Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: September 2009
Generated 01-Oct-2009 04:40 CEST
GEO-106FREE 20070601 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for September 2009
Total Hits 40364
Total Files 24145
Total Pages 6420
Total Visits 1168
Total KBytes 384.39 MB
Total Unique Sites 901
Total Unique URLs 115
Total Unique Referrers 103
Total Unique User Agents 54
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 56 3948
Hits per Day 1345 6032
Files per Day 804 1483
Pages per Day 214 660
Visits per Day 38 56
KBytes per Day 12.81 MB 25.66 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 24145
Code 206 - Partial Content 20
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 1
Code 304 - Not Modified 4754
Code 400 - Bad Request 2
Code 404 - Not Found 11442

Daily usage for September 2009

Daily Statistics for September 2009
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1793 4.44% 1300 5.38% 292 4.55% 56 4.79% 59 6.55% 18.33 MB 4.77%
2 810 2.01% 509 2.11% 127 1.98% 36 3.08% 42 4.66% 8.68 MB 2.26%
3 1851 4.59% 1066 4.41% 273 4.25% 45 3.85% 49 5.44% 16.24 MB 4.23%
4 1200 2.97% 880 3.64% 183 2.85% 34 2.91% 46 5.11% 15.45 MB 4.02%
5 1173 2.91% 895 3.71% 202 3.15% 33 2.83% 38 4.22% 17.73 MB 4.61%
6 1092 2.71% 799 3.31% 233 3.63% 34 2.91% 49 5.44% 13.47 MB 3.50%
7 1613 4.00% 1161 4.81% 230 3.58% 50 4.28% 49 5.44% 18.47 MB 4.81%
8 895 2.22% 623 2.58% 144 2.24% 32 2.74% 36 4.00% 10.48 MB 2.73%
9 1288 3.19% 962 3.98% 236 3.68% 38 3.25% 43 4.77% 13.75 MB 3.58%
10 625 1.55% 429 1.78% 115 1.79% 32 2.74% 34 3.77% 7.78 MB 2.02%
11 857 2.12% 546 2.26% 122 1.90% 34 2.91% 52 5.77% 8.93 MB 2.32%
12 420 1.04% 295 1.22% 86 1.34% 20 1.71% 27 3.00% 3.80 MB 0.99%
13 781 1.93% 575 2.38% 130 2.02% 26 2.23% 40 4.44% 6.95 MB 1.81%
14 1458 3.61% 1066 4.41% 229 3.57% 42 3.60% 55 6.10% 13.57 MB 3.53%
15 1438 3.56% 1015 4.20% 280 4.36% 39 3.34% 49 5.44% 18.62 MB 4.84%
16 1080 2.68% 611 2.53% 161 2.51% 34 2.91% 42 4.66% 9.23 MB 2.40%
17 985 2.44% 546 2.26% 175 2.73% 44 3.77% 43 4.77% 9.12 MB 2.37%
18 882 2.19% 608 2.52% 168 2.62% 34 2.91% 34 3.77% 12.92 MB 3.36%
19 6032 14.94% 891 3.69% 660 10.28% 17 1.46% 21 2.33% 10.23 MB 2.66%
20 1068 2.65% 591 2.45% 157 2.45% 30 2.57% 33 3.66% 8.86 MB 2.30%
21 1255 3.11% 888 3.68% 193 3.01% 37 3.17% 45 4.99% 13.79 MB 3.59%
22 1578 3.91% 1198 4.96% 266 4.14% 52 4.45% 40 4.44% 20.76 MB 5.40%
23 1055 2.61% 662 2.74% 158 2.46% 46 3.94% 37 4.11% 10.15 MB 2.64%
24 1042 2.58% 769 3.18% 190 2.96% 40 3.42% 38 4.22% 11.09 MB 2.88%
25 1114 2.76% 713 2.95% 177 2.76% 49 4.20% 43 4.77% 11.38 MB 2.96%
26 682 1.69% 467 1.93% 161 2.51% 37 3.17% 25 2.77% 7.18 MB 1.87%
27 922 2.28% 584 2.42% 209 3.26% 38 3.25% 35 3.88% 10.15 MB 2.64%
28 2270 5.62% 1483 6.14% 341 5.31% 55 4.71% 52 5.77% 25.66 MB 6.67%
29 1420 3.52% 1037 4.29% 268 4.17% 48 4.11% 49 5.44% 16.69 MB 4.34%
30 1685 4.17% 976 4.04% 254 3.96% 56 4.79% 46 5.11% 14.90 MB 3.88%

