Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: February 2009
Generated 01-Mar-2009 04:53 CET
GEO-106FREE 20070601 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for February 2009
Total Hits 50081
Total Files 42157
Total Pages 17395
Total Visits 3688
Total KBytes 615.80 MB
Total Unique Sites 1090
Total Unique URLs 213
Total Unique Referrers 110
Total Unique User Agents 68
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 74 486
Hits per Day 1788 2688
Files per Day 1505 2294
Pages per Day 621 1202
Visits per Day 131 163
KBytes per Day 21.99 MB 41.69 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 42157
Code 206 - Partial Content 322
Code 302 - Found 2697
Code 304 - Not Modified 4905

Daily usage for February 2009

Daily Statistics for February 2009
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 788 1.57% 623 1.48% 361 2.08% 98 2.66% 37 3.39% 12.26 MB 1.99%
2 2632 5.26% 2275 5.40% 773 4.44% 159 4.31% 85 7.80% 29.29 MB 4.76%
3 2373 4.74% 2072 4.91% 709 4.08% 152 4.12% 85 7.80% 24.79 MB 4.03%
4 2405 4.80% 2032 4.82% 854 4.91% 132 3.58% 75 6.88% 30.28 MB 4.92%
5 1753 3.50% 1523 3.61% 412 2.37% 124 3.36% 70 6.42% 15.84 MB 2.57%
6 1353 2.70% 1072 2.54% 370 2.13% 120 3.25% 63 5.78% 13.74 MB 2.23%
7 986 1.97% 864 2.05% 597 3.43% 124 3.36% 44 4.04% 20.38 MB 3.31%
8 772 1.54% 669 1.59% 396 2.28% 121 3.28% 58 5.32% 12.83 MB 2.08%
9 2318 4.63% 1960 4.65% 542 3.12% 135 3.66% 63 5.78% 21.33 MB 3.46%
10 2166 4.32% 1939 4.60% 685 3.94% 153 4.15% 91 8.35% 25.72 MB 4.18%
11 1688 3.37% 1512 3.59% 535 3.08% 107 2.90% 54 4.95% 18.69 MB 3.04%
12 1782 3.56% 1521 3.61% 482 2.77% 122 3.31% 76 6.97% 17.52 MB 2.85%
13 2688 5.37% 2294 5.44% 922 5.30% 162 4.39% 89 8.17% 33.87 MB 5.50%
14 1700 3.39% 1512 3.59% 1202 6.91% 140 3.80% 63 5.78% 41.69 MB 6.77%
15 1174 2.34% 835 1.98% 514 2.95% 120 3.25% 44 4.04% 17.65 MB 2.87%
16 1678 3.35% 1349 3.20% 525 3.02% 119 3.23% 52 4.77% 18.40 MB 2.99%
17 2321 4.63% 1629 3.86% 549 3.16% 147 3.99% 86 7.89% 20.44 MB 3.32%
18 2142 4.28% 1911 4.53% 634 3.64% 131 3.55% 70 6.42% 23.53 MB 3.82%
19 1620 3.23% 1370 3.25% 641 3.68% 120 3.25% 56 5.14% 21.40 MB 3.48%
20 1155 2.31% 1062 2.52% 514 2.95% 129 3.50% 75 6.88% 17.74 MB 2.88%
21 1017 2.03% 866 2.05% 457 2.63% 119 3.23% 40 3.67% 14.84 MB 2.41%
22 1115 2.23% 1009 2.39% 413 2.37% 100 2.71% 44 4.04% 14.20 MB 2.31%
23 2146 4.29% 1937 4.59% 667 3.83% 153 4.15% 81 7.43% 24.18 MB 3.93%
24 2287 4.57% 1898 4.50% 686 3.94% 146 3.96% 84 7.71% 25.79 MB 4.19%
25 2615 5.22% 2100 4.98% 978 5.62% 163 4.42% 85 7.80% 33.47 MB 5.43%
26 2338 4.67% 1782 4.23% 723 4.16% 151 4.09% 83 7.61% 24.14 MB 3.92%
27 2273 4.54% 1867 4.43% 744 4.28% 150 4.07% 63 5.78% 25.88 MB 4.20%
28 796 1.59% 674 1.60% 510 2.93% 130 3.52% 58 5.32% 15.88 MB 2.58%

