Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: December 2008
Generated 01-Jan-2009 04:57 CET
GEO-106FREE 20070601 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for December 2008
Total Hits 262569
Total Files 195359
Total Pages 41840
Total Visits 7855
Total KBytes 3.66 GB
Total Unique Sites 4291
Total Unique URLs 1057
Total Unique Referrers 235
Total Unique User Agents 93
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 352 3678
Hits per Day 8469 12577
Files per Day 6301 8672
Pages per Day 1349 2749
Visits per Day 253 332
KBytes per Day 121.04 MB 155.60 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 195359
Code 206 - Partial Content 544
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 74
Code 302 - Found 1
Code 304 - Not Modified 41679
Code 404 - Not Found 24912

Daily usage for December 2008

Daily Statistics for December 2008
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 9432 3.59% 7334 3.75% 1254 3.00% 299 3.81% 238 5.55% 141.55 MB 3.77%
2 12577 4.79% 8401 4.30% 1484 3.55% 294 3.74% 293 6.83% 152.30 MB 4.06%
3 10087 3.84% 7168 3.67% 1502 3.59% 295 3.76% 221 5.15% 143.29 MB 3.82%
4 9615 3.66% 6983 3.57% 1338 3.20% 323 4.11% 244 5.69% 140.74 MB 3.75%
5 6822 2.60% 5252 2.69% 1197 2.86% 251 3.20% 177 4.12% 103.97 MB 2.77%
6 5783 2.20% 4676 2.39% 1070 2.56% 238 3.03% 161 3.75% 98.19 MB 2.62%
7 8986 3.42% 6451 3.30% 1373 3.28% 269 3.42% 260 6.06% 125.69 MB 3.35%
8 11994 4.57% 7938 4.06% 1535 3.67% 280 3.56% 208 4.85% 155.60 MB 4.15%
9 10847 4.13% 8028 4.11% 1591 3.80% 332 4.23% 220 5.13% 146.47 MB 3.90%
10 9904 3.77% 7620 3.90% 1284 3.07% 298 3.79% 239 5.57% 147.82 MB 3.94%
11 11513 4.38% 8672 4.44% 2749 6.57% 268 3.41% 219 5.10% 137.15 MB 3.66%
12 7503 2.86% 5456 2.79% 884 2.11% 265 3.37% 183 4.26% 110.27 MB 2.94%
13 8261 3.15% 5821 2.98% 1015 2.43% 237 3.02% 188 4.38% 121.36 MB 3.23%
14 8717 3.32% 6441 3.30% 1222 2.92% 239 3.04% 187 4.36% 126.69 MB 3.38%
15 11088 4.22% 7730 3.96% 1507 3.60% 287 3.65% 238 5.55% 141.41 MB 3.77%
16 8574 3.27% 6835 3.50% 1356 3.24% 284 3.62% 251 5.85% 141.15 MB 3.76%
17 10926 4.16% 6024 3.08% 1195 2.86% 251 3.20% 222 5.17% 123.87 MB 3.30%
18 8342 3.18% 6417 3.28% 1294 3.09% 234 2.98% 185 4.31% 140.35 MB 3.74%
19 7404 2.82% 5083 2.60% 1042 2.49% 207 2.64% 170 3.96% 97.28 MB 2.59%
20 6506 2.48% 5472 2.80% 1332 3.18% 232 2.95% 178 4.15% 99.41 MB 2.65%
21 7557 2.88% 6449 3.30% 1325 3.17% 235 2.99% 160 3.73% 128.14 MB 3.42%
22 8116 3.09% 5968 3.05% 1157 2.77% 250 3.18% 174 4.05% 121.75 MB 3.24%
23 7299 2.78% 5819 2.98% 1209 2.89% 215 2.74% 149 3.47% 113.11 MB 3.01%
24 5693 2.17% 4020 2.06% 851 2.03% 193 2.46% 141 3.29% 78.59 MB 2.09%
25 6887 2.62% 5504 2.82% 1233 2.95% 262 3.34% 168 3.92% 96.34 MB 2.57%
26 7379 2.81% 6301 3.23% 1593 3.81% 224 2.85% 140 3.26% 114.22 MB 3.04%
27 6448 2.46% 5031 2.58% 1301 3.11% 210 2.67% 149 3.47% 102.51 MB 2.73%
28 5983 2.28% 4771 2.44% 990 2.37% 216 2.75% 137 3.19% 99.75 MB 2.66%
29 7830 2.98% 6046 3.09% 1408 3.37% 255 3.25% 177 4.12% 120.26 MB 3.21%
30 7900 3.01% 5967 3.05% 1246 2.98% 242 3.08% 171 3.99% 110.96 MB 2.96%
31 6596 2.51% 5681 2.91% 2303 5.50% 213 2.71% 129 3.01% 71.94 MB 1.92%

