Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: July 2009
Generated 01-Aug-2009 04:40 CEST
GEO-106FREE 20070601 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for July 2009
Total Hits 72568
Total Files 63861
Total Pages 22070
Total Visits 2414
Total KBytes 1.12 GB
Total Unique Sites 1248
Total Unique URLs 1455
Total Unique Referrers 441
Total Unique User Agents 91
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 97 1390
Hits per Day 2340 4465
Files per Day 2060 3719
Pages per Day 711 1379
Visits per Day 77 100
KBytes per Day 36.89 MB 72.39 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 63861
Code 206 - Partial Content 74
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 287
Code 304 - Not Modified 6709
Code 404 - Not Found 1633
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 4

Daily usage for July 2009

Daily Statistics for July 2009
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 2869 3.95% 2647 4.14% 872 3.95% 84 3.48% 61 4.89% 46.12 MB 4.03%
2 2205 3.04% 1948 3.05% 699 3.17% 72 2.98% 64 5.13% 35.31 MB 3.09%
3 2749 3.79% 2318 3.63% 834 3.78% 72 2.98% 60 4.81% 45.82 MB 4.01%
4 2812 3.87% 2597 4.07% 986 4.47% 68 2.82% 53 4.25% 63.12 MB 5.52%
5 2949 4.06% 2644 4.14% 804 3.64% 71 2.94% 71 5.69% 61.96 MB 5.42%
6 4465 6.15% 3719 5.82% 1166 5.28% 85 3.52% 88 7.05% 72.39 MB 6.33%
7 2174 3.00% 1810 2.83% 734 3.33% 72 2.98% 66 5.29% 29.22 MB 2.56%
8 3321 4.58% 3101 4.86% 1379 6.25% 88 3.65% 75 6.01% 52.93 MB 4.63%
9 2950 4.07% 2352 3.68% 887 4.02% 90 3.73% 80 6.41% 35.68 MB 3.12%
10 1693 2.33% 1552 2.43% 576 2.61% 72 2.98% 56 4.49% 22.12 MB 1.93%
11 1082 1.49% 1020 1.60% 340 1.54% 72 2.98% 53 4.25% 17.23 MB 1.51%
12 1578 2.17% 1380 2.16% 443 2.01% 67 2.78% 57 4.57% 22.54 MB 1.97%
13 1930 2.66% 1713 2.68% 461 2.09% 54 2.24% 59 4.73% 25.68 MB 2.25%
14 3229 4.45% 2944 4.61% 898 4.07% 74 3.07% 69 5.53% 56.91 MB 4.98%
15 4163 5.74% 3397 5.32% 1115 5.05% 100 4.14% 78 6.25% 67.56 MB 5.91%
16 3035 4.18% 2853 4.47% 968 4.39% 96 3.98% 73 5.85% 56.50 MB 4.94%
17 1992 2.75% 1771 2.77% 630 2.85% 86 3.56% 71 5.69% 26.16 MB 2.29%
18 1473 2.03% 1368 2.14% 511 2.32% 76 3.15% 62 4.97% 25.34 MB 2.22%
19 3941 5.43% 3137 4.91% 1066 4.83% 73 3.02% 62 4.97% 65.46 MB 5.72%
20 2418 3.33% 2248 3.52% 661 3.00% 91 3.77% 86 6.89% 36.60 MB 3.20%
21 2116 2.92% 1890 2.96% 574 2.60% 71 2.94% 67 5.37% 36.94 MB 3.23%
22 1425 1.96% 1278 2.00% 438 1.98% 72 2.98% 52 4.17% 22.31 MB 1.95%
23 1691 2.33% 1592 2.49% 569 2.58% 72 2.98% 52 4.17% 26.94 MB 2.36%
24 1289 1.78% 1142 1.79% 443 2.01% 92 3.81% 75 6.01% 12.28 MB 1.07%
25 1891 2.61% 1686 2.64% 739 3.35% 82 3.40% 52 4.17% 32.84 MB 2.87%
26 1152 1.59% 1078 1.69% 321 1.45% 66 2.73% 52 4.17% 20.08 MB 1.76%
27 3297 4.54% 2614 4.09% 885 4.01% 88 3.65% 69 5.53% 39.08 MB 3.42%
28 1559 2.15% 1362 2.13% 452 2.05% 71 2.94% 56 4.49% 17.88 MB 1.56%
29 1932 2.66% 1732 2.71% 650 2.95% 89 3.69% 64 5.13% 22.66 MB 1.98%
30 1566 2.16% 1492 2.34% 527 2.39% 75 3.11% 59 4.73% 23.22 MB 2.03%
31 1622 2.24% 1476 2.31% 442 2.00% 78 3.23% 60 4.81% 24.79 MB 2.17%

