Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: June 2009
Generated 01-Jul-2009 04:50 CEST
GEO-106FREE 20070601 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for June 2009
Total Hits 41601
Total Files 21777
Total Pages 39401
Total Visits 3973
Total KBytes 242.14 MB
Total Unique Sites 512
Total Unique URLs 39
Total Unique Referrers 195
Total Unique User Agents 80
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 57 1477
Hits per Day 1386 8671
Files per Day 725 4867
Pages per Day 1313 8619
Visits per Day 132 179
KBytes per Day 8.07 MB 39.00 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 21777
Code 206 - Partial Content 113
Code 302 - Found 17792
Code 304 - Not Modified 100
Code 404 - Not Found 1819

Daily usage for June 2009

Daily Statistics for June 2009
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 487 1.17% 367 1.69% 429 1.09% 80 2.01% 44 8.59% 5.82 MB 2.40%
2 836 2.01% 489 2.25% 689 1.75% 147 3.70% 45 8.79% 7.70 MB 3.18%
3 824 1.98% 375 1.72% 722 1.83% 132 3.32% 64 12.50% 6.08 MB 2.51%
4 2687 6.46% 1260 5.79% 2528 6.42% 120 3.02% 48 9.38% 10.81 MB 4.47%
5 1232 2.96% 447 2.05% 988 2.51% 111 2.79% 46 8.98% 5.34 MB 2.20%
6 2675 6.43% 1276 5.86% 2479 6.29% 127 3.20% 34 6.64% 10.55 MB 4.36%
7 561 1.35% 278 1.28% 428 1.09% 129 3.25% 41 8.01% 4.58 MB 1.89%
8 591 1.42% 348 1.60% 543 1.38% 145 3.65% 39 7.62% 5.88 MB 2.43%
9 604 1.45% 279 1.28% 558 1.42% 162 4.08% 52 10.16% 4.94 MB 2.04%
10 595 1.43% 197 0.90% 526 1.33% 141 3.55% 45 8.79% 3.16 MB 1.30%
11 517 1.24% 194 0.89% 480 1.22% 136 3.42% 46 8.98% 3.02 MB 1.25%
12 527 1.27% 211 0.97% 491 1.25% 147 3.70% 55 10.74% 3.57 MB 1.47%
13 561 1.35% 337 1.55% 465 1.18% 112 2.82% 54 10.55% 6.34 MB 2.62%
14 569 1.37% 332 1.52% 473 1.20% 126 3.17% 59 11.52% 4.67 MB 1.93%
15 377 0.91% 181 0.83% 293 0.74% 107 2.69% 53 10.35% 3.11 MB 1.28%
16 386 0.93% 235 1.08% 357 0.91% 111 2.79% 36 7.03% 3.62 MB 1.49%
17 653 1.57% 335 1.54% 618 1.57% 122 3.07% 56 10.94% 6.32 MB 2.61%
18 547 1.31% 238 1.09% 479 1.22% 127 3.20% 56 10.94% 3.32 MB 1.37%
19 526 1.26% 210 0.96% 507 1.29% 148 3.73% 36 7.03% 3.24 MB 1.34%
20 770 1.85% 418 1.92% 713 1.81% 137 3.45% 48 9.38% 4.81 MB 1.99%
21 4576 11.00% 2507 11.51% 4546 11.54% 144 3.62% 53 10.35% 19.69 MB 8.13%
22 8671 20.84% 4867 22.35% 8619 21.88% 179 4.51% 61 11.91% 39.00 MB 16.11%
23 2761 6.64% 1405 6.45% 2722 6.91% 150 3.78% 46 8.98% 13.38 MB 5.53%
24 2871 6.90% 1470 6.75% 2798 7.10% 173 4.35% 53 10.35% 13.89 MB 5.73%
25 2190 5.26% 1263 5.80% 2157 5.47% 141 3.55% 42 8.20% 15.17 MB 6.26%
26 805 1.94% 479 2.20% 753 1.91% 130 3.27% 50 9.77% 6.99 MB 2.89%
27 737 1.77% 355 1.63% 703 1.78% 155 3.90% 40 7.81% 6.03 MB 2.49%
28 723 1.74% 465 2.14% 683 1.73% 143 3.60% 48 9.38% 7.81 MB 3.22%
29 999 2.40% 573 2.63% 942 2.39% 125 3.15% 46 8.98% 7.55 MB 3.12%
30 743 1.79% 386 1.77% 712 1.81% 103 2.59% 44 8.59% 5.77 MB 2.38%

