Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: May 2006
Generated 01-Jun-2006 04:35 CEST
GEO-106FREE 20041102 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2004 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for May 2006
Total Hits 2041
Total Files 1750
Total Pages 1094
Total Visits 246
Total KBytes 14.89 MB
Total Unique Sites 148
Total Unique URLs 28
Total Unique Referrers 14
Total Unique User Agents 25
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 2 188
Hits per Day 65 233
Files per Day 56 192
Pages per Day 35 175
Visits per Day 7 21
KBytes per Day 491.74 KB 2.25 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 1750
Code 302 - Found 9
Code 304 - Not Modified 137
Code 404 - Not Found 145

Daily usage for May 2006

Daily Statistics for May 2006
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 37 1.81% 33 1.89% 17 1.55% 7 2.85% 6 4.05% 253.02 KB 1.66%
2 59 2.89% 24 1.37% 24 2.19% 4 1.63% 3 2.03% 242.59 KB 1.59%
3 8 0.39% 5 0.29% 5 0.46% 5 2.03% 4 2.70% 48.93 KB 0.32%
4 33 1.62% 32 1.83% 16 1.46% 7 2.85% 8 5.41% 232.04 KB 1.52%
5 34 1.67% 30 1.71% 15 1.37% 5 2.03% 5 3.38% 234.09 KB 1.54%
6 24 1.18% 12 0.69% 12 1.10% 9 3.66% 10 6.76% 127.98 KB 0.84%
7 71 3.48% 62 3.54% 31 2.83% 12 4.88% 14 9.46% 452.77 KB 2.97%
8 43 2.11% 33 1.89% 13 1.19% 5 2.03% 5 3.38% 218.16 KB 1.43%
9 118 5.78% 110 6.29% 48 4.39% 8 3.25% 9 6.08% 800.98 KB 5.25%
10 233 11.42% 192 10.97% 175 16.00% 8 3.25% 9 6.08% 2.25 MB 15.09%
11 66 3.23% 60 3.43% 28 2.56% 9 3.66% 9 6.08% 441.39 KB 2.90%
12 186 9.11% 160 9.14% 125 11.43% 13 5.28% 14 9.46% 1.39 MB 9.32%
13 19 0.93% 14 0.80% 14 1.28% 8 3.25% 9 6.08% 130.93 KB 0.86%
14 37 1.81% 33 1.89% 16 1.46% 6 2.44% 9 6.08% 238.62 KB 1.57%
15 160 7.84% 141 8.06% 77 7.04% 11 4.47% 12 8.11% 1.07 MB 7.21%
16 102 5.00% 100 5.71% 51 4.66% 7 2.85% 8 5.41% 855.07 KB 5.61%
17 12 0.59% 7 0.40% 7 0.64% 7 2.85% 9 6.08% 63.78 KB 0.42%
18 13 0.64% 7 0.40% 7 0.64% 6 2.44% 9 6.08% 77.97 KB 0.51%
19 13 0.64% 8 0.46% 8 0.73% 8 3.25% 9 6.08% 92.98 KB 0.61%
20 63 3.09% 52 2.97% 36 3.29% 9 3.66% 11 7.43% 448.93 KB 2.95%
21 135 6.61% 113 6.46% 64 5.85% 10 4.07% 10 6.76% 1.05 MB 7.06%
22 103 5.05% 101 5.77% 67 6.12% 6 2.44% 6 4.05% 881.78 KB 5.78%
23 64 3.14% 55 3.14% 40 3.66% 21 8.54% 24 16.22% 491.36 KB 3.22%
24 14 0.69% 13 0.74% 12 1.10% 3 1.22% 4 2.70% 139.61 KB 0.92%
25 91 4.46% 88 5.03% 54 4.94% 7 2.85% 8 5.41% 817.90 KB 5.37%
26 33 1.62% 31 1.77% 15 1.37% 6 2.44% 5 3.38% 232.98 KB 1.53%
27 59 2.89% 57 3.26% 23 2.10% 5 2.03% 4 2.70% 407.19 KB 2.67%
28 8 0.39% 7 0.40% 7 0.64% 7 2.85% 7 4.73% 75.59 KB 0.50%
29 73 3.58% 46 2.63% 28 2.56% 8 3.25% 8 5.41% 384.63 KB 2.52%
30 67 3.28% 63 3.60% 31 2.83% 10 4.07% 12 8.11% 490.91 KB 3.22%
31 63 3.09% 61 3.49% 28 2.56% 9 3.66% 8 5.41% 466.84 KB 3.06%

