Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: November 2008
Generated 01-Dec-2008 04:51 CET
GEO-106FREE 20070601 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for November 2008
Total Hits 55414
Total Files 46837
Total Pages 24018
Total Visits 3879
Total KBytes 781.96 MB
Total Unique Sites 1276
Total Unique URLs 215
Total Unique Referrers 99
Total Unique User Agents 70
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 76 1113
Hits per Day 1847 3172
Files per Day 1561 2760
Pages per Day 800 2105
Visits per Day 129 186
KBytes per Day 26.07 MB 54.91 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 46837
Code 206 - Partial Content 199
Code 302 - Found 4459
Code 304 - Not Modified 3919

Daily usage for November 2008

Daily Statistics for November 2008
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1340 2.42% 1206 2.57% 939 3.91% 122 3.15% 63 4.94% 29.16 MB 3.73%
2 1203 2.17% 898 1.92% 683 2.84% 99 2.55% 50 3.92% 22.20 MB 2.84%
3 3009 5.43% 2760 5.89% 895 3.73% 186 4.80% 114 8.93% 31.46 MB 4.02%
4 2200 3.97% 1937 4.14% 839 3.49% 130 3.35% 78 6.11% 29.62 MB 3.79%
5 1462 2.64% 1329 2.84% 476 1.98% 98 2.53% 59 4.62% 16.61 MB 2.12%
6 1790 3.23% 1448 3.09% 447 1.86% 128 3.30% 65 5.09% 16.19 MB 2.07%
7 2165 3.91% 1934 4.13% 888 3.70% 139 3.58% 81 6.35% 30.32 MB 3.88%
8 977 1.76% 830 1.77% 587 2.44% 107 2.76% 49 3.84% 17.95 MB 2.30%
9 913 1.65% 807 1.72% 622 2.59% 112 2.89% 47 3.68% 19.19 MB 2.45%
10 1788 3.23% 1578 3.37% 730 3.04% 134 3.45% 73 5.72% 25.36 MB 3.24%
11 2056 3.71% 1733 3.70% 794 3.31% 148 3.82% 78 6.11% 26.94 MB 3.45%
12 2483 4.48% 2241 4.78% 916 3.81% 134 3.45% 86 6.74% 31.92 MB 4.08%
13 1352 2.44% 1161 2.48% 695 2.89% 113 2.91% 56 4.39% 22.70 MB 2.90%
14 1697 3.06% 1453 3.10% 666 2.77% 112 2.89% 53 4.15% 22.46 MB 2.87%
15 2371 4.28% 1876 4.01% 2105 8.76% 94 2.42% 46 3.61% 54.91 MB 7.02%
16 1104 1.99% 1030 2.20% 615 2.56% 99 2.55% 48 3.76% 20.03 MB 2.56%
17 2556 4.61% 2188 4.67% 765 3.19% 126 3.25% 79 6.19% 26.91 MB 3.44%
18 2438 4.40% 2038 4.35% 910 3.79% 128 3.30% 66 5.17% 31.29 MB 4.00%
19 2041 3.68% 1604 3.42% 601 2.50% 167 4.31% 115 9.01% 19.89 MB 2.54%
20 1811 3.27% 1540 3.29% 741 3.09% 153 3.94% 98 7.68% 23.88 MB 3.05%
21 2027 3.66% 1812 3.87% 918 3.82% 149 3.84% 89 6.97% 30.06 MB 3.84%
22 1089 1.97% 945 2.02% 726 3.02% 119 3.07% 59 4.62% 21.31 MB 2.73%
23 1272 2.30% 1066 2.28% 761 3.17% 143 3.69% 79 6.19% 23.10 MB 2.95%
24 3172 5.72% 2241 4.78% 960 4.00% 162 4.18% 83 6.50% 33.45 MB 4.28%
25 2478 4.47% 1907 4.07% 869 3.62% 167 4.31% 94 7.37% 28.29 MB 3.62%
26 2476 4.47% 1921 4.10% 947 3.94% 172 4.43% 84 6.58% 31.37 MB 4.01%
27 1720 3.10% 1508 3.22% 718 2.99% 129 3.33% 76 5.96% 24.56 MB 3.14%
28 1933 3.49% 1653 3.53% 791 3.29% 137 3.53% 86 6.74% 27.29 MB 3.49%
29 1406 2.54% 1281 2.74% 808 3.36% 105 2.71% 65 5.09% 25.89 MB 3.31%
30 1085 1.96% 912 1.95% 606 2.52% 115 2.96% 53 4.15% 17.62 MB 2.25%

