Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: February 2006
Generated 01-Mar-2006 04:29 CET
GEO-106FREE 20041102 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2004 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for February 2006
Total Hits 3466
Total Files 3075
Total Pages 1621
Total Visits 280
Total KBytes 22.60 MB
Total Unique Sites 173
Total Unique URLs 24
Total Unique Referrers 24
Total Unique User Agents 26
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 5 135
Hits per Day 123 322
Files per Day 109 288
Pages per Day 57 158
Visits per Day 10 18
KBytes per Day 826.43 KB 2.23 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 3075
Code 206 - Partial Content 2
Code 302 - Found 14
Code 304 - Not Modified 246
Code 404 - Not Found 129

Daily usage for February 2006

Daily Statistics for February 2006
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 6 0.17% 4 0.13% 4 0.25% 4 1.43% 5 2.89% 30.57 KB 0.13%
2 107 3.09% 101 3.28% 68 4.19% 9 3.21% 9 5.20% 899.46 KB 3.89%
3 200 5.77% 191 6.21% 91 5.61% 15 5.36% 15 8.67% 1.38 MB 6.09%
4 197 5.68% 157 5.11% 89 5.49% 9 3.21% 12 6.94% 1.26 MB 5.59%
5 75 2.16% 74 2.41% 40 2.47% 7 2.50% 6 3.47% 595.07 KB 2.57%
6 150 4.33% 145 4.72% 68 4.19% 9 3.21% 8 4.62% 991.93 KB 4.29%
7 57 1.64% 55 1.79% 23 1.42% 6 2.14% 6 3.47% 395.10 KB 1.71%
8 61 1.76% 52 1.69% 9 0.56% 6 2.14% 5 2.89% 250.14 KB 1.08%
9 176 5.08% 172 5.59% 71 4.38% 15 5.36% 15 8.67% 1.17 MB 5.19%
10 205 5.91% 185 6.02% 105 6.48% 15 5.36% 17 9.83% 1.40 MB 6.21%
11 150 4.33% 145 4.72% 61 3.76% 12 4.29% 14 8.09% 900.70 KB 3.89%
12 144 4.15% 123 4.00% 57 3.52% 13 4.64% 10 5.78% 897.06 KB 3.88%
13 322 9.29% 288 9.37% 158 9.75% 16 5.71% 19 10.98% 2.23 MB 9.86%
14 204 5.89% 158 5.14% 95 5.86% 18 6.43% 19 10.98% 1.28 MB 5.68%
15 79 2.28% 79 2.57% 30 1.85% 5 1.79% 5 2.89% 519.53 KB 2.25%
16 151 4.36% 145 4.72% 62 3.82% 11 3.93% 13 7.51% 1.01 MB 4.46%
17 266 7.67% 226 7.35% 130 8.02% 14 5.00% 14 8.09% 1.65 MB 7.32%
18 90 2.60% 87 2.83% 37 2.28% 8 2.86% 10 5.78% 598.98 KB 2.59%
19 100 2.89% 97 3.15% 48 2.96% 10 3.57% 10 5.78% 688.56 KB 2.98%
20 21 0.61% 17 0.55% 18 1.11% 9 3.21% 11 6.36% 129.64 KB 0.56%
21 153 4.41% 134 4.36% 84 5.18% 7 2.50% 8 4.62% 981.15 KB 4.24%
22 148 4.27% 98 3.19% 65 4.01% 4 1.43% 5 2.89% 839.10 KB 3.63%
23 115 3.32% 105 3.41% 74 4.57% 13 4.64% 14 8.09% 929.75 KB 4.02%
24 93 2.68% 82 2.67% 34 2.10% 9 3.21% 10 5.78% 555.04 KB 2.40%
25 22 0.63% 11 0.36% 13 0.80% 11 3.93% 15 8.67% 112.40 KB 0.49%
26 10 0.29% 6 0.20% 6 0.37% 6 2.14% 9 5.20% 46.69 KB 0.20%
27 140 4.04% 119 3.87% 68 4.19% 9 3.21% 14 8.09% 967.49 KB 4.18%
28 24 0.69% 19 0.62% 13 0.80% 11 3.93% 9 5.20% 148.58 KB 0.64%

