Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: October 2010
Generated 01-Nov-2010 03:31 CET

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for October 2010
Total Hits 367850
Total Files 264688
Total Pages 84197
Total Visits 18353
Total KBytes 6880369
Total Unique Sites 12567
Total Unique URLs 4899
Total Unique Referrers 1017
Total Unique Usernames 1
Total Unique User Agents 4002
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 494 3562
Hits per Day 11866 19676
Files per Day 8538 12366
Pages per Day 2716 4241
Visits per Day 592 858
KBytes per Day 221947 482854
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 1
Code 200 - OK 264688
Code 206 - Partial Content 2035
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 1387
Code 302 - Found 40056
Code 304 - Not Modified 39819
Code 400 - Bad Request 4
Code 401 - Unauthorized 14
Code 403 - Forbidden 3
Code 404 - Not Found 19692
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 10
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 132
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 9

Daily usage for October 2010

Daily Statistics for October 2010
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 15205 4.13% 12031 4.55% 2845 3.38% 858 4.67% 806 6.41% 216774 3.15%
2 10105 2.75% 7434 2.81% 2176 2.58% 718 3.91% 628 5.00% 146791 2.13%
3 14055 3.82% 10261 3.88% 2477 2.94% 665 3.62% 648 5.16% 255300 3.71%
4 19676 5.35% 11678 4.41% 2590 3.08% 755 4.11% 726 5.78% 269291 3.91%
5 15589 4.24% 12366 4.67% 2711 3.22% 795 4.33% 1086 8.64% 482854 7.02%
6 11021 3.00% 9114 3.44% 2021 2.40% 686 3.74% 991 7.89% 234651 3.41%
7 16603 4.51% 11870 4.48% 3281 3.90% 707 3.85% 937 7.46% 250969 3.65%
8 15210 4.13% 11108 4.20% 4241 5.04% 752 4.10% 898 7.15% 212371 3.09%
9 10063 2.74% 7053 2.66% 2717 3.23% 608 3.31% 758 6.03% 152508 2.22%
10 12587 3.42% 9113 3.44% 2644 3.14% 597 3.25% 714 5.68% 260753 3.79%
11 14044 3.82% 10335 3.90% 3008 3.57% 666 3.63% 865 6.88% 196798 2.86%
12 9764 2.65% 6458 2.44% 2460 2.92% 540 2.94% 804 6.40% 128915 1.87%
13 14116 3.84% 10043 3.79% 2948 3.50% 583 3.18% 872 6.94% 223252 3.24%
14 11699 3.18% 7807 2.95% 3333 3.96% 535 2.92% 782 6.22% 247103 3.59%
15 11858 3.22% 8598 3.25% 2919 3.47% 573 3.12% 872 6.94% 197896 2.88%
16 12050 3.28% 8774 3.31% 2630 3.12% 464 2.53% 565 4.50% 369997 5.38%
17 9069 2.47% 6751 2.55% 2452 2.91% 478 2.60% 634 5.04% 208432 3.03%
18 11979 3.26% 8063 3.05% 2352 2.79% 554 3.02% 785 6.25% 167718 2.44%
19 12051 3.28% 7996 3.02% 2833 3.36% 643 3.50% 796 6.33% 201785 2.93%
20 11690 3.18% 8176 3.09% 2560 3.04% 517 2.82% 541 4.30% 204050 2.97%
21 8944 2.43% 6377 2.41% 2307 2.74% 524 2.86% 598 4.76% 173275 2.52%
22 9532 2.59% 7441 2.81% 1937 2.30% 533 2.90% 537 4.27% 228664 3.32%
23 8673 2.36% 5752 2.17% 2190 2.60% 512 2.79% 495 3.94% 161221 2.34%
24 8092 2.20% 5952 2.25% 2735 3.25% 505 2.75% 551 4.38% 178782 2.60%
25 11438 3.11% 8545 3.23% 3115 3.70% 542 2.95% 602 4.79% 245113 3.56%
26 10784 2.93% 7632 2.88% 2479 2.94% 536 2.92% 560 4.46% 176223 2.56%
27 11155 3.03% 7928 3.00% 2791 3.31% 542 2.95% 584 4.65% 188153 2.73%
28 13620 3.70% 10325 3.90% 3726 4.43% 537 2.93% 561 4.46% 232290 3.38%
29 11139 3.03% 8378 3.17% 3237 3.84% 518 2.82% 514 4.09% 289950 4.21%
30 7184 1.95% 5433 2.05% 2109 2.50% 456 2.48% 497 3.95% 119470 1.74%
31 8855 2.41% 5896 2.23% 2373 2.82% 566 3.08% 524 4.17% 259021 3.76%

