Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: October 2008
Generated 01-Nov-2008 04:44 CET
GEO-106FREE 20070601 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for October 2008
Total Hits 23834
Total Files 16161
Total Pages 6318
Total Visits 2998
Total KBytes 1.22 GB
Total Unique Sites 1422
Total Unique URLs 747
Total Unique Referrers 298
Total Unique User Agents 81
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 32 302
Hits per Day 768 1288
Files per Day 521 970
Pages per Day 203 356
Visits per Day 96 132
KBytes per Day 40.44 MB 108.98 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 16161
Code 206 - Partial Content 2562
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 122
Code 302 - Found 34
Code 304 - Not Modified 2645
Code 400 - Bad Request 21
Code 403 - Forbidden 104
Code 404 - Not Found 2161
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 6
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 12
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 6

Daily usage for October 2008

Daily Statistics for October 2008
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 620 2.60% 420 2.60% 164 2.60% 85 2.84% 77 5.41% 29.06 MB 2.32%
2 1288 5.40% 970 6.00% 264 4.18% 91 3.04% 98 6.89% 58.90 MB 4.70%
3 855 3.59% 469 2.90% 237 3.75% 117 3.90% 76 5.34% 34.23 MB 2.73%
4 423 1.77% 184 1.14% 165 2.61% 86 2.87% 67 4.71% 28.57 MB 2.28%
5 1075 4.51% 554 3.43% 165 2.61% 75 2.50% 64 4.50% 31.43 MB 2.51%
6 627 2.63% 337 2.09% 160 2.53% 67 2.23% 55 3.87% 108.98 MB 8.69%
7 880 3.69% 688 4.26% 199 3.15% 80 2.67% 65 4.57% 41.57 MB 3.32%
8 872 3.66% 599 3.71% 179 2.83% 96 3.20% 80 5.63% 42.65 MB 3.40%
9 516 2.16% 347 2.15% 169 2.67% 94 3.14% 61 4.29% 30.68 MB 2.45%
10 730 3.06% 438 2.71% 192 3.04% 89 2.97% 70 4.92% 49.00 MB 3.91%
11 776 3.26% 459 2.84% 248 3.93% 117 3.90% 71 4.99% 42.30 MB 3.37%
12 773 3.24% 498 3.08% 234 3.70% 107 3.57% 61 4.29% 29.31 MB 2.34%
13 825 3.46% 655 4.05% 270 4.27% 101 3.37% 63 4.43% 30.12 MB 2.40%
14 738 3.10% 506 3.13% 243 3.85% 109 3.64% 74 5.20% 39.37 MB 3.14%
15 656 2.75% 466 2.88% 190 3.01% 87 2.90% 77 5.41% 35.01 MB 2.79%
16 893 3.75% 690 4.27% 305 4.83% 110 3.67% 88 6.19% 45.47 MB 3.63%
17 714 3.00% 407 2.52% 214 3.39% 88 2.94% 70 4.92% 45.33 MB 3.62%
18 606 2.54% 368 2.28% 185 2.93% 70 2.33% 58 4.08% 41.93 MB 3.34%
19 602 2.53% 413 2.56% 214 3.39% 90 3.00% 53 3.73% 23.95 MB 1.91%
20 1150 4.83% 796 4.93% 221 3.50% 100 3.34% 78 5.49% 63.77 MB 5.09%
21 735 3.08% 533 3.30% 165 2.61% 109 3.64% 71 4.99% 30.53 MB 2.43%
22 924 3.88% 697 4.31% 185 2.93% 102 3.40% 89 6.26% 48.67 MB 3.88%
23 951 3.99% 722 4.47% 356 5.63% 132 4.40% 104 7.31% 73.18 MB 5.84%
24 801 3.36% 617 3.82% 186 2.94% 111 3.70% 83 5.84% 32.46 MB 2.59%
25 518 2.17% 338 2.09% 143 2.26% 89 2.97% 80 5.63% 30.85 MB 2.46%
26 451 1.89% 288 1.78% 128 2.03% 77 2.57% 77 5.41% 31.68 MB 2.53%
27 801 3.36% 592 3.66% 146 2.31% 92 3.07% 72 5.06% 36.71 MB 2.93%
28 1046 4.39% 762 4.72% 252 3.99% 124 4.14% 75 5.27% 40.67 MB 3.24%
29 563 2.36% 350 2.17% 174 2.75% 112 3.74% 79 5.56% 22.49 MB 1.79%
30 977 4.10% 668 4.13% 206 3.26% 111 3.70% 86 6.05% 44.73 MB 3.57%
31 448 1.88% 330 2.04% 159 2.52% 98 3.27% 74 5.20% 10.13 MB 0.81%

