Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: May 2009
Generated 01-Jun-2009 04:52 CEST
GEO-106FREE 20070601 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for May 2009
Total Hits 11258
Total Files 7673
Total Pages 2516
Total Visits 1558
Total KBytes 131.13 MB
Total Unique Sites 551
Total Unique URLs 268
Total Unique Referrers 116
Total Unique User Agents 77
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 15 642
Hits per Day 363 1142
Files per Day 247 640
Pages per Day 81 169
Visits per Day 50 65
KBytes per Day 4.23 MB 15.72 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 7673
Code 206 - Partial Content 48
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 18
Code 304 - Not Modified 1953
Code 403 - Forbidden 2
Code 404 - Not Found 1543
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 1
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 20

Daily usage for May 2009

Daily Statistics for May 2009
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 138 1.23% 94 1.23% 59 2.34% 36 2.31% 36 6.53% 1.68 MB 1.28%
2 119 1.06% 85 1.11% 41 1.63% 34 2.18% 36 6.53% 1.40 MB 1.07%
3 277 2.46% 188 2.45% 100 3.97% 47 3.02% 33 5.99% 3.67 MB 2.80%
4 393 3.49% 325 4.24% 79 3.14% 60 3.85% 45 8.17% 4.15 MB 3.16%
5 330 2.93% 218 2.84% 70 2.78% 45 2.89% 42 7.62% 5.00 MB 3.81%
6 342 3.04% 275 3.58% 72 2.86% 61 3.92% 53 9.62% 3.28 MB 2.50%
7 781 6.94% 640 8.34% 86 3.42% 60 3.85% 53 9.62% 8.69 MB 6.63%
8 314 2.79% 230 3.00% 59 2.34% 47 3.02% 47 8.53% 2.86 MB 2.18%
9 212 1.88% 148 1.93% 87 3.46% 43 2.76% 37 6.72% 2.77 MB 2.11%
10 185 1.64% 124 1.62% 67 2.66% 45 2.89% 39 7.08% 1.56 MB 1.19%
11 500 4.44% 403 5.25% 73 2.90% 54 3.47% 48 8.71% 7.53 MB 5.74%
12 602 5.35% 471 6.14% 96 3.82% 52 3.34% 43 7.80% 10.96 MB 8.36%
13 405 3.60% 332 4.33% 62 2.46% 52 3.34% 51 9.26% 4.41 MB 3.36%
14 419 3.72% 314 4.09% 66 2.62% 56 3.59% 53 9.62% 3.49 MB 2.66%
15 408 3.62% 262 3.41% 121 4.81% 59 3.79% 49 8.89% 4.30 MB 3.28%
16 168 1.49% 85 1.11% 78 3.10% 45 2.89% 45 8.17% 1.36 MB 1.03%
17 160 1.42% 80 1.04% 71 2.82% 50 3.21% 47 8.53% 1.37 MB 1.05%
18 578 5.13% 490 6.39% 106 4.21% 56 3.59% 49 8.89% 15.72 MB 11.99%
19 493 4.38% 363 4.73% 99 3.93% 55 3.53% 49 8.89% 5.90 MB 4.50%
20 533 4.73% 377 4.91% 74 2.94% 49 3.15% 44 7.99% 6.17 MB 4.71%
21 394 3.50% 245 3.19% 76 3.02% 46 2.95% 43 7.80% 4.37 MB 3.33%
22 308 2.74% 171 2.23% 87 3.46% 51 3.27% 40 7.26% 2.75 MB 2.10%
23 252 2.24% 97 1.26% 58 2.31% 45 2.89% 41 7.44% 1.41 MB 1.08%
24 161 1.43% 90 1.17% 59 2.34% 46 2.95% 40 7.26% 1.35 MB 1.03%
25 316 2.81% 239 3.11% 71 2.82% 59 3.79% 51 9.26% 3.86 MB 2.95%
26 1142 10.14% 380 4.95% 169 6.72% 65 4.17% 56 10.16% 5.23 MB 3.99%
27 393 3.49% 301 3.92% 145 5.76% 63 4.04% 55 9.98% 5.71 MB 4.35%
28 323 2.87% 251 3.27% 82 3.26% 58 3.72% 45 8.17% 2.14 MB 1.63%
29 282 2.50% 217 2.83% 71 2.82% 45 2.89% 42 7.62% 4.20 MB 3.20%
30 176 1.56% 96 1.25% 49 1.95% 30 1.93% 37 6.72% 1.73 MB 1.32%
31 154 1.37% 82 1.07% 83 3.30% 46 2.95% 42 7.62% 2.10 MB 1.60%

