Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: July 2009
Generated 01-Aug-2009 04:40 CEST
GEO-106FREE 20090701 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for July 2009
Total Hits 41608
Total Files 37533
Total Pages 9811
Total Visits 3271
Total KBytes 605.81 MB
Total Unique Sites 931
Total Unique URLs 364
Total Unique Referrers 4178
Total Unique User Agents 874
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 66 877
Hits per Day 1600 3394
Files per Day 1443 2645
Pages per Day 377 640
Visits per Day 125 279
KBytes per Day 23.30 MB 38.05 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 37533
Code 206 - Partial Content 207
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 1
Code 302 - Found 1545
Code 304 - Not Modified 2319
Code 400 - Bad Request 1
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 2

Daily usage for July 2009

Daily Statistics for July 2009
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1951 4.69% 1733 4.62% 232 2.36% 85 2.60% 79 8.49% 32.24 MB 5.32%
2 2135 5.13% 1957 5.21% 559 5.70% 176 5.38% 85 9.13% 29.80 MB 4.92%
3 1915 4.60% 1773 4.72% 618 6.30% 204 6.24% 81 8.70% 25.67 MB 4.24%
4 1671 4.02% 1555 4.14% 605 6.17% 203 6.21% 72 7.73% 29.67 MB 4.90%
5 1102 2.65% 1042 2.78% 417 4.25% 140 4.28% 75 8.06% 17.92 MB 2.96%
6 3394 8.16% 2645 7.05% 260 2.65% 100 3.06% 89 9.56% 34.89 MB 5.76%
7 2586 6.22% 2312 6.16% 552 5.63% 194 5.93% 97 10.42% 36.66 MB 6.05%
8 2078 4.99% 1820 4.85% 375 3.82% 107 3.27% 89 9.56% 22.83 MB 3.77%
9 2178 5.23% 2014 5.37% 423 4.31% 101 3.09% 90 9.67% 35.70 MB 5.89%
10 1679 4.04% 1576 4.20% 389 3.96% 169 5.17% 69 7.41% 25.18 MB 4.16%
11 1457 3.50% 1359 3.62% 599 6.11% 248 7.58% 52 5.59% 24.56 MB 4.05%
12 1453 3.49% 1406 3.75% 583 5.94% 245 7.49% 54 5.80% 28.52 MB 4.71%
13 2100 5.05% 1919 5.11% 640 6.52% 279 8.53% 74 7.95% 28.94 MB 4.78%
14 2548 6.12% 2187 5.83% 569 5.80% 264 8.07% 84 9.02% 34.39 MB 5.68%
15 2319 5.57% 2041 5.44% 491 5.00% 119 3.64% 84 9.02% 31.72 MB 5.24%
16 1113 2.67% 1008 2.69% 180 1.83% 43 1.31% 42 4.51% 12.61 MB 2.08%
17 1945 4.67% 1762 4.69% 394 4.02% 76 2.32% 83 8.92% 25.55 MB 4.22%
18 1096 2.63% 1059 2.82% 465 4.74% 83 2.54% 72 7.73% 26.38 MB 4.35%
19 830 1.99% 791 2.11% 197 2.01% 99 3.03% 72 7.73% 14.43 MB 2.38%
20 2671 6.42% 2476 6.60% 627 6.39% 183 5.59% 101 10.85% 38.05 MB 6.28%
21 2568 6.17% 2419 6.44% 502 5.12% 148 4.52% 97 10.42% 31.91 MB 5.27%
22 533 1.28% 448 1.19% 121 1.23% 27 0.83% 23 2.47% 10.12 MB 1.67%
23 90 0.22% 76 0.20% 7 0.07% 7 0.21% 4 0.43% 2.77 MB 0.46%
24 71 0.17% 55 0.15% 4 0.04% 4 0.12% 3 0.32% 1.84 MB 0.30%
25 54 0.13% 40 0.11% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 0.11% 1.46 MB 0.24%
26 71 0.17% 60 0.16% 2 0.02% 2 0.06% 1 0.11% 1.97 MB 0.32%

