Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: July 2010
Generated 01-Aug-2010 03:33 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for July 2010
Total Hits 1062129
Total Files 858434
Total Pages 264736
Total Visits 30319
Total KBytes 13755799
Total Unique Sites 12290
Total Unique URLs 4616
Total Unique Referrers 2347
Total Unique User Agents 3362
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 1427 4563
Hits per Day 34262 54363
Files per Day 27691 41737
Pages per Day 8539 12545
Visits per Day 978 1301
KBytes per Day 443735 613608
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 14
Code 200 - OK 858434
Code 206 - Partial Content 322
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 7634
Code 302 - Found 47
Code 304 - Not Modified 170251
Code 400 - Bad Request 24
Code 403 - Forbidden 208
Code 404 - Not Found 25134
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 61

Daily usage for July 2010

Daily Statistics for July 2010
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 31856 3.00% 27067 3.15% 8225 3.11% 926 3.05% 681 5.54% 454411 3.30%
2 25414 2.39% 22247 2.59% 6618 2.50% 922 3.04% 683 5.56% 336985 2.45%
3 19371 1.82% 16621 1.94% 5622 2.12% 778 2.57% 535 4.35% 276563 2.01%
4 28849 2.72% 23437 2.73% 7832 2.96% 870 2.87% 686 5.58% 443529 3.22%
5 42043 3.96% 33646 3.92% 12545 4.74% 1049 3.46% 782 6.36% 613608 4.46%
6 33928 3.19% 28115 3.28% 8461 3.20% 965 3.18% 708 5.76% 469489 3.41%
7 30471 2.87% 25570 2.98% 7242 2.74% 864 2.85% 686 5.58% 383083 2.78%
8 34727 3.27% 29140 3.39% 7848 2.96% 955 3.15% 735 5.98% 388526 2.82%
9 28303 2.66% 23451 2.73% 7108 2.68% 922 3.04% 678 5.52% 395743 2.88%
10 21574 2.03% 17491 2.04% 5210 1.97% 758 2.50% 570 4.64% 288643 2.10%
11 26192 2.47% 22238 2.59% 6524 2.46% 891 2.94% 664 5.40% 385569 2.80%
12 40708 3.83% 32943 3.84% 10464 3.95% 1110 3.66% 745 6.06% 545439 3.97%
13 34079 3.21% 27719 3.23% 8159 3.08% 1076 3.55% 735 5.98% 430146 3.13%
14 38245 3.60% 32415 3.78% 10007 3.78% 1122 3.70% 793 6.45% 509650 3.70%
15 39346 3.70% 31617 3.68% 9918 3.75% 1122 3.70% 811 6.60% 505627 3.68%
16 30751 2.90% 25461 2.97% 8074 3.05% 938 3.09% 668 5.44% 477770 3.47%
17 24420 2.30% 20534 2.39% 7724 2.92% 795 2.62% 555 4.52% 298664 2.17%
18 27531 2.59% 23339 2.72% 6761 2.55% 896 2.96% 651 5.30% 387150 2.81%
19 39419 3.71% 31337 3.65% 8224 3.11% 1070 3.53% 776 6.31% 410339 2.98%
20 35526 3.34% 29136 3.39% 8022 3.03% 958 3.16% 683 5.56% 457831 3.33%
21 36981 3.48% 29911 3.48% 9533 3.60% 1019 3.36% 718 5.84% 483832 3.52%
22 31647 2.98% 26346 3.07% 7392 2.79% 1031 3.40% 721 5.87% 388172 2.82%
23 32540 3.06% 27160 3.16% 7704 2.91% 899 2.97% 664 5.40% 497124 3.61%
24 36790 3.46% 28435 3.31% 9701 3.66% 952 3.14% 651 5.30% 512576 3.73%
25 37856 3.56% 28942 3.37% 8818 3.33% 999 3.29% 663 5.39% 444733 3.23%
26 54363 5.12% 41737 4.86% 12327 4.66% 1301 4.29% 870 7.08% 554907 4.03%
27 47147 4.44% 35877 4.18% 11855 4.48% 1095 3.61% 741 6.03% 603357 4.39%
28 43805 4.12% 31142 3.63% 9792 3.70% 1032 3.40% 731 5.95% 500519 3.64%
29 45577 4.29% 35207 4.10% 10588 4.00% 1206 3.98% 833 6.78% 482744 3.51%
30 35533 3.35% 28732 3.35% 9878 3.73% 1004 3.31% 707 5.75% 470991 3.42%
31 27137 2.55% 21421 2.50% 6560 2.48% 891 2.94% 581 4.73% 358079 2.60%

