44.72 MB 1.99%
29 6212 2.07% 5303 2.10% 767 3.18% 205 2.79% 207 3.22% 53.31 MB 2.37%

Hourly usage for November 2015

Hourly Statistics for November 2015
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 167 4862 1.62% 137 3998 1.59% 14 429 1.78% 1.16 MB 33.72 MB 1.50%
1 79 2296 0.76% 60 1753 0.70% 9 280 1.16% 600.38 KB 17.00 MB 0.76%
2 132 3829 1.28% 122 3538 1.40% 14 423 1.75% 997.73 KB 28.26 MB 1.26%
3 38 1112 0.37% 31 908 0.36% 8 252 1.04% 724.66 KB 20.52 MB 0.91%
4 56 1650 0.55% 38 1125 0.45% 18 537 2.23% 495.58 KB 14.04 MB 0.63%
5 65 1896 0.63% 55 1616 0.64% 11 346 1.43% 575.31 KB 16.29 MB 0.73%
6 137 3978 1.33% 106 3078 1.22% 16 488 2.02% 987.34 KB 27.96 MB 1.25%
7 332 9631 3.21% 271 7886 3.13% 27 786 3.26% 2.55 MB 73.82 MB 3.29%
8 499 14483 4.82% 420 12185 4.83% 44 1282 5.31% 4.54 MB 131.72 MB 5.87%
9 568 16493 5.49% 509 14776 5.86% 43 1248 5.17% 3.91 MB 113.40 MB 5.05%
10 608 17640 5.88% 526 15273 6.06% 47 1378 5.71% 4.04 MB 117.24 MB 5.22%
11 645 18729 6.24% 542 15718 6.23% 48 1408 5.83% 4.53 MB 131.26 MB 5.85%
12 610 17693 5.89% 520 15082 5.98% 45 1315 5.45% 4.03 MB 116.79 MB 5.20%
13 526 15282 5.09% 437 12699 5.03% 39 1143 4.74% 3.99 MB 115.71 MB 5.15%
14 632 18345 6.11% 538 15608 6.19% 44 1299 5.38% 4.56 MB 132.25 MB 5.89%
15 584 16940 5.64% 503 14596 5.79% 48 1393 5.77% 4.71 MB 136.69 MB 6.09%
16 553 16042 5.34% 472 13707 5.43% 49 1422 5.89% 3.69 MB 106.90 MB 4.76%
17 686 19920 6.64% 564 16370 6.49% 47 1387 5.75% 4.46 MB 129.32 MB 5.76%
18 785 22770 7.58% 660 19159 7.60% 54 1582 6.56% 7.84 MB 227.36 MB 10.13%
19 656 19027 6.34% 539 15654 6.21% 57 1662 6.89% 4.35 MB 126.11 MB 5.62%
20 676 19620 6.54% 569 16506 6.54% 40 1162 4.81% 5.02 MB 145.65 MB 6.49%
21 567 16451 5.48% 458 13292 5.27% 39 1154 4.78% 3.94 MB 114.14 MB 5.08%
22 488 14159 4.72% 401 11637 4.61% 40 1161 4.81% 3.67 MB 106.35 MB 4.74%
23 254 7377 2.46% 208 6058 2.40% 20 597 2.47% 2.16 MB 62.78 MB 2.80%