Hourly usage for February 2009

Hourly Statistics for February 2009
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 22 632 1.26% 19 545 1.29% 12 354 2.04% 416.22 KB 11.38 MB 1.85%
1 31 869 1.74% 26 732 1.74% 16 472 2.71% 569.25 KB 15.57 MB 2.53%
2 22 633 1.26% 19 548 1.30% 18 504 2.90% 582.89 KB 15.94 MB 2.59%
3 29 817 1.63% 26 736 1.75% 23 671 3.86% 742.77 KB 20.31 MB 3.30%
4 27 761 1.52% 24 685 1.62% 23 653 3.75% 792.84 KB 21.68 MB 3.52%
5 27 756 1.51% 22 621 1.47% 20 565 3.25% 664.76 KB 18.18 MB 2.95%
6 32 900 1.80% 28 809 1.92% 20 587 3.37% 714.89 KB 19.55 MB 3.17%
7 61 1726 3.45% 50 1423 3.38% 21 610 3.51% 812.10 KB 22.21 MB 3.61%
8 98 2769 5.53% 85 2392 5.67% 25 727 4.18% 983.32 KB 26.89 MB 4.37%
9 132 3722 7.43% 105 2947 6.99% 27 769 4.42% 1.04 MB 29.05 MB 4.72%
10 139 3911 7.81% 109 3067 7.28% 31 885 5.09% 1.19 MB 33.31 MB 5.41%
11 147 4140 8.27% 125 3525 8.36% 34 979 5.63% 1.36 MB 38.15 MB 6.20%
12 166 4666 9.32% 148 4168 9.89% 46 1314 7.55% 1.68 MB 46.98 MB 7.63%
13 144 4058 8.10% 111 3120 7.40% 35 991 5.70% 1.30 MB 36.31 MB 5.90%
14 79 2237 4.47% 68 1922 4.56% 22 620 3.56% 857.63 KB 23.45 MB 3.81%
15 108 3047 6.08% 94 2644 6.27% 33 930 5.35% 1.22 MB 34.29 MB 5.57%
16 76 2147 4.29% 68 1926 4.57% 29 812 4.67% 1.04 MB 29.15 MB 4.73%
17 82 2316 4.62% 67 1895 4.50% 29 812 4.67% 1.04 MB 29.08 MB 4.72%
18 67 1903 3.80% 55 1562 3.71% 27 758 4.36% 979.28 KB 26.78 MB 4.35%
19 56 1595 3.18% 49 1391 3.30% 22 619 3.56% 792.82 KB 21.68 MB 3.52%
20 60 1690 3.37% 52 1482 3.52% 26 748 4.30% 964.34 KB 26.37 MB 4.28%
21 65 1837 3.67% 54 1518 3.60% 26 739 4.25% 942.29 KB 25.77 MB 4.18%
22 58 1650 3.29% 52 1467 3.48% 25 718 4.13% 902.99 KB 24.69 MB 4.01%
23 46 1299 2.59% 36 1032 2.45% 19 558 3.21% 695.75 KB 19.02 MB 3.09%

