Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: July 2010
Generated 01-Aug-2010 03:30 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for July 2010
Total Hits 349129
Total Files 255617
Total Pages 75003
Total Visits 21730
Total KBytes 5501830
Total Unique Sites 12576
Total Unique URLs 3765
Total Unique Referrers 884
Total Unique User Agents 4237
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 469 2573
Hits per Day 11262 15550
Files per Day 8245 11346
Pages per Day 2419 4177
Visits per Day 700 948
KBytes per Day 177478 383287
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 255617
Code 206 - Partial Content 1767
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 1905
Code 302 - Found 4359
Code 304 - Not Modified 43716
Code 400 - Bad Request 1
Code 403 - Forbidden 1
Code 404 - Not Found 41476
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 73
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 134
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 1
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 79

Daily usage for July 2010

Daily Statistics for July 2010
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 14982 4.29% 9935 3.89% 3176 4.23% 821 3.78% 744 5.92% 218565 3.97%
2 15550 4.45% 11346 4.44% 3017 4.02% 948 4.36% 805 6.40% 383287 6.97%
3 7289 2.09% 5356 2.10% 1969 2.63% 625 2.88% 618 4.91% 107254 1.95%
4 10261 2.94% 7335 2.87% 3345 4.46% 764 3.52% 757 6.02% 141002 2.56%
5 15210 4.36% 10974 4.29% 4177 5.57% 780 3.59% 786 6.25% 371106 6.75%
6 11165 3.20% 8401 3.29% 2699 3.60% 777 3.58% 744 5.92% 141664 2.57%
7 13332 3.82% 9356 3.66% 2333 3.11% 789 3.63% 736 5.85% 203147 3.69%
8 12614 3.61% 9269 3.63% 2899 3.87% 824 3.79% 847 6.74% 172098 3.13%
9 10446 2.99% 7339 2.87% 2279 3.04% 802 3.69% 788 6.27% 130164 2.37%
10 10501 3.01% 7375 2.89% 2126 2.83% 637 2.93% 652 5.18% 140824 2.56%
11 9450 2.71% 6737 2.64% 2174 2.90% 642 2.95% 623 4.95% 107641 1.96%
12 13500 3.87% 9291 3.63% 2515 3.35% 798 3.67% 746 5.93% 195613 3.56%
13 10717 3.07% 8307 3.25% 2025 2.70% 783 3.60% 790 6.28% 146670 2.67%
14 13263 3.80% 9793 3.83% 2888 3.85% 837 3.85% 865 6.88% 180702 3.28%
15 9782 2.80% 7468 2.92% 1936 2.58% 721 3.32% 752 5.98% 132932 2.42%
16 12998 3.72% 9359 3.66% 2705 3.61% 819 3.77% 738 5.87% 271064 4.93%
17 8674 2.48% 6744 2.64% 2166 2.89% 765 3.52% 655 5.21% 136888 2.49%
18 9955 2.85% 7038 2.75% 2840 3.79% 680 3.13% 650 5.17% 138267 2.51%
19 12206 3.50% 9271 3.63% 2444 3.26% 719 3.31% 849 6.75% 158232 2.88%
20 10538 3.02% 8067 3.16% 1901 2.53% 636 2.93% 672 5.34% 164266 2.99%
21 11446 3.28% 8788 3.44% 2636 3.51% 615 2.83% 701 5.57% 187498 3.41%
22 10589 3.03% 7812 3.06% 2043 2.72% 658 3.03% 728 5.79% 143979 2.62%
23 9684 2.77% 6983 2.73% 1969 2.63% 559 2.57% 614 4.88% 121182 2.20%
24 8517 2.44% 6294 2.46% 1918 2.56% 536 2.47% 561 4.46% 127360 2.31%
25 9152 2.62% 7143 2.79% 1698 2.26% 551 2.54% 653 5.19% 181822 3.30%
26 11310 3.24% 8533 3.34% 1939 2.59% 626 2.88% 850 6.76% 223431 4.06%
27 11437 3.28% 8533 3.34% 2483 3.31% 598 2.75% 953 7.58% 179259 3.26%
28 14208 4.07% 10287 4.02% 2515 3.35% 651 3.00% 737 5.86% 182061 3.31%
29 11249 3.22% 8826 3.45% 2228 2.97% 651 3.00% 779 6.19% 239969 4.36%
30 11760 3.37% 8311 3.25% 2306 3.07% 669 3.08% 733 5.83% 161173 2.93%
31 7344 2.10% 5346 2.09% 1654 2.21% 556 2.56% 675 5.37% 112707 2.05%