Hourly usage for July 2009

Hourly Statistics for July 2009
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 51 1583 2.18% 46 1430 2.24% 16 497 2.25% 954.15 KB 28.89 MB 2.53%
1 13 406 0.56% 11 365 0.57% 6 199 0.90% 277.93 KB 8.41 MB 0.74%
2 14 438 0.60% 12 401 0.63% 8 274 1.24% 118.88 KB 3.60 MB 0.31%
3 8 270 0.37% 8 269 0.42% 6 203 0.92% 38.84 KB 1.18 MB 0.10%
4 12 387 0.53% 11 363 0.57% 6 207 0.94% 121.32 KB 3.67 MB 0.32%
5 8 251 0.35% 7 246 0.39% 6 191 0.87% 97.09 KB 2.94 MB 0.26%
6 19 616 0.85% 16 503 0.79% 8 268 1.21% 175.15 KB 5.30 MB 0.46%
7 59 1834 2.53% 49 1532 2.40% 19 596 2.70% 974.14 KB 29.49 MB 2.58%
8 68 2116 2.92% 63 1961 3.07% 22 697 3.16% 1.22 MB 37.71 MB 3.30%
9 86 2666 3.67% 77 2391 3.74% 23 743 3.37% 1.16 MB 35.96 MB 3.14%
10 156 4857 6.69% 138 4280 6.70% 42 1316 5.96% 2.52 MB 78.01 MB 6.82%
11 218 6785 9.35% 188 5829 9.13% 58 1804 8.17% 3.94 MB 122.19 MB 10.68%
12 114 3557 4.90% 104 3236 5.07% 34 1070 4.85% 1.79 MB 55.34 MB 4.84%
13 140 4347 5.99% 129 4029 6.31% 42 1327 6.01% 2.21 MB 68.64 MB 6.00%
14 182 5659 7.80% 153 4753 7.44% 51 1585 7.18% 2.82 MB 87.31 MB 7.63%
15 130 4047 5.58% 112 3490 5.46% 42 1313 5.95% 2.08 MB 64.60 MB 5.65%
16 128 3996 5.51% 113 3507 5.49% 39 1224 5.55% 2.02 MB 62.72 MB 5.48%
17 98 3053 4.21% 89 2772 4.34% 28 892 4.04% 1.54 MB 47.69 MB 4.17%
18 159 4943 6.81% 142 4419 6.92% 46 1444 6.54% 2.71 MB 84.13 MB 7.36%
19 120 3726 5.13% 104 3248 5.09% 39 1238 5.61% 1.77 MB 54.91 MB 4.80%
20 180 5580 7.69% 157 4877 7.64% 48 1507 6.83% 2.95 MB 91.49 MB 8.00%
21 193 5995 8.26% 166 5149 8.06% 53 1663 7.54% 3.06 MB 94.80 MB 8.29%
22 86 2669 3.68% 74 2319 3.63% 26 826 3.74% 1.07 MB 33.03 MB 2.89%
23 89 2787 3.84% 80 2492 3.90% 31 986 4.47% 1.34 MB 41.64 MB 3.64%