Hourly usage for February 2006

Hourly Statistics for February 2006
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 1 38 1.10% 0 26 0.85% 0 27 1.67% 7.91 KB 221.50 KB 0.96%
1 2 63 1.82% 2 56 1.82% 1 42 2.59% 14.23 KB 398.49 KB 1.72%
2 0 8 0.23% 0 5 0.16% 0 6 0.37% 2.03 KB 56.80 KB 0.25%
3 1 39 1.13% 1 34 1.11% 1 34 2.10% 3.25 KB 90.95 KB 0.39%
4 0 26 0.75% 0 15 0.49% 0 15 0.93% 5.98 KB 167.46 KB 0.72%
5 0 3 0.09% 0 2 0.07% 0 2 0.12% 1.06 KB 29.76 KB 0.13%
6 0 19 0.55% 0 11 0.36% 0 14 0.86% 3.62 KB 101.52 KB 0.44%
7 4 115 3.32% 3 109 3.54% 2 60 3.70% 31.98 KB 895.51 KB 3.87%
8 13 388 11.19% 10 298 9.69% 6 168 10.36% 85.77 KB 2.35 MB 10.38%
9 1 35 1.01% 1 33 1.07% 0 17 1.05% 8.40 KB 235.17 KB 1.02%
10 12 341 9.84% 10 302 9.82% 5 156 9.62% 80.85 KB 2.21 MB 9.78%
11 2 57 1.64% 1 55 1.79% 0 23 1.42% 14.04 KB 393.28 KB 1.70%
12 7 198 5.71% 6 194 6.31% 2 76 4.69% 47.19 KB 1.29 MB 5.71%
13 8 226 6.52% 7 205 6.67% 3 99 6.11% 55.37 KB 1.51 MB 6.70%
14 10 294 8.48% 9 267 8.68% 4 136 8.39% 72.94 KB 1.99 MB 8.83%
15 8 228 6.58% 8 226 7.35% 3 111 6.85% 62.11 KB 1.70 MB 7.52%
16 8 240 6.92% 7 221 7.19% 3 106 6.54% 59.10 KB 1.62 MB 7.15%
17 7 209 6.03% 6 187 6.08% 3 87 5.37% 48.20 KB 1.32 MB 5.83%
18 5 161 4.65% 5 155 5.04% 2 73 4.50% 38.50 KB 1.05 MB 4.66%
19 4 131 3.78% 4 128 4.16% 2 61 3.76% 34.78 KB 973.87 KB 4.21%
20 3 89 2.57% 3 86 2.80% 1 37 2.28% 20.62 KB 577.39 KB 2.50%
21 8 242 6.98% 7 206 6.70% 4 123 7.59% 54.79 KB 1.50 MB 6.63%
22 6 175 5.05% 4 126 4.10% 3 96 5.92% 41.42 KB 1.13 MB 5.01%
23 5 141 4.07% 4 128 4.16% 1 52 3.21% 32.28 KB 903.74 KB 3.91%

Top 23 of 24 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 686 19.79% 8.96 MB 39.63% /components/getdata.php
2 336 9.69% 3.97 MB 17.56% /
3 255 7.36% 2.82 MB 12.50% /stil_package.php
4 144 4.15% 525.43 KB 2.27% /getfile.php
5 143 4.13% 201.16 KB 0.87% /stil_forms.php
6 107 3.09% 3.13 KB 0.01% /include/jscookmenu/ThemeHojlaPackage/theme.css
7 106 3.06% 350.28 KB 1.51% /images/hojla_logo2.swf
8 104 3.00% 163.39 KB 0.71% /include/KMain.js
9 104 3.00% 463.89 KB 2.00% /include/fckeditor/fckeditor.js
10 104 3.00% 1.70 MB 7.53% /include/jscookmenu/JSCookMenu.js
11 104 3.00% 118.48 KB 0.51% /include/jscookmenu/ThemeHojlaPackage/theme.js
12 104 3.00% 124.37 KB 0.54% /include/menu.js
13 103 2.97% 849.41 KB 3.67% /include/KModeChange.js
14 103 2.97% 24.16 KB 0.10% /include/KModeChange.lang.js
15 103 2.97% 169.74 KB 0.73% /include/KUtil.js
16 103 2.97% 1.77 MB 7.81% /include/KValidate.js
17 103 2.97% 31.38 KB 0.14% /include/http.js
18 103 2.97% 39.63 KB 0.17% /include/okno.js
19 103 2.97% 28.07 KB 0.12% /include/photoWindow.js
20 103 2.97% 148.88 KB 0.64% /include/search.js
21 103 2.97% 68.75 KB 0.30% /include/sl_KValidate.lang.js
22 39 1.13% 20.11 KB 0.09% /showPicture.php
23 28 0.81% 25.62 KB 0.11% /favicon.ico

