Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: November 2005
Generated 01-Dec-2005 04:27 CET
GEO-106FREE 20041102 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2004 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for November 2005
Total Hits 15407
Total Files 13966
Total Pages 6768
Total Visits 674
Total KBytes 105.53 MB
Total Unique Sites 529
Total Unique URLs 116
Total Unique Referrers 41
Total Unique User Agents 35
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 21 622
Hits per Day 513 2013
Files per Day 465 1292
Pages per Day 225 1066
Visits per Day 22 39
KBytes per Day 3.52 MB 12.78 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 13966
Code 206 - Partial Content 1
Code 302 - Found 46
Code 304 - Not Modified 1277
Code 403 - Forbidden 1
Code 404 - Not Found 110
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 6

Daily usage for November 2005

Daily Statistics for November 2005
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 230 1.49% 224 1.60% 93 1.37% 13 1.93% 13 2.46% 1.50 MB 1.43%
2 460 2.99% 459 3.29% 178 2.63% 22 3.26% 22 4.16% 3.25 MB 3.08%
3 402 2.61% 398 2.85% 171 2.53% 20 2.97% 19 3.59% 2.82 MB 2.67%
4 354 2.30% 351 2.51% 129 1.91% 19 2.82% 16 3.02% 2.47 MB 2.34%
5 248 1.61% 247 1.77% 99 1.46% 13 1.93% 14 2.65% 1.78 MB 1.69%
6 445 2.89% 407 2.91% 167 2.47% 29 4.30% 31 5.86% 2.80 MB 2.65%
7 441 2.86% 438 3.14% 180 2.66% 19 2.82% 19 3.59% 3.14 MB 2.97%
8 405 2.63% 395 2.83% 170 2.51% 26 3.86% 25 4.73% 2.78 MB 2.63%
9 239 1.55% 235 1.68% 102 1.51% 16 2.37% 18 3.40% 1.79 MB 1.70%
10 444 2.88% 421 3.01% 181 2.67% 24 3.56% 21 3.97% 3.08 MB 2.92%
11 236 1.53% 234 1.68% 90 1.33% 14 2.08% 15 2.84% 1.63 MB 1.54%
12 192 1.25% 189 1.35% 81 1.20% 12 1.78% 14 2.65% 1.36 MB 1.29%
13 433 2.81% 424 3.04% 191 2.82% 21 3.12% 22 4.16% 3.41 MB 3.23%
14 380 2.47% 364 2.61% 152 2.25% 21 3.12% 21 3.97% 2.67 MB 2.53%
15 682 4.43% 639 4.58% 282 4.17% 33 4.90% 33 6.24% 4.86 MB 4.60%
16 786 5.10% 747 5.35% 326 4.82% 39 5.79% 40 7.56% 5.36 MB 5.08%
17 542 3.52% 476 3.41% 217 3.21% 22 3.26% 22 4.16% 3.49 MB 3.30%
18 399 2.59% 391 2.80% 162 2.39% 21 3.12% 20 3.78% 2.60 MB 2.46%
19 187 1.21% 185 1.32% 71 1.05% 11 1.63% 9 1.70% 1.30 MB 1.23%
20 438 2.84% 390 2.79% 177 2.62% 21 3.12% 22 4.16% 2.66 MB 2.52%
21 473 3.07% 441 3.16% 191 2.82% 23 3.41% 22 4.16% 3.23 MB 3.06%
22 599 3.89% 578 4.14% 241 3.56% 29 4.30% 27 5.10% 4.14 MB 3.92%
23 668 4.34% 667 4.78% 265 3.92% 30 4.45% 30 5.67% 4.68 MB 4.43%
24 332 2.15% 329 2.36% 135 1.99% 17 2.52% 17 3.21% 2.35 MB 2.23%
25 794 5.15% 675 4.83% 448 6.62% 23 3.41% 23 4.35% 5.61 MB 5.32%
26 419 2.72% 409 2.93% 220 3.25% 23 3.41% 23 4.35% 3.01 MB 2.85%
27 567 3.68% 532 3.81% 261 3.86% 24 3.56% 26 4.91% 4.03 MB 3.82%
28 540 3.50% 518 3.71% 227 3.35% 27 4.01% 25 4.73% 3.76 MB 3.56%
29 1059 6.87% 911 6.52% 495 7.31% 37 5.49% 35 6.62% 7.20 MB 6.82%
30 2013 13.07% 1292 9.25% 1066 15.75% 25 3.71% 23 4.35% 12.78 MB 12.11%