Top 30 of 1455 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2741 3.78% 70.11 MB 6.13% /annalinea/right.php
2 1280 1.76% 33.45 MB 2.93% /croslo/right.php
3 1271 1.75% 33.02 MB 2.89% /croeng/right.php
4 1255 1.73% 32.35 MB 2.83% /croger/right.php
5 812 1.12% 874.64 KB 0.07% /annalinea/upright.php
6 811 1.12% 134.64 KB 0.01% /annalinea/upleft.php
7 753 1.04% 215.94 KB 0.02% /annalinea/nmimage.php
8 726 1.00% 4.61 MB 0.40% /annalinea/left.php
9 725 1.00% 18.61 MB 1.63% /annalinea/rightger.php
10 709 0.98% 40.85 KB 0.00% /robots.txt
11 652 0.90% 896.92 KB 0.08% /annalinea/
12 631 0.87% 5.07 MB 0.44% /
13 609 0.84% 1.51 MB 0.13% /annalinea/main.php
14 497 0.68% 4.43 MB 0.39% /croslo/left.php
15 456 0.63% 11.70 MB 1.02% /croita/right.php
16 406 0.56% 3.97 MB 0.35% /croeng/left.php
17 362 0.50% 9.31 MB 0.81% /annalinea/rightita.php
18 362 0.50% 173.70 KB 0.01% /croslo/
19 356 0.49% 3.34 MB 0.29% /croger/left.php
20 275 0.38% 9.20 MB 0.80% /1restable/show_240.php
21 255 0.35% 6.62 MB 0.58% /annalinea/rightslo.php
22 255 0.35% 3.82 MB 0.33% /croslo/main.php
23 238 0.33% 68.18 KB 0.01% /croeng/nmimage.php
24 196 0.27% 1.09 MB 0.09% /croslo/leftmiddle.php
25 190 0.26% 154.38 KB 0.01% /croger/
26 170 0.23% 1.05 MB 0.09% /annalinea/leftger.php
27 165 0.23% 97.32 KB 0.01% /croeng/
28 158 0.22% 2.49 MB 0.22% /croger/main.php
29 142 0.20% 40.72 KB 0.00% /croslo/nmimage.php
30 139 0.19% 546.23 KB 0.05% /croeng/mdraga.php
View All URLs

Top 10 of 1455 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2741 3.78% 70.11 MB 6.13% /annalinea/right.php
2 1280 1.76% 33.45 MB 2.93% /croslo/right.php
3 1271 1.75% 33.02 MB 2.89% /croeng/right.php
4 1255 1.73% 32.35 MB 2.83% /croger/right.php
5 725 1.00% 18.61 MB 1.63% /annalinea/rightger.php
6 456 0.63% 11.70 MB 1.02% /croita/right.php
7 362 0.50% 9.31 MB 0.81% /annalinea/rightita.php
8 275 0.38% 9.20 MB 0.80% /1restable/show_240.php
9 255 0.35% 6.62 MB 0.58% /annalinea/rightslo.php
10 8 0.01% 5.69 MB 0.50% /navigation/

Top 10 of 149 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 631 0.87% 459 21.43% /
2 652 0.90% 305 14.24% /annalinea/
3 362 0.50% 210 9.80% /croslo/
4 2741 3.78% 93 4.34% /annalinea/right.php
5 131 0.18% 86 4.01% /eng/
6 113 0.16% 82 3.83% /ruzica-simara/
7 1271 1.75% 51 2.38% /croeng/right.php
8 725 1.00% 48 2.24% /annalinea/rightger.php
9 138 0.19% 46 2.15% /annalinea/indexger.php
10 275 0.38% 43 2.01% /1restable/show_240.php

Top 10 of 153 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 631 0.87% 365 15.31% /
2 2741 3.78% 213 8.93% /annalinea/right.php
3 1271 1.75% 124 5.20% /croeng/right.php
4 609 0.84% 123 5.16% /annalinea/main.php
5 1280 1.76% 94 3.94% /croslo/right.php
6 131 0.18% 80 3.36% /eng/
7 725 1.00% 77 3.23% /annalinea/rightger.php
8 1255 1.73% 73 3.06% /croger/right.php
9 726 1.00% 66 2.77% /annalinea/left.php
10 255 0.35% 66 2.77% /croslo/main.php