Hourly usage for May 2009

Hourly Statistics for May 2009
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 6 200 1.78% 3 96 1.25% 3 101 4.01% 68.15 KB 2.06 MB 1.57%
1 7 236 2.10% 4 147 1.92% 2 87 3.46% 78.92 KB 2.39 MB 1.82%
2 4 138 1.23% 2 69 0.90% 2 84 3.34% 54.50 KB 1.65 MB 1.26%
3 6 216 1.92% 5 162 2.11% 2 92 3.66% 50.65 KB 1.53 MB 1.17%
4 5 177 1.57% 2 88 1.15% 3 93 3.70% 60.64 KB 1.84 MB 1.40%
5 4 153 1.36% 2 92 1.20% 2 80 3.18% 77.12 KB 2.33 MB 1.78%
6 4 139 1.23% 2 76 0.99% 2 68 2.70% 39.79 KB 1.20 MB 0.92%
7 7 229 2.03% 5 163 2.12% 2 85 3.38% 147.50 KB 4.47 MB 3.41%
8 13 422 3.75% 8 278 3.62% 2 89 3.54% 141.59 KB 4.29 MB 3.27%
9 17 549 4.88% 13 426 5.55% 2 84 3.34% 184.78 KB 5.59 MB 4.27%
10 44 1390 12.35% 18 587 7.65% 4 151 6.00% 347.41 KB 10.52 MB 8.02%
11 28 896 7.96% 23 735 9.58% 4 137 5.45% 423.10 KB 12.81 MB 9.77%
12 24 749 6.65% 18 577 7.52% 4 131 5.21% 306.91 KB 9.29 MB 7.09%
13 19 603 5.36% 15 465 6.06% 5 159 6.32% 217.29 KB 6.58 MB 5.02%
14 25 785 6.97% 20 621 8.09% 3 121 4.81% 384.06 KB 11.63 MB 8.87%
15 23 729 6.48% 17 529 6.89% 3 109 4.33% 256.79 KB 7.77 MB 5.93%
16 12 395 3.51% 8 272 3.54% 3 108 4.29% 179.46 KB 5.43 MB 4.14%
17 14 456 4.05% 8 264 3.44% 3 100 3.97% 119.03 KB 3.60 MB 2.75%
18 12 379 3.37% 9 280 3.65% 2 63 2.50% 142.24 KB 4.31 MB 3.28%
19 14 440 3.91% 11 342 4.46% 2 69 2.74% 222.66 KB 6.74 MB 5.14%
20 15 479 4.25% 12 378 4.93% 4 150 5.96% 221.95 KB 6.72 MB 5.12%
21 20 638 5.67% 14 454 5.92% 4 130 5.17% 360.77 KB 10.92 MB 8.33%
22 15 470 4.17% 9 296 3.86% 3 115 4.57% 117.81 KB 3.57 MB 2.72%
23 12 390 3.46% 8 276 3.60% 3 110 4.37% 128.35 KB 3.89 MB 2.96%