Hourly usage for December 2008

Hourly Statistics for December 2008
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 175 5451 2.08% 156 4859 2.49% 47 1465 3.50% 2.80 MB 86.81 MB 2.31%
1 130 4053 1.54% 101 3156 1.62% 30 932 2.23% 1.32 MB 41.03 MB 1.09%
2 79 2471 0.94% 62 1927 0.99% 27 866 2.07% 865.88 KB 26.21 MB 0.70%
3 173 5373 2.05% 72 2249 1.15% 30 940 2.25% 944.55 KB 28.59 MB 0.76%
4 54 1679 0.64% 50 1563 0.80% 27 838 2.00% 467.87 KB 14.16 MB 0.38%
5 44 1369 0.52% 41 1276 0.65% 27 846 2.02% 368.01 KB 11.14 MB 0.30%
6 72 2239 0.85% 67 2081 1.07% 31 979 2.34% 951.51 KB 28.81 MB 0.77%
7 207 6429 2.45% 158 4902 2.51% 49 1524 3.64% 2.38 MB 73.72 MB 1.96%
8 390 12102 4.61% 263 8174 4.18% 61 1908 4.56% 4.84 MB 149.95 MB 4.00%
9 518 16083 6.13% 376 11667 5.97% 88 2733 6.53% 7.53 MB 233.41 MB 6.22%
10 584 18120 6.90% 397 12331 6.31% 72 2256 5.39% 8.24 MB 255.34 MB 6.81%
11 534 16563 6.31% 401 12455 6.38% 71 2211 5.28% 7.98 MB 247.52 MB 6.60%
12 649 20136 7.67% 450 13952 7.14% 86 2685 6.42% 8.52 MB 264.09 MB 7.04%
13 523 16213 6.17% 410 12724 6.51% 65 2028 4.85% 8.41 MB 260.73 MB 6.95%
14 580 17983 6.85% 429 13327 6.82% 75 2355 5.63% 8.27 MB 256.28 MB 6.83%
15 536 16624 6.33% 406 12602 6.45% 72 2252 5.38% 7.99 MB 247.56 MB 6.60%
16 460 14264 5.43% 363 11255 5.76% 69 2147 5.13% 7.29 MB 226.02 MB 6.02%
17 423 13143 5.01% 322 9986 5.11% 65 2031 4.85% 6.26 MB 194.21 MB 5.18%
18 476 14785 5.63% 378 11721 6.00% 62 1932 4.62% 7.67 MB 237.78 MB 6.34%
19 440 13657 5.20% 341 10577 5.41% 61 1898 4.54% 6.99 MB 216.56 MB 5.77%
20 513 15909 6.06% 369 11445 5.86% 63 1982 4.74% 7.68 MB 237.94 MB 6.34%
21 397 12320 4.69% 291 9048 4.63% 50 1568 3.75% 6.30 MB 195.42 MB 5.21%
22 264 8196 3.12% 198 6138 3.14% 46 1438 3.44% 3.63 MB 112.43 MB 3.00%
23 238 7407 2.82% 191 5944 3.04% 65 2026 4.84% 3.43 MB 106.40 MB 2.84%