Top 30 of 1248 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 2056 2.83% 1923 3.01% 23.10 MB 2.02% 141 5.84% Slovenia
2 1475 2.03% 1466 2.30% 41.38 MB 3.62% 5 0.21% Germany
3 1073 1.48% 787 1.23% 20.99 MB 1.84% 1 0.04% Slovenia
4 821 1.13% 519 0.81% 14.00 MB 1.22% 1 0.04% Slovenia
5 734 1.01% 720 1.13% 16.42 MB 1.44% 18 0.75% Unknown
6 691 0.95% 336 0.53% 6.08 MB 0.53% 1 0.04% Germany
7 684 0.94% 623 0.98% 13.83 MB 1.21% 6 0.25% Hungary
8 646 0.89% 643 1.01% 15.49 MB 1.35% 3 0.12% Hungary
9 628 0.87% 309 0.48% 7.14 MB 0.62% 4 0.17% Austria
10 581 0.80% 445 0.70% 8.68 MB 0.76% 6 0.25% Unknown
11 536 0.74% 292 0.46% 6.82 MB 0.60% 2 0.08% Hungary
12 533 0.73% 521 0.82% 11.65 MB 1.02% 6 0.25% Unknown
13 511 0.70% 165 0.26% 3.06 MB 0.27% 1 0.04% Unknown
14 504 0.69% 302 0.47% 5.73 MB 0.50% 3 0.12% Unknown
15 502 0.69% 360 0.56% 7.92 MB 0.69% 1 0.04% Hungary
16 422 0.58% 337 0.53% 5.10 MB 0.45% 198 8.20% United States
17 397 0.55% 395 0.62% 8.91 MB 0.78% 3 0.12% Slovenia
18 397 0.55% 251 0.39% 5.42 MB 0.47% 2 0.08% Poland
19 397 0.55% 328 0.51% 11.07 MB 0.97% 1 0.04% Slovenia
20 396 0.55% 247 0.39% 5.49 MB 0.48% 1 0.04% Unknown
21 393 0.54% 302 0.47% 7.55 MB 0.66% 1 0.04% Hungary
22 388 0.53% 192 0.30% 1.72 MB 0.15% 2 0.08% Hungary
23 371 0.51% 168 0.26% 3.14 MB 0.27% 4 0.17% Slovenia
24 354 0.49% 352 0.55% 11.23 MB 0.98% 1 0.04% Germany
25 343 0.47% 263 0.41% 5.00 MB 0.44% 3 0.12% Hungary
26 342 0.47% 251 0.39% 5.18 MB 0.45% 1 0.04% Hungary
27 333 0.46% 327 0.51% 6.82 MB 0.60% 3 0.12% Sweden
28 330 0.45% 113 0.18% 1.32 MB 0.12% 1 0.04% Poland
29 327 0.45% 241 0.38% 5.58 MB 0.49% 2 0.08% Slovenia
30 322 0.44% 273 0.43% 10.14 MB 0.89% 1 0.04% Italy
View All Sites

Top 10 of 1248 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 1475 2.03% 1466 2.30% 41.38 MB 3.62% 5 0.21% Germany
2 2056 2.83% 1923 3.01% 23.10 MB 2.02% 141 5.84% Slovenia
3 1073 1.48% 787 1.23% 20.99 MB 1.84% 1 0.04% Slovenia
4 734 1.01% 720 1.13% 16.42 MB 1.44% 18 0.75% Unknown
5 646 0.89% 643 1.01% 15.49 MB 1.35% 3 0.12% Hungary
6 821 1.13% 519 0.81% 14.00 MB 1.22% 1 0.04% Slovenia
7 684 0.94% 623 0.98% 13.83 MB 1.21% 6 0.25% Hungary
8 533 0.73% 521 0.82% 11.65 MB 1.02% 6 0.25% Unknown
9 354 0.49% 352 0.55% 11.23 MB 0.98% 1 0.04% Germany
10 397 0.55% 328 0.51% 11.07 MB 0.97% 1 0.04% Slovenia

Top 30 of 441 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 8776 12.09% - (Direct Request)
2 109 0.15%
3 94 0.13%
4 87 0.12%
5 82 0.11%
6 70 0.10%
7 67 0.09%
8 63 0.09%
9 63 0.09%
10 48 0.07%
11 47 0.06%
12 46 0.06%
13 39 0.05%
14 30 0.04%
15 30 0.04%
16 26 0.04%
17 23 0.03%
18 22 0.03%
19 20 0.03%
20 19 0.03%
21 18 0.02%
22 18 0.02%
23 18 0.02%
24 16 0.02%
25 16 0.02%
26 16 0.02%
27 15 0.02%
28 15 0.02%
29 14 0.02%
30 14 0.02%
View All Referrers

