Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: June 2010
Generated 01-Jul-2010 03:32 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for June 2010
Total Hits 869375
Total Files 729941
Total Pages 233601
Total Visits 25343
Total KBytes 11788704
Total Unique Sites 10233
Total Unique URLs 4546
Total Unique Referrers 2179
Total Unique User Agents 2758
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 1207 4087
Hits per Day 28979 41888
Files per Day 24331 34557
Pages per Day 7786 11644
Visits per Day 844 1201
KBytes per Day 392957 569322
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 729941
Code 206 - Partial Content 561
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 8129
Code 302 - Found 53
Code 304 - Not Modified 106891
Code 403 - Forbidden 64
Code 404 - Not Found 23635
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 101

Daily usage for June 2010

Daily Statistics for June 2010
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 28393 3.27% 23171 3.17% 6433 2.75% 818 3.23% 590 5.77% 350650 2.97%
2 37065 4.26% 31667 4.34% 11005 4.71% 890 3.51% 674 6.59% 462878 3.93%
3 25463 2.93% 21411 2.93% 6426 2.75% 903 3.56% 649 6.34% 394301 3.34%
4 23455 2.70% 19350 2.65% 5608 2.40% 700 2.76% 519 5.07% 316206 2.68%
5 15279 1.76% 13200 1.81% 3929 1.68% 561 2.21% 417 4.08% 206580 1.75%
6 18983 2.18% 16629 2.28% 4912 2.10% 663 2.62% 480 4.69% 261019 2.21%
7 29581 3.40% 25068 3.43% 6550 2.80% 849 3.35% 638 6.23% 440123 3.73%
8 28673 3.30% 24666 3.38% 7557 3.24% 965 3.81% 672 6.57% 397398 3.37%
9 33565 3.86% 28137 3.85% 8453 3.62% 983 3.88% 676 6.61% 428347 3.63%
10 29559 3.40% 24877 3.41% 7817 3.35% 838 3.31% 643 6.28% 370036 3.14%
11 26944 3.10% 23626 3.24% 7646 3.27% 833 3.29% 602 5.88% 371332 3.15%
12 19143 2.20% 16843 2.31% 6625 2.84% 656 2.59% 476 4.65% 296377 2.51%
13 22186 2.55% 19235 2.64% 6227 2.67% 750 2.96% 515 5.03% 319792 2.71%
14 37234 4.28% 32380 4.44% 10597 4.54% 982 3.87% 685 6.69% 560393 4.75%
15 41181 4.74% 34557 4.73% 11644 4.98% 1083 4.27% 652 6.37% 558225 4.74%
16 34887 4.01% 29803 4.08% 10669 4.57% 1024 4.04% 693 6.77% 517164 4.39%
17 33591 3.86% 28783 3.94% 9884 4.23% 1025 4.04% 677 6.62% 471155 4.00%
18 26391 3.04% 21684 2.97% 6806 2.91% 772 3.05% 569 5.56% 338910 2.87%
19 30425 3.50% 23589 3.23% 8542 3.66% 928 3.66% 573 5.60% 440907 3.74%
20 41888 4.82% 34479 4.72% 11031 4.72% 1201 4.74% 697 6.81% 569322 4.83%
21 38270 4.40% 32520 4.46% 10577 4.53% 1013 4.00% 635 6.21% 525105 4.45%
22 31428 3.62% 26201 3.59% 8145 3.49% 856 3.38% 624 6.10% 383662 3.25%
23 29516 3.40% 25213 3.45% 7453 3.19% 890 3.51% 606 5.92% 368787 3.13%
24 25502 2.93% 22081 3.03% 7556 3.23% 715 2.82% 520 5.08% 349694 2.97%
25 16518 1.90% 14114 1.93% 4175 1.79% 593 2.34% 438 4.28% 214141 1.82%
26 19509 2.24% 17149 2.35% 6082 2.60% 636 2.51% 474 4.63% 390399 3.31%
27 21694 2.50% 18297 2.51% 5871 2.51% 681 2.69% 520 5.08% 276475 2.35%
28 36796 4.23% 28143 3.86% 8673 3.71% 951 3.75% 714 6.98% 416822 3.54%
29 32951 3.79% 26565 3.64% 8420 3.60% 847 3.34% 675 6.60% 404183 3.43%
30 33305 3.83% 26503 3.63% 8288 3.55% 836 3.30% 658 6.43% 388320 3.29%