Top 30 of 1257 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 16621 5.54% 304.15 MB 13.55% /
2 6359 2.12% 19.01 MB 0.85% /piskotki/contentInfo.html
3 4636 1.54% 46.42 MB 2.07% /stil.css
4 4620 1.54% 130.35 MB 5.81% /piskotki/style.min.css
5 4617 1.54% 2.86 MB 0.13% /include/sl_KValidate.lang.js
6 4613 1.54% 1.64 MB 0.07% /include/okno.js
7 4609 1.54% 1.16 MB 0.05% /include/photoWindow.js
8 4606 1.53% 247.97 MB 11.04% /include/htmlarea3/htmlarea.js
9 4604 1.53% 325.10 KB 0.01% /include/htmlarea.js
10 4603 1.53% 1.00 MB 0.04% /include/KModeChange.lang.js
11 4599 1.53% 74.68 MB 3.33% /include/KValidate.js
12 4595 1.53% 191.25 MB 8.52% /piskotki/plugin.min.js
13 4592 1.53% 33.99 MB 1.51% /include/KModeChange.js
14 4592 1.53% 10.46 MB 0.47% /piskotki/piskotki.js
15 4591 1.53% 5.08 MB 0.23% /include/menu.js
16 4590 1.53% 6.62 MB 0.29% /include/KMain.js
17 4584 1.53% 80.92 MB 3.60% /wz_tooltip.js
18 4577 1.52% 6.98 MB 0.31% /include/KUtil.js
19 4530 1.51% 14.73 MB 0.66% /include/htmlarea3/htmlarea.css
20 4496 1.50% 13.23 MB 0.59% /include/htmlarea3/popupwin.js
21 4494 1.50% 8.00 MB 0.36% /include/htmlarea3/dialog.js
22 4488 1.49% 11.77 MB 0.52% /include/htmlarea3/lang/en.js
23 2535 0.84% 2.71 MB 0.12% /anim.swf
24 215 0.07% 511.31 KB 0.02% /components/photoDisplay.php
25 122 0.04% 3.09 MB 0.14% //////
26 89 0.03% 2.84 MB 0.13% /sub/optika_pregled.doc
27 82 0.03% 2.02 MB 0.09% ////
28 51 0.02% 271.58 KB 0.01% /sub/
29 49 0.02% 815.11 KB 0.04% /sub/images/
30 48 0.02% 106.73 KB 0.00% /sub/menuBG/

Top 10 of 1257 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 16621 5.54% 304.15 MB 13.55% /
2 4606 1.53% 247.97 MB 11.04% /include/htmlarea3/htmlarea.js
3 4595 1.53% 191.25 MB 8.52% /piskotki/plugin.min.js
4 36 0.01% 186.83 MB 8.32% /trening.avi
5 4620 1.54% 130.35 MB 5.81% /piskotki/style.min.css
6 4584 1.53% 80.92 MB 3.60% /wz_tooltip.js
7 4599 1.53% 74.68 MB 3.33% /include/KValidate.js
8 4636 1.54% 46.42 MB 2.07% /stil.css
9 4592 1.53% 33.99 MB 1.51% /include/KModeChange.js
10 6359 2.12% 19.01 MB 0.85% /piskotki/contentInfo.html

Top 10 of 47 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 16621 5.54% 6808 96.27% /
2 6359 2.12% 136 1.92% /piskotki/contentInfo.html
3 47 0.02% 11 0.16% /sub/lece/
4 48 0.02% 11 0.16% /sub/menuBG/
5 49 0.02% 9 0.13% /sub/images/
6 45 0.01% 9 0.13% /sub/znamke/
7 11 0.00% 8 0.11% /sub/sl_reference.htm
8 19 0.01% 7 0.10% /sub/sl_barvni2.htm
9 51 0.02% 6 0.08% /sub/
10 7 0.00% 6 0.08% /sub/sl_ocesnoZrklo.htm

Top 10 of 52 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 16621 5.54% 4358 61.55% /
2 6359 2.12% 2584 36.50% /piskotki/contentInfo.html
3 48 0.02% 18 0.25% /sub/menuBG/
4 49 0.02% 13 0.18% /sub/images/
5 47 0.02% 10 0.14% /sub/lece/
6 45 0.01% 9 0.13% /sub/znamke/
7 19 0.01% 7 0.10% /sub/sl_barvni2.htm
8 11 0.00% 7 0.10% /sub/sl_reference.htm
9 51 0.02% 6 0.08% /sub/
10 5 0.00% 4 0.06% /slike/Katschberg2015/examples/

