Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: September 2008
Generated 01-Oct-2008 04:43 CEST
GEO-106FREE 20070601 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for September 2008
Total Hits 21868
Total Files 16241
Total Pages 4678
Total Visits 2187
Total KBytes 1.15 GB
Total Unique Sites 1358
Total Unique URLs 731
Total Unique Referrers 274
Total Unique User Agents 84
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 30 233
Hits per Day 728 1185
Files per Day 541 800
Pages per Day 155 275
Visits per Day 72 102
KBytes per Day 39.16 MB 70.22 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 16241
Code 206 - Partial Content 2080
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 87
Code 302 - Found 19
Code 304 - Not Modified 1296
Code 403 - Forbidden 126
Code 404 - Not Found 2008
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 2
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 9

Daily usage for September 2008

Daily Statistics for September 2008
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 830 3.80% 600 3.69% 215 4.60% 92 4.21% 62 4.57% 46.97 MB 4.00%
2 709 3.24% 562 3.46% 148 3.16% 91 4.16% 66 4.86% 24.41 MB 2.08%
3 752 3.44% 620 3.82% 165 3.53% 76 3.48% 72 5.30% 47.78 MB 4.07%
4 900 4.12% 679 4.18% 147 3.14% 88 4.02% 99 7.29% 34.85 MB 2.97%
5 693 3.17% 516 3.18% 185 3.95% 76 3.48% 68 5.01% 35.06 MB 2.98%
6 572 2.62% 396 2.44% 167 3.57% 60 2.74% 50 3.68% 43.02 MB 3.66%
7 498 2.28% 439 2.70% 84 1.80% 53 2.42% 48 3.53% 30.02 MB 2.56%
8 746 3.41% 666 4.10% 200 4.28% 60 2.74% 63 4.64% 42.68 MB 3.63%
9 1185 5.42% 800 4.93% 235 5.02% 79 3.61% 155 11.41% 70.22 MB 5.98%
10 943 4.31% 751 4.62% 166 3.55% 86 3.93% 80 5.89% 47.21 MB 4.02%
11 665 3.04% 512 3.15% 218 4.66% 61 2.79% 47 3.46% 35.03 MB 2.98%
12 731 3.34% 546 3.36% 146 3.12% 71 3.25% 59 4.34% 31.41 MB 2.67%
13 517 2.36% 389 2.40% 147 3.14% 72 3.29% 49 3.61% 19.75 MB 1.68%
14 621 2.84% 423 2.60% 105 2.24% 60 2.74% 61 4.49% 26.76 MB 2.28%
15 698 3.19% 541 3.33% 141 3.01% 60 2.74% 75 5.52% 45.67 MB 3.89%
16 872 3.99% 667 4.11% 165 3.53% 73 3.34% 63 4.64% 52.57 MB 4.47%
17 969 4.43% 764 4.70% 156 3.33% 77 3.52% 75 5.52% 50.78 MB 4.32%
18 927 4.24% 751 4.62% 207 4.42% 102 4.66% 73 5.38% 31.49 MB 2.68%
19 490 2.24% 376 2.32% 107 2.29% 60 2.74% 51 3.76% 21.04 MB 1.79%
20 457 2.09% 303 1.87% 85 1.82% 62 2.83% 57 4.20% 42.02 MB 3.58%
21 524 2.40% 332 2.04% 121 2.59% 72 3.29% 53 3.90% 30.46 MB 2.59%
22 1020 4.66% 698 4.30% 119 2.54% 78 3.57% 64 4.71% 52.26 MB 4.45%
23 641 2.93% 544 3.35% 103 2.20% 67 3.06% 88 6.48% 28.09 MB 2.39%
24 804 3.68% 606 3.73% 155 3.31% 83 3.80% 80 5.89% 30.30 MB 2.58%
25 772 3.53% 549 3.38% 114 2.44% 68 3.11% 88 6.48% 39.92 MB 3.40%
26 653 2.99% 435 2.68% 190 4.06% 66 3.02% 64 4.71% 61.55 MB 5.24%
27 615 2.81% 303 1.87% 72 1.54% 47 2.15% 71 5.23% 56.67 MB 4.82%
28 444 2.03% 334 2.06% 90 1.92% 62 2.83% 53 3.90% 15.14 MB 1.29%
29 771 3.53% 514 3.16% 275 5.88% 94 4.30% 69 5.08% 51.86 MB 4.41%
30 849 3.88% 625 3.85% 250 5.34% 98 4.48% 72 5.30% 29.89 MB 2.54%

