Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: April 2010
Generated 01-May-2010 04:40 CEST
GEO-106FREE 20070601 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for April 2010
Total Hits 33127
Total Files 29190
Total Pages 11420
Total Visits 2713
Total KBytes 494.81 MB
Total Unique Sites 1039
Total Unique URLs 1282
Total Unique Referrers 302
Total Unique User Agents 70
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 46 1175
Hits per Day 1104 2571
Files per Day 973 1995
Pages per Day 380 836
Visits per Day 90 144
KBytes per Day 16.49 MB 42.55 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 29190
Code 206 - Partial Content 31
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 154
Code 304 - Not Modified 2542
Code 400 - Bad Request 1
Code 404 - Not Found 1209

Daily usage for April 2010

Daily Statistics for April 2010
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 630 1.90% 607 2.08% 207 1.81% 59 2.17% 56 5.39% 8.14 MB 1.65%
2 565 1.71% 512 1.75% 177 1.55% 64 2.36% 63 6.06% 7.91 MB 1.60%
3 2264 6.83% 1878 6.43% 635 5.56% 60 2.21% 60 5.77% 42.55 MB 8.60%
4 886 2.67% 839 2.87% 268 2.35% 72 2.65% 58 5.58% 13.48 MB 2.72%
5 1266 3.82% 1193 4.09% 382 3.35% 82 3.02% 75 7.22% 36.23 MB 7.32%
6 883 2.67% 800 2.74% 261 2.29% 66 2.43% 61 5.87% 11.61 MB 2.35%
7 1182 3.57% 1137 3.90% 329 2.88% 86 3.17% 78 7.51% 23.28 MB 4.70%
8 863 2.61% 756 2.59% 281 2.46% 99 3.65% 82 7.89% 12.75 MB 2.58%
9 1027 3.10% 960 3.29% 471 4.12% 134 4.94% 93 8.95% 16.65 MB 3.37%
10 1201 3.63% 1112 3.81% 407 3.56% 122 4.50% 100 9.62% 14.59 MB 2.95%
11 1560 4.71% 1429 4.90% 534 4.68% 101 3.72% 102 9.82% 20.39 MB 4.12%
12 937 2.83% 868 2.97% 301 2.64% 89 3.28% 76 7.31% 11.02 MB 2.23%
13 596 1.80% 374 1.28% 194 1.70% 76 2.80% 102 9.82% 4.83 MB 0.98%
14 832 2.51% 783 2.68% 288 2.52% 80 2.95% 72 6.93% 12.13 MB 2.45%
15 644 1.94% 616 2.11% 247 2.16% 93 3.43% 83 7.99% 9.79 MB 1.98%
16 1125 3.40% 977 3.35% 340 2.98% 72 2.65% 75 7.22% 15.12 MB 3.06%
17 945 2.85% 773 2.65% 408 3.57% 84 3.10% 71 6.83% 12.07 MB 2.44%
18 2571 7.76% 1995 6.83% 798 6.99% 112 4.13% 82 7.89% 39.11 MB 7.90%
19 414 1.25% 393 1.35% 204 1.79% 98 3.61% 81 7.80% 3.97 MB 0.80%
20 1176 3.55% 1076 3.69% 451 3.95% 93 3.43% 81 7.80% 13.57 MB 2.74%
21 1330 4.01% 1093 3.74% 456 3.99% 144 5.31% 90 8.66% 12.06 MB 2.44%
22 1399 4.22% 1265 4.33% 447 3.91% 107 3.94% 92 8.85% 23.52 MB 4.75%
23 694 2.09% 629 2.15% 322 2.82% 108 3.98% 76 7.31% 8.28 MB 1.67%
24 570 1.72% 537 1.84% 232 2.03% 99 3.65% 80 7.70% 9.54 MB 1.93%
25 774 2.34% 649 2.22% 253 2.22% 84 3.10% 53 5.10% 10.93 MB 2.21%
26 1450 4.38% 1219 4.18% 478 4.19% 86 3.17% 58 5.58% 18.54 MB 3.75%
27 1557 4.70% 1193 4.09% 460 4.03% 72 2.65% 58 5.58% 25.49 MB 5.15%
28 1205 3.64% 1145 3.92% 836 7.32% 89 3.28% 64 6.16% 17.13 MB 3.46%
29 784 2.37% 701 2.40% 250 2.19% 89 3.28% 61 5.87% 7.63 MB 1.54%
30 1797 5.42% 1681 5.76% 503 4.40% 97 3.58% 68 6.54% 32.49 MB 6.57%

