
Usage Statistics for izposoja-amigo.com

Summary Period: March 2005
Generated 01-Apr-2005 04:28 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for March 2005
Total Hits 8715
Total Files 7939
Total Pages 5368
Total Visits 462
Total KBytes 66454
Total Unique Sites 279
Total Unique URLs 26
Total Unique Referrers 30
Total Unique User Agents 31
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 11 228
Hits per Day 281 703
Files per Day 256 621
Pages per Day 173 461
Visits per Day 14 25
KBytes per Day 2144 5368
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 7939
Code 206 - Partial Content 3
Code 302 - Found 23
Code 304 - Not Modified 549
Code 404 - Not Found 200
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 1

Daily usage for March 2005

Daily Statistics for March 2005
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 482 5.53% 445 5.61% 356 6.63% 17 3.68% 18 6.45% 3877 5.83%
2 345 3.96% 321 4.04% 200 3.73% 12 2.60% 14 5.02% 2494 3.75%
3 302 3.47% 280 3.53% 216 4.02% 9 1.95% 11 3.94% 2560 3.85%
4 158 1.81% 122 1.54% 94 1.75% 23 4.98% 26 9.32% 1172 1.76%
5 151 1.73% 141 1.78% 93 1.73% 15 3.25% 16 5.73% 1108 1.67%
6 103 1.18% 99 1.25% 53 0.99% 6 1.30% 8 2.87% 795 1.20%
7 114 1.31% 111 1.40% 79 1.47% 7 1.52% 8 2.87% 963 1.45%
8 27 0.31% 26 0.33% 11 0.20% 3 0.65% 3 1.08% 191 0.29%
9 219 2.51% 203 2.56% 111 2.07% 8 1.73% 9 3.23% 1592 2.40%
10 435 4.99% 418 5.27% 234 4.36% 12 2.60% 14 5.02% 3223 4.85%
11 44 0.50% 24 0.30% 32 0.60% 15 3.25% 15 5.38% 259 0.39%
12 125 1.43% 119 1.50% 72 1.34% 12 2.60% 14 5.02% 931 1.40%
13 283 3.25% 237 2.99% 191 3.56% 19 4.11% 21 7.53% 2046 3.08%
14 265 3.04% 232 2.92% 181 3.37% 18 3.90% 18 6.45% 2019 3.04%
15 288 3.30% 253 3.19% 180 3.35% 15 3.25% 15 5.38% 2305 3.47%
16 272 3.12% 267 3.36% 191 3.56% 16 3.46% 15 5.38% 2185 3.29%
17 307 3.52% 289 3.64% 184 3.43% 13 2.81% 12 4.30% 2396 3.60%
18 294 3.37% 292 3.68% 184 3.43% 12 2.60% 12 4.30% 2391 3.60%
19 121 1.39% 103 1.30% 58 1.08% 18 3.90% 20 7.17% 850 1.28%
20 280 3.21% 232 2.92% 154 2.87% 25 5.41% 26 9.32% 1905 2.87%
21 336 3.86% 282 3.55% 205 3.82% 20 4.33% 20 7.17% 2835 4.27%
22 270 3.10% 267 3.36% 176 3.28% 15 3.25% 13 4.66% 2105 3.17%
23 424 4.87% 420 5.29% 246 4.58% 15 3.25% 13 4.66% 3150 4.74%
24 558 6.40% 524 6.60% 297 5.53% 25 5.41% 25 8.96% 4052 6.10%
25 374 4.29% 367 4.62% 200 3.73% 18 3.90% 19 6.81% 2871 4.32%
26 76 0.87% 68 0.86% 39 0.73% 12 2.60% 14 5.02% 483 0.73%
27 153 1.76% 146 1.84% 86 1.60% 13 2.81% 15 5.38% 1161 1.75%
28 215 2.47% 203 2.56% 172 3.20% 23 4.98% 24 8.60% 1805 2.72%
29 703 8.07% 621 7.82% 461 8.59% 18 3.90% 19 6.81% 5368 8.08%
30 356 4.08% 303 3.82% 211 3.93% 16 3.46% 16 5.73% 2569 3.87%
31 635 7.29% 524 6.60% 401 7.47% 13 2.81% 11 3.94% 4793 7.21%

