Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: August 2010
Generated 01-Sep-2010 03:36 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for August 2010
Total Hits 279251
Total Files 209859
Total Pages 43594
Total Visits 12394
Total KBytes 6708661
Total Unique Sites 6526
Total Unique URLs 4638
Total Unique Referrers 843
Total Unique User Agents 1666
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 375 1790
Hits per Day 9008 21031
Files per Day 6769 14886
Pages per Day 1406 2991
Visits per Day 399 746
KBytes per Day 216408 491577
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 209859
Code 206 - Partial Content 2338
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 497
Code 304 - Not Modified 50447
Code 403 - Forbidden 115
Code 404 - Not Found 15602
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 379
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 14

Daily usage for August 2010

Daily Statistics for August 2010
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 4743 1.70% 3394 1.62% 664 1.52% 245 1.98% 211 3.23% 99171 1.48%
2 5834 2.09% 4402 2.10% 864 1.98% 283 2.28% 263 4.03% 135339 2.02%
3 6664 2.39% 5449 2.60% 1337 3.07% 271 2.19% 271 4.15% 197957 2.95%
4 5309 1.90% 4125 1.97% 827 1.90% 300 2.42% 283 4.34% 104919 1.56%
5 5635 2.02% 4058 1.93% 744 1.71% 276 2.23% 256 3.92% 119781 1.79%
6 5587 2.00% 4295 2.05% 763 1.75% 289 2.33% 277 4.24% 127794 1.90%
7 3573 1.28% 2967 1.41% 539 1.24% 222 1.79% 199 3.05% 82254 1.23%
8 4432 1.59% 3610 1.72% 717 1.64% 240 1.94% 225 3.45% 112489 1.68%
9 6498 2.33% 5336 2.54% 1014 2.33% 302 2.44% 285 4.37% 140302 2.09%
10 6491 2.32% 5174 2.47% 947 2.17% 323 2.61% 280 4.29% 141631 2.11%
11 6018 2.16% 4424 2.11% 1023 2.35% 353 2.85% 343 5.26% 128839 1.92%
12 6070 2.17% 4476 2.13% 1088 2.50% 346 2.79% 299 4.58% 139063 2.07%
13 8245 2.95% 5667 2.70% 1930 4.43% 415 3.35% 368 5.64% 230588 3.44%
14 5348 1.92% 4125 1.97% 908 2.08% 311 2.51% 277 4.24% 117155 1.75%
15 6861 2.46% 5142 2.45% 918 2.11% 346 2.79% 307 4.70% 157340 2.35%
16 12244 4.38% 10053 4.79% 2242 5.14% 485 3.91% 433 6.63% 347807 5.18%
17 9169 3.28% 7342 3.50% 1957 4.49% 435 3.51% 382 5.85% 248303 3.70%
18 8915 3.19% 6989 3.33% 1358 3.12% 452 3.65% 412 6.31% 216802 3.23%
19 7454 2.67% 6027 2.87% 1256 2.88% 374 3.02% 357 5.47% 186147 2.77%
20 11412 4.09% 8473 4.04% 1867 4.28% 455 3.67% 394 6.04% 306133 4.56%
21 6108 2.19% 4596 2.19% 922 2.11% 327 2.64% 276 4.23% 151251 2.25%
22 6541 2.34% 5404 2.58% 1016 2.33% 355 2.86% 309 4.73% 137813 2.05%
23 16593 5.94% 12235 5.83% 2340 5.37% 599 4.83% 511 7.83% 378425 5.64%
24 14415 5.16% 10007 4.77% 1945 4.46% 575 4.64% 464 7.11% 322525 4.81%
25 12678 4.54% 9011 4.29% 1737 3.98% 561 4.53% 493 7.55% 241126 3.59%
26 12262 4.39% 9556 4.55% 1790 4.11% 559 4.51% 499 7.65% 270481 4.03%
27 14320 5.13% 9979 4.76% 2098 4.81% 495 3.99% 421 6.45% 339939 5.07%
28 11081 3.97% 8454 4.03% 1845 4.23% 455 3.67% 387 5.93% 329544 4.91%
29 12139 4.35% 8594 4.10% 1785 4.09% 448 3.61% 393 6.02% 324657 4.84%
30 15581 5.58% 11609 5.53% 2162 4.96% 575 4.64% 520 7.97% 381510 5.69%
31 21031 7.53% 14886 7.09% 2991 6.86% 746 6.02% 659 10.10% 491577 7.33%

