Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: May 2009
Generated 01-Jun-2009 04:44 CEST
GEO-106FREE 20070601 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for May 2009
Total Hits 16689
Total Files 11479
Total Pages 4234
Total Visits 2424
Total KBytes 843.04 MB
Total Unique Sites 1166
Total Unique URLs 708
Total Unique Referrers 292
Total Unique User Agents 92
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 22 195
Hits per Day 538 910
Files per Day 370 709
Pages per Day 136 224
Visits per Day 78 109
KBytes per Day 27.19 MB 59.40 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 11479
Code 206 - Partial Content 1700
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 29
Code 302 - Found 25
Code 304 - Not Modified 1582
Code 403 - Forbidden 73
Code 404 - Not Found 1778
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 4
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 19

Daily usage for May 2009

Daily Statistics for May 2009
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 324 1.94% 230 2.00% 98 2.31% 65 2.68% 60 5.15% 16.63 MB 1.97%
2 411 2.46% 240 2.09% 94 2.22% 52 2.15% 66 5.66% 24.10 MB 2.86%
3 481 2.88% 347 3.02% 109 2.57% 70 2.89% 56 4.80% 23.48 MB 2.78%
4 910 5.45% 709 6.18% 193 4.56% 100 4.13% 78 6.69% 41.17 MB 4.88%
5 645 3.86% 500 4.36% 148 3.50% 78 3.22% 72 6.17% 23.76 MB 2.82%
6 568 3.40% 406 3.54% 122 2.88% 77 3.18% 70 6.00% 29.81 MB 3.54%
7 595 3.57% 408 3.55% 132 3.12% 68 2.81% 61 5.23% 28.67 MB 3.40%
8 550 3.30% 425 3.70% 136 3.21% 67 2.76% 69 5.92% 21.86 MB 2.59%
9 706 4.23% 499 4.35% 157 3.71% 67 2.76% 58 4.97% 32.62 MB 3.87%
10 503 3.01% 356 3.10% 110 2.60% 81 3.34% 65 5.57% 52.41 MB 6.22%
11 583 3.49% 442 3.85% 213 5.03% 77 3.18% 89 7.63% 28.84 MB 3.42%
12 477 2.86% 298 2.60% 105 2.48% 68 2.81% 121 10.38% 23.24 MB 2.76%
13 705 4.22% 579 5.04% 177 4.18% 79 3.26% 92 7.89% 26.64 MB 3.16%
14 592 3.55% 368 3.21% 179 4.23% 93 3.84% 86 7.38% 28.40 MB 3.37%
15 402 2.41% 187 1.63% 119 2.81% 95 3.92% 95 8.15% 30.84 MB 3.66%
16 566 3.39% 302 2.63% 143 3.38% 89 3.67% 76 6.52% 59.40 MB 7.05%
17 342 2.05% 222 1.93% 123 2.91% 74 3.05% 66 5.66% 7.85 MB 0.93%
18 539 3.23% 375 3.27% 113 2.67% 80 3.30% 82 7.03% 30.11 MB 3.57%
19 703 4.21% 575 5.01% 115 2.72% 66 2.72% 65 5.57% 16.88 MB 2.00%
20 498 2.98% 336 2.93% 108 2.55% 73 3.01% 102 8.75% 29.96 MB 3.55%
21 677 4.06% 441 3.84% 133 3.14% 81 3.34% 80 6.86% 31.56 MB 3.74%
22 600 3.60% 424 3.69% 224 5.29% 106 4.37% 80 6.86% 24.95 MB 2.96%
23 455 2.73% 207 1.80% 182 4.30% 99 4.08% 65 5.57% 25.47 MB 3.02%
24 351 2.10% 208 1.81% 109 2.57% 86 3.55% 78 6.69% 9.79 MB 1.16%
25 626 3.75% 411 3.58% 152 3.59% 109 4.50% 95 8.15% 27.17 MB 3.22%
26 660 3.95% 454 3.96% 152 3.59% 95 3.92% 80 6.86% 36.32 MB 4.31%
27 350 2.10% 225 1.96% 86 2.03% 67 2.76% 69 5.92% 23.74 MB 2.82%
28 463 2.77% 370 3.22% 111 2.62% 84 3.47% 70 6.00% 20.36 MB 2.42%
29 428 2.56% 311 2.71% 106 2.50% 57 2.35% 59 5.06% 15.95 MB 1.89%
30 439 2.63% 327 2.85% 120 2.83% 57 2.35% 60 5.15% 14.15 MB 1.68%
31 540 3.24% 297 2.59% 165 3.90% 69 2.85% 64 5.49% 36.89 MB 4.38%