Hourly usage for July 2010

Hourly Statistics for July 2010
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 379 11762 3.37% 268 8327 3.26% 93 2895 3.86% 4385 135934 2.47%
1 370 11490 3.29% 266 8252 3.23% 102 3168 4.22% 4880 151279 2.75%
2 299 9282 2.66% 209 6487 2.54% 87 2702 3.60% 6142 190389 3.46%
3 247 7664 2.20% 185 5750 2.25% 75 2340 3.12% 4210 130496 2.37%
4 213 6612 1.89% 155 4828 1.89% 72 2259 3.01% 3052 94614 1.72%
5 213 6614 1.89% 159 4938 1.93% 67 2091 2.79% 5700 176707 3.21%
6 322 10007 2.87% 216 6717 2.63% 82 2549 3.40% 6924 214654 3.90%
7 355 11019 3.16% 260 8063 3.15% 89 2782 3.71% 6047 187464 3.41%
8 399 12370 3.54% 296 9199 3.60% 80 2504 3.34% 5458 169198 3.08%
9 376 11670 3.34% 277 8589 3.36% 82 2544 3.39% 4843 150140 2.73%
10 531 16465 4.72% 381 11835 4.63% 103 3219 4.29% 11526 357307 6.49%
11 593 18406 5.27% 434 13480 5.27% 110 3433 4.58% 7615 236076 4.29%
12 550 17061 4.89% 414 12864 5.03% 112 3483 4.64% 12660 392453 7.13%
13 654 20274 5.81% 481 14935 5.84% 137 4248 5.66% 11028 341876 6.21%
14 593 18394 5.27% 457 14176 5.55% 116 3616 4.82% 8882 275337 5.00%
15 638 19803 5.67% 489 15160 5.93% 121 3754 5.01% 9636 298705 5.43%
16 622 19288 5.52% 480 14888 5.82% 126 3915 5.22% 9623 298315 5.42%
17 606 18794 5.38% 438 13595 5.32% 116 3596 4.79% 11156 345842 6.29%
18 603 18708 5.36% 445 13803 5.40% 136 4218 5.62% 7600 235588 4.28%
19 509 15788 4.52% 377 11701 4.58% 104 3252 4.34% 8157 252881 4.60%
20 512 15896 4.55% 375 11651 4.56% 95 2975 3.97% 6701 207721 3.78%
21 617 19148 5.48% 414 12851 5.03% 106 3289 4.39% 8227 255048 4.64%
22 478 14824 4.25% 361 11202 4.38% 91 2825 3.77% 6353 196956 3.58%
23 573 17790 5.10% 397 12326 4.82% 107 3346 4.46% 6673 206853 3.76%

