Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: August 2010
Generated 01-Sep-2010 03:33 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for August 2010
Total Hits 348441
Total Files 249540
Total Pages 66308
Total Visits 17757
Total KBytes 5570134
Total Unique Sites 12196
Total Unique URLs 3999
Total Unique Referrers 920
Total Unique Usernames 2
Total Unique User Agents 3950
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 468 2580
Hits per Day 11240 20590
Files per Day 8049 10913
Pages per Day 2138 3259
Visits per Day 572 695
KBytes per Day 179682 441533
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 249540
Code 206 - Partial Content 1864
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 2317
Code 302 - Found 3582
Code 304 - Not Modified 46939
Code 400 - Bad Request 1
Code 401 - Unauthorized 22
Code 403 - Forbidden 601
Code 404 - Not Found 43439
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 13
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 106
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 17

Daily usage for August 2010

Daily Statistics for August 2010
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 12178 3.49% 8363 3.35% 2356 3.55% 567 3.19% 1018 8.35% 204899 3.68%
2 20590 5.91% 10333 4.14% 3259 4.91% 590 3.32% 1194 9.79% 195544 3.51%
3 15503 4.45% 10285 4.12% 2188 3.30% 551 3.10% 1114 9.13% 199876 3.59%
4 12343 3.54% 9038 3.62% 2161 3.26% 573 3.23% 748 6.13% 157103 2.82%
5 12511 3.59% 9089 3.64% 2839 4.28% 576 3.24% 781 6.40% 161498 2.90%
6 9931 2.85% 6206 2.49% 1733 2.61% 522 2.94% 657 5.39% 141247 2.54%
7 7647 2.19% 5367 2.15% 1726 2.60% 492 2.77% 563 4.62% 126531 2.27%
8 7788 2.24% 4869 1.95% 1566 2.36% 486 2.74% 530 4.35% 107533 1.93%
9 9659 2.77% 7337 2.94% 1902 2.87% 462 2.60% 576 4.72% 143244 2.57%
10 8229 2.36% 6263 2.51% 1401 2.11% 471 2.65% 538 4.41% 158726 2.85%
11 8259 2.37% 6785 2.72% 1840 2.77% 661 3.72% 704 5.77% 152146 2.73%
12 12114 3.48% 9659 3.87% 2261 3.41% 562 3.16% 673 5.52% 181166 3.25%
13 9468 2.72% 7736 3.10% 1886 2.84% 506 2.85% 583 4.78% 153570 2.76%
14 10683 3.07% 8378 3.36% 2372 3.58% 516 2.91% 510 4.18% 210128 3.77%
15 6486 1.86% 4927 1.97% 1583 2.39% 483 2.72% 558 4.58% 128486 2.31%
16 13751 3.95% 9174 3.68% 2304 3.47% 610 3.44% 619 5.08% 210484 3.78%
17 13089 3.76% 9657 3.87% 2282 3.44% 673 3.79% 800 6.56% 269233 4.83%
18 13580 3.90% 10326 4.14% 2607 3.93% 590 3.32% 708 5.81% 221743 3.98%
19 14549 4.18% 10843 4.35% 2474 3.73% 610 3.44% 686 5.62% 206998 3.72%
20 11244 3.23% 8079 3.24% 1890 2.85% 570 3.21% 802 6.58% 149374 2.68%
21 9308 2.67% 7035 2.82% 2790 4.21% 562 3.16% 671 5.50% 131168 2.35%
22 7366 2.11% 5598 2.24% 1532 2.31% 487 2.74% 611 5.01% 137000 2.46%
23 12930 3.71% 8929 3.58% 2145 3.23% 624 3.51% 665 5.45% 441533 7.93%
24 10105 2.90% 7339 2.94% 1862 2.81% 636 3.58% 722 5.92% 122822 2.21%
25 9789 2.81% 7323 2.93% 1777 2.68% 612 3.45% 735 6.03% 126921 2.28%
26 15724 4.51% 10913 4.37% 2653 4.00% 666 3.75% 687 5.63% 182024 3.27%
27 11553 3.32% 8461 3.39% 2397 3.61% 686 3.86% 618 5.07% 167178 3.00%
28 9191 2.64% 6736 2.70% 1980 2.99% 572 3.22% 520 4.26% 129968 2.33%
29 8481 2.43% 6434 2.58% 1954 2.95% 583 3.28% 570 4.67% 153619 2.76%
30 12861 3.69% 9433 3.78% 2499 3.77% 695 3.91% 706 5.79% 279770 5.02%
31 11531 3.31% 8625 3.46% 2089 3.15% 668 3.76% 674 5.53% 218600 3.92%