Hourly usage for November 2008

Hourly Statistics for November 2008
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 39 1190 2.15% 33 1014 2.16% 26 797 3.32% 832.06 KB 24.38 MB 3.12%
1 46 1388 2.50% 33 1012 2.16% 26 793 3.30% 872.71 KB 25.57 MB 3.27%
2 29 882 1.59% 24 722 1.54% 23 712 2.96% 727.18 KB 21.30 MB 2.72%
3 31 958 1.73% 26 796 1.70% 25 761 3.17% 767.93 KB 22.50 MB 2.88%
4 32 988 1.78% 26 801 1.71% 26 805 3.35% 789.13 KB 23.12 MB 2.96%
5 34 1038 1.87% 28 862 1.84% 27 837 3.48% 817.47 KB 23.95 MB 3.06%
6 29 892 1.61% 25 762 1.63% 21 657 2.74% 685.22 KB 20.07 MB 2.57%
7 66 1986 3.58% 54 1646 3.51% 27 820 3.41% 946.67 KB 27.73 MB 3.55%
8 106 3195 5.77% 93 2799 5.98% 34 1029 4.28% 1.19 MB 35.70 MB 4.57%
9 129 3878 7.00% 114 3421 7.30% 42 1280 5.33% 1.53 MB 45.98 MB 5.88%
10 190 5714 10.31% 156 4707 10.05% 54 1646 6.85% 2.00 MB 59.85 MB 7.65%
11 148 4444 8.02% 121 3640 7.77% 44 1344 5.60% 1.60 MB 48.11 MB 6.15%
12 148 4446 8.02% 126 3807 8.13% 48 1450 6.04% 1.64 MB 49.28 MB 6.30%
13 113 3390 6.12% 96 2903 6.20% 38 1152 4.80% 1.31 MB 39.44 MB 5.04%
14 97 2912 5.25% 76 2286 4.88% 32 983 4.09% 1.14 MB 34.33 MB 4.39%
15 80 2416 4.36% 72 2163 4.62% 31 939 3.91% 1.09 MB 32.58 MB 4.17%
16 54 1635 2.95% 47 1436 3.07% 23 690 2.87% 732.28 KB 21.45 MB 2.74%
17 71 2140 3.86% 62 1882 4.02% 30 908 3.78% 1022.20 KB 29.95 MB 3.83%
18 56 1700 3.07% 50 1526 3.26% 26 785 3.27% 894.95 KB 26.22 MB 3.35%
19 82 2473 4.46% 71 2151 4.59% 39 1193 4.97% 1.27 MB 38.08 MB 4.87%
20 95 2864 5.17% 77 2327 4.97% 64 1924 8.01% 1.74 MB 52.21 MB 6.68%
21 61 1850 3.34% 54 1636 3.49% 29 876 3.65% 971.84 KB 28.47 MB 3.64%
22 50 1506 2.72% 41 1245 2.66% 23 714 2.97% 759.57 KB 22.25 MB 2.85%
23 50 1529 2.76% 43 1293 2.76% 30 923 3.84% 1004.18 KB 29.42 MB 3.76%