Hourly usage for July 2009

Hourly Statistics for July 2009
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 29 756 1.82% 27 707 1.88% 12 328 3.34% 581.59 KB 14.77 MB 2.44%
1 29 771 1.85% 28 728 1.94% 12 331 3.37% 698.39 KB 17.73 MB 2.93%
2 32 833 2.00% 30 789 2.10% 13 350 3.57% 756.81 KB 19.22 MB 3.17%
3 29 757 1.82% 28 735 1.96% 13 361 3.68% 754.18 KB 19.15 MB 3.16%
4 31 814 1.96% 29 765 2.04% 14 375 3.82% 747.34 KB 18.98 MB 3.13%
5 30 797 1.92% 29 761 2.03% 12 329 3.35% 686.97 KB 17.44 MB 2.88%
6 28 740 1.78% 26 686 1.83% 11 297 3.03% 565.68 KB 14.36 MB 2.37%
7 47 1235 2.97% 44 1153 3.07% 15 406 4.14% 789.32 KB 20.04 MB 3.31%
8 96 2515 6.04% 89 2324 6.19% 15 397 4.05% 1.04 MB 27.04 MB 4.46%
9 109 2858 6.87% 93 2439 6.50% 15 412 4.20% 1.23 MB 31.98 MB 5.28%
10 104 2727 6.55% 93 2423 6.46% 13 358 3.65% 1.18 MB 30.80 MB 5.08%
11 156 4079 9.80% 122 3185 8.49% 17 463 4.72% 1.39 MB 36.13 MB 5.96%
12 117 3055 7.34% 109 2853 7.60% 19 518 5.28% 1.49 MB 38.83 MB 6.41%
13 99 2581 6.20% 87 2284 6.09% 15 401 4.09% 1.21 MB 31.38 MB 5.18%
14 83 2169 5.21% 77 2014 5.37% 15 410 4.18% 1.03 MB 26.85 MB 4.43%
15 78 2034 4.89% 71 1847 4.92% 20 527 5.37% 1.21 MB 31.40 MB 5.18%
16 86 2251 5.41% 80 2083 5.55% 15 399 4.07% 1.21 MB 31.49 MB 5.20%
17 62 1625 3.91% 58 1518 4.04% 13 345 3.52% 981.95 KB 24.93 MB 4.12%
18 62 1623 3.90% 55 1436 3.83% 14 375 3.82% 942.96 KB 23.94 MB 3.95%
19 73 1911 4.59% 63 1644 4.38% 24 624 6.36% 1.15 MB 29.97 MB 4.95%
20 58 1528 3.67% 55 1436 3.83% 14 389 3.96% 1.06 MB 27.54 MB 4.55%
21 52 1360 3.27% 49 1298 3.46% 13 339 3.46% 952.14 KB 24.18 MB 3.99%
22 50 1314 3.16% 46 1202 3.20% 17 464 4.73% 797.85 KB 20.26 MB 3.34%
23 49 1275 3.06% 47 1223 3.26% 23 613 6.25% 1.05 MB 27.40 MB 4.52%