Top 30 of 268 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 638 5.67% 14.94 MB 11.39% /
2 138 1.23% 4.61 MB 3.51% /dejavnost.htm
3 124 1.10% 2.65 MB 2.02% /opodjetju.htm
4 115 1.02% 2.29 MB 1.75% /reference.htm
5 114 1.01% 3.00 MB 2.29% /index_eng.htm
6 114 1.01% 2.12 MB 1.62% /prednosti.htm
7 94 0.83% 3.15 MB 2.41% /dejavnost_eng.htm
8 91 0.81% 2.53 MB 1.93% /galerija.htm
9 78 0.69% 1.85 MB 1.41% /prednosti_eng.htm
10 74 0.66% 23.06 KB 0.02% /menopavza/application_eng.htm
11 73 0.65% 19.25 KB 0.01% /danube2005/
12 71 0.63% 2.00 MB 1.52% /galerija_eng.htm
13 65 0.58% 1.45 MB 1.11% /opodjetju_eng.htm
14 64 0.57% 1.32 MB 1.01% /reference_eng.htm
15 55 0.49% 985.45 KB 0.73% /galerija_hec.htm
16 50 0.44% 1.06 MB 0.81% /Cenik_nov.htm
17 50 0.44% 8.35 KB 0.01% /default.css
18 38 0.34% 528.77 KB 0.39% /drobtinice.htm
19 36 0.32% 33.82 KB 0.03% /menopavza/vabilo_slo.htm
20 34 0.30% 220.19 KB 0.16% /danube2005/eng_invitation.htm
21 33 0.29% 11.11 KB 0.01% /danube2005/css/danube.css
22 33 0.29% 452.78 KB 0.34% /danube2005/eng_organization.htm
23 32 0.28% 944.92 KB 0.70% /danube2005/eng_program.htm
24 25 0.22% 5.26 KB 0.00% /menopavza/css/menop2.css
25 23 0.20% 301.27 KB 0.22% /danube2005/eng_registration.htm
26 22 0.20% 213.63 KB 0.16% /danube2005/eng_sponsors.htm
27 22 0.20% 21.81 KB 0.02% /indexcenik.htm
28 20 0.18% 239.80 KB 0.18% /danube2005/eng_accommodation.htm
29 20 0.18% 91.94 KB 0.07% /menopavza/invitation_eng.htm
30 19 0.17% 262.65 KB 0.20% /danube2005/eng_links.htm
View All URLs

Top 10 of 268 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 638 5.67% 14.94 MB 11.39% /
2 138 1.23% 4.61 MB 3.51% /dejavnost.htm
3 94 0.83% 3.15 MB 2.41% /dejavnost_eng.htm
4 114 1.01% 3.00 MB 2.29% /index_eng.htm
5 124 1.10% 2.65 MB 2.02% /opodjetju.htm
6 91 0.81% 2.53 MB 1.93% /galerija.htm
7 115 1.02% 2.29 MB 1.75% /reference.htm
8 114 1.01% 2.12 MB 1.62% /prednosti.htm
9 71 0.63% 2.00 MB 1.52% /galerija_eng.htm
10 78 0.69% 1.85 MB 1.41% /prednosti_eng.htm

Top 10 of 60 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 638 5.67% 536 35.12% /
2 74 0.66% 73 4.78% /menopavza/application_eng.htm
3 138 1.23% 66 4.33% /dejavnost.htm
4 114 1.01% 60 3.93% /index_eng.htm
5 73 0.65% 56 3.67% /danube2005/
6 114 1.01% 56 3.67% /prednosti.htm
7 115 1.02% 55 3.60% /reference.htm
8 94 0.83% 51 3.34% /dejavnost_eng.htm
9 124 1.10% 38 2.49% /opodjetju.htm
10 78 0.69% 37 2.42% /prednosti_eng.htm

Top 10 of 62 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 638 5.67% 457 29.91% /
2 74 0.66% 72 4.71% /menopavza/application_eng.htm
3 138 1.23% 69 4.52% /dejavnost.htm
4 114 1.01% 59 3.86% /index_eng.htm
5 115 1.02% 58 3.80% /reference.htm
6 114 1.01% 57 3.73% /prednosti.htm
7 124 1.10% 55 3.60% /opodjetju.htm
8 73 0.65% 53 3.47% /danube2005/
9 94 0.83% 51 3.34% /dejavnost_eng.htm
10 78 0.69% 43 2.81% /prednosti_eng.htm