Hourly usage for May 2006

Hourly Statistics for May 2006
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 2 79 3.87% 2 78 4.46% 1 45 4.11% 20.57 KB 637.68 KB 4.18%
1 0 15 0.73% 0 11 0.63% 0 10 0.91% 757 bytes 22.93 KB 0.15%
2 1 35 1.71% 0 30 1.71% 0 15 1.37% 8.06 KB 250.00 KB 1.64%
3 1 43 2.11% 1 37 2.11% 1 37 3.38% 2.62 KB 81.21 KB 0.53%
4 1 60 2.94% 1 50 2.86% 1 33 3.02% 14.63 KB 453.59 KB 2.98%
5 1 41 2.01% 1 33 1.89% 0 17 1.55% 8.59 KB 266.17 KB 1.75%
6 1 35 1.71% 1 31 1.77% 0 14 1.28% 7.56 KB 234.50 KB 1.54%
7 0 12 0.59% 0 6 0.34% 0 7 0.64% 2.40 KB 74.32 KB 0.49%
8 6 189 9.26% 4 154 8.80% 3 106 9.69% 47.08 KB 1.43 MB 9.57%
9 0 21 1.03% 0 12 0.69% 0 13 1.19% 5.06 KB 156.97 KB 1.03%
10 1 61 2.99% 1 57 3.26% 0 26 2.38% 14.41 KB 446.72 KB 2.93%
11 1 36 1.76% 1 33 1.89% 0 16 1.46% 8.90 KB 275.90 KB 1.81%
12 4 132 6.47% 3 121 6.91% 1 55 5.03% 32.03 KB 993.06 KB 6.51%
13 4 130 6.37% 3 109 6.23% 2 74 6.76% 31.54 KB 977.69 KB 6.41%
14 4 142 6.96% 3 101 5.77% 2 67 6.12% 31.00 KB 961.16 KB 6.31%
15 14 463 22.68% 13 422 24.11% 9 290 26.51% 132.16 KB 4.00 MB 26.88%
16 0 21 1.03% 0 12 0.69% 0 11 1.01% 3.73 KB 115.53 KB 0.76%
17 0 7 0.34% 0 4 0.23% 0 4 0.37% 1.08 KB 33.47 KB 0.22%
18 4 152 7.45% 4 132 7.54% 2 80 7.31% 36.59 KB 1.11 MB 7.44%
19 1 56 2.74% 1 42 2.40% 0 24 2.19% 11.64 KB 360.73 KB 2.37%
20 0 28 1.37% 0 14 0.80% 0 14 1.28% 4.70 KB 145.82 KB 0.96%
21 2 71 3.48% 2 62 3.54% 0 30 2.74% 14.69 KB 455.49 KB 2.99%
22 5 157 7.69% 4 152 8.69% 2 75 6.86% 37.82 KB 1.15 MB 7.69%
23 1 55 2.69% 1 47 2.69% 1 31 2.83% 14.12 KB 437.65 KB 2.87%

Top 23 of 28 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 434 21.26% 6.68 MB 44.87% /components/getdata.php
2 256 12.54% 3.07 MB 20.60% /
3 174 8.53% 794.24 KB 5.21% /getfile.php
4 116 5.68% 1.40 MB 9.37% /stil_package.php
5 80 3.92% 112.53 KB 0.74% /stil_forms.php
6 60 2.94% 195.04 KB 1.28% /images/hojla_logo2.swf
7 49 2.40% 1.44 KB 0.01% /include/jscookmenu/ThemeHojlaPackage/theme.css
8 48 2.35% 72.62 KB 0.48% /include/KMain.js
9 48 2.35% 381.76 KB 2.50% /include/KModeChange.js
10 48 2.35% 10.86 KB 0.07% /include/KModeChange.lang.js
11 48 2.35% 76.29 KB 0.50% /include/KUtil.js
12 48 2.35% 812.62 KB 5.33% /include/KValidate.js
13 48 2.35% 206.17 KB 1.35% /include/fckeditor/fckeditor.js
14 48 2.35% 773.95 KB 5.08% /include/jscookmenu/JSCookMenu.js
15 48 2.35% 52.66 KB 0.35% /include/jscookmenu/ThemeHojlaPackage/theme.js
16 48 2.35% 55.27 KB 0.36% /include/menu.js
17 48 2.35% 17.81 KB 0.12% /include/okno.js
18 48 2.35% 12.62 KB 0.08% /include/photoWindow.js
19 48 2.35% 30.90 KB 0.20% /include/sl_KValidate.lang.js
20 47 2.30% 13.75 KB 0.09% /include/http.js
21 47 2.30% 65.24 KB 0.43% /include/search.js
22 24 1.18% 12.31 KB 0.08% /showPicture.php
23 7 0.34% 6.41 KB 0.04% /favicon.ico

