Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: February 2013
Generated 01-Mar-2013 04:40 CET
GEO-106FREE 20090701 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for February 2013
Total Hits 9128
Total Files 7663
Total Pages 4076
Total Visits 1323
Total KBytes 124.36 MB
Total Unique Sites 390
Total Unique URLs 633
Total Unique Referrers 81
Total Unique User Agents 153
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 13 332
Hits per Day 326 1045
Files per Day 273 981
Pages per Day 145 489
Visits per Day 47 75
KBytes per Day 4.44 MB 16.79 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 7663
Code 206 - Partial Content 24
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 1
Code 304 - Not Modified 274
Code 403 - Forbidden 2
Code 404 - Not Found 1164

Daily usage for February 2013

Daily Statistics for February 2013
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 596 6.53% 541 7.06% 271 6.65% 43 3.25% 31 7.95% 6.31 MB 5.07%
2 354 3.88% 314 4.10% 88 2.16% 55 4.16% 29 7.44% 9.23 MB 7.42%
3 375 4.11% 339 4.42% 128 3.14% 28 2.12% 22 5.64% 4.60 MB 3.70%
4 194 2.13% 151 1.97% 63 1.55% 35 2.65% 31 7.95% 1.95 MB 1.57%
5 326 3.57% 275 3.59% 103 2.53% 54 4.08% 36 9.23% 3.00 MB 2.41%
6 189 2.07% 144 1.88% 79 1.94% 39 2.95% 19 4.87% 2.41 MB 1.94%
7 493 5.40% 402 5.25% 97 2.38% 47 3.55% 45 11.54% 7.12 MB 5.73%
8 434 4.75% 396 5.17% 234 5.74% 44 3.33% 24 6.15% 4.75 MB 3.82%
9 266 2.91% 217 2.83% 80 1.96% 44 3.33% 20 5.13% 2.52 MB 2.02%
10 195 2.14% 144 1.88% 77 1.89% 58 4.38% 24 6.15% 1.71 MB 1.37%
11 385 4.22% 286 3.73% 98 2.40% 55 4.16% 26 6.67% 4.85 MB 3.90%
12 197 2.16% 154 2.01% 107 2.63% 57 4.31% 28 7.18% 2.88 MB 2.32%
13 250 2.74% 198 2.58% 106 2.60% 41 3.10% 28 7.18% 3.82 MB 3.07%
14 498 5.46% 420 5.48% 329 8.07% 53 4.01% 29 7.44% 7.06 MB 5.68%
15 151 1.65% 106 1.38% 59 1.45% 32 2.42% 24 6.15% 2.69 MB 2.16%
16 95 1.04% 62 0.81% 49 1.20% 30 2.27% 19 4.87% 1.45 MB 1.16%
17 525 5.75% 468 6.11% 332 8.15% 53 4.01% 23 5.90% 5.54 MB 4.46%
18 308 3.37% 266 3.47% 128 3.14% 58 4.38% 22 5.64% 4.37 MB 3.51%
19 372 4.08% 332 4.33% 241 5.91% 47 3.55% 26 6.67% 5.10 MB 4.10%
20 223 2.44% 171 2.23% 86 2.11% 40 3.02% 20 5.13% 3.64 MB 2.93%
21 312 3.42% 255 3.33% 172 4.22% 49 3.70% 39 10.00% 4.52 MB 3.63%
22 271 2.97% 214 2.79% 168 4.12% 51 3.85% 32 8.21% 5.01 MB 4.03%
23 182 1.99% 135 1.76% 67 1.64% 42 3.17% 28 7.18% 3.76 MB 3.02%
24 196 2.15% 148 1.93% 88 2.16% 46 3.48% 29 7.44% 1.57 MB 1.26%
25 170 1.86% 119 1.55% 64 1.57% 43 3.25% 29 7.44% 2.79 MB 2.24%
26 203 2.22% 150 1.96% 80 1.96% 40 3.02% 30 7.69% 1.34 MB 1.08%
27 323 3.54% 275 3.59% 193 4.74% 68 5.14% 36 9.23% 3.60 MB 2.89%
28 1045 11.45% 981 12.80% 489 12.00% 75 5.67% 40 10.26% 16.79 MB 13.50%

