Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: March 2009
Generated 01-Apr-2009 05:05 CEST
GEO-106FREE 20070601 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for March 2009
Total Hits 297847
Total Files 218490
Total Pages 43891
Total Visits 7280
Total KBytes 4.48 GB
Total Unique Sites 4101
Total Unique URLs 1092
Total Unique Referrers 283
Total Unique User Agents 93
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 400 2053
Hits per Day 9607 13549
Files per Day 7048 9263
Pages per Day 1415 2448
Visits per Day 234 285
KBytes per Day 147.85 MB 210.64 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 218490
Code 206 - Partial Content 812
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 99
Code 304 - Not Modified 49933
Code 403 - Forbidden 1
Code 404 - Not Found 28512

Daily usage for March 2009

Daily Statistics for March 2009
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 7707 2.59% 5644 2.58% 1121 2.55% 234 3.21% 158 3.85% 116.59 MB 2.54%
2 9854 3.31% 7374 3.37% 1202 2.74% 285 3.91% 210 5.12% 157.30 MB 3.43%
3 11034 3.70% 8211 3.76% 1371 3.12% 249 3.42% 185 4.51% 146.99 MB 3.21%
4 12483 4.19% 9263 4.24% 1542 3.51% 278 3.82% 216 5.27% 192.89 MB 4.21%
5 9978 3.35% 7071 3.24% 1592 3.63% 234 3.21% 157 3.83% 134.13 MB 2.93%
6 10306 3.46% 7030 3.22% 1657 3.78% 251 3.45% 179 4.36% 148.18 MB 3.23%
7 11655 3.91% 7311 3.35% 1922 4.38% 245 3.37% 161 3.93% 129.90 MB 2.83%
8 10314 3.46% 7535 3.45% 2448 5.58% 229 3.15% 153 3.73% 122.67 MB 2.68%
9 11764 3.95% 8618 3.94% 1424 3.24% 266 3.65% 203 4.95% 166.02 MB 3.62%
10 9262 3.11% 6944 3.18% 1151 2.62% 210 2.88% 181 4.41% 138.16 MB 3.01%
11 9994 3.36% 6832 3.13% 1263 2.88% 232 3.19% 194 4.73% 210.64 MB 4.60%
12 8301 2.79% 6234 2.85% 1110 2.53% 218 2.99% 177 4.32% 134.44 MB 2.93%
13 6841 2.30% 5444 2.49% 1045 2.38% 224 3.08% 203 4.95% 115.65 MB 2.52%
14 6094 2.05% 4224 1.93% 873 1.99% 166 2.28% 120 2.93% 89.35 MB 1.95%
15 8238 2.77% 6627 3.03% 1002 2.28% 186 2.55% 136 3.32% 116.93 MB 2.55%
16 11082 3.72% 7512 3.44% 1260 2.87% 229 3.15% 178 4.34% 204.34 MB 4.46%
17 11805 3.96% 7904 3.62% 1275 2.90% 271 3.72% 218 5.32% 181.75 MB 3.97%
18 7198 2.42% 5421 2.48% 1096 2.50% 205 2.82% 163 3.97% 117.18 MB 2.56%
19 8607 2.89% 6429 2.94% 1149 2.62% 256 3.52% 203 4.95% 153.00 MB 3.34%
20 7614 2.56% 6296 2.88% 1477 3.37% 234 3.21% 189 4.61% 122.22 MB 2.67%
21 8984 3.02% 7651 3.50% 2433 5.54% 229 3.15% 180 4.39% 152.48 MB 3.33%
22 6985 2.35% 5410 2.48% 1296 2.95% 221 3.04% 174 4.24% 111.44 MB 2.43%
23 11388 3.82% 8589 3.93% 2336 5.32% 265 3.64% 201 4.90% 177.09 MB 3.86%
24 9714 3.26% 6953 3.18% 1321 3.01% 224 3.08% 195 4.75% 148.83 MB 3.25%
25 7613 2.56% 5994 2.74% 1158 2.64% 227 3.12% 195 4.75% 138.62 MB 3.02%
26 11476 3.85% 8643 3.96% 1425 3.25% 261 3.59% 212 5.17% 164.48 MB 3.59%
27 9106 3.06% 6764 3.10% 1120 2.55% 234 3.21% 196 4.78% 134.29 MB 2.93%
28 7772 2.61% 6287 2.88% 1523 3.47% 197 2.71% 163 3.97% 118.00 MB 2.57%
29 13549 4.55% 9197 4.21% 1535 3.50% 251 3.45% 205 5.00% 187.49 MB 4.09%
30 9083 3.05% 6674 3.05% 1035 2.36% 241 3.31% 186 4.54% 155.80 MB 3.40%
31 12046 4.04% 8404 3.85% 1729 3.94% 267 3.67% 211 5.15% 196.59 MB 4.29%

