International seminar: "Consequences of EU enlargement"
17th - 18th September 2003, Maribor (Hotel Habakuk)

side event of the 13th European Conference of Ministers
Responsible for Regional Planning (CEMAT)


International seminar organized by the Ministry of the Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy

As a Side Event of the 13th European Conference of Ministers Responsible for Regional Planning (CEMAT) of the member states of the Council of Europe


Maribor, Slovenia

17 and 18 September 2003


The “Consequences of EU Enlargement” international seminar is organized by the Ministry of the Environment, Spatial Planning, and Energy. The seminar will take place in the Habakuk hotel in Maribor, Slovenia on September 17-18 as a side event of the 13th European Conference of Ministers Responsible for Regional Planning of the Council of Europe Member States (CEMAT), which will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia on September 16-17, 2003.

The Conference of Ministers Responsible for Regional Planning – CEMAT is joining the representatives of 45 member states of the Council of Europe. They are joining with the basic aim to contribute to the sustainable spatial development of the European continent.

International seminars occupy a special place among the various activities of CEMAT, dealing with the topical issues in connection with ensuring sustainable spatial development based on the principles as defined in the “Guiding Principles for Sustainable Spatial Development of the European Continent” (GP), adopted at the 12th CEMAT Conference in Hanover in 2000.

In 1999, the ministers of the EU member states adopted the “European Spatial Development Perspectives (ESDP) in Potsdam.

The principles and goals of both Guiding Principles and ESDP, which represent a framework for the development and implementation of sustainable development policies at the national, regional, and local levels, are similar regardless of their different levels of realisation. Among their basic objectives, both Guiding Principles and ESDP state a need for:

- polycentric development, balanced regional development and new urban-rural relationship;

- providing equal access to the infrastructure and modern telecommunication services, and

- sustainable management of natural resources and cultural values.

They emphasize the need for an integrated approach to spatial development planning, requiring the intensive, inter-ministerial cooperation (horizontal cooperation) of those responsible for sectoral policies (i.e., social, economic, cultural, environmental policies) and those responsible for spatial development planning at the national, regional, and local levels (vertical cooperation).


Simultaneously with the international seminar in Maribor, Ljubljana will be the hosting of the 13th European Conference of Ministers Responsible for Regional Planning of the Council of Europe Member States, entitled the “Implementation of Strategies and Visions for Sustainable Spatial Development of the European Continent.” The conference will verify the results of common activities for implementing the principles of sustainable development, and define the priorities for the next three-year period.

The international seminar in Maribor is an opportunity for us to jointly contribute our shares to as effective as possible implementation of the principles of sustainable development at the moment when Europe is marked by one of the largest integration processes – the EU enlargement.


The basic purpose of the international seminar is to analyze the possible consequences of the EU enlargement:

- Anticipated trends and their influences on the economic, social, environmental, and spatial development;

- Opportunities and threats brought along by this process for the implementation of

 sustainable development;

- Possible approaches and common activities for controlling the negative, and stimulating the

 positive trends;

- Experiences and results of the past forms of cooperation, and proposals for the future, more

 effective resolving of developmental issues;

- The role and efficiency of the spatial planning instruments in steering development.

The common conclusions from this seminar will be forwarded to the relevant institutions in order to be appropriately included in the future measures for ensuring sustainable development.


This international seminar is designed for experts, the representatives of international, regional, and local authorities, public and private organizations, and associations.

The number of participants is limited to 120 persons. The participation is free of charge. The meeting will be simultaneously translated into English and Slovene.

TUesday, 16  September 2003

Arrival of participants

Wednesday, 17 September 2003

8:30 – 9:00

Welcome to participants and registration in the Habakuk hotel

9:00 – 9:30

Opening the seminar: Welcoming speeches (7 x 3 minutes)

Mr Boris Sovič, Mayor of Maribor, Slovenia

Mr Marko Slokar, State Secretary, Ministry of the Environment, Spatial Planning and

Energy, Slovenia

Fedor Černe, State Undersecretary, Office for European Affairs, Slovenia

Mr Adrian Butler, Executive Director of the European Center for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe

Mr Thomas Kaufmann, Deputy Head of Delegation, Delegation of the European Commission in Slovenia

Mr Ludwig Rader, Head of department for European Affairs and External Relations,

Office of the State Government of Styria, Austria

Mr Zvonimir Sabati, President of Varaždin County, Croatia



Session chair: Mrs Valentina Lavrenčič, Director of the National Office for Spatial

 Planning, Ministry of the Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy, Slovenia

9:30 – 11:00

Introduction of the European guidelines for sustainable development

European Principles for Sustainable Development

Mrs Jelena Torbica, National Office for Spatial Planning, Ministry of the Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy, Slovenia (15 minutes)

