Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: February 2010
Generated 01-Mar-2010 03:47 CET

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for February 2010
Total Hits 301169
Total Files 236731
Total Pages 47315
Total Visits 14349
Total KBytes 6512496
Total Unique Sites 8152
Total Unique URLs 4575
Total Unique Referrers 1304
Total Unique User Agents 1944
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 448 2676
Hits per Day 10756 19193
Files per Day 8454 14849
Pages per Day 1689 2901
Visits per Day 512 794
KBytes per Day 232589 392916
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 4
Code 200 - OK 236731
Code 206 - Partial Content 3148
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 135
Code 304 - Not Modified 43912
Code 403 - Forbidden 47
Code 404 - Not Found 17070
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 114
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 8

Daily usage for February 2010

Daily Statistics for February 2010
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 15889 5.28% 12546 5.30% 2374 5.02% 633 4.41% 455 5.58% 369656 5.68%
2 13587 4.51% 10498 4.43% 1890 3.99% 614 4.28% 424 5.20% 294315 4.52%
3 15122 5.02% 11605 4.90% 1939 4.10% 683 4.76% 493 6.05% 295480 4.54%
4 12528 4.16% 9264 3.91% 1906 4.03% 566 3.94% 416 5.10% 296570 4.55%
5 7851 2.61% 6227 2.63% 1181 2.50% 453 3.16% 359 4.40% 142837 2.19%
6 7135 2.37% 6157 2.60% 1228 2.60% 395 2.75% 323 3.96% 179921 2.76%
7 7738 2.57% 6831 2.89% 1329 2.81% 391 2.72% 327 4.01% 221056 3.39%
8 8513 2.83% 7430 3.14% 1294 2.73% 438 3.05% 363 4.45% 195130 3.00%
9 15421 5.12% 12025 5.08% 2281 4.82% 718 5.00% 491 6.02% 290323 4.46%
10 19073 6.33% 14849 6.27% 2901 6.13% 794 5.53% 575 7.05% 392916 6.03%
11 17022 5.65% 13654 5.77% 2828 5.98% 776 5.41% 561 6.88% 357486 5.49%
12 13441 4.46% 11177 4.72% 2430 5.14% 748 5.21% 531 6.51% 266793 4.10%
13 11222 3.73% 8854 3.74% 1653 3.49% 602 4.20% 495 6.07% 224662 3.45%
14 11100 3.69% 9404 3.97% 1768 3.74% 680 4.74% 563 6.91% 196436 3.02%
15 8615 2.86% 5992 2.53% 1127 2.38% 408 2.84% 351 4.31% 150778 2.32%
16 7189 2.39% 6211 2.62% 1433 3.03% 400 2.79% 285 3.50% 208784 3.21%
17 6344 2.11% 5529 2.34% 1028 2.17% 353 2.46% 290 3.56% 218722 3.36%
18 6544 2.17% 5145 2.17% 1090 2.30% 359 2.50% 407 4.99% 160129 2.46%
19 4770 1.58% 3928 1.66% 824 1.74% 343 2.39% 305 3.74% 108429 1.66%
20 3830 1.27% 3342 1.41% 870 1.84% 260 1.81% 222 2.72% 90237 1.39%
21 6082 2.02% 5255 2.22% 953 2.01% 306 2.13% 294 3.61% 148808 2.28%
22 13012 4.32% 9827 4.15% 1978 4.18% 612 4.27% 382 4.69% 238512 3.66%
23 10580 3.51% 8464 3.58% 1634 3.45% 553 3.85% 393 4.82% 174159 2.67%
24 9529 3.16% 7397 3.12% 1330 2.81% 548 3.82% 361 4.43% 139522 2.14%
25 12678 4.21% 9561 4.04% 1993 4.21% 540 3.76% 340 4.17% 251599 3.86%
26 19193 6.37% 11652 4.92% 2674 5.65% 556 3.87% 345 4.23% 350643 5.38%
27 7772 2.58% 6096 2.58% 1558 3.29% 278 1.94% 205 2.51% 254955 3.91%
28 9389 3.12% 7811 3.30% 1821 3.85% 360 2.51% 288 3.53% 293640 4.51%