Top 30 of 364 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 8039 19.32% 165.41 MB 27.30% /
2 2495 6.00% 76.85 MB 12.69% /oddelek.php
3 1563 3.76% 50.25 MB 8.30% /phpBB2/profile.php
4 1546 3.72% 49.13 MB 8.11% /oddelki.php
5 1128 2.71% 43.21 MB 7.13% /novost.php
6 1092 2.62% 9.28 MB 1.53% /style.css
7 823 1.98% 21.69 MB 3.58% /mm_menu.js
8 806 1.94% 32.91 MB 5.43% /imenik.php
9 783 1.88% 829.73 KB 0.13% /ni_strani.html
10 740 1.78% 45.54 KB 0.01% /robots.txt
11 621 1.49% 24.82 MB 4.10% /urniki.php
12 382 0.92% 13.59 MB 2.24% /obvestilo.php
13 379 0.91% 13.45 MB 2.22% /urnik.php
14 268 0.64% 7.38 MB 1.22% /phpBB2/
15 148 0.36% 4.81 MB 0.79% /obvestila.php
16 125 0.30% 3.86 MB 0.64% /ambulanta_za_turiste.php
17 108 0.26% 3.13 MB 0.52% /phpBB2/login.php
18 101 0.24% 3.14 MB 0.52% /dejavnosti.php
19 95 0.23% 3.09 MB 0.51% /novosti.php
20 89 0.21% 911.30 KB 0.15% /statistika/
21 85 0.20% 2.47 MB 0.41% /zd_piran.php
22 80 0.19% 2.36 MB 0.39% /urgentno.php
23 68 0.16% 10.57 MB 1.75% /dezurstva2.php
24 62 0.15% 1.53 MB 0.25% /phpBB2/viewtopic.php
25 56 0.13% 4.45 MB 0.74% /phpBB2/memberlist.php
26 39 0.09% 184.69 KB 0.03% /admin.php
27 36 0.09% 478.87 KB 0.08% /admin_oddelek_uredi.php
28 28 0.07% 799.99 KB 0.13% /phpBB2/search.php
29 25 0.06% 2.20 MB 0.36% /statistika/usage_200907.html
30 22 0.05% 660.37 KB 0.11% /phpBB2/mm_menu.js

Top 10 of 364 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 8039 19.32% 165.41 MB 27.30% /
2 2495 6.00% 76.85 MB 12.69% /oddelek.php
3 1563 3.76% 50.25 MB 8.30% /phpBB2/profile.php
4 1546 3.72% 49.13 MB 8.11% /oddelki.php
5 1128 2.71% 43.21 MB 7.13% /novost.php
6 806 1.94% 32.91 MB 5.43% /imenik.php
7 621 1.49% 24.82 MB 4.10% /urniki.php
8 823 1.98% 21.69 MB 3.58% /mm_menu.js
9 382 0.92% 13.59 MB 2.24% /obvestilo.php
10 379 0.91% 13.45 MB 2.22% /urnik.php

Top 10 of 67 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 8039 19.32% 2776 85.26% /
2 783 1.88% 172 5.28% /ni_strani.html
3 268 0.64% 108 3.32% /phpBB2/
4 89 0.21% 29 0.89% /statistika/
5 25 0.06% 21 0.64% /statistika/usage_200907.html
6 16 0.04% 13 0.40% /statistika/search_200905.html
7 9 0.02% 6 0.18% /statistika/search_200904.html
8 8 0.02% 6 0.18% /statistika/usage_200809.html
9 15 0.04% 6 0.18% /statistika/usage_200903.html
10 7 0.02% 5 0.15% /statistika/search_200804.html

Top 10 of 64 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 8039 19.32% 2567 78.74% /
2 783 1.88% 384 11.78% /ni_strani.html
3 268 0.64% 125 3.83% /phpBB2/
4 89 0.21% 25 0.77% /statistika/
5 21 0.05% 20 0.61% /statistika/url_200907.html
6 15 0.04% 7 0.21% /statistika/usage_200903.html
7 8 0.02% 6 0.18% /statistika/usage_200809.html
8 6 0.01% 5 0.15% /statistika/usage_200905.html
9 6 0.01% 4 0.12% /statistika/ref_200808.html
10 5 0.01% 4 0.12% /statistika/ref_200901.html