Hourly usage for October 2010

Hourly Statistics for October 2010
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 343 10637 2.89% 247 7665 2.90% 94 2921 3.47% 5020 155618 2.26%
1 274 8503 2.31% 196 6086 2.30% 83 2577 3.06% 4398 136328 1.98%
2 280 8703 2.37% 196 6105 2.31% 88 2745 3.26% 4985 154544 2.25%
3 246 7633 2.08% 158 4919 1.86% 82 2551 3.03% 4778 148104 2.15%
4 244 7576 2.06% 162 5031 1.90% 81 2534 3.01% 9590 297300 4.32%
5 287 8922 2.43% 203 6317 2.39% 96 2978 3.54% 4485 139031 2.02%
6 269 8355 2.27% 193 5997 2.27% 103 3199 3.80% 6488 201122 2.92%
7 346 10731 2.92% 246 7630 2.88% 132 4110 4.88% 5272 163427 2.38%
8 341 10591 2.88% 227 7067 2.67% 100 3116 3.70% 6608 204863 2.98%
9 463 14369 3.91% 334 10354 3.91% 96 2982 3.54% 8214 254629 3.70%
10 634 19669 5.35% 444 13780 5.21% 111 3451 4.10% 12515 387953 5.64%
11 504 15624 4.25% 368 11412 4.31% 99 3080 3.66% 6951 215478 3.13%
12 609 18885 5.13% 468 14530 5.49% 124 3849 4.57% 11539 357718 5.20%
13 590 18296 4.97% 467 14490 5.47% 117 3651 4.34% 10570 327679 4.76%
14 751 23290 6.33% 557 17275 6.53% 140 4343 5.16% 13339 413516 6.01%
15 596 18505 5.03% 418 12988 4.91% 122 3808 4.52% 9427 292248 4.25%
16 558 17306 4.70% 397 12307 4.65% 127 3956 4.70% 8005 248156 3.61%
17 757 23497 6.39% 517 16041 6.06% 141 4399 5.22% 13434 416464 6.05%
18 771 23918 6.50% 554 17194 6.50% 142 4416 5.24% 14856 460538 6.69%
19 602 18667 5.07% 454 14086 5.32% 118 3664 4.35% 10844 336177 4.89%
20 658 20428 5.55% 476 14766 5.58% 141 4381 5.20% 12814 397232 5.77%
21 528 16370 4.45% 394 12220 4.62% 125 3883 4.61% 14313 443699 6.45%
22 707 21924 5.96% 489 15178 5.73% 136 4245 5.04% 13141 407382 5.92%
23 498 15451 4.20% 362 11250 4.25% 108 3358 3.99% 10360 321161 4.67%