Hourly usage for February 2010

Hourly Statistics for February 2010
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 100 2816 0.94% 88 2468 1.04% 20 560 1.18% 2757 77201 1.19%
1 56 1582 0.53% 48 1344 0.57% 16 466 0.98% 1364 38191 0.59%
2 28 788 0.26% 23 657 0.28% 10 298 0.63% 883 24736 0.38%
3 34 958 0.32% 29 825 0.35% 15 421 0.89% 948 26542 0.41%
4 40 1120 0.37% 35 990 0.42% 16 456 0.96% 1148 32137 0.49%
5 35 987 0.33% 27 769 0.32% 12 344 0.73% 990 27721 0.43%
6 74 2074 0.69% 55 1564 0.66% 15 441 0.93% 1838 51472 0.79%
7 559 15667 5.20% 397 11130 4.70% 62 1746 3.69% 9084 254340 3.91%
8 742 20786 6.90% 545 15285 6.46% 94 2647 5.59% 13451 376615 5.78%
9 650 18218 6.05% 458 12835 5.42% 94 2637 5.57% 12398 347140 5.33%
10 574 16073 5.34% 410 11492 4.85% 86 2435 5.15% 10432 292088 4.49%
11 767 21481 7.13% 593 16608 7.02% 113 3167 6.69% 15718 440114 6.76%
12 643 18012 5.98% 513 14373 6.07% 96 2711 5.73% 14202 397650 6.11%
13 721 20200 6.71% 556 15570 6.58% 111 3133 6.62% 13620 381359 5.86%
14 595 16665 5.53% 494 13844 5.85% 101 2841 6.00% 15712 439933 6.76%
15 553 15508 5.15% 466 13064 5.52% 89 2514 5.31% 13071 365976 5.62%
16 579 16220 5.39% 466 13074 5.52% 94 2641 5.58% 14118 395306 6.07%
17 552 15472 5.14% 448 12548 5.30% 93 2612 5.52% 13181 369080 5.67%
18 639 17911 5.95% 521 14613 6.17% 106 2988 6.32% 14811 414697 6.37%
19 690 19336 6.42% 583 16327 6.90% 100 2818 5.96% 16039 449102 6.90%
20 788 22087 7.33% 601 16841 7.11% 124 3482 7.36% 16732 468486 7.19%
21 577 16173 5.37% 493 13819 5.84% 99 2796 5.91% 13306 372580 5.72%
22 511 14332 4.76% 391 10974 4.64% 72 2033 4.30% 11546 323276 4.96%
23 239 6703 2.23% 204 5717 2.41% 40 1128 2.38% 5241 146752 2.25%