Hourly usage for April 2010

Hourly Statistics for April 2010
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 21 646 1.95% 19 586 2.01% 9 294 2.57% 259.35 KB 7.60 MB 1.54%
1 21 630 1.90% 17 527 1.81% 11 330 2.89% 270.68 KB 7.93 MB 1.60%
2 16 502 1.52% 16 480 1.64% 7 225 1.97% 278.69 KB 8.16 MB 1.65%
3 16 501 1.51% 15 476 1.63% 7 239 2.09% 698.48 KB 20.46 MB 4.14%
4 6 187 0.56% 6 182 0.62% 4 134 1.17% 46.51 KB 1.36 MB 0.28%
5 10 309 0.93% 10 303 1.04% 6 192 1.68% 84.94 KB 2.49 MB 0.50%
6 10 307 0.93% 9 296 1.01% 5 153 1.34% 73.96 KB 2.17 MB 0.44%
7 18 568 1.71% 18 544 1.86% 7 227 1.99% 212.51 KB 6.23 MB 1.26%
8 24 748 2.26% 22 674 2.31% 10 316 2.77% 226.39 KB 6.63 MB 1.34%
9 25 763 2.30% 20 629 2.15% 11 335 2.93% 210.21 KB 6.16 MB 1.24%
10 46 1390 4.20% 42 1289 4.42% 15 464 4.06% 781.38 KB 22.89 MB 4.63%
11 57 1731 5.23% 47 1428 4.89% 17 515 4.51% 663.90 KB 19.45 MB 3.93%
12 74 2224 6.71% 60 1825 6.25% 22 674 5.90% 1.14 MB 34.27 MB 6.93%
13 73 2219 6.70% 62 1879 6.44% 22 675 5.91% 1.11 MB 33.32 MB 6.73%
14 69 2093 6.32% 62 1871 6.41% 21 636 5.57% 1013.82 KB 29.70 MB 6.00%
15 47 1423 4.30% 44 1326 4.54% 15 474 4.15% 789.85 KB 23.14 MB 4.68%
16 51 1538 4.64% 46 1387 4.75% 18 566 4.96% 849.54 KB 24.89 MB 5.03%
17 55 1656 5.00% 47 1430 4.90% 17 527 4.61% 714.62 KB 20.94 MB 4.23%
18 69 2073 6.26% 62 1882 6.45% 22 680 5.95% 1.19 MB 35.78 MB 7.23%
19 82 2480 7.49% 74 2224 7.62% 22 688 6.02% 1.30 MB 38.89 MB 7.86%
20 74 2238 6.76% 69 2087 7.15% 23 718 6.29% 1.13 MB 33.82 MB 6.83%
21 128 3843 11.60% 114 3427 11.74% 33 1018 8.91% 2.45 MB 73.35 MB 14.82%
22 64 1930 5.83% 51 1544 5.29% 31 942 8.25% 737.42 KB 21.60 MB 4.37%
23 37 1128 3.41% 29 894 3.06% 13 398 3.49% 462.94 KB 13.56 MB 2.74%