Hourly usage for May 2009

Hourly Statistics for May 2009
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 12 386 2.31% 7 245 2.13% 4 154 3.64% 353.96 KB 10.72 MB 1.27%
1 17 537 3.22% 11 341 2.97% 6 187 4.42% 1.20 MB 37.11 MB 4.40%
2 16 498 2.98% 10 330 2.87% 6 189 4.46% 681.20 KB 20.62 MB 2.45%
3 14 440 2.64% 8 268 2.33% 4 135 3.19% 471.91 KB 14.29 MB 1.69%
4 20 623 3.73% 12 393 3.42% 7 219 5.17% 1.02 MB 31.52 MB 3.74%
5 19 590 3.54% 11 356 3.10% 6 208 4.91% 898.09 KB 27.19 MB 3.23%
6 18 564 3.38% 13 426 3.71% 9 291 6.87% 637.48 KB 19.30 MB 2.29%
7 12 382 2.29% 6 187 1.63% 3 106 2.50% 750.39 KB 22.72 MB 2.69%
8 25 800 4.79% 20 625 5.44% 5 159 3.76% 1.73 MB 53.50 MB 6.35%
9 17 537 3.22% 11 347 3.02% 5 180 4.25% 762.84 KB 23.09 MB 2.74%
10 29 912 5.46% 21 660 5.75% 5 163 3.85% 1.44 MB 44.50 MB 5.28%
11 33 1036 6.21% 25 778 6.78% 5 175 4.13% 1.57 MB 48.53 MB 5.76%
12 25 804 4.82% 17 544 4.74% 5 157 3.71% 1.06 MB 33.00 MB 3.91%
13 26 823 4.93% 14 445 3.88% 5 158 3.73% 1.92 MB 59.54 MB 7.06%
14 28 875 5.24% 22 706 6.15% 5 157 3.71% 1.23 MB 38.18 MB 4.53%
15 28 893 5.35% 21 669 5.83% 5 155 3.66% 1.21 MB 37.63 MB 4.46%
16 28 876 5.25% 17 554 4.83% 4 154 3.64% 1.10 MB 34.08 MB 4.04%
17 21 679 4.07% 14 434 3.78% 6 186 4.39% 1.32 MB 40.82 MB 4.84%
18 28 877 5.25% 22 694 6.05% 5 176 4.16% 1.34 MB 41.48 MB 4.92%
19 23 735 4.40% 16 505 4.40% 4 147 3.47% 1.09 MB 33.64 MB 3.99%
20 25 785 4.70% 17 532 4.63% 6 213 5.03% 1.41 MB 43.81 MB 5.20%
21 23 741 4.44% 16 506 4.41% 6 216 5.10% 1.36 MB 42.23 MB 5.01%
22 22 692 4.15% 14 457 3.98% 5 163 3.85% 1.59 MB 49.41 MB 5.86%
23 19 604 3.62% 15 477 4.16% 6 186 4.39% 1.17 MB 36.14 MB 4.29%

