Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: December 2008
Generated 01-Jan-2009 04:41 CET
GEO-106FREE 20070601 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for December 2008
Total Hits 17368
Total Files 11555
Total Pages 4916
Total Visits 2412
Total KBytes 977.22 MB
Total Unique Sites 1082
Total Unique URLs 681
Total Unique Referrers 259
Total Unique User Agents 95
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 23 310
Hits per Day 560 890
Files per Day 372 698
Pages per Day 158 464
Visits per Day 77 152
KBytes per Day 31.52 MB 63.29 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 11555
Code 206 - Partial Content 2153
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 93
Code 302 - Found 35
Code 304 - Not Modified 1770
Code 403 - Forbidden 110
Code 404 - Not Found 1645
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 7

Daily usage for December 2008

Daily Statistics for December 2008
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 512 2.95% 342 2.96% 121 2.46% 51 2.11% 50 4.62% 50.58 MB 5.18%
2 691 3.98% 475 4.11% 158 3.21% 74 3.07% 61 5.64% 63.29 MB 6.48%
3 829 4.77% 614 5.31% 134 2.73% 80 3.32% 64 5.91% 46.14 MB 4.72%
4 857 4.93% 527 4.56% 212 4.31% 101 4.19% 78 7.21% 46.73 MB 4.78%
5 816 4.70% 475 4.11% 177 3.60% 88 3.65% 76 7.02% 55.25 MB 5.65%
6 490 2.82% 317 2.74% 155 3.15% 84 3.48% 56 5.18% 27.93 MB 2.86%
7 390 2.25% 224 1.94% 135 2.75% 71 2.94% 50 4.62% 19.19 MB 1.96%
8 471 2.71% 292 2.53% 120 2.44% 76 3.15% 61 5.64% 27.39 MB 2.80%
9 840 4.84% 444 3.84% 197 4.01% 118 4.89% 84 7.76% 43.36 MB 4.44%
10 612 3.52% 448 3.88% 101 2.05% 71 2.94% 65 6.01% 31.26 MB 3.20%
11 492 2.83% 255 2.21% 159 3.23% 86 3.57% 69 6.38% 45.38 MB 4.64%
12 890 5.12% 698 6.04% 464 9.44% 152 6.30% 65 6.01% 45.42 MB 4.65%
13 381 2.19% 293 2.54% 108 2.20% 70 2.90% 44 4.07% 20.48 MB 2.10%
14 574 3.30% 391 3.38% 159 3.23% 75 3.11% 48 4.44% 29.41 MB 3.01%
15 795 4.58% 474 4.10% 230 4.68% 88 3.65% 65 6.01% 53.68 MB 5.49%
16 807 4.65% 458 3.96% 177 3.60% 83 3.44% 68 6.28% 34.22 MB 3.50%
17 539 3.10% 337 2.92% 154 3.13% 91 3.77% 71 6.56% 20.38 MB 2.09%
18 653 3.76% 467 4.04% 207 4.21% 74 3.07% 57 5.27% 41.64 MB 4.26%
19 575 3.31% 408 3.53% 179 3.64% 80 3.32% 58 5.36% 19.40 MB 1.99%
20 351 2.02% 212 1.83% 124 2.52% 66 2.74% 43 3.97% 26.99 MB 2.76%
21 495 2.85% 389 3.37% 122 2.48% 67 2.78% 33 3.05% 11.87 MB 1.21%
22 387 2.23% 287 2.48% 114 2.32% 69 2.86% 41 3.79% 14.95 MB 1.53%
23 453 2.61% 362 3.13% 117 2.38% 68 2.82% 44 4.07% 21.46 MB 2.20%
24 425 2.45% 277 2.40% 170 3.46% 68 2.82% 42 3.88% 16.61 MB 1.70%
25 542 3.12% 337 2.92% 167 3.40% 75 3.11% 53 4.90% 27.58 MB 2.82%
26 508 2.92% 406 3.51% 127 2.58% 70 2.90% 38 3.51% 16.74 MB 1.71%
27 268 1.54% 181 1.57% 108 2.20% 64 2.65% 33 3.05% 16.77 MB 1.72%
28 343 1.97% 244 2.11% 86 1.75% 55 2.28% 38 3.51% 31.17 MB 3.19%
29 450 2.59% 329 2.85% 156 3.17% 65 2.69% 38 3.51% 22.81 MB 2.33%
30 559 3.22% 376 3.25% 159 3.23% 69 2.86% 35 3.23% 30.15 MB 3.08%
31 373 2.15% 216 1.87% 119 2.42% 69 2.86% 43 3.97% 18.99 MB 1.94%

