about authors / legal notes

Important notice to the participants holding a Schengen visa:

Schengen visa is not sufficient to enter Slovenia. If you hold the passport of a country for which the Slovenian visa is required, you have to get it from the nearest Slovenian embassy or consulate that issues visas (for more information about visas, visit the website www.sigov.si/mzz/eng/). To get a visa, you may also need a letter of invitation that will be sent to you immediately upon request to the conference registration department, e-mail: ilcc.registration@cd-cc.si. The registration department will send invitation letters to registered participants only.



Registration is required for all Conference participants and accompanying persons. The recommended option is to register via our registration form.

You can also use the Registration Form in PDF format. The completed Registration Form should be submitted to:

20th ILCC Secretariat
Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre
Prešernova 10, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Phone: +386 1 241 7141
Fax: +386 1 241 7296
E-mail: ilcc.registration@cd-cc.si

If you want to register as a speaker and submit an abstract, please go to Abstract submission form.