Hourly usage for March 2009

Hourly Statistics for March 2009
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 280 8686 2.92% 203 6300 2.88% 62 1934 4.41% 3.26 MB 100.97 MB 2.20%
1 76 2362 0.79% 70 2178 1.00% 33 1040 2.37% 1012.85 KB 30.66 MB 0.67%
2 85 2650 0.89% 65 2021 0.92% 23 719 1.64% 1.17 MB 36.24 MB 0.79%
3 113 3504 1.18% 60 1870 0.86% 25 778 1.77% 868.58 KB 26.29 MB 0.57%
4 60 1866 0.63% 51 1608 0.74% 28 898 2.05% 496.88 KB 15.04 MB 0.33%
5 60 1878 0.63% 51 1592 0.73% 27 852 1.94% 1.07 MB 33.03 MB 0.72%
6 57 1767 0.59% 47 1459 0.67% 18 582 1.33% 777.96 KB 23.55 MB 0.51%
7 247 7674 2.58% 192 5971 2.73% 38 1201 2.74% 3.03 MB 93.81 MB 2.05%
8 377 11700 3.93% 284 8831 4.04% 52 1630 3.71% 5.93 MB 183.70 MB 4.01%
9 510 15817 5.31% 400 12407 5.68% 84 2611 5.95% 8.12 MB 251.64 MB 5.49%
10 617 19154 6.43% 463 14369 6.58% 72 2239 5.10% 11.20 MB 347.18 MB 7.57%
11 766 23776 7.98% 527 16366 7.49% 84 2623 5.98% 12.83 MB 397.67 MB 8.68%
12 657 20382 6.84% 479 14858 6.80% 82 2570 5.86% 9.50 MB 294.37 MB 6.42%
13 745 23115 7.76% 557 17285 7.91% 87 2707 6.17% 14.72 MB 456.47 MB 9.96%
14 693 21489 7.21% 496 15377 7.04% 82 2569 5.85% 10.73 MB 332.62 MB 7.26%
15 587 18220 6.12% 398 12351 5.65% 82 2567 5.85% 7.81 MB 241.97 MB 5.28%
16 457 14176 4.76% 334 10371 4.75% 54 1704 3.88% 7.48 MB 232.03 MB 5.06%
17 505 15668 5.26% 361 11203 5.13% 79 2450 5.58% 6.71 MB 208.15 MB 4.54%
18 467 14479 4.86% 360 11189 5.12% 58 1812 4.13% 7.07 MB 219.20 MB 4.78%
19 577 17893 6.01% 431 13366 6.12% 92 2868 6.53% 8.22 MB 254.69 MB 5.56%
20 447 13862 4.65% 340 10570 4.84% 57 1779 4.05% 7.28 MB 225.78 MB 4.93%
21 488 15157 5.09% 353 10948 5.01% 71 2206 5.03% 7.44 MB 230.52 MB 5.03%
22 403 12510 4.20% 288 8951 4.10% 60 1878 4.28% 5.95 MB 184.59 MB 4.03%
23 324 10062 3.38% 227 7049 3.23% 54 1674 3.81% 5.27 MB 163.25 MB 3.56%

