Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: October 2010
Generated 01-Nov-2010 03:37 CET

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for October 2010
Total Hits 863786
Total Files 699016
Total Pages 222937
Total Visits 24227
Total KBytes 13190291
Total Unique Sites 8757
Total Unique URLs 4715
Total Unique Referrers 2281
Total Unique User Agents 2475
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 1161 4326
Hits per Day 27864 40747
Files per Day 22548 32771
Pages per Day 7191 11129
Visits per Day 781 975
KBytes per Day 425493 659789
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 699016
Code 206 - Partial Content 758
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 8972
Code 302 - Found 10
Code 304 - Not Modified 128853
Code 400 - Bad Request 5
Code 403 - Forbidden 454
Code 404 - Not Found 25699
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 12
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 2
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 5

Daily usage for October 2010

Daily Statistics for October 2010
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 24522 2.84% 20778 2.97% 6339 2.84% 728 3.00% 506 5.78% 452526 3.43%
2 25492 2.95% 16093 2.30% 4789 2.15% 692 2.86% 436 4.98% 361853 2.74%
3 30415 3.52% 24915 3.56% 7646 3.43% 788 3.25% 564 6.44% 477826 3.62%
4 40747 4.72% 32771 4.69% 11106 4.98% 975 4.02% 629 7.18% 659789 5.00%
5 31904 3.69% 26973 3.86% 8191 3.67% 870 3.59% 560 6.39% 569341 4.32%
6 33500 3.88% 26457 3.78% 8041 3.61% 846 3.49% 566 6.46% 444330 3.37%
7 30797 3.57% 24291 3.48% 7971 3.58% 823 3.40% 530 6.05% 432187 3.28%
8 25421 2.94% 20889 2.99% 6633 2.98% 774 3.19% 511 5.84% 371139 2.81%
9 20765 2.40% 16767 2.40% 5269 2.36% 690 2.85% 476 5.44% 368049 2.79%
10 20825 2.41% 18141 2.60% 5298 2.38% 742 3.06% 471 5.38% 393091 2.98%
11 30080 3.48% 24489 3.50% 7748 3.48% 883 3.64% 572 6.53% 428481 3.25%
12 28772 3.33% 22552 3.23% 7526 3.38% 813 3.36% 528 6.03% 393373 2.98%
13 35429 4.10% 29466 4.22% 11129 4.99% 899 3.71% 549 6.27% 532113 4.03%
14 36838 4.26% 29295 4.19% 10845 4.86% 851 3.51% 529 6.04% 613128 4.65%
15 28904 3.35% 24131 3.45% 7702 3.45% 758 3.13% 532 6.08% 476926 3.62%
16 19597 2.27% 16599 2.37% 5226 2.34% 642 2.65% 432 4.93% 337698 2.56%
17 31761 3.68% 27333 3.91% 7935 3.56% 931 3.84% 597 6.82% 465825 3.53%
18 32682 3.78% 26773 3.83% 9278 4.16% 788 3.25% 529 6.04% 556828 4.22%
19 31356 3.63% 24540 3.51% 8584 3.85% 765 3.16% 521 5.95% 412650 3.13%
20 29706 3.44% 23981 3.43% 7925 3.55% 829 3.42% 515 5.88% 368787 2.80%
21 29080 3.37% 22275 3.19% 7071 3.17% 776 3.20% 554 6.33% 435492 3.30%
22 22788 2.64% 18177 2.60% 5574 2.50% 724 2.99% 502 5.73% 286604 2.17%
23 21543 2.49% 16008 2.29% 6364 2.85% 649 2.68% 433 4.94% 345454 2.62%
24 22755 2.63% 18169 2.60% 5403 2.42% 723 2.98% 508 5.80% 404201 3.06%
25 30640 3.55% 25342 3.63% 7405 3.32% 855 3.53% 618 7.06% 394722 2.99%
26 27091 3.14% 22464 3.21% 6139 2.75% 814 3.36% 581 6.63% 376081 2.85%
27 26440 3.06% 21251 3.04% 6507 2.92% 764 3.15% 537 6.13% 313825 2.38%
28 24386 2.82% 20647 2.95% 6925 3.11% 701 2.89% 496 5.66% 406489 3.08%
29 22702 2.63% 19599 2.80% 5675 2.55% 682 2.82% 477 5.45% 439405 3.33%
30 19072 2.21% 15479 2.21% 4727 2.12% 703 2.90% 474 5.41% 281903 2.14%
31 27776 3.22% 22371 3.20% 5966 2.68% 854 3.52% 601 6.86% 390172 2.96%