Hourly usage for September 2008

Hourly Statistics for September 2008
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 24 733 3.35% 20 612 3.77% 6 205 4.38% 1.07 MB 32.19 MB 2.74%
1 19 573 2.62% 14 433 2.67% 6 184 3.93% 798.71 KB 23.40 MB 1.99%
2 15 458 2.09% 11 334 2.06% 4 139 2.97% 678.97 KB 19.89 MB 1.69%
3 24 747 3.42% 18 567 3.49% 5 170 3.63% 725.26 KB 21.25 MB 1.81%
4 18 541 2.47% 13 393 2.42% 4 130 2.78% 1.15 MB 34.37 MB 2.93%
5 15 456 2.09% 9 285 1.75% 4 123 2.63% 1.19 MB 35.62 MB 3.03%
6 18 546 2.50% 13 391 2.41% 6 196 4.19% 1.06 MB 31.85 MB 2.71%
7 20 626 2.86% 14 439 2.70% 4 142 3.04% 1.17 MB 35.09 MB 2.99%
8 19 581 2.66% 13 400 2.46% 4 132 2.82% 1.21 MB 36.34 MB 3.09%
9 39 1183 5.41% 26 797 4.91% 6 202 4.32% 2.10 MB 62.94 MB 5.36%
10 23 718 3.28% 15 466 2.87% 6 183 3.91% 1.66 MB 49.82 MB 4.24%
11 48 1457 6.66% 37 1126 6.93% 8 261 5.58% 2.51 MB 75.38 MB 6.42%
12 39 1175 5.37% 29 899 5.54% 5 165 3.53% 1.72 MB 51.61 MB 4.39%
13 45 1366 6.25% 32 980 6.03% 8 262 5.60% 3.65 MB 109.37 MB 9.31%
14 44 1348 6.16% 32 983 6.05% 10 317 6.78% 2.62 MB 78.56 MB 6.69%
15 46 1401 6.41% 37 1133 6.98% 9 286 6.11% 2.18 MB 65.40 MB 5.57%
16 42 1285 5.88% 28 848 5.22% 6 208 4.45% 3.08 MB 92.46 MB 7.87%
17 43 1307 5.98% 33 1006 6.19% 5 179 3.83% 2.14 MB 64.34 MB 5.48%
18 36 1081 4.94% 28 841 5.18% 6 199 4.25% 1.99 MB 59.75 MB 5.09%
19 35 1064 4.87% 27 836 5.15% 7 219 4.68% 2.13 MB 63.98 MB 5.45%
20 29 893 4.08% 23 703 4.33% 6 189 4.04% 1.31 MB 39.42 MB 3.36%
21 33 1002 4.58% 26 780 4.80% 7 237 5.07% 1.31 MB 39.28 MB 3.34%
22 22 662 3.03% 16 509 3.13% 5 158 3.38% 636.14 KB 18.64 MB 1.59%
23 22 665 3.04% 16 480 2.96% 6 192 4.10% 1.13 MB 33.93 MB 2.89%