Hourly usage for July 2010

Hourly Statistics for July 2010
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 691 21426 2.02% 554 17178 2.00% 206 6399 2.42% 9999 309976 2.25%
1 369 11442 1.08% 308 9550 1.11% 141 4392 1.66% 7969 247037 1.80%
2 268 8329 0.78% 200 6213 0.72% 118 3676 1.39% 5027 155833 1.13%
3 181 5619 0.53% 150 4651 0.54% 87 2704 1.02% 4053 125653 0.91%
4 147 4584 0.43% 126 3932 0.46% 78 2441 0.92% 4325 134073 0.97%
5 177 5505 0.52% 138 4289 0.50% 86 2672 1.01% 4155 128813 0.94%
6 451 13993 1.32% 323 10041 1.17% 129 4027 1.52% 10199 316164 2.30%
7 976 30269 2.85% 785 24351 2.84% 285 8849 3.34% 14328 444162 3.23%
8 1656 51353 4.83% 1310 40636 4.73% 426 13236 5.00% 19458 603197 4.39%
9 2038 63186 5.95% 1597 49518 5.77% 519 16117 6.09% 24041 745268 5.42%
10 2155 66817 6.29% 1753 54369 6.33% 537 16661 6.29% 25982 805447 5.86%
11 2519 78110 7.35% 2003 62106 7.23% 584 18115 6.84% 31089 963769 7.01%
12 2594 80435 7.57% 2077 64399 7.50% 620 19230 7.26% 30268 938303 6.82%
13 2516 78016 7.35% 2016 62510 7.28% 587 18210 6.88% 28757 891458 6.48%
14 2468 76523 7.20% 2052 63635 7.41% 574 17819 6.73% 31771 984907 7.16%
15 2037 63173 5.95% 1653 51249 5.97% 462 14325 5.41% 24564 761491 5.54%
16 1704 52826 4.97% 1383 42885 5.00% 390 12110 4.57% 20188 625836 4.55%
17 1561 48406 4.56% 1280 39702 4.62% 364 11292 4.27% 19076 591362 4.30%
18 1559 48335 4.55% 1292 40062 4.67% 369 11457 4.33% 19559 606329 4.41%
19 1536 47623 4.48% 1262 39148 4.56% 382 11842 4.47% 18812 583182 4.24%
20 1524 47261 4.45% 1279 39650 4.62% 386 11988 4.53% 19143 593432 4.31%
21 1949 60429 5.69% 1590 49293 5.74% 458 14202 5.36% 25639 794824 5.78%
22 1669 51743 4.87% 1376 42660 4.97% 386 11975 4.52% 25138 779263 5.66%
23 1507 46726 4.40% 1174 36407 4.24% 354 10997 4.15% 20194 626023 4.55%