Hourly usage for October 2010

Hourly Statistics for October 2010
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 543 16834 1.95% 415 12881 1.84% 160 4982 2.23% 9368 290412 2.20%
1 322 10011 1.16% 264 8202 1.17% 115 3565 1.60% 5505 170670 1.29%
2 247 7661 0.89% 195 6047 0.87% 100 3116 1.40% 6555 203206 1.54%
3 151 4685 0.54% 120 3724 0.53% 65 2029 0.91% 5443 168725 1.28%
4 153 4761 0.55% 129 4015 0.57% 67 2087 0.94% 4022 124679 0.95%
5 189 5867 0.68% 158 4903 0.70% 101 3152 1.41% 3610 111911 0.85%
6 395 12270 1.42% 293 9112 1.30% 169 5265 2.36% 5854 181482 1.38%
7 888 27551 3.19% 635 19703 2.82% 256 7937 3.56% 11436 354517 2.69%
8 1179 36565 4.23% 945 29316 4.19% 304 9443 4.24% 21020 651607 4.94%
9 1487 46097 5.34% 1184 36715 5.25% 400 12407 5.57% 23189 718874 5.45%
10 1670 51774 5.99% 1344 41682 5.96% 415 12875 5.78% 22480 696882 5.28%
11 1654 51286 5.94% 1344 41683 5.96% 393 12200 5.47% 25972 805120 6.10%
12 1874 58109 6.73% 1508 46778 6.69% 456 14136 6.34% 27079 839443 6.36%
13 1808 56057 6.49% 1437 44572 6.38% 415 12878 5.78% 26147 810559 6.15%
14 1744 54094 6.26% 1481 45930 6.57% 407 12643 5.67% 24873 771060 5.85%
15 1667 51699 5.99% 1334 41383 5.92% 449 13939 6.25% 25503 790589 5.99%
16 1462 45322 5.25% 1164 36103 5.16% 327 10155 4.56% 23034 714055 5.41%
17 1398 43342 5.02% 1077 33405 4.78% 333 10335 4.64% 19751 612278 4.64%
18 1466 45470 5.26% 1240 38460 5.50% 359 11154 5.00% 23357 724067 5.49%
19 1725 53477 6.19% 1471 45602 6.52% 403 12523 5.62% 24551 761080 5.77%
20 1701 52737 6.11% 1404 43543 6.23% 434 13457 6.04% 26051 807567 6.12%
21 1606 49815 5.77% 1330 41249 5.90% 388 12036 5.40% 23451 726983 5.51%
22 1454 45101 5.22% 1198 37165 5.32% 370 11494 5.16% 20360 631155 4.79%
23 1071 33201 3.84% 865 26843 3.84% 294 9129 4.09% 16883 523369 3.97%

