Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: January 2009
Generated 01-Feb-2009 05:00 CET
GEO-106FREE 20070601 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for January 2009
Total Hits 130575
Total Files 78391
Total Pages 127623
Total Visits 10511
Total KBytes 1.26 GB
Total Unique Sites 623
Total Unique URLs 28
Total Unique Referrers 1506
Total Unique User Agents 119
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 175 1090
Hits per Day 4212 8871
Files per Day 2528 5218
Pages per Day 4116 8797
Visits per Day 339 595
KBytes per Day 41.71 MB 82.48 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 78391
Code 206 - Partial Content 2
Code 302 - Found 49651
Code 304 - Not Modified 17
Code 404 - Not Found 2514

Daily usage for January 2009

Daily Statistics for January 2009
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 754 0.58% 479 0.61% 603 0.47% 120 1.14% 39 6.26% 5.68 MB 0.44%
2 1290 0.99% 863 1.10% 1098 0.86% 166 1.58% 61 9.79% 10.12 MB 0.78%
3 1247 0.96% 449 0.57% 982 0.77% 239 2.27% 58 9.31% 5.43 MB 0.42%
4 1133 0.87% 476 0.61% 925 0.72% 235 2.24% 64 10.27% 6.55 MB 0.51%
5 1193 0.91% 493 0.63% 948 0.74% 230 2.19% 61 9.79% 6.78 MB 0.52%
6 1488 1.14% 744 0.95% 1211 0.95% 244 2.32% 63 10.11% 9.32 MB 0.72%
7 1245 0.95% 459 0.59% 1045 0.82% 202 1.92% 60 9.63% 6.24 MB 0.48%
8 2007 1.54% 1166 1.49% 1844 1.44% 189 1.80% 60 9.63% 13.13 MB 1.02%
9 1457 1.12% 800 1.02% 1421 1.11% 180 1.71% 68 10.91% 8.24 MB 0.64%
10 649 0.50% 344 0.44% 619 0.49% 167 1.59% 44 7.06% 3.82 MB 0.30%
11 660 0.51% 383 0.49% 637 0.50% 142 1.35% 31 4.98% 4.95 MB 0.38%
12 1572 1.20% 744 0.95% 1543 1.21% 129 1.23% 33 5.30% 5.99 MB 0.46%
13 818 0.63% 592 0.76% 771 0.60% 143 1.36% 42 6.74% 6.36 MB 0.49%
14 1558 1.19% 794 1.01% 1513 1.19% 121 1.15% 39 6.26% 5.92 MB 0.46%
15 2148 1.65% 1744 2.22% 2120 1.66% 154 1.47% 39 6.26% 17.39 MB 1.35%
16 4927 3.77% 3115 3.97% 4880 3.82% 393 3.74% 57 9.15% 53.46 MB 4.13%
17 6475 4.96% 3993 5.09% 6439 5.05% 467 4.44% 54 8.67% 68.83 MB 5.32%
18 6554 5.02% 4057 5.18% 6513 5.10% 471 4.48% 54 8.67% 70.86 MB 5.48%
19 6815 5.22% 4115 5.25% 6760 5.30% 484 4.60% 73 11.72% 72.77 MB 5.63%
20 6932 5.31% 4208 5.37% 6863 5.38% 464 4.41% 70 11.24% 73.01 MB 5.65%
21 7207 5.52% 4343 5.54% 7136 5.59% 556 5.29% 77 12.36% 75.69 MB 5.85%
22 7022 5.38% 4273 5.45% 6949 5.44% 541 5.15% 77 12.36% 77.01 MB 5.96%
23 6971 5.34% 4270 5.45% 6918 5.42% 595 5.66% 72 11.56% 74.81 MB 5.79%
24 8122 6.22% 5031 6.42% 8033 6.29% 543 5.17% 83 13.32% 82.03 MB 6.34%
25 7053 5.40% 4295 5.48% 6984 5.47% 542 5.16% 85 13.64% 76.25 MB 5.90%
26 6975 5.34% 4254 5.43% 6884 5.39% 528 5.02% 72 11.56% 75.16 MB 5.81%
27 8871 6.79% 5218 6.66% 8797 6.89% 538 5.12% 63 10.11% 82.48 MB 6.38%
28 7173 5.49% 4346 5.54% 7114 5.57% 492 4.68% 77 12.36% 75.78 MB 5.86%
29 7020 5.38% 4369 5.57% 6958 5.45% 462 4.40% 64 10.27% 76.52 MB 5.92%
30 6956 5.33% 4174 5.32% 6900 5.41% 483 4.60% 66 10.59% 74.76 MB 5.78%
31 6283 4.81% 3800 4.85% 6215 4.87% 438 4.17% 73 11.72% 67.70 MB 5.24%