Hourly usage for October 2008

Hourly Statistics for October 2008
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 28 892 3.74% 19 608 3.76% 9 284 4.50% 945.40 KB 28.62 MB 2.28%
1 21 680 2.85% 12 377 2.33% 7 226 3.58% 1.06 MB 32.90 MB 2.62%
2 18 575 2.41% 13 405 2.51% 8 266 4.21% 814.73 KB 24.66 MB 1.97%
3 18 577 2.42% 12 383 2.37% 6 208 3.29% 1.49 MB 46.25 MB 3.69%
4 25 794 3.33% 15 488 3.02% 7 235 3.72% 1.01 MB 31.41 MB 2.51%
5 32 1021 4.28% 16 516 3.19% 11 351 5.56% 1.48 MB 45.88 MB 3.66%
6 21 658 2.76% 14 457 2.83% 8 271 4.29% 903.68 KB 27.36 MB 2.18%
7 20 636 2.67% 10 319 1.97% 5 175 2.77% 896.15 KB 27.13 MB 2.16%
8 28 897 3.76% 16 506 3.13% 5 170 2.69% 2.09 MB 64.94 MB 5.18%
9 30 945 3.96% 22 683 4.23% 8 275 4.35% 3.48 MB 107.88 MB 8.61%
10 38 1202 5.04% 26 820 5.07% 7 226 3.58% 1.92 MB 59.40 MB 4.74%
11 40 1268 5.32% 28 885 5.48% 8 276 4.37% 2.08 MB 64.49 MB 5.14%
12 32 1021 4.28% 21 662 4.10% 7 220 3.48% 2.19 MB 67.89 MB 5.42%
13 37 1167 4.90% 24 768 4.75% 8 254 4.02% 3.32 MB 103.05 MB 8.22%
14 36 1145 4.80% 26 836 5.17% 8 266 4.21% 1.51 MB 46.82 MB 3.73%
15 43 1340 5.62% 30 952 5.89% 8 261 4.13% 1.70 MB 52.66 MB 4.20%
16 37 1168 4.90% 29 907 5.61% 8 268 4.24% 1.69 MB 52.39 MB 4.18%
17 46 1427 5.99% 31 980 6.06% 12 383 6.06% 2.34 MB 72.44 MB 5.78%
18 36 1124 4.72% 24 765 4.73% 7 222 3.51% 1.50 MB 46.36 MB 3.70%
19 39 1236 5.19% 28 888 5.49% 7 222 3.51% 1.92 MB 59.64 MB 4.76%
20 34 1079 4.53% 27 853 5.28% 8 270 4.27% 1.89 MB 58.69 MB 4.68%
21 36 1138 4.77% 27 838 5.19% 10 332 5.25% 1.41 MB 43.67 MB 3.48%
22 30 948 3.98% 21 681 4.21% 10 319 5.05% 1.37 MB 42.50 MB 3.39%
23 28 896 3.76% 18 584 3.61% 10 338 5.35% 1.51 MB 46.70 MB 3.73%