Top 30 of 3765 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 33639 9.64% 435151 7.91% /studio/
2 21562 6.18% 367018 6.67% /
3 9157 2.62% 74487 1.35% /rpc.php
4 4884 1.40% 42152 0.77% /studio/wp-content/themes/studio_edirisa/style.css
5 2457 0.70% 7063 0.13% /config.css
6 1840 0.53% 95775 1.74% /functions/prototype.js
7 1769 0.51% 3945 0.07% /functions/scriptaculous.js
8 973 0.28% 228532 4.15% /lakebunyonyi
9 681 0.20% 850 0.02% /studio/wp-admin/wp-admin.css
10 662 0.19% 205 0.00% /studio/wp-includes/js/fat.js
11 428 0.12% 1760 0.03% /studio/wp-admin/upload.php
12 345 0.10% 3737 0.07% /studio/wp-includes/js/prototype.js
13 338 0.10% 194 0.00% /studio/wp-includes/js/wp-ajax.js
14 335 0.10% 404 0.01% /studio/wp-includes/js/list-manipulation.js
15 321 0.09% 164 0.00% /studio/wp-admin/css/upload.css
16 279 0.08% 78 0.00% /studio/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
17 268 0.08% 167 0.00% /studio/wp-admin/js/dbx-admin-key.js
18 268 0.08% 730 0.01% /studio/wp-includes/js/dbx.js
19 263 0.08% 91 0.00% /studio/wp-admin/js/custom-fields.js
20 262 0.08% 75 0.00% /studio/wp-admin/js/cat.js
21 259 0.07% 368 0.01% /studio/wp-includes/js/quicktags.js
22 257 0.07% 1987 0.04% /studio//
23 240 0.07% 135 0.00% /studio/xmlrpc.php
24 225 0.06% 4787 0.09% /studio/wp-admin/post.php
25 213 0.06% 205 0.00% /studio/wp-includes/js/tw-sack.js
26 212 0.06% 223 0.00% /studio/wp-includes/js/autosave.js
27 209 0.06% 141793 2.58% /amaraka/music/Kangyende_Nzironde.mp3
28 153 0.04% 895 0.02% /studio/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js
29 133 0.04% 182336 3.31% /Studio_Edirisa_pilot_podcast.mp3
30 119 0.03% 17 0.00% /smiles_blog/wp-cron.php

Top 10 of 3765 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 33639 9.64% 435151 7.91% /studio/
2 21562 6.18% 367018 6.67% /
3 9 0.00% 283581 5.15% /films/Edirisa/
4 973 0.28% 228532 4.15% /lakebunyonyi
5 133 0.04% 182336 3.31% /Studio_Edirisa_pilot_podcast.mp3
6 15 0.00% 172457 3.13% /films/Edirisa/Edirisa_Video_Smiles_3.mp4
7 209 0.06% 141793 2.58% /amaraka/music/Kangyende_Nzironde.mp3
8 1840 0.53% 95775 1.74% /functions/prototype.js
9 9157 2.62% 74487 1.35% /rpc.php
10 85 0.02% 55228 1.00% /studio/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/studio_edirisa_radio_show_1.mp3

Top 10 of 38 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 33639 9.64% 13548 66.99% /studio/
2 21562 6.18% 5989 29.61% /
3 240 0.07% 114 0.56% /studio/xmlrpc.php
4 973 0.28% 93 0.46% /lakebunyonyi
5 9157 2.62% 91 0.45% /rpc.php
6 87 0.02% 73 0.36% /studio/wp-cron.php
7 119 0.03% 60 0.30% /smiles_blog/wp-cron.php
8 428 0.12% 33 0.16% /studio/wp-admin/upload.php
9 279 0.08% 25 0.12% /studio/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
10 225 0.06% 25 0.12% /studio/wp-admin/post.php

Top 10 of 41 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 33639 9.64% 14378 67.82% /studio/
2 21562 6.18% 5020 23.68% /
3 9157 2.62% 1301 6.14% /rpc.php
4 973 0.28% 100 0.47% /lakebunyonyi
5 119 0.03% 61 0.29% /smiles_blog/wp-cron.php
6 87 0.02% 36 0.17% /studio/wp-cron.php
7 240 0.07% 36 0.17% /studio/xmlrpc.php
8 428 0.12% 32 0.15% /studio/wp-admin/upload.php
9 36 0.01% 28 0.13% /amaraka/music.html
10 46 0.01% 22 0.10% /amaraka/