Hourly usage for August 2010

Hourly Statistics for August 2010
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 174 5420 1.94% 131 4089 1.95% 28 897 2.06% 4779 148134 2.21%
1 127 3961 1.42% 101 3142 1.50% 28 874 2.00% 3724 115453 1.72%
2 66 2065 0.74% 51 1605 0.76% 19 592 1.36% 2468 76509 1.14%
3 47 1474 0.53% 36 1119 0.53% 16 506 1.16% 1919 59485 0.89%
4 27 853 0.31% 20 646 0.31% 11 370 0.85% 1029 31891 0.48%
5 33 1052 0.38% 27 860 0.41% 13 422 0.97% 1559 48335 0.72%
6 80 2493 0.89% 61 1891 0.90% 18 585 1.34% 3252 100819 1.50%
7 169 5242 1.88% 111 3441 1.64% 26 826 1.89% 3385 104923 1.56%
8 358 11106 3.98% 250 7756 3.70% 47 1460 3.35% 7426 230212 3.43%
9 457 14176 5.08% 326 10117 4.82% 63 1953 4.48% 9586 297154 4.43%
10 484 15024 5.38% 342 10618 5.06% 65 2018 4.63% 10490 325182 4.85%
11 599 18596 6.66% 457 14174 6.75% 77 2399 5.50% 12760 395546 5.90%
12 636 19741 7.07% 440 13666 6.51% 85 2645 6.07% 13816 428304 6.38%
13 598 18538 6.64% 443 13745 6.55% 88 2745 6.30% 13969 433047 6.46%
14 578 17939 6.42% 436 13540 6.45% 90 2790 6.40% 13951 432482 6.45%
15 515 15971 5.72% 387 12003 5.72% 84 2620 6.01% 12833 397812 5.93%
16 532 16517 5.91% 414 12857 6.13% 106 3306 7.58% 13175 408417 6.09%
17 497 15431 5.53% 386 11968 5.70% 77 2398 5.50% 12120 375706 5.60%
18 435 13507 4.84% 334 10379 4.95% 67 2097 4.81% 12248 379697 5.66%
19 509 15779 5.65% 396 12278 5.85% 78 2426 5.56% 12323 382006 5.69%
20 570 17698 6.34% 445 13796 6.57% 86 2679 6.15% 13268 411314 6.13%
21 681 21112 7.56% 534 16561 7.89% 94 2941 6.75% 16019 496602 7.40%
22 504 15632 5.60% 381 11829 5.64% 80 2486 5.70% 11543 357823 5.33%
23 320 9924 3.55% 250 7779 3.71% 50 1559 3.58% 8768 271806 4.05%