Top 30 of 731 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2071 9.47% 550.98 MB 46.90% /fems03/files/finalprogram.pdf
2 1247 5.70% 61.61 MB 5.24% /icmgp04/
3 280 1.28% 140.30 KB 0.01% /fems03/fems03.css
4 208 0.95% 42.54 MB 3.62% /fems03/posters.html
5 155 0.71% 76.63 MB 6.52% /icmgp04/sub/images/Rmz50-1_149-152.pdf
6 135 0.62% 74.69 KB 0.01% /icmgp04/htmlarea.js
7 134 0.61% 119.51 KB 0.01% /icmgp04/menu_includes.js
8 126 0.58% 126.90 KB 0.01% /icmgp04/stil.css
9 120 0.55% 6.46 MB 0.55% /fems03/files/FEMSCOUN.pdf
10 118 0.54% 216.04 KB 0.02% /foodmicro2004/foodmicro.css
11 98 0.45% 85.36 MB 7.27% /ecp/meni3.php
12 98 0.45% 4.07 MB 0.35% /icmgp04/htmlarea/editor.js
13 82 0.37% 5.73 MB 0.49% /fems03/files/AfternoonSessions_monday_1.pdf
14 72 0.33% 17.32 KB 0.00% /ecp/style.css
15 72 0.33% 2.66 MB 0.23% /efrr2004/ppreliminary.html
16 71 0.32% 961.24 KB 0.08% /foodmicro2004/geninfo.html
17 63 0.29% 3.08 MB 0.26% /foodmicro2004/images/inst.pdf
18 59 0.27% 811.94 KB 0.07% /fems03/travel.html
19 57 0.26% 38.77 KB 0.00% /efrr2004/stil.css
20 57 0.26% 37.73 KB 0.00% /fems03/
21 53 0.24% 476.89 KB 0.04% /foodmicro2004/welcome.html
22 45 0.21% 58.93 KB 0.00% /fems03/front.html
23 43 0.20% 67.10 KB 0.01% /fems03/menu.html
24 41 0.19% 37.88 KB 0.00% /fems03/top.html
25 39 0.18% 2.30 MB 0.20% /fems03/attgrants.html
26 39 0.18% 5.15 KB 0.00% /fems03/bottom.html
27 36 0.16% 374.86 KB 0.03% /foodmicro2004/
28 33 0.15% 1.51 MB 0.13% /foodmicro2004/programme.html
29 30 0.14% 318.83 KB 0.03% /fems03/tourprog.html
30 27 0.12% 31.25 KB 0.00% /fems03/scimenu.html
View All URLs

Top 10 of 731 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2071 9.47% 550.98 MB 46.90% /fems03/files/finalprogram.pdf
2 98 0.45% 85.36 MB 7.27% /ecp/meni3.php
3 11 0.05% 77.06 MB 6.56% /fems03/files/fems.mpg
4 155 0.71% 76.63 MB 6.52% /icmgp04/sub/images/Rmz50-1_149-152.pdf
5 17 0.08% 72.85 MB 6.20% /foodmicro2004/images/FOODMICRO2004.PPT
6 1247 5.70% 61.61 MB 5.24% /icmgp04/
7 208 0.95% 42.54 MB 3.62% /fems03/posters.html
8 8 0.04% 28.31 MB 2.41% /efrr2004/images/koledar.pdf
9 26 0.12% 14.23 MB 1.21% /fems03/files/CMEC.pdf
10 18 0.08% 14.01 MB 1.19% /foodmicro2004/closing_report.pdf

Top 10 of 169 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1247 5.70% 461 22.45% /icmgp04/
2 208 0.95% 183 8.91% /fems03/posters.html
3 98 0.45% 75 3.65% /ecp/meni3.php
4 71 0.32% 56 2.73% /foodmicro2004/geninfo.html
5 72 0.33% 51 2.48% /efrr2004/ppreliminary.html
6 59 0.27% 45 2.19% /fems03/travel.html
7 5 0.02% 41 2.00% /
8 53 0.24% 41 2.00% /foodmicro2004/welcome.html
9 57 0.26% 28 1.36% /fems03/
10 39 0.18% 25 1.22% /fems03/attgrants.html

Top 10 of 172 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1247 5.70% 505 23.87% /icmgp04/
2 208 0.95% 174 8.22% /fems03/posters.html
3 98 0.45% 68 3.21% /ecp/meni3.php
4 72 0.33% 51 2.41% /efrr2004/ppreliminary.html
5 71 0.32% 50 2.36% /foodmicro2004/geninfo.html
6 5 0.02% 48 2.27% /
7 59 0.27% 46 2.17% /fems03/travel.html
8 39 0.18% 26 1.23% /fems03/attgrants.html
9 53 0.24% 23 1.09% /foodmicro2004/welcome.html
10 57 0.26% 22 1.04% /fems03/