Top 30 of 1092 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 19353 6.50% 158.19 MB 3.45% /si/oblazinjeno-pohistvo.php
2 7288 2.45% 20.11 MB 0.44% /css/siva.css
3 6561 2.20% 3.05 GB 68.04% /mp3/komad.mp3
4 6382 2.14% 6.37 MB 0.14% /jscript/funkcije.js
5 6195 2.08% 5.51 MB 0.12% /flash/player.swf
6 6086 2.04% 48.12 MB 1.05% /en/oblazinjeno-pohistvo.php
7 4190 1.41% 30.43 MB 0.66% /si/arhitektura-oblikovanje.php
8 3016 1.01% 24.21 MB 0.53% /favicon.ico
9 2592 0.87% 22.14 MB 0.48% /si/zastopstvo-partnerji.php
10 2549 0.86% 19.89 MB 0.43% /si/reference.php
11 2209 0.74% 11.53 MB 0.25% /
12 1597 0.54% 11.05 MB 0.24% /en/arhitektura-oblikovanje.php
13 1293 0.43% 9.77 MB 0.21% /en/reference.php
14 1023 0.34% 7.22 MB 0.16% /en/zastopstvo-partnerji.php
15 999 0.34% 33.17 KB 0.00% /robots.txt
16 612 0.21% 3.51 MB 0.08% /si/novice.php
17 506 0.17% 2.63 MB 0.06% /si/predstavitev-podjetja.php
18 464 0.16% 2.53 MB 0.06% /si/kontakti.php
19 333 0.11% 1.79 MB 0.04% /en/
20 292 0.10% 1.57 MB 0.03% /si/
21 183 0.06% 1013.83 KB 0.02% /en/kontakti.php
22 150 0.05% 2.64 MB 0.06% /klun/form.php
23 125 0.04% 724.37 KB 0.02% /en/predstavitev-podjetja.php
24 111 0.04% 555.02 KB 0.01% /en/novice.php
25 24 0.01% 217.44 KB 0.00% /inc/editor/fotke.php
26 19 0.01% 34.25 KB 0.00% /css/admin.css
27 19 0.01% 10.42 KB 0.00% /css/tree_menu.css
28 19 0.01% 2.21 KB 0.00% /foto.php
29 19 0.01% 163.71 KB 0.00% /jscript/tree_menu.js
30 10 0.00% 10.33 KB 0.00% /jscript/editor_splosne.js
View All URLs

Top 10 of 1092 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 6561 2.20% 3.05 GB 68.04% /mp3/komad.mp3
2 19353 6.50% 158.19 MB 3.45% /si/oblazinjeno-pohistvo.php
3 6086 2.04% 48.12 MB 1.05% /en/oblazinjeno-pohistvo.php
4 4190 1.41% 30.43 MB 0.66% /si/arhitektura-oblikovanje.php
5 3016 1.01% 24.21 MB 0.53% /favicon.ico
6 2592 0.87% 22.14 MB 0.48% /si/zastopstvo-partnerji.php
7 7288 2.45% 20.11 MB 0.44% /css/siva.css
8 2549 0.86% 19.89 MB 0.43% /si/reference.php
9 2209 0.74% 11.53 MB 0.25% /
10 1597 0.54% 11.05 MB 0.24% /en/arhitektura-oblikovanje.php

Top 10 of 18 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 19353 6.50% 2826 38.98% /si/oblazinjeno-pohistvo.php
2 2209 0.74% 1704 23.51% /
3 4190 1.41% 581 8.01% /si/arhitektura-oblikovanje.php
4 2592 0.87% 527 7.27% /si/zastopstvo-partnerji.php
5 6086 2.04% 461 6.36% /en/oblazinjeno-pohistvo.php
6 2549 0.86% 403 5.56% /si/reference.php
7 1293 0.43% 167 2.30% /en/reference.php
8 1023 0.34% 163 2.25% /en/zastopstvo-partnerji.php
9 1597 0.54% 157 2.17% /en/arhitektura-oblikovanje.php
10 612 0.21% 43 0.59% /si/novice.php

Top 10 of 18 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 19353 6.50% 2856 39.42% /si/oblazinjeno-pohistvo.php
2 2209 0.74% 906 12.51% /
3 4190 1.41% 698 9.63% /si/arhitektura-oblikovanje.php
4 6086 2.04% 566 7.81% /en/oblazinjeno-pohistvo.php
5 2592 0.87% 520 7.18% /si/zastopstvo-partnerji.php
6 2549 0.86% 493 6.80% /si/reference.php
7 612 0.21% 187 2.58% /si/novice.php
8 1597 0.54% 182 2.51% /en/arhitektura-oblikovanje.php
9 1293 0.43% 178 2.46% /en/reference.php
10 464 0.16% 169 2.33% /si/kontakti.php

