Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: August 2006
Generated 01-Sep-2006 04:31 CEST
GEO-106FREE 20041102 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2004 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for August 2006
Total Hits 10953
Total Files 10250
Total Pages 4906
Total Visits 594
Total KBytes 78.43 MB
Total Unique Sites 430
Total Unique URLs 29
Total Unique Referrers 32
Total Unique User Agents 31
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 15 147
Hits per Day 365 799
Files per Day 341 770
Pages per Day 163 329
Visits per Day 19 44
KBytes per Day 2.61 MB 5.56 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 10250
Code 206 - Partial Content 1
Code 302 - Found 14
Code 304 - Not Modified 500
Code 404 - Not Found 188

Daily usage for August 2006

Daily Statistics for August 2006
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
2 299 2.73% 279 2.72% 119 2.43% 15 2.53% 15 3.49% 2.04 MB 2.60%
3 799 7.29% 770 7.51% 329 6.71% 44 7.41% 33 7.67% 5.56 MB 7.08%
4 231 2.11% 218 2.13% 105 2.14% 20 3.37% 18 4.19% 1.66 MB 2.11%
5 198 1.81% 191 1.86% 105 2.14% 18 3.03% 18 4.19% 1.58 MB 2.01%
6 399 3.64% 354 3.45% 186 3.79% 19 3.20% 18 4.19% 2.87 MB 3.66%
7 519 4.74% 499 4.87% 219 4.46% 24 4.04% 24 5.58% 3.52 MB 4.48%
8 483 4.41% 462 4.51% 230 4.69% 22 3.70% 25 5.81% 3.54 MB 4.51%
9 376 3.43% 340 3.32% 159 3.24% 22 3.70% 20 4.65% 2.58 MB 3.29%
10 202 1.84% 194 1.89% 91 1.85% 15 2.53% 15 3.49% 1.55 MB 1.98%
11 449 4.10% 387 3.78% 194 3.95% 24 4.04% 23 5.35% 3.06 MB 3.90%
12 456 4.16% 435 4.24% 201 4.10% 20 3.37% 21 4.88% 3.35 MB 4.27%
13 368 3.36% 347 3.39% 165 3.36% 17 2.86% 19 4.42% 2.58 MB 3.29%
14 233 2.13% 223 2.18% 111 2.26% 15 2.53% 13 3.02% 1.75 MB 2.23%
15 406 3.71% 352 3.43% 174 3.55% 18 3.03% 19 4.42% 2.62 MB 3.35%
16 308 2.81% 287 2.80% 155 3.16% 18 3.03% 14 3.26% 2.20 MB 2.81%
17 353 3.22% 339 3.31% 148 3.02% 23 3.87% 19 4.42% 2.53 MB 3.23%
18 484 4.42% 458 4.47% 242 4.93% 24 4.04% 24 5.58% 3.70 MB 4.72%
19 385 3.52% 380 3.71% 167 3.40% 23 3.87% 23 5.35% 2.77 MB 3.54%
20 316 2.89% 294 2.87% 146 2.98% 20 3.37% 19 4.42% 2.37 MB 3.03%
21 450 4.11% 442 4.31% 232 4.73% 22 3.70% 26 6.05% 3.62 MB 4.61%
22 319 2.91% 295 2.88% 130 2.65% 18 3.03% 18 4.19% 2.12 MB 2.70%
23 331 3.02% 295 2.88% 165 3.36% 16 2.69% 17 3.95% 2.40 MB 3.06%
24 307 2.80% 281 2.74% 117 2.38% 19 3.20% 20 4.65% 2.03 MB 2.59%
25 266 2.43% 215 2.10% 117 2.38% 13 2.19% 12 2.79% 1.72 MB 2.19%
26 250 2.28% 228 2.22% 112 2.28% 15 2.53% 16 3.72% 1.77 MB 2.26%
27 236 2.15% 231 2.25% 115 2.34% 12 2.02% 13 3.02% 1.82 MB 2.32%
28 437 3.99% 432 4.21% 185 3.77% 23 3.87% 24 5.58% 3.11 MB 3.97%
29 472 4.31% 467 4.56% 216 4.40% 21 3.54% 21 4.88% 3.57 MB 4.55%
30 265 2.42% 244 2.38% 109 2.22% 16 2.69% 18 4.19% 1.82 MB 2.32%
31 356 3.25% 311 3.03% 162 3.30% 19 3.20% 22 5.12% 2.61 MB 3.33%

