Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: December 2008 - User Agent
Generated 01-Jan-2009 04:41 CET
GEO-106FREE 20070601 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

         Hits      User Agent
----------------  ----------------------

3454      19.89%  MSIE 7.0
3397      19.56%  Mozilla/5.0
3320      19.12%  MSIE 6.0
1802      10.38%  Yahoo! Slurp
956        5.50%  Yahoo! Slurp/3.0
718        4.13%  Googlebot/2.1
603        3.47%  msnbot/1.1 (+
545        3.14%  Najdi.s
523        3.01%  Charlotte/1.1
368        2.12%  Googlebot-Image/1.0
301        1.73%  BabalooSpider/1.3 (BabalooSpider;;
218        1.26%  msnbot-media/1.0 (+
203        1.17%  Opera/7.52
176        1.01%  msnbot-media/1.1 (+
125        0.72%  Ask Jeeves/Teoma
60         0.35%  Exabot/3.0
55         0.32%  Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;)
49         0.28%  ia_archiver (+;
36         0.21%  psbot/0.1 (+
28         0.16%  libwww-perl/5.803
27         0.16%  Mozilla/3.01 (compatible;)
24         0.14%  SapphireWebCrawler/1.0 (Sapphire Web Crawler using Nutch;;
22         0.13%  Konqueror/3.5
21         0.12%  MSIE 8.0
20         0.12%  MSIE 5.0
18         0.10%  Opera/9.62
14         0.08%  AISearchBot (Email:; If your web site doesn't want to be crawled, please send us a email.)
13         0.07%  Speedy Spider (
12         0.07%  NEWT ActiveX
11         0.06%  MSIE 4.01
10         0.06%  DotBot/1.1
10         0.06%  NaverBot/1.0
10         0.06%  Opera/9.50
9          0.05%  Google Desktop)"
9          0.05%  Java/1.6.0_06
9          0.05%  MSIE 5.00
9          0.05%  MSIE 5.5
9          0.05%  Yeti/1.0 (NHN Corp.;
8          0.05%  librabot/1.0 (+
7          0.04%  Ocelli/1.4 (
7          0.04%  PBGPIHTTPs
6          0.03%  SapphireWebCrawler/Nutch-1.0-dev (Sapphire Web Crawler using Nutch;;
5          0.03% Image Fetcher
4          0.02%  DBLBot/1.0
4          0.02%  IOI/2.0 (ISC Open Index crawler;;
4          0.02%  Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider Protocol Discovery
4          0.02%  SeznamScreenshotator/2.0 (+
3          0.02%  MSIE 5.01
3          0.02%  MSIE 5.14
3          0.02%  contype
3          0.02%  msnbot/1.0 (+
2          0.01%  +MSIE+6.0
2          0.01%  AurGNet08
2          0.01%  BDFetch
2          0.01%  Baiduspider+(+
2          0.01%  CazoodleBot/0.0.2 (;
2          0.01%  Climate Ark http://www.c
2          0.01%  Gaisbot/3.0+(;+
2          0.01%  Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.1
2          0.01%  Microsoft Office Protocol Discovery
2          0.01%  Mozilla/4.0
2          0.01%  Mozilla/4.5
2          0.01%  Netcraft Web Server Survey)"
2          0.01%  Opera/9.27
2          0.01%  Opera/9.63
2          0.01%  Sony Play Station 2
2          0.01%  libwww-perl/5.805
2          0.01%  voyager/2.0 (
2          0.01%
2          0.01%  xqrobot
1          0.01%  6.0
1          0.01%  Baiduspider+(+
1          0.01%  EasyDL/3.04
1          0.01%  Goldfire Server
1          0.01%  Indy Library)"
1          0.01%  MSIE 3.02
1          0.01%  Mozilla"
1          0.01%  Mozilla/0.91
1          0.01%  Mozilla/4.61
1          0.01%  Mozilla/4.76
1          0.01%  My Session
1          0.01%  NetSpy/1.9
1          0.01%  Opera/7.11
1          0.01%  Opera/9.00
1          0.01%  Opera/9.51
1          0.01%  Opera/9.52
1          0.01%  Plonebot/0.1
1          0.01%  Powermarks/3.5
1          0.01%  Python-urllib/1.17
1          0.01%  T-Online Browser
1          0.01%  VLC media player - version 0.9.2 Grishenko - (c) 1996-2008 the VideoLAN team
1          0.01%  YebolBot (Email:; If the web crawling affects your web service, or you don't like to be crawled by us, please email us. We'll stop crawling immediately.)
1          0.01% ( )
1          0.01%  java/1.5.0
1          0.01%  oyay6qsbhegi mpnpbhs

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)