Top 30 of 4715 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 68673 7.95% 2534523 19.22% /components/getdata.php
2 46779 5.42% 1223351 9.27% /forum/download/file.php
3 20119 2.33% 880847 6.68% /
4 10579 1.22% 706056 5.35% /forum/style.php
5 9477 1.10% 20507 0.16% /forum/styles/prosilver/theme/print.css
6 9323 1.08% 2274 0.02% /forum/styles/prosilver/theme/normal.css
7 9241 1.07% 2249 0.02% /forum/styles/prosilver/theme/medium.css
8 9196 1.06% 2245 0.02% /forum/styles/prosilver/theme/large.css
9 8821 1.02% 17208 0.13% /forum/styles/prosilver/template/styleswitcher.js
10 8770 1.02% 31747 0.24% /forum/styles/prosilver/template/forum_fn.js
11 8551 0.99% 12110 0.09% /favicon.ico
12 6587 0.76% 42552 0.32% /stil.css
13 6400 0.74% 21395 0.16% /print.css
14 6162 0.71% 139199 1.06% /forum.html
15 5918 0.69% 1855 0.01% /include/htmlarea.js
16 5841 0.68% 7669 0.06% /include/menu.js
17 5823 0.67% 3440 0.03% /include/okno.js
18 5777 0.67% 302625 2.29% /include/htmlarea3/htmlarea.js
19 5767 0.67% 42329 0.32% /include/KModeChange.js
20 5751 0.67% 91868 0.70% /include/KValidate.js
21 5742 0.66% 2637 0.02% /include/KModeChange.lang.js
22 5733 0.66% 2852 0.02% /include/photoWindow.js
23 5705 0.66% 4876 0.04% /include/sl_KValidate.lang.js
24 5696 0.66% 9878 0.07% /include/KUtil.js
25 5695 0.66% 9555 0.07% /include/KMain.js
26 5220 0.60% 16593 0.13% /include/htmlarea3/popupwin.js
27 5212 0.60% 14926 0.11% /include/htmlarea3/lang/en.js
28 5210 0.60% 10544 0.08% /include/htmlarea3/dialog.js
29 5206 0.60% 18102 0.14% /include/htmlarea3/htmlarea.css
30 2473 0.29% 1307 0.01% /robots.txt

Top 10 of 4715 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 68673 7.95% 2534523 19.22% /components/getdata.php
2 46779 5.42% 1223351 9.27% /forum/download/file.php
3 20119 2.33% 880847 6.68% /
4 10579 1.22% 706056 5.35% /forum/style.php
5 8 0.00% 358889 2.72% /sub/stream/DNFfinalsAM.wmv
6 5777 0.67% 302625 2.29% /include/htmlarea3/htmlarea.js
7 9 0.00% 225666 1.71% /sub/stream/DNFfinalsAW.wmv
8 6162 0.71% 139199 1.06% /forum.html
9 1661 0.19% 115205 0.87% /podvodni-lov-splosno/
10 5751 0.67% 91868 0.70% /include/KValidate.js

Top 10 of 1803 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 20119 2.33% 8035 33.72% /
2 68673 7.95% 2616 10.98% /components/getdata.php
3 6162 0.71% 1528 6.41% /forum.html
4 46779 5.42% 935 3.92% /forum/download/file.php
5 10579 1.22% 869 3.65% /forum/style.php
6 1268 0.15% 455 1.91% /forum/search.php
7 323 0.04% 186 0.78% /ribolov-oprema/olni-italija-t560.html
8 434 0.05% 163 0.68% /morska-hrana-recepti/hobotnica-t309.html
9 602 0.07% 153 0.64% /h2o-team/
10 2421 0.28% 120 0.50% /podvodni-lov/

Top 10 of 1790 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 20119 2.33% 5715 24.03% /
2 46779 5.42% 4557 19.16% /forum/download/file.php
3 68673 7.95% 3392 14.26% /components/getdata.php
4 10579 1.22% 2184 9.18% /forum/style.php
5 6162 0.71% 1010 4.25% /forum.html
6 1551 0.18% 539 2.27% /forum/cron.php
7 1268 0.15% 478 2.01% /forum/search.php
8 2421 0.28% 116 0.49% /podvodni-lov/
9 1661 0.19% 96 0.40% /podvodni-lov-splosno/
10 860 0.10% 69 0.29% /potapljaska-oprema-prodam/