Top 30 of 4616 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 76177 7.17% 2106937 15.32% /forum/download/file.php
2 63811 6.01% 2074049 15.08% /components/getdata.php
3 20749 1.95% 1207027 8.77% /
4 16406 1.54% 29892 0.22% /forum/styles/prosilver/template/styleswitcher.js
5 16254 1.53% 35120 0.26% /forum/styles/prosilver/theme/print.css
6 15779 1.49% 3879 0.03% /forum/styles/prosilver/theme/normal.css
7 15605 1.47% 3836 0.03% /forum/styles/prosilver/theme/medium.css
8 15214 1.43% 1009774 7.34% /forum/style.php
9 15194 1.43% 3769 0.03% /forum/styles/prosilver/theme/large.css
10 14964 1.41% 55171 0.40% /forum/styles/prosilver/template/forum_fn.js
11 11960 1.13% 16600 0.12% /favicon.ico
12 5686 0.54% 34905 0.25% /stil.css
13 5480 0.52% 17689 0.13% /print.css
14 5048 0.48% 4335 0.03% /include/sl_KValidate.lang.js
15 4951 0.47% 111081 0.81% /forum.html
16 4947 0.47% 259699 1.89% /include/htmlarea3/htmlarea.js
17 4943 0.47% 1575 0.01% /include/htmlarea.js
18 4913 0.46% 6586 0.05% /include/menu.js
19 4855 0.46% 8165 0.06% /include/KMain.js
20 4841 0.46% 8252 0.06% /include/KUtil.js
21 4826 0.45% 2245 0.02% /include/KModeChange.lang.js
22 4817 0.45% 2432 0.02% /include/photoWindow.js
23 4782 0.45% 2885 0.02% /include/okno.js
24 4772 0.45% 36092 0.26% /include/KModeChange.js
25 4742 0.45% 76791 0.56% /include/KValidate.js
26 4382 0.41% 8955 0.07% /include/htmlarea3/dialog.js
27 4382 0.41% 13954 0.10% /include/htmlarea3/popupwin.js
28 4369 0.41% 12586 0.09% /include/htmlarea3/lang/en.js
29 4349 0.41% 15230 0.11% /include/htmlarea3/htmlarea.css
30 3363 0.32% 1738 0.01% /robots.txt

Top 10 of 4616 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 76177 7.17% 2106937 15.32% /forum/download/file.php
2 63811 6.01% 2074049 15.08% /components/getdata.php
3 20749 1.95% 1207027 8.77% /
4 15214 1.43% 1009774 7.34% /forum/style.php
5 9 0.00% 395831 2.88% /sub/stream/DNFfinalsAM.wmv
6 4947 0.47% 259699 1.89% /include/htmlarea3/htmlarea.js
7 7 0.00% 204331 1.49% /sub/stream/DNFfinalsAW.wmv
8 33 0.00% 126559 0.92% /sub/stream/telemTekmaMB05_2.wmv
9 4951 0.47% 111081 0.81% /forum.html
10 1158 0.11% 79965 0.58% /podvodni-lov-splosno/

Top 10 of 1806 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 20749 1.95% 7987 26.81% /
2 63811 6.01% 2793 9.38% /components/getdata.php
3 15214 1.43% 1730 5.81% /forum/style.php
4 76177 7.17% 1600 5.37% /forum/download/file.php
5 4951 0.47% 929 3.12% /forum.html
6 774 0.07% 440 1.48% /ribolov-oprema/olni-italija-t560.html
7 534 0.05% 417 1.40% /podvodne-lokacije/murter-slanica-t490.html
8 1456 0.14% 378 1.27% /forum/search.php
9 555 0.05% 344 1.15% /morska-hrana-recepti/hobotnica-t309.html
10 457 0.04% 276 0.93% /klepetalnica/seznam-stvari-morje-t1275.html

Top 10 of 1758 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 76177 7.17% 9049 30.31% /forum/download/file.php
2 20749 1.95% 5618 18.82% /
3 63811 6.01% 3710 12.43% /components/getdata.php
4 15214 1.43% 3495 11.71% /forum/style.php
5 4951 0.47% 653 2.19% /forum.html
6 1596 0.15% 647 2.17% /forum/cron.php
7 1456 0.14% 473 1.58% /forum/search.php
8 2136 0.20% 120 0.40% /podvodni-lov/
9 774 0.07% 116 0.39% /ribolov-oprema/olni-italija-t560.html
10 1158 0.11% 70 0.23% /podvodni-lov-splosno/