Hourly usage for August 2006

Hourly Statistics for August 2006
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 8 257 2.35% 8 254 2.48% 4 120 2.45% 62.47 KB 1.83 MB 2.33%
1 0 29 0.26% 0 27 0.26% 0 11 0.22% 6.85 KB 205.44 KB 0.26%
2 1 32 0.29% 0 29 0.28% 0 14 0.29% 7.18 KB 215.40 KB 0.27%
3 1 39 0.36% 1 35 0.34% 1 34 0.69% 1.89 KB 56.85 KB 0.07%
4 0 23 0.21% 0 13 0.13% 0 12 0.24% 5.52 KB 165.63 KB 0.21%
5 0 14 0.13% 0 8 0.08% 0 7 0.14% 3.09 KB 92.78 KB 0.12%
6 3 93 0.85% 3 90 0.88% 1 41 0.84% 24.58 KB 737.43 KB 0.92%
7 11 358 3.27% 10 325 3.17% 5 156 3.18% 86.09 KB 2.52 MB 3.22%
8 11 353 3.22% 11 350 3.41% 4 149 3.04% 87.96 KB 2.58 MB 3.29%
9 26 780 7.12% 24 723 7.05% 13 404 8.23% 200.69 KB 5.88 MB 7.50%
10 17 513 4.68% 16 492 4.80% 7 232 4.73% 128.77 KB 3.77 MB 4.81%
11 29 889 8.12% 28 844 8.23% 12 363 7.40% 210.26 KB 6.16 MB 7.85%
12 34 1045 9.54% 32 967 9.43% 15 467 9.52% 260.35 KB 7.63 MB 9.73%
13 28 861 7.86% 27 810 7.90% 13 398 8.11% 220.11 KB 6.45 MB 8.22%
14 28 867 7.92% 27 826 8.06% 11 352 7.17% 201.46 KB 5.90 MB 7.53%
15 16 502 4.58% 16 489 4.77% 7 215 4.38% 124.71 KB 3.65 MB 4.66%
16 13 396 3.62% 12 375 3.66% 5 170 3.47% 93.73 KB 2.75 MB 3.50%
17 17 518 4.73% 15 477 4.65% 7 230 4.69% 126.69 KB 3.71 MB 4.73%
18 18 556 5.08% 17 535 5.22% 7 219 4.46% 131.28 KB 3.85 MB 4.90%
19 27 811 7.40% 23 717 7.00% 13 393 8.01% 196.83 KB 5.77 MB 7.35%
20 18 544 4.97% 15 479 4.67% 7 229 4.67% 127.05 KB 3.72 MB 4.75%
21 16 493 4.50% 15 453 4.42% 8 251 5.12% 127.67 KB 3.74 MB 4.77%
22 17 510 4.66% 16 487 4.75% 8 240 4.89% 133.53 KB 3.91 MB 4.99%
23 15 470 4.29% 14 445 4.34% 6 199 4.06% 108.26 KB 3.17 MB 4.04%

Top 23 of 29 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2127 19.42% 32.04 MB 40.85% /components/getdata.php
2 954 8.71% 6.26 MB 7.98% /getfile.php
3 699 6.38% 10.38 MB 13.23% /
4 577 5.27% 6.90 MB 8.80% /stil_package.php
5 491 4.48% 690.83 KB 0.86% /stil_forms.php
6 359 3.28% 1.65 MB 2.10% /include/fckeditor/fckeditor.js
7 359 3.28% 431.78 KB 0.54% /include/jscookmenu/ThemeHojlaPackage/theme.js
8 358 3.27% 1.26 MB 1.60% /images/hojla_logo2.swf
9 358 3.27% 6.21 MB 7.92% /include/jscookmenu/JSCookMenu.js
10 357 3.26% 591.83 KB 0.74% /include/KMain.js
11 357 3.26% 114.58 KB 0.14% /include/http.js
12 356 3.25% 3.04 MB 3.87% /include/KModeChange.js
13 356 3.25% 88.50 KB 0.11% /include/KModeChange.lang.js
14 356 3.25% 623.66 KB 0.78% /include/KUtil.js
15 356 3.25% 545.35 KB 0.68% /include/search.js
16 356 3.25% 252.59 KB 0.31% /include/sl_KValidate.lang.js
17 355 3.24% 6.45 MB 8.22% /include/KValidate.js
18 355 3.24% 11.39 KB 0.01% /include/jscookmenu/ThemeHojlaPackage/theme.css
19 355 3.24% 449.10 KB 0.56% /include/menu.js
20 355 3.24% 102.51 KB 0.13% /include/photoWindow.js
21 354 3.23% 144.28 KB 0.18% /include/okno.js
22 127 1.16% 112.55 KB 0.14% /favicon.ico
23 38 0.35% 19.58 KB 0.02% /showPicture.php