Top 30 of 215 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 5644 10.19% 182.06 MB 23.28% /phpBB2/profile.php
2 3959 7.14% 119.60 MB 15.30% /oddelek.php
3 2501 4.51% 78.34 MB 10.02% /oddelki.php
4 1879 3.39% 1.95 MB 0.25% /ni_strani.html
5 1818 3.28% 49.40 MB 6.32% /
6 1556 2.81% 12.94 MB 1.66% /style.css
7 1223 2.21% 48.04 MB 6.14% /urniki.php
8 1141 2.06% 29.20 MB 3.73% /mm_menu.js
9 1114 2.01% 44.82 MB 5.73% /imenik.php
10 963 1.74% 43.64 MB 5.58% /novost.php
11 940 1.70% 26.26 MB 3.36% /phpBB2/search.php
12 626 1.13% 22.08 MB 2.82% /urnik.php
13 477 0.86% 13.79 MB 1.76% /phpBB2/login.php
14 470 0.85% 15.25 MB 1.95% /obvestilo.php
15 207 0.37% 6.31 MB 0.81% /obvestila.php
16 195 0.35% 6.06 MB 0.77% /novosti.php
17 185 0.33% 5.14 MB 0.66% /phpBB2/
18 136 0.25% 4.12 MB 0.53% /ambulanta_za_turiste.php
19 128 0.23% 9.93 MB 1.27% /phpBB2/memberlist.php
20 126 0.23% 3.83 MB 0.49% /dejavnosti.php
21 99 0.18% 2.82 MB 0.36% /zd_piran.php
22 96 0.17% 2.79 MB 0.36% /urgentno.php
23 83 0.15% 4.12 MB 0.53% /dezurstva2.php
24 50 0.09% 232.96 KB 0.03% /admin.php
25 45 0.08% 1.24 MB 0.16% /phpBB2//
26 39 0.07% 2.55 MB 0.33% /phpBB2/faq.php
27 27 0.05% 810.45 KB 0.10% /phpBB2/mm_menu.js
28 22 0.04% 630.87 KB 0.08% /phpBB2/posting.php
29 18 0.03% 6.22 KB 0.00% /phpBB2/templates/subSilver/formIE.css
30 13 0.02% 157.95 KB 0.02% /admin_oddelek_vnesi.php
View All URLs

Top 10 of 215 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 5644 10.19% 182.06 MB 23.28% /phpBB2/profile.php
2 3959 7.14% 119.60 MB 15.30% /oddelek.php
3 2501 4.51% 78.34 MB 10.02% /oddelki.php
4 1818 3.28% 49.40 MB 6.32% /
5 1223 2.21% 48.04 MB 6.14% /urniki.php
6 1114 2.01% 44.82 MB 5.73% /imenik.php
7 963 1.74% 43.64 MB 5.58% /novost.php
8 1141 2.06% 29.20 MB 3.73% /mm_menu.js
9 940 1.70% 26.26 MB 3.36% /phpBB2/search.php
10 626 1.13% 22.08 MB 2.82% /urnik.php

Top 10 of 34 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1818 3.28% 978 25.51% /
2 1879 3.39% 807 21.05% /ni_strani.html
3 3959 7.14% 510 13.30% /oddelek.php
4 2501 4.51% 293 7.64% /oddelki.php
5 963 1.74% 253 6.60% /novost.php
6 477 0.86% 182 4.75% /phpBB2/login.php
7 5644 10.19% 173 4.51% /phpBB2/profile.php
8 470 0.85% 108 2.82% /obvestilo.php
9 1223 2.21% 105 2.74% /urniki.php
10 1114 2.01% 91 2.37% /imenik.php

Top 10 of 37 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3959 7.14% 742 19.48% /oddelek.php
2 1818 3.28% 605 15.88% /
3 2501 4.51% 420 11.03% /oddelki.php
4 1879 3.39% 413 10.84% /ni_strani.html
5 963 1.74% 286 7.51% /novost.php
6 477 0.86% 268 7.04% /phpBB2/login.php
7 5644 10.19% 214 5.62% /phpBB2/profile.php
8 1114 2.01% 185 4.86% /imenik.php
9 1223 2.21% 139 3.65% /urniki.php
10 470 0.85% 106 2.78% /obvestilo.php

