Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: November 2012
Generated 01-Dec-2012 04:40 CET
GEO-106FREE 20090701 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for November 2012
Total Hits 9127
Total Files 7494
Total Pages 3868
Total Visits 1195
Total KBytes 97.04 MB
Total Unique Sites 420
Total Unique URLs 618
Total Unique Referrers 92
Total Unique User Agents 146
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 12 277
Hits per Day 304 695
Files per Day 249 662
Pages per Day 128 324
Visits per Day 39 149
KBytes per Day 3.23 MB 6.17 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 7494
Code 302 - Found 12
Code 304 - Not Modified 617
Code 400 - Bad Request 1
Code 404 - Not Found 1003

Daily usage for November 2012

Daily Statistics for November 2012
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 305 3.34% 137 1.83% 180 4.65% 47 3.93% 34 8.10% 717.34 KB 0.72%
2 320 3.51% 242 3.23% 188 4.86% 149 12.47% 96 22.86% 4.09 MB 4.22%
3 86 0.94% 57 0.76% 36 0.93% 31 2.59% 25 5.95% 1.57 MB 1.62%
4 429 4.70% 385 5.14% 197 5.09% 37 3.10% 20 4.76% 3.12 MB 3.22%
5 412 4.51% 312 4.16% 224 5.79% 50 4.18% 27 6.43% 3.46 MB 3.56%
6 270 2.96% 221 2.95% 82 2.12% 33 2.76% 22 5.24% 4.70 MB 4.84%
7 351 3.85% 295 3.94% 70 1.81% 42 3.51% 37 8.81% 5.48 MB 5.65%
8 305 3.34% 253 3.38% 72 1.86% 44 3.68% 37 8.81% 2.71 MB 2.79%
9 386 4.23% 328 4.38% 150 3.88% 50 4.18% 42 10.00% 5.65 MB 5.83%
10 109 1.19% 71 0.95% 57 1.47% 34 2.85% 25 5.95% 896.06 KB 0.90%
11 102 1.12% 62 0.83% 55 1.42% 28 2.34% 15 3.57% 489.88 KB 0.49%
12 206 2.26% 111 1.48% 113 2.92% 31 2.59% 21 5.00% 1.21 MB 1.25%
13 268 2.94% 224 2.99% 87 2.25% 28 2.34% 21 5.00% 3.99 MB 4.11%
14 317 3.47% 257 3.43% 60 1.55% 31 2.59% 24 5.71% 5.25 MB 5.41%
15 430 4.71% 375 5.00% 292 7.55% 32 2.68% 39 9.29% 5.36 MB 5.52%
16 151 1.65% 112 1.49% 47 1.22% 27 2.26% 20 4.76% 553.42 KB 0.56%
17 321 3.52% 257 3.43% 45 1.16% 27 2.26% 22 5.24% 3.47 MB 3.58%
18 258 2.83% 221 2.95% 137 3.54% 29 2.43% 23 5.48% 3.62 MB 3.73%
19 94 1.03% 61 0.81% 41 1.06% 20 1.67% 21 5.00% 1.52 MB 1.56%
20 457 5.01% 359 4.79% 204 5.27% 35 2.93% 26 6.19% 3.78 MB 3.90%
21 475 5.20% 416 5.55% 195 5.04% 58 4.85% 39 9.29% 3.81 MB 3.93%
22 599 6.56% 568 7.58% 270 6.98% 62 5.19% 44 10.48% 6.17 MB 6.36%
23 500 5.48% 451 6.02% 324 8.38% 43 3.60% 41 9.76% 4.96 MB 5.11%
24 119 1.30% 92 1.23% 68 1.76% 22 1.84% 20 4.76% 1.55 MB 1.59%
25 193 2.11% 149 1.99% 61 1.58% 33 2.76% 26 6.19% 2.98 MB 3.08%
26 64 0.70% 36 0.48% 30 0.78% 25 2.09% 23 5.48% 202.46 KB 0.20%
27 253 2.77% 196 2.62% 46 1.19% 32 2.68% 28 6.67% 2.03 MB 2.09%
28 695 7.61% 662 8.83% 274 7.08% 34 2.85% 34 8.10% 6.00 MB 6.18%
29 468 5.13% 435 5.80% 209 5.40% 50 4.18% 34 8.10% 4.14 MB 4.26%
30 184 2.02% 149 1.99% 54 1.40% 32 2.68% 20 4.76% 3.63 MB 3.74%