Top 30 of 4575 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 36877 12.24% 1973970 30.31% /
2 9930 3.30% 170654 2.62% /_bridgeport/templates/styles.css
3 9795 3.25% 126320 1.94% /_bridgeport/templates/print.css
4 9470 3.14% 15921 0.24% /_bridgeport/libraries/bridgeport.js
5 9458 3.14% 45966 0.71% /_bridgeport/extras/phplm/libjs/layersmenu-library.js
6 9431 3.13% 52944 0.81% /_bridgeport/extras/phplm/libjs/layersmenu.js
7 9421 3.13% 7312 0.11% /_bridgeport/libraries/general.js
8 528 0.18% 85849 1.32% /_files/Cveka_februar_2004.pdf
9 391 0.13% 146348 2.25% /_files/publikacija_09-10-vlozek_niz-lo.pdf
10 327 0.11% 37979 0.58% /admin.php
11 283 0.09% 26769 0.41% /_files/urnik januar 2010.pdf
12 249 0.08% 1212 0.02% /applet.php
13 246 0.08% 37381 0.57% /_files/Cveka_01_2008.pdf
14 236 0.08% 49313 0.76% /_files/Vpis.pdf
15 235 0.08% 52491 0.81% /_files/Cveka_februar_2006.pdf
16 223 0.07% 233 0.00% /_images/Galerije/Razredi 2009-10 album/res/styles.css
17 208 0.07% 529 0.01% /_images/Galerije/Razredi 2009-10 album/res/embedmovie.js
18 168 0.06% 37706 0.58% /_files/Cveka_02_2008.pdf
19 141 0.05% 208 0.00% /_images/Galerije/Kostanjev piknik 09/res/styles.css
20 134 0.04% 15878 0.24% /_files/Cveka_junij_2005.pdf
21 133 0.04% 459 0.01% /_images/Galerije/Kostanjev piknik 09/res/embedmovie.js
22 124 0.04% 28 0.00% /_files/
23 119 0.04% 1424 0.02% /_images/Galerije/Razredi 2009-10 album/
24 111 0.04% 7366 0.11% /_files/Festival spanskih gledalisc 2010-program.pdf
25 107 0.04% 42 0.00% /_billings/libraries/custom.js
26 106 0.04% 570 0.01% /_billings/libraries/billings.js
27 106 0.04% 59 0.00% /_billings/libraries/general.js
28 95 0.03% 773 0.01% /_images/Galerije/Razredi 2009-10 album/slides/2. c.html
29 94 0.03% 7201 0.11% /_files/publikacija_08-09-ni_lo.pdf
30 93 0.03% 8824 0.14% /_files/urnik/Urnik 09-10-2.pdf

Top 10 of 4575 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 36877 12.24% 1973970 30.31% /
2 9930 3.30% 170654 2.62% /_bridgeport/templates/styles.css
3 391 0.13% 146348 2.25% /_files/publikacija_09-10-vlozek_niz-lo.pdf
4 9795 3.25% 126320 1.94% /_bridgeport/templates/print.css
5 528 0.18% 85849 1.32% /_files/Cveka_februar_2004.pdf
6 9431 3.13% 52944 0.81% /_bridgeport/extras/phplm/libjs/layersmenu.js
7 235 0.08% 52491 0.81% /_files/Cveka_februar_2006.pdf
8 236 0.08% 49313 0.76% /_files/Vpis.pdf
9 9458 3.14% 45966 0.71% /_bridgeport/extras/phplm/libjs/layersmenu-library.js
10 327 0.11% 37979 0.58% /admin.php

Top 10 of 161 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 36877 12.24% 13879 96.96% /
2 249 0.08% 73 0.51% /applet.php
3 50 0.02% 44 0.31% /_files/e-gradiva/
4 124 0.04% 41 0.29% /_files/
5 327 0.11% 13 0.09% /admin.php
6 24 0.01% 7 0.05% /_images/Galerije/Delavnice 2009/Delavnice 2009/
7 23 0.01% 6 0.04% /_images/Galerije/Delavnice 2009/
8 19 0.01% 6 0.04% /_images/Galerije/Migration - Sicilijanke pri nas/album/
9 12 0.00% 6 0.04% /_images/Galerije/Migration - Sicilijanke pri nas/album/Sreda - na soli/slides/16.html
10 26 0.01% 5 0.03% /_images/10-letka_1/album/

Top 10 of 223 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 36877 12.24% 13730 95.93% /
2 249 0.08% 77 0.54% /applet.php
3 124 0.04% 68 0.48% /_files/
4 327 0.11% 25 0.17% /admin.php
5 69 0.02% 16 0.11% /_images/Galerije/Razredi 2009-10 album/slides/2. f.html
6 50 0.02% 15 0.10% /_files/e-gradiva/
7 27 0.01% 14 0.10% /_files/MALICA
8 23 0.01% 9 0.06% /_images/Galerije/Delavnice 2009/
9 19 0.01% 9 0.06% /_images/Galerije/Migration - Sicilijanke pri nas/album/
10 87 0.03% 9 0.06% /_images/Galerije/Razredi 2009-10 album/slides/1. a.html