Co-operation on transnational, national and regional level

Experience with Transnational Cooperation under the Framework of the Community Initiative INTERREG in Austria so far

Mr Roland Arbter, Federal Chancellery, Division for Coordination of Spatial Planning and Regional Policy, Austria (15 minutes)

Working Community Alpe Adria and the European Union Enlargement Process

Mrs Goranka Radović, Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Croatia (15 minutes)

Cross-Border Cooperation and the Process of EU enlargement

Mrs Tatjana Rener, National Agency for Regional Development, Slovenia (15 minutes)


VIDEO CONNECTION WITH 13th European Conference of Ministers Responsible for Regional Planning (CEMAT), Ljubljana, Grand Hotel Union 

 11:00 – 11:30

 Coffee break


the eu enlArgement procesS

Session chair: Mr Fedor Černe, Office for European Affairs, Slovenia

11:30 – 13:00

Sustainable development- expectations and experiences

EU Enlargement and Spatial Development

Mr Miran Gajšek, Municipality of Celje, Slovenia (15 minutes)

The principle of Subsidiarity and Training

Mr Jean – Claude Ebel, DATAR, International department, France (15 minutes)

The Need for Assessing the Impact of Policies, Programmes, and Projects on People’s Health

Mrs Jožica Maučec Zakotnik and Mrs Mojca Gabrijelčič, Ministry of Health, Slovenia (15 minutes)

The Influences of the Slovenian Army Professionalisation and the Defense Reform on Spatial Processes)

Mrs Zorica Bukinac Cimperšek, Ministry of Defense, Slovenia (15 minutes)

Spatial Planning Role in European Integration Processes – Serbia and Montenegro Experiences

Mr Nebojša Stefanovič, Republic agency for spatial planning, Serbia and Montenegro (15 minutes)


13:00 – 14:30 Lunch

14:30 – 16:00

Sustainable development- expectations and experiences – continuation

Session chair: Miran Gajšek, Municipality of Celje, Slovenia

Consequences of EU enlargement process in the area of Slovenian spatial development

Mrs Blanka Bartol, National Office for Spatial Planning, Ministry of the Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy, Slovenia (15 minutes)

National Priorities the Regional Development Context

Mr Miodrag Vujošević, Institut for Architecture and Urbanism, Serbia and Montenegro (15 minutes)

Regional Disparities

Mr Jorg Maier, University of Bayreuth, Germany (15 minutes)

European Spatial Development Perspective – Challenge for balanced regional development in Slovenia

Mr Ivo Piry, Office for Structural Policy and Regional Development, Slovenia (15 minutes)


16:00 – 16: 30 Break (arrival of the CSO CEMAT members)



Session chair: Mr Jorg Maier, University of Bayreuth, Germany

16:30 – 18:00

ESPON Contribution to the Sustainable Development  

Mr Jean Claude Sinner, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Luxemburg (15 minutes)

Common Projects Experiences

Mr Kurt Puchinger, RC - Regional Consulting, Austria (15 minutes)

Cross-Border Cooperation Experience

Mr Lazslo Bauer, Natural park, Vas, Hungary (15 minutes)

Transport Networks for Territorial Cohesion in the Light of Enlargement

Mrs Gabriele Tatzberger, Austrian Institute for Regional Studies and Spatial Planning, Austria (15 minutes)


End of the first day seminar

18. September 2003



Session chair: Mrs Maguelonne Dejeant-Pons, Spatial Planning and Landscape Division,

 Council of Europe

9:00 – 10:30

Best practices

Ireland’s Experience

John Martin, Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Ireland (15 minutes)

International cooperation in the Lake Constance Region

Mr Thomas Gossner, International Lake Constance Conference (15 minutes)

Opportunities of co-operation in the field of spatial planning within the framework of Central European Initiative

Mr Maciej Borsa, Department for Spatial Planning and Regional Strategy, Government Centre for Strategic Studies, Poland (15 minutes)

Territorial Dimension of Sustainability

Mrs Margarita Jančič, Chair of the Committee of Senior Official CEMAT (15 minutes)

Continuation of European Spatial Development Perspective process

Mr Derek Martin, Ministry of Spatial Planning, Housing and the Environment, Netherlands (15 minutes)


10:30 – 11:00 Break

11:00 – 12:30 Closing speeches

General Conclusions: M. Peter Treuner, University of Stuttgart, Germany

Closing speeches by:

Mrs Maguelonne Dejeant-Pons, Spatial Planning and Landscape Division Council of Europe

Mr Thomas Kaufmann, Delegation of the European Commission in Slovenia

Mr Jože Novak, State Secretary, Ministry of the Environment, Spatial planning and

Energy, Slovenia

 End of the seminar



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