Top 10 of 29 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2127 19.42% 32.04 MB 40.85% /components/getdata.php
2 699 6.38% 10.38 MB 13.23% /
3 577 5.27% 6.90 MB 8.80% /stil_package.php
4 355 3.24% 6.45 MB 8.22% /include/KValidate.js
5 954 8.71% 6.26 MB 7.98% /getfile.php
6 358 3.27% 6.21 MB 7.92% /include/jscookmenu/JSCookMenu.js
7 356 3.25% 3.04 MB 3.87% /include/KModeChange.js
8 359 3.28% 1.65 MB 2.10% /include/fckeditor/fckeditor.js
9 358 3.27% 1.26 MB 1.60% /images/hojla_logo2.swf
10 491 4.48% 690.83 KB 0.86% /stil_forms.php

Top 6 of 6 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 699 6.38% 522 89.38% /
2 954 8.71% 27 4.62% /getfile.php
3 2127 19.42% 22 3.77% /components/getdata.php
4 491 4.48% 7 1.20% /stil_forms.php
5 577 5.27% 4 0.68% /stil_package.php
6 38 0.35% 2 0.34% /showPicture.php

Top 5 of 5 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2127 19.42% 342 58.56% /components/getdata.php
2 699 6.38% 178 30.48% /
3 954 8.71% 39 6.68% /getfile.php
4 491 4.48% 18 3.08% /stil_forms.php
5 577 5.27% 7 1.20% /stil_package.php

Top 30 of 430 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 147 1.34% 142 1.39% 1018.44 KB 1.27% 6 1.01% Slovenia
2 119 1.09% 81 0.79% 830.15 KB 1.03% 2 0.34% Slovenia
3 114 1.04% 65 0.63% 911.22 KB 1.13% 1 0.17% Unknown
4 101 0.92% 78 0.76% 701.23 KB 0.87% 4 0.67% Slovenia
5 91 0.83% 59 0.58% 665.75 KB 0.83% 1 0.17% Unknown
6 87 0.79% 87 0.85% 731.57 KB 0.91% 1 0.17% Slovenia
7 83 0.76% 67 0.65% 630.82 KB 0.79% 2 0.34% Slovenia
8 83 0.76% 82 0.80% 805.30 KB 1.00% 1 0.17% Slovenia
9 75 0.68% 31 0.30% 348.86 KB 0.43% 25 4.21% Slovenia
10 74 0.68% 58 0.57% 427.07 KB 0.53% 1 0.17% Slovenia
11 74 0.68% 58 0.57% 635.98 KB 0.79% 2 0.34% Slovenia
12 72 0.66% 57 0.56% 573.20 KB 0.71% 2 0.34% Slovenia
13 70 0.64% 70 0.68% 839.01 KB 1.04% 1 0.17% Slovenia
14 69 0.63% 68 0.66% 608.76 KB 0.76% 1 0.17% Slovenia
15 69 0.63% 53 0.52% 542.62 KB 0.68% 1 0.17% Slovenia
16 68 0.62% 42 0.41% 427.14 KB 0.53% 3 0.51% Slovenia
17 67 0.61% 51 0.50% 496.28 KB 0.62% 1 0.17% Slovenia
18 66 0.60% 30 0.29% 322.77 KB 0.40% 23 3.87% Slovenia
19 65 0.59% 49 0.48% 484.20 KB 0.60% 1 0.17% Croatia
20 64 0.58% 64 0.62% 494.00 KB 0.62% 2 0.34% Slovenia
21 62 0.57% 61 0.60% 536.86 KB 0.67% 1 0.17% Slovenia
22 62 0.57% 47 0.46% 246.57 KB 0.31% 1 0.17% Slovenia
23 61 0.56% 61 0.60% 608.19 KB 0.76% 1 0.17% Slovenia
24 60 0.55% 44 0.43% 445.68 KB 0.55% 1 0.17% Unknown
25 59 0.54% 27 0.26% 329.62 KB 0.41% 1 0.17% Slovenia
26 59 0.54% 43 0.42% 398.24 KB 0.50% 1 0.17% Slovenia
27 57 0.52% 41 0.40% 398.99 KB 0.50% 1 0.17% Unknown
28 56 0.51% 22 0.21% 224.71 KB 0.28% 20 3.37% Slovenia
29 54 0.49% 38 0.37% 305.24 KB 0.38% 1 0.17% Slovenia
30 54 0.49% 22 0.21% 241.51 KB 0.30% 2 0.34% Slovenia
View All Sites

