
Usage Statistics for masaze.net

Summary Period: December 2004
Generated 01-Jan-2005 04:24 CET

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for December 2004
Total Hits 4223
Total Files 3956
Total Pages 1829
Total Visits 303
Total KBytes 26870
Total Unique Sites 226
Total Unique URLs 27
Total Unique Referrers 21
Total Unique Usernames 1
Total Unique User Agents 30
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 6 75
Hits per Day 145 317
Files per Day 136 287
Pages per Day 63 128
Visits per Day 10 18
KBytes per Day 927 2018
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 3956
Code 206 - Partial Content 4
Code 302 - Found 20
Code 304 - Not Modified 137
Code 404 - Not Found 106

Daily usage for December 2004

Daily Statistics for December 2004
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
3 244 5.78% 232 5.86% 111 6.07% 15 4.95% 13 5.75% 1615 6.01%
4 29 0.69% 28 0.71% 13 0.71% 5 1.65% 6 2.65% 179 0.67%
5 91 2.15% 88 2.22% 45 2.46% 8 2.64% 8 3.54% 643 2.39%
6 255 6.04% 253 6.40% 103 5.63% 15 4.95% 16 7.08% 1613 6.00%
7 260 6.16% 235 5.94% 110 6.01% 17 5.61% 17 7.52% 1697 6.32%
8 133 3.15% 126 3.19% 57 3.12% 9 2.97% 8 3.54% 891 3.32%
9 55 1.30% 53 1.34% 23 1.26% 6 1.98% 8 3.54% 364 1.36%
10 111 2.63% 104 2.63% 47 2.57% 11 3.63% 12 5.31% 713 2.65%
11 96 2.27% 79 2.00% 49 2.68% 9 2.97% 9 3.98% 631 2.35%
12 117 2.77% 106 2.68% 64 3.50% 12 3.96% 14 6.19% 559 2.08%
13 317 7.51% 287 7.25% 128 7.00% 15 4.95% 19 8.41% 2018 7.51%
14 77 1.82% 75 1.90% 29 1.59% 6 1.98% 7 3.10% 481 1.79%
15 207 4.90% 199 5.03% 92 5.03% 13 4.29% 12 5.31% 1306 4.86%
16 276 6.54% 274 6.93% 124 6.78% 12 3.96% 13 5.75% 1778 6.62%
17 118 2.79% 116 2.93% 41 2.24% 7 2.31% 7 3.10% 677 2.52%
18 157 3.72% 157 3.97% 64 3.50% 7 2.31% 7 3.10% 1020 3.80%
19 81 1.92% 79 2.00% 35 1.91% 6 1.98% 7 3.10% 515 1.92%
20 198 4.69% 180 4.55% 90 4.92% 13 4.29% 15 6.64% 1304 4.85%
21 172 4.07% 162 4.10% 72 3.94% 13 4.29% 13 5.75% 1137 4.23%
22 244 5.78% 222 5.61% 111 6.07% 18 5.94% 18 7.96% 1575 5.86%
23 208 4.93% 204 5.16% 82 4.48% 12 3.96% 12 5.31% 1346 5.01%
24 59 1.40% 56 1.42% 27 1.48% 8 2.64% 9 3.98% 408 1.52%
25 11 0.26% 7 0.18% 8 0.44% 6 1.98% 6 2.65% 62 0.23%
26 159 3.77% 143 3.61% 63 3.44% 7 2.31% 7 3.10% 940 3.50%
27 141 3.34% 136 3.44% 60 3.28% 14 4.62% 17 7.52% 872 3.25%
28 66 1.56% 51 1.29% 34 1.86% 12 3.96% 11 4.87% 372 1.39%
29 194 4.59% 171 4.32% 81 4.43% 13 4.29% 14 6.19% 1227 4.57%
30 106 2.51% 97 2.45% 46 2.52% 8 2.64% 12 5.31% 671 2.50%
31 41 0.97% 36 0.91% 20 1.09% 6 1.98% 9 3.98% 255 0.95%