Top 30 of 931 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 1370 3.29% 1327 3.54% 44.75 MB 7.39% 58 1.77% United States
2 1017 2.44% 471 1.25% 5.23 MB 0.86% 8 0.24% Slovenia
3 963 2.31% 896 2.39% 24.71 MB 4.08% 62 1.90% Slovenia
4 900 2.16% 899 2.40% 28.87 MB 4.77% 9 0.28% United States
5 875 2.10% 875 2.33% 13.67 MB 2.26% 210 6.42% United States
6 871 2.09% 729 1.94% 24.05 MB 3.97% 14 0.43% United States
7 819 1.97% 819 2.18% 12.81 MB 2.11% 182 5.56% United States
8 698 1.68% 698 1.86% 10.92 MB 1.80% 181 5.53% United States
9 652 1.57% 652 1.74% 10.15 MB 1.68% 159 4.86% United Kingdom
10 586 1.41% 213 0.57% 2.37 MB 0.39% 9 0.28% Slovenia
11 575 1.38% 575 1.53% 9.01 MB 1.49% 173 5.29% United States
12 564 1.36% 564 1.50% 8.81 MB 1.45% 284 8.68% United States
13 550 1.32% 550 1.47% 8.58 MB 1.42% 208 6.36% United States
14 538 1.29% 428 1.14% 4.27 MB 0.70% 7 0.21% Slovenia
15 502 1.21% 442 1.18% 12.00 MB 1.98% 28 0.86% Slovenia
16 442 1.06% 442 1.18% 6.89 MB 1.14% 203 6.21% United States
17 430 1.03% 351 0.94% 11.74 MB 1.94% 6 0.18% United States
18 368 0.88% 353 0.94% 3.36 MB 0.55% 8 0.24% Slovenia
19 323 0.78% 282 0.75% 9.73 MB 1.61% 23 0.70% United States
20 322 0.77% 322 0.86% 5.02 MB 0.83% 117 3.58% United States
21 311 0.75% 289 0.77% 9.58 MB 1.58% 13 0.40% United States
22 274 0.66% 274 0.73% 9.04 MB 1.49% 8 0.24% Netherlands
23 269 0.65% 227 0.60% 7.45 MB 1.23% 1 0.03% United States
24 260 0.62% 173 0.46% 1.92 MB 0.32% 5 0.15% Slovenia
25 258 0.62% 211 0.56% 7.00 MB 1.15% 6 0.18% United States
26 230 0.55% 230 0.61% 7.64 MB 1.26% 140 4.28% Germany
27 227 0.55% 221 0.59% 8.24 MB 1.36% 5 0.15% Spain
28 216 0.52% 201 0.54% 1.77 MB 0.29% 5 0.15% Slovenia
29 210 0.50% 210 0.56% 2.23 MB 0.37% 4 0.12% Slovenia
30 200 0.48% 100 0.27% 3.33 MB 0.55% 1 0.03% United States

Top 10 of 931 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 1370 3.29% 1327 3.54% 44.75 MB 7.39% 58 1.77% United States
2 900 2.16% 899 2.40% 28.87 MB 4.77% 9 0.28% United States
3 963 2.31% 896 2.39% 24.71 MB 4.08% 62 1.90% Slovenia
4 871 2.09% 729 1.94% 24.05 MB 3.97% 14 0.43% United States
5 875 2.10% 875 2.33% 13.67 MB 2.26% 210 6.42% United States
6 819 1.97% 819 2.18% 12.81 MB 2.11% 182 5.56% United States
7 502 1.21% 442 1.18% 12.00 MB 1.98% 28 0.86% Slovenia
8 430 1.03% 351 0.94% 11.74 MB 1.94% 6 0.18% United States
9 698 1.68% 698 1.86% 10.92 MB 1.80% 181 5.53% United States
10 652 1.57% 652 1.74% 10.15 MB 1.68% 159 4.86% United Kingdom

Top 30 of 4178 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 11752 28.24% - (Direct Request)
2 616 1.48%
3 274 0.66%
4 200 0.48%
5 164 0.39%
6 157 0.38%
7 81 0.19%
8 80 0.19%
9 70 0.17%
10 60 0.14%
11 55 0.13%
12 50 0.12%
13 49 0.12%
14 35 0.08%
15 34 0.08%
16 32 0.08%
17 31 0.07%
18 30 0.07%
19 29 0.07%
20 25 0.06%
21 24 0.06%
22 23 0.06%
23 18 0.04%
24 16 0.04%
25 15 0.04%
26 15 0.04%
27 15 0.04%
28 14 0.03%
29 14 0.03%
30 12 0.03%