Top 30 of 4899 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 22250 6.05% 401581 5.84% /
2 20835 5.66% 296822 4.31% /studioarchive/
3 11240 3.06% 145598 2.12% /rpc.php
4 6642 1.81% 112713 1.64% /studio/
5 2910 0.79% 8807 0.13% /config.css
6 2136 0.58% 18743 0.27% /studioarchive/wp-content/themes/studio_edirisa/style.css
7 1380 0.38% 12015 0.17% /studio/wp-content/themes/studio_edirisa/style.css
8 950 0.26% 238586 3.47% /lakebunyonyi
9 362 0.10% 387 0.01% /planet/
10 234 0.06% 447 0.01% /functions/scriptaculous.js
11 230 0.06% 10593 0.15% /functions/prototype.js
12 229 0.06% 222001 3.23% /Studio_Edirisa_pilot_podcast.mp3
13 193 0.05% 19923 0.29% /studioarchive/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/hurricane_hockey.jpeg
14 175 0.05% 146565 2.13% /amaraka/music/Kangyende_Nzironde.mp3
15 153 0.04% 46 0.00% /smiles_blog/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
16 139 0.04% 13988 0.20% /studio/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/hurricane_hockey.jpeg
17 126 0.03% 1754 0.03% /cms/main.php
18 115 0.03% 16 0.00% /smiles_blog/wp-cron.php
19 109 0.03% 1761 0.03% /index
20 103 0.03% 69 0.00% /studioarchive/xmlrpc.php
21 95 0.03% 415 0.01% /deep_waters.mp3
22 87 0.02% 91612 1.33% /studio/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/enigma-komma.mp3
23 81 0.02% 2077 0.03% /js/mootools.js
24 81 0.02% 948 0.01% /js/slideshow.js
25 78 0.02% 11 0.00% /studioarchive/wp-cron.php
26 70 0.02% 51 0.00% /studio/xmlrpc.php
27 67 0.02% 11329 0.16% /papers/EdirisaIntermediatePlan2009-9.pdf
28 61 0.02% 14308 0.21% /papers/ambdissert.doc
29 52 0.01% 23 0.00% /studioarchive/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
30 42 0.01% 238 0.00% /amaraka/

Top 10 of 4899 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 22250 6.05% 401581 5.84% /
2 20835 5.66% 296822 4.31% /studioarchive/
3 950 0.26% 238586 3.47% /lakebunyonyi
4 229 0.06% 222001 3.23% /Studio_Edirisa_pilot_podcast.mp3
5 8 0.00% 189295 2.75% /films/Edirisa/
6 21 0.01% 183965 2.67% /films/Edirisa/Edirisa_Video_Smiles_3.mp4
7 175 0.05% 146565 2.13% /amaraka/music/Kangyende_Nzironde.mp3
8 11240 3.06% 145598 2.12% /rpc.php
9 37 0.01% 122633 1.78% /planet/planet_edirisa_pilot.mp3
10 6642 1.81% 112713 1.64% /studio/

Top 10 of 43 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 6642 1.81% 7711 47.34% /studio/
2 22250 6.05% 6268 38.48% /
3 20835 5.66% 1706 10.47% /studioarchive/
4 11240 3.06% 186 1.14% /rpc.php
5 950 0.26% 126 0.77% /lakebunyonyi
6 78 0.02% 66 0.41% /studioarchive/wp-cron.php
7 115 0.03% 43 0.26% /smiles_blog/wp-cron.php
8 362 0.10% 27 0.17% /planet/
9 32 0.01% 24 0.15% /amaraka/music.html
10 42 0.01% 19 0.12% /amaraka/

Top 10 of 45 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 20835 5.66% 6185 34.69% /studioarchive/
2 22250 6.05% 5980 33.54% /
3 6642 1.81% 3376 18.93% /studio/
4 11240 3.06% 1759 9.87% /rpc.php
5 950 0.26% 125 0.70% /lakebunyonyi
6 362 0.10% 119 0.67% /planet/
7 78 0.02% 58 0.33% /studioarchive/wp-cron.php
8 115 0.03% 55 0.31% /smiles_blog/wp-cron.php
9 32 0.01% 29 0.16% /amaraka/music.html
10 22 0.01% 16 0.09% /studio/wp-cron.php