Hourly usage for March 2005

Hourly Statistics for March 2005
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 3 108 1.24% 2 87 1.10% 1 58 1.08% 20 615 0.93%
1 1 43 0.49% 1 41 0.52% 0 25 0.47% 6 193 0.29%
2 2 64 0.73% 1 57 0.72% 0 27 0.50% 12 357 0.54%
3 1 40 0.46% 1 34 0.43% 1 35 0.65% 1 42 0.06%
4 0 20 0.23% 0 12 0.15% 0 13 0.24% 2 73 0.11%
5 2 64 0.73% 1 60 0.76% 1 45 0.84% 17 529 0.80%
6 6 195 2.24% 6 186 2.34% 5 155 2.89% 53 1643 2.47%
7 10 328 3.76% 9 287 3.62% 6 212 3.95% 78 2423 3.65%
8 21 660 7.57% 18 585 7.37% 13 408 7.60% 162 5037 7.58%
9 29 901 10.34% 27 848 10.68% 18 588 10.95% 234 7256 10.92%
10 22 711 8.16% 20 625 7.87% 14 434 8.08% 176 5467 8.23%
11 28 875 10.04% 26 818 10.30% 17 554 10.32% 222 6877 10.35%
12 12 398 4.57% 11 352 4.43% 6 199 3.71% 92 2846 4.28%
13 12 390 4.48% 10 336 4.23% 6 215 4.01% 88 2718 4.09%
14 22 686 7.87% 20 633 7.97% 14 463 8.63% 176 5447 8.20%
15 8 270 3.10% 8 263 3.31% 5 169 3.15% 71 2186 3.29%
16 7 229 2.63% 6 201 2.53% 4 127 2.37% 50 1550 2.33%
17 7 228 2.62% 6 186 2.34% 4 124 2.31% 58 1812 2.73%
18 25 780 8.95% 24 767 9.66% 14 436 8.12% 189 5864 8.82%
19 12 379 4.35% 11 368 4.64% 6 208 3.87% 97 3015 4.54%
20 6 196 2.25% 5 180 2.27% 4 124 2.31% 48 1486 2.24%
21 18 567 6.51% 15 484 6.10% 11 346 6.45% 139 4303 6.47%
22 6 203 2.33% 6 193 2.43% 3 114 2.12% 52 1612 2.43%
23 12 380 4.36% 10 336 4.23% 9 289 5.38% 100 3103 4.67%

Top 23 of 26 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2770 31.78% 32329 48.65% /components/getdata.php
2 784 9.00% 8523 12.83% /stil_package.php
3 724 8.31% 11306 17.01% /
4 517 5.93% 727 1.09% /stil_forms.php
5 483 5.54% 2652 3.99% /getfile.php
6 210 2.41% 6 0.01% /include/jscookmenu/ThemeHojlaPackage/theme.css
7 207 2.38% 661 0.99% /images/hojla_logo2.swf
8 207 2.38% 226 0.34% /include/jscookmenu/ThemeHojlaPackage/theme.js
9 206 2.36% 310 0.47% /include/KMain.js
10 206 2.36% 236 0.36% /include/menu.js
11 205 2.35% 3454 5.20% /include/KValidate.js
12 205 2.35% 131 0.20% /include/sl_KValidate.lang.js
13 204 2.34% 1613 2.43% /include/KModeChange.js
14 204 2.34% 322 0.49% /include/KUtil.js
15 204 2.34% 283 0.43% /include/search.js
16 203 2.33% 59 0.09% /include/http.js
17 203 2.33% 75 0.11% /include/okno.js
18 203 2.33% 53 0.08% /include/photoWindow.js
19 202 2.32% 45 0.07% /include/KModeChange.lang.js
20 202 2.32% 3212 4.83% /include/jscookmenu/JSCookMenu.js
21 50 0.57% 26 0.04% /showPicture.php
22 28 0.32% 26 0.04% /favicon.ico
23 5 0.06% 0 0.00% /adRedirect.php

Top 10 of 26 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2770 31.78% 32329 48.65% /components/getdata.php
2 724 8.31% 11306 17.01% /
3 784 9.00% 8523 12.83% /stil_package.php
4 205 2.35% 3454 5.20% /include/KValidate.js
5 202 2.32% 3212 4.83% /include/jscookmenu/JSCookMenu.js
6 483 5.54% 2652 3.99% /getfile.php
7 204 2.34% 1613 2.43% /include/KModeChange.js
8 517 5.93% 727 1.09% /stil_forms.php
9 207 2.38% 661 0.99% /images/hojla_logo2.swf
10 204 2.34% 322 0.49% /include/KUtil.js