Hourly usage for November 2005

Hourly Statistics for November 2005
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 6 189 1.23% 6 181 1.30% 2 84 1.24% 44.36 KB 1.30 MB 1.23%
1 3 93 0.60% 2 87 0.62% 1 52 0.77% 27.80 KB 834.11 KB 0.77%
2 2 60 0.39% 1 50 0.36% 1 34 0.50% 16.47 KB 494.24 KB 0.46%
3 9 271 1.76% 6 197 1.41% 4 139 2.05% 46.23 KB 1.35 MB 1.28%
4 12 388 2.52% 8 253 1.81% 6 204 3.01% 85.32 KB 2.50 MB 2.37%
5 21 642 4.17% 9 286 2.05% 10 311 4.60% 104.49 KB 3.06 MB 2.90%
6 8 244 1.58% 7 235 1.68% 3 109 1.61% 61.39 KB 1.80 MB 1.70%
7 22 689 4.47% 19 575 4.12% 13 413 6.10% 180.03 KB 5.27 MB 5.00%
8 23 692 4.49% 21 654 4.68% 9 281 4.15% 169.42 KB 4.96 MB 4.70%
9 29 879 5.71% 28 843 6.04% 11 344 5.08% 204.96 KB 6.00 MB 5.69%
10 27 814 5.28% 25 779 5.58% 10 312 4.61% 187.58 KB 5.50 MB 5.21%
11 37 1113 7.22% 36 1094 7.83% 15 453 6.69% 275.15 KB 8.06 MB 7.64%
12 33 999 6.48% 32 966 6.92% 13 418 6.18% 237.93 KB 6.97 MB 6.61%
13 37 1112 7.22% 32 981 7.02% 19 584 8.63% 269.65 KB 7.90 MB 7.49%
14 25 767 4.98% 23 714 5.11% 11 345 5.10% 188.97 KB 5.54 MB 5.25%
15 25 779 5.06% 25 756 5.41% 10 313 4.62% 184.88 KB 5.42 MB 5.13%
16 27 829 5.38% 25 778 5.57% 11 334 4.93% 193.80 KB 5.68 MB 5.38%
17 35 1078 7.00% 33 998 7.15% 15 450 6.65% 249.85 KB 7.32 MB 6.94%
18 29 894 5.80% 27 836 5.99% 12 371 5.48% 213.09 KB 6.24 MB 5.92%
19 36 1107 7.19% 34 1038 7.43% 16 482 7.12% 260.08 KB 7.62 MB 7.22%
20 24 734 4.76% 23 710 5.08% 9 285 4.21% 162.86 KB 4.77 MB 4.52%
21 13 403 2.62% 12 380 2.72% 6 187 2.76% 96.70 KB 2.83 MB 2.68%
22 13 397 2.58% 12 377 2.70% 5 162 2.39% 91.31 KB 2.67 MB 2.53%
23 7 234 1.52% 6 198 1.42% 3 101 1.49% 49.89 KB 1.46 MB 1.38%