Top 30 of 12290 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 27036 2.55% 18131 2.11% 221626 1.61% 178 0.59%
2 17539 1.65% 11954 1.39% 280918 2.04% 314 1.04%
3 15836 1.49% 13881 1.62% 642966 4.67% 470 1.55%
4 10015 0.94% 7970 0.93% 886755 6.45% 72 0.24%
5 9709 0.91% 9438 1.10% 635165 4.62% 112 0.37%
6 8333 0.78% 7713 0.90% 118988 0.87% 312 1.03%
7 8084 0.76% 3306 0.39% 66196 0.48% 37 0.12%
8 6602 0.62% 3403 0.40% 53022 0.39% 64 0.21%
9 5763 0.54% 5016 0.58% 74548 0.54% 101 0.33%
10 5577 0.53% 4722 0.55% 59232 0.43% 70 0.23%
11 5427 0.51% 926 0.11% 24958 0.18% 15 0.05%
12 5089 0.48% 4423 0.52% 71166 0.52% 64 0.21%
13 4849 0.46% 3927 0.46% 55563 0.40% 59 0.19%
14 4727 0.45% 1843 0.21% 37243 0.27% 50 0.16%
15 4595 0.43% 3297 0.38% 52836 0.38% 54 0.18%
16 4526 0.43% 3858 0.45% 30071 0.22% 97 0.32%
17 4432 0.42% 2253 0.26% 44039 0.32% 42 0.14%
18 4407 0.41% 1507 0.18% 49801 0.36% 60 0.20%
19 3874 0.36% 2830 0.33% 45354 0.33% 67 0.22%
20 3513 0.33% 2290 0.27% 38555 0.28% 16 0.05%
21 3462 0.33% 1127 0.13% 41498 0.30% 67 0.22%
22 3328 0.31% 2682 0.31% 14744 0.11% 54 0.18%
23 3317 0.31% 2304 0.27% 30561 0.22% 41 0.14%
24 3269 0.31% 2483 0.29% 32077 0.23% 42 0.14%
25 2848 0.27% 822 0.10% 19501 0.14% 27 0.09%
26 2570 0.24% 2269 0.26% 36951 0.27% 37 0.12%
27 2534 0.24% 1775 0.21% 15990 0.12% 15 0.05%
28 2502 0.24% 2135 0.25% 18029 0.13% 51 0.17%
29 2435 0.23% 1745 0.20% 43177 0.31% 9 0.03%
30 2432 0.23% 2130 0.25% 32885 0.24% 37 0.12%

Top 10 of 12290 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 10015 0.94% 7970 0.93% 886755 6.45% 72 0.24%
2 15836 1.49% 13881 1.62% 642966 4.67% 470 1.55%
3 9709 0.91% 9438 1.10% 635165 4.62% 112 0.37%
4 17539 1.65% 11954 1.39% 280918 2.04% 314 1.04%
5 27036 2.55% 18131 2.11% 221626 1.61% 178 0.59%
6 8333 0.78% 7713 0.90% 118988 0.87% 312 1.03%
7 1579 0.15% 1557 0.18% 115168 0.84% 492 1.62%
8 5763 0.54% 5016 0.58% 74548 0.54% 101 0.33%
9 5089 0.48% 4423 0.52% 71166 0.52% 64 0.21%
10 8084 0.76% 3306 0.39% 66196 0.48% 37 0.12%

Top 30 of 2347 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 93396 8.79% - (Direct Request)
2 7265 0.68%
3 4073 0.38%
4 2684 0.25%
5 2152 0.20%
6 1534 0.14%
7 1162 0.11%
8 1000 0.09%
9 765 0.07%
10 397 0.04%
11 365 0.03%
12 349 0.03%
13 289 0.03%
14 273 0.03%
15 269 0.03%
16 233 0.02%
17 209 0.02%
18 192 0.02%
19 185 0.02%
20 178 0.02%
21 177 0.02%
22 145 0.01%
23 141 0.01%
24 132 0.01%
25 109 0.01%
26 102 0.01%
27 90 0.01%
28 84 0.01%
29 83 0.01%
30 76 0.01%