Top 30 of 12576 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 6489 1.86% 5392 2.11% 124645 2.27% 150 0.69%
2 5564 1.59% 3667 1.43% 74726 1.36% 26 0.12%
3 4452 1.28% 4074 1.59% 217268 3.95% 90 0.41%
4 4094 1.17% 3059 1.20% 41178 0.75% 181 0.83%
5 3604 1.03% 2284 0.89% 37010 0.67% 70 0.32%
6 3213 0.92% 1857 0.73% 23349 0.42% 53 0.24%
7 2913 0.83% 877 0.34% 20002 0.36% 12 0.06%
8 2806 0.80% 2390 0.93% 41449 0.75% 149 0.69%
9 2565 0.73% 1590 0.62% 27358 0.50% 49 0.23%
10 2538 0.73% 1241 0.49% 29821 0.54% 4 0.02%
11 2293 0.66% 1584 0.62% 22706 0.41% 48 0.22%
12 1841 0.53% 768 0.30% 11584 0.21% 60 0.28%
13 1840 0.53% 1321 0.52% 23029 0.42% 29 0.13%
14 1817 0.52% 666 0.26% 10212 0.19% 64 0.29%
15 1809 0.52% 691 0.27% 11453 0.21% 56 0.26%
16 1802 0.52% 1648 0.64% 20362 0.37% 249 1.15%
17 1792 0.51% 751 0.29% 11388 0.21% 62 0.29%
18 1789 0.51% 1788 0.70% 28664 0.52% 129 0.59%
19 1767 0.51% 806 0.32% 12053 0.22% 61 0.28%
20 1753 0.50% 1297 0.51% 24383 0.44% 50 0.23%
21 1719 0.49% 703 0.28% 10854 0.20% 54 0.25%
22 1703 0.49% 828 0.32% 23400 0.43% 7 0.03%
23 1695 0.49% 768 0.30% 10508 0.19% 57 0.26%
24 1674 0.48% 1339 0.52% 16965 0.31% 44 0.20%
25 1660 0.48% 760 0.30% 8667 0.16% 7 0.03%
26 1635 0.47% 1635 0.64% 25558 0.46% 11 0.05%
27 1632 0.47% 1490 0.58% 22984 0.42% 1 0.00%
28 1500 0.43% 406 0.16% 10181 0.19% 23 0.11%
29 1306 0.37% 543 0.21% 14088 0.26% 3 0.01%
30 1284 0.37% 964 0.38% 15463 0.28% 13 0.06%

Top 10 of 12576 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 4452 1.28% 4074 1.59% 217268 3.95% 90 0.41%
2 1162 0.33% 935 0.37% 176875 3.21% 10 0.05%
3 6489 1.86% 5392 2.11% 124645 2.27% 150 0.69%
4 475 0.14% 359 0.14% 104854 1.91% 1 0.00%
5 310 0.09% 255 0.10% 97634 1.77% 4 0.02%
6 5564 1.59% 3667 1.43% 74726 1.36% 26 0.12%
7 554 0.16% 254 0.10% 60105 1.09% 1 0.00%
8 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 57144 1.04% 0 0.00%
9 535 0.15% 535 0.21% 52564 0.96% 1 0.00%
10 1220 0.35% 801 0.31% 41885 0.76% 364 1.68%

Top 30 of 884 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 70082 20.07% - (Direct Request)
2 2546 0.73%
3 2472 0.71%
4 1402 0.40%
5 706 0.20%
6 595 0.17%
7 539 0.15%
8 350 0.10%
9 338 0.10%
10 292 0.08%
11 286 0.08%
12 274 0.08%
13 265 0.08%
14 257 0.07%
15 205 0.06%
16 199 0.06%
17 188 0.05%
18 186 0.05%
19 182 0.05%
20 175 0.05%
21 166 0.05%
22 165 0.05%
23 157 0.04%
24 152 0.04%
25 136 0.04%
26 121 0.03%
27 96 0.03%
28 88 0.03%
29 88 0.03%
30 84 0.02%