Top 30 of 213 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 3681 7.35% 110.99 MB 18.02% /oddelek.php
2 2636 5.26% 82.32 MB 13.37% /oddelki.php
3 1665 3.32% 49.16 MB 7.98% /
4 1645 3.28% 13.27 MB 2.16% /style.css
5 1561 3.12% 1.63 MB 0.26% /ni_strani.html
6 1228 2.45% 31.66 MB 5.14% /mm_menu.js
7 1055 2.11% 42.07 MB 6.83% /imenik.php
8 1054 2.10% 34.03 MB 5.53% /phpBB2/profile.php
9 1022 2.04% 44.21 MB 7.18% /novost.php
10 1021 2.04% 40.12 MB 6.52% /urniki.php
11 588 1.17% 20.62 MB 3.35% /urnik.php
12 550 1.10% 18.72 MB 3.04% /obvestilo.php
13 311 0.62% 8.51 MB 1.38% /phpBB2/
14 275 0.55% 7.95 MB 1.29% /phpBB2/login.php
15 232 0.46% 7.26 MB 1.18% /obvestila.php
16 186 0.37% 5.66 MB 0.92% /dejavnosti.php
17 184 0.37% 5.70 MB 0.93% /novosti.php
18 147 0.29% 4.45 MB 0.72% /ambulanta_za_turiste.php
19 141 0.28% 3.83 MB 0.62% /phpBB2/search.php
20 122 0.24% 3.48 MB 0.56% /zd_piran.php
21 105 0.21% 3.05 MB 0.49% /urgentno.php
22 98 0.20% 7.40 MB 1.20% /phpBB2/memberlist.php
23 89 0.18% 13.84 MB 2.25% /dezurstva2.php
24 87 0.17% 1.93 MB 0.31% /phpBB2/mm_menu.js
25 57 0.11% 12.10 KB 0.00% /phpBB2/templates/subSilver/formIE.css
26 48 0.10% 229.46 KB 0.04% /admin.php
27 47 0.09% 2.69 MB 0.44% /phpBB2/faq.php
28 46 0.09% 1.72 MB 0.28% /admin_novost_uredi.php
29 35 0.07% 382.00 KB 0.06% /admin_novosti.php
30 22 0.04% 611.66 KB 0.10% /phpBB2//
View All URLs

Top 10 of 213 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 3681 7.35% 110.99 MB 18.02% /oddelek.php
2 2636 5.26% 82.32 MB 13.37% /oddelki.php
3 1665 3.32% 49.16 MB 7.98% /
4 1022 2.04% 44.21 MB 7.18% /novost.php
5 1055 2.11% 42.07 MB 6.83% /imenik.php
6 1021 2.04% 40.12 MB 6.52% /urniki.php
7 1054 2.10% 34.03 MB 5.53% /phpBB2/profile.php
8 1228 2.45% 31.66 MB 5.14% /mm_menu.js
9 588 1.17% 20.62 MB 3.35% /urnik.php
10 550 1.10% 18.72 MB 3.04% /obvestilo.php

Top 10 of 36 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1665 3.32% 901 24.83% /
2 3681 7.35% 652 17.97% /oddelek.php
3 1561 3.12% 433 11.93% /ni_strani.html
4 2636 5.26% 328 9.04% /oddelki.php
5 1022 2.04% 267 7.36% /novost.php
6 275 0.55% 171 4.71% /phpBB2/login.php
7 550 1.10% 141 3.89% /obvestilo.php
8 1054 2.10% 133 3.67% /phpBB2/profile.php
9 1021 2.04% 111 3.06% /urniki.php
10 588 1.17% 108 2.98% /urnik.php

Top 10 of 36 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3681 7.35% 771 21.23% /oddelek.php
2 2636 5.26% 473 13.03% /oddelki.php
3 1665 3.32% 462 12.72% /
4 1561 3.12% 326 8.98% /ni_strani.html
5 1022 2.04% 285 7.85% /novost.php
6 275 0.55% 187 5.15% /phpBB2/login.php
7 1054 2.10% 183 5.04% /phpBB2/profile.php
8 1055 2.11% 157 4.32% /imenik.php
9 550 1.10% 143 3.94% /obvestilo.php
10 1021 2.04% 140 3.86% /urniki.php