Hourly usage for December 2004

Hourly Statistics for December 2004
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 3 101 2.39% 3 95 2.40% 1 46 2.52% 22 628 2.34%
1 0 26 0.62% 0 20 0.51% 0 21 1.15% 2 67 0.25%
2 0 6 0.14% 0 3 0.08% 0 3 0.16% 1 21 0.08%
3 1 33 0.78% 1 31 0.78% 1 32 1.75% 2 52 0.19%
4 1 37 0.88% 1 33 0.83% 0 18 0.98% 8 231 0.86%
5 0 17 0.40% 0 14 0.35% 0 14 0.77% 5 147 0.55%
6 1 41 0.97% 1 34 0.86% 0 19 1.04% 10 284 1.06%
7 1 52 1.23% 1 51 1.29% 0 21 1.15% 12 345 1.28%
8 5 147 3.48% 5 146 3.69% 2 60 3.28% 35 1016 3.78%
9 6 187 4.43% 6 181 4.58% 2 78 4.26% 42 1229 4.57%
10 10 312 7.39% 10 297 7.51% 4 122 6.67% 70 2035 7.57%
11 8 257 6.09% 8 241 6.09% 3 115 6.29% 57 1667 6.20%
12 13 388 9.19% 13 378 9.56% 5 156 8.53% 87 2525 9.40%
13 10 307 7.27% 9 280 7.08% 4 141 7.71% 68 1984 7.38%
14 11 326 7.72% 10 302 7.63% 4 130 7.11% 69 2004 7.46%
15 13 391 9.26% 12 376 9.50% 5 152 8.31% 88 2548 9.48%
16 6 189 4.48% 5 155 3.92% 2 76 4.16% 39 1127 4.19%
17 7 206 4.88% 6 188 4.75% 2 81 4.43% 44 1272 4.73%
18 7 214 5.07% 7 207 5.23% 3 101 5.52% 50 1448 5.39%
19 3 113 2.68% 3 107 2.70% 1 47 2.57% 25 714 2.66%
20 9 284 6.73% 9 279 7.05% 4 129 7.05% 66 1906 7.09%
21 5 146 3.46% 4 125 3.16% 2 65 3.55% 31 906 3.37%
22 10 307 7.27% 9 283 7.15% 4 130 7.11% 68 1973 7.34%
23 4 136 3.22% 4 130 3.29% 2 72 3.94% 26 742 2.76%

Top 24 of 27 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 824 19.51% 9393 34.96% /components/getdata.php
2 316 7.48% 4460 16.60% /
3 278 6.58% 2923 10.88% /stil_package.php
4 188 4.45% 698 2.60% /getfile.php
5 185 4.38% 257 0.96% /stil_forms.php
6 154 3.65% 561 2.09% /images/hojla_logo2.swf
7 153 3.62% 5 0.02% /include/jscookmenu/ThemeHojlaPackage/theme.css
8 152 3.60% 260 0.97% /include/KMain.js
9 152 3.60% 64 0.24% /include/okno.js
10 151 3.58% 1355 5.04% /include/KModeChange.js
11 150 3.55% 269 1.00% /include/KUtil.js
12 150 3.55% 2885 10.74% /include/KValidate.js
13 150 3.55% 2762 10.28% /include/jscookmenu/JSCookMenu.js
14 150 3.55% 186 0.69% /include/jscookmenu/ThemeHojlaPackage/theme.js
15 150 3.55% 198 0.74% /include/menu.js
16 150 3.55% 108 0.40% /include/sl_KValidate.lang.js
17 149 3.53% 49 0.18% /include/http.js
18 148 3.50% 44 0.16% /include/photoWindow.js
19 147 3.48% 37 0.14% /include/KModeChange.lang.js
20 147 3.48% 234 0.87% /include/search.js
21 18 0.43% 16 0.06% /favicon.ico
22 12 0.28% 6 0.02% /showPicture.php
23 5 0.12% 0 0.00% /adRedirect.php
24 1 0.02% 16 0.06% /stil.css

Top 10 of 27 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 824 19.51% 9393 34.96% /components/getdata.php
2 316 7.48% 4460 16.60% /
3 278 6.58% 2923 10.88% /stil_package.php
4 150 3.55% 2885 10.74% /include/KValidate.js
5 150 3.55% 2762 10.28% /include/jscookmenu/JSCookMenu.js
6 151 3.58% 1355 5.04% /include/KModeChange.js
7 188 4.45% 698 2.60% /getfile.php
8 154 3.65% 561 2.09% /images/hojla_logo2.swf
9 150 3.55% 269 1.00% /include/KUtil.js
10 152 3.60% 260 0.97% /include/KMain.js