Top 30 of 708 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1817 10.89% 480.20 MB 56.96% /fems03/files/finalprogram.pdf
2 1201 7.20% 52.04 MB 6.17% /icmgp04/
3 395 2.37% 126.04 KB 0.01% /fems03/fems03.css
4 165 0.99% 33.81 MB 4.01% /fems03/posters.html
5 157 0.94% 99.32 KB 0.01% /icmgp04/stil.css
6 144 0.86% 140.13 KB 0.02% /foodmicro2004/foodmicro.css
7 90 0.54% 14.05 KB 0.00% /ecp/style.css
8 85 0.51% 49.20 KB 0.01% /icmgp04/htmlarea.js
9 85 0.51% 78.40 KB 0.01% /icmgp04/menu_includes.js
10 79 0.47% 77.81 MB 9.23% /ecp/meni3.php
11 68 0.41% 40.30 KB 0.00% /fems03/
12 62 0.37% 811.94 KB 0.09% /fems03/travel.html
13 58 0.35% 2.89 MB 0.34% /fems03/files/FEMSCOUN.pdf
14 54 0.32% 56.55 KB 0.01% /fems03/scimenu.html
15 51 0.31% 2.17 MB 0.26% /icmgp04/htmlarea/editor.js
16 49 0.29% 620.16 KB 0.07% /foodmicro2004/geninfo.html
17 47 0.28% 55.75 KB 0.01% /fems03/front.html
18 47 0.28% 45.46 KB 0.01% /fems03/top.html
19 47 0.28% 352.14 KB 0.04% /foodmicro2004/
20 45 0.27% 16.78 KB 0.00% /fems03/impdates.html
21 44 0.26% 63.47 KB 0.01% /fems03/menu.html
22 43 0.26% 5.64 KB 0.00% /fems03/bottom.html
23 39 0.23% 2.72 KB 0.00% /efrr2004/
24 39 0.23% 627.36 KB 0.07% /fems03/sponsors.html
25 38 0.23% 6.59 MB 0.78% /fems03/files/ExhibitionSponsorshipLeaflet_020911.pdf
26 38 0.23% 17.08 MB 2.03% /foodmicro2004/closing_report.pdf
27 35 0.21% 1.57 MB 0.19% /foodmicro2004/images/inst.pdf
28 33 0.20% 1.90 MB 0.22% /fems03/attgrants.html
29 33 0.20% 13.08 KB 0.00% /fems03/sciprog-emd.html
30 30 0.18% 9.69 KB 0.00% /efrr2004/stil.css
View All URLs

Top 10 of 708 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1817 10.89% 480.20 MB 56.96% /fems03/files/finalprogram.pdf
2 79 0.47% 77.81 MB 9.23% /ecp/meni3.php
3 1201 7.20% 52.04 MB 6.17% /icmgp04/
4 165 0.99% 33.81 MB 4.01% /fems03/posters.html
5 8 0.05% 22.77 MB 2.70% /foodmicro2004/images/FOODMICRO2004.PPT
6 38 0.23% 17.08 MB 2.03% /foodmicro2004/closing_report.pdf
7 25 0.15% 14.43 MB 1.71% /icmgp04/sub/images/Rmz50-1_149-152.pdf
8 24 0.14% 14.20 MB 1.68% /fems03/files/CMEC.pdf
9 6 0.04% 8.56 MB 1.02% /fems03/files/fems.mpg
10 38 0.23% 6.59 MB 0.78% /fems03/files/ExhibitionSponsorshipLeaflet_020911.pdf

Top 10 of 169 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1201 7.20% 671 29.00% /icmgp04/
2 165 0.99% 147 6.35% /fems03/posters.html
3 79 0.47% 63 2.72% /ecp/meni3.php
4 62 0.37% 47 2.03% /fems03/travel.html
5 68 0.41% 41 1.77% /fems03/
6 39 0.23% 37 1.60% /efrr2004/
7 49 0.29% 35 1.51% /foodmicro2004/geninfo.html
8 45 0.27% 33 1.43% /fems03/impdates.html
9 47 0.28% 33 1.43% /foodmicro2004/
10 39 0.23% 30 1.30% /fems03/sponsors.html

Top 10 of 170 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1201 7.20% 681 29.07% /icmgp04/
2 165 0.99% 147 6.27% /fems03/posters.html
3 79 0.47% 60 2.56% /ecp/meni3.php
4 62 0.37% 48 2.05% /fems03/travel.html
5 45 0.27% 36 1.54% /fems03/impdates.html
6 49 0.29% 36 1.54% /foodmicro2004/geninfo.html
7 47 0.28% 34 1.45% /foodmicro2004/
8 39 0.23% 33 1.41% /efrr2004/
9 68 0.41% 28 1.20% /fems03/
10 39 0.23% 26 1.11% /fems03/sponsors.html