Top 10 of 24 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 686 19.79% 8.96 MB 39.63% /components/getdata.php
2 336 9.69% 3.97 MB 17.56% /
3 255 7.36% 2.82 MB 12.50% /stil_package.php
4 103 2.97% 1.77 MB 7.81% /include/KValidate.js
5 104 3.00% 1.70 MB 7.53% /include/jscookmenu/JSCookMenu.js
6 103 2.97% 849.41 KB 3.67% /include/KModeChange.js
7 144 4.15% 525.43 KB 2.27% /getfile.php
8 104 3.00% 463.89 KB 2.00% /include/fckeditor/fckeditor.js
9 106 3.06% 350.28 KB 1.51% /images/hojla_logo2.swf
10 143 4.13% 201.16 KB 0.87% /stil_forms.php

Top 5 of 5 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 336 9.69% 246 89.78% /
2 686 19.79% 15 5.47% /components/getdata.php
3 143 4.13% 5 1.82% /stil_forms.php
4 144 4.15% 4 1.46% /getfile.php
5 255 7.36% 4 1.46% /stil_package.php

Top 6 of 6 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 336 9.69% 164 58.78% /
2 686 19.79% 96 34.41% /components/getdata.php
3 255 7.36% 7 2.51% /stil_package.php
4 143 4.13% 6 2.15% /stil_forms.php
5 144 4.15% 5 1.79% /getfile.php
6 39 1.13% 1 0.36% /showPicture.php

Top 30 of 173 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 174 5.02% 135 4.39% 1.07 MB 4.74% 3 1.07% Slovenia
2 131 3.78% 115 3.74% 952.17 KB 4.11% 2 0.71% Slovenia
3 119 3.43% 70 2.28% 642.48 KB 2.78% 1 0.36% Slovenia
4 114 3.29% 98 3.19% 586.17 KB 2.53% 14 5.00% Slovenia
5 105 3.03% 69 2.24% 663.67 KB 2.87% 1 0.36% Unknown
6 91 2.63% 59 1.92% 521.54 KB 2.25% 1 0.36% Slovenia
7 89 2.57% 87 2.83% 637.14 KB 2.75% 3 1.07% Slovenia
8 84 2.42% 67 2.18% 456.12 KB 1.97% 1 0.36% Slovenia
9 72 2.08% 56 1.82% 494.19 KB 2.14% 2 0.71% Slovenia
10 67 1.93% 48 1.56% 416.45 KB 1.80% 1 0.36% Slovenia
11 59 1.70% 59 1.92% 424.55 KB 1.83% 2 0.71% Slovenia
12 55 1.59% 55 1.79% 506.85 KB 2.19% 1 0.36% Unknown
13 52 1.50% 52 1.69% 337.38 KB 1.46% 2 0.71% Slovenia
14 52 1.50% 36 1.17% 281.09 KB 1.21% 2 0.71% Unknown
15 48 1.38% 48 1.56% 426.93 KB 1.84% 1 0.36% Netherlands
16 46 1.33% 44 1.43% 381.08 KB 1.65% 1 0.36% Slovenia
17 46 1.33% 46 1.50% 406.54 KB 1.76% 1 0.36% Slovenia
18 39 1.13% 39 1.27% 328.36 KB 1.42% 1 0.36% Slovenia
19 38 1.10% 37 1.20% 309.48 KB 1.34% 2 0.71% Slovenia
20 36 1.04% 36 1.17% 281.41 KB 1.22% 1 0.36% Slovenia
21 36 1.04% 36 1.17% 281.84 KB 1.22% 1 0.36% Unknown
22 35 1.01% 35 1.14% 269.67 KB 1.17% 1 0.36% Slovenia
23 34 0.98% 34 1.11% 274.24 KB 1.19% 1 0.36% Slovenia
24 33 0.95% 33 1.07% 255.62 KB 1.10% 1 0.36% Slovenia
25 32 0.92% 32 1.04% 231.17 KB 1.00% 1 0.36% Slovenia
26 32 0.92% 32 1.04% 237.33 KB 1.03% 2 0.71% Slovenia
27 30 0.87% 30 0.98% 230.26 KB 1.00% 1 0.36% Slovenia
28 30 0.87% 30 0.98% 202.18 KB 0.87% 1 0.36% Slovenia
29 30 0.87% 30 0.98% 203.09 KB 0.88% 1 0.36% Unknown
30 30 0.87% 30 0.98% 221.36 KB 0.96% 1 0.36% Unknown
View All Sites