Top 30 of 1057 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 18471 7.03% 150.68 MB 4.02% /si/oblazinjeno-pohistvo.php
2 5878 2.24% 17.83 MB 0.48% /css/siva.css
3 5508 2.10% 5.55 MB 0.15% /jscript/funkcije.js
4 5441 2.07% 4.85 MB 0.13% /flash/player.swf
5 5274 2.01% 2.41 GB 65.66% /mp3/komad.mp3
6 4815 1.83% 34.87 MB 0.93% /si/arhitektura-oblikovanje.php
7 4576 1.74% 35.52 MB 0.95% /en/oblazinjeno-pohistvo.php
8 2877 1.10% 24.00 MB 0.64% /si/zastopstvo-partnerji.php
9 2653 1.01% 21.27 MB 0.57% /favicon.ico
10 2633 1.00% 20.34 MB 0.54% /si/reference.php
11 2492 0.95% 81.61 KB 0.00% /robots.txt
12 2059 0.78% 10.29 MB 0.27% /
13 1556 0.59% 10.69 MB 0.28% /en/arhitektura-oblikovanje.php
14 1321 0.50% 10.21 MB 0.27% /en/reference.php
15 861 0.33% 6.06 MB 0.16% /en/zastopstvo-partnerji.php
16 632 0.24% 3.28 MB 0.09% /si/novice.php
17 481 0.18% 2.50 MB 0.07% /si/predstavitev-podjetja.php
18 405 0.15% 2.19 MB 0.06% /si/kontakti.php
19 327 0.12% 1.76 MB 0.05% /si/
20 279 0.11% 1.50 MB 0.04% /en/
21 164 0.06% 907.15 KB 0.02% /en/kontakti.php
22 113 0.04% 659.38 KB 0.02% /en/predstavitev-podjetja.php
23 111 0.04% 555.06 KB 0.01% /en/novice.php
24 8 0.00% 952 bytes 0.00% /foto.php
25 4 0.00% 59.10 KB 0.00% /klun/form.php
26 2 0.00% 2.45 KB 0.00% /css/admin.css
27 2 0.00% 762 bytes 0.00% /css/tree_menu.css
28 2 0.00% 11.05 KB 0.00% /en//
29 2 0.00% 2.07 KB 0.00% /jscript/editor_splosne.js
30 2 0.00% 11.69 KB 0.00% /jscript/tree_menu.js
View All URLs

Top 10 of 1057 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 5274 2.01% 2.41 GB 65.66% /mp3/komad.mp3
2 18471 7.03% 150.68 MB 4.02% /si/oblazinjeno-pohistvo.php
3 4576 1.74% 35.52 MB 0.95% /en/oblazinjeno-pohistvo.php
4 4815 1.83% 34.87 MB 0.93% /si/arhitektura-oblikovanje.php
5 2877 1.10% 24.00 MB 0.64% /si/zastopstvo-partnerji.php
6 2653 1.01% 21.27 MB 0.57% /favicon.ico
7 2633 1.00% 20.34 MB 0.54% /si/reference.php
8 5878 2.24% 17.83 MB 0.48% /css/siva.css
9 1556 0.59% 10.69 MB 0.28% /en/arhitektura-oblikovanje.php
10 2059 0.78% 10.29 MB 0.27% /

Top 10 of 18 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 18471 7.03% 3046 38.91% /si/oblazinjeno-pohistvo.php
2 2059 0.78% 1501 19.17% /
3 4815 1.83% 689 8.80% /si/arhitektura-oblikovanje.php
4 2877 1.10% 643 8.21% /si/zastopstvo-partnerji.php
5 4576 1.74% 573 7.32% /en/oblazinjeno-pohistvo.php
6 2633 1.00% 491 6.27% /si/reference.php
7 1556 0.59% 195 2.49% /en/arhitektura-oblikovanje.php
8 1321 0.50% 187 2.39% /en/reference.php
9 861 0.33% 130 1.66% /en/zastopstvo-partnerji.php
10 279 0.11% 70 0.89% /en/

Top 10 of 20 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 18471 7.03% 3004 38.40% /si/oblazinjeno-pohistvo.php
2 2059 0.78% 907 11.59% /
3 4815 1.83% 812 10.38% /si/arhitektura-oblikovanje.php
4 2877 1.10% 651 8.32% /si/zastopstvo-partnerji.php
5 4576 1.74% 627 8.01% /en/oblazinjeno-pohistvo.php
6 2633 1.00% 558 7.13% /si/reference.php
7 632 0.24% 212 2.71% /si/novice.php
8 1556 0.59% 201 2.57% /en/arhitektura-oblikovanje.php
9 1321 0.50% 183 2.34% /en/reference.php
10 405 0.15% 155 1.98% /si/kontakti.php