Hourly usage for November 2012

Hourly Statistics for November 2012
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 6 207 2.27% 5 175 2.34% 3 91 2.35% 49.48 KB 1.45 MB 1.49%
1 22 669 7.33% 18 567 7.57% 13 405 10.47% 251.50 KB 7.37 MB 7.59%
2 10 318 3.48% 8 241 3.22% 6 193 4.99% 82.39 KB 2.41 MB 2.49%
3 8 259 2.84% 7 216 2.88% 5 161 4.16% 68.01 KB 1.99 MB 2.05%
4 10 311 3.41% 8 264 3.52% 7 212 5.48% 105.25 KB 3.08 MB 3.18%
5 7 231 2.53% 6 189 2.52% 2 67 1.73% 85.46 KB 2.50 MB 2.58%
6 11 330 3.62% 9 286 3.82% 6 208 5.38% 125.10 KB 3.67 MB 3.78%
7 11 336 3.68% 9 290 3.87% 5 178 4.60% 126.75 KB 3.71 MB 3.83%
8 6 209 2.29% 5 177 2.36% 2 87 2.25% 86.16 KB 2.52 MB 2.60%
9 7 218 2.39% 5 165 2.20% 1 52 1.34% 62.91 KB 1.84 MB 1.90%
10 11 353 3.87% 10 306 4.08% 3 111 2.87% 160.66 KB 4.71 MB 4.85%
11 8 249 2.73% 6 192 2.56% 2 67 1.73% 95.54 KB 2.80 MB 2.88%
12 21 646 7.08% 17 530 7.07% 7 234 6.05% 223.77 KB 6.56 MB 6.76%
13 18 545 5.97% 15 479 6.39% 2 81 2.09% 194.23 KB 5.69 MB 5.86%
14 21 644 7.06% 17 533 7.11% 5 179 4.63% 196.63 KB 5.76 MB 5.94%
15 8 246 2.70% 5 153 2.04% 4 137 3.54% 65.35 KB 1.91 MB 1.97%
16 10 323 3.54% 8 264 3.52% 6 199 5.14% 127.65 KB 3.74 MB 3.85%
17 15 471 5.16% 13 392 5.23% 5 152 3.93% 218.37 KB 6.40 MB 6.59%
18 10 320 3.51% 8 259 3.46% 3 98 2.53% 112.64 KB 3.30 MB 3.40%
19 16 480 5.26% 13 405 5.40% 6 184 4.76% 173.89 KB 5.09 MB 5.25%
20 14 447 4.90% 12 375 5.00% 7 213 5.51% 124.00 KB 3.63 MB 3.74%
21 20 625 6.85% 18 559 7.46% 12 380 9.82% 183.91 KB 5.39 MB 5.55%
22 9 290 3.18% 5 172 2.30% 2 86 2.22% 75.04 KB 2.20 MB 2.27%
23 13 400 4.38% 10 305 4.07% 3 93 2.40% 317.62 KB 9.31 MB 9.59%