Top 30 of 12567 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 9672 2.63% 6454 2.44% 225177 3.27% 110 0.60%
2 8245 2.24% 2182 0.82% 103442 1.50% 24 0.13%
3 6698 1.82% 3759 1.42% 104029 1.51% 3 0.02%
4 5961 1.62% 3694 1.40% 63251 0.92% 71 0.39%
5 5452 1.48% 3790 1.43% 94028 1.37% 78 0.42%
6 3628 0.99% 3128 1.18% 51307 0.75% 72 0.39%
7 3464 0.94% 2651 1.00% 53588 0.78% 76 0.41%
8 3202 0.87% 2025 0.77% 39612 0.58% 90 0.49%
9 2841 0.77% 1747 0.66% 25930 0.38% 90 0.49%
10 2596 0.71% 1465 0.55% 23515 0.34% 133 0.72%
11 2573 0.70% 1235 0.47% 19575 0.28% 5 0.03%
12 2528 0.69% 1954 0.74% 37250 0.54% 82 0.45%
13 2466 0.67% 2315 0.87% 146822 2.13% 67 0.37%
14 2162 0.59% 1696 0.64% 56201 0.82% 12 0.07%
15 2148 0.58% 2014 0.76% 38431 0.56% 17 0.09%
16 2000 0.54% 1596 0.60% 5482 0.08% 1 0.01%
17 1798 0.49% 1608 0.61% 54121 0.79% 19 0.10%
18 1795 0.49% 1469 0.55% 36540 0.53% 6 0.03%
19 1593 0.43% 289 0.11% 5063 0.07% 3 0.02%
20 1468 0.40% 1127 0.43% 116507 1.69% 1 0.01%
21 1461 0.40% 1122 0.42% 115513 1.68% 1 0.01%
22 1426 0.39% 1274 0.48% 29816 0.43% 9 0.05%
23 1260 0.34% 919 0.35% 43644 0.63% 411 2.24%
24 1204 0.33% 704 0.27% 13944 0.20% 47 0.26%
25 1188 0.32% 15 0.01% 751 0.01% 614 3.35%
26 1179 0.32% 856 0.32% 23193 0.34% 22 0.12%
27 1112 0.30% 514 0.19% 12547 0.18% 28 0.15%
28 1041 0.28% 852 0.32% 30849 0.45% 6 0.03%
29 1031 0.28% 479 0.18% 20046 0.29% 5 0.03%
30 975 0.27% 494 0.19% 8470 0.12% 1 0.01%

Top 10 of 12567 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 9672 2.63% 6454 2.44% 225177 3.27% 110 0.60%
2 201 0.05% 144 0.05% 162731 2.37% 1 0.01%
3 2466 0.67% 2315 0.87% 146822 2.13% 67 0.37%
4 1468 0.40% 1127 0.43% 116507 1.69% 1 0.01%
5 1461 0.40% 1122 0.42% 115513 1.68% 1 0.01%
6 277 0.08% 270 0.10% 114458 1.66% 2 0.01%
7 6698 1.82% 3759 1.42% 104029 1.51% 3 0.02%
8 8245 2.24% 2182 0.82% 103442 1.50% 24 0.13%
9 5452 1.48% 3790 1.43% 94028 1.37% 78 0.42%
10 5961 1.62% 3694 1.40% 63251 0.92% 71 0.39%

Top 30 of 1017 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 76206 20.72% - (Direct Request)
2 4502 1.22%
3 3961 1.08%
4 2546 0.69%
5 2304 0.63%
6 1311 0.36%
7 1095 0.30%
8 871 0.24%
9 669 0.18%
10 509 0.14%
11 500 0.14%
12 451 0.12%
13 430 0.12%
14 400 0.11%
15 384 0.10%
16 322 0.09%
17 317 0.09%
18 284 0.08%
19 275 0.07%
20 226 0.06%
21 214 0.06%
22 207 0.06% dress/
23 171 0.05%
24 164 0.04%
25 151 0.04%
26 146 0.04%
27 144 0.04%
28 141 0.04%
29 140 0.04%
30 130 0.04%