Top 6 of 6 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 724 8.31% 367 83.22% /
2 2770 31.78% 44 9.98% /components/getdata.php
3 483 5.54% 12 2.72% /getfile.php
4 517 5.93% 7 1.59% /stil_forms.php
5 784 9.00% 6 1.36% /stil_package.php
6 5 0.06% 5 1.13% /adRedirect.php

Top 6 of 6 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 724 8.31% 210 46.46% /
2 2770 31.78% 189 41.81% /components/getdata.php
3 517 5.93% 22 4.87% /stil_forms.php
4 483 5.54% 17 3.76% /getfile.php
5 784 9.00% 9 1.99% /stil_package.php
6 5 0.06% 5 1.11% /adRedirect.php

Top 30 of 279 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 237 2.72% 206 2.59% 1986 2.99% 1 0.22%
2 225 2.58% 210 2.65% 2016 3.03% 4 0.87% promet-tt.si
3 224 2.57% 144 1.81% 1605 2.42% 1 0.22%
4 196 2.25% 196 2.47% 1299 1.95% 1 0.22% bsn-77-20-234.dsl.siol.net
5 147 1.69% 132 1.66% 1231 1.85% 5 1.08% nproxy1.gov.si
6 141 1.62% 127 1.60% 1162 1.75% 2 0.43% bsn-77-70-171.dsl.siol.net
7 128 1.47% 97 1.22% 857 1.29% 1 0.22% bsn-77-49-105.dsl.siol.net
8 126 1.45% 126 1.59% 824 1.24% 1 0.22% bsn-165-127-38.dsl.siol.net
9 123 1.41% 107 1.35% 1051 1.58% 1 0.22% as-99-84.dial-up.siol.net
10 123 1.41% 123 1.55% 1082 1.63% 2 0.43% cpe-213-157-236-84.adsl.amis.net
11 122 1.40% 122 1.54% 1132 1.70% 1 0.22% bsn-77-49-113.dsl.siol.net
12 117 1.34% 87 1.10% 909 1.37% 1 0.22% mail.forte-inzeniring.si
13 115 1.32% 99 1.25% 911 1.37% 1 0.22%
14 111 1.27% 111 1.40% 1052 1.58% 1 0.22% bsn-77-126-252.dsl.siol.net
15 108 1.24% 93 1.17% 906 1.36% 1 0.22% bsn-95-242-171.dsl.siol.net
16 101 1.16% 56 0.71% 454 0.68% 1 0.22% sef-inf1.mobitel.si
17 99 1.14% 83 1.05% 761 1.14% 1 0.22% ib-techno.si
18 93 1.07% 93 1.17% 780 1.17% 2 0.43%
19 93 1.07% 78 0.98% 720 1.08% 1 0.22% bsn-165-112-181.dsl.siol.net
20 92 1.06% 77 0.97% 781 1.18% 1 0.22% ns.gorenje.si
21 88 1.01% 70 0.88% 663 1.00% 1 0.22% cmb12-247.dial-up.arnes.si
22 85 0.98% 68 0.86% 783 1.18% 2 0.43% vks28.uni-mb.si
23 83 0.95% 83 1.05% 737 1.11% 1 0.22% bsn-95-202-172.dsl.siol.net
24 81 0.93% 81 1.02% 560 0.84% 1 0.22% cmb3-2.dial-up.arnes.si
25 80 0.92% 80 1.01% 670 1.01% 1 0.22% bsn-210-245-227.dsl.siol.net
26 79 0.91% 79 1.00% 734 1.10% 1 0.22% 26-246.tlmh.s5.net
27 78 0.90% 78 0.98% 718 1.08% 1 0.22%
28 77 0.88% 77 0.97% 484 0.73% 1 0.22%
29 77 0.88% 77 0.97% 532 0.80% 1 0.22% bsn-77-21-108.dsl.siol.net
30 77 0.88% 77 0.97% 736 1.11% 1 0.22% bsn-95-202-150.dsl.siol.net
View All Sites