Top 30 of 618 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 698 7.65% 16.77 MB 17.29% /getdata.php
2 523 5.73% 1.64 MB 1.69% /
3 270 2.96% 3.64 MB 3.75% /category_order.php
4 140 1.53% 140.26 KB 0.14% /stil.css
5 78 0.85% 1.05 MB 1.08% /800x600/category_order.php
6 72 0.79% 368.29 KB 0.37% /kontakti.htm
7 63 0.69% 671.24 KB 0.68% /podrocja.htm
8 58 0.64% 298.53 KB 0.30% /podjetje.htm
9 53 0.58% 444.49 KB 0.45% /dejavnosti.htm
10 51 0.56% 240.97 KB 0.24% /sorodstva.htm
11 43 0.47% 558.50 KB 0.56% /prodaja.htm
12 40 0.44% 137.97 KB 0.14% /800x600/
13 40 0.44% 387.08 KB 0.39% /reference.htm
14 35 0.38% 305.94 KB 0.31% /osebe.htm
15 32 0.35% 250.20 KB 0.25% /izposoja.htm
16 30 0.33% 178.88 KB 0.18% /opisdej.htm
17 25 0.27% 257.86 KB 0.26% /studio.htm
18 24 0.26% 235.51 KB 0.24% /multimedia.htm
19 24 0.26% 231.21 KB 0.23% /video.htm
20 23 0.25% 233.57 KB 0.24% /audio01.htm
21 23 0.25% 233.54 KB 0.24% /audio02.htm
22 23 0.25% 221.86 KB 0.22% /audio03.htm
23 23 0.25% 223.08 KB 0.22% /audio06.htm
24 23 0.25% 220.47 KB 0.22% /broadcast.htm
25 23 0.25% 183.83 KB 0.18% /prevajanja.htm
26 22 0.24% 210.18 KB 0.21% /audio05.htm
27 21 0.23% 210.18 KB 0.21% /audio08.htm
28 21 0.23% 221.86 KB 0.22% /audio09.htm
29 21 0.23% 210.18 KB 0.21% /audio10.htm
30 20 0.22% 186.83 KB 0.19% /audio07.htm

Top 10 of 618 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 698 7.65% 16.77 MB 17.29% /getdata.php
2 15 0.16% 5.87 MB 6.05% /lali3.swf
3 12 0.13% 4.68 MB 4.82% /lali5.swf
4 12 0.13% 4.29 MB 4.42% /lali2.swf
5 270 2.96% 3.64 MB 3.75% /category_order.php
6 16 0.18% 3.48 MB 3.59% /lali6.swf
7 8 0.09% 3.25 MB 3.35% /lali1.swf
8 9 0.10% 2.39 MB 2.46% /lali4.swf
9 10 0.11% 1.79 MB 1.85% /lali7.swf
10 523 5.73% 1.64 MB 1.69% /

Top 10 of 223 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 523 5.73% 445 37.62% /
2 72 0.79% 20 1.69% /kontakti.htm
3 63 0.69% 18 1.52% /podrocja.htm
4 43 0.47% 18 1.52% /prodaja.htm
5 40 0.44% 18 1.52% /reference.htm
6 40 0.44% 16 1.35% /800x600/
7 32 0.35% 13 1.10% /izposoja.htm
8 17 0.19% 11 0.93% /800x600/dejavnosti.htm
9 35 0.38% 11 0.93% /osebe.htm
10 51 0.56% 11 0.93% /sorodstva.htm

Top 10 of 219 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 523 5.73% 378 32.47% /
2 72 0.79% 26 2.23% /kontakti.htm
3 63 0.69% 22 1.89% /podrocja.htm
4 40 0.44% 19 1.63% /800x600/
5 40 0.44% 19 1.63% /reference.htm
6 51 0.56% 19 1.63% /sorodstva.htm
7 58 0.64% 16 1.37% /podjetje.htm
8 32 0.35% 15 1.29% /izposoja.htm
9 43 0.47% 15 1.29% /prodaja.htm
10 53 0.58% 12 1.03% /dejavnosti.htm