Hourly usage for June 2010

Hourly Statistics for June 2010
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 577 17328 1.99% 490 14720 2.02% 166 5005 2.14% 8316 249484 2.12%
1 296 8905 1.02% 254 7622 1.04% 98 2967 1.27% 5345 160363 1.36%
2 173 5218 0.60% 153 4610 0.63% 65 1952 0.84% 3448 103437 0.88%
3 167 5022 0.58% 116 3501 0.48% 69 2073 0.89% 3438 103130 0.87%
4 135 4063 0.47% 110 3311 0.45% 63 1891 0.81% 2802 84072 0.71%
5 205 6173 0.71% 175 5271 0.72% 106 3184 1.36% 4188 125651 1.07%
6 367 11025 1.27% 300 9029 1.24% 151 4544 1.95% 6784 203518 1.73%
7 910 27304 3.14% 762 22885 3.14% 266 8004 3.43% 13069 392070 3.33%
8 1428 42853 4.93% 1181 35450 4.86% 391 11738 5.02% 19481 584430 4.96%
9 1692 50760 5.84% 1401 42056 5.76% 473 14215 6.09% 22420 672592 5.71%
10 1914 57434 6.61% 1562 46887 6.42% 507 15219 6.51% 25080 752393 6.38%
11 1700 51026 5.87% 1473 44194 6.05% 432 12986 5.56% 21748 652452 5.53%
12 2155 64655 7.44% 1840 55219 7.56% 506 15184 6.50% 25181 755442 6.41%
13 2003 60118 6.92% 1688 50665 6.94% 515 15456 6.62% 26039 781158 6.63%
14 2026 60785 6.99% 1671 50157 6.87% 492 14784 6.33% 25816 774479 6.57%
15 1665 49974 5.75% 1371 41144 5.64% 423 12717 5.44% 21934 658027 5.58%
16 1393 41798 4.81% 1180 35416 4.85% 361 10852 4.65% 18301 549018 4.66%
17 1260 37823 4.35% 1018 30560 4.19% 318 9566 4.10% 15575 467247 3.96%
18 1240 37203 4.28% 1056 31694 4.34% 336 10097 4.32% 18362 550849 4.67%
19 1560 46817 5.39% 1316 39496 5.41% 402 12070 5.17% 20835 625042 5.30%
20 1537 46131 5.31% 1332 39961 5.47% 389 11672 5.00% 20172 605163 5.13%
21 1729 51880 5.97% 1482 44464 6.09% 467 14024 6.00% 24755 742640 6.30%
22 1710 51317 5.90% 1433 42996 5.89% 478 14341 6.14% 23960 718798 6.10%
23 1125 33763 3.88% 954 28633 3.92% 302 9060 3.88% 15908 477248 4.05%