Top 6 of 6 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 316 7.48% 259 87.80% /
2 824 19.51% 12 4.07% /components/getdata.php
3 188 4.45% 11 3.73% /getfile.php
4 5 0.12% 5 1.69% /adRedirect.php
5 278 6.58% 5 1.69% /stil_package.php
6 185 4.38% 3 1.02% /stil_forms.php

Top 6 of 6 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 824 19.51% 150 49.83% /components/getdata.php
2 316 7.48% 119 39.53% /
3 188 4.45% 13 4.32% /getfile.php
4 278 6.58% 9 2.99% /stil_package.php
5 5 0.12% 5 1.66% /adRedirect.php
6 185 4.38% 5 1.66% /stil_forms.php

Top 30 of 226 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 78 1.85% 63 1.59% 522 1.94% 3 0.99% nproxy1.gov.si
2 73 1.73% 58 1.47% 421 1.57% 3 0.99% cpe1-4-35.cable.triera.net
3 59 1.40% 29 0.73% 252 0.94% 11 3.63% gw.noviforum.si
4 50 1.18% 50 1.26% 315 1.17% 1 0.33% bsn-210-240-200.dsl.siol.net
5 50 1.18% 35 0.88% 251 0.94% 1 0.33% bsn-250-12-201.dsl.siol.net
6 50 1.18% 50 1.26% 317 1.18% 2 0.66% clj1-365.dial-up.arnes.si
7 48 1.14% 33 0.83% 251 0.94% 1 0.33%
8 48 1.14% 44 1.11% 318 1.18% 1 0.33% bsn-165-123-69.dsl.siol.net
9 46 1.09% 29 0.73% 322 1.20% 9 2.97% spider2.noviforum.si
10 42 0.99% 42 1.06% 347 1.29% 1 0.33% cmb31-179.dial-up.arnes.si
11 41 0.97% 41 1.04% 282 1.05% 1 0.33% cpe1-24-148.cable.triera.net
12 41 0.97% 27 0.68% 289 1.08% 2 0.66% nproxy3.gov.si
13 39 0.92% 39 0.99% 288 1.07% 3 0.99% nproxy4.gov.si
14 35 0.83% 34 0.86% 218 0.81% 1 0.33%
15 35 0.83% 34 0.86% 230 0.86% 1 0.33% bsn-77-34-59.dsl.siol.net
16 34 0.81% 19 0.48% 200 0.74% 1 0.33% bsn-77-251-110.dsl.siol.net
17 33 0.78% 32 0.81% 214 0.80% 1 0.33%
18 33 0.78% 32 0.81% 235 0.87% 1 0.33% bsn-77-153-247.dsl.siol.net
19 32 0.76% 31 0.78% 235 0.87% 1 0.33% cpe1-5-6.cable.triera.net
20 30 0.71% 30 0.76% 201 0.75% 1 0.33% as-107-108.dial-up.siol.net
21 29 0.69% 29 0.73% 0 0.00% 29 9.57%
22 29 0.69% 28 0.71% 205 0.76% 1 0.33%
23 29 0.69% 26 0.66% 67 0.25% 1 0.33% adsl-69-149-229-238.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net
24 29 0.69% 29 0.73% 200 0.74% 1 0.33% bsn-95-243-99.dsl.siol.net
25 29 0.69% 29 0.73% 218 0.81% 1 0.33% cpe2-1-117.cable.triera.net
26 29 0.69% 29 0.73% 205 0.76% 1 0.33% mail.tt-mb.si
27 28 0.66% 28 0.71% 205 0.76% 1 0.33% bsn-77-138-246.dsl.siol.net
28 28 0.66% 28 0.71% 200 0.75% 1 0.33% bsn-95-231-193.dsl.siol.net
29 27 0.64% 27 0.68% 171 0.64% 1 0.33%
30 27 0.64% 27 0.68% 171 0.64% 1 0.33%
View All Sites