Top 30 of 6419 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 3091 1.03% 2099 0.83% 15.96 MB 0.71% 44 0.60% Slovenia
2 1446 0.48% 243 0.10% 2.84 MB 0.13% 17 0.23% Slovenia
3 1382 0.46% 155 0.06% 1.40 MB 0.06% 24 0.33% Slovenia
4 1242 0.41% 1086 0.43% 14.66 MB 0.65% 155 2.11% United States
5 1077 0.36% 963 0.38% 6.99 MB 0.31% 15 0.20% Portugal
6 960 0.32% 933 0.37% 6.76 MB 0.30% 13 0.18% Portugal
7 867 0.29% 667 0.26% 4.72 MB 0.21% 12 0.16% Slovenia
8 833 0.28% 775 0.31% 19.55 MB 0.87% 9 0.12% Slovenia
9 812 0.27% 791 0.31% 5.79 MB 0.26% 9 0.12% Portugal
10 649 0.22% 631 0.25% 4.09 MB 0.18% 10 0.14% Portugal
11 593 0.20% 577 0.23% 4.54 MB 0.20% 10 0.14% Portugal
12 547 0.18% 537 0.21% 3.75 MB 0.17% 6 0.08% Slovenia
13 544 0.18% 535 0.21% 4.22 MB 0.19% 7 0.10% Portugal
14 534 0.18% 407 0.16% 6.57 MB 0.29% 159 2.17% United States
15 532 0.18% 337 0.13% 2.89 MB 0.13% 4 0.05% Slovenia
16 518 0.17% 388 0.15% 6.43 MB 0.29% 152 2.07% United States
17 514 0.17% 504 0.20% 3.46 MB 0.15% 1 0.01% United States
18 485 0.16% 479 0.19% 3.92 MB 0.17% 9 0.12% Slovenia
19 483 0.16% 479 0.19% 2.18 MB 0.10% 26 0.35% Slovenia
20 481 0.16% 260 0.10% 16.29 MB 0.73% 201 2.74% United States
21 474 0.16% 465 0.18% 3.25 MB 0.14% 1 0.01% United States
22 456 0.15% 456 0.18% 3.91 MB 0.17% 18 0.25% United States
23 439 0.15% 431 0.17% 3.86 MB 0.17% 4 0.05% Slovenia
24 431 0.14% 424 0.17% 2.83 MB 0.13% 1 0.01% United States
25 424 0.14% 300 0.12% 2.38 MB 0.11% 3 0.04% Slovenia
26 419 0.14% 226 0.09% 4.86 MB 0.22% 181 2.47% United States
27 413 0.14% 405 0.16% 2.76 MB 0.12% 4 0.05% Slovenia
28 412 0.14% 350 0.14% 2.66 MB 0.12% 6 0.08% Slovenia
29 400 0.13% 399 0.16% 4.73 MB 0.21% 1 0.01% United States
30 384 0.13% 270 0.11% 2.75 MB 0.12% 2 0.03% Slovenia

Top 10 of 6419 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 196 0.07% 136 0.05% 111.59 MB 4.97% 2 0.03% Slovenia
2 198 0.07% 145 0.06% 24.87 MB 1.11% 126 1.72% United States
3 833 0.28% 775 0.31% 19.55 MB 0.87% 9 0.12% Slovenia
4 481 0.16% 260 0.10% 16.29 MB 0.73% 201 2.74% United States
5 3091 1.03% 2099 0.83% 15.96 MB 0.71% 44 0.60% Slovenia
6 237 0.08% 237 0.09% 15.90 MB 0.71% 1 0.01% Germany
7 253 0.08% 241 0.10% 14.81 MB 0.66% 2 0.03% Germany
8 1242 0.41% 1086 0.43% 14.66 MB 0.65% 155 2.11% United States
9 273 0.09% 201 0.08% 12.28 MB 0.55% 3 0.04% United States
10 103 0.03% 100 0.04% 11.67 MB 0.52% 1 0.01% United Kingdom

Top 30 of 308 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 17927 5.97% - (Direct Request)
2 4600 1.53%
3 985 0.33%
4 950 0.32%
5 693 0.23%
6 562 0.19%
7 298 0.10%
8 206 0.07%
9 147 0.05%
10 143 0.05%
11 133 0.04%
12 127 0.04%
13 77 0.03%
14 51 0.02%
15 46 0.02%
16 41 0.01%
17 39 0.01%
18 39 0.01%
19 36 0.01%
20 32 0.01%
21 32 0.01%
22 25 0.01%
23 24 0.01%
24 22 0.01%
25 22 0.01%
26 21 0.01%
27 18 0.01%
28 18 0.01%
29 15 0.00%
30 15 0.00%