Top 30 of 1358 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 1050 4.80% 848 5.22% 48.73 MB 4.15% 54 2.47% Slovenia
2 550 2.52% 436 2.68% 69.22 MB 5.89% 77 3.52% Slovenia
3 450 2.06% 412 2.54% 53.46 MB 4.55% 184 8.41% United States
4 348 1.59% 320 1.97% 48.09 MB 4.09% 137 6.26% United States
5 339 1.55% 131 0.81% 6.33 MB 0.54% 37 1.69% United States
6 328 1.50% 225 1.39% 13.96 MB 1.19% 33 1.51% Unknown
7 266 1.22% 200 1.23% 5.10 MB 0.43% 21 0.96% Slovenia
8 264 1.21% 61 0.38% 2.46 MB 0.21% 36 1.65% United States
9 245 1.12% 40 0.25% 1.08 MB 0.09% 51 2.33% United States
10 239 1.09% 168 1.03% 318.73 KB 0.03% 2 0.09% Russian Federation
11 227 1.04% 148 0.91% 4.06 MB 0.35% 1 0.05% China
12 221 1.01% 220 1.35% 5.82 MB 0.50% 18 0.82% Unknown
13 135 0.62% 57 0.35% 687.68 KB 0.06% 50 2.29% United States
14 135 0.62% 122 0.75% 15.46 MB 1.32% 55 2.51% United States
15 127 0.58% 125 0.77% 5.15 MB 0.44% 6 0.27% Netherlands
16 109 0.50% 92 0.57% 1.03 MB 0.09% 23 1.05% United States
17 108 0.49% 107 0.66% 309.84 KB 0.03% 1 0.05% Unknown
18 107 0.49% 65 0.40% 121.10 KB 0.01% 2 0.09% Poland
19 96 0.44% 96 0.59% 20.46 MB 1.74% 0 0.00% Unknown
20 91 0.42% 88 0.54% 156.86 KB 0.01% 3 0.14% United States
21 91 0.42% 78 0.48% 1.13 MB 0.10% 32 1.46% United States
22 89 0.41% 85 0.52% 12.68 MB 1.08% 2 0.09% Bulgaria
23 88 0.40% 88 0.54% 255.98 KB 0.02% 1 0.05% Iran, Islamic Republic of
24 84 0.38% 81 0.50% 603.55 KB 0.05% 2 0.09% Slovenia
25 82 0.37% 54 0.33% 803.97 KB 0.07% 1 0.05% Unknown
26 77 0.35% 57 0.35% 2.11 MB 0.18% 1 0.05% Poland
27 77 0.35% 76 0.47% 327.85 KB 0.03% 2 0.09% Finland
28 74 0.34% 30 0.18% 544.14 KB 0.05% 27 1.23% United States
29 72 0.33% 67 0.41% 3.96 MB 0.34% 29 1.33% United States
30 72 0.33% 71 0.44% 3.70 MB 0.32% 1 0.05% Finland
View All Sites

Top 10 of 1358 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 550 2.52% 436 2.68% 69.22 MB 5.89% 77 3.52% Slovenia
2 450 2.06% 412 2.54% 53.46 MB 4.55% 184 8.41% United States
3 1050 4.80% 848 5.22% 48.73 MB 4.15% 54 2.47% Slovenia
4 348 1.59% 320 1.97% 48.09 MB 4.09% 137 6.26% United States
5 96 0.44% 96 0.59% 20.46 MB 1.74% 0 0.00% Unknown
6 135 0.62% 122 0.75% 15.46 MB 1.32% 55 2.51% United States
7 27 0.12% 27 0.17% 14.79 MB 1.26% 0 0.00% South Africa
8 328 1.50% 225 1.39% 13.96 MB 1.19% 33 1.51% Unknown
9 89 0.41% 85 0.52% 12.68 MB 1.08% 2 0.09% Bulgaria
10 32 0.15% 31 0.19% 11.53 MB 0.98% 1 0.05% Nigeria

Top 30 of 274 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 9870 45.13% - (Direct Request)
2 263 1.20%
3 163 0.75%
4 126 0.58%
5 63 0.29%
6 49 0.22%
7 39 0.18%
8 36 0.16%
9 33 0.15%
10 28 0.13%
11 25 0.11%
12 23 0.11%
13 22 0.10%
14 22 0.10%
15 21 0.10%
16 20 0.09%
17 15 0.07%
18 14 0.06%
19 14 0.06%
20 13 0.06%
21 13 0.06%
22 12 0.05%
23 11 0.05%
24 10 0.05%
25 10 0.05%
26 10 0.05%
27 10 0.05%
28 10 0.05%
29 9 0.04%
30 9 0.04%
View All Referrers