Hourly usage for February 2013

Hourly Statistics for February 2013
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 20 574 6.29% 16 455 5.94% 7 197 4.83% 275.67 KB 7.54 MB 6.06%
1 6 188 2.06% 4 129 1.68% 4 118 2.89% 107.55 KB 2.94 MB 2.36%
2 7 217 2.38% 6 186 2.43% 4 126 3.09% 81.77 KB 2.24 MB 1.80%
3 7 205 2.25% 5 146 1.91% 4 129 3.16% 133.33 KB 3.65 MB 2.93%
4 5 161 1.76% 4 130 1.70% 3 110 2.70% 117.84 KB 3.22 MB 2.59%
5 4 138 1.51% 2 81 1.06% 2 70 1.72% 117.60 KB 3.22 MB 2.59%
6 7 219 2.40% 7 199 2.60% 5 166 4.07% 98.29 KB 2.69 MB 2.16%
7 6 168 1.84% 3 102 1.33% 2 67 1.64% 70.09 KB 1.92 MB 1.54%
8 12 356 3.90% 10 300 3.91% 7 218 5.35% 130.59 KB 3.57 MB 2.87%
9 15 431 4.72% 12 358 4.67% 8 235 5.77% 157.83 KB 4.32 MB 3.47%
10 21 610 6.68% 19 547 7.14% 8 229 5.62% 470.90 KB 12.88 MB 10.35%
11 18 511 5.60% 16 456 5.95% 5 150 3.68% 149.91 KB 4.10 MB 3.30%
12 17 484 5.30% 15 434 5.66% 5 152 3.73% 162.72 KB 4.45 MB 3.58%
13 17 493 5.40% 15 426 5.56% 6 183 4.49% 249.89 KB 6.83 MB 5.49%
14 14 393 4.31% 11 333 4.35% 4 135 3.31% 224.47 KB 6.14 MB 4.94%
15 12 354 3.88% 9 262 3.42% 3 97 2.38% 154.40 KB 4.22 MB 3.39%
16 14 401 4.39% 12 357 4.66% 5 146 3.58% 202.62 KB 5.54 MB 4.45%
17 10 288 3.16% 8 229 2.99% 4 112 2.75% 74.09 KB 2.03 MB 1.63%
18 24 693 7.59% 22 643 8.39% 17 496 12.17% 361.59 KB 9.89 MB 7.95%
19 9 274 3.00% 6 190 2.48% 3 88 2.16% 193.22 KB 5.28 MB 4.25%
20 13 391 4.28% 12 338 4.41% 5 143 3.51% 311.70 KB 8.52 MB 6.85%
21 31 892 9.77% 29 818 10.67% 15 438 10.75% 414.27 KB 11.33 MB 9.11%
22 11 329 3.60% 9 274 3.58% 5 153 3.75% 140.46 KB 3.84 MB 3.09%
23 12 358 3.92% 9 270 3.52% 4 118 2.89% 147.41 KB 4.03 MB 3.24%

Top 30 of 633 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 775 8.49% 23.62 MB 19.00% /getdata.php
2 567 6.21% 1.78 MB 1.43% /
3 247 2.71% 3.33 MB 2.68% /category_order.php
4 109 1.19% 120.06 KB 0.09% /stil.css
5 75 0.82% 1.01 MB 0.81% /800x600/category_order.php
6 65 0.71% 553.35 KB 0.43% /dejavnosti.htm
7 59 0.65% 614.36 KB 0.48% /podrocja.htm
8 57 0.62% 240.97 KB 0.19% /sorodstva.htm
9 54 0.59% 279.00 KB 0.22% /kontakti.htm
10 54 0.59% 275.12 KB 0.22% /podjetje.htm
11 51 0.56% 175.91 KB 0.14% /800x600/
12 33 0.36% 430.84 KB 0.34% /prodaja.htm
13 32 0.35% 223.39 KB 0.18% /izposoja.htm
14 32 0.35% 271.95 KB 0.21% /osebe.htm
15 27 0.30% 10.52 MB 8.46% /lali2.swf
16 27 0.30% 227.70 KB 0.18% /reference.htm
17 26 0.28% 268.57 KB 0.21% /audio08.htm
18 26 0.28% 290.09 KB 0.23% /broadcast.htm
19 23 0.25% 256.89 KB 0.20% /audio09.htm
20 22 0.24% 117.04 KB 0.09% /800x600/kontakti.htm
21 21 0.23% 223.08 KB 0.18% /audio06.htm
22 21 0.23% 221.86 KB 0.17% /audio07.htm
23 21 0.23% 7.83 MB 6.30% /lali3.swf
24 21 0.23% 235.51 KB 0.18% /multimedia.htm
25 21 0.23% 123.84 KB 0.10% /opisdej.htm
26 20 0.22% 228.48 KB 0.18% /800x600/podrocja.htm
27 20 0.22% 221.90 KB 0.17% /audio01.htm
28 20 0.22% 221.86 KB 0.17% /audio10.htm
29 20 0.22% 180.67 KB 0.14% /meritve.htm
30 19 0.21% 91.08 KB 0.07% /800x600/sorodstva.htm