Top 14 of 14 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 14 30.43% zd lucija
2 12 26.09% zdravstveni dom lucija
3 5 10.87% zd piran
4 4 8.70% zdravstveni dom piran
5 2 4.35% zdravstveni dom portoroz
6 1 2.17% ambulanta lucija urnik rostan
7 1 2.17% dermatologinja dr. nastja lazar cenik
8 1 2.17% laboratorijske mejne vrednosti
9 1 2.17% php aspx jsp usage statistics
10 1 2.17% zdravstei dom lucija
11 1 2.17% zdravstveni centar portoroz
12 1 2.17% zdravstveni domm piran
13 1 2.17% zdravsveni dom lucija
14 1 2.17% zobozdravniki v piranu

Top 15 of 874 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 3788 9.10% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/2009060215 Firefox/3.0.11
2 2386 5.73% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
3 2335 5.61% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
4 2204 5.30% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
5 2186 5.25% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp/3.0;
6 1173 2.82% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009060215 Firefox/3.0.11
7 1080 2.60% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
8 963 2.31% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible;
9 953 2.29% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; MSN 9.0; MSNbMSNI; MSNmen-us; MSNcIA; MPLUS)
10 921 2.21% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; sl; rv: Gecko/2009060215 Firefox/3.0.11
11 900 2.16% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.1;,
12 674 1.62% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/530.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/530.5
13 601 1.44% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sl; rv: Gecko/2009060215 Firefox/3.0.11 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
14 502 1.21% BabalooSpider/1.3 (BabalooSpider;;
15 478 1.15% Java/1.6.0_04

Usage by Country for July 2009

Top 30 of 45 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 24379 58.59% 21416 57.06% 200.86 MB 33.15% Slovenia
2 12251 29.44% 11532 30.72% 279.93 MB 46.21% United States
3 1266 3.04% 1246 3.32% 42.58 MB 7.03% Netherlands
4 754 1.81% 752 2.00% 12.17 MB 2.01% United Kingdom
5 394 0.95% 392 1.04% 11.22 MB 1.85% Germany
6 388 0.93% 375 1.00% 13.95 MB 2.30% Spain
7 380 0.91% 321 0.86% 2.78 MB 0.46% Croatia
8 334 0.80% 334 0.89% 8.73 MB 1.44% France
9 290 0.70% 289 0.77% 10.13 MB 1.67% Romania
10 288 0.69% 288 0.77% 8.14 MB 1.34% Russian Federation
11 219 0.53% 201 0.54% 1.59 MB 0.26% Serbia
12 104 0.25% 54 0.14% 1.70 MB 0.28% Sweden
13 85 0.20% 85 0.23% 2.70 MB 0.45% Israel
14 83 0.20% 80 0.21% 1.26 MB 0.21% Saudi Arabia
15 76 0.18% 75 0.20% 812.19 KB 0.13% Switzerland
16 55 0.13% 48 0.13% 1.00 MB 0.17% China
17 51 0.12% 51 0.14% 1.74 MB 0.29% Ukraine
18 43 0.10% 43 0.11% 965.13 KB 0.16% Czech Republic
19 25 0.06% 25 0.07% 103.59 KB 0.02% Argentina
20 21 0.05% 21 0.06% 595.94 KB 0.10% Belarus
21 21 0.05% 17 0.05% 337.82 KB 0.05% Canada
22 13 0.03% 13 0.03% 396.81 KB 0.06% Hungary
23 12 0.03% 10 0.03% 331.76 KB 0.05% Latvia
24 9 0.02% 9 0.02% 265.85 KB 0.04% Poland
25 8 0.02% 8 0.02% 217.96 KB 0.04% Korea, Republic of
26 8 0.02% 8 0.02% 120.66 KB 0.02% Mexico
27 6 0.01% 6 0.02% 170.27 KB 0.03% Luxembourg
28 5 0.01% 5 0.01% 151.48 KB 0.02% Pakistan
29 5 0.01% 5 0.01% 122.37 KB 0.02% Portugal
30 5 0.01% 4 0.01% 127.07 KB 0.02% Singapore

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)