Hourly usage for September 2009

Hourly Statistics for September 2009
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 10 325 0.81% 6 188 0.78% 2 62 0.97% 64.53 KB 1.89 MB 0.49%
1 10 324 0.80% 7 235 0.97% 3 107 1.67% 102.40 KB 3.00 MB 0.78%
2 136 4081 10.11% 17 517 2.14% 14 434 6.76% 247.77 KB 7.26 MB 1.89%
3 55 1677 4.15% 8 243 1.01% 7 235 3.66% 75.76 KB 2.22 MB 0.58%
4 14 420 1.04% 5 157 0.65% 2 65 1.01% 75.19 KB 2.20 MB 0.57%
5 5 158 0.39% 3 107 0.44% 2 79 1.23% 19.72 KB 591.54 KB 0.15%
6 18 566 1.40% 14 429 1.78% 3 105 1.64% 200.15 KB 5.86 MB 1.53%
7 20 628 1.56% 12 371 1.54% 3 103 1.60% 253.78 KB 7.43 MB 1.93%
8 56 1705 4.22% 33 1017 4.21% 8 265 4.13% 462.47 KB 13.55 MB 3.52%
9 76 2296 5.69% 55 1653 6.85% 11 353 5.50% 1.07 MB 32.17 MB 8.37%
10 81 2453 6.08% 54 1635 6.77% 13 402 6.26% 855.21 KB 25.06 MB 6.52%
11 72 2179 5.40% 44 1342 5.56% 12 371 5.78% 729.05 KB 21.36 MB 5.56%
12 85 2570 6.37% 54 1632 6.76% 11 351 5.47% 896.08 KB 26.25 MB 6.83%
13 99 2994 7.42% 72 2172 9.00% 16 490 7.63% 1.19 MB 35.70 MB 9.29%
14 70 2125 5.26% 51 1546 6.40% 11 349 5.44% 761.51 KB 22.31 MB 5.80%
15 50 1512 3.75% 31 947 3.92% 8 246 3.83% 519.41 KB 15.22 MB 3.96%
16 32 984 2.44% 20 626 2.59% 5 161 2.51% 246.91 KB 7.23 MB 1.88%
17 65 1976 4.90% 47 1416 5.86% 9 299 4.66% 1.02 MB 30.55 MB 7.95%
18 39 1199 2.97% 20 626 2.59% 8 247 3.85% 353.61 KB 10.36 MB 2.70%
19 84 2520 6.24% 63 1919 7.95% 11 356 5.55% 959.40 KB 28.11 MB 7.31%
20 84 2536 6.28% 64 1949 8.07% 13 390 6.07% 1.06 MB 31.67 MB 8.24%
21 78 2347 5.81% 55 1655 6.85% 13 397 6.18% 863.44 KB 25.30 MB 6.58%
22 51 1554 3.85% 35 1073 4.44% 10 303 4.72% 674.35 KB 19.76 MB 5.14%
23 41 1235 3.06% 23 690 2.86% 8 250 3.89% 319.16 KB 9.35 MB 2.43%

Top 5 of 115 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 5983 14.82% 34.93 MB 9.09% /
2 2056 5.09% 3.14 MB 0.82% /liveclock.js
3 822 2.04% 2.40 MB 0.62% /main.css
4 171 0.42% 774.56 KB 0.20% /setLanguage.gorenc
5 3 0.01% 8.67 KB 0.00% /novice/

Top 5 of 115 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 5983 14.82% 34.93 MB 9.09% /
2 2056 5.09% 3.14 MB 0.82% /liveclock.js
3 822 2.04% 2.40 MB 0.62% /main.css
4 171 0.42% 774.56 KB 0.20% /setLanguage.gorenc
5 3 0.01% 8.67 KB 0.00% /novice/

Top 2 of 2 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 5983 14.82% 1164 99.83% /
2 3 0.01% 2 0.17% /novice/

Top 2 of 2 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 5983 14.82% 1164 99.83% /
2 3 0.01% 2 0.17% /novice/