Hourly usage for June 2009

Hourly Statistics for June 2009
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 38 1143 2.75% 21 646 2.97% 35 1059 2.69% 300.87 KB 8.81 MB 3.64%
1 70 2111 5.07% 39 1197 5.50% 67 2012 5.11% 525.21 KB 15.39 MB 6.35%
2 65 1971 4.74% 32 982 4.51% 62 1863 4.73% 369.71 KB 10.83 MB 4.47%
3 77 2323 5.58% 37 1116 5.12% 73 2204 5.59% 361.37 KB 10.59 MB 4.37%
4 61 1857 4.46% 31 953 4.38% 58 1759 4.46% 371.71 KB 10.89 MB 4.50%
5 30 903 2.17% 16 496 2.28% 27 817 2.07% 244.38 KB 7.16 MB 2.96%
6 51 1548 3.72% 24 748 3.43% 49 1477 3.75% 250.29 KB 7.33 MB 3.03%
7 73 2191 5.27% 39 1193 5.48% 70 2126 5.40% 490.39 KB 14.37 MB 5.93%
8 77 2328 5.60% 41 1254 5.76% 75 2251 5.71% 427.88 KB 12.54 MB 5.18%
9 45 1355 3.26% 27 831 3.82% 43 1296 3.29% 340.96 KB 9.99 MB 4.13%
10 38 1165 2.80% 18 556 2.55% 36 1097 2.78% 210.03 KB 6.15 MB 2.54%
11 69 2093 5.03% 37 1137 5.22% 66 1987 5.04% 405.61 KB 11.88 MB 4.91%
12 70 2108 5.07% 38 1145 5.26% 67 2016 5.12% 378.35 KB 11.08 MB 4.58%
13 44 1333 3.20% 24 742 3.41% 40 1222 3.10% 324.49 KB 9.51 MB 3.93%
14 25 768 1.85% 13 391 1.80% 23 695 1.76% 191.68 KB 5.62 MB 2.32%
15 30 921 2.21% 17 517 2.37% 27 827 2.10% 233.23 KB 6.83 MB 2.82%
16 95 2864 6.88% 50 1517 6.97% 91 2737 6.95% 411.39 KB 12.05 MB 4.98%
17 87 2623 6.31% 47 1424 6.54% 84 2528 6.42% 450.64 KB 13.20 MB 5.45%
18 49 1483 3.56% 21 651 2.99% 45 1379 3.50% 226.17 KB 6.63 MB 2.74%
19 82 2484 5.97% 39 1184 5.44% 79 2379 6.04% 411.00 KB 12.04 MB 4.97%
20 73 2219 5.33% 37 1110 5.10% 69 2085 5.29% 373.96 KB 10.96 MB 4.52%
21 37 1117 2.69% 21 637 2.93% 35 1054 2.68% 387.17 KB 11.34 MB 4.68%
22 33 994 2.39% 16 488 2.24% 30 928 2.36% 243.83 KB 7.14 MB 2.95%
23 56 1699 4.08% 28 862 3.96% 53 1603 4.07% 334.87 KB 9.81 MB 4.05%

Top 12 of 39 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 11122 26.73% 68.33 MB 28.22% /login.php
2 4108 9.87% 47.72 MB 19.71% /profile.php
3 2090 5.02% 22.80 MB 9.42% /
4 1667 4.01% 30.62 MB 12.65% /posting.php
5 828 1.99% 16.43 MB 6.79% /viewtopic.php
6 806 1.94% 4.07 MB 1.68% /search.php
7 737 1.77% 40.97 MB 16.92% /viewforum.php
8 142 0.34% 329.98 KB 0.13% /templates/alexis/alexis.css
9 123 0.30% 7.11 MB 2.94% /memberlist.php
10 36 0.09% 1.21 MB 0.50% /faq.php
11 27 0.06% 172.76 KB 0.07% /groupcp.php
12 13 0.03% 95.13 KB 0.04% /viewonline.php

Top 10 of 39 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 11122 26.73% 68.33 MB 28.22% /login.php
2 4108 9.87% 47.72 MB 19.71% /profile.php
3 737 1.77% 40.97 MB 16.92% /viewforum.php
4 1667 4.01% 30.62 MB 12.65% /posting.php
5 2090 5.02% 22.80 MB 9.42% /
6 828 1.99% 16.43 MB 6.79% /viewtopic.php
7 123 0.30% 7.11 MB 2.94% /memberlist.php
8 806 1.94% 4.07 MB 1.68% /search.php
9 36 0.09% 1.21 MB 0.50% /faq.php
10 142 0.34% 329.98 KB 0.13% /templates/alexis/alexis.css