Top 30 of 8152 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 3546 1.18% 3498 1.48% 194801 2.99% 31 0.22%
2 3238 1.08% 2544 1.07% 63786 0.98% 51 0.36%
3 3009 1.00% 2034 0.86% 49844 0.77% 107 0.75%
4 2410 0.80% 641 0.27% 27619 0.42% 93 0.65%
5 2006 0.67% 1446 0.61% 36169 0.56% 66 0.46%
6 1989 0.66% 1811 0.77% 32805 0.50% 50 0.35%
7 1946 0.65% 1729 0.73% 44963 0.69% 65 0.45%
8 1868 0.62% 1681 0.71% 31035 0.48% 45 0.31%
9 1867 0.62% 1267 0.54% 90075 1.38% 40 0.28%
10 1860 0.62% 1361 0.57% 29218 0.45% 45 0.31%
11 1849 0.61% 325 0.14% 11737 0.18% 69 0.48%
12 1818 0.60% 1671 0.71% 79982 1.23% 45 0.31%
13 1803 0.60% 1122 0.47% 21905 0.34% 50 0.35%
14 1787 0.59% 1612 0.68% 29472 0.45% 56 0.39%
15 1721 0.57% 1184 0.50% 23699 0.36% 53 0.37%
16 1699 0.56% 1333 0.56% 24689 0.38% 53 0.37%
17 1688 0.56% 199 0.08% 8679 0.13% 6 0.04%
18 1665 0.55% 1410 0.60% 41653 0.64% 35 0.24%
19 1630 0.54% 1327 0.56% 25574 0.39% 46 0.32%
20 1610 0.53% 1600 0.68% 110476 1.70% 7 0.05%
21 1574 0.52% 1418 0.60% 24704 0.38% 39 0.27%
22 1557 0.52% 1522 0.64% 86044 1.32% 8 0.06%
23 1506 0.50% 1197 0.51% 21296 0.33% 43 0.30%
24 1481 0.49% 1375 0.58% 40865 0.63% 31 0.22%
25 1471 0.49% 247 0.10% 13795 0.21% 1 0.01%
26 1442 0.48% 1319 0.56% 25048 0.38% 45 0.31%
27 1436 0.48% 1007 0.43% 20419 0.31% 44 0.31%
28 1381 0.46% 213 0.09% 7458 0.11% 2 0.01%
29 1353 0.45% 1203 0.51% 21704 0.33% 48 0.33%
30 1348 0.45% 505 0.21% 13123 0.20% 40 0.28%

Top 10 of 8152 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 3546 1.18% 3498 1.48% 194801 2.99% 31 0.22%
2 1610 0.53% 1600 0.68% 110476 1.70% 7 0.05%
3 1867 0.62% 1267 0.54% 90075 1.38% 40 0.28%
4 1557 0.52% 1522 0.64% 86044 1.32% 8 0.06%
5 1818 0.60% 1671 0.71% 79982 1.23% 45 0.31%
6 1244 0.41% 945 0.40% 69187 1.06% 292 2.03%
7 3238 1.08% 2544 1.07% 63786 0.98% 51 0.36%
8 1221 0.41% 769 0.32% 63708 0.98% 19 0.13%
9 3009 1.00% 2034 0.86% 49844 0.77% 107 0.75%
10 434 0.14% 408 0.17% 48985 0.75% 5 0.03%

Top 30 of 1304 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 38385 12.75% - (Direct Request)
2 8630 2.87%
3 4375 1.45%
4 888 0.29%
5 797 0.26%
6 625 0.21%
7 504 0.17%
8 228 0.08%
9 178 0.06%
10 162 0.05%
11 143 0.05%
12 140 0.05%
13 133 0.04%
14 119 0.04%
15 108 0.04%
16 102 0.03%
17 95 0.03%
18 81 0.03%
19 52 0.02%
20 52 0.02%
21 47 0.02%
22 42 0.01%
23 34 0.01%
24 31 0.01%
25 29 0.01%
26 29 0.01%
27 28 0.01%
28 28 0.01%
29 28 0.01%
30 27 0.01%