Top 30 of 4638 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 30989 11.10% 2068067 30.83% /
2 8706 3.12% 136543 2.04% /_bridgeport/templates/styles.css
3 8499 3.04% 100275 1.49% /_bridgeport/templates/print.css
4 8324 2.98% 12911 0.19% /_bridgeport/libraries/bridgeport.js
5 8287 2.97% 36845 0.55% /_bridgeport/extras/phplm/libjs/layersmenu-library.js
6 8284 2.97% 42846 0.64% /_bridgeport/extras/phplm/libjs/layersmenu.js
7 8278 2.96% 6019 0.09% /_bridgeport/libraries/general.js
8 756 0.27% 353367 5.27% /_files/Seznam 1. letnikov 2010-2011.doc
9 626 0.22% 2419 0.04% /applet.php
10 583 0.21% 205231 3.06% /_files/publikacija_09-10-vlozek_niz-lo.pdf
11 507 0.18% 885 0.01% /_images/Galerije/Razredi 2009-10 album/res/styles.css
12 456 0.16% 2044 0.03% /_images/Galerije/Razredi 2009-10 album/res/embedmovie.js
13 432 0.15% 5550 0.08% /_images/Galerije/Razredi 2009-10 album/
14 401 0.14% 58620 0.87% /_files/Popravni-jesenski rok 2010.doc
15 371 0.13% 83 0.00% /_files/
16 300 0.11% 20741 0.31% /admin.php
17 276 0.10% 27013 0.40% /_files/urnik januar 2010.pdf
18 249 0.09% 2118 0.03% /_images/Galerije/Razredi 2009-10 album/slides/1. a.html
19 246 0.09% 2184 0.03% /_images/Galerije/Razredi 2009-10 album/slides/1. b.html
20 238 0.09% 2216 0.03% /_images/Galerije/Razredi 2009-10 album/slides/2. b.html
21 235 0.08% 2104 0.03% /_images/Galerije/Razredi 2009-10 album/slides/1. d.html
22 234 0.08% 2099 0.03% /_images/Galerije/Razredi 2009-10 album/slides/1. ch.html
23 231 0.08% 2136 0.03% /_images/Galerije/Razredi 2009-10 album/slides/2. a.html
24 231 0.08% 2099 0.03% /_images/Galerije/Razredi 2009-10 album/slides/2. c.html
25 229 0.08% 2057 0.03% /_images/Galerije/Razredi 2009-10 album/slides/1. es.html
26 220 0.08% 46873 0.70% /_files/Vpis.pdf
27 217 0.08% 1990 0.03% /_images/Galerije/Razredi 2009-10 album/slides/2. ch.html
28 208 0.07% 1968 0.03% /_images/Galerije/Razredi 2009-10 album/slides/2. e.html
29 206 0.07% 1957 0.03% /_images/Galerije/Razredi 2009-10 album/slides/3. a.html
30 205 0.07% 1942 0.03% /_images/Galerije/Razredi 2009-10 album/slides/2. d.html

Top 10 of 4638 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 30989 11.10% 2068067 30.83% /
2 756 0.27% 353367 5.27% /_files/Seznam 1. letnikov 2010-2011.doc
3 583 0.21% 205231 3.06% /_files/publikacija_09-10-vlozek_niz-lo.pdf
4 8706 3.12% 136543 2.04% /_bridgeport/templates/styles.css
5 8499 3.04% 100275 1.49% /_bridgeport/templates/print.css
6 401 0.14% 58620 0.87% /_files/Popravni-jesenski rok 2010.doc
7 144 0.05% 47737 0.71% /_files/Cveka_02_2008.pdf
8 220 0.08% 46873 0.70% /_files/Vpis.pdf
9 8284 2.97% 42846 0.64% /_bridgeport/extras/phplm/libjs/layersmenu.js
10 87 0.03% 36927 0.55% /_files/Cveka_februar_2004.pdf

Top 10 of 368 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 30989 11.10% 10353 85.44% /
2 626 0.22% 275 2.27% /applet.php
3 371 0.13% 59 0.49% /_files/
4 22 0.01% 19 0.16% /_files/e-gradiva/
5 432 0.15% 17 0.14% /_images/Galerije/Razredi 2009-10 album/
6 58 0.02% 14 0.12% /_images/Galerije/Budimpesta 2010/album/
7 15 0.01% 12 0.10% /_images/Galerije/Kostanjev piknik 09/slides/Piknik 09_39.html
8 17 0.01% 12 0.10% /_images/Galerije/Kostanjev piknik 09/slides/Piknik 09_42.html
9 16 0.01% 12 0.10% /_images/Galerije/Kostanjev piknik 09/slides/Piknik 09_43.html
10 19 0.01% 12 0.10% /_images/Galerije/Kostanjev piknik 09/slides/Piknik 09_63.html

Top 10 of 389 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 30989 11.10% 9961 82.32% /
2 626 0.22% 287 2.37% /applet.php
3 371 0.13% 129 1.07% /_files/
4 171 0.06% 51 0.42% /_images/Galerije/Razredi 2009-10 album/slides/2. f.html
5 300 0.11% 28 0.23% /admin.php
6 58 0.02% 25 0.21% /_images/Galerije/Budimpesta 2010/album/
7 432 0.15% 23 0.19% /_images/Galerije/Razredi 2009-10 album/
8 36 0.01% 18 0.15% /_files/Popravni-jesenski
9 249 0.09% 18 0.15% /_images/Galerije/Razredi 2009-10 album/slides/1. a.html
10 246 0.09% 18 0.15% /_images/Galerije/Razredi 2009-10 album/slides/1. b.html