Top 30 of 116 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 3042 19.74% 45.83 MB 43.42% /components/getdata.php
2 1080 7.01% 11.39 MB 10.80% /stil_package.php
3 936 6.08% 13.71 MB 12.99% /
4 810 5.26% 3.57 MB 3.38% /getfile.php
5 733 4.76% 1.01 MB 0.95% /stil_forms.php
6 492 3.19% 8.36 MB 7.92% /include/jscookmenu/JSCookMenu.js
7 490 3.18% 583.17 KB 0.54% /include/jscookmenu/ThemeHojlaPackage/theme.js
8 489 3.17% 2.23 MB 2.12% /include/fckeditor/fckeditor.js
9 489 3.17% 139.74 KB 0.13% /include/photoWindow.js
10 489 3.17% 342.20 KB 0.32% /include/sl_KValidate.lang.js
11 488 3.17% 802.42 KB 0.74% /include/KMain.js
12 488 3.17% 120.27 KB 0.11% /include/KModeChange.lang.js
13 488 3.17% 610.77 KB 0.57% /include/menu.js
14 488 3.17% 196.83 KB 0.18% /include/okno.js
15 487 3.16% 8.73 MB 8.27% /include/KValidate.js
16 487 3.16% 15.40 KB 0.01% /include/jscookmenu/ThemeHojlaPackage/theme.css
17 486 3.15% 4.11 MB 3.89% /include/KModeChange.js
18 485 3.15% 153.71 KB 0.14% /include/http.js
19 484 3.14% 731.04 KB 0.68% /include/search.js
20 482 3.13% 835.37 KB 0.77% /include/KUtil.js
21 481 3.12% 1.68 MB 1.59% /images/hojla_logo2.swf
22 106 0.69% 96.99 KB 0.09% /favicon.ico
23 45 0.29% 23.18 KB 0.02% /showPicture.php
24 28 0.18% 2.08 KB 0.00% /templates/fckconfig.js.php
25 8 0.05% 156 bytes 0.00% /include/fckeditor/editor/css/fck_internal.css
26 8 0.05% 60 bytes 0.00% /include/fckeditor/editor/fckblank.html
27 8 0.05% 2.34 KB 0.00% /include/fckeditor/editor/fckeditor.html
28 8 0.05% 8.11 KB 0.01% /include/fckeditor/editor/js/fck_startup.js
29 8 0.05% 27.68 KB 0.03% /include/fckeditor/editor/js/fckeditorcode_ie_1.js
30 8 0.05% 66.44 KB 0.06% /include/fckeditor/editor/js/fckeditorcode_ie_2.js
View All URLs

Top 10 of 116 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 3042 19.74% 45.83 MB 43.42% /components/getdata.php
2 936 6.08% 13.71 MB 12.99% /
3 1080 7.01% 11.39 MB 10.80% /stil_package.php
4 487 3.16% 8.73 MB 8.27% /include/KValidate.js
5 492 3.19% 8.36 MB 7.92% /include/jscookmenu/JSCookMenu.js
6 486 3.15% 4.11 MB 3.89% /include/KModeChange.js
7 810 5.26% 3.57 MB 3.38% /getfile.php
8 489 3.17% 2.23 MB 2.12% /include/fckeditor/fckeditor.js
9 481 3.12% 1.68 MB 1.59% /images/hojla_logo2.swf
10 733 4.76% 1.01 MB 0.95% /stil_forms.php

Top 6 of 6 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 936 6.08% 643 97.28% /
2 3042 19.74% 10 1.51% /components/getdata.php
3 733 4.76% 4 0.61% /stil_forms.php
4 1080 7.01% 2 0.30% /stil_package.php
5 1 0.01% 1 0.15% /adRedirect.php
6 810 5.26% 1 0.15% /getfile.php

Top 6 of 6 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3042 19.74% 458 68.98% /components/getdata.php
2 936 6.08% 174 26.20% /
3 1080 7.01% 14 2.11% /stil_package.php
4 810 5.26% 12 1.81% /getfile.php
5 733 4.76% 5 0.75% /stil_forms.php
6 1 0.01% 1 0.15% /adRedirect.php