Hourly usage for August 2010

Hourly Statistics for August 2010
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 360 11176 3.21% 282 8766 3.51% 76 2383 3.59% 5644 174962 3.14%
1 244 7567 2.17% 186 5771 2.31% 66 2048 3.09% 4093 126892 2.28%
2 212 6590 1.89% 160 4964 1.99% 55 1707 2.57% 3535 109575 1.97%
3 207 6419 1.84% 150 4652 1.86% 54 1675 2.53% 3148 97588 1.75%
4 207 6432 1.85% 150 4650 1.86% 62 1926 2.90% 5004 155116 2.78%
5 189 5887 1.69% 133 4146 1.66% 50 1577 2.38% 3770 116880 2.10%
6 202 6273 1.80% 143 4459 1.79% 55 1724 2.60% 3086 95660 1.72%
7 322 10007 2.87% 203 6308 2.53% 72 2243 3.38% 3951 122470 2.20%
8 438 13605 3.90% 313 9717 3.89% 74 2297 3.46% 7601 235616 4.23%
9 478 14844 4.26% 351 10905 4.37% 86 2668 4.02% 7868 243910 4.38%
10 438 13598 3.90% 338 10489 4.20% 82 2544 3.84% 6285 194828 3.50%
11 533 16548 4.75% 393 12184 4.88% 90 2816 4.25% 8721 270359 4.85%
12 511 15857 4.55% 375 11647 4.67% 90 2801 4.22% 6997 216917 3.89%
13 636 19721 5.66% 442 13725 5.50% 102 3172 4.78% 9629 298494 5.36%
14 652 20225 5.80% 462 14324 5.74% 109 3399 5.13% 11228 348077 6.25%
15 701 21761 6.25% 506 15690 6.29% 115 3585 5.41% 10285 318824 5.72%
16 660 20483 5.88% 477 14791 5.93% 102 3169 4.78% 9572 296734 5.33%
17 624 19353 5.55% 430 13346 5.35% 138 4283 6.46% 8634 267666 4.81%
18 625 19399 5.57% 431 13386 5.36% 111 3455 5.21% 9452 293012 5.26%
19 712 22091 6.34% 467 14492 5.81% 113 3514 5.30% 9014 279441 5.02%
20 568 17631 5.06% 405 12585 5.04% 92 2874 4.33% 14568 451622 8.11%
21 706 21907 6.29% 490 15216 6.10% 140 4365 6.58% 11739 363916 6.53%
22 613 19012 5.46% 454 14097 5.65% 112 3485 5.26% 9571 296709 5.33%
23 388 12055 3.46% 297 9230 3.70% 83 2598 3.92% 6286 194865 3.50%