Top 30 of 6526 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 7543 2.70% 7416 3.53% 555566 8.28% 49 0.40%
2 3309 1.18% 128 0.06% 10860 0.16% 50 0.40%
3 3165 1.13% 2280 1.09% 63034 0.94% 72 0.58%
4 2940 1.05% 2418 1.15% 93732 1.40% 32 0.26%
5 2116 0.76% 699 0.33% 25151 0.37% 53 0.43%
6 1909 0.68% 704 0.34% 17784 0.27% 36 0.29%
7 1648 0.59% 1074 0.51% 91244 1.36% 485 3.91%
8 1507 0.54% 1340 0.64% 45052 0.67% 51 0.41%
9 1461 0.52% 1029 0.49% 49852 0.74% 74 0.60%
10 1404 0.50% 168 0.08% 15171 0.23% 5 0.04%
11 1211 0.43% 82 0.04% 5104 0.08% 21 0.17%
12 1033 0.37% 808 0.39% 21014 0.31% 20 0.16%
13 1014 0.36% 917 0.44% 20927 0.31% 2 0.02%
14 999 0.36% 668 0.32% 55382 0.83% 228 1.84%
15 971 0.35% 288 0.14% 11078 0.17% 25 0.20%
16 949 0.34% 844 0.40% 18235 0.27% 13 0.10%
17 923 0.33% 802 0.38% 21916 0.33% 21 0.17%
18 912 0.33% 680 0.32% 9442 0.14% 10 0.08%
19 886 0.32% 670 0.32% 16685 0.25% 29 0.23%
20 884 0.32% 512 0.24% 17762 0.26% 14 0.11%
21 848 0.30% 564 0.27% 24157 0.36% 19 0.15%
22 827 0.30% 737 0.35% 25544 0.38% 11 0.09%
23 806 0.29% 726 0.35% 17964 0.27% 21 0.17%
24 789 0.28% 639 0.30% 16772 0.25% 27 0.22%
25 749 0.27% 691 0.33% 37599 0.56% 1 0.01%
26 670 0.24% 469 0.22% 12731 0.19% 14 0.11%
27 667 0.24% 184 0.09% 9471 0.14% 6 0.05%
28 666 0.24% 175 0.08% 5538 0.08% 18 0.15%
29 636 0.23% 508 0.24% 14532 0.22% 20 0.16%
30 631 0.23% 580 0.28% 22957 0.34% 11 0.09%

Top 10 of 6526 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 7543 2.70% 7416 3.53% 555566 8.28% 49 0.40%
2 2940 1.05% 2418 1.15% 93732 1.40% 32 0.26%
3 1648 0.59% 1074 0.51% 91244 1.36% 485 3.91%
4 3165 1.13% 2280 1.09% 63034 0.94% 72 0.58%
5 999 0.36% 668 0.32% 55382 0.83% 228 1.84%
6 1461 0.52% 1029 0.49% 49852 0.74% 74 0.60%
7 1507 0.54% 1340 0.64% 45052 0.67% 51 0.41%
8 749 0.27% 691 0.33% 37599 0.56% 1 0.01%
9 333 0.12% 302 0.14% 31618 0.47% 1 0.01%
10 403 0.14% 351 0.17% 27355 0.41% 24 0.19%

Top 30 of 843 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 40389 14.46% - (Direct Request)
2 5710 2.04%
3 3260 1.17%
4 526 0.19%
5 474 0.17%
6 461 0.17%
7 238 0.09%
8 124 0.04%
9 114 0.04%
10 110 0.04%
11 102 0.04%
12 56 0.02%
13 55 0.02%
14 51 0.02%
15 49 0.02%
16 48 0.02%
17 36 0.01%
18 35 0.01% imerese/
19 34 0.01%
20 32 0.01%
21 29 0.01%
22 27 0.01%
23 22 0.01%
24 19 0.01%
25 19 0.01%
26 19 0.01%
27 17 0.01%
28 16 0.01%
29 15 0.01%
30 15 0.01%