Top 30 of 8757 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 23249 2.69% 15412 2.20% 263381 2.00% 168 0.69%
2 15362 1.78% 12985 1.86% 300505 2.28% 244 1.01%
3 11225 1.30% 9243 1.32% 124964 0.95% 130 0.54%
4 10612 1.23% 8716 1.25% 798318 6.05% 58 0.24%
5 9035 1.05% 7113 1.02% 363879 2.76% 501 2.07%
6 8333 0.96% 5539 0.79% 113991 0.86% 287 1.18%
7 8061 0.93% 4376 0.63% 81985 0.62% 71 0.29%
8 7706 0.89% 2221 0.32% 87581 0.66% 79 0.33%
9 7536 0.87% 4010 0.57% 44873 0.34% 86 0.35%
10 7042 0.82% 781 0.11% 35309 0.27% 7 0.03%
11 6094 0.71% 5151 0.74% 79148 0.60% 78 0.32%
12 6088 0.70% 1755 0.25% 45866 0.35% 20 0.08%
13 5890 0.68% 2345 0.34% 69833 0.53% 23 0.09%
14 5244 0.61% 4978 0.71% 92361 0.70% 219 0.90%
15 4728 0.55% 3870 0.55% 85962 0.65% 50 0.21%
16 4631 0.54% 1733 0.25% 19912 0.15% 2 0.01%
17 4411 0.51% 3822 0.55% 76159 0.58% 102 0.42%
18 4345 0.50% 3333 0.48% 65709 0.50% 47 0.19%
19 3971 0.46% 2462 0.35% 63553 0.48% 45 0.19%
20 3930 0.45% 3579 0.51% 36072 0.27% 83 0.34%
21 3774 0.44% 3019 0.43% 64555 0.49% 55 0.23%
22 3759 0.44% 3231 0.46% 35988 0.27% 38 0.16%
23 3559 0.41% 3072 0.44% 28245 0.21% 81 0.33%
24 3536 0.41% 2988 0.43% 57740 0.44% 43 0.18%
25 3525 0.41% 2816 0.40% 57376 0.43% 20 0.08%
26 3432 0.40% 2308 0.33% 42631 0.32% 105 0.43%
27 3277 0.38% 2846 0.41% 30162 0.23% 82 0.34%
28 3207 0.37% 2639 0.38% 61550 0.47% 2 0.01%
29 3172 0.37% 1516 0.22% 28227 0.21% 35 0.14%
30 3147 0.36% 1649 0.24% 23272 0.18% 41 0.17%

Top 10 of 8757 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 10612 1.23% 8716 1.25% 798318 6.05% 58 0.24%
2 9035 1.05% 7113 1.02% 363879 2.76% 501 2.07%
3 15362 1.78% 12985 1.86% 300505 2.28% 244 1.01%
4 23249 2.69% 15412 2.20% 263381 2.00% 168 0.69%
5 11225 1.30% 9243 1.32% 124964 0.95% 130 0.54%
6 8333 0.96% 5539 0.79% 113991 0.86% 287 1.18%
7 44 0.01% 17 0.00% 107205 0.81% 1 0.00%
8 5244 0.61% 4978 0.71% 92361 0.70% 219 0.90%
9 804 0.09% 600 0.09% 91837 0.70% 2 0.01%
10 2308 0.27% 2159 0.31% 89494 0.68% 240 0.99%

Top 30 of 2281 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 69627 8.06% - (Direct Request)
2 3758 0.44%
3 3372 0.39%
4 3125 0.36%
5 2253 0.26%
6 1568 0.18%
7 1013 0.12%
8 525 0.06%
9 513 0.06%
10 377 0.04%
11 348 0.04%
12 292 0.03%
13 252 0.03%
14 251 0.03%
15 249 0.03%
16 228 0.03%
17 200 0.02%
18 147 0.02%
19 110 0.01%
20 108 0.01%
21 102 0.01%
22 94 0.01%
23 85 0.01%
24 84 0.01%
25 76 0.01%
26 72 0.01%
27 72 0.01%
28 70 0.01%
29 59 0.01%
30 59 0.01%