Top 30 of 747 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2769 11.62% 704.90 MB 56.22% /fems03/files/finalprogram.pdf
2 1540 6.46% 77.54 MB 6.19% /icmgp04/
3 429 1.80% 147.14 KB 0.01% /fems03/fems03.css
4 244 1.02% 140.15 KB 0.01% /icmgp04/stil.css
5 227 0.95% 46.01 MB 3.67% /fems03/posters.html
6 156 0.65% 79.43 KB 0.01% /icmgp04/htmlarea.js
7 156 0.65% 128.11 KB 0.01% /icmgp04/menu_includes.js
8 133 0.56% 107.35 MB 8.56% /ecp/meni3.php
9 117 0.49% 30.46 KB 0.00% /efrr2004/stil.css
10 110 0.46% 179.06 KB 0.01% /foodmicro2004/foodmicro.css
11 105 0.44% 63.53 KB 0.00% /fems03/
12 104 0.44% 3.65 MB 0.29% /icmgp04/htmlarea/editor.js
13 89 0.37% 86.01 KB 0.01% /fems03/front.html
14 83 0.35% 4.47 MB 0.36% /fems03/files/FEMSCOUN.pdf
15 74 0.31% 17.82 KB 0.00% /ecp/style.css
16 74 0.31% 96.11 KB 0.01% /fems03/menu.html
17 69 0.29% 66.92 KB 0.01% /fems03/top.html
18 68 0.29% 428.68 KB 0.03% /foodmicro2004/reg_form.html
19 65 0.27% 8.63 KB 0.00% /fems03/bottom.html
20 63 0.26% 755.44 KB 0.06% /foodmicro2004/geninfo.html
21 60 0.25% 579.33 KB 0.05% /foodmicro2004/
22 56 0.23% 3.05 MB 0.24% /fems03/attgrants.html
23 56 0.23% 56.55 KB 0.00% /fems03/scimenu.html
24 56 0.23% 718.26 KB 0.06% /fems03/travel.html
25 53 0.22% 2.20 MB 0.18% /foodmicro2004/images/inst.pdf
26 51 0.21% 145.25 KB 0.01% /foodmicro2004/sateliteprog.htm
27 48 0.20% 5.10 MB 0.41% /fems03/files/AfternoonSessions_wednesday_1.pdf
28 48 0.20% 370.92 KB 0.03% /foodmicro2004/welcome.html
29 45 0.19% 1.58 MB 0.13% /efrr2004/ppreliminary.html
30 43 0.18% 800.25 KB 0.06% /foodmicro2004/committees.html
View All URLs

Top 10 of 747 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2769 11.62% 704.90 MB 56.22% /fems03/files/finalprogram.pdf
2 133 0.56% 107.35 MB 8.56% /ecp/meni3.php
3 1540 6.46% 77.54 MB 6.19% /icmgp04/
4 15 0.06% 52.58 MB 4.19% /efrr2004/images/koledar.pdf
5 227 0.95% 46.01 MB 3.67% /fems03/posters.html
6 7 0.03% 42.81 MB 3.41% /fems03/files/fems.mpg
7 6 0.03% 22.77 MB 1.82% /foodmicro2004/images/FOODMICRO2004.PPT
8 30 0.13% 15.94 MB 1.27% /fems03/files/CMEC.pdf
9 25 0.10% 13.20 MB 1.05% /icmgp04/sub/images/Rmz50-1_149-152.pdf
10 25 0.10% 9.39 MB 0.75% /fems03/files/EUROMICRODAY.pdf

Top 10 of 178 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1540 6.46% 646 22.32% /icmgp04/
2 227 0.95% 196 6.77% /fems03/posters.html
3 133 0.56% 97 3.35% /ecp/meni3.php
4 3 0.01% 81 2.80% /
5 105 0.44% 54 1.87% /fems03/
6 68 0.29% 51 1.76% /foodmicro2004/reg_form.html
7 51 0.21% 43 1.49% /foodmicro2004/sateliteprog.htm
8 60 0.25% 42 1.45% /foodmicro2004/
9 56 0.23% 40 1.38% /fems03/attgrants.html
10 56 0.23% 38 1.31% /fems03/travel.html

Top 10 of 179 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1540 6.46% 684 23.14% /icmgp04/
2 227 0.95% 196 6.63% /fems03/posters.html
3 133 0.56% 91 3.08% /ecp/meni3.php
4 3 0.01% 81 2.74% /
5 68 0.29% 64 2.17% /foodmicro2004/reg_form.html
6 51 0.21% 42 1.42% /foodmicro2004/sateliteprog.htm
7 56 0.23% 40 1.35% /fems03/travel.html
8 63 0.26% 40 1.35% /foodmicro2004/geninfo.html
9 56 0.23% 39 1.32% /fems03/attgrants.html
10 60 0.25% 37 1.25% /foodmicro2004/