Top 20 of 128 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 153 23.25% srednja å¡ola slovenska bistrica
2 67 10.18% så¡sb
3 60 9.12% ljubezenske pesmi
4 55 8.36% ljubezen misli
5 45 6.84% misli o ljubezni
6 22 3.34% srednja sola slovenska bistrica
7 21 3.19% så¡ slovenska bistrica
8 14 2.13% ljubezenska pesem
9 11 1.67% feri lainå¡äek pesmi
10 11 1.67% srednja å¡ola slov. bistrica
11 7 1.06% srednja å¡ola slov bistrica
12 5 0.76% feri lainå¡äek ne bodi kot drugi
13 5 0.76% gimnazija slovenska bistrica
14 5 0.76% srednja å¡ola bistrica
15 5 0.76% vrtnice
16 4 0.61% srednja å¡ola slov.bistirca
17 4 0.61% srednja å¡ola slovenska
18 4 0.61% verzi o ljubezni
19 3 0.46% drugi vpis na fakulteto
20 3 0.46% ges sb

Top 15 of 1666 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 23781 8.52% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20100722 Firefox/3.6.8
2 13384 4.79% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20100722 Firefox/3.6.8
3 7751 2.78% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.3
4 7579 2.71% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20100722 Firefox/3.6.8 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
5 7543 2.70% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible;
6 6097 2.18% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20100722 Firefox/3.6.8 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
7 5502 1.97% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20100701 Firefox/3.5.11
8 4934 1.77% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.375.127 Safari/533.4
9 4452 1.59% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20100701 Firefox/3.5.11 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
10 3645 1.31% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.375.127 Safari/533.4
11 3329 1.19% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; GTB6.5; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET C
12 3297 1.18% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; GTB6.5; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4
13 3187 1.14% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; GTB0.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET C
14 3177 1.14% msnbot/2.0b (+
15 2961 1.06% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET

Usage by Country for August 2010

Top 30 of 59 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 184894 66.21% 143718 68.48% 4164551 62.08% Network
2 52682 18.87% 34512 16.45% 1058038 15.77% Unresolved/Unknown
3 26919 9.64% 22623 10.78% 964937 14.38% Slovenia
4 9407 3.37% 6842 3.26% 372141 5.55% US Commercial
5 1307 0.47% 925 0.44% 72734 1.08% Russian Federation
6 681 0.24% 601 0.29% 17589 0.26% Non-Profit Organization
7 485 0.17% 479 0.23% 9051 0.13% Canada
8 430 0.15% 361 0.17% 8293 0.12% Croatia (Hrvatska)
9 330 0.12% 311 0.15% 5970 0.09% Italy
10 274 0.10% 238 0.11% 5136 0.08% Poland
11 246 0.09% 223 0.11% 2968 0.04% Czech Republic
12 200 0.07% 185 0.09% 4839 0.07% Australia
13 195 0.07% 169 0.08% 2467 0.04% Germany
14 187 0.07% 158 0.08% 6140 0.09% Netherlands
15 160 0.06% 150 0.07% 2112 0.03% Austria
16 114 0.04% 102 0.05% 360 0.01% Japan
17 102 0.04% 93 0.04% 1921 0.03% India
18 73 0.03% 67 0.03% 1433 0.02% Hungary
19 72 0.03% 64 0.03% 1284 0.02% Denmark
20 59 0.02% 52 0.02% 1013 0.02% Belgium
21 47 0.02% 35 0.02% 379 0.01% Brazil
22 46 0.02% 32 0.02% 993 0.01% United Kingdom
23 40 0.01% 34 0.02% 676 0.01% France
24 30 0.01% 29 0.01% 479 0.01% Finland
25 28 0.01% 23 0.01% 386 0.01% Ukraine
26 26 0.01% 23 0.01% 358 0.01% Old style Arpanet (arpa)
27 25 0.01% 22 0.01% 356 0.01% Christmas Island
28 24 0.01% 21 0.01% 228 0.00% Argentina
29 22 0.01% 20 0.01% 225 0.00% Yugoslavia
30 19 0.01% 18 0.01% 305 0.00% Bosnia and Herzegovina

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01