Top 10 of 11 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 828 1.99% 2524 63.80% /viewtopic.php
2 2090 5.02% 827 20.90% /
3 4108 9.87% 423 10.69% /profile.php
4 1667 4.01% 95 2.40% /posting.php
5 11122 26.73% 29 0.73% /login.php
6 123 0.30% 18 0.46% /memberlist.php
7 806 1.94% 16 0.40% /search.php
8 36 0.09% 9 0.23% /faq.php
9 27 0.06% 7 0.18% /groupcp.php
10 13 0.03% 5 0.13% /viewonline.php

Top 10 of 11 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 828 1.99% 2943 74.21% /viewtopic.php
2 4108 9.87% 358 9.03% /profile.php
3 2090 5.02% 303 7.64% /
4 11122 26.73% 274 6.91% /login.php
5 123 0.30% 24 0.61% /memberlist.php
6 806 1.94% 20 0.50% /search.php
7 1667 4.01% 16 0.40% /posting.php
8 36 0.09% 10 0.25% /faq.php
9 27 0.06% 8 0.20% /groupcp.php
10 13 0.03% 7 0.18% /viewonline.php

Top 30 of 512 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 3491 8.39% 2072 9.51% 17.47 MB 7.22% 56 1.41% United States
2 2611 6.28% 1900 8.72% 22.31 MB 9.22% 181 4.56% United States
3 2151 5.17% 1830 8.40% 43.29 MB 17.88% 309 7.78% Russian Federation
4 1353 3.25% 935 4.29% 9.49 MB 3.92% 34 0.86% United States
5 1221 2.94% 1064 4.89% 14.00 MB 5.78% 169 4.25% Unknown
6 1202 2.89% 600 2.76% 3.71 MB 1.53% 2 0.05% United States
7 1202 2.89% 600 2.76% 3.71 MB 1.53% 2 0.05% United States
8 1200 2.88% 598 2.75% 3.70 MB 1.53% 2 0.05% United States
9 1197 2.88% 596 2.74% 3.68 MB 1.52% 2 0.05% United States
10 1051 2.53% 2 0.01% 176.71 KB 0.07% 330 8.31% Korea, Republic of
11 1044 2.51% 0 0.00% 156.58 KB 0.06% 318 8.00% Korea, Republic of
12 1041 2.50% 1 0.00% 167.55 KB 0.07% 332 8.36% Korea, Republic of
13 1038 2.50% 0 0.00% 145.90 KB 0.06% 333 8.38% Korea, Republic of
14 1002 2.41% 2 0.01% 165.15 KB 0.07% 331 8.33% Korea, Republic of
15 978 2.35% 600 2.76% 3.47 MB 1.43% 2 0.05% France
16 882 2.12% 10 0.05% 65.70 KB 0.03% 178 4.48% United States
17 828 1.99% 563 2.59% 4.34 MB 1.79% 2 0.05% France
18 698 1.68% 396 1.82% 3.67 MB 1.52% 2 0.05% United States
19 603 1.45% 297 1.36% 1.84 MB 0.76% 2 0.05% France
20 601 1.44% 300 1.38% 1.85 MB 0.77% 1 0.03% Unknown
21 601 1.44% 300 1.38% 1.85 MB 0.77% 1 0.03% Norway
22 601 1.44% 300 1.38% 1.85 MB 0.77% 1 0.03% Germany
23 601 1.44% 300 1.38% 1.85 MB 0.77% 1 0.03% Germany
24 601 1.44% 300 1.38% 1.85 MB 0.77% 1 0.03% Finland
25 601 1.44% 300 1.38% 1.85 MB 0.77% 1 0.03% Netherlands
26 601 1.44% 300 1.38% 1.85 MB 0.77% 1 0.03% Finland
27 601 1.44% 300 1.38% 1.85 MB 0.77% 1 0.03% Unknown
28 601 1.44% 300 1.38% 1.85 MB 0.77% 1 0.03% United States
29 599 1.44% 299 1.37% 1.84 MB 0.76% 1 0.03% United States
30 599 1.44% 299 1.37% 1.85 MB 0.76% 1 0.03% United States
View All Sites

Top 10 of 512 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 2151 5.17% 1830 8.40% 43.29 MB 17.88% 309 7.78% Russian Federation
2 2611 6.28% 1900 8.72% 22.31 MB 9.22% 181 4.56% United States
3 3491 8.39% 2072 9.51% 17.47 MB 7.22% 56 1.41% United States
4 1221 2.94% 1064 4.89% 14.00 MB 5.78% 169 4.25% Unknown
5 576 1.38% 563 2.59% 13.64 MB 5.63% 14 0.35% Unknown
6 1353 3.25% 935 4.29% 9.49 MB 3.92% 34 0.86% United States
7 395 0.95% 339 1.56% 7.90 MB 3.26% 56 1.41% Unknown
8 388 0.93% 362 1.66% 7.82 MB 3.23% 18 0.45% Unknown
9 828 1.99% 563 2.59% 4.34 MB 1.79% 2 0.05% France
10 1202 2.89% 600 2.76% 3.71 MB 1.53% 2 0.05% United States