Top 30 of 420 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 2070 22.68% 1890 25.22% 19.58 MB 20.17% 103 8.62% Slovenia
2 453 4.96% 230 3.07% 7.15 MB 7.37% 97 8.12% United States
3 288 3.16% 177 2.36% 1.95 MB 2.01% 104 8.70% United States
4 276 3.02% 166 2.22% 1.87 MB 1.92% 102 8.54% United States
5 274 3.00% 270 3.60% 2.96 MB 3.05% 1 0.08% Netherlands
6 252 2.76% 246 3.28% 2.25 MB 2.31% 3 0.25% Slovenia
7 219 2.40% 133 1.77% 1.47 MB 1.52% 3 0.25% Slovenia
8 180 1.97% 118 1.57% 2.48 MB 2.56% 51 4.27% United States
9 166 1.82% 160 2.14% 4.00 MB 4.12% 1 0.08% Unresolved/Unknown
10 159 1.74% 158 2.11% 1.11 MB 1.14% 1 0.08% Slovenia
11 151 1.65% 0 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 13 1.09% Sweden
12 134 1.47% 133 1.77% 1.41 MB 1.45% 1 0.08% United Kingdom
13 131 1.44% 129 1.72% 3.56 MB 3.67% 1 0.08% Slovenia
14 124 1.36% 14 0.19% 135.40 KB 0.14% 2 0.17% United States
15 112 1.23% 111 1.48% 548.97 KB 0.55% 1 0.08% Slovenia
16 101 1.11% 100 1.33% 1.07 MB 1.11% 1 0.08% Netherlands
17 93 1.02% 92 1.23% 1.00 MB 1.03% 1 0.08% Germany
18 90 0.99% 54 0.72% 1.37 MB 1.41% 57 4.77% Unresolved/Unknown
19 85 0.93% 72 0.96% 653.29 KB 0.66% 1 0.08% Slovenia
20 82 0.90% 80 1.07% 895.21 KB 0.90% 1 0.08% United Kingdom
21 81 0.89% 79 1.05% 555.61 KB 0.56% 1 0.08% Slovenia
22 71 0.78% 69 0.92% 1.01 MB 1.04% 1 0.08% Slovenia
23 68 0.75% 64 0.85% 524.15 KB 0.53% 1 0.08% Slovenia
24 68 0.75% 46 0.61% 1.18 MB 1.22% 1 0.08% Slovenia
25 64 0.70% 56 0.75% 900.87 KB 0.91% 2 0.17% Unresolved/Unknown
26 62 0.68% 38 0.51% 1.50 MB 1.55% 18 1.51% United States
27 60 0.66% 60 0.80% 684.24 KB 0.69% 1 0.08% Germany
28 59 0.65% 45 0.60% 37.76 KB 0.04% 0 0.00% Unresolved/Unknown
29 59 0.65% 58 0.77% 685.46 KB 0.69% 3 0.25% Slovenia
30 57 0.62% 55 0.73% 616.22 KB 0.62% 1 0.08% Slovenia

Top 10 of 420 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 2070 22.68% 1890 25.22% 19.58 MB 20.17% 103 8.62% Slovenia
2 453 4.96% 230 3.07% 7.15 MB 7.37% 97 8.12% United States
3 166 1.82% 160 2.14% 4.00 MB 4.12% 1 0.08% Unresolved/Unknown
4 131 1.44% 129 1.72% 3.56 MB 3.67% 1 0.08% Slovenia
5 274 3.00% 270 3.60% 2.96 MB 3.05% 1 0.08% Netherlands
6 54 0.59% 52 0.69% 2.95 MB 3.03% 0 0.00% Unresolved/Unknown
7 180 1.97% 118 1.57% 2.48 MB 2.56% 51 4.27% United States
8 252 2.76% 246 3.28% 2.25 MB 2.31% 3 0.25% Slovenia
9 288 3.16% 177 2.36% 1.95 MB 2.01% 104 8.70% United States
10 276 3.02% 166 2.22% 1.87 MB 1.92% 102 8.54% United States