Top 30 of 1422 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 2114 8.87% 1395 8.63% 96.29 MB 7.68% 432 14.41% Unknown
2 1207 5.06% 1051 6.50% 34.65 MB 2.76% 31 1.03% Slovenia
3 799 3.35% 203 1.26% 21.06 MB 1.68% 98 3.27% United States
4 357 1.50% 61 0.38% 1.38 MB 0.11% 1 0.03% United States
5 304 1.28% 75 0.46% 1.45 MB 0.12% 58 1.93% United States
6 283 1.19% 255 1.58% 1.93 MB 0.15% 51 1.70% United States
7 264 1.11% 231 1.43% 13.02 MB 1.04% 25 0.83% United States
8 227 0.95% 50 0.31% 541.69 KB 0.04% 46 1.53% United States
9 170 0.71% 99 0.61% 7.71 MB 0.62% 43 1.43% Slovenia
10 159 0.67% 157 0.97% 917.30 KB 0.07% 1 0.03% Tunisia
11 134 0.56% 84 0.52% 1.71 MB 0.14% 64 2.13% United States
12 120 0.50% 45 0.28% 902.39 KB 0.07% 38 1.27% United States
13 117 0.49% 116 0.72% 321.93 KB 0.03% 1 0.03% Unknown
14 104 0.44% 64 0.40% 145.41 KB 0.01% 1 0.03% Latvia
15 99 0.42% 58 0.36% 217.61 KB 0.02% 1 0.03% Slovenia
16 93 0.39% 92 0.57% 2.02 MB 0.16% 1 0.03% United States
17 91 0.38% 39 0.24% 76.67 KB 0.01% 1 0.03% Slovenia
18 87 0.37% 26 0.16% 2.52 MB 0.20% 45 1.50% United States
19 84 0.35% 42 0.26% 2.50 MB 0.20% 1 0.03% Mexico
20 83 0.35% 82 0.51% 1.23 MB 0.10% 3 0.10% United States
21 80 0.34% 78 0.48% 2.59 MB 0.21% 2 0.07% Canada
22 79 0.33% 53 0.33% 3.98 MB 0.32% 1 0.03% China
23 78 0.33% 66 0.41% 1.57 MB 0.13% 49 1.63% United States
24 74 0.31% 73 0.45% 556.35 KB 0.04% 1 0.03% Netherlands
25 74 0.31% 12 0.07% 164.94 KB 0.01% 34 1.13% United States
26 74 0.31% 68 0.42% 11.91 MB 0.95% 0 0.00% Belgium
27 72 0.30% 70 0.43% 141.17 KB 0.01% 2 0.07% Italy
28 72 0.30% 41 0.25% 977.01 KB 0.08% 14 0.47% Slovenia
29 70 0.29% 20 0.12% 550.40 KB 0.04% 31 1.03% United States
30 69 0.29% 24 0.15% 438.23 KB 0.03% 31 1.03% United States
View All Sites

Top 10 of 1422 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 2114 8.87% 1395 8.63% 96.29 MB 7.68% 432 14.41% Unknown
2 45 0.19% 45 0.28% 51.11 MB 4.08% 0 0.00% China
3 1207 5.06% 1051 6.50% 34.65 MB 2.76% 31 1.03% Slovenia
4 799 3.35% 203 1.26% 21.06 MB 1.68% 98 3.27% United States
5 264 1.11% 231 1.43% 13.02 MB 1.04% 25 0.83% United States
6 74 0.31% 68 0.42% 11.91 MB 0.95% 0 0.00% Belgium
7 32 0.13% 30 0.19% 10.11 MB 0.81% 14 0.47% United States
8 19 0.08% 19 0.12% 10.09 MB 0.80% 0 0.00% Germany
9 54 0.23% 54 0.33% 9.89 MB 0.79% 0 0.00% Czech Republic
10 22 0.09% 20 0.12% 9.35 MB 0.75% 7 0.23% United States

Top 30 of 298 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 12676 53.18% - (Direct Request)
2 211 0.89%
3 84 0.35%
4 70 0.29%
5 46 0.19%
6 45 0.19%
7 41 0.17%
8 32 0.13%
9 31 0.13%
10 27 0.11%
11 25 0.10%
12 25 0.10%
13 24 0.10%
14 22 0.09%
15 22 0.09%
16 21 0.09%
17 21 0.09%
18 21 0.09%
19 20 0.08%
20 18 0.08%
21 17 0.07%
22 15 0.06%
23 15 0.06%
24 14 0.06%
25 14 0.06%
26 12 0.05%
27 12 0.05%
28 11 0.05%
29 11 0.05%
30 10 0.04%
View All Referrers