Top 10 of 226 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 78 1.85% 63 1.59% 522 1.94% 3 0.99% nproxy1.gov.si
2 73 1.73% 58 1.47% 421 1.57% 3 0.99% cpe1-4-35.cable.triera.net
3 42 0.99% 42 1.06% 347 1.29% 1 0.33% cmb31-179.dial-up.arnes.si
4 46 1.09% 29 0.73% 322 1.20% 9 2.97% spider2.noviforum.si
5 48 1.14% 44 1.11% 318 1.18% 1 0.33% bsn-165-123-69.dsl.siol.net
6 50 1.18% 50 1.26% 317 1.18% 2 0.66% clj1-365.dial-up.arnes.si
7 50 1.18% 50 1.26% 315 1.17% 1 0.33% bsn-210-240-200.dsl.siol.net
8 41 0.97% 27 0.68% 289 1.08% 2 0.66% nproxy3.gov.si
9 39 0.92% 39 0.99% 288 1.07% 3 0.99% nproxy4.gov.si
10 41 0.97% 41 1.04% 282 1.05% 1 0.33% cpe1-24-148.cable.triera.net

Top 15 of 21 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 659 15.61% - (Direct Request)
2 115 2.72% http://www.najdi.si/search.jsp
3 25 0.59% http://www.matkurja.com/si/iskalnik/
4 7 0.17% http://www.slowwwenia.com/search.php
5 4 0.09% http://www.whois.sc/
6 3 0.07% http://iconsurf.com/
7 3 0.07% http://iconsurf.com/robot.html
8 3 0.07% http://www.faxo.com
9 2 0.05% http://www.raziskovalec.com/pages/Maribor/more4.html
10 1 0.02% http://www.altavista.com/web/results
11 1 0.02% http://www.catagoryhound.com
12 1 0.02% http://www.istarthere.com/
13 1 0.02% http://www.najdi.si/nk/gettopic.jsp
14 1 0.02% www.matkurja.com/slo/new/2004/1/
15 1 0.02% www.seventwentyfour.com/

Top 20 of 26 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 66 56.90% masaža
2 10 8.62% masaže
3 5 4.31% masaža maribor
4 4 3.45% masaze
5 4 3.45% masaža telesa
6 3 2.59% limfna drenaža
7 3 2.59% masaže maribor
8 2 1.72% dragica
9 2 1.72% masaža v mariboru
10 1 0.86% dotik salon
11 1 0.86% kako se znebiti celulita
12 1 0.86% limfna drenaŽa
13 1 0.86% limfni sistem
14 1 0.86% maribor masaža
15 1 0.86% masaŽa
16 1 0.86% masaŽe
17 1 0.86% masaža hrbtenice
18 1 0.86% masaža športna
19 1 0.86% masažni salon
20 1 0.86% masažni saloni v mariboru
View All Search Strings

Top 1 of 1 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 3 0.07% 3 0.08% 46 0.17% 1 0.33% guest

Top 15 of 30 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 2803 66.37% MSIE 6.0
2 404 9.57% Mozilla/5.0
3 379 8.97% MSIE 5.5
4 100 2.37% MSIE 5.01
5 93 2.20% MSIE 4.01
6 85 2.01% MSIE 5.0
7 62 1.47% Yahoo! Slurp
8 59 1.40% TridentSpider/3.1
9 46 1.09% TridentSpider3
10 29 0.69% Faxobot/1.0
11 29 0.69% Mosad/2.0
12 27 0.64% ia_archiver
13 16 0.38% Yahoo-MMCrawler/3.x (mms dash mmcrawler dash support at yahoo dash inc dot com)
14 15 0.36% sohu-search
15 12 0.28% Ask Jeeves/Teoma)"
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for December 2004

Top 12 of 12 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 1973 46.72% 1916 48.43% 12917 48.07% Network
2 1158 27.42% 1099 27.78% 7118 26.49% Unresolved/Unknown
3 861 20.39% 766 19.36% 5532 20.59% Slovenia
4 116 2.75% 70 1.77% 517 1.92% US Commercial
5 26 0.62% 26 0.66% 171 0.64% International (int)
6 26 0.62% 25 0.63% 174 0.65% United Kingdom
7 25 0.59% 25 0.63% 170 0.63% US Government
8 25 0.59% 25 0.63% 157 0.59% Niue
9 6 0.14% 3 0.08% 52 0.19% Seychelles
10 5 0.12% 3 0.08% 32 0.12% Japan
11 1 0.02% 1 0.03% 17 0.06% Canada
12 1 0.02% 1 0.03% 12 0.05% Czech Republic

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01