Top 20 of 454 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 267 13.53% conflict diamonds
2 165 8.36% lo-
3 148 7.50% love is
4 80 4.05% breakdance
5 75 3.80% -
6 54 2.74% edirisa
7 53 2.69% break dance
8 33 1.67% fat people
9 28 1.42% most beautiful flowers
10 27 1.37% fat men
11 27 1.37% love is..-
12 23 1.17% bobi wine
13 21 1.06% fat peopl-
14 18 0.91% fat peop-
15 17 0.86% wife beater
16 16 0.81% made in china
17 15 0.76% 708
18 15 0.76% revision
19 14 0.71% nursery school
20 13 0.66% fat p-

Top 15 of 4237 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 10665 3.05% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.3
2 7761 2.22% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp/3.0;
3 6777 1.94% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.375.99 Safari/533.4
4 5761 1.65% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.375.99 Safari/533.4
5 5499 1.58% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
6 4713 1.35% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
7 4649 1.33% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.3
8 4478 1.28% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; IUS-IE; GTB6.5; Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) ;
9 4452 1.28% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible;
10 4402 1.26% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CL
11 4097 1.17% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.1;,
12 4009 1.15% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.375.99 Safari/533.4
13 3899 1.12% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6
14 3870 1.11% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152
15 3392 0.97% RSSGraffiti

Usage by Country for July 2010

Top 30 of 105 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 103172 29.55% 75749 29.63% 1803884 32.79% Network
2 78801 22.57% 60462 23.65% 1156462 21.02% Unresolved/Unknown
3 67570 19.35% 48597 19.01% 982230 17.85% US Commercial
4 18266 5.23% 14083 5.51% 413114 7.51% Slovenia
5 17343 4.97% 8371 3.27% 163348 2.97% Uganda
6 7201 2.06% 5810 2.27% 173745 3.16% Germany
7 5310 1.52% 3981 1.56% 54671 0.99% Non-Profit Organization
8 4650 1.33% 3086 1.21% 120684 2.19% Australia
9 4113 1.18% 3344 1.31% 58368 1.06% United Kingdom
10 4028 1.15% 3076 1.20% 44064 0.80% Austria
11 3948 1.13% 3356 1.31% 59256 1.08% Russian Federation
12 2975 0.85% 2354 0.92% 38645 0.70% Netherlands
13 2929 0.84% 2382 0.93% 34817 0.63% Italy
14 2620 0.75% 1199 0.47% 26941 0.49% Norway
15 1767 0.51% 1146 0.45% 15273 0.28% Canada
16 1366 0.39% 722 0.28% 16305 0.30% Czech Republic
17 1353 0.39% 988 0.39% 11204 0.20% South Africa
18 1154 0.33% 1025 0.40% 11649 0.21% US Educational
19 1102 0.32% 915 0.36% 14024 0.25% Kenya
20 1082 0.31% 957 0.37% 10280 0.19% Finland
21 1081 0.31% 991 0.39% 15598 0.28% India
22 991 0.28% 817 0.32% 7912 0.14% Iceland
23 984 0.28% 815 0.32% 11752 0.21% Greece
24 869 0.25% 722 0.28% 17795 0.32% Spain
25 783 0.22% 718 0.28% 6884 0.13% Poland
26 754 0.22% 661 0.26% 9184 0.17% Croatia (Hrvatska)
27 662 0.19% 554 0.22% 5756 0.10% Switzerland
28 652 0.19% 558 0.22% 3698 0.07% Turkey
29 648 0.19% 529 0.21% 12707 0.23% Japan
30 589 0.17% 510 0.20% 3775 0.07% Denmark

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01