Top 20 of 524 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 43 4.84% h2o team
2 32 3.60% h2o
3 16 1.80% podvodni ribolov
4 13 1.46% brancin
5 11 1.24% panula
6 10 1.12% branci-
7 8 0.90% lov na lignje
8 7 0.79% -
9 7 0.79% panula za gofa
10 7 0.79% podvodna oprema
11 7 0.79% recepti
12 6 0.67% ale%c5%a1 novak
13 6 0.67% ivan andric ronjenje
14 6 0.67% jadranje
15 6 0.67% klepetalnica
16 6 0.67% prodam oln
17 5 0.56% alesn
18 5 0.56% h2oteam
19 5 0.56% lica
20 5 0.56% mors-

Top 15 of 2475 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 53305 6.17% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20100914 Firefox/3.6.10
2 25554 2.96% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20100914 Firefox/3.6.10 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
3 24229 2.80% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20100914 Firefox/3.6.10
4 22595 2.62% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.3
5 17381 2.01% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.3072
6 15898 1.84% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.3 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/6.0.472.63 Safari/534.3
7 14589 1.69% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152
8 13104 1.52% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CL
9 12779 1.48% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.3 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/6.0.472.63 Safari/534.3
10 12423 1.44% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20100914 Firefox/3.6.10 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
11 11936 1.38% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100914 Firefox/3.6.10 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
12 11794 1.37% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20101012 Firefox/3.6.11
13 11446 1.33% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
14 11386 1.32% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; sl; rv: Gecko/2010031422 Firefox/3.0.19
15 10975 1.27% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp/3.0;

Usage by Country for October 2010

Top 30 of 70 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 507211 58.72% 417844 59.78% 7734167 58.64% Network
2 165098 19.11% 126791 18.14% 2296410 17.41% Unresolved/Unknown
3 111237 12.88% 86561 12.38% 1747524 13.25% Slovenia
4 28628 3.31% 24340 3.48% 597177 4.53% US Commercial
5 23799 2.76% 20943 3.00% 348973 2.65% Croatia (Hrvatska)
6 3906 0.45% 3160 0.45% 114530 0.87% Russian Federation
7 2841 0.33% 2470 0.35% 45576 0.35% Germany
8 2701 0.31% 1827 0.26% 27235 0.21% Italy
9 2011 0.23% 1585 0.23% 32704 0.25% Czech Republic
10 1656 0.19% 1540 0.22% 32675 0.25% Non-Profit Organization
11 1399 0.16% 1306 0.19% 17440 0.13% Hungary
12 1268 0.15% 1214 0.17% 17092 0.13% Austria
13 1228 0.14% 1115 0.16% 24134 0.18% Netherlands
14 1037 0.12% 256 0.04% 9091 0.07% Latvia
15 1004 0.12% 891 0.13% 15810 0.12% Switzerland
16 990 0.11% 906 0.13% 16236 0.12% Sweden
17 757 0.09% 712 0.10% 10290 0.08% Greece
18 737 0.09% 632 0.09% 12492 0.09% Macedonia
19 565 0.07% 525 0.08% 5446 0.04% Belgium
20 535 0.06% 471 0.07% 6477 0.05% Poland
21 430 0.05% 405 0.06% 5429 0.04% Bosnia and Herzegovina
22 363 0.04% 350 0.05% 5320 0.04% France
23 314 0.04% 289 0.04% 3623 0.03% Australia
24 260 0.03% 242 0.03% 4355 0.03% United Kingdom
25 249 0.03% 236 0.03% 5733 0.04% Portugal
26 247 0.03% 225 0.03% 2732 0.02% Norway
27 230 0.03% 210 0.03% 2867 0.02% Slovak Republic
28 216 0.03% 203 0.03% 7391 0.06% International (int)
29 178 0.02% 175 0.03% 4737 0.04% South Africa
30 166 0.02% 155 0.02% 3583 0.03% Japan

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01