Top 30 of 901 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 5933 14.70% 651 2.70% 8.06 MB 2.10% 3 0.26% Slovenia
2 1452 3.60% 964 3.99% 4.91 MB 1.28% 166 14.21% Slovenia
3 379 0.94% 364 1.51% 4.02 MB 1.05% 2 0.17% Slovenia
4 324 0.80% 71 0.29% 571.43 KB 0.15% 7 0.60% Slovenia
5 269 0.67% 255 1.06% 2.15 MB 0.56% 1 0.09% Slovenia
6 252 0.62% 24 0.10% 185.77 KB 0.05% 11 0.94% Slovenia
7 201 0.50% 61 0.25% 659.28 KB 0.17% 3 0.26% Slovenia
8 197 0.49% 127 0.53% 2.23 MB 0.58% 2 0.17% Slovenia
9 197 0.49% 103 0.43% 920.60 KB 0.23% 4 0.34% Slovenia
10 192 0.48% 144 0.60% 1.19 MB 0.31% 6 0.51% Croatia
11 181 0.45% 123 0.51% 2.19 MB 0.57% 4 0.34% Slovenia
12 166 0.41% 120 0.50% 2.30 MB 0.60% 1 0.09% Yugoslavia
13 165 0.41% 152 0.63% 2.49 MB 0.65% 1 0.09% Unknown
14 165 0.41% 3 0.01% 137.74 KB 0.03% 1 0.09% Slovenia
15 161 0.40% 110 0.46% 2.97 MB 0.77% 3 0.26% Slovenia
16 161 0.40% 114 0.47% 3.80 MB 0.99% 4 0.34% Slovenia
17 161 0.40% 149 0.62% 2.66 MB 0.69% 1 0.09% Slovenia
18 158 0.39% 74 0.31% 1.70 MB 0.44% 3 0.26% Slovenia
19 152 0.38% 34 0.14% 1.19 MB 0.31% 1 0.09% Slovenia
20 151 0.37% 52 0.22% 530.67 KB 0.13% 1 0.09% Slovenia
21 149 0.37% 115 0.48% 3.53 MB 0.92% 2 0.17% Unknown
22 146 0.36% 55 0.23% 574.39 KB 0.15% 1 0.09% Slovenia
23 145 0.36% 127 0.53% 2.40 MB 0.62% 2 0.17% Slovenia
24 144 0.36% 77 0.32% 1.74 MB 0.45% 2 0.17% Unknown
25 140 0.35% 116 0.48% 2.06 MB 0.54% 1 0.09% Slovenia
26 140 0.35% 29 0.12% 228.22 KB 0.06% 1 0.09% Unknown
27 139 0.34% 111 0.46% 1.08 MB 0.28% 3 0.26% Slovenia
28 136 0.34% 116 0.48% 2.27 MB 0.59% 2 0.17% Slovenia
29 136 0.34% 77 0.32% 1.72 MB 0.45% 1 0.09% Slovenia
30 132 0.33% 119 0.49% 2.17 MB 0.57% 1 0.09% Slovenia
View All Sites

Top 10 of 901 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 5933 14.70% 651 2.70% 8.06 MB 2.10% 3 0.26% Slovenia
2 1452 3.60% 964 3.99% 4.91 MB 1.28% 166 14.21% Slovenia
3 379 0.94% 364 1.51% 4.02 MB 1.05% 2 0.17% Slovenia
4 161 0.40% 114 0.47% 3.80 MB 0.99% 4 0.34% Slovenia
5 149 0.37% 115 0.48% 3.53 MB 0.92% 2 0.17% Unknown
6 161 0.40% 110 0.46% 2.97 MB 0.77% 3 0.26% Slovenia
7 161 0.40% 149 0.62% 2.66 MB 0.69% 1 0.09% Slovenia
8 97 0.24% 79 0.33% 2.64 MB 0.69% 2 0.17% Unknown
9 165 0.41% 152 0.63% 2.49 MB 0.65% 1 0.09% Unknown
10 145 0.36% 127 0.53% 2.40 MB 0.62% 2 0.17% Slovenia