Top 10 of 430 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 147 1.34% 142 1.39% 1018.44 KB 1.27% 6 1.01% Slovenia
2 114 1.04% 65 0.63% 911.22 KB 1.13% 1 0.17% Unknown
3 70 0.64% 70 0.68% 839.01 KB 1.04% 1 0.17% Slovenia
4 119 1.09% 81 0.79% 830.15 KB 1.03% 2 0.34% Slovenia
5 83 0.76% 82 0.80% 805.30 KB 1.00% 1 0.17% Slovenia
6 87 0.79% 87 0.85% 731.57 KB 0.91% 1 0.17% Slovenia
7 101 0.92% 78 0.76% 701.23 KB 0.87% 4 0.67% Slovenia
8 91 0.83% 59 0.58% 665.75 KB 0.83% 1 0.17% Unknown
9 74 0.68% 58 0.57% 635.98 KB 0.79% 2 0.34% Slovenia
10 83 0.76% 67 0.65% 630.82 KB 0.79% 2 0.34% Slovenia

Top 27 of 32 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 1163 10.62% - (Direct Request)
2 222 2.03%
3 74 0.68%
4 37 0.34%
5 32 0.29%
6 20 0.18%
7 7 0.06%
8 5 0.05%
9 4 0.04%
10 2 0.02%
11 2 0.02%
12 2 0.02%
13 2 0.02%
14 1 0.01%
15 1 0.01%
16 1 0.01%
17 1 0.01%
18 1 0.01%
19 1 0.01%
20 1 0.01%
21 1 0.01%
22 1 0.01%
23 1 0.01%
24 1 0.01%
25 1 0.01%
26 1 0.01%
27 1 0.01%

Top 20 of 113 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 33 12.60% prevleke za avto
2 29 11.07% avtomobilski rezervni deli
3 21 8.02% avto prevleke
4 11 4.20% avto dekord
5 7 2.67% svečke champion
6 5 1.91% čistilo za usnje
7 4 1.53% avto trgovina maribor
8 4 1.53% polirna pasta
9 4 1.53% polirne paste
10 4 1.53% signalne pištole
11 3 1.15% avto deli
12 3 1.15% avto predpražniki
13 3 1.15% avto trgovine
14 3 1.15% citroen dodatna oprema
15 3 1.15% kolesni ležaji hyundai
16 3 1.15% pirotehnika
17 3 1.15% rezervni deli fiat
18 3 1.15% rezervni deli renault
19 3 1.15% sedežne prevleke
20 3 1.15% signalna pištola
View All Search Strings

Top 15 of 31 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 6913 63.12% MSIE 6.0
2 2883 26.32% Mozilla/5.0
3 228 2.08% Opera/9.01
4 197 1.80% Najdi.s
5 124 1.13% MSIE 5.5
6 119 1.09% Opera/9.00
7 117 1.07% MSIE 5.0
8 117 1.07% MSIE 7.0
9 67 0.61% Yahoo! Slurp
10 29 0.26% Mosad/2.0
11 25 0.23% MSIE 5.01
12 20 0.18% Googlebot/2.1
13 15 0.14% Googlebot-Image/1.0
14 14 0.13% NextGenSearchBot 4 (for information visit
15 13 0.12% OnetSzukaj/5.0
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for August 2006

Top 18 of 18 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 7776 70.99% 7338 71.59% 55.82 MB 71.17% Slovenia
2 2635 24.06% 2438 23.79% 18.78 MB 23.94% Unresolved/Unknown
3 162 1.48% 122 1.19% 1.07 MB 1.36% United States
4 128 1.17% 112 1.09% 977.29 KB 1.22% Croatia (Hrvatska)
5 36 0.33% 36 0.35% 304.99 KB 0.38% Austria
6 33 0.30% 30 0.29% 252.51 KB 0.31% France
7 27 0.25% 27 0.26% 187.85 KB 0.23% Spain
8 26 0.24% 26 0.25% 186.93 KB 0.23% Europe
9 26 0.24% 26 0.25% 186.93 KB 0.23% Norway
10 26 0.24% 26 0.25% 186.93 KB 0.23% Yugoslavia
11 24 0.22% 23 0.22% 162.52 KB 0.20% China
12 23 0.21% 23 0.22% 161.63 KB 0.20% Turkey
13 13 0.12% 10 0.10% 121.08 KB 0.15% Poland
14 10 0.09% 10 0.10% 53.60 KB 0.07% Great Britain (UK)
15 3 0.03% 0 0.00% 2.68 KB 0.00% Hong Kong
16 2 0.02% 1 0.01% 1.80 KB 0.00% Germany
17 2 0.02% 2 0.02% 33.48 KB 0.04% Peru
18 1 0.01% 1 0.01% 16.73 KB 0.02% Taiwan

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)