Top 10 of 173 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 174 5.02% 135 4.39% 1.07 MB 4.74% 3 1.07% Slovenia
2 131 3.78% 115 3.74% 952.17 KB 4.11% 2 0.71% Slovenia
3 105 3.03% 69 2.24% 663.67 KB 2.87% 1 0.36% Unknown
4 119 3.43% 70 2.28% 642.48 KB 2.78% 1 0.36% Slovenia
5 89 2.57% 87 2.83% 637.14 KB 2.75% 3 1.07% Slovenia
6 114 3.29% 98 3.19% 586.17 KB 2.53% 14 5.00% Slovenia
7 91 2.63% 59 1.92% 521.54 KB 2.25% 1 0.36% Slovenia
8 55 1.59% 55 1.79% 506.85 KB 2.19% 1 0.36% Unknown
9 72 2.08% 56 1.82% 494.19 KB 2.14% 2 0.71% Slovenia
10 84 2.42% 67 2.18% 456.12 KB 1.97% 1 0.36% Slovenia

Top 20 of 24 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 714 20.60% - (Direct Request)
2 37 1.07%
3 30 0.87%
4 25 0.72%
5 5 0.14%
6 4 0.12%
7 4 0.12%
8 3 0.09%
9 2 0.06%
10 2 0.06%
11 2 0.06%
12 2 0.06%
13 1 0.03%
14 1 0.03%
15 1 0.03%
16 1 0.03%
17 1 0.03%
18 1 0.03%
19 1 0.03%
20 1 0.03%

Top 14 of 14 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 39 61.90% framski hram
2 5 7.94% gostišče
3 4 6.35% gostišče fram
4 3 4.76% gostišča
5 3 4.76% gostišče framski hram
6 1 1.59% framskihram
7 1 1.59% gostišča v mariboru
8 1 1.59% gostišča z morskimi jedi
9 1 1.59% gostišče m s
10 1 1.59% gostišče poroke
11 1 1.59% gostišče v mariboru
12 1 1.59% poroke gostišče
13 1 1.59% poslovno kosilo
14 1 1.59% zakljuČene druŽbe

Top 15 of 26 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 2394 69.07% MSIE 6.0
2 533 15.38% Mozilla/5.0
3 90 2.60% Yahoo! Slurp
4 70 2.02% MSIE 5.0
5 69 1.99% MSIE 5.5
6 60 1.73% Najdi.s
7 56 1.62% TridentSpider/3.1
8 30 0.87% Googlebot/2.1
9 28 0.81% Mosad/2.0
10 24 0.69% MJ12bot/v1.0.7 (
11 23 0.66% Gigabot/2.0/
12 13 0.38% e-SocietyRobot(
13 12 0.35% msnbot/1.0 (+
14 8 0.23% SurveyBot/2.3 (Whois Source)
15 8 0.23% msnbot/0.9 (+
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for February 2006

Top 9 of 9 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 2567 74.06% 2333 75.87% 16.39 MB 72.52% Slovenia
2 575 16.59% 515 16.75% 3.95 MB 17.46% Unresolved/Unknown
3 220 6.35% 134 4.36% 1.46 MB 6.45% United States
4 48 1.38% 48 1.56% 426.93 KB 1.84% Netherlands
5 27 0.78% 27 0.88% 182.26 KB 0.79% Sweden
6 13 0.38% 8 0.26% 70.14 KB 0.30% Japan
7 7 0.20% 5 0.16% 70.51 KB 0.30% Canada
8 6 0.17% 4 0.13% 46.37 KB 0.20% Switzerland
9 3 0.09% 3 0.10% 29.86 KB 0.13% Germany

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)