Hourly usage for December 2008

Hourly Statistics for December 2008
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 26 832 4.79% 17 539 4.66% 8 253 5.15% 932.17 KB 28.22 MB 2.89%
1 16 502 2.89% 10 327 2.83% 6 189 3.84% 473.18 KB 14.32 MB 1.47%
2 17 548 3.16% 11 354 3.06% 5 157 3.19% 721.12 KB 21.83 MB 2.23%
3 17 546 3.14% 12 390 3.38% 5 171 3.48% 994.46 KB 30.11 MB 3.08%
4 20 638 3.67% 13 417 3.61% 6 203 4.13% 974.04 KB 29.49 MB 3.02%
5 10 334 1.92% 5 167 1.45% 4 144 2.93% 1.68 MB 51.97 MB 5.32%
6 14 437 2.52% 9 303 2.62% 5 169 3.44% 454.06 KB 13.75 MB 1.41%
7 21 681 3.92% 14 436 3.77% 5 179 3.64% 1.43 MB 44.28 MB 4.53%
8 20 643 3.70% 10 333 2.88% 5 182 3.70% 1.59 MB 49.34 MB 5.05%
9 20 644 3.71% 14 458 3.96% 6 190 3.86% 1.60 MB 49.63 MB 5.08%
10 23 726 4.18% 16 507 4.39% 5 167 3.40% 1.52 MB 47.18 MB 4.83%
11 43 1357 7.81% 33 1032 8.93% 17 539 10.96% 2.54 MB 78.60 MB 8.04%
12 23 717 4.13% 14 444 3.84% 6 197 4.01% 1.45 MB 44.96 MB 4.60%
13 27 843 4.85% 20 643 5.56% 6 187 3.80% 961.00 KB 29.09 MB 2.98%
14 26 835 4.81% 17 531 4.60% 8 255 5.19% 1.68 MB 51.93 MB 5.31%
15 32 1013 5.83% 19 599 5.18% 6 216 4.39% 2.43 MB 75.46 MB 7.72%
16 27 841 4.84% 15 490 4.24% 7 219 4.45% 1.56 MB 48.43 MB 4.96%
17 22 686 3.95% 14 439 3.80% 4 144 2.93% 1.16 MB 35.90 MB 3.67%
18 29 927 5.34% 19 617 5.34% 7 228 4.64% 1.51 MB 46.87 MB 4.80%
19 28 895 5.15% 19 615 5.32% 6 212 4.31% 1.71 MB 52.89 MB 5.41%
20 23 716 4.12% 17 536 4.64% 6 188 3.82% 935.86 KB 28.33 MB 2.90%
21 25 778 4.48% 15 492 4.26% 5 181 3.68% 1.60 MB 49.71 MB 5.09%
22 23 732 4.21% 17 546 4.73% 6 189 3.84% 972.64 KB 29.45 MB 3.01%
23 16 497 2.86% 10 340 2.94% 5 157 3.19% 841.30 KB 25.47 MB 2.61%