Top 30 of 1090 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 1834 3.66% 1502 3.56% 44.77 MB 7.27% 107 2.90% Slovenia
2 1457 2.91% 1354 3.21% 43.14 MB 7.01% 341 9.25% United States
3 1250 2.50% 239 0.57% 6.22 MB 1.01% 18 0.49% Slovenia
4 1114 2.22% 952 2.26% 31.91 MB 5.18% 141 3.82% Unknown
5 869 1.74% 791 1.88% 26.29 MB 4.27% 101 2.74% United States
6 706 1.41% 498 1.18% 17.05 MB 2.77% 139 3.77% Slovenia
7 700 1.40% 570 1.35% 18.79 MB 3.05% 66 1.79% United States
8 593 1.18% 549 1.30% 18.13 MB 2.94% 61 1.65% United States
9 484 0.97% 22 0.05% 675.21 KB 0.11% 11 0.30% Russian Federation
10 421 0.84% 406 0.96% 14.50 MB 2.36% 9 0.24% Netherlands
11 376 0.75% 320 0.76% 10.60 MB 1.72% 32 0.87% Unknown
12 361 0.72% 342 0.81% 2.27 MB 0.37% 5 0.14% Slovenia
13 275 0.55% 205 0.49% 902.11 KB 0.14% 6 0.16% Slovenia
14 275 0.55% 233 0.55% 7.74 MB 1.26% 40 1.08% Unknown
15 266 0.53% 266 0.63% 2.60 MB 0.42% 6 0.16% Unknown
16 265 0.53% 263 0.62% 1.38 MB 0.22% 1 0.03% Slovenia
17 264 0.53% 164 0.39% 961.04 KB 0.15% 5 0.14% Unknown
18 254 0.51% 201 0.48% 1.29 MB 0.21% 7 0.19% Slovenia
19 252 0.50% 217 0.51% 7.40 MB 1.20% 51 1.38% Unknown
20 251 0.50% 228 0.54% 7.78 MB 1.26% 39 1.06% United States
21 251 0.50% 207 0.49% 5.53 MB 0.90% 138 3.74% United States
22 244 0.49% 233 0.55% 1.43 MB 0.23% 7 0.19% Slovenia
23 243 0.49% 243 0.58% 1.03 MB 0.17% 1 0.03% Zaire
24 241 0.48% 161 0.38% 1.51 MB 0.24% 5 0.14% Unknown
25 241 0.48% 185 0.44% 1.44 MB 0.23% 5 0.14% Unknown
26 230 0.46% 205 0.49% 5.70 MB 0.93% 125 3.39% United States
27 205 0.41% 171 0.41% 1.26 MB 0.20% 6 0.16% Slovenia
28 205 0.41% 149 0.35% 1.03 MB 0.17% 7 0.19% Slovenia
29 204 0.41% 201 0.48% 3.24 MB 0.53% 3 0.08% Slovenia
30 204 0.41% 176 0.42% 1.21 MB 0.20% 4 0.11% Slovenia
View All Sites

Top 10 of 1090 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 1834 3.66% 1502 3.56% 44.77 MB 7.27% 107 2.90% Slovenia
2 1457 2.91% 1354 3.21% 43.14 MB 7.01% 341 9.25% United States
3 1114 2.22% 952 2.26% 31.91 MB 5.18% 141 3.82% Unknown
4 869 1.74% 791 1.88% 26.29 MB 4.27% 101 2.74% United States
5 700 1.40% 570 1.35% 18.79 MB 3.05% 66 1.79% United States
6 593 1.18% 549 1.30% 18.13 MB 2.94% 61 1.65% United States
7 706 1.41% 498 1.18% 17.05 MB 2.77% 139 3.77% Slovenia
8 421 0.84% 406 0.96% 14.50 MB 2.36% 9 0.24% Netherlands
9 376 0.75% 320 0.76% 10.60 MB 1.72% 32 0.87% Unknown
10 251 0.50% 228 0.54% 7.78 MB 1.26% 39 1.06% United States

Top 30 of 110 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 16047 32.04% - (Direct Request)
2 880 1.76%
3 174 0.35%
4 126 0.25%
5 101 0.20%
6 53 0.11%
7 24 0.05%
8 23 0.05%
9 12 0.02%
10 10 0.02%
11 10 0.02%
12 9 0.02%
13 7 0.01%
14 6 0.01%
15 6 0.01%
16 5 0.01%
17 5 0.01%
18 5 0.01%
19 5 0.01%
20 4 0.01%
21 4 0.01%
22 4 0.01%
23 4 0.01%
24 3 0.01%
25 3 0.01%
26 3 0.01%
27 3 0.01%
28 3 0.01%
29 3 0.01%
30 3 0.01%
View All Referrers