Top 10 of 28 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 434 21.26% 6.68 MB 44.87% /components/getdata.php
2 256 12.54% 3.07 MB 20.60% /
3 116 5.68% 1.40 MB 9.37% /stil_package.php
4 48 2.35% 812.62 KB 5.33% /include/KValidate.js
5 174 8.53% 794.24 KB 5.21% /getfile.php
6 48 2.35% 773.95 KB 5.08% /include/jscookmenu/JSCookMenu.js
7 48 2.35% 381.76 KB 2.50% /include/KModeChange.js
8 48 2.35% 206.17 KB 1.35% /include/fckeditor/fckeditor.js
9 60 2.94% 195.04 KB 1.28% /images/hojla_logo2.swf
10 80 3.92% 112.53 KB 0.74% /stil_forms.php

Top 6 of 6 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 256 12.54% 197 82.08% /
2 174 8.53% 22 9.17% /getfile.php
3 434 21.26% 11 4.58% /components/getdata.php
4 116 5.68% 6 2.50% /stil_package.php
5 80 3.92% 3 1.25% /stil_forms.php
6 24 1.18% 1 0.42% /showPicture.php

Top 6 of 6 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 256 12.54% 153 63.22% /
2 434 21.26% 48 19.83% /components/getdata.php
3 174 8.53% 25 10.33% /getfile.php
4 116 5.68% 10 4.13% /stil_package.php
5 80 3.92% 5 2.07% /stil_forms.php
6 24 1.18% 1 0.41% /showPicture.php

Top 30 of 148 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 222 10.88% 186 10.63% 2.20 MB 14.76% 2 0.81% Slovenia
2 99 4.85% 99 5.66% 699.68 KB 4.59% 1 0.41% Slovenia
3 97 4.75% 81 4.63% 828.28 KB 5.43% 1 0.41% Slovenia
4 80 3.92% 31 1.77% 344.72 KB 2.26% 2 0.81% Unknown
5 70 3.43% 53 3.03% 621.26 KB 4.08% 1 0.41% Slovenia
6 61 2.99% 61 3.49% 557.38 KB 3.66% 1 0.41% Unknown
7 57 2.79% 57 3.26% 596.47 KB 3.91% 1 0.41% Slovenia
8 56 2.74% 40 2.29% 350.99 KB 2.30% 1 0.41% Slovenia
9 46 2.25% 46 2.63% 418.03 KB 2.74% 1 0.41% Slovenia
10 40 1.96% 40 2.29% 350.99 KB 2.30% 1 0.41% Unknown
11 37 1.81% 37 2.11% 319.67 KB 2.10% 1 0.41% Slovenia
12 36 1.76% 36 2.06% 307.27 KB 2.02% 1 0.41% Slovenia
13 36 1.76% 36 2.06% 307.27 KB 2.02% 1 0.41% Slovenia
14 35 1.71% 16 0.91% 137.32 KB 0.90% 13 5.28% Slovenia
15 33 1.62% 33 1.89% 328.87 KB 2.16% 1 0.41% Slovenia
16 33 1.62% 16 0.91% 119.87 KB 0.79% 13 5.28% Slovenia
17 32 1.57% 16 0.91% 134.14 KB 0.88% 13 5.28% Slovenia
18 31 1.52% 31 1.77% 248.22 KB 1.63% 1 0.41% Slovenia
19 31 1.52% 31 1.77% 0 bytes 0.00% 31 12.60% Slovenia
20 28 1.37% 26 1.49% 189.57 KB 1.24% 1 0.41% United States
21 27 1.32% 27 1.54% 187.95 KB 1.23% 1 0.41% Slovenia
22 27 1.32% 27 1.54% 188.87 KB 1.24% 1 0.41% Slovenia
23 27 1.32% 27 1.54% 188.87 KB 1.24% 1 0.41% Slovenia
24 27 1.32% 27 1.54% 199.72 KB 1.31% 1 0.41% Slovenia
25 27 1.32% 27 1.54% 200.61 KB 1.32% 1 0.41% Slovenia
26 27 1.32% 27 1.54% 188.74 KB 1.24% 1 0.41% Slovenia
27 27 1.32% 27 1.54% 200.47 KB 1.32% 1 0.41% Slovenia
28 27 1.32% 27 1.54% 200.23 KB 1.31% 1 0.41% Slovenia
29 27 1.32% 27 1.54% 188.87 KB 1.24% 1 0.41% Slovenia
30 26 1.27% 26 1.49% 187.95 KB 1.23% 1 0.41% Slovenia
View All Sites