Top 20 of 459 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 131 7.63% lo-
2 112 6.52% breakdancing
3 82 4.77% breakdance
4 70 4.07% lov-
5 64 3.73% edirisa
6 53 3.08% love is
7 46 2.68% love
8 43 2.50% bobi wine
9 26 1.51% fat men
10 16 0.93% -
11 15 0.87% brake dance
12 15 0.87% healthy lifestyle
13 14 0.81% break dance
14 14 0.81% porn
15 12 0.70% chameleon jose
16 12 0.70% crafts
17 11 0.64% 608
18 11 0.64% fat people
19 10 0.58% fa-
20 9 0.52% bebe cool

Top 1 of 1 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 367 0.10% 343 0.13% 3662 0.05% 9 0.05% multiteam

Top 15 of 4002 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 10834 2.95% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp/3.0;
2 9591 2.61% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.3
3 9534 2.59% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
4 7995 2.17% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.3 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/6.0.472.63 Safari/534.3
5 7298 1.98% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; de; rv: Gecko/20100914 Firefox/3.0.4, Toolbar 1.1 (.NET CLR 3.5.307
6 6698 1.82% RSSGraffiti
7 6455 1.75% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.3 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/6.0.472.63 Safari/534.3
8 5140 1.40% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100914 Firefox/3.6.10
9 4887 1.33% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CL
10 4402 1.20% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_4; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.18.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Safari/533.18
11 4142 1.13% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_3; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.1 Safari/533.17
12 3860 1.05% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152
13 3832 1.04% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)
14 3702 1.01% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_8; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.1 Safari/533.17
15 3637 0.99% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100914 Firefox/3.6.10

Usage by Country for October 2010

Top 30 of 111 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 102553 27.88% 78721 29.74% 2203177 32.02% Network
2 97242 26.44% 72375 27.34% 1752607 25.47% Unresolved/Unknown
3 61106 16.61% 40980 15.48% 922624 13.41% US Commercial
4 21976 5.97% 13510 5.10% 508295 7.39% Germany
5 10273 2.79% 8951 3.38% 366494 5.33% Slovenia
6 9852 2.68% 4620 1.75% 127567 1.85% Italy
7 8672 2.36% 5844 2.21% 108994 1.58% Uganda
8 4957 1.35% 4171 1.58% 130342 1.89% Austria
9 4809 1.31% 3187 1.20% 57631 0.84% United Kingdom
10 4385 1.19% 3266 1.23% 83110 1.21% Netherlands
11 4211 1.14% 2570 0.97% 39181 0.57% Non-Profit Organization
12 3609 0.98% 2919 1.10% 56403 0.82% Australia
13 2561 0.70% 1483 0.56% 25791 0.37% Russian Federation
14 2500 0.68% 1919 0.73% 30191 0.44% US Educational
15 2073 0.56% 1542 0.58% 27751 0.40% Canada
16 1569 0.43% 1445 0.55% 27555 0.40% Greece
17 1561 0.42% 942 0.36% 27646 0.40% Croatia (Hrvatska)
18 1517 0.41% 1180 0.45% 29240 0.42% Poland
19 1472 0.40% 1190 0.45% 24323 0.35% India
20 1348 0.37% 796 0.30% 14947 0.22% Sweden
21 1343 0.37% 981 0.37% 23715 0.34% Japan
22 1230 0.33% 1001 0.38% 14111 0.21% South Africa
23 933 0.25% 652 0.25% 9673 0.14% Kenya
24 851 0.23% 674 0.25% 19027 0.28% Belgium
25 820 0.22% 458 0.17% 5285 0.08% Israel
26 783 0.21% 571 0.22% 6004 0.09% United States
27 748 0.20% 605 0.23% 11676 0.17% Denmark
28 717 0.19% 545 0.21% 22067 0.32% Switzerland
29 670 0.18% 608 0.23% 16285 0.24% Slovak Republic
30 652 0.18% 537 0.20% 7712 0.11% France

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01