Top 30 of 4101 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 7492 2.52% 7362 3.37% 37.48 MB 0.82% 96 1.32% Slovenia
2 4034 1.35% 2063 0.94% 38.13 MB 0.83% 47 0.65% Slovenia
3 3743 1.26% 3239 1.48% 23.54 MB 0.51% 308 4.23% United States
4 2698 0.91% 1966 0.90% 12.71 MB 0.28% 23 0.32% Slovenia
5 2588 0.87% 2415 1.11% 17.42 MB 0.38% 13 0.18% Taiwan
6 1958 0.66% 1781 0.82% 9.61 MB 0.21% 2 0.03% Unknown
7 1951 0.66% 1206 0.55% 14.77 MB 0.32% 9 0.12% Slovenia
8 1579 0.53% 989 0.45% 96.36 MB 2.10% 11 0.15% Slovenia
9 1566 0.53% 807 0.37% 123.24 MB 2.69% 6 0.08% Unknown
10 1416 0.48% 470 0.22% 6.00 MB 0.13% 1 0.01% Slovenia
11 1410 0.47% 290 0.13% 6.44 MB 0.14% 1 0.01% France
12 1373 0.46% 1018 0.47% 16.98 MB 0.37% 19 0.26% Slovenia
13 1294 0.43% 383 0.18% 8.46 MB 0.18% 6 0.08% Peru
14 1141 0.38% 1000 0.46% 7.39 MB 0.16% 251 3.45% United States
15 1075 0.36% 547 0.25% 13.68 MB 0.30% 9 0.12% Slovenia
16 1073 0.36% 501 0.23% 9.16 MB 0.20% 4 0.05% Slovenia
17 1065 0.36% 979 0.45% 7.13 MB 0.16% 1 0.01% Slovenia
18 1036 0.35% 834 0.38% 9.16 MB 0.20% 17 0.23% Slovenia
19 965 0.32% 278 0.13% 6.15 MB 0.13% 4 0.05% Slovenia
20 881 0.30% 140 0.06% 1.73 MB 0.04% 2 0.03% France
21 857 0.29% 659 0.30% 7.59 MB 0.17% 16 0.22% Slovenia
22 852 0.29% 209 0.10% 3.24 MB 0.07% 1 0.01% Unknown
23 837 0.28% 747 0.34% 10.82 MB 0.24% 20 0.27% Slovenia
24 831 0.28% 714 0.33% 16.40 MB 0.36% 16 0.22% Slovenia
25 805 0.27% 805 0.37% 5.99 MB 0.13% 9 0.12% Czech Republic
26 767 0.26% 192 0.09% 4.90 MB 0.11% 1 0.01% Slovenia
27 763 0.26% 274 0.13% 3.24 MB 0.07% 1 0.01% Slovenia
28 746 0.25% 213 0.10% 4.63 MB 0.10% 3 0.04% Slovenia
29 716 0.24% 257 0.12% 4.89 MB 0.11% 2 0.03% Slovenia
30 703 0.24% 204 0.09% 4.18 MB 0.09% 1 0.01% Slovenia
View All Sites

Top 10 of 4101 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 1566 0.53% 807 0.37% 123.24 MB 2.69% 6 0.08% Unknown
2 1579 0.53% 989 0.45% 96.36 MB 2.10% 11 0.15% Slovenia
3 459 0.15% 298 0.14% 40.75 MB 0.89% 3 0.04% Slovenia
4 4034 1.35% 2063 0.94% 38.13 MB 0.83% 47 0.65% Slovenia
5 7492 2.52% 7362 3.37% 37.48 MB 0.82% 96 1.32% Slovenia
6 254 0.09% 191 0.09% 36.60 MB 0.80% 1 0.01% Slovenia
7 515 0.17% 263 0.12% 24.56 MB 0.54% 3 0.04% Slovenia
8 3743 1.26% 3239 1.48% 23.54 MB 0.51% 308 4.23% United States
9 167 0.06% 141 0.06% 22.81 MB 0.50% 1 0.01% Unknown
10 2588 0.87% 2415 1.11% 17.42 MB 0.38% 13 0.18% Taiwan

Top 30 of 283 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 31507 10.58% - (Direct Request)
2 9078 3.05%
3 5765 1.94%
4 4695 1.58%
5 4656 1.56%
6 3788 1.27%
7 3221 1.08%
8 3013 1.01%
9 2133 0.72%
10 2007 0.67%
11 1224 0.41%
12 1092 0.37%
13 932 0.31%
14 932 0.31%
15 733 0.25%
16 669 0.22%
17 656 0.22%
18 510 0.17%
19 473 0.16%
20 470 0.16%
21 406 0.14%
22 355 0.12%
23 323 0.11%
24 321 0.11%
25 319 0.11%
26 314 0.11%
27 307 0.10%
28 293 0.10%
29 262 0.09%
30 248 0.08%
View All Referrers