Top 30 of 1282 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1124 3.39% 28.80 MB 5.82% /annalinea/right.php
2 1057 3.19% 57.21 KB 0.01% /robots.txt
3 801 2.42% 20.93 MB 4.23% /croslo/right.php
4 463 1.40% 12.07 MB 2.44% /croeng/right.php
5 375 1.13% 2.94 MB 0.59% /
6 373 1.13% 9.59 MB 1.94% /annalinea/rightger.php
7 354 1.07% 58.77 KB 0.01% /annalinea/upleft.php
8 351 1.06% 378.08 KB 0.07% /annalinea/upright.php
9 321 0.97% 152.65 KB 0.03% /croslo/
10 315 0.95% 2.80 MB 0.57% /croslo/left.php
11 304 0.92% 1.94 MB 0.39% /annalinea/left.php
12 302 0.91% 416.72 KB 0.08% /annalinea/
13 283 0.85% 7.33 MB 1.48% /croger/right.php
14 276 0.83% 7.11 MB 1.44% /annalinea/rightita.php
15 272 0.82% 689.03 KB 0.14% /annalinea/main.php
16 192 0.58% 1.07 MB 0.22% /croslo/leftmiddle.php
17 189 0.57% 1.81 MB 0.37% /croeng/left.php
18 183 0.55% 2.74 MB 0.55% /croslo/main.php
19 165 0.50% 47.21 KB 0.01% /annalinea/nmimage.php
20 157 0.47% 4.09 MB 0.83% /annalinea/rightslo.php
21 156 0.47% 4.01 MB 0.81% /croita/right.php
22 143 0.43% 4.79 MB 0.97% /1restable/show_240.php
23 111 0.34% 1.08 MB 0.22% /croger/left.php
24 106 0.32% 30.34 KB 0.01% /croeng/nmimage.php
25 104 0.31% 55.52 KB 0.01% /croslo/middle.php
26 101 0.30% 58.39 KB 0.01% /croeng/
27 95 0.29% 618.15 KB 0.12% /croslo/mainmiddle.php
28 91 0.27% 13.46 KB 0.00% /eng/
29 86 0.26% 437.47 KB 0.09% /webmail/
30 85 0.26% 1.32 MB 0.27% /croeng/main.php
View All URLs

Top 10 of 1282 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1124 3.39% 28.80 MB 5.82% /annalinea/right.php
2 14 0.04% 23.18 MB 4.68% /navigation/
3 801 2.42% 20.93 MB 4.23% /croslo/right.php
4 463 1.40% 12.07 MB 2.44% /croeng/right.php
5 373 1.13% 9.59 MB 1.94% /annalinea/rightger.php
6 283 0.85% 7.33 MB 1.48% /croger/right.php
7 276 0.83% 7.11 MB 1.44% /annalinea/rightita.php
8 143 0.43% 4.79 MB 0.97% /1restable/show_240.php
9 157 0.47% 4.09 MB 0.83% /annalinea/rightslo.php
10 156 0.47% 4.01 MB 0.81% /croita/right.php

Top 10 of 154 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 375 1.13% 300 11.79% /
2 321 0.97% 234 9.19% /croslo/
3 1124 3.39% 160 6.29% /annalinea/right.php
4 302 0.91% 125 4.91% /annalinea/
5 373 1.13% 81 3.18% /annalinea/rightger.php
6 801 2.42% 80 3.14% /croslo/right.php
7 91 0.27% 76 2.99% /eng/
8 276 0.83% 75 2.95% /annalinea/rightita.php
9 463 1.40% 74 2.91% /croeng/right.php
10 143 0.43% 44 1.73% /1restable/show_240.php

Top 10 of 149 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 375 1.13% 279 10.48% /
2 1124 3.39% 191 7.18% /annalinea/right.php
3 321 0.97% 116 4.36% /croslo/
4 801 2.42% 112 4.21% /croslo/right.php
5 463 1.40% 102 3.83% /croeng/right.php
6 373 1.13% 97 3.64% /annalinea/rightger.php
7 276 0.83% 84 3.16% /annalinea/rightita.php
8 91 0.27% 74 2.78% /eng/
9 183 0.55% 72 2.70% /croslo/main.php
10 272 0.82% 70 2.63% /annalinea/main.php