Top 20 of 86 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 41 17.45% zdravstveni dom piran
2 26 11.06% zdravstveni dom lucija
3 23 9.79% zd lucija
4 20 8.51% zd piran
5 5 2.13% zdravstveni dom
6 4 1.70% dnevni center školjka
7 4 1.70% dr. daneu vesna
8 4 1.70% evgenij komljanec
9 4 1.70% zobna ambulanta sečovlje
10 3 1.28% diagnostični laboratorij cenik
11 3 1.28% zasebna patronažna služba
12 3 1.28% zdravstveni dom sečovlje
13 3 1.28% zdravstveni piran
14 3 1.28% zvezdana bedene
15 2 0.85% bedene zvezdana
16 2 0.85% cenik laboratorijskih preiskav
17 2 0.85% cenik laboratorijskih preiskav krvi
18 2 0.85% cenik samoplačniških storitve laboratorija
19 2 0.85% diagnostiČni laboratorij
20 2 0.85% dom lucija
View All Search Strings

Top 15 of 68 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 14231 28.42% Mozilla/5.0
2 11290 22.54% MSIE 6.0
3 11152 22.27% MSIE 7.0
4 4625 9.24% Yahoo! Slurp
5 1898 3.79% Yahoo! Slurp/3.0
6 1868 3.73% Najdi.s
7 1417 2.83% Googlebot/2.1
8 706 1.41% BabalooSpider/1.3 (BabalooSpider;;
9 408 0.81% Java/1.6.0_04
10 348 0.69% msnbot/1.1 (+
11 254 0.51% Java/1.6.0_11
12 188 0.38% Java/1.6.0_07
13 165 0.33% MSIE 8.0
14 116 0.23% TurnitinBot/2.1 (
15 112 0.22% ScoutJet
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for February 2009

Top 30 of 37 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 30788 61.48% 26269 62.31% 259.12 MB 42.08% Slovenia
2 8088 16.15% 6885 16.33% 119.86 MB 19.46% Unresolved/Unknown
3 6254 12.49% 5528 13.11% 165.40 MB 26.86% United States
4 1622 3.24% 709 1.68% 7.94 MB 1.29% Russian Federation
5 796 1.59% 764 1.81% 27.33 MB 4.44% Netherlands
6 289 0.58% 251 0.60% 7.51 MB 1.22% Sweden
7 283 0.57% 269 0.64% 3.73 MB 0.61% Germany
8 268 0.54% 268 0.64% 1.15 MB 0.19% Zaire
9 198 0.40% 163 0.39% 1.14 MB 0.18% Croatia (Hrvatska)
10 187 0.37% 182 0.43% 1.20 MB 0.20% Austria
11 183 0.37% 177 0.42% 6.38 MB 1.04% Spain
12 136 0.27% 134 0.32% 617.15 KB 0.10% Yugoslavia
13 132 0.26% 130 0.31% 1.35 MB 0.22% Great Britain (UK)
14 122 0.24% 74 0.18% 791.71 KB 0.13% Italy
15 121 0.24% 119 0.28% 2.78 MB 0.45% China
16 119 0.24% 119 0.28% 4.07 MB 0.66% Romania
17 100 0.20% 85 0.20% 1.06 MB 0.17% France
18 78 0.16% 70 0.17% 534.00 KB 0.08% Denmark
19 77 0.15% 52 0.12% 783.52 KB 0.12% Canada
20 62 0.12% 60 0.14% 366.74 KB 0.06% Ireland
21 31 0.06% 30 0.07% 186.60 KB 0.03% Czech Republic
22 29 0.06% 27 0.06% 123.36 KB 0.02% Norway
23 24 0.05% 24 0.06% 114.09 KB 0.02% Macedonia
24 15 0.03% 15 0.04% 362.39 KB 0.06% Singapore
25 13 0.03% 13 0.03% 415.95 KB 0.07% Hungary
26 13 0.03% 11 0.03% 241.38 KB 0.04% Japan
27 13 0.03% 13 0.03% 344.22 KB 0.05% Lithuania
28 11 0.02% 11 0.03% 290.01 KB 0.05% Korea (South)
29 7 0.01% 5 0.01% 87.72 KB 0.01% Poland
30 6 0.01% 6 0.01% 196.41 KB 0.03% Philippines

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)