Top 20 of 164 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 135 17.46% ljubezenske pesmi
2 93 12.03% srednja å¡ola slovenska bistrica
3 62 8.02% valentinovo
4 48 6.21% misli o ljubezni
5 32 4.14% ljubezen misli
6 18 2.33% slovenska bistrica
7 18 2.33% termin-
8 15 1.94% feri lainå¡äek pesmi
9 14 1.81% så¡sb
10 14 1.81% termini imerese
11 11 1.42% vrtnice
12 10 1.29% ljubezen
13 9 1.16% misli ljubezni
14 8 1.03% gimnazija slovenska bistrica
15 8 1.03% najlepå¡e misli o ljubezni
16 7 0.91% ljubezenska pesem
17 6 0.78% gimnazija slov bistrica
18 6 0.78% srednja sola slovenska bistrica
19 6 0.78% så¡ bistrica
20 5 0.65% danska himna besedilo

Top 15 of 1944 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 22521 7.48% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20091221 Firefox/3.5.7
2 18049 5.99% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20090729 Firefox/3.5.2 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
3 17768 5.90% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20091221 Firefox/3.5.7 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
4 8247 2.74% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; InfoPath.1)
5 7812 2.59% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET
6 6875 2.28% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20091221 Firefox/3.5.7
7 6357 2.11% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
8 6190 2.06% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/2009122116 Firefox/3.0.17 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
9 6187 2.05% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20100202 Firefox/3.5.8
10 4973 1.65% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20100202 Firefox/3.5.8 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
11 4374 1.45% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5
12 4046 1.34% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv:1.9.1) Gecko/20090624 Firefox/3.5
13 3881 1.29% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20091102 Firefox/3.5.5
14 3833 1.27% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.3
15 3546 1.18% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible;

Usage by Country for February 2010

Top 30 of 49 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 159552 52.98% 131212 55.43% 3461700 53.15% Network
2 107408 35.66% 79937 33.77% 1957680 30.06% Unresolved/Unknown
3 24698 8.20% 21193 8.95% 721574 11.08% Slovenia
4 5344 1.77% 3840 1.62% 249915 3.84% US Commercial
5 978 0.32% 850 0.36% 40521 0.62% Non-Profit Organization
6 544 0.18% 509 0.22% 11164 0.17% Italy
7 404 0.13% 349 0.15% 11038 0.17% Netherlands
8 274 0.09% 203 0.09% 18608 0.29% Russian Federation
9 225 0.07% 206 0.09% 2259 0.03% Germany
10 188 0.06% 163 0.07% 3304 0.05% Croatia (Hrvatska)
11 161 0.05% 141 0.06% 6534 0.10% France
12 157 0.05% 148 0.06% 2003 0.03% Brazil
13 146 0.05% 143 0.06% 3556 0.05% Australia
14 106 0.04% 85 0.04% 937 0.01% Bosnia and Herzegovina
15 98 0.03% 98 0.04% 462 0.01% Poland
16 91 0.03% 84 0.04% 927 0.01% Sweden
17 69 0.02% 56 0.02% 501 0.01% Japan
18 64 0.02% 57 0.02% 874 0.01% Belgium
19 48 0.02% 44 0.02% 455 0.01% Portugal
20 47 0.02% 35 0.01% 6550 0.10% Czech Republic
21 46 0.02% 43 0.02% 742 0.01% Austria
22 39 0.01% 33 0.01% 1338 0.02% Switzerland
23 37 0.01% 36 0.02% 324 0.00% Canada
24 35 0.01% 34 0.01% 1185 0.02% Finland
25 34 0.01% 33 0.01% 3429 0.05% Denmark
26 33 0.01% 26 0.01% 349 0.01% United Kingdom
27 30 0.01% 28 0.01% 400 0.01% Spain
28 29 0.01% 28 0.01% 253 0.00% International (int)
29 29 0.01% 28 0.01% 513 0.01% Ireland
30 27 0.01% 25 0.01% 377 0.01% Hungary

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01