Top 30 of 681 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2317 13.34% 576.71 MB 59.02% /fems03/files/finalprogram.pdf
2 986 5.68% 48.79 MB 4.99% /icmgp04/
3 403 2.32% 135.73 KB 0.01% /fems03/fems03.css
4 167 0.96% 34.47 MB 3.53% /fems03/posters.html
5 136 0.78% 116.97 KB 0.01% /icmgp04/stil.css
6 97 0.56% 89.77 MB 9.19% /ecp/meni3.php
7 94 0.54% 37.39 KB 0.00% /efrr2004/stil.css
8 93 0.54% 53.35 KB 0.01% /icmgp04/htmlarea.js
9 91 0.52% 84.13 KB 0.01% /icmgp04/menu_includes.js
10 89 0.51% 49.04 KB 0.00% /fems03/
11 78 0.45% 79.64 KB 0.01% /fems03/front.html
12 67 0.39% 16.56 KB 0.00% /ecp/style.css
13 61 0.35% 3.22 MB 0.33% /fems03/files/FEMSCOUN.pdf
14 59 0.34% 79.79 KB 0.01% /fems03/menu.html
15 58 0.33% 2.44 MB 0.25% /icmgp04/htmlarea/editor.js
16 56 0.32% 2.00 MB 0.20% /efrr2004/ppreliminary.html
17 56 0.32% 53.58 KB 0.01% /fems03/scimenu.html
18 56 0.32% 49.25 KB 0.00% /fems03/top.html
19 55 0.32% 3.39 MB 0.35% /fems03/attgrants.html
20 52 0.30% 91.48 KB 0.01% /foodmicro2004/foodmicro.css
21 51 0.29% 6.31 KB 0.00% /fems03/bottom.html
22 46 0.26% 687.03 KB 0.07% /fems03/travel.html
23 43 0.25% 329.42 KB 0.03% /foodmicro2004/
24 41 0.24% 54.28 KB 0.01% /fems03/exhibinfo.html
25 41 0.24% 1.64 MB 0.17% /foodmicro2004/images/inst.pdf
26 40 0.23% 13.96 KB 0.00% /fems03/exhib.html
27 39 0.22% 5.04 MB 0.52% /fems03/files/CMEC.doc
28 37 0.21% 257.03 KB 0.03% /fems03/geninfo.html
29 37 0.21% 15.93 KB 0.00% /fems03/invitations.html
30 37 0.21% 275.54 KB 0.03% /foodmicro2004/welcome.html
View All URLs

Top 10 of 681 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2317 13.34% 576.71 MB 59.02% /fems03/files/finalprogram.pdf
2 97 0.56% 89.77 MB 9.19% /ecp/meni3.php
3 986 5.68% 48.79 MB 4.99% /icmgp04/
4 167 0.96% 34.47 MB 3.53% /fems03/posters.html
5 6 0.03% 25.69 MB 2.63% /fems03/files/fems.mpg
6 7 0.04% 20.22 MB 2.07% /efrr2004/images/koledar.pdf
7 25 0.14% 15.10 MB 1.55% /fems03/files/CMEC.pdf
8 4 0.02% 13.66 MB 1.40% /foodmicro2004/images/FOODMICRO2004.PPT
9 22 0.13% 12.96 MB 1.33% /icmgp04/sub/images/Rmz50-1_149-152.pdf
10 23 0.13% 11.30 MB 1.16% /foodmicro2004/closing_report.pdf

Top 10 of 175 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 986 5.68% 465 20.38% /icmgp04/
2 167 0.96% 153 6.70% /fems03/posters.html
3 97 0.56% 79 3.46% /ecp/meni3.php
4 2 0.01% 51 2.23% /
5 89 0.51% 46 2.02% /fems03/
6 56 0.32% 42 1.84% /efrr2004/ppreliminary.html
7 55 0.32% 38 1.67% /fems03/attgrants.html
8 46 0.26% 31 1.36% /fems03/travel.html
9 37 0.21% 27 1.18% /fems03/invitations.html
10 37 0.21% 27 1.18% /foodmicro2004/welcome.html

Top 10 of 171 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 986 5.68% 523 22.22% /icmgp04/
2 167 0.96% 147 6.24% /fems03/posters.html
3 97 0.56% 72 3.06% /ecp/meni3.php
4 2 0.01% 51 2.17% /
5 56 0.32% 39 1.66% /efrr2004/ppreliminary.html
6 55 0.32% 37 1.57% /fems03/attgrants.html
7 89 0.51% 36 1.53% /fems03/
8 46 0.26% 35 1.49% /fems03/travel.html
9 78 0.45% 26 1.10% /fems03/front.html
10 32 0.18% 26 1.10% /foodmicro2004/euromicroday.html