Top 20 of 217 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 3 1.23% food micro
2 3 1.23% international conference on mercury as a global pollutant 2004
3 3 1.23% mercury international
4 2 0.82% adria airways tirana
5 2 0.82% armstrong mercury hydride
6 2 0.82% bojanic v monosodium glutamate ovaries
7 2 0.82% bouchra yaakoubd
8 2 0.82% congress
9 2 0.82% congress on mercury as global pollutant
10 2 0.82% effect of mercury on artisanal miners
11 2 0.82% european congress of pathology
12 2 0.82% hermina damjan
13 2 0.82% icmgp
14 2 0.82% jhoan piermattey
15 2 0.82% lek slovenia
16 2 0.82% ljubljana to portoroz
17 2 0.82% malina kapran
18 2 0.82% mersiha idrizovic
19 2 0.82% mesko lili szex
20 2 0.82% natalija petrusevska
View All Search Strings

Top 15 of 84 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 5733 26.22% MSIE 6.0
2 5232 23.93% MSIE 7.0
3 3976 18.18% Mozilla/5.0
4 1335 6.10% Yahoo! Slurp
5 1316 6.02% Najdi.s
6 919 4.20% msnbot/1.1 (+
7 582 2.66% msnbot-media/1.1 (+
8 550 2.52% BabalooSpider/1.3 (BabalooSpider;;
9 397 1.82% Charlotte/1.1
10 328 1.50% Googlebot-Image/1.0
11 277 1.27% Googlebot/2.1
12 250 1.14% Opera/9.51
13 201 0.92% Yahoo! Slurp/3.0
14 111 0.51% msnbot-media/1.0 (+
15 85 0.39% Java/1.5.0_14
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for September 2008

Top 30 of 94 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 5858 26.79% 3903 24.03% 286.08 MB 24.35% United States
2 3496 15.99% 3029 18.65% 165.57 MB 14.09% Slovenia
3 1921 8.78% 1690 10.41% 98.25 MB 8.36% Unresolved/Unknown
4 688 3.15% 660 4.06% 26.94 MB 2.29% Great Britain (UK)
5 525 2.40% 481 2.96% 15.10 MB 1.29% Italy
6 485 2.22% 454 2.80% 94.62 MB 8.05% India
7 435 1.99% 407 2.51% 13.81 MB 1.18% Germany
8 419 1.92% 317 1.95% 4.68 MB 0.40% Poland
9 410 1.87% 380 2.34% 7.77 MB 0.66% Brazil
10 388 1.77% 359 2.21% 31.12 MB 2.65% Netherlands
11 382 1.75% 363 2.24% 13.85 MB 1.18% Canada
12 344 1.57% 246 1.51% 8.90 MB 0.76% China
13 329 1.50% 253 1.56% 7.87 MB 0.67% Russian Federation
14 328 1.50% 298 1.83% 18.80 MB 1.60% France
15 309 1.41% 295 1.82% 9.65 MB 0.82% Belgium
16 303 1.39% 289 1.78% 16.34 MB 1.39% Spain
17 294 1.34% 288 1.77% 8.81 MB 0.75% Finland
18 277 1.27% 254 1.56% 21.57 MB 1.84% Yugoslavia
19 249 1.14% 219 1.35% 14.04 MB 1.19% Greece
20 248 1.13% 240 1.48% 18.74 MB 1.60% Iran
21 214 0.98% 206 1.27% 11.61 MB 0.99% Japan
22 208 0.95% 197 1.21% 14.71 MB 1.25% Romania
23 203 0.93% 194 1.19% 4.52 MB 0.38% Philippines
24 175 0.80% 156 0.96% 5.30 MB 0.45% Turkey
25 168 0.77% 146 0.90% 5.10 MB 0.43% Australia
26 166 0.76% 164 1.01% 9.17 MB 0.78% Egypt
27 153 0.70% 148 0.91% 2.35 MB 0.20% Czech Republic
28 151 0.69% 144 0.89% 5.86 MB 0.50% Croatia (Hrvatska)
29 148 0.68% 142 0.87% 13.65 MB 1.16% Bulgaria
30 143 0.65% 115 0.71% 18.42 MB 1.57% South Africa

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)