Top 30 of 3999 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 25614 7.35% 528493 9.49% /studio/
2 19546 5.61% 326678 5.86% /
3 10334 2.97% 85689 1.54% /rpc.php
4 4336 1.24% 36709 0.66% /studio/wp-content/themes/studio_edirisa/style.css
5 2685 0.77% 7341 0.13% /config.css
6 2070 0.59% 99711 1.79% /functions/prototype.js
7 2070 0.59% 4178 0.08% /functions/scriptaculous.js
8 957 0.27% 225339 4.05% /lakebunyonyi
9 921 0.26% 409 0.01% /studio/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
10 431 0.12% 10007 0.18% /cms/main.php
11 186 0.05% 152734 2.74% /amaraka/music/Kangyende_Nzironde.mp3
12 171 0.05% 101 0.00% /studio/xmlrpc.php
13 168 0.05% 273301 4.91% /Studio_Edirisa_pilot_podcast.mp3
14 164 0.05% 590 0.01% /studio/wp-admin/css/colors-fresh.css
15 155 0.04% 6671 0.12% /studio/wp-admin/post.php
16 143 0.04% 183 0.00% /cms/bb_media.php
17 130 0.04% 39 0.00% /smiles_blog/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
18 124 0.04% 18 0.00% /studio/wp-cron.php
19 121 0.03% 1853 0.03% /index
20 121 0.03% 17 0.00% /smiles_blog/wp-cron.php
21 117 0.03% 58 0.00% /studio/wp-includes/js/thickbox/thickbox.css
22 107 0.03% 121 0.00% /studio/wp-includes/js/tinymce/langs/wp-langs-en.js
23 100 0.03% 762 0.01% /studio/wp-admin/media-upload.php
24 95 0.03% 2658 0.05% /studio/wp-admin/load-scripts.php
25 77 0.02% 3678 0.07% /studio/wp-admin/edit.php
26 68 0.02% 16401 0.29% /studio/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/studio_edirisa_radio_show_1.mp3
27 68 0.02% 234 0.00% /studio/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/studio_edirisa_radio_show_3.mp3
28 67 0.02% 4436 0.08% /cms/blogger/admin/
29 67 0.02% 8336 0.15% /studio/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/studio_edirisa_radio_show_7.mp3
30 66 0.02% 178 0.00% /studio/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/studio_edirisa_radio_show_2.mp3

Top 10 of 3999 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 25614 7.35% 528493 9.49% /studio/
2 19546 5.61% 326678 5.86% /
3 168 0.05% 273301 4.91% /Studio_Edirisa_pilot_podcast.mp3
4 957 0.27% 225339 4.05% /lakebunyonyi
5 186 0.05% 152734 2.74% /amaraka/music/Kangyende_Nzironde.mp3
6 8 0.00% 113938 2.05% /films/Edirisa/Edirisa_Video_Smiles_3.mp4
7 2070 0.59% 99711 1.79% /functions/prototype.js
8 7 0.00% 94638 1.70% /films/Edirisa/
9 10334 2.97% 85689 1.54% /rpc.php
10 7 0.00% 76338 1.37% /films/Edirisa/

Top 10 of 45 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 25614 7.35% 9589 59.15% /studio/
2 19546 5.61% 5725 35.32% /
3 10334 2.97% 350 2.16% /rpc.php
4 957 0.27% 118 0.73% /lakebunyonyi
5 124 0.04% 99 0.61% /studio/wp-cron.php
6 171 0.05% 54 0.33% /studio/xmlrpc.php
7 121 0.03% 52 0.32% /smiles_blog/wp-cron.php
8 155 0.04% 32 0.20% /studio/wp-admin/post.php
9 44 0.01% 21 0.13% /amaraka/
10 31 0.01% 20 0.12% /amaraka/music.html

Top 10 of 47 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 25614 7.35% 10463 60.10% /studio/
2 19546 5.61% 4693 26.96% /
3 10334 2.97% 1753 10.07% /rpc.php
4 957 0.27% 123 0.71% /lakebunyonyi
5 124 0.04% 76 0.44% /studio/wp-cron.php
6 121 0.03% 58 0.33% /smiles_blog/wp-cron.php
7 31 0.01% 24 0.14% /amaraka/music.html
8 44 0.01% 21 0.12% /amaraka/
9 95 0.03% 21 0.12% /studio/wp-admin/load-scripts.php
10 37 0.01% 16 0.09% /overland/