Hourly usage for January 2009

Hourly Statistics for January 2009
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 170 5300 4.06% 103 3210 4.09% 167 5200 4.07% 1.74 MB 53.91 MB 4.17%
1 158 4923 3.77% 94 2924 3.73% 155 4808 3.77% 1.59 MB 49.27 MB 3.81%
2 181 5619 4.30% 105 3275 4.18% 177 5499 4.31% 1.70 MB 52.83 MB 4.09%
3 142 4402 3.37% 84 2604 3.32% 138 4282 3.36% 1.33 MB 41.27 MB 3.19%
4 166 5171 3.96% 104 3243 4.14% 163 5073 3.97% 1.70 MB 52.63 MB 4.07%
5 154 4804 3.68% 94 2914 3.72% 152 4714 3.69% 1.58 MB 48.99 MB 3.79%
6 160 4989 3.82% 97 3028 3.86% 157 4871 3.82% 1.66 MB 51.32 MB 3.97%
7 159 4946 3.79% 96 2986 3.81% 156 4850 3.80% 1.67 MB 51.72 MB 4.00%
8 164 5111 3.91% 100 3113 3.97% 160 4986 3.91% 1.69 MB 52.26 MB 4.04%
9 193 6000 4.60% 114 3548 4.53% 188 5848 4.58% 1.80 MB 55.78 MB 4.31%
10 177 5511 4.22% 107 3333 4.25% 174 5399 4.23% 1.75 MB 54.22 MB 4.19%
11 218 6780 5.19% 127 3942 5.03% 214 6639 5.20% 1.94 MB 60.04 MB 4.64%
12 185 5742 4.40% 112 3472 4.43% 181 5611 4.40% 1.86 MB 57.56 MB 4.45%
13 183 5694 4.36% 109 3408 4.35% 178 5533 4.34% 1.83 MB 56.64 MB 4.38%
14 169 5240 4.01% 99 3069 3.91% 165 5118 4.01% 1.70 MB 52.57 MB 4.07%
15 168 5232 4.01% 99 3096 3.95% 164 5109 4.00% 1.72 MB 53.39 MB 4.13%
16 175 5452 4.18% 104 3251 4.15% 171 5322 4.17% 1.79 MB 55.37 MB 4.28%
17 180 5602 4.29% 112 3475 4.43% 176 5468 4.28% 1.88 MB 58.25 MB 4.51%
18 171 5316 4.07% 101 3155 4.02% 167 5190 4.07% 1.76 MB 54.42 MB 4.21%
19 220 6835 5.23% 142 4423 5.64% 215 6690 5.24% 1.95 MB 60.47 MB 4.68%
20 169 5247 4.02% 100 3108 3.96% 165 5118 4.01% 1.73 MB 53.64 MB 4.15%
21 171 5317 4.07% 100 3124 3.99% 166 5151 4.04% 1.72 MB 53.46 MB 4.13%
22 186 5785 4.43% 107 3347 4.27% 183 5685 4.45% 1.74 MB 54.00 MB 4.18%
23 179 5557 4.26% 107 3343 4.26% 176 5459 4.28% 1.90 MB 58.99 MB 4.56%

Top 12 of 28 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 32433 24.84% 601.11 MB 46.49% /posting.php
2 23404 17.92% 132.28 MB 10.23% /login.php
3 11765 9.01% 427.30 MB 33.05% /viewtopic.php
4 6795 5.20% 78.20 MB 6.05% /profile.php
5 2581 1.98% 21.35 MB 1.65% /
6 478 0.37% 2.42 MB 0.19% /search.php
7 238 0.18% 14.68 MB 1.14% /viewforum.php
8 165 0.13% 10.08 MB 0.78% /memberlist.php
9 66 0.05% 353.55 KB 0.03% /templates/alexis/alexis.css
10 42 0.03% 1.42 MB 0.11% /faq.php
11 40 0.03% 270.50 KB 0.02% /groupcp.php
12 23 0.02% 188.78 KB 0.01% /viewonline.php

Top 10 of 28 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 32433 24.84% 601.11 MB 46.49% /posting.php
2 11765 9.01% 427.30 MB 33.05% /viewtopic.php
3 23404 17.92% 132.28 MB 10.23% /login.php
4 6795 5.20% 78.20 MB 6.05% /profile.php
5 2581 1.98% 21.35 MB 1.65% /
6 238 0.18% 14.68 MB 1.14% /viewforum.php
7 165 0.13% 10.08 MB 0.78% /memberlist.php
8 478 0.37% 2.42 MB 0.19% /search.php
9 42 0.03% 1.42 MB 0.11% /faq.php
10 66 0.05% 353.55 KB 0.03% /templates/alexis/alexis.css