Top 30 of 103 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 5852 14.50% - (Direct Request)
2 311 0.77%
3 204 0.51%
4 199 0.49%
5 172 0.43%
6 138 0.34%
7 117 0.29%
8 99 0.25%
9 97 0.24%
10 41 0.10%
11 38 0.09%
12 34 0.08%
13 33 0.08%
14 30 0.07%
15 24 0.06%
16 16 0.04%
17 16 0.04%
18 15 0.04%
19 15 0.04%
20 12 0.03%
21 11 0.03%
22 10 0.02%
23 10 0.02%
24 10 0.02%
25 10 0.02%
26 9 0.02%
27 7 0.02%
28 7 0.02%
29 7 0.02%
30 6 0.01%
View All Referrers

Top 20 of 48 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 77 51.68% gorenc
2 6 4.03% igor stare
3 5 3.36% krivljenje pločevine
4 5 3.36% planirna deska
5 4 2.68% nakladalni drog
6 3 2.01% predsetvenik
7 3 2.01% travniške brane
8 3 2.01%
9 2 1.34% gorenc hidravlika
10 2 1.34% nakladalnik za gnoj
11 2 1.34% peskanje
12 1 0.67% bombiranje
13 1 0.67% carraro 3700
14 1 0.67% cnc krivljenje cevi
15 1 0.67% deska gorenc za tv ali agt carraro
16 1 0.67% desko ravnalno
17 1 0.67% dvojne vilice za bale gorenc
18 1 0.67%
19 1 0.67% gorene .si
20 1 0.67% gozdarski traktor
View All Search Strings

Top 15 of 54 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 12903 31.97% Mozilla/5.0
2 9299 23.04% MSIE 8.0
3 8147 20.18% MSIE 6.0
4 6307 15.63% MSIE 7.0
5 1518 3.76% Najdi.s
6 341 0.84% Opera/9.80
7 183 0.45% Java/1.4.1_04
8 158 0.39% Java/1.6.0_04
9 155 0.38% Java/1.6.0_07
10 131 0.32% Win16
11 97 0.24% Sosoimagespider+(+
12 93 0.23% Java/1.6.0_05
13 90 0.22% Yahoo! Slurp/3.0
14 88 0.22% Java/1.6.0_15
15 84 0.21% Googlebot/2.1
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for September 2009

Top 25 of 25 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 32436 80.36% 18718 77.52% 302.74 MB 78.76% Slovenia
2 4285 10.62% 3060 12.67% 51.54 MB 13.41% Unresolved/Unknown
3 759 1.88% 517 2.14% 6.63 MB 1.73% Croatia (Hrvatska)
4 652 1.62% 337 1.40% 2.41 MB 0.63% Netherlands
5 414 1.03% 219 0.91% 1.40 MB 0.36% United States
6 294 0.73% 220 0.91% 4.17 MB 1.08% Yugoslavia
7 259 0.64% 193 0.80% 3.84 MB 1.00% Austria
8 236 0.58% 151 0.63% 2.57 MB 0.67% Switzerland
9 215 0.53% 175 0.72% 2.45 MB 0.64% Germany
10 158 0.39% 109 0.45% 1.16 MB 0.30% Italy
11 140 0.35% 107 0.44% 1.10 MB 0.29% France
12 120 0.30% 110 0.46% 1.51 MB 0.39% China
13 93 0.23% 48 0.20% 352.30 KB 0.09% Spain
14 67 0.17% 58 0.24% 1.49 MB 0.39% Hungary
15 59 0.15% 47 0.19% 264.21 KB 0.07% Russian Federation
16 49 0.12% 24 0.10% 202.68 KB 0.05% Slovak Republic
17 38 0.09% 17 0.07% 136.59 KB 0.03% Great Britain (UK)
18 33 0.08% 18 0.07% 111.10 KB 0.03% Romania
19 28 0.07% 14 0.06% 78.31 KB 0.02% Czech Republic
20 14 0.03% 13 0.05% 178.06 KB 0.05% Sweden
21 6 0.01% 3 0.01% 18.13 KB 0.00% Japan
22 4 0.01% 4 0.02% 28.15 KB 0.01% Belgium
23 2 0.00% 1 0.00% 5.60 KB 0.00% Korea (South)
24 2 0.00% 1 0.00% 9.06 KB 0.00% Poland
25 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 4.73 KB 0.00% Ukraine

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)