Top 30 of 12196 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 10609 3.04% 3378 1.35% 55382 0.99% 74 0.42%
2 9400 2.70% 3997 1.60% 71519 1.28% 90 0.51%
3 5768 1.66% 3157 1.27% 60986 1.09% 78 0.44%
4 5462 1.57% 2883 1.16% 44837 0.80% 87 0.49%
5 5410 1.55% 4538 1.82% 140574 2.52% 119 0.67%
6 5072 1.46% 3258 1.31% 78335 1.41% 25 0.14%
7 4097 1.18% 3814 1.53% 196446 3.53% 85 0.48%
8 3825 1.10% 3824 1.53% 208156 3.74% 1 0.01%
9 2787 0.80% 2369 0.95% 42780 0.77% 122 0.69%
10 2055 0.59% 1143 0.46% 31198 0.56% 62 0.35%
11 1856 0.53% 298 0.12% 9218 0.17% 7 0.04%
12 1536 0.44% 1288 0.52% 17977 0.32% 32 0.18%
13 1515 0.43% 0 0.00% 2093 0.04% 0 0.00%
14 1429 0.41% 355 0.14% 5513 0.10% 7 0.04%
15 1421 0.41% 849 0.34% 13084 0.23% 58 0.33%
16 1415 0.41% 928 0.37% 29411 0.53% 468 2.64%
17 1313 0.38% 852 0.34% 15973 0.29% 58 0.33%
18 1304 0.37% 386 0.15% 11347 0.20% 31 0.17%
19 1258 0.36% 1087 0.44% 18749 0.34% 26 0.15%
20 1170 0.34% 901 0.36% 23716 0.43% 6 0.03%
21 1133 0.33% 789 0.32% 17695 0.32% 57 0.32%
22 1131 0.32% 736 0.29% 6961 0.12% 17 0.10%
23 1112 0.32% 814 0.33% 12136 0.22% 18 0.10%
24 1081 0.31% 660 0.26% 7718 0.14% 23 0.13%
25 1045 0.30% 859 0.34% 10863 0.20% 21 0.12%
26 1013 0.29% 69 0.03% 1346 0.02% 1 0.01%
27 1005 0.29% 726 0.29% 19727 0.35% 10 0.06%
28 992 0.28% 501 0.20% 8046 0.14% 1 0.01%
29 966 0.28% 396 0.16% 6817 0.12% 1 0.01%
30 954 0.27% 722 0.29% 19660 0.35% 3 0.02%

Top 10 of 12196 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 3825 1.10% 3824 1.53% 208156 3.74% 1 0.01%
2 24 0.01% 19 0.01% 197686 3.55% 1 0.01%
3 4097 1.18% 3814 1.53% 196446 3.53% 85 0.48%
4 5410 1.55% 4538 1.82% 140574 2.52% 119 0.67%
5 5072 1.46% 3258 1.31% 78335 1.41% 25 0.14%
6 9400 2.70% 3997 1.60% 71519 1.28% 90 0.51%
7 5768 1.66% 3157 1.27% 60986 1.09% 78 0.44%
8 186 0.05% 159 0.06% 58289 1.05% 1 0.01%
9 10609 3.04% 3378 1.35% 55382 0.99% 74 0.42%
10 5462 1.57% 2883 1.16% 44837 0.80% 87 0.49%

Top 30 of 920 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 59267 17.01% - (Direct Request)
2 2577 0.74%
3 1826 0.52%
4 1314 0.38%
5 1018 0.29%
6 661 0.19%
7 532 0.15%
8 517 0.15%
9 502 0.14%
10 439 0.13%
11 372 0.11%
12 322 0.09%
13 309 0.09%
14 306 0.09%
15 292 0.08%
16 266 0.08%
17 222 0.06%
18 177 0.05%
19 173 0.05%
20 171 0.05%
21 170 0.05%
22 169 0.05%
23 164 0.05%
24 159 0.05%
25 140 0.04%
26 118 0.03%
27 114 0.03%
28 110 0.03%
29 109 0.03%
30 99 0.03%