Top 30 of 4546 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 67516 7.77% 1965533 16.67% /forum/download/file.php
2 61698 7.10% 2046620 17.36% /components/getdata.php
3 18208 2.09% 1063596 9.02% /
4 12416 1.43% 824640 7.00% /forum/style.php
5 12214 1.40% 28590 0.24% /forum/styles/prosilver/theme/print.css
6 11815 1.36% 2991 0.03% /forum/styles/prosilver/theme/normal.css
7 11535 1.33% 2932 0.02% /forum/styles/prosilver/theme/medium.css
8 11513 1.32% 44581 0.38% /forum/styles/prosilver/template/forum_fn.js
9 11483 1.32% 2921 0.02% /forum/styles/prosilver/theme/large.css
10 11428 1.31% 23954 0.20% /forum/styles/prosilver/template/styleswitcher.js
11 8921 1.03% 13519 0.11% /favicon.ico
12 5493 0.63% 123641 1.05% /forum.html
13 5174 0.60% 31434 0.27% /stil.css
14 4916 0.57% 15674 0.13% /print.css
15 4283 0.49% 66456 0.56% /include/KValidate.js
16 4276 0.49% 5620 0.05% /include/menu.js
17 4274 0.49% 220577 1.87% /include/htmlarea3/htmlarea.js
18 4253 0.49% 1344 0.01% /include/htmlarea.js
19 4249 0.49% 7015 0.06% /include/KMain.js
20 4201 0.48% 2504 0.02% /include/okno.js
21 4163 0.48% 30709 0.26% /include/KModeChange.js
22 4160 0.48% 2068 0.02% /include/photoWindow.js
23 4158 0.48% 3543 0.03% /include/sl_KValidate.lang.js
24 4122 0.47% 7152 0.06% /include/KUtil.js
25 4086 0.47% 1909 0.02% /include/KModeChange.lang.js
26 3976 0.46% 13461 0.11% /include/htmlarea3/htmlarea.css
27 3918 0.45% 12224 0.10% /include/htmlarea3/popupwin.js
28 3912 0.45% 7819 0.07% /include/htmlarea3/dialog.js
29 3907 0.45% 10976 0.09% /include/htmlarea3/lang/en.js
30 3369 0.39% 1782 0.02% /robots.txt

Top 10 of 4546 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 61698 7.10% 2046620 17.36% /components/getdata.php
2 67516 7.77% 1965533 16.67% /forum/download/file.php
3 18208 2.09% 1063596 9.02% /
4 12416 1.43% 824640 7.00% /forum/style.php
5 4274 0.49% 220577 1.87% /include/htmlarea3/htmlarea.js
6 5493 0.63% 123641 1.05% /forum.html
7 1448 0.17% 96966 0.82% /potapljaska-oprema-prodam/
8 1005 0.12% 69721 0.59% /podvodni-lov-splosno/
9 4283 0.49% 66456 0.56% /include/KValidate.js
10 10 0.00% 65313 0.55% /sub/stream/Eva_Tommerup_Johnsen_117m_DNF_BO.wmv

Top 10 of 1715 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 18208 2.09% 7234 29.13% /
2 67516 7.77% 2094 8.43% /forum/download/file.php
3 61698 7.10% 1893 7.62% /components/getdata.php
4 12416 1.43% 1236 4.98% /forum/style.php
5 5493 0.63% 1017 4.09% /forum.html
6 1336 0.15% 315 1.27% /forum/search.php
7 365 0.04% 279 1.12% /podvodne-lokacije/murter-slanica-t490.html
8 507 0.06% 276 1.11% /ribolov-oprema/olni-italija-t560.html
9 225 0.03% 155 0.62% /ribolov-oprema/registracija-colna-t448.html
10 234 0.03% 145 0.58% /morska-hrana-recepti/hobotnica-t309.html

Top 10 of 1651 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 67516 7.77% 7637 30.73% /forum/download/file.php
2 18208 2.09% 4578 18.42% /
3 12416 1.43% 2902 11.68% /forum/style.php
4 61698 7.10% 2540 10.22% /components/getdata.php
5 5493 0.63% 805 3.24% /forum.html
6 1576 0.18% 624 2.51% /forum/cron.php
7 1336 0.15% 436 1.75% /forum/search.php
8 1932 0.22% 105 0.42% /podvodni-lov/
9 1005 0.12% 81 0.33% /podvodni-lov-splosno/
10 1448 0.17% 79 0.32% /potapljaska-oprema-prodam/