Top 13 of 13 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 2 11.11% oblačila obutev modni dodatki modni dodatki sončna očala
2 2 11.11% okulist dr. božič ljubljanska 24
3 2 11.11% optika pirc
4 2 11.11% pterigij
5 2 11.11% ray ban očala maribor
6 1 5.56% bolezen glavkom zelena mrena
7 1 5.56% okulist dr. bo žič ljublanska 24
8 1 5.56% optika novak murska sobota
9 1 5.56% optika sentina v mariboru
10 1 5.56% optika šuc maribor
11 1 5.56% opttikas rayi ban
12 1 5.56% sestava ocesa
13 1 5.56% vnetje ocesa

Top 15 of 1701 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 13862 4.62% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.86 Safari/537.36
2 11297 3.76% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
3 10569 3.52% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.80 Safari/537.36
4 9990 3.33% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:42.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/42.0
5 9884 3.29% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.1
6 7653 2.55% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.86 Safari/537.36
7 7500 2.50% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.86 Safari/537.36
8 6638 2.21% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
9 6544 2.18% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.80 Safari/537.36
10 5926 1.97% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.80 Safari/537.36
11 5870 1.96% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.86 Safari/537.36
12 4742 1.58% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:42.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/42.0
13 4638 1.54% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/27.0.1453.116 Safari/537.36 HubSpot Webcrawler
14 4415 1.47% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.86 Safari/537.36
15 4375 1.46% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.80 Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for November 2015

Top 30 of 68 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 183113 60.99% 155452 61.63% 1.28 GB 58.23% Slovenia
2 68197 22.72% 54169 21.48% 435.16 MB 19.38% Unresolved/Unknown
3 26509 8.83% 22648 8.98% 277.95 MB 12.38% United States
4 4930 1.64% 4719 1.87% 34.38 MB 1.53% Portugal
5 2746 0.91% 2371 0.94% 19.98 MB 0.89% Italy
6 2447 0.82% 2205 0.87% 50.72 MB 2.26% Germany
7 2370 0.79% 2125 0.84% 16.18 MB 0.72% Croatia
8 1924 0.64% 1770 0.70% 25.08 MB 1.12% United Kingdom
9 1331 0.44% 1245 0.49% 10.49 MB 0.47% Russian Federation
10 1113 0.37% 960 0.38% 7.52 MB 0.33% Austria
11 1047 0.35% 968 0.38% 7.38 MB 0.33% Serbia
12 678 0.23% 563 0.22% 7.56 MB 0.34% France
13 490 0.16% 413 0.16% 11.89 MB 0.53% Czech Republic
14 344 0.11% 341 0.14% 2.56 MB 0.11% Canada
15 309 0.10% 304 0.12% 2.40 MB 0.11% Bosnia and Herzegovina
16 306 0.10% 254 0.10% 1.74 MB 0.08% Greece
17 301 0.10% 260 0.10% 1.93 MB 0.09% Switzerland
18 251 0.08% 220 0.09% 4.04 MB 0.18% Asia/Pacific Region
19 217 0.07% 169 0.07% 1.29 MB 0.06% Luxembourg
20 198 0.07% 186 0.07% 1.50 MB 0.07% Sweden
21 180 0.06% 132 0.05% 1.34 MB 0.06% Netherlands
22 159 0.05% 111 0.04% 774.35 KB 0.03% Kuwait
23 140 0.05% 136 0.05% 1.47 MB 0.07% Macedonia
24 123 0.04% 122 0.05% 2.91 MB 0.13% Slovakia
25 108 0.04% 95 0.04% 1.53 MB 0.07% China
26 96 0.03% 95 0.04% 882.20 KB 0.04% Belgium
27 96 0.03% 92 0.04% 892.60 KB 0.04% Brazil
28 81 0.03% 67 0.03% 835.94 KB 0.04% Japan
29 61 0.02% 58 0.02% 396.04 KB 0.02% Montenegro
30 60 0.02% 55 0.02% 409.76 KB 0.02% Bulgaria

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)