Top 30 of 529 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 1274 8.27% 691 4.95% 6.81 MB 6.46% 4 0.59% Slovenia
2 487 3.16% 327 2.34% 3.78 MB 3.58% 2 0.30% Slovenia
3 390 2.53% 293 2.10% 2.94 MB 2.78% 1 0.15% Slovenia
4 153 0.99% 121 0.87% 932.61 KB 0.86% 5 0.74% Slovenia
5 109 0.71% 105 0.75% 915.69 KB 0.85% 5 0.74% Slovenia
6 88 0.57% 88 0.63% 786.83 KB 0.73% 5 0.74% Slovenia
7 84 0.55% 84 0.60% 977.12 KB 0.90% 2 0.30% Slovenia
8 78 0.51% 78 0.56% 556.15 KB 0.51% 3 0.45% Slovenia
9 76 0.49% 44 0.32% 398.54 KB 0.37% 1 0.15% Slovenia
10 72 0.47% 72 0.52% 611.12 KB 0.57% 1 0.15% Slovenia
11 66 0.43% 39 0.28% 443.10 KB 0.41% 4 0.59% Slovenia
12 64 0.42% 49 0.35% 173.37 KB 0.16% 1 0.15% Slovenia
13 62 0.40% 62 0.44% 473.79 KB 0.44% 2 0.30% Slovenia
14 61 0.40% 60 0.43% 462.62 KB 0.43% 3 0.45% Slovenia
15 60 0.39% 60 0.43% 517.65 KB 0.48% 1 0.15% Slovenia
16 57 0.37% 57 0.41% 502.00 KB 0.46% 1 0.15% Slovenia
17 56 0.36% 54 0.39% 630.65 KB 0.58% 1 0.15% Slovenia
18 56 0.36% 40 0.29% 403.56 KB 0.37% 1 0.15% Unknown
19 54 0.35% 54 0.39% 510.83 KB 0.47% 3 0.45% Slovenia
20 54 0.35% 54 0.39% 383.98 KB 0.36% 3 0.45% Slovenia
21 54 0.35% 52 0.37% 248.56 KB 0.23% 6 0.89% Slovenia
22 53 0.34% 53 0.38% 379.41 KB 0.35% 2 0.30% Slovenia
23 52 0.34% 36 0.26% 297.20 KB 0.28% 1 0.15% Slovenia
24 52 0.34% 52 0.37% 366.37 KB 0.34% 1 0.15% Slovenia
25 52 0.34% 36 0.26% 284.54 KB 0.26% 2 0.30% Slovenia
26 52 0.34% 36 0.26% 297.03 KB 0.27% 2 0.30% Slovenia
27 52 0.34% 52 0.37% 353.17 KB 0.33% 2 0.30% Slovenia
28 52 0.34% 36 0.26% 284.61 KB 0.26% 2 0.30% Slovenia
29 52 0.34% 51 0.37% 333.82 KB 0.31% 1 0.15% Slovenia
30 52 0.34% 52 0.37% 365.83 KB 0.34% 2 0.30% Slovenia
View All Sites

Top 10 of 529 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 1274 8.27% 691 4.95% 6.81 MB 6.46% 4 0.59% Slovenia
2 487 3.16% 327 2.34% 3.78 MB 3.58% 2 0.30% Slovenia
3 390 2.53% 293 2.10% 2.94 MB 2.78% 1 0.15% Slovenia
4 84 0.55% 84 0.60% 977.12 KB 0.90% 2 0.30% Slovenia
5 153 0.99% 121 0.87% 932.61 KB 0.86% 5 0.74% Slovenia
6 109 0.71% 105 0.75% 915.69 KB 0.85% 5 0.74% Slovenia
7 88 0.57% 88 0.63% 786.83 KB 0.73% 5 0.74% Slovenia
8 56 0.36% 54 0.39% 630.65 KB 0.58% 1 0.15% Slovenia
9 72 0.47% 72 0.52% 611.12 KB 0.57% 1 0.15% Slovenia
10 78 0.51% 78 0.56% 556.15 KB 0.51% 3 0.45% Slovenia