Top 20 of 26 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 9 23.08% sukošan
2 4 10.26% south croatia
3 2 5.13% rooms croatia
4 2 5.13%
5 1 2.56% annalinea
6 1 2.56% apartmaji sukošan
7 1 2.56% apartmaji sukošan danijela
8 1 2.56% apartment armanda moscenicka
9 1 2.56% apartment kuzmic nives
10 1 2.56% appartements in brseČ croatia
11 1 2.56% armanda moscenicka
12 1 2.56% brseĆ
13 1 2.56% croatia best places
14 1 2.56% malinska krk apartment
15 1 2.56% milan vracar
16 1 2.56% plaža brseć
17 1 2.56% south of croatia
18 1 2.56% sukoŠan
19 1 2.56% vesna staraj opatija
20 1 2.56% villa antonia in malinska
View All Search Strings

Top 15 of 91 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 23293 32.10% Mozilla/5.0
2 19550 26.94% MSIE 7.0
3 14649 20.19% MSIE 6.0
4 7794 10.74% MSIE 8.0
5 2056 2.83% Najdi.s
6 734 1.01% Yanga WorldSearch Bot v1.1/beta (
7 533 0.73% Yahoo! Slurp/3.0
8 473 0.65% Opera/9.62
9 363 0.50% Googlebot/2.1
10 335 0.46% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;)
11 317 0.44% Opera/9.63
12 293 0.40% msnbot/2.0b (+
13 218 0.30% OOZBOT/0.20 ( ; agentname at setooz dot_com )
14 208 0.29% msnbot/1.1 (+
15 152 0.21% T-Online Browser
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for July 2009

Top 30 of 46 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 15764 21.72% 13739 21.51% 237.28 MB 20.75% Slovenia
2 12465 17.18% 11006 17.23% 199.24 MB 17.42% Hungary
3 12098 16.67% 10500 16.44% 186.71 MB 16.33% Unresolved/Unknown
4 10851 14.95% 9709 15.20% 201.07 MB 17.58% Germany
5 4397 6.06% 4081 6.39% 77.50 MB 6.78% Italy
6 3293 4.54% 2852 4.47% 50.77 MB 4.44% Croatia (Hrvatska)
7 2705 3.73% 2192 3.43% 43.52 MB 3.81% Austria
8 2483 3.42% 2318 3.63% 20.75 MB 1.81% United States
9 2064 2.84% 1543 2.42% 26.69 MB 2.33% Poland
10 1201 1.65% 1043 1.63% 20.11 MB 1.76% Sweden
11 895 1.23% 839 1.31% 19.35 MB 1.69% Romania
12 659 0.91% 612 0.96% 8.37 MB 0.73% Slovak Republic
13 553 0.76% 534 0.84% 10.10 MB 0.88% Czech Republic
14 493 0.68% 461 0.72% 6.81 MB 0.60% Russian Federation
15 290 0.40% 286 0.45% 8.40 MB 0.73% Belgium
16 278 0.38% 214 0.34% 4.65 MB 0.41% Switzerland
17 268 0.37% 263 0.41% 6.03 MB 0.53% Yugoslavia
18 258 0.36% 248 0.39% 2.24 MB 0.20% Great Britain (UK)
19 236 0.33% 221 0.35% 1.48 MB 0.13% France
20 224 0.31% 220 0.34% 1.08 MB 0.09% China
21 185 0.25% 179 0.28% 1.62 MB 0.14% Canada
22 152 0.21% 150 0.23% 1.78 MB 0.16% Lithuania
23 149 0.21% 147 0.23% 2.63 MB 0.23% Ukraine
24 109 0.15% 105 0.16% 965.86 KB 0.08% Netherlands
25 49 0.07% 48 0.08% 503.83 KB 0.04% Spain
26 49 0.07% 48 0.08% 404.50 KB 0.03% Greece
27 48 0.07% 46 0.07% 321.57 KB 0.03% United Arab Emirates
28 46 0.06% 44 0.07% 1004.41 KB 0.09% Macedonia
29 44 0.06% 42 0.07% 353.29 KB 0.03% Bosnia and Herzegovina
30 44 0.06% 40 0.06% 487.62 KB 0.04% Estonia

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)