Top 30 of 551 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 871 7.74% 207 2.70% 2.27 MB 1.73% 10 0.64% Slovenia
2 832 7.39% 631 8.22% 5.07 MB 3.86% 77 4.94% Slovenia
3 321 2.85% 109 1.42% 2.08 MB 1.59% 78 5.01% United States
4 321 2.85% 135 1.76% 1.55 MB 1.18% 7 0.45% Slovenia
5 183 1.63% 75 0.98% 2.93 MB 2.24% 3 0.19% Slovenia
6 168 1.49% 126 1.64% 4.39 MB 3.35% 3 0.19% Slovenia
7 167 1.48% 79 1.03% 1.74 MB 1.33% 80 5.13% United States
8 136 1.21% 73 0.95% 2.81 MB 2.14% 1 0.06% Unknown
9 127 1.13% 33 0.43% 458.36 KB 0.34% 1 0.06% Slovenia
10 125 1.11% 95 1.24% 1.20 MB 0.92% 3 0.19% Slovenia
11 118 1.05% 75 0.98% 3.04 MB 2.32% 1 0.06% Slovenia
12 109 0.97% 48 0.63% 53.23 KB 0.04% 2 0.13% Slovenia
13 102 0.91% 94 1.23% 5.30 MB 4.04% 1 0.06% Germany
14 97 0.86% 77 1.00% 3.57 MB 2.73% 1 0.06% Slovenia
15 92 0.82% 85 1.11% 5.33 MB 4.06% 1 0.06% Slovenia
16 85 0.76% 78 1.02% 2.14 MB 1.63% 1 0.06% Slovenia
17 84 0.75% 43 0.56% 738.54 KB 0.55% 34 2.18% United States
18 80 0.71% 79 1.03% 1.35 MB 1.03% 3 0.19% Slovenia
19 78 0.69% 50 0.65% 1.45 MB 1.10% 1 0.06% Unknown
20 70 0.62% 35 0.46% 1.03 MB 0.79% 35 2.25% Czech Republic
21 67 0.60% 63 0.82% 840.21 KB 0.63% 2 0.13% United Kingdom
22 61 0.54% 61 0.79% 799.73 KB 0.60% 2 0.13% Slovenia
23 61 0.54% 59 0.77% 778.55 KB 0.58% 1 0.06% Slovenia
24 61 0.54% 59 0.77% 775.03 KB 0.58% 2 0.13% Slovenia
25 60 0.53% 34 0.44% 490.18 KB 0.37% 1 0.06% Slovenia
26 58 0.52% 51 0.66% 578.96 KB 0.43% 2 0.13% Slovenia
27 55 0.49% 52 0.68% 2.24 MB 1.71% 1 0.06% Slovenia
28 54 0.48% 51 0.66% 578.29 KB 0.43% 2 0.13% Slovenia
29 53 0.47% 51 0.66% 676.29 KB 0.50% 1 0.06% Unknown
30 52 0.46% 47 0.61% 874.74 KB 0.65% 1 0.06% Slovenia
View All Sites

Top 10 of 551 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 92 0.82% 85 1.11% 5.33 MB 4.06% 1 0.06% Slovenia
2 102 0.91% 94 1.23% 5.30 MB 4.04% 1 0.06% Germany
3 832 7.39% 631 8.22% 5.07 MB 3.86% 77 4.94% Slovenia
4 168 1.49% 126 1.64% 4.39 MB 3.35% 3 0.19% Slovenia
5 97 0.86% 77 1.00% 3.57 MB 2.73% 1 0.06% Slovenia
6 118 1.05% 75 0.98% 3.04 MB 2.32% 1 0.06% Slovenia
7 183 1.63% 75 0.98% 2.93 MB 2.24% 3 0.19% Slovenia
8 136 1.21% 73 0.95% 2.81 MB 2.14% