Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: November 2009
Generated 01-Dec-2009 05:13 CET

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for November 2009
Total Hits 143007
Total Files 126196
Total Pages 95074
Total Visits 35758
Total KBytes 3134599
Total Unique Sites 7514
Total Unique URLs 335
Total Unique Referrers 784
Total Unique User Agents 1068
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 198 2991
Hits per Day 4766 9230
Files per Day 4206 8273
Pages per Day 3169 7150
Visits per Day 1191 4641
KBytes per Day 104487 221649
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 126196
Code 206 - Partial Content 41
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 29
Code 304 - Not Modified 11626
Code 403 - Forbidden 21
Code 404 - Not Found 5075
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 18
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 1

Daily usage for November 2009

Daily Statistics for November 2009
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 2132 1.49% 1963 1.56% 1316 1.38% 126 0.35% 77 1.02% 46591 1.49%
2 4651 3.25% 3419 2.71% 1829 1.92% 197 0.55% 125 1.66% 71847 2.29%
3 4038 2.82% 3558 2.82% 2055 2.16% 243 0.68% 180 2.40% 82325 2.63%
4 3429 2.40% 2991 2.37% 1736 1.83% 212 0.59% 151 2.01% 65088 2.08%
5 2169 1.52% 1841 1.46% 839 0.88% 169 0.47% 102 1.36% 36455 1.16%
6 1945 1.36% 1607 1.27% 780 0.82% 149 0.42% 93 1.24% 36204 1.15%
7 887 0.62% 753 0.60% 308 0.32% 110 0.31% 62 0.83% 14701 0.47%
8 2542 1.78% 2372 1.88% 1732 1.82% 234 0.65% 171 2.28% 58684 1.87%
9 6533 4.57% 5254 4.16% 3756 3.95% 269 0.75% 204 2.71% 120650 3.85%
10 5312 3.71% 4271 3.38% 3368 3.54% 183 0.51% 123 1.64% 100181 3.20%
11 5459 3.82% 4960 3.93% 3480 3.66% 175 0.49% 128 1.70% 121929 3.89%
12 6911 4.83% 5811 4.60% 4375 4.60% 169 0.47% 114 1.52% 148828 4.75%
13 1983 1.39% 1633 1.29% 660 0.69% 118 0.33% 80 1.06% 30498 0.97%
14 3734 2.61% 3615 2.86% 3229 3.40% 789 2.21% 298 3.97% 102139 3.26%
15 4265 2.98% 4049 3.21% 3544 3.73% 2001 5.60% 374 4.98% 112429 3.59%
16 4853 3.39% 3979 3.15% 2601 2.74% 955 2.67% 400 5.32% 87615 2.80%
17 3836 2.68% 2983 2.36% 1433 1.51% 185 0.52% 136 1.81% 56028 1.79%
18 5073 3.55% 4367 3.46% 3566 3.75% 1895 5.30% 435 5.79% 108418 3.46%
19 4677 3.27% 3961 3.14% 2791 2.94% 1487 4.16% 404 5.38% 96930 3.09%
20 3172 2.22% 2486 1.97% 1782 1.87% 575 1.61% 302 4.02% 57458 1.83%
21 2706 1.89% 2302 1.82% 2200 2.31% 1000 2.80% 302 4.02% 60842 1.94%
22 4256 2.98% 3998 3.17% 3301 3.47% 1749 4.89% 331 4.41% 106037 3.38%
23 7387 5.17% 6691 5.30% 4733 4.98% 2026 5.67% 437 5.82% 163001 5.20%
24 7852 5.49% 7197 5.70% 5966 6.28% 1051 2.94% 371 4.94% 184565 5.89%
25 5003 3.50% 4518 3.58% 3361 3.54% 1331 3.72% 361 4.80% 113991 3.64%
26 7972 5.57% 7239 5.74% 6036 6.35% 2982 8.34% 933 12.42% 186482 5.95%
27 8604 6.02% 8144 6.45% 7150 7.52% 4641 12.98% 2179 29.00% 221649 7.07%
28 6390 4.47% 6242 4.95% 5853 6.16% 3916 10.95% 1957 26.04% 177138 5.65%
29 6006 4.20% 5719 4.53% 5026 5.29% 3255 9.10% 1960 26.08% 155714 4.97%
30 9230 6.45% 8273 6.56% 6268 6.59% 3729 10.43% 2091 27.83% 210182 6.71%

Hourly usage for November 2009

Hourly Statistics for November 2009
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 148 4462 3.12% 129 3875 3.07% 138 4159 4.37% 3558 106741 3.41%
1 112 3365 2.35% 98 2962 2.35% 103 3116 3.28% 2731 81918 2.61%
2 89 2677 1.87% 86 2589 2.05% 83 2518 2.65% 2487 74622 2.38%
3 93 2806 1.96% 91 2732 2.16% 85 2571 2.70% 2566 76973 2.46%
4 139 4182 2.92% 126 3787 3.00% 131 3946 4.15% 3788 113645 3.63%
5 82 2483 1.74% 80 2415 1.91% 76 2292 2.41% 2416 72486 2.31%
6 141 4254 2.97% 123 3706 2.94% 118 3545 3.73% 3419 102572 3.27%
7 218 6564 4.59% 189 5673 4.50% 126 3809 4.01% 4614 138413 4.42%
8 319 9588 6.70% 258 7764 6.15% 178 5353 5.63% 6119 183559 5.86%
9 344 10328 7.22% 295 8861 7.02% 186 5604 5.89% 6658 199741 6.37%
10 259 7793 5.45% 215 6479 5.13% 126 3803 4.00% 4805 144155 4.60%
11 337 10128 7.08% 281 8436 6.68% 185 5576 5.86% 6314 189414 6.04%
12 262 7885 5.51% 219 6598 5.23% 141 4250 4.47% 5113 153380 4.89%
13 278 8343 5.83% 228 6854 5.43% 134 4020 4.23% 5123 153682 4.90%
14 203 6093 4.26% 175 5252 4.16% 107 3227 3.39% 4013 120401 3.84%
15 323 9709 6.79% 300 9006 7.14% 242 7289 7.67% 7895 236857 7.56%
16 160 4818 3.37% 143 4314 3.42% 94 2831 2.98% 3284 98534 3.14%
17 176 5305 3.71% 164 4935 3.91% 117 3530 3.71% 4042 121259 3.87%
18 193 5816 4.07% 180 5413 4.29% 135 4068 4.28% 4527 135798 4.33%
19 171 5132 3.59% 157 4723 3.74% 112 3383 3.56% 3872 116155 3.71%
20 182 5477 3.83% 169 5076 4.02% 133 3994 4.20% 4324 129733 4.14%
21 199 5995 4.19% 181 5435 4.31% 138 4155 4.37% 4500 135010 4.31%
22 176 5283 3.69% 165 4977 3.94% 136 4099 4.31% 4325 129756 4.14%
23 150 4521 3.16% 144 4334 3.43% 131 3936 4.14% 3993 119795 3.82%

Top 30 of 335 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 71307 49.86% 2084415 66.50% /
2 4282 2.99% 36595 1.17% /webstat/usage_200911.html
3 3981 2.78% 112192 3.58% /oddelek.php
4 3756 2.63% 112297 3.58% /rubrika.php
5 3714 2.60% 134913 4.30% /oddelki.php
6 3056 2.14% 29218 0.93% /style.css
7 2741 1.92% 59890 1.91% /mm_menu.js
8 2297 1.61% 73607 2.35% /urnik.php
9 1138 0.80% 44231 1.41% /imenik.php
10 1050 0.73% 39283 1.25% /urniki.php
11 1040 0.73% 29782 0.95% /obvestilo.php
12 644 0.45% 197 0.01% /robots.txt
13 612 0.43% 6216 0.20% /webstat/
14 521 0.36% 14478 0.46% /obvestila.php
15 176 0.12% 1413 0.05% /webstat/usage_200804.html
16 70 0.05% 345 0.01% /admin.php
17 62 0.04% 5455 0.17% /webstat/usage_200907.html
18 51 0.04% 777 0.02% /admin_novost_uredi.php
19 50 0.03% 25966 0.83% /porocila/pp_2008.doc
20 47 0.03% 5725 0.18% /webstat/usage_200910.html
21 46 0.03% 5160 0.16% /webstat/usage_200906.html
22 45 0.03% 6509 0.21% /pp_2007.doc
23 40 0.03% 4717 0.15% /webstat/usage_200901.html
24 40 0.03% 4718 0.15% /webstat/usage_200904.html
25 39 0.03% 4648 0.15% /webstat/usage_200902.html
26 39 0.03% 4823 0.15% /webstat/usage_200903.html
27 37 0.03% 4480 0.14% /webstat/usage_200908.html
28 37 0.03% 4616 0.15% /webstat/usage_200909.html
29 35 0.02% 4350 0.14% /webstat/usage_200812.html
30 35 0.02% 4347 0.14% /webstat/usage_200905.html

Top 10 of 335 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 71307 49.86% 2084415 66.50% /
2 3714 2.60% 134913 4.30% /oddelki.php
3 3756 2.63% 112297 3.58% /rubrika.php
4 3981 2.78% 112192 3.58% /oddelek.php
5 2297 1.61% 73607 2.35% /urnik.php
6 2741 1.92% 59890 1.91% /mm_menu.js
7 1138 0.80% 44231 1.41% /imenik.php
8 1050 0.73% 39283 1.25% /urniki.php
9 4282 2.99% 36595 1.17% /webstat/usage_200911.html
10 1040 0.73% 29782 0.95% /obvestilo.php

Top 10 of 63 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 71307 49.86% 33566 93.90% /
2 3981 2.78% 531 1.49% /oddelek.php
3 3756 2.63% 449 1.26% /rubrika.php
4 3714 2.60% 369 1.03% /oddelki.php
5 2297 1.61% 183 0.51% /urnik.php
6 1040 0.73% 103 0.29% /obvestilo.php
7 1050 0.73% 102 0.29% /urniki.php
8 1138 0.80% 91 0.25% /imenik.php
9 4282 2.99% 73 0.20% /webstat/usage_200911.html
10 612 0.43% 58 0.16% /webstat/

Top 10 of 63 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 71307 49.86% 32279 90.55% /
2 3756 2.63% 819 2.30% /rubrika.php
3 3981 2.78% 735 2.06% /oddelek.php
4 2297 1.61% 653 1.83% /urnik.php
5 3714 2.60% 331 0.93% /oddelki.php
6 1040 0.73% 170 0.48% /obvestilo.php
7 1138 0.80% 169 0.47% /imenik.php
8 1050 0.73% 106 0.30% /urniki.php
9 4282 2.99% 92 0.26% /webstat/usage_200911.html
10 612 0.43% 59 0.17% /webstat/

Top 30 of 7514 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 4187 2.93% 1801 1.43% 25775 0.82% 14 0.04%
2 3091 2.16% 1924 1.52% 37037 1.18% 97 0.27%
3 2942 2.06% 1598 1.27% 56391 1.80% 440 1.23%
4 2767 1.93% 2767 2.19% 82521 2.63% 20 0.06%
5 2559 1.79% 2559 2.03% 76135 2.43% 5 0.01%
6 1879 1.31% 1879 1.49% 55834 1.78% 41 0.11%
7 1793 1.25% 1793 1.42% 53362 1.70% 1 0.00%
8 1778 1.24% 1778 1.41% 52928 1.69% 1 0.00%
9 1774 1.24% 1774 1.41% 52809 1.68% 1 0.00%
10 1759 1.23% 1759 1.39% 52350 1.67% 1 0.00%
11 1571 1.10% 1571 1.24% 46766 1.49% 1 0.00%
12 1339 0.94% 1339 1.06% 38811 1.24% 66 0.18%
13 1133 0.79% 1133 0.90% 33715 1.08% 1 0.00%
14 957 0.67% 400 0.32% 9697 0.31% 60 0.17%
15 849 0.59% 849 0.67% 25274 0.81% 1 0.00%
16 808 0.57% 808 0.64% 24053 0.77% 1 0.00%
17 736 0.51% 611 0.48% 23226 0.74% 261 0.73%
18 675 0.47% 500 0.40% 7789 0.25% 23 0.06%
19 662 0.46% 402 0.32% 7058 0.23% 15 0.04%
20 660 0.46% 660 0.52% 19618 0.63% 4 0.01%
21 631 0.44% 365 0.29% 4165 0.13% 2 0.01%
22 586 0.41% 586 0.46% 17418 0.56% 119 0.33%
23 537 0.38% 65 0.05% 1700 0.05% 1 0.00%
24 453 0.32% 302 0.24% 5814 0.19% 17 0.05%
25 445 0.31% 445 0.35% 12504 0.40% 154 0.43%
26 431 0.30% 431 0.34% 12830 0.41% 138 0.39%
27 430 0.30% 430 0.34% 12784 0.41% 151 0.42%
28 404 0.28% 404 0.32% 11906 0.38% 146 0.41%
29 398 0.28% 398 0.32% 11831 0.38% 3 0.01%
30 387 0.27% 363 0.29% 12254 0.39% 7 0.02%

Top 10 of 7514 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 2767 1.93% 2767 2.19% 82521 2.63% 20 0.06%
2 2559 1.79% 2559 2.03% 76135 2.43% 5 0.01%
3 2942 2.06% 1598 1.27% 56391 1.80% 440 1.23%
4 1879 1.31% 1879 1.49% 55834 1.78% 41 0.11%
5 1793 1.25% 1793 1.42% 53362 1.70% 1 0.00%
6 1778 1.24% 1778 1.41% 52928 1.69% 1 0.00%
7 1774 1.24% 1774 1.41% 52809 1.68% 1 0.00%
8 1759 1.23% 1759 1.39% 52350 1.67% 1 0.00%
9 1571 1.10% 1571 1.24% 46766 1.49% 1 0.00%
10 1339 0.94% 1339 1.06% 38811 1.24% 66 0.18%

Top 30 of 784 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 14011 9.80% - (Direct Request)
2 2154 1.51%
3 698 0.49%
4 698 0.49%
5 697 0.49%
6 611 0.43%
7 609 0.43%
8 606 0.42%
9 605 0.42%
10 604 0.42%
11 602 0.42%
12 602 0.42%
13 602 0.42%
14 601 0.42%
15 600 0.42%
16 600 0.42%
17 600 0.42%
18 597 0.42%
19 596 0.42%
20 577 0.40%
21 565 0.40%
22 565 0.40%
23 563 0.39%
24 563 0.39%
25 561 0.39%
26 526 0.37%
27 524 0.37%
28 510 0.36%
29 500 0.35%
30 496 0.35%

Top 20 of 68 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 71 25.00% zdravstveni dom seå¾ana
2 41 14.44% zd seå¾ana
3 10 3.52% buy generic cialis online cialis generic levitra order levitra
4 10 3.52% buy generic levitra online levitra
5 10 3.52% cialis online buy cialis buy levitra cheap cialis order cialis
6 10 3.52% online buy cialis online cheap cialis buy cialis cialis online
7 10 3.52% online pharmacy no prescription pharmacy online pharmacy online
8 10 3.52% zdravstveni dom hrpelje
9 9 3.17% ambulanta dutovlje
10 9 3.17% zdravstveni dom sezana
11 7 2.46% seå¾ana ambulanta
12 6 2.11% zdravstveni dom seå½ana
13 4 1.41% ambulanta sezana
14 4 1.41% zd seå½ana
15 3 1.06%
16 3 1.06% zdravsteveni dom seå¾ana
17 3 1.06% zdravstveni dom komen
18 3 1.06% zdravstveni dom senoå¾eäe
19 2 0.70% fizioterapija liliä
20 2 0.70% ginekolog seå¾ana

Top 15 of 1068 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 10473 7.32% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; MRA 4.3 (build 01218))
2 3159 2.21% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/2009101601 Firefox/3.0.15
3 2952 2.06% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.1)
4 2942 2.06% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible;
5 2693 1.88% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20091102 Firefox/3.5.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
6 2385 1.67% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
7 2338 1.63% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/2009101601 Firefox/3.0.15 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
8 2172 1.52% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win 9x 4.90; nl-NL; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041202 Firefox/1.0
9 2100 1.47% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20091102 Firefox/3.5.5
10 1555 1.09% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp/3.0;
11 1210 0.85% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
12 1191 0.83% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/20091016 Firefox/3.5.4 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
13 1126 0.79% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; nl-NL; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20050221 Firefox/1.0 (Ubuntu) (Ubuntu package 1.0+dfsg.1-6ubuntu1)
14 1125 0.79% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ja-JP; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041108 Firefox/1.0
15 1124 0.79% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041107 Firefox/1.0 StumbleUpon/1.999

Usage by Country for November 2009

Top 30 of 75 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 49433 34.57% 40039 31.73% 831371 26.52% Network
2 40144 28.07% 37068 29.37% 955078 30.47% Unresolved/Unknown
3 14974 10.47% 14974 11.87% 444958 14.20% Japan
4 12725 8.90% 8803 6.98% 182434 5.82% Slovenia
5 8689 6.08% 8484 6.72% 240311 7.67% US Commercial
6 2178 1.52% 2178 1.73% 62448 1.99% Brazil
7 1895 1.33% 1895 1.50% 56310 1.80% Lithuania
8 1635 1.14% 1542 1.22% 39934 1.27% Italy
9 1516 1.06% 1458 1.16% 45283 1.44% Netherlands
10 867 0.61% 867 0.69% 25729 0.82% Poland
11 605 0.42% 605 0.48% 17947 0.57% Hungary
12 599 0.42% 599 0.47% 17726 0.57% Argentina
13 567 0.40% 567 0.45% 16735 0.53% France
14 564 0.39% 564 0.45% 16421 0.52% Chile
15 470 0.33% 470 0.37% 13381 0.43% Colombia
16 426 0.30% 424 0.34% 11531 0.37% Russian Federation
17 395 0.28% 393 0.31% 11269 0.36% Turkey
18 363 0.25% 363 0.29% 6651 0.21% Germany
19 355 0.25% 355 0.28% 9436 0.30% Indonesia
20 303 0.21% 303 0.24% 11207 0.36% Non-Profit Organization
21 278 0.19% 278 0.22% 6269 0.20% Saudi Arabia
22 248 0.17% 248 0.20% 6549 0.21% Taiwan
23 225 0.16% 225 0.18% 6677 0.21% Belgium
24 207 0.14% 207 0.16% 5893 0.19% Mexico
25 196 0.14% 196 0.16% 5830 0.19% Romania
26 195 0.14% 194 0.15% 5727 0.18% Thailand
27 190 0.13% 190 0.15% 5632 0.18% Philippines
28 187 0.13% 187 0.15% 5558 0.18% Austria
29 182 0.13% 182 0.14% 5410 0.17% Ukraine
30 175 0.12% 175 0.14% 5163 0.16% Singapore

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01