Top 30 of 4291 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 7280 2.77% 7199 3.69% 33.84 MB 0.90% 141 1.80% Slovenia
2 7137 2.72% 6191 3.17% 45.44 MB 1.21% 225 2.86% United States
3 3933 1.50% 680 0.35% 16.32 MB 0.44% 1 0.01% China
4 1889 0.72% 1195 0.61% 24.61 MB 0.66% 29 0.37% Slovenia
5 1773 0.68% 1702 0.87% 43.46 MB 1.16% 2 0.03% Slovenia
6 1489 0.57% 1489 0.76% 11.15 MB 0.30% 97 1.23% Slovenia
7 1382 0.53% 280 0.14% 6.87 MB 0.18% 1 0.01% Unknown
8 1231 0.47% 182 0.09% 2.80 MB 0.07% 1 0.01% Yugoslavia
9 1021 0.39% 753 0.39% 5.80 MB 0.15% 21 0.27% Slovenia
10 948 0.36% 360 0.18% 4.41 MB 0.12% 3 0.04% Slovenia
11 875 0.33% 691 0.35% 12.98 MB 0.35% 13 0.17% Slovenia
12 843 0.32% 195 0.10% 4.72 MB 0.13% 5 0.06% Slovenia
13 821 0.31% 272 0.14% 6.61 MB 0.18% 1 0.01% Slovenia
14 749 0.29% 299 0.15% 4.33 MB 0.12% 1 0.01% Slovenia
15 745 0.28% 629 0.32% 7.13 MB 0.19% 13 0.17% Slovenia
16 744 0.28% 716 0.37% 19.13 MB 0.51% 1 0.01% Yugoslavia
17 730 0.28% 233 0.12% 3.75 MB 0.10% 3 0.04% Slovenia
18 706 0.27% 253 0.13% 24.57 MB 0.65% 6 0.08% Slovenia
19 704 0.27% 380 0.19% 4.84 MB 0.13% 5 0.06% Slovenia
20 702 0.27% 606 0.31% 6.46 MB 0.17% 14 0.18% Slovenia
21 679 0.26% 99 0.05% 1.34 MB 0.04% 1 0.01% Unknown
22 652 0.25% 528 0.27% 5.81 MB 0.15% 13 0.17% Slovenia
23 643 0.24% 136 0.07% 2.53 MB 0.07% 2 0.03% Yugoslavia
24 640 0.24% 640 0.33% 4.34 MB 0.12% 44 0.56% United States
25 630 0.24% 610 0.31% 16.81 MB 0.45% 2 0.03% Slovenia
26 588 0.22% 575 0.29% 6.66 MB 0.18% 10 0.13% Slovenia
27 581 0.22% 233 0.12% 3.47 MB 0.09% 6 0.08% Slovenia
28 564 0.21% 434 0.22% 19.25 MB 0.51% 11 0.14% Slovenia
29 552 0.21% 312 0.16% 5.55 MB 0.15% 4 0.05% Slovenia
30 528 0.20% 156 0.08% 2.74 MB 0.07% 11 0.14% Slovenia
View All Sites

Top 10 of 4291 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 7137 2.72% 6191 3.17% 45.44 MB 1.21% 225 2.86% United States
2 1773 0.68% 1702 0.87% 43.46 MB 1.16% 2 0.03% Slovenia
3 7280 2.77% 7199 3.69% 33.84 MB 0.90% 141 1.80% Slovenia
4 1889 0.72% 1195 0.61% 24.61 MB 0.66% 29 0.37% Slovenia
5 706 0.27% 253 0.13% 24.57 MB 0.65% 6 0.08% Slovenia
6 564 0.21% 434 0.22% 19.25 MB 0.51% 11 0.14% Slovenia
7 744 0.28% 716 0.37% 19.13 MB 0.51% 1 0.01% Yugoslavia
8 630 0.24% 610 0.31% 16.81 MB 0.45% 2 0.03% Slovenia
9 3933 1.50% 680 0.35% 16.32 MB 0.44% 1 0.01% China
10 875 0.33% 691 0.35% 12.98 MB 0.35% 13 0.17% Slovenia

Top 30 of 235 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 36554 13.92% - (Direct Request)
2 6763 2.58%
3 6273 2.39%
4 3752 1.43%
5 2747 1.05%
6 2249 0.86%
7 1629 0.62%
8 1497 0.57%
9 1438 0.55%
10 1367 0.52%
11 1338 0.51%
12 1179 0.45%
13 978 0.37%
14 848 0.32%
15 558 0.21%
16 532 0.20%
17 449 0.17%
18 390 0.15%
19 366 0.14%
20 361 0.14%
21 348 0.13%
22 303 0.12%
23 283 0.11%
24 240 0.09%
25 238 0.09%
26 227 0.09%
27 212 0.08%
28 205 0.08%
29 164 0.06%
30 157 0.06%
View All Referrers