Top 30 of 10233 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 25993 2.99% 17652 2.42% 227540 1.93% 168 0.66%
2 9914 1.14% 7944 1.09% 344590 2.92% 76 0.30%
3 9172 1.06% 7720 1.06% 297915 2.53% 440 1.74%
4 8973 1.03% 8421 1.15% 146938 1.25% 309 1.22%
5 6653 0.77% 5637 0.77% 84620 0.72% 95 0.37%
6 6346 0.73% 2423 0.33% 82132 0.70% 92 0.36%
7 6313 0.73% 5428 0.74% 112720 0.96% 68 0.27%
8 6227 0.72% 5624 0.77% 122696 1.04% 188 0.74%
9 6213 0.71% 6004 0.82% 340233 2.89% 49 0.19%
10 5588 0.64% 3970 0.54% 112755 0.96% 116 0.46%
11 5243 0.60% 3482 0.48% 78781 0.67% 30 0.12%
12 4684 0.54% 4236 0.58% 29413 0.25% 78 0.31%
13 4621 0.53% 4051 0.55% 57592 0.49% 39 0.15%
14 4492 0.52% 3476 0.48% 59548 0.51% 44 0.17%
15 4150 0.48% 3728 0.51% 46603 0.40% 70 0.28%
16 3987 0.46% 2926 0.40% 47052 0.40% 39 0.15%
17 3806 0.44% 3358 0.46% 76491 0.65% 72 0.28%
18 3349 0.39% 1929 0.26% 44221 0.38% 28 0.11%
19 3315 0.38% 2820 0.39% 62760 0.53% 94 0.37%
20 3252 0.37% 1574 0.22% 47320 0.40% 40 0.16%
21 3196 0.37% 702 0.10% 7873 0.07% 7 0.03%
22 3194 0.37% 2486 0.34% 44404 0.38% 67 0.26%
23 3181 0.37% 2199 0.30% 53816 0.46% 32 0.13%
24 3072 0.35% 2389 0.33% 47870 0.41% 84 0.33%
25 3022 0.35% 2769 0.38% 46521 0.39% 46 0.18%
26 2490 0.29% 2336 0.32% 52953 0.45% 51 0.20%
27 2474 0.28% 2187 0.30% 64919 0.55% 25 0.10%
28 2446 0.28% 2212 0.30% 32426 0.28% 34 0.13%
29 2437 0.28% 2245 0.31% 24803 0.21% 28 0.11%
30 2424 0.28% 2059 0.28% 35422 0.30% 29 0.11%

Top 10 of 10233 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 9914 1.14% 7944 1.09% 344590 2.92% 76 0.30%
2 6213 0.71% 6004 0.82% 340233 2.89% 49 0.19%
3 9172 1.06% 7720 1.06% 297915 2.53% 440 1.74%
4 25993 2.99% 17652 2.42% 227540 1.93% 168 0.66%
5 8973 1.03% 8421 1.15% 146938 1.25% 309 1.22%
6 6227 0.72% 5624 0.77% 122696 1.04% 188 0.74%
7 5588 0.64% 3970 0.54% 112755 0.96% 116 0.46%
8 6313 0.73% 5428 0.74% 112720 0.96% 68 0.27%
9 1784 0.21% 1732 0.24% 93973 0.80% 396 1.56%
10 6653 0.77% 5637 0.77% 84620 0.72% 95 0.37%

Top 30 of 2179 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 72040 8.29% - (Direct Request)
2 5456 0.63%
3 2859 0.33%
4 2670 0.31%
5 2507 0.29%
6 1698 0.20%
7 1291 0.15%
8 1162 0.13%
9 1110 0.13%
10 944 0.11%
11 773 0.09%
12 718 0.08%
13 441 0.05%
14 357 0.04%
15 325 0.04%
16 230 0.03%
17 217 0.02%
18 215 0.02%
19 192 0.02%
20 189 0.02%
21 156 0.02%
22 151 0.02%
23 151 0.02%
24 143 0.02%
25 109 0.01%
26 108 0.01%
27 90 0.01%
28 80 0.01%
29 73 0.01%,5,m,4,r,2009,index.html
30 62 0.01%