Top 30 of 1276 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 5712 10.31% 5573 11.90% 179.05 MB 22.90% 237 6.11% United States
2 3391 6.12% 2804 5.99% 94.56 MB 12.09% 407 10.49% Unknown
3 1907 3.44% 940 2.01% 28.87 MB 3.69% 85 2.19% Slovenia
4 1547 2.79% 1140 2.43% 33.93 MB 4.34% 101 2.60% Slovenia
5 1436 2.59% 1058 2.26% 33.80 MB 4.32% 1 0.03% Unknown
6 571 1.03% 304 0.65% 1.97 MB 0.25% 12 0.31% Slovenia
7 477 0.86% 467 1.00% 2.48 MB 0.32% 4 0.10% Slovenia
8 461 0.83% 369 0.79% 3.04 MB 0.39% 14 0.36% Slovenia
9 457 0.82% 310 0.66% 2.19 MB 0.28% 4 0.10% Slovenia
10 432 0.78% 181 0.39% 1.45 MB 0.19% 5 0.13% Slovenia
11 427 0.77% 388 0.83% 2.68 MB 0.34% 11 0.28% Slovenia
12 394 0.71% 375 0.80% 2.80 MB 0.36% 10 0.26% Slovenia
13 370 0.67% 103 0.22% 1.83 MB 0.23% 25 0.64% Slovenia
14 325 0.59% 210 0.45% 1.58 MB 0.20% 10 0.26% Unknown
15 277 0.50% 66 0.14% 611.65 KB 0.08% 1 0.03% Slovenia
16 268 0.48% 218 0.47% 1.81 MB 0.23% 7 0.18% Slovenia
17 259 0.47% 226 0.48% 5.60 MB 0.72% 104 2.68% Unknown
18 254 0.46% 38 0.08% 506.01 KB 0.06% 1 0.03% Unknown
19 244 0.44% 236 0.50% 7.65 MB 0.98% 5 0.13% Netherlands
20 211 0.38% 65 0.14% 567.24 KB 0.07% 1 0.03% Slovenia
21 205 0.37% 201 0.43% 1.28 MB 0.16% 8 0.21% Slovenia
22 202 0.36% 202 0.43% 817.67 KB 0.10% 1 0.03% Slovenia
23 199 0.36% 190 0.41% 1.47 MB 0.19% 6 0.15% Slovenia
24 195 0.35% 188 0.40% 2.58 MB 0.33% 2 0.05% Slovenia
25 183 0.33% 177 0.38% 5.73 MB 0.73% 5 0.13% Spain
26 180 0.32% 180 0.38% 682.76 KB 0.09% 1 0.03% Slovenia
27 179 0.32% 79 0.17% 974.85 KB 0.12% 2 0.05% Slovenia
28 174 0.31% 127 0.27% 1.02 MB 0.13% 3 0.08% Slovenia
29 171 0.31% 103 0.22% 1.83 MB 0.23% 19 0.49% Slovenia
30 163 0.29% 155 0.33% 1.31 MB 0.17% 4 0.10% Slovenia
View All Sites

Top 10 of 1276 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 5712 10.31% 5573 11.90% 179.05 MB 22.90% 237 6.11% United States
2 3391 6.12% 2804 5.99% 94.56 MB 12.09% 407 10.49% Unknown
3 1547 2.79% 1140 2.43% 33.93 MB 4.34% 101 2.60% Slovenia
4 1436 2.59% 1058 2.26% 33.80 MB 4.32% 1 0.03% Unknown
5 1907 3.44% 940 2.01% 28.87 MB 3.69% 85 2.19% Slovenia
6 244 0.44% 236 0.50% 7.65 MB 0.98% 5 0.13% Netherlands
7 183 0.33% 177 0.38% 5.73 MB 0.73% 5 0.13% Spain
8 259 0.47% 226 0.48% 5.60 MB 0.72% 104 2.68% Unknown
9 146 0.26% 145 0.31% 5.17 MB 0.66% 2 0.05% United States
10 146 0.26% 134 0.29% 4.42 MB 0.57% 18 0.46% United States

Top 30 of 99 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 24417 44.06% - (Direct Request)
2 868 1.57%
3 177 0.32%
4 75 0.14%
5 74 0.13%
6 50 0.09%
7 50 0.09%
8 50 0.09%
9 49 0.09%
10 48 0.09%
11 47 0.08%
12 34 0.06%
13 27 0.05%
14 23 0.04%
15 23 0.04%
16 21 0.04%
17 14 0.03%
18 10 0.02%
19 6 0.01%
20 6 0.01%
21 5 0.01%
22 4 0.01%
23 4 0.01%
24 4 0.01%
25 4 0.01%
26 3 0.01%
27 3 0.01%
28 3 0.01%
29 2 0.00%
30 2 0.00%
View All Referrers