Top 10 of 11 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 11765 9.01% 5127 49.25% /viewtopic.php
2 32433 24.84% 3816 36.65% /posting.php
3 6795 5.20% 664 6.38% /profile.php
4 2581 1.98% 435 4.18% /
5 23404 17.92% 215 2.07% /login.php
6 238 0.18% 60 0.58% /viewforum.php
7 478 0.37% 30 0.29% /search.php
8 165 0.13% 26 0.25% /memberlist.php
9 42 0.03% 14 0.13% /faq.php
10 23 0.02% 13 0.12% /viewonline.php

Top 10 of 11 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 11765 9.01% 5809 55.70% /viewtopic.php
2 23404 17.92% 2063 19.78% /login.php
3 32433 24.84% 1436 13.77% /posting.php
4 2581 1.98% 496 4.76% /
5 6795 5.20% 455 4.36% /profile.php
6 238 0.18% 61 0.58% /viewforum.php
7 478 0.37% 38 0.36% /search.php
8 165 0.13% 36 0.35% /memberlist.php
9 40 0.03% 17 0.16% /groupcp.php
10 42 0.03% 11 0.11% /faq.php

Top 30 of 623 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 10698 8.19% 6967 8.89% 127.98 MB 9.90% 559 5.32% Germany
2 10269 7.86% 6700 8.55% 123.34 MB 9.54% 150 1.43% Germany
3 9759 7.47% 6366 8.12% 117.15 MB 9.06% 565 5.38% Germany
4 9476 7.26% 6205 7.92% 113.36 MB 8.77% 189 1.80% Germany
5 9396 7.20% 6128 7.82% 112.95 MB 8.74% 570 5.42% Germany
6 9258 7.09% 6044 7.71% 111.45 MB 8.62% 139 1.32% Germany
7 9014 6.90% 5883 7.50% 108.62 MB 8.40% 525 4.99% Germany
8 8736 6.69% 5697 7.27% 104.03 MB 8.05% 505 4.80% Germany
9 8081 6.19% 5260 6.71% 97.08 MB 7.51% 485 4.61% Germany
10 7930 6.07% 5165 6.59% 94.79 MB 7.33% 193 1.84% Germany
11 7484 5.73% 6101 7.78% 70.20 MB 5.43% 234 2.23% United States
12 2569 1.97% 1 0.00% 705 bytes 0.00% 158 1.50% United States
13 1262 0.97% 2 0.00% 217.84 KB 0.02% 369 3.51% Korea, Republic of
14 1144 0.88% 0 0.00% 190.38 KB 0.01% 348 3.31% Korea, Republic of
15 1142 0.87% 0 0.00% 204.62 KB 0.02% 346 3.29% Korea, Republic of
16 1124 0.86% 1 0.00% 208.26 KB 0.02% 318 3.03% Korea, Republic of
17 1011 0.77% 1011 1.29% 5.40 MB 0.42% 1 0.01% Netherlands
18 946 0.72% 0 0.00% 112.99 KB 0.01% 354 3.37% Korea, Republic of
19 872 0.67% 3 0.00% 71.75 KB 0.01% 175 1.66% United States
20 712 0.55% 140 0.18% 1.43 MB 0.11% 70 0.67% Slovenia
21 711 0.54% 344 0.44% 1.93 MB 0.15% 174 1.66% China
22 683 0.52% 9 0.01% 90.03 KB 0.01% 146 1.39% United States
23 676 0.52% 298 0.38% 2.44 MB 0.19% 96 0.91% Slovenia
24 601 0.46% 300 0.38% 1.85 MB 0.14% 1 0.01% Germany
25 601 0.46% 300 0.38% 1.85 MB 0.14% 1 0.01% Ukraine
26 601 0.46% 300 0.38% 1.85 MB 0.14% 1 0.01% Unknown
27 601 0.46% 300 0.38% 1.85 MB 0.14% 1 0.01% Unknown
28 484 0.37% 0 0.00% 81.85 KB 0.01% 233 2.22% Korea, Republic of
29 482 0.37% 391 0.50% 7.91 MB 0.61% 42 0.40% Portugal
30 477 0.37% 238 0.30% 1.47 MB 0.11% 1 0.01% Unknown
View All Sites