Top 10 of 633 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 775 8.49% 23.62 MB 19.00% /getdata.php
2 27 0.30% 10.52 MB 8.46% /lali2.swf
3 21 0.23% 7.83 MB 6.30% /lali3.swf
4 19 0.21% 7.72 MB 6.21% /lali1.swf
5 14 0.15% 5.46 MB 4.39% /lali5.swf
6 13 0.14% 3.45 MB 2.77% /lali4.swf
7 247 2.71% 3.33 MB 2.68% /category_order.php
8 14 0.15% 3.05 MB 2.45% /lali6.swf
9 5 0.05% 1.95 MB 1.57% /800x600/lali2.swf
10 5 0.05% 1.95 MB 1.57% /800x600/lali5.swf

Top 10 of 232 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 567 6.21% 474 36.21% /
2 51 0.56% 28 2.14% /800x600/
3 33 0.36% 15 1.15% /prodaja.htm
4 27 0.30% 15 1.15% /reference.htm
5 57 0.62% 14 1.07% /sorodstva.htm
6 65 0.71% 12 0.92% /dejavnosti.htm
7 32 0.35% 12 0.92% /izposoja.htm
8 23 0.25% 11 0.84% /audio09.htm
9 32 0.35% 11 0.84% /osebe.htm
10 26 0.28% 10 0.76% /audio08.htm

Top 10 of 230 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 567 6.21% 367 29.50% /
2 57 0.62% 32 2.57% /sorodstva.htm
3 65 0.71% 22 1.77% /dejavnosti.htm
4 51 0.56% 18 1.45% /800x600/
5 32 0.35% 15 1.21% /izposoja.htm
6 54 0.59% 15 1.21% /kontakti.htm
7 59 0.65% 15 1.21% /podrocja.htm
8 33 0.36% 14 1.13% /prodaja.htm
9 26 0.28% 12 0.96% /audio08.htm
10 26 0.28% 12 0.96% /broadcast.htm

Top 30 of 390 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 2000 21.91% 1837 23.97% 25.39 MB 20.41% 89 6.73% Slovenia
2 464 5.08% 296 3.86% 7.74 MB 6.22% 168 12.70% United States
3 377 4.13% 241 3.14% 2.65 MB 2.13% 132 9.98% United States
4 318 3.48% 283 3.69% 16.14 MB 12.98% 84 6.35% Russian Federation
5 304 3.33% 188 2.45% 2.09 MB 1.68% 111 8.39% United States
6 274 3.00% 270 3.52% 2.96 MB 2.38% 1 0.08% Netherlands
7 253 2.77% 251 3.28% 2.77 MB 2.23% 1 0.08% Unresolved/Unknown
8 210 2.30% 209 2.73% 6.30 MB 5.07% 1 0.08% Slovenia
9 184 2.02% 121 1.58% 4.30 MB 3.46% 78 5.90% United States
10 162 1.77% 118 1.54% 3.77 MB 3.03% 1 0.08% Unresolved/Unknown
11 148 1.62% 140 1.83% 1.26 MB 1.01% 1 0.08% Slovenia
12 141 1.54% 131 1.71% 3.18 MB 2.56% 1 0.08% Slovenia
13 112 1.23% 112 1.46% 1.19 MB 0.96% 2 0.15% Unresolved/Unknown
14 110 1.21% 108 1.41% 1.88 MB 1.51% 2 0.15% Slovenia
15 105 1.15% 102 1.33% 1.13 MB 0.91% 1 0.08% Unresolved/Unknown
16 89 0.98% 88 1.15% 963.67 KB 0.76% 1 0.08% United Kingdom
17 85 0.93% 83 1.08% 501.12 KB 0.39% 2 0.15% Unresolved/Unknown
18 83 0.91% 63 0.82% 215.34 KB 0.17% 61 4.61% China
19 82 0.90% 80 1.04% 887.18 KB 0.70% 2 0.15% United States
20 79 0.87% 67 0.87% 2.27 MB 1.82% 41 3.10% Unresolved/Unknown
21 74 0.81% 72 0.94% 818.93 KB 0.64% 1 0.08% Unresolved/Unknown
22 72 0.79% 70 0.91% 280.49 KB 0.22% 1 0.08% Slovenia
23 68 0.74% 67 0.87% 1.37 MB 1.10% 1 0.08% Slovenia
24 64 0.70% 43 0.56% 285.80 KB 0.22% 1 0.08% Slovenia
25 63 0.69% 57 0.74% 505.95 KB 0.40% 1 0.08% Unresolved/Unknown
26 63 0.69% 61 0.80% 484.68 KB 0.38% 1 0.08% Slovenia
27 60 0.66% 58 0.76% 1.18 MB 0.95% 1 0.08% Unresolved/Unknown
28 60 0.66% 38 0.50% 731.38 KB 0.57% 15 1.13% United States
29 60 0.66% 58 0.76% 579.89 KB 0.46% 1 0.08% Slovenia
30 58 0.64% 36 0.47% 249.31 KB 0.20% 23 1.74% United States