Top 30 of 1082 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 1082 6.23% 304 2.63% 20.85 MB 2.13% 159 6.59% United States
2 571 3.29% 355 3.07% 16.28 MB 1.67% 152 6.30% Unknown
3 499 2.87% 387 3.35% 17.83 MB 1.82% 32 1.33% Slovenia
4 322 1.85% 198 1.71% 8.43 MB 0.86% 91 3.77% Unknown
5 301 1.73% 193 1.67% 11.99 MB 1.23% 78 3.23% Slovenia
6 300 1.73% 295 2.55% 6.43 MB 0.66% 60 2.49% Unknown
7 253 1.46% 22 0.19% 323.47 KB 0.03% 63 2.61% United States
8 246 1.42% 143 1.24% 9.90 MB 1.01% 65 2.69% Unknown
9 235 1.35% 24 0.21% 1.49 MB 0.15% 75 3.11% United States
10 219 1.26% 207 1.79% 7.25 MB 0.74% 48 1.99% Unknown
11 216 1.24% 195 1.69% 4.58 MB 0.47% 20 0.83% United States
12 205 1.18% 187 1.62% 14.10 MB 1.44% 82 3.40% United States
13 164 0.94% 123 1.06% 442.83 KB 0.04% 1 0.04% Thailand
14 116 0.67% 114 0.99% 358.57 KB 0.04% 1 0.04% Tunisia
15 114 0.66% 103 0.89% 543.69 KB 0.05% 1 0.04% United States
16 109 0.63% 98 0.85% 7.77 MB 0.79% 44 1.82% United States
17 101 0.58% 83 0.72% 322.00 KB 0.03% 1 0.04% Thailand
18 95 0.55% 76 0.66% 4.86 MB 0.50% 55 2.28% United States
19 78 0.45% 78 0.68% 2.68 MB 0.27% 0 0.00% Unknown
20 76 0.44% 38 0.33% 84.03 KB 0.01% 1 0.04% Saudi Arabia
21 70 0.40% 22 0.19% 492.41 KB 0.05% 30 1.24% United States
22 70 0.40% 63 0.55% 2.94 MB 0.30% 21 0.87% United States
23 63 0.36% 63 0.55% 2.43 MB 0.25% 4 0.17% Germany
24 63 0.36% 60 0.52% 5.27 MB 0.54% 0 0.00% Hungary
25 62 0.36% 61 0.53% 586.91 KB 0.06% 1 0.04% Japan
26 61 0.35% 46 0.40% 1.27 MB 0.13% 16 0.66% United States
27 61 0.35% 61 0.53% 159.80 KB 0.02% 1 0.04% Slovenia
28 60 0.35% 4 0.03% 48.93 KB 0.00% 33 1.37% France
29 56 0.32% 28 0.24% 370.06 KB 0.04% 1 0.04% Switzerland
30 55 0.32% 32 0.28% 641.42 KB 0.06% 26 1.08% United States
View All Sites

Top 10 of 1082 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 1082 6.23% 304 2.63% 20.85 MB 2.13% 159 6.59% United States
2 499 2.87% 387 3.35% 17.83 MB 1.82% 32 1.33% Slovenia
3 571 3.29% 355 3.07% 16.28 MB 1.67% 152 6.30% Unknown
4 205 1.18% 187 1.62% 14.10 MB 1.44% 82 3.40% United States
5 301 1.73% 193 1.67% 11.99 MB 1.23% 78 3.23% Slovenia
6 246 1.42% 143 1.24% 9.90 MB 1.01% 65 2.69% Unknown
7 25 0.14% 25 0.22% 9.20 MB 0.94% 0 0.00% India
8 9 0.05% 9 0.08% 8.88 MB 0.91% 4 0.17% United States
9 10 0.06% 10 0.09% 8.59 MB 0.88% 0 0.00% Egypt
10 2 0.01% 2 0.02% 8.58 MB 0.88% 0 0.00% Sweden

Top 30 of 259 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 9631 55.45% - (Direct Request)
2 166 0.96%
3 78 0.45%
4 56 0.32%
5 29 0.17%
6 26 0.15%
7 24 0.14%
8 22 0.13% http://localhost:4664/preview
9 22 0.13%
10 20 0.12%
11 16 0.09%
12 16 0.09%
13 12 0.07%
14 11 0.06%
15 11 0.06%
16 11 0.06%
17 11 0.06%
18 10 0.06%
19 10 0.06%
20 9 0.05%
21 9 0.05%
22 8 0.05%
23 8 0.05%
24 8 0.05%
25 8 0.05%
26 8 0.05%
27 8 0.05%
28 7 0.04%
29 6 0.03%
30 6 0.03%
View All Referrers