Top 30 of 1039 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 1079 3.26% 964 3.30% 9.75 MB 1.97% 151 5.57% Slovenia
2 1034 3.12% 855 2.93% 25.95 MB 5.25% 1 0.04% Slovenia
3 621 1.87% 617 2.11% 5.46 MB 1.10% 214 7.89% Unknown
4 605 1.83% 604 2.07% 13.84 MB 2.80% 1 0.04% Slovenia
5 552 1.67% 522 1.79% 11.99 MB 2.42% 1 0.04% Slovenia
6 516 1.56% 260 0.89% 6.18 MB 1.25% 1 0.04% Hungary
7 485 1.46% 366 1.25% 12.86 MB 2.60% 2 0.07% Czech Republic
8 473 1.43% 349 1.20% 7.91 MB 1.60% 1 0.04% Germany
9 400 1.21% 381 1.31% 6.95 MB 1.41% 1 0.04% Unknown
10 373 1.13% 368 1.26% 8.87 MB 1.79% 3 0.11% Hungary
11 351 1.06% 273 0.94% 7.59 MB 1.53% 2 0.07% Unknown
12 350 1.06% 255 0.87% 4.49 MB 0.91% 1 0.04% Italy
13 327 0.99% 319 1.09% 7.94 MB 1.60% 2 0.07% Unknown
14 315 0.95% 308 1.06% 3.03 MB 0.61% 126 4.64% Unknown
15 307 0.93% 305 1.04% 8.02 MB 1.62% 1 0.04% Slovenia
16 299 0.90% 294 1.01% 5.78 MB 1.17% 2 0.07% Czech Republic
17 296 0.89% 87 0.30% 1015.93 KB 0.20% 2 0.07% Unknown
18 282 0.85% 275 0.94% 7.03 MB 1.42% 1 0.04% Italy
19 278 0.84% 245 0.84% 5.17 MB 1.04% 1 0.04% Unknown
20 271 0.82% 85 0.29% 1.72 MB 0.35% 1 0.04% Slovenia
21 255 0.77% 153 0.52% 3.71 MB 0.75% 1 0.04% Slovenia
22 255 0.77% 211 0.72% 4.86 MB 0.98% 1 0.04% Croatia
23 248 0.75% 160 0.55% 4.06 MB 0.82% 2 0.07% Slovenia
24 247 0.75% 192 0.66% 4.77 MB 0.96% 1 0.04% Poland
25 227 0.69% 225 0.77% 5.71 MB 1.15% 2 0.07% Austria
26 226 0.68% 217 0.74% 5.24 MB 1.06% 1 0.04% Germany
27 225 0.68% 199 0.68% 4.17 MB 0.84% 50 1.84% United States
28 222 0.67% 217 0.74% 5.11 MB 1.03% 1 0.04% Germany
29 217 0.66% 202 0.69% 4.72 MB 0.95% 1 0.04% Italy
30 213 0.64% 83 0.28% 817.17 KB 0.16% 2 0.07% Slovenia
View All Sites

Top 10 of 1039 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 1034 3.12% 855 2.93% 25.95 MB 5.25% 1 0.04% Slovenia
2 6 0.02% 6 0.02% 14.64 MB 2.96% 0 0.00% Czech Republic
3 605 1.83% 604 2.07% 13.84 MB 2.80% 1 0.04% Slovenia
4 485 1.46% 366 1.25% 12.86 MB 2.60% 2 0.07% Czech Republic
5 552 1.67% 522 1.79% 11.99 MB 2.42% 1 0.04% Slovenia
6 1079 3.26% 964 3.30% 9.75 MB 1.97% 151 5.57% Slovenia
7 373 1.13% 368 1.26% 8.87 MB 1.79% 3 0.11% Hungary
8 307 0.93% 305 1.04% 8.02 MB 1.62% 1 0.04% Slovenia
9 327 0.99% 319 1.09% 7.94 MB 1.60% 2 0.07% Unknown
10 473 1.43% 349 1.20% 7.91 MB 1.60% 1 0.04% Germany

Top 30 of 302 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 7006 21.15% - (Direct Request)
2 146 0.44%
3 48 0.14%
4 42 0.13%
5 37 0.11%
6 35 0.11%
7 34 0.10%
8 30 0.09%
9 20 0.06%
10 18 0.05%
11 16 0.05%
12 15 0.05%
13 14 0.04%
14 14 0.04%
15 11 0.03%
16 10 0.03%
17 10 0.03%
18 9 0.03%
19 9 0.03%
20 9 0.03%
21 8 0.02%
22 8 0.02%
23 7 0.02%
24 6 0.02%
25 6 0.02%
26 6 0.02%
27 6 0.02%
28 5 0.02%
29 5 0.02%
30 5 0.02%
View All Referrers