Top 20 of 109 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 41 15.89% zdravstveni dom lucija
2 28 10.85% zdravstveni dom piran
3 17 6.59% zd lucija
4 14 5.43% zd piran
5 6 2.33% piran
6 5 1.94% otorinolaringološke zasebne ambulante
7 4 1.55% ali moraš biti tešč za hemogram
8 4 1.55% naumovski petar
9 4 1.55% sukič alenka
10 4 1.55% zdravstveni dom
11 4 1.55% zdravstveni piran
12 3 1.16% bedene zobna ambulanta piran
13 3 1.16% dnevni center Školjka piran
14 3 1.16% dr barbara jelen
15 3 1.16% dr. salamun-čok karmen
16 3 1.16% helena božič
17 3 1.16% zdravstvena dežurstva
18 2 0.78% ambulanta turist
19 2 0.78% cenik laboratorijskih preiskav
20 2 0.78% dr. sabadin livija
View All Search Strings

Top 15 of 70 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 14236 25.69% Mozilla/5.0
2 11495 20.74% MSIE 6.0
3 9742 17.58% MSIE 7.0
4 6897 12.45% Yahoo! Slurp
5 5644 10.19% Googlebot/2.1
6 1907 3.44% BabalooSpider/1.3 (BabalooSpider;;
7 1719 3.10% Najdi.s
8 1485 2.68% Yahoo! Slurp/3.0
9 375 0.68% Java/1.4.1_04
10 305 0.55% msnbot/1.1 (+
11 280 0.51% Java/1.6.0_07
12 156 0.28% Baiduspider+(+
13 148 0.27% WebDataCentreBot/1.0
14 115 0.21% Exabot/3.0
15 101 0.18% ScoutJet
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for November 2008

Top 30 of 37 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 32329 58.34% 27092 57.84% 257.64 MB 32.95% Slovenia
2 11730 21.17% 10541 22.51% 314.11 MB 40.17% United States
3 8760 15.81% 7035 15.02% 165.64 MB 21.18% Unresolved/Unknown
4 501 0.90% 482 1.03% 15.25 MB 1.95% Netherlands
5 362 0.65% 308 0.66% 1.97 MB 0.25% Croatia (Hrvatska)
6 275 0.50% 219 0.47% 3.54 MB 0.45% France
7 245 0.44% 237 0.51% 7.67 MB 0.98% Spain
8 182 0.33% 155 0.33% 1.46 MB 0.19% Italy
9 166 0.30% 145 0.31% 826.40 KB 0.10% Sweden
10 163 0.29% 162 0.35% 2.61 MB 0.33% China
11 160 0.29% 159 0.34% 3.38 MB 0.43% Germany
12 91 0.16% 65 0.14% 525.29 KB 0.07% Austria
13 56 0.10% 56 0.12% 1.68 MB 0.21% Singapore
14 53 0.10% 53 0.11% 935.75 KB 0.12% Ukraine
15 41 0.07% 41 0.09% 548.88 KB 0.07% Russian Federation
16 32 0.06% 32 0.07% 289.33 KB 0.04% Great Britain (UK)
17 31 0.06% 31 0.07% 889.36 KB 0.11% Saudi Arabia
18 28 0.05% 28 0.06% 170.84 KB 0.02% Yugoslavia
19 27 0.05% 27 0.06% 170.44 KB 0.02% Switzerland
20 27 0.05% 24 0.05% 710.57 KB 0.09% Japan
21 27 0.05% 26 0.06% 122.83 KB 0.02% Luxembourg
22 27 0.05% 26 0.06% 122.07 KB 0.02% Poland
23 26 0.05% 25 0.05% 95.03 KB 0.01% Bosnia and Herzegovina
24 14 0.03% 14 0.03% 348.34 KB 0.04% Canada
25 12 0.02% 12 0.03% 289.61 KB 0.04% Denmark
26 9 0.02% 6 0.01% 189.13 KB 0.02% Hungary
27 9 0.02% 9 0.02% 231.84 KB 0.03% Korea (South)
28 7 0.01% 5 0.01% 137.06 KB 0.02% Turkey
29 4 0.01% 4 0.01% 139.60 KB 0.02% New Zealand (Aotearoa)
30 3 0.01% 2 0.00% 34.02 KB 0.00% Hong Kong

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)