Top 20 of 734 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 65 5.00% h2o team
2 24 1.84% podvodni ribolov
3 18 1.38% brancin
4 16 1.23% podvodna puka
5 14 1.08% jure dai
6 14 1.08% navtine karte
7 13 1.00% led podvodna svetilka
8 12 0.92% potapljanje na dah
9 11 0.85% registracija olna
10 10 0.77% hobotnica
11 10 0.77% plavutke
12 10 0.77% prodaja gumenjakov
13 8 0.61% h2oteam
14 8 0.61% hiperventilacija
15 8 0.61% murter kamp
16 7 0.54% h20 team
17 7 0.54% h2o
18 7 0.54% hobotnica v peici
19 7 0.54% imersion concept pro
20 7 0.54% jadranske ribe

Top 15 of 3362 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 40606 3.82% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6
2 34761 3.27% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6
3 29526 2.78% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.3
4 23271 2.19% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
5 17250 1.62% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152
6 17079 1.61% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
7 16703 1.57% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.375.99 Safari/533.4
8 16105 1.52% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CL
9 15836 1.49% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible;
10 14432 1.36% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
11 13264 1.25% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.375.99 Safari/533.4
12 11909 1.12% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0
13 11546 1.09% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20100722 Firefox/3.6.8
14 11493 1.08% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20100722 Firefox/3.6.8
15 11270 1.06% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.3072

Usage by Country for July 2010

Top 30 of 77 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 619524 58.33% 507439 59.11% 7408063 53.85% Network
2 178718 16.83% 135618 15.80% 1904166 13.84% Unresolved/Unknown
3 158529 14.93% 124796 14.54% 2101721 15.28% Slovenia
4 41109 3.87% 33818 3.94% 1003431 7.29% US Commercial
5 28659 2.70% 24628 2.87% 277566 2.02% Croatia (Hrvatska)
6 11148 1.05% 10600 1.23% 665209 4.84% Russian Federation
7 5213 0.49% 4959 0.58% 98819 0.72% Germany
8 2201 0.21% 1876 0.22% 46862 0.34% Non-Profit Organization
9 1924 0.18% 1827 0.21% 16016 0.12% Czech Republic
10 1870 0.18% 1636 0.19% 20457 0.15% Italy
11 1550 0.15% 1380 0.16% 21240 0.15% Austria
12 1537 0.14% 1422 0.17% 17211 0.13% France
13 889 0.08% 704 0.08% 9300 0.07% Ukraine
14 825 0.08% 747 0.09% 10150 0.07% Greece
15 775 0.07% 740 0.09% 44829 0.33% Switzerland
16 558 0.05% 530 0.06% 5172 0.04% Poland
17 529 0.05% 497 0.06% 31184 0.23% Belgium
18 479 0.05% 446 0.05% 4900 0.04% Hungary
19 468 0.04% 447 0.05% 2820 0.02% Bosnia and Herzegovina
20 363 0.03% 286 0.03% 4303 0.03% Turkey
21 312 0.03% 294 0.03% 3468 0.03% Israel
22 312 0.03% 276 0.03% 2983 0.02% Netherlands
23 302 0.03% 173 0.02% 3338 0.02% China
24 283 0.03% 267 0.03% 2448 0.02% Slovak Republic
25 283 0.03% 274 0.03% 3470 0.03% United Kingdom
26 266 0.03% 98 0.01% 758 0.01% Brazil
27 255 0.02% 247 0.03% 5992 0.04% Japan
28 254 0.02% 240 0.03% 6410 0.05% International (int)
29 244 0.02% 208 0.02% 2395 0.02% Yugoslavia
30 235 0.02% 205 0.02% 2336 0.02% Portugal

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01