Top 20 of 587 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 53 5.16% h2o team
2 24 2.34% podvodni ribolov
3 19 1.85% h2oteam
4 16 1.56% brancin
5 15 1.46% podvodna fotografija forum
6 13 1.27% home made speargun
7 12 1.17% avtosugestija
8 12 1.17%
9 11 1.07% h20 team
10 11 1.07% podvodna pućĄka
11 10 0.97% panula
12 9 0.88% morska hrana
13 9 0.88% pičolin za obleko
14 6 0.58% gumenjaki rabljeni
15 6 0.58% h2o podvodni
16 6 0.58% hobotnica
17 6 0.58% murter slanica
18 6 0.58% prepovedane cone podvodnega lova na hrvaćĄkem
19 6 0.58% ribe jadrana
20 5 0.49% izenaäevanje pritiska v ućĄesih

Top 15 of 2758 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 46093 5.30% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.3
2 30701 3.53% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.3
3 28406 3.27% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.3
4 22846 2.63% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.3 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
5 22329 2.57% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.3 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
6 21749 2.50% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
7 18181 2.09% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.375.70 Safari/533.4
8 15654 1.80% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152
9 12178 1.40% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0
10 12004 1.38% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20100315 Firefox/3.5.9
11 11967 1.38% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; GTB6.3; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET C
12 10250 1.18% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp/3.0;
13 9961 1.15% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; sl; rv: Gecko/20100315 Firefox/3.5.9
14 9516 1.09% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.375.70 Safari/533.4
15 9172 1.06% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible;

Usage by Country for June 2010

Top 30 of 70 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 524819 60.37% 444754 60.93% 6681172 56.67% Network
2 133511 15.36% 105115 14.40% 1699189 14.41% Slovenia
3 122518 14.09% 104721 14.35% 1509781 12.81% Unresolved/Unknown
4 30842 3.55% 25084 3.44% 669441 5.68% US Commercial
5 17957 2.07% 16306 2.23% 262384 2.23% Croatia (Hrvatska)
6 8929 1.03% 7069 0.97% 193715 1.64% Greece
7 8679 1.00% 8122 1.11% 398747 3.38% Russian Federation
8 4083 0.47% 3753 0.51% 125130 1.06% Germany
9 1870 0.22% 1798 0.25% 41615 0.35% Non-Profit Organization
10 1784 0.21% 1515 0.21% 29275 0.25% Hungary
11 1483 0.17% 1424 0.20% 23840 0.20% Japan
12 1335 0.15% 1272 0.17% 10784 0.09% Czech Republic
13 1291 0.15% 1200 0.16% 18105 0.15% Austria
14 1153 0.13% 338 0.05% 10978 0.09% Latvia
15 1016 0.12% 868 0.12% 12899 0.11% Italy
16 969 0.11% 806 0.11% 14590 0.12% Ukraine
17 576 0.07% 413 0.06% 18396 0.16% France
18 537 0.06% 515 0.07% 6261 0.05% Switzerland
19 480 0.06% 414 0.06% 4691 0.04% Slovak Republic
20 479 0.06% 430 0.06% 3624 0.03% Bosnia and Herzegovina
21 419 0.05% 410 0.06% 5231 0.04% Netherlands
22 415 0.05% 362 0.05% 6648 0.06% Finland
23 379 0.04% 356 0.05% 3073 0.03% Poland
24 346 0.04% 295 0.04% 2031 0.02% Lithuania
25 283 0.03% 271 0.04% 4026 0.03% Norway
26 256 0.03% 219 0.03% 1502 0.01% Australia
27 214 0.02% 211 0.03% 2654 0.02% Belgium
28 208 0.02% 191 0.03% 2243 0.02% Turkey
29 200 0.02% 198 0.03% 1170 0.01% Yugoslavia
30 188 0.02% 157 0.02% 1858 0.02% Bulgaria

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01