Top 10 of 279 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 225 2.58% 210 2.65% 2016 3.03% 4 0.87% promet-tt.si
2 237 2.72% 206 2.59% 1986 2.99% 1 0.22%
3 224 2.57% 144 1.81% 1605 2.42% 1 0.22%
4 196 2.25% 196 2.47% 1299 1.95% 1 0.22% bsn-77-20-234.dsl.siol.net
5 147 1.69% 132 1.66% 1231 1.85% 5 1.08% nproxy1.gov.si
6 141 1.62% 127 1.60% 1162 1.75% 2 0.43% bsn-77-70-171.dsl.siol.net
7 122 1.40% 122 1.54% 1132 1.70% 1 0.22% bsn-77-49-113.dsl.siol.net
8 123 1.41% 123 1.55% 1082 1.63% 2 0.43% cpe-213-157-236-84.adsl.amis.net
9 111 1.27% 111 1.40% 1052 1.58% 1 0.22% bsn-77-126-252.dsl.siol.net
10 123 1.41% 107 1.35% 1051 1.58% 1 0.22% as-99-84.dial-up.siol.net

Top 26 of 30 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 1139 13.07% - (Direct Request)
2 113 1.30% http://www.najdi.si/search.jsp
3 34 0.39% http://www.google.com/search
4 34 0.39% http://www.matkurja.com/si/iskalnik/
5 20 0.23% http://travel.over.net/forum/read.php
6 9 0.10% http://www.hojla.com/index.php
7 8 0.09% http://www.matkurja.com/si/katalog/posel_ekonomija/avtomobilizem/
8 7 0.08% http://www.najdi.si/nk/gettopic.jsp
9 4 0.05%
10 4 0.05% http://www.whois.sc/
11 3 0.03% http://hojla.com/index.php
12 3 0.03% http://search.yahoo.com/search
13 2 0.02% http://iconsurf.com/
14 2 0.02% http://iconsurf.com/robot.html
15 2 0.02% http://www.faxo.com
16 2 0.02% http://www.travel.over.net/forum/read.php
17 1 0.01%
18 1 0.01%
19 1 0.01% http://iconsurf.com/custom/letter.i/
20 1 0.01% http://portal.carantania.com/imenik/strani/Druzba/
21 1 0.01% http://raziskovalec.com/cgi-bin/cgi/search.cgi
22 1 0.01% http://tm.wc.ask.com/r
23 1 0.01% http://www.matkurja.com/en/directory/business_and_economy/automobiles/
24 1 0.01% http://www.raziskovalec.com/pages/Maribor/
25 1 0.01% www.matkurja.com/slo/new/2004/1/
26 1 0.01% www.seventwentyfour.com/

Top 20 of 36 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 26 17.57% izposoja prikolic
2 17 11.49% streĺĄni koväki
3 15 10.14% najem prikolice
4 14 9.46% amigo
5 14 9.46% amigo prikolice
6 9 6.08% najem prikolic
7 5 3.38% izposoja tovornih prikolic
8 5 3.38% strešni kovček
9 3 2.03% streĺ ni koväŒki
10 3 2.03% tovorna prikolica
11 2 1.35% amigo izposoja prikolic
12 2 1.35% izposoja kovčkov
13 2 1.35% izposoja tovornih vozil
14 2 1.35% najem avtovleke
15 2 1.35% najem strešnega kovčka
16 2 1.35% nosilci za kolesa
17 2 1.35% prikolica izposoja cena
18 2 1.35% streŠni kovček
19 2 1.35% strešni kovčki izposoja
20 2 1.35% streĺĄni koväki izposoja
View All Search Strings

Top 15 of 31 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 6170 70.80% MSIE 6.0
2 990 11.36% Mozilla/5.0
3 581 6.67% MSIE 5.5
4 261 2.99% Yahoo! Slurp
5 252 2.89% MSIE 5.0
6 135 1.55% MSIE 5.01
7 50 0.57% Najdi.s
8 48 0.55% Opera 7.54
9 40 0.46% TridentSpider/3.1
10 31 0.36% Mosad/2.0
11 25 0.29% http://www.W
12 24 0.28% Googlebot/2.1 (+http://www.google.com/bot.html)
13 22 0.25% ia_archiver
14 14 0.16% Test Crawler/SLO
15 10 0.11% ASPseek/1.2.11pre
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for March 2005

Top 8 of 8 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 4379 50.25% 4177 52.61% 34107 51.32% Network
2 2361 27.09% 2131 26.84% 18472 27.80% Slovenia
3 1611 18.49% 1440 18.14% 11950 17.98% Unresolved/Unknown
4 352 4.04% 188 2.37% 1832 2.76% US Commercial
5 8 0.09% 4 0.05% 62 0.09% Seychelles
6 2 0.02% 1 0.01% 15 0.02% Netherlands
7 1 0.01% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Brazil
8 1 0.01% 1 0.01% 15 0.02% Germany

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01