Top 20 of 504 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 234 11.32% conflict diamonds
2 217 10.49% lo-
3 171 8.27% love is
4 75 3.63% breakdance
5 60 2.90% bobi wine
6 54 2.61% fat men
7 43 2.08% edirisa
8 39 1.89% love is..-
9 38 1.84% -
10 20 0.97% breakdancing
11 20 0.97% zuena kirema
12 18 0.87% crafts
13 18 0.87% fat p-
14 16 0.77% porn
15 15 0.73% bebe cool uganda
16 13 0.63% fat asians
17 13 0.63% lov-
18 13 0.63% nursery school
19 13 0.63% pictures of african dresses
20 13 0.63% zuena

Top 2 of 2 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 1328 0.38% 1328 0.53% 20599 0.37% 24 0.14% multiteam
2 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 16 0.00% 1 0.01% undefined

Top 15 of 3950 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 12844 3.69% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; de; rv: Gecko/20100701 Firefox/3.5.11
2 8421 2.42% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_3; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.1 Safari/533.17
3 7964 2.29% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp/3.0;
4 6325 1.82% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100722 Firefox/3.6.8
5 6285 1.80% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.3
6 5737 1.65% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_8; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.16 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0 Safari/533.16
7 4557 1.31% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; IUS-IE; GTB6.5; Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) ;
8 4455 1.28% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100722 Firefox/3.6.8
9 4437 1.27% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
10 4097 1.18% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible;
11 4027 1.16% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
12 3905 1.12% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CL
13 3807 1.09% RSSGraffiti
14 3157 0.91% msnbot/2.0b (+
15 3069 0.88% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.375.127 Safari/533.4

Usage by Country for August 2010

Top 30 of 113 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 107557 30.87% 71920 28.82% 1605319 28.82% Unresolved/Unknown
2 89720 25.75% 67900 27.21% 1334492 23.96% Network
3 60053 17.23% 42304 16.95% 1154054 20.72% US Commercial
4 15273 4.38% 11461 4.59% 364833 6.55% Slovenia
5 9383 2.69% 6879 2.76% 144935 2.60% Uganda
6 7397 2.12% 5216 2.09% 89408 1.61% Germany
7 6287 1.80% 4731 1.90% 109028 1.96% United Kingdom
8 5085 1.46% 3094 1.24% 56459 1.01% Australia
9 4420 1.27% 3115 1.25% 65544 1.18% Italy
10 4003 1.15% 3137 1.26% 54528 0.98% Netherlands
11 3745 1.07% 3204 1.28% 56638 1.02% Russian Federation
12 3160 0.91% 2325 0.93% 44458 0.80% Austria
13 2063 0.59% 1433 0.57% 18375 0.33% Non-Profit Organization
14 1913 0.55% 1683 0.67% 17600 0.32% India
15 1689 0.48% 962 0.39% 20862 0.37% Norway
16 1635 0.47% 1131 0.45% 21751 0.39% Sweden
17 1533 0.44% 1217 0.49% 22364 0.40% South Africa
18 1463 0.42% 1208 0.48% 23578 0.42% Canada
19 1403 0.40% 1054 0.42% 11378 0.20% Finland
20 1274 0.37% 1070 0.43% 14890 0.27% Kenya
21 1191 0.34% 1002 0.40% 12141 0.22% Switzerland
22 1136 0.33% 940 0.38% 13408 0.24% Denmark
23 1118 0.32% 967 0.39% 17096 0.31% Croatia (Hrvatska)
24 1050 0.30% 908 0.36% 12647 0.23% Poland
25 928 0.27% 792 0.32% 30064 0.54% Japan
26 796 0.23% 641 0.26% 10755 0.19% Brazil
27 744 0.21% 640 0.26% 12456 0.22% US Educational
28 638 0.18% 554 0.22% 10798 0.19% Greece
29 582 0.17% 501 0.20% 9379 0.17% Mexico
30 557 0.16% 489 0.20% 6282 0.11% Belgium

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01