Top 20 of 427 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 67 5.63% pohištvo
2 65 5.46% sedežne garniture
3 54 4.53% klun
4 31 2.60% tapetništvo
5 30 2.52% klun ambienti
6 28 2.35% ambient
7 27 2.27% sedežne
8 25 2.10% dvosed
9 25 2.10% notranja oprema
10 22 1.85% počivalnik
11 21 1.76% pisarniški stoli
12 18 1.51% arhitekt
13 18 1.51% sedežna
14 17 1.43% arhitekti
15 15 1.26% postelje
16 14 1.18% trosed
17 13 1.09% arhitektura
18 12 1.01% interier
19 12 1.01% oblazinjeno pohištvo
20 12 1.01% sedežna garnitura
View All Search Strings

Top 15 of 93 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 81070 30.88% Mozilla/5.0
2 80791 30.77% MSIE 6.0
3 70759 26.95% MSIE 7.0
4 7706 2.93% Najdi.s
5 5926 2.26% Googlebot/2.1
6 3251 1.24% Yahoo! Slurp
7 1469 0.56% msnbot-media/1.0 (+
8 1217 0.46% Googlebot-Image/1.0
9 1126 0.43% MSIE 8.0
10 934 0.36% Yahoo! Slurp/3.0
11 766 0.29% BPImageWalker/2.0 (
12 736 0.28% Opera/9.62
13 727 0.28% Java/1.6.0_04
14 564 0.21% msnbot/1.1 (+
15 465 0.18% Opera/9.61
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for December 2008

Top 30 of 59 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 188039 71.62% 139965 71.65% 2.73 GB 74.44% Slovenia
2 27096 10.32% 19461 9.96% 413.42 MB 11.02% Unresolved/Unknown
3 14834 5.65% 13722 7.02% 98.50 MB 2.63% United States
4 8347 3.18% 5639 2.89% 139.01 MB 3.70% Yugoslavia
5 4514 1.72% 1089 0.56% 35.96 MB 0.96% China
6 3642 1.39% 2838 1.45% 46.81 MB 1.25% France
7 2381 0.91% 1931 0.99% 35.09 MB 0.94% Spain
8 2053 0.78% 1618 0.83% 32.23 MB 0.86% Germany
9 1502 0.57% 1200 0.61% 22.96 MB 0.61% Italy
10 1060 0.40% 1007 0.52% 10.78 MB 0.29% Netherlands
11 961 0.37% 959 0.49% 5.26 MB 0.14% Canada
12 817 0.31% 814 0.42% 6.44 MB 0.17% Sweden
13 794 0.30% 685 0.35% 11.38 MB 0.30% Austria
14 789 0.30% 646 0.33% 10.27 MB 0.27% Great Britain (UK)
15 678 0.26% 589 0.30% 12.16 MB 0.32% Belgium
16 667 0.25% 352 0.18% 6.97 MB 0.19% Turkey
17 569 0.22% 263 0.13% 4.36 MB 0.12% Korea (South)
18 521 0.20% 206 0.11% 3.29 MB 0.09% Taiwan
19 472 0.18% 398 0.20% 6.05 MB 0.16% Ukraine
20 420 0.16% 277 0.14% 5.48 MB 0.15% Mexico
21 372 0.14% 342 0.18% 9.70 MB 0.26% Bosnia and Herzegovina
22 200 0.08% 192 0.10% 1.34 MB 0.04% Romania
23 199 0.08% 186 0.10% 4.69 MB 0.13% Croatia (Hrvatska)
24 137 0.05% 135 0.07% 1.41 MB 0.04% Australia
25 137 0.05% 135 0.07% 4.69 MB 0.13% Japan
26 124 0.05% 92 0.05% 4.89 MB 0.13% Macedonia
27 121 0.05% 112 0.06% 4.35 MB 0.12% Israel
28 120 0.05% 108 0.06% 1.62 MB 0.04% Denmark
29 88 0.03% 85 0.04% 1.59 MB 0.04% India
30 84 0.03% 81 0.04% 1.92 MB 0.05% Poland

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)