Top 30 of 195 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 25801 62.02% - (Direct Request)
2 33 0.08%
3 18 0.04%
4 16 0.04%
5 8 0.02%
6 6 0.01%
7 4 0.01%
8 4 0.01%
9 4 0.01%
10 4 0.01%
11 3 0.01%
12 3 0.01%
13 3 0.01%
14 3 0.01%
15 3 0.01%
16 3 0.01%
17 3 0.01%
18 3 0.01%
19 3 0.01%
20 3 0.01%
21 3 0.01%
22 3 0.01%
23 3 0.01%
24 3 0.01%
25 2 0.00%
26 2 0.00%
27 2 0.00%
28 2 0.00%
29 2 0.00%
30 2 0.00%
View All Referrers

Top 6 of 6 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 4 36.36% Історія Полтавської області
2 2 18.18% juegos de vestir y maquillar
3 2 18.18% Похотливые Латиноамериканки 7 torrent
4 1 9.09%
5 1 9.09% попиздеть о пизде видео порно БЕСП
6 1 9.09% пятнадцатилетние лезбияночки выл

Top 15 of 80 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 17072 41.04% MJ12bot/v1.2
2 7226 17.37% Googlebot/2.1
3 5183 12.46% Yeti/1.0 (NHN Corp.;
4 4434 10.66% MSIE 6.0
5 1087 2.61% Mozilla/5.0
6 768 1.85% Gaisbot/3.0+(;+
7 601 1.44% MSIE 5.5
8 465 1.12% BabalooSpider/1.3 (BabalooSpider;;
9 411 0.99% Najdi.s
10 350 0.84% MSIE 7.0
11 323 0.78% MSIE 5.0
12 263 0.63% Yahoo! Slurp/3.0
13 239 0.57% Googlebot-Image/1.0
14 239 0.57% msnbot/1.1 (+
15 210 0.50% MSIE 6.1
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for June 2009

Top 30 of 34 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 17844 42.89% 9676 44.43% 83.29 MB 34.40% United States
2 5184 12.46% 12 0.06% 859.62 KB 0.35% Korea (South)
3 5020 12.07% 3987 18.31% 62.64 MB 25.87% Unresolved/Unknown
4 2611 6.28% 1568 7.20% 10.54 MB 4.35% France
5 2219 5.33% 1888 8.67% 43.79 MB 18.08% Russian Federation
6 1565 3.76% 926 4.25% 7.44 MB 3.07% Germany
7 1536 3.69% 926 4.25% 5.62 MB 2.32% Netherlands
8 1365 3.28% 680 3.12% 4.20 MB 1.74% Norway
9 1202 2.89% 600 2.76% 3.71 MB 1.53% Finland
10 960 2.31% 660 3.03% 4.91 MB 2.03% Slovenia
11 768 1.85% 0 0.00% 31.00 KB 0.01% Taiwan
12 595 1.43% 437 2.01% 10.28 MB 4.24% Ukraine
13 137 0.33% 55 0.25% 438.18 KB 0.18% China
14 64 0.15% 55 0.25% 390.69 KB 0.16% Spain
15 64 0.15% 53 0.24% 357.19 KB 0.14% Italy
16 58 0.14% 29 0.13% 278.45 KB 0.11% Czech Republic
17 56 0.13% 50 0.23% 649.32 KB 0.26% Moldova
18 53 0.13% 49 0.23% 797.30 KB 0.32% Israel
19 52 0.12% 46 0.21% 373.17 KB 0.15% Saudi Arabia
20 48 0.12% 24 0.11% 151.83 KB 0.06% Japan
21 27 0.06% 22 0.10% 145.19 KB 0.06% Senegal
22 26 0.06% 24 0.11% 236.52 KB 0.10% Costa Rica
23 25 0.06% 18 0.08% 299.44 KB 0.12% Great Britain (UK)
24 23 0.06% 16 0.07% 95.67 KB 0.04% Portugal
25 21 0.05% 21 0.10% 151.66 KB 0.06% India
26 20 0.05% 20 0.09% 139.75 KB 0.06% Romania
27 11 0.03% 10 0.05% 207.22 KB 0.08% Satellite Provider
28 11 0.03% 10 0.05% 105.24 KB 0.04% Thailand
29 9 0.02% 7 0.03% 35.11 KB 0.01% United Arab Emirates
30 9 0.02% 7 0.03% 35.11 KB 0.01% Argentina

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)