Top 10 of 390 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 2000 21.91% 1837 23.97% 25.39 MB 20.41% 89 6.73% Slovenia
2 318 3.48% 283 3.69% 16.14 MB 12.98% 84 6.35% Russian Federation
3 464 5.08% 296 3.86% 7.74 MB 6.22% 168 12.70% United States
4 210 2.30% 209 2.73% 6.30 MB 5.07% 1 0.08% Slovenia
5 184 2.02% 121 1.58% 4.30 MB 3.46% 78 5.90% United States
6 162 1.77% 118 1.54% 3.77 MB 3.03% 1 0.08% Unresolved/Unknown
7 141 1.54% 131 1.71% 3.18 MB 2.56% 1 0.08% Slovenia
8 274 3.00% 270 3.52% 2.96 MB 2.38% 1 0.08% Netherlands
9 253 2.77% 251 3.28% 2.77 MB 2.23% 1 0.08% Unresolved/Unknown
10 377 4.13% 241 3.14% 2.65 MB 2.13% 132 9.98% United States

Top 20 of 81 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 6253 68.50% - (Direct Request)
2 29 0.32%
3 13 0.14%
4 7 0.08%
5 6 0.07%
6 5 0.05%
7 4 0.04%
8 4 0.04%
9 3 0.03%
10 2 0.02%
11 2 0.02%
12 1 0.01%
13 1 0.01%
14 1 0.01%
15 1 0.01%
16 1 0.01%
17 1 0.01%
18 1 0.01%
19 1 0.01%
20 1 0.01%

Top 3 of 3 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 1 33.33% lali sound
2 1 33.33%
3 1 33.33% studio maribor snemalni

Top 15 of 153 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 2000 21.91% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible;
2 681 7.46% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Ezooms/1.0;
3 511 5.60% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
4 505 5.53% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.3;
5 365 4.00% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +
6 325 3.56% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/24.0.1312.57 Safari/537.17
7 274 3.00% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; WBSearchBot/1.1; +
8 264 2.89% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +
9 253 2.77% Aboundex/0.2 (
10 252 2.76% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:19.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/19.0
11 239 2.62% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/4.0; +
12 207 2.27% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)
13 167 1.83% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:19.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/19.0
14 148 1.62% Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 6.1) Presto/2.12.388 Version/12.12
15 141 1.54% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)

Usage by Country for February 2013

Top 30 of 35 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 4098 44.89% 3780 49.33% 53.77 MB 43.24% Slovenia
2 2108 23.09% 1400 18.27% 29.18 MB 23.46% United States
3 1756 19.24% 1556 20.31% 18.87 MB 15.17% Unresolved/Unknown
4 340 3.72% 291 3.80% 16.17 MB 13.00% Russian Federation
5 299 3.28% 292 3.81% 3.13 MB 2.51% Netherlands
6 150 1.64% 94 1.23% 319.70 KB 0.25% China
7 95 1.04% 91 1.19% 974.57 KB 0.77% United Kingdom
8 43 0.47% 2 0.03% 9.09 KB 0.01% Sweden
9 32 0.35% 31 0.40% 191.80 KB 0.15% Italy
10 30 0.33% 21 0.27% 96.11 KB 0.08% Canada
11 27 0.30% 15 0.20% 53.85 KB 0.04% Asia/Pacific Region
12 26 0.28% 17 0.22% 98.00 KB 0.08% France
13 21 0.23% 20 0.26% 290.27 KB 0.23% Serbia
14 20 0.22% 20 0.26% 942.13 KB 0.74% Hong Kong
15 16 0.18% 12 0.16% 73.76 KB 0.06% Germany
16 10 0.11% 9 0.12% 103.92 KB 0.08% Finland
17 9 0.10% 8 0.10% 60.12 KB 0.05% Norway
18 9 0.10% 3 0.04% 26.89 KB 0.02% Ukraine
19 5 0.05% 5 0.07% 24.80 KB 0.02% Japan
20 4 0.04% 3 0.04% 10.49 KB 0.01% Brazil
21 4 0.04% 2 0.03% 7.27 KB 0.01% Poland
22 3 0.03% 3 0.04% 6.90 KB 0.01% Lithuania
23 3 0.03% 2 0.03% 7.06 KB 0.01% Romania
24 2 0.02% 1 0.01% 3.63 KB 0.00% Bangladesh
25 2 0.02% 1 0.01% 1.33 KB 0.00% Czech Republic
26 2 0.02% 1 0.01% 3.63 KB 0.00% Egypt
27 2 0.02% 1 0.01% 3.63 KB 0.00% Indonesia
28 2 0.02% 1 0.01% 3.63 KB 0.00% Korea, Republic of
29 2 0.02% 1 0.01% 3.63 KB 0.00% Lebanon
30 2 0.02% 1 0.01% 3.63 KB 0.00% Peru

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)