Top 10 of 623 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 10698 8.19% 6967 8.89% 127.98 MB 9.90% 559 5.32% Germany
2 10269 7.86% 6700 8.55% 123.34 MB 9.54% 150 1.43% Germany
3 9759 7.47% 6366 8.12% 117.15 MB 9.06% 565 5.38% Germany
4 9476 7.26% 6205 7.92% 113.36 MB 8.77% 189 1.80% Germany
5 9396 7.20% 6128 7.82% 112.95 MB 8.74% 570 5.42% Germany
6 9258 7.09% 6044 7.71% 111.45 MB 8.62% 139 1.32% Germany
7 9014 6.90% 5883 7.50% 108.62 MB 8.40% 525 4.99% Germany
8 8736 6.69% 5697 7.27% 104.03 MB 8.05% 505 4.80% Germany
9 8081 6.19% 5260 6.71% 97.08 MB 7.51% 485 4.61% Germany
10 7930 6.07% 5165 6.59% 94.79 MB 7.33% 193 1.84% Germany

Top 30 of 1506 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 30390 23.27% - (Direct Request)
2 35 0.03%
3 15 0.01%
4 9 0.01%
5 9 0.01%
6 9 0.01%
7 8 0.01%
8 8 0.01%
9 8 0.01%
10 8 0.01%
11 7 0.01%
12 7 0.01%
13 7 0.01%
14 7 0.01%
15 7 0.01%
16 7 0.01%
17 6 0.00%
18 6 0.00%
19 6 0.00%
20 6 0.00%
21 6 0.00%
22 6 0.00%
23 6 0.00%
24 6 0.00%
25 6 0.00%
26 5 0.00%
27 5 0.00%
28 5 0.00%
29 5 0.00%
30 5 0.00%
View All Referrers

Top 5 of 5 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 1 20.00% brigita yartz
2 1 20.00%
3 1 20.00% kuža pazi
4 1 20.00% logro site:si
5 1 20.00% olga kavalič

Top 15 of 119 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 39020 29.88% Mozilla/5.0
2 34974 26.78% MSIE 6.0
3 7744 5.93% Yeti/1.0 (NHN Corp.;
4 7489 5.74% Googlebot/2.1
5 4302 3.29% MSIE 5.5
6 3938 3.02% MJ12bot/v1.2
7 3843 2.94% Baiduspider+(+
8 2569 1.97% MSIE 6.1
9 2196 1.68% MSIE 7.0
10 2067 1.58% MSIE 5.0
11 1611 1.23% Opera/9.00
12 1063 0.81% Opera/9.0
13 1023 0.78% MSIE 2.0
14 872 0.67% msnbot-media/1.0 (+
15 761 0.58% Najdi.s
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for January 2009

Top 30 of 51 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 93672 71.74% 61105 77.95% 1.09 GB 86.34% Germany
2 14995 11.48% 8482 10.82% 97.39 MB 7.53% United States
3 7786 5.96% 43 0.05% 1.75 MB 0.14% Korea (South)
4 4509 3.45% 2234 2.85% 14.62 MB 1.13% China
5 3646 2.79% 2579 3.29% 25.92 MB 2.00% Unresolved/Unknown
6 1652 1.27% 1608 2.05% 12.57 MB 0.97% Netherlands
7 1648 1.26% 595 0.76% 4.72 MB 0.37% Slovenia
8 636 0.49% 334 0.43% 2.14 MB 0.17% Ukraine
9 488 0.37% 396 0.51% 8.19 MB 0.63% Portugal
10 431 0.33% 366 0.47% 2.71 MB 0.21% Russian Federation
11 335 0.26% 11 0.01% 176.49 KB 0.01% Hong Kong
12 113 0.09% 95 0.12% 862.04 KB 0.07% Spain
13 56 0.04% 37 0.05% 501.21 KB 0.04% France
14 42 0.03% 33 0.04% 473.95 KB 0.04% Japan
15 37 0.03% 35 0.04% 261.73 KB 0.02% Brazil
16 37 0.03% 32 0.04% 375.93 KB 0.03% Poland
17 35 0.03% 27 0.03% 156.47 KB 0.01% Argentina
18 34 0.03% 29 0.04% 413.06 KB 0.03% Taiwan
19 32 0.02% 29 0.04% 238.40 KB 0.02% Great Britain (UK)
20 29 0.02% 24 0.03% 270.63 KB 0.02% Canada
21 29 0.02% 23 0.03% 184.26 KB 0.01% Israel
22 27 0.02% 21 0.03% 105.33 KB 0.01% Mexico
23 24 0.02% 20 0.03% 218.83 KB 0.02% Switzerland
24 23 0.02% 19 0.02% 276.34 KB 0.02% India
25 22 0.02% 14 0.02% 177.92 KB 0.01% Sweden
26 20 0.02% 17 0.02% 386.20 KB 0.03% Peru
27 18 0.01% 14 0.02% 70.22 KB 0.01% Colombia
28 17 0.01% 14 0.02% 231.59 KB 0.02% Moldova
29 16 0.01% 14 0.02% 68.45 KB 0.01% Venezuela
30 15 0.01% 15 0.02% 155.75 KB 0.01% Costa Rica

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)