Top 30 of 1166 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 1466 8.78% 1425 12.41% 63.67 MB 7.55% 75 3.09% Slovenia
2 739 4.43% 201 1.75% 20.08 MB 2.38% 125 5.16% United States
3 690 4.13% 395 3.44% 25.98 MB 3.08% 192 7.92% United States
4 220 1.32% 125 1.09% 8.84 MB 1.05% 58 2.39% United States
5 202 1.21% 119 1.04% 69.95 KB 0.01% 2 0.08% Slovenia
6 181 1.08% 176 1.53% 1.83 MB 0.22% 2 0.08% United Kingdom
7 149 0.89% 124 1.08% 4.34 MB 0.51% 90 3.71% United States
8 149 0.89% 88 0.77% 2.81 MB 0.33% 40 1.65% United States
9 134 0.80% 79 0.69% 4.80 MB 0.57% 34 1.40% United States
10 133 0.80% 126 1.10% 449.21 KB 0.05% 3 0.12% Turkey
11 122 0.73% 76 0.66% 2.48 MB 0.29% 30 1.24% Slovenia
12 113 0.68% 112 0.98% 347.22 KB 0.04% 1 0.04% Unknown
13 112 0.67% 108 0.94% 1.27 MB 0.15% 4 0.17% United States
14 100 0.60% 100 0.87% 1.03 MB 0.12% 1 0.04% Chile
15 84 0.50% 48 0.42% 888.45 KB 0.10% 35 1.44% United States
16 80 0.48% 42 0.37% 2.53 MB 0.30% 1 0.04% Germany
17 78 0.47% 40 0.35% 2.49 MB 0.30% 2 0.08% Unknown
18 78 0.47% 78 0.68% 2.58 MB 0.31% 2 0.08% Luxembourg
19 78 0.47% 78 0.68% 2.58 MB 0.31% 2 0.08% United States
20 76 0.46% 76 0.66% 1.52 MB 0.18% 5 0.21% United Kingdom
21 76 0.46% 37 0.32% 1.46 MB 0.17% 37 1.53% United States
22 75 0.45% 73 0.64% 1.48 MB 0.18% 1 0.04% United States
23 75 0.45% 53 0.46% 184.51 KB 0.02% 1 0.04% United States
24 71 0.43% 55 0.48% 5.97 MB 0.71% 2 0.08% Israel
25 70 0.42% 44 0.38% 1.57 MB 0.19% 42 1.73% United States
26 69 0.41% 47 0.41% 2.56 MB 0.30% 15 0.62% United States
27 68 0.41% 67 0.58% 12.81 MB 1.52% 0 0.00% India
28 65 0.39% 32 0.28% 869.28 KB 0.10% 25 1.03% United States
29 65 0.39% 35 0.30% 951.26 KB 0.11% 27 1.11% United States
30 64 0.38% 44 0.38% 1.34 MB 0.16% 18 0.74% United States
View All Sites

Top 10 of 1166 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 1466 8.78% 1425 12.41% 63.67 MB 7.55% 75 3.09% Slovenia
2 690 4.13% 395 3.44% 25.98 MB 3.08% 192 7.92% United States
3 27 0.16% 27 0.24% 23.76 MB 2.82% 0 0.00% Unknown
4 739 4.43% 201 1.75% 20.08 MB 2.38% 125 5.16% United States
5 17 0.10% 17 0.15% 14.16 MB 1.68% 0 0.00% India
6 68 0.41% 67 0.58% 12.81 MB 1.52% 0 0.00% India
7 33 0.20% 33 0.29% 11.23 MB 1.33% 0 0.00% Iran, Islamic Republic of
8 220 1.32% 125 1.09% 8.84 MB 1.05% 58 2.39% United States
9 11 0.07% 11 0.10% 8.56 MB 1.02% 0 0.00% Iran, Islamic Republic of
10 5 0.03% 5 0.04% 8.27 MB 0.98% 0 0.00% Indonesia

Top 30 of 292 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 8971 53.75% - (Direct Request)
2 142 0.85%
3 78 0.47%
4 68 0.41%
5 66 0.40%
6 43 0.26%
7 37 0.22%
8 33 0.20%
9 31 0.19%
10 28 0.17%
11 21 0.13%
12 16 0.10%
13 13 0.08%
14 13 0.08%
15 12 0.07%
16 12 0.07%
17 11 0.07%
18 10 0.06%
19 7 0.04%
20 7 0.04%
21 7 0.04%
22 7 0.04%
23 7 0.04%
24 7 0.04%
25 7 0.04%
26 7 0.04%
27 6 0.04%
28 6 0.04%
29 6 0.04%
30 6 0.04%
View All Referrers