Top 20 of 144 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 2 1.30% -
2 2 1.30% cullaj a baraj b 2004 mecury vlora bay
3 2 1.30% dr. hans-rudolf paur
4 2 1.30% eur congress of pathology
5 2 1.30% european congress of pathology-
6 2 1.30% ljubljana cankarjev dom
7 2 1.30% mercury in crude oil by combustion cold vapor atomic absorption
8 2 1.30% ramlachan
9 2 1.30% sixth international conference on mercury as a global pollutant
10 2 1.30% skender gazibara
11 1 0.65% %22salivary duct carcinoma%22 -
12 1 0.65% ''achromobacter denitrificans''
13 1 0.65% (pdf) biocide cross resistance in e.coli in pig
14 1 0.65% 19th european congress pathology slovenia
15 1 0.65% 7th international conference on mercury as a global pollutant
16 1 0.65% 7th international conference on mercury as a global pollutant
17 1 0.65% a.a khaki turkey
18 1 0.65% achromobacter
19 1 0.65% actinomycetes and stone pdf
20 1 0.65% adenocarcinoma of the lungadenocarcinoma of the gasterpathohist
View All Search Strings

Top 15 of 95 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 3454 19.89% MSIE 7.0
2 3397 19.56% Mozilla/5.0
3 3320 19.12% MSIE 6.0
4 1802 10.38% Yahoo! Slurp
5 956 5.50% Yahoo! Slurp/3.0
6 718 4.13% Googlebot/2.1
7 603 3.47% msnbot/1.1 (+
8 545 3.14% Najdi.s
9 523 3.01% Charlotte/1.1
10 368 2.12% Googlebot-Image/1.0
11 301 1.73% BabalooSpider/1.3 (BabalooSpider;;
12 218 1.26% msnbot-media/1.0 (+
13 203 1.17% Opera/7.52
14 176 1.01% msnbot-media/1.1 (+
15 125 0.72% Ask Jeeves/Teoma
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for December 2008

Top 30 of 78 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 5900 33.97% 3730 32.28% 214.51 MB 21.95% United States
2 3080 17.73% 2436 21.08% 164.86 MB 16.87% Unresolved/Unknown
3 1530 8.81% 1254 10.85% 49.11 MB 5.03% Slovenia
4 617 3.55% 581 5.03% 119.78 MB 12.26% India
5 588 3.39% 562 4.86% 43.30 MB 4.43% Germany
6 378 2.18% 312 2.70% 14.34 MB 1.47% Thailand
7 365 2.10% 352 3.05% 25.40 MB 2.60% Great Britain (UK)
8 287 1.65% 216 1.87% 17.72 MB 1.81% France
9 228 1.31% 220 1.90% 18.70 MB 1.91% Poland
10 224 1.29% 185 1.60% 17.52 MB 1.79% Sweden
11 210 1.21% 207 1.79% 13.55 MB 1.39% Turkey
12 207 1.19% 173 1.50% 2.25 MB 0.23% Brazil
13 207 1.19% 198 1.71% 10.16 MB 1.04% Spain
14 201 1.16% 195 1.69% 14.56 MB 1.49% Yugoslavia
15 192 1.11% 187 1.62% 4.20 MB 0.43% Greece
16 187 1.08% 175 1.51% 10.44 MB 1.07% Netherlands
17 182 1.05% 173 1.50% 18.31 MB 1.87% Italy
18 174 1.00% 167 1.45% 6.01 MB 0.62% Japan
19 173 1.00% 159 1.38% 8.49 MB 0.87% Canada
20 171 0.98% 136 1.18% 11.54 MB 1.18% Switzerland
21 165 0.95% 162 1.40% 28.03 MB 2.87% Iran
22 140 0.81% 131 1.13% 11.83 MB 1.21% Romania
23 133 0.77% 95 0.82% 952.25 KB 0.10% Saudi Arabia
24 122 0.70% 112 0.97% 18.95 MB 1.94% China
25 116 0.67% 114 0.99% 358.57 KB 0.04% Tunisia
26 98 0.56% 82 0.71% 10.67 MB 1.09% Czech Republic
27 78 0.45% 74 0.64% 3.53 MB 0.36% Belgium
28 73 0.42% 67 0.58% 5.62 MB 0.58% Hungary
29 69 0.40% 66 0.57% 3.06 MB 0.31% Croatia (Hrvatska)
30 68 0.39% 62 0.54% 10.12 MB 1.04% Austria

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)