Top 10 of 148 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 222 10.88% 186 10.63% 2.20 MB 14.76% 2 0.81% Slovenia
2 97 4.75% 81 4.63% 828.28 KB 5.43% 1 0.41% Slovenia
3 99 4.85% 99 5.66% 699.68 KB 4.59% 1 0.41% Slovenia
4 70 3.43% 53 3.03% 621.26 KB 4.08% 1 0.41% Slovenia
5 57 2.79% 57 3.26% 596.47 KB 3.91% 1 0.41% Slovenia
6 61 2.99% 61 3.49% 557.38 KB 3.66% 1 0.41% Unknown
7 46 2.25% 46 2.63% 418.03 KB 2.74% 1 0.41% Slovenia
8 56 2.74% 40 2.29% 350.99 KB 2.30% 1 0.41% Slovenia
9 40 1.96% 40 2.29% 350.99 KB 2.30% 1 0.41% Unknown
10 80 3.92% 31 1.77% 344.72 KB 2.26% 2 0.81% Unknown

Top 10 of 14 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 534 26.16% - (Direct Request)
2 27 1.32%
3 8 0.39%
4 4 0.20%
5 3 0.15%
6 2 0.10%
7 1 0.05%
8 1 0.05%
9 1 0.05%
10 1 0.05%

Top 20 of 20 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 5 15.62% zunanja ureditev
2 2 6.25% adaptacija stare hiše
3 2 6.25% hiša malečnik
4 2 6.25% margrad
5 2 6.25% mega metal
6 2 6.25% ruska ulica
7 2 6.25% Čulum
8 2 6.25% čulum
9 2 6.25% čulum marinko
10 1 3.12% adaptacija hiš
11 1 3.12% adaptacija starih stanovanj
12 1 3.12% adaptacije
13 1 3.12% grad majšperk
14 1 3.12% gradbenitvo in vzdrevalna dela
15 1 3.12% h-
16 1 3.12% hiša hoče
17 1 3.12% mega metal ruše
18 1 3.12% messer ruŠe
19 1 3.12% nepremicnine maribor
20 1 3.12% stangler

Top 15 of 25 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 1361 66.68% MSIE 6.0
2 209 10.24% Mozilla/5.0
3 123 6.03% Najdi.s
4 88 4.31% MSIE 5.5
5 75 3.67% Yahoo! Slurp
6 44 2.16% Googlebot/2.1
7 31 1.52% Mosad/2.0
8 14 0.69% NextGenSearchBot 4 (for information visit
9 10 0.49% NextGenSearchBot 1 (for information visit
10 10 0.49% msnbot/1.0 (+
11 9 0.44% Gigabot/2.0/
12 8 0.39% SurveyBot/2.3 (Whois Source)
13 6 0.29% http://www.W
14 5 0.24% Konqueror/3.1
15 5 0.24% MJ12bot/v1.0.7 (
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for May 2006

Top 17 of 17 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 1461 71.58% 1314 75.09% 10.85 MB 72.91% Slovenia
2 295 14.45% 219 12.51% 1.91 MB 12.83% Unresolved/Unknown
3 223 10.93% 161 9.20% 1.64 MB 11.03% United States
4 26 1.27% 26 1.49% 187.95 KB 1.23% Bosnia and Herzegovina
5 11 0.54% 9 0.51% 20.38 KB 0.13% Germany
6 9 0.44% 7 0.40% 78.22 KB 0.51% France
7 4 0.20% 3 0.17% 42.99 KB 0.28% Norway
8 2 0.10% 2 0.11% 30.83 KB 0.20% China
9 2 0.10% 2 0.11% 29.70 KB 0.19% Korea (South)
10 1 0.05% 1 0.06% 15.42 KB 0.10% Colombia
11 1 0.05% 1 0.06% 15.41 KB 0.10% Spain
12 1 0.05% 1 0.06% 15.41 KB 0.10% Great Britain (UK)
13 1 0.05% 1 0.06% 9.65 KB 0.06% Malaysia
14 1 0.05% 1 0.06% 15.41 KB 0.10% Pakistan
15 1 0.05% 1 0.06% 14.26 KB 0.09% Taiwan
16 1 0.05% 0 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% Vietnam
17 1 0.05% 1 0.06% 15.42 KB 0.10% Yugoslavia

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)