Top 30 of 41 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 1299 8.43% - (Direct Request)
2 362 2.35%
3 59 0.38%
4 26 0.17%
5 23 0.15%
6 14 0.09%
7 8 0.05%
8 6 0.04%
9 4 0.03%
10 4 0.03%
11 3 0.02%
12 3 0.02%
13 3 0.02%
14 2 0.01%
15 2 0.01%
16 1 0.01%
17 1 0.01%
18 1 0.01%
19 1 0.01%
20 1 0.01%
21 1 0.01%
22 1 0.01%
23 1 0.01%
24 1 0.01%
25 1 0.01%
26 1 0.01%
27 1 0.01%
28 1 0.01%
29 1 0.01%
30 1 0.01%
View All Referrers

Top 20 of 193 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 32 7.49% prevleke za avto
2 28 6.56% avtomobilski rezervni deli
3 16 3.75% avto prevleke
4 15 3.51% avto dekord
5 15 3.51% avto deli
6 10 2.34% sedežne prevleke
7 9 2.11% prevleka za avto
8 8 1.87% avtodekord
9 8 1.87% pirotehnika
10 8 1.87% rezervni deli renault
11 7 1.64% avto elektrika
12 7 1.64% avto trgovina
13 7 1.64% renault rezervni deli
14 7 1.64% rezervni deli opel
15 6 1.41% avto
16 6 1.41% avto rezervni deli
17 6 1.41% rezervni deli za renault
18 5 1.17% rezervni deli daewoo
19 5 1.17% rezervni deli fiat
20 5 1.17% rezervni deli škoda
View All Search Strings

Top 15 of 35 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 11818 76.71% MSIE 6.0
2 2443 15.86% Mozilla/5.0
3 405 2.63% MSIE 5.5
4 221 1.43% MSIE 5.0
5 103 0.67% Najdi.s
6 55 0.36% Opera/8.01
7 50 0.32% Googlebot/2.1
8 49 0.32% MSIE 5.01
9 33 0.21% Yahoo! Slurp
10 30 0.19% Mosad/2.0
11 26 0.17% MSIE 7.0
12 26 0.17% Opera/8.50
13 18 0.12% msnbot/1.0 (+
14 15 0.10% OmniExplorer_Bot/4.32 (+ WorldIndexer
15 12 0.08% sohu-search
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for November 2005

Top 16 of 16 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 11639 75.54% 10358 74.17% 79.11 MB 74.96% Slovenia
2 2542 16.50% 2507 17.95% 17.47 MB 16.55% Network
3 868 5.63% 846 6.06% 6.40 MB 6.07% Unresolved/Unknown
4 237 1.54% 163 1.17% 1.71 MB 1.62% United States
5 38 0.25% 25 0.18% 245.27 KB 0.23% US Commercial
6 26 0.17% 26 0.19% 177.50 KB 0.16% Macedonia
7 25 0.16% 25 0.18% 176.59 KB 0.16% Non-Profit Organization
8 12 0.08% 8 0.06% 130.84 KB 0.12% China
9 6 0.04% 0 0.00% 1.74 KB 0.00% Malaysia
10 4 0.03% 2 0.01% 34.48 KB 0.03% France
11 3 0.02% 1 0.01% 17.25 KB 0.02% Netherlands
12 2 0.01% 2 0.01% 32.82 KB 0.03% Bulgaria
13 2 0.01% 1 0.01% 17.20 KB 0.02% Seychelles
14 1 0.01% 1 0.01% 16.35 KB 0.02% Canada
15 1 0.01% 1 0.01% 16.34 KB 0.02% Great Britain (UK)
16 1 0.01% 1 0.01% 937 bytes 0.00% Philippines

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)