Top 20 of 200 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 18 6.92% microbiological quality of lake bosomtwi#
2 6 2.31% microglandular hyperplasia cervix
3 5 1.92% joel blum mercury amalgam
4 4 1.54% mercury international
5 3 1.15% 7th international conference on mercury as a global pollutant
6 3 1.15% jhoan piermattey
7 3 1.15% measurements of mercury in the jundiaí
8 2 0.77%
9 2 0.77% almat%c4%b1 medikal osteo
10 2 0.77% anthony byrne
11 2 0.77% atomic sumreen russia
12 2 0.77% botryomycosis
13 2 0.77% colonic inertia sjögren
14 2 0.77% conference mercury as a global
15 2 0.77% d. a. baah
16 2 0.77% dudnicenco haematococcus
17 2 0.77% european congress of pathology
18 2 0.77% florence european congress pathology
19 2 0.77% garnova elena
20 2 0.77% international conference of hg as a worldwide pollutant
View All Search Strings

Top 15 of 81 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 5256 22.05% MSIE 6.0
2 4791 20.10% MSIE 7.0
3 4265 17.89% Mozilla/5.0
4 2179 9.14% Yahoo! Slurp
5 1553 6.52% msnbot/1.1 (+
6 1279 5.37% Najdi.s
7 1249 5.24% Yahoo! Slurp/3.0
8 558 2.34% msnbot-media/1.1 (+
9 539 2.26% Charlotte/1.1
10 453 1.90% Googlebot-Image/1.0
11 348 1.46% Googlebot/2.1
12 266 1.12% msnbot-media/1.0 (+
13 170 0.71% BabalooSpider/1.3 (BabalooSpider;;
14 135 0.57% Ask Jeeves/Teoma
15 51 0.21% MSIE 5.01
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for October 2008

Top 30 of 97 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 7411 31.09% 4374 27.07% 267.44 MB 21.33% United States
2 3256 13.66% 2828 17.50% 78.17 MB 6.23% Slovenia
3 3031 12.72% 2234 13.82% 153.22 MB 12.22% Unresolved/Unknown
4 598 2.51% 578 3.58% 24.31 MB 1.94% Italy
5 534 2.24% 485 3.00% 21.02 MB 1.68% Great Britain (UK)
6 511 2.14% 478 2.96% 34.53 MB 2.75% Germany
7 505 2.12% 485 3.00% 88.51 MB 7.06% India
8 444 1.86% 403 2.49% 24.92 MB 1.99% Canada
9 399 1.67% 381 2.36% 26.52 MB 2.12% Belgium
10 335 1.41% 332 2.05% 21.22 MB 1.69% Netherlands
11 329 1.38% 280 1.73% 22.02 MB 1.76% France
12 328 1.38% 313 1.94% 19.16 MB 1.53% Yugoslavia
13 324 1.36% 267 1.65% 6.77 MB 0.54% Brazil
14 321 1.35% 311 1.92% 17.75 MB 1.42% Turkey
15 285 1.20% 237 1.47% 7.80 MB 0.62% Sweden
16 255 1.07% 222 1.37% 31.98 MB 2.55% Iran
17 251 1.05% 241 1.49% 6.56 MB 0.52% Croatia (Hrvatska)
18 226 0.95% 193 1.19% 63.68 MB 5.08% China
19 209 0.88% 154 0.95% 10.80 MB 0.86% Indonesia
20 209 0.88% 180 1.11% 15.08 MB 1.20% Poland
21 188 0.79% 175 1.08% 18.30 MB 1.46% Greece
22 179 0.75% 173 1.07% 17.46 MB 1.39% Austria
23 166 0.70% 161 1.00% 10.45 MB 0.83% Spain
24 166 0.70% 164 1.01% 3.16 MB 0.25% Tunisia
25 146 0.61% 139 0.86% 6.49 MB 0.52% Slovak Republic
26 144 0.60% 101 0.62% 8.69 MB 0.69% Mexico
27 141 0.59% 135 0.84% 5.21 MB 0.42% Switzerland
28 135 0.57% 128 0.79% 17.42 MB 1.39% Malaysia
29 128 0.54% 116 0.72% 13.61 MB 1.09% Australia
30 126 0.53% 121 0.75% 8.70 MB 0.69% Portugal

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)