Top 20 of 324 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 67 8.29% klun
2 35 4.33% klun ambienti
3 31 3.84% sedežne garniture
4 30 3.71% pohištvo
5 20 2.48% notranja oprema
6 19 2.35% tapetništvo
7 18 2.23% postelje
8 17 2.10% ambienti
9 16 1.98% arhitekt
10 16 1.98% počivalnik
11 13 1.61% sedežne
12 12 1.49% ležalnik
13 8 0.99% oblazinjeno pohištvo
14 8 0.99% sedežna garnitura
15 8 0.99% zofe
16 7 0.87% arena vodafone
17 7 0.87% kolosej mb
18 7 0.87% lesene hiše
19 7 0.87% otroško pohištvo
20 6 0.74%
View All Search Strings

Top 15 of 93 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 99348 33.36% MSIE 7.0
2 84832 28.48% MSIE 6.0
3 83967 28.19% Mozilla/5.0
4 7528 2.53% Najdi.s
5 3746 1.26% Yahoo! Slurp/3.0
6 3583 1.20% Googlebot/2.1
7 2436 0.82% MSIE 8.0
8 2198 0.74% MSIE 5.0
9 1051 0.35% Opera/9.63
10 805 0.27% Jyxobot/1
11 748 0.25% MSIE 5.5
12 689 0.23% Yahoo! Slurp
13 636 0.21% Googlebot-Image/1.0
14 621 0.21% Java/1.6.0_04
15 522 0.18% Opera/9.51
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for March 2009

Top 30 of 61 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 192434 64.61% 140889 64.48% 2.90 GB 64.75% Slovenia
2 47015 15.78% 34978 16.01% 841.98 MB 18.37% Unresolved/Unknown
3 13354 4.48% 11179 5.12% 104.00 MB 2.27% United States
4 5915 1.99% 4868 2.23% 144.75 MB 3.16% Yugoslavia
5 5547 1.86% 2963 1.36% 55.15 MB 1.20% France
6 4285 1.44% 3032 1.39% 55.95 MB 1.22% Spain
7 4127 1.39% 2949 1.35% 61.10 MB 1.33% Italy
8 3552 1.19% 2799 1.28% 23.95 MB 0.52% Taiwan
9 2963 0.99% 2183 1.00% 47.15 MB 1.03% Germany
10 1979 0.66% 619 0.28% 12.34 MB 0.27% Peru
11 1209 0.41% 1070 0.49% 9.70 MB 0.21% Czech Republic
12 1156 0.39% 727 0.33% 18.18 MB 0.40% Turkey
13 1109 0.37% 897 0.41% 15.08 MB 0.33% Austria
14 1099 0.37% 1014 0.46% 10.58 MB 0.23% Netherlands
15 963 0.32% 489 0.22% 9.95 MB 0.22% Portugal
16 903 0.30% 883 0.40% 6.92 MB 0.15% Sweden
17 767 0.26% 651 0.30% 10.02 MB 0.22% Switzerland
18 753 0.25% 599 0.27% 12.25 MB 0.27% Great Britain (UK)
19 737 0.25% 239 0.11% 3.61 MB 0.08% Korea (South)
20 696 0.23% 613 0.28% 5.80 MB 0.13% Romania
21 654 0.22% 379 0.17% 4.82 MB 0.11% Argentina
22 477 0.16% 253 0.12% 3.75 MB 0.08% Greece
23 470 0.16% 325 0.15% 9.17 MB 0.20% Canada
24 455 0.15% 409 0.19% 46.52 MB 1.01% China
25 392 0.13% 332 0.15% 9.00 MB 0.20% Bosnia and Herzegovina
26 357 0.12% 329 0.15% 6.71 MB 0.15% Croatia (Hrvatska)
27 355 0.12% 312 0.14% 7.38 MB 0.16% Belgium
28 350 0.12% 160 0.07% 2.91 MB 0.06% Venezuela
29 299 0.10% 203 0.09% 3.32 MB 0.07% Chile
30 296 0.10% 175 0.08% 3.50 MB 0.08% Mexico

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)