Top 20 of 23 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 7 17.07%
2 4 9.76% malinska apartmani antonia
3 4 9.76% mosceniska draga
4 2 4.88% appartamenti mosceniska draga
5 2 4.88%
6 2 4.88% south croatia
7 2 4.88% sukošan
8 2 4.88% vila danijela sukoŠan
9 2 4.88% villa pinia in moscenicka draga
10 1 2.44% annalinea
11 1 2.44% croatia south
12 1 2.44% deskovic edo
13 1 2.44%
14 1 2.44% malinska apartman antonia
15 1 2.44% middle croatia
16 1 2.44% mošćeniška draga
17 1 2.44% rudan apartman moščenićka draga
18 1 2.44% south of croatia
19 1 2.44% sukoŠan
20 1 2.44% vila danijela sukošan
View All Search Strings

Top 15 of 70 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 10200 30.79% Mozilla/5.0
2 8727 26.34% MSIE 8.0
3 5531 16.70% MSIE 7.0
4 2880 8.69% MSIE 6.0
5 1079 3.26% Najdi.s
6 1033 3.12% msnbot/2.0b (+
7 876 2.64% Yahoo! Slurp/3.0
8 654 1.97% Baiduspider+(+
9 438 1.32% Googlebot/2.1
10 400 1.21% Purebot/1.1
11 201 0.61% Win16
12 143 0.43% Opera/9.80
13 93 0.28% MLBot (
14 89 0.27% Googlebot-Image/1.0
15 69 0.21% Sogou web spider/4.0(+
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for April 2010

Top 30 of 38 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 8114 24.49% 7282 24.95% 112.55 MB 22.75% Unresolved/Unknown
2 8096 24.44% 6996 23.97% 125.68 MB 25.40% Slovenia
3 3053 9.22% 2568 8.80% 44.88 MB 9.07% Germany
4 2529 7.63% 2289 7.84% 43.75 MB 8.84% Italy
5 2454 7.41% 2294 7.86% 23.87 MB 4.83% United States
6 1927 5.82% 1589 5.44% 28.76 MB 5.81% Hungary
7 1092 3.30% 907 3.11% 37.19 MB 7.52% Czech Republic
8 1021 3.08% 976 3.34% 17.67 MB 3.57% Austria
9 844 2.55% 738 2.53% 8.13 MB 1.64% China
10 782 2.36% 677 2.32% 9.44 MB 1.91% Croatia (Hrvatska)
11 546 1.65% 468 1.60% 7.04 MB 1.42% Poland
12 314 0.95% 309 1.06% 6.80 MB 1.37% Slovak Republic
13 291 0.88% 268 0.92% 3.59 MB 0.73% Sweden
14 260 0.78% 238 0.82% 1.63 MB 0.33% France
15 260 0.78% 234 0.80% 750.65 KB 0.15% Russian Federation
16 223 0.67% 221 0.76% 4.75 MB 0.96% Denmark
17 202 0.61% 198 0.68% 4.80 MB 0.97% Netherlands
18 183 0.55% 91 0.31% 1.08 MB 0.22% Bosnia and Herzegovina
19 142 0.43% 139 0.48% 3.40 MB 0.69% Ukraine
20 126 0.38% 124 0.42% 2.82 MB 0.57% Lithuania
21 104 0.31% 99 0.34% 629.38 KB 0.12% Ireland
22 90 0.27% 83 0.28% 1.46 MB 0.30% Switzerland
23 88 0.27% 87 0.30% 1.14 MB 0.23% Iran
24 64 0.19% 60 0.21% 641.38 KB 0.13% Belgium
25 53 0.16% 47 0.16% 348.70 KB 0.07% Great Britain (UK)
26 52 0.16% 51 0.17% 534.46 KB 0.11% Greece
27 45 0.14% 41 0.14% 404.55 KB 0.08% Romania
28 42 0.13% 32 0.11% 192.62 KB 0.04% Korea (South)
29 31 0.09% 30 0.10% 366.65 KB 0.07% Canada
30 30 0.09% 28 0.10% 235.70 KB 0.05% Turkey

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)