Top 19 of 92 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 5885 64.48% - (Direct Request)
2 47 0.51%
3 17 0.19%
4 16 0.18%
5 7 0.08%
6 7 0.08%
7 6 0.07%
8 3 0.03%
9 3 0.03%
10 2 0.02%
11 2 0.02%
12 1 0.01%
13 1 0.01%
14 1 0.01%
15 1 0.01%
16 1 0.01%
17 1 0.01%
18 1 0.01%
19 1 0.01%

Top 5 of 5 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 2 28.57% lali sound
2 2 28.57%
3 1 14.29% izposoja video mešalne mize
4 1 14.29% snemalni studio sound
5 1 14.29% video konferenčni sistemi

Top 15 of 146 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 2070 22.68% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible;
2 564 6.18% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Ezooms/1.0;
3 528 5.79% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
4 509 5.58% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)
5 331 3.63% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)
6 305 3.34% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:16.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/16.0
7 274 3.00% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; WBSearchBot/1.1; +
8 271 2.97% netEstate NE Crawler (+
9 265 2.90% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:16.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/16.0
10 222 2.43% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.64 Safari/537.11
11 173 1.90% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/4.0; +
12 168 1.84% psbot/0.1 (+
13 155 1.70% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.3;
14 142 1.56% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/3.1; +
15 139 1.52% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +

Usage by Country for November 2012

Top 30 of 30 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 4712 51.63% 4282 57.14% 45.72 MB 47.12% Slovenia
2 1698 18.60% 986 13.16% 21.67 MB 22.33% United States
3 1085 11.89% 901 12.02% 15.61 MB 16.09% Unresolved/Unknown
4 381 4.17% 373 4.98% 4.04 MB 4.16% Netherlands
5 279 3.06% 274 3.66% 2.99 MB 3.08% Germany
6 219 2.40% 214 2.86% 2.28 MB 2.35% United Kingdom
7 177 1.94% 132 1.76% 433.84 KB 0.44% China
8 168 1.84% 3 0.04% 39.09 KB 0.04% Sweden
9 148 1.62% 131 1.75% 1.38 MB 1.43% Ukraine
10 56 0.61% 32 0.43% 114.56 KB 0.12% Russian Federation
11 40 0.44% 31 0.41% 153.04 KB 0.15% France
12 28 0.31% 27 0.36% 212.64 KB 0.21% Latvia
13 20 0.22% 18 0.24% 74.86 KB 0.08% Taiwan
14 19 0.21% 11 0.15% 39.32 KB 0.04% Asia/Pacific Region
15 11 0.12% 10 0.13% 426.91 KB 0.43% Finland
16 11 0.12% 11 0.15% 483.06 KB 0.49% Croatia
17 10 0.11% 8 0.11% 25.27 KB 0.03% Canada
18 10 0.11% 10 0.13% 462.50 KB 0.47% Hong Kong
19 10 0.11% 9 0.12% 408.59 KB 0.41% Kuwait
20 10 0.11% 10 0.13% 464.31 KB 0.47% Singapore
21 9 0.10% 6 0.08% 31.15 KB 0.03% Romania
22 8 0.09% 5 0.07% 14.38 KB 0.01% Lithuania
23 4 0.04% 2 0.03% 7.26 KB 0.01% Norway
24 2 0.02% 1 0.01% 3.63 KB 0.00% Bulgaria
25 2 0.02% 1 0.01% 3.63 KB 0.00% Brazil
26 2 0.02% 1 0.01% 3.63 KB 0.00% Colombia
27 2 0.02% 1 0.01% 3.63 KB 0.00% India
28 2 0.02% 1 0.01% 3.63 KB 0.00% Malaysia
29 2 0.02% 1 0.01% 3.63 KB 0.00% Philippines
30 2 0.02% 2 0.03% 6.85 KB 0.01% Turkey

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)