Top 20 of 120 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 4 3.03% adria airways tirana
2 2 1.52% flight from zurich to ljubljana and from trieste to zurich
3 2 1.52% gaster antrum histology
4 2 1.52% international conference on mercury as a global pollutant
5 2 1.52% j.-
6 2 1.52% mosse-
7 2 1.52% saida arifhanova
8 2 1.52% tatjana dizdarevi\xc4\x8d
9 2 1.52% tina pavlovcic
10 2 1.52% total level of mercury in canned fish by selorm agorku
11 1 0.76% %d0%b8%d1%81%d0%bf%d0%be%d0%bb%d1%8c%d0%b7%d0%be%d0%b2%d0%b0%d0
12 1 0.76% 7th icmgp (international conference on mercury as global pollua
13 1 0.76% 7th international conference on mercury as a global
14 1 0.76% 7th international conference on mercury as a global pollutant
15 1 0.76% 7th international conference on mercury as a global pollutant r
16 1 0.76% accommodation receipt document
17 1 0.76% adimado aa
18 1 0.76% adria airlines shqiperi
19 1 0.76% adria airways in tirana
20 1 0.76% adria airways tirane
View All Search Strings

Top 15 of 92 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 3281 19.66% Mozilla/5.0
2 3159 18.93% MSIE 7.0
3 2402 14.39% MSIE 6.0
4 1668 9.99% Najdi.s
5 1322 7.92% Yahoo! Slurp/3.0
6 958 5.74% msnbot/1.1 (+
7 675 4.04% msnbot/2.0b (+
8 466 2.79% MSIE 8.0
9 395 2.37% Googlebot/2.1
10 384 2.30% msnbot-media/1.1 (+
11 365 2.19% Googlebot-Image/1.0
12 213 1.28% Ask Jeeves/Teoma
13 122 0.73% BabalooSpider/1.3 (BabalooSpider;;
14 100 0.60% NV32ts
15 98 0.59% Yahoo! Slurp
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for May 2009

Top 30 of 83 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 5804 34.78% 3369 29.35% 217.51 MB 25.80% United States
2 2660 15.94% 2446 21.31% 97.86 MB 11.61% Slovenia
3 1491 8.93% 1311 11.42% 88.37 MB 10.48% Unresolved/Unknown
4 575 3.45% 508 4.43% 13.20 MB 1.57% Great Britain (UK)
5 543 3.25% 430 3.75% 15.09 MB 1.79% Germany
6 471 2.82% 439 3.82% 65.62 MB 7.78% India
7 310 1.86% 299 2.60% 5.22 MB 0.62% Turkey
8 279 1.67% 211 1.84% 27.31 MB 3.24% China
9 269 1.61% 255 2.22% 4.79 MB 0.57% Canada
10 226 1.35% 207 1.80% 9.74 MB 1.16% France
11 201 1.20% 189 1.65% 7.42 MB 0.88% Netherlands
12 196 1.17% 176 1.53% 15.42 MB 1.83% Spain
13 195 1.17% 189 1.65% 46.52 MB 5.52% Iran
14 148 0.89% 81 0.71% 11.97 MB 1.42% Brazil
15 136 0.81% 112 0.98% 8.22 MB 0.98% Israel
16 135 0.81% 128 1.12% 11.91 MB 1.41% Yugoslavia
17 134 0.80% 131 1.14% 18.71 MB 2.22% Romania
18 131 0.78% 101 0.88% 2.88 MB 0.34% Sweden
19 127 0.76% 116 1.01% 5.69 MB 0.68% Italy
20 124 0.74% 94 0.82% 1.88 MB 0.22% Croatia (Hrvatska)
21 120 0.72% 116 1.01% 11.13 MB 1.32% Mexico
22 118 0.71% 113 0.98% 1.74 MB 0.21% Ghana
23 116 0.70% 111 0.97% 1.68 MB 0.20% Norway
24 114 0.68% 108 0.94% 1.22 MB 0.14% Poland
25 107 0.64% 107 0.93% 12.62 MB 1.50% Thailand
26 101 0.61% 101 0.88% 1.04 MB 0.12% Chile
27 101 0.61% 91 0.79% 12.09 MB 1.43% Indonesia
28 96 0.58% 91 0.79% 922.40 KB 0.11% South Africa
29 93 0.56% 91 0.79% 8.76 MB 1.04% Austria
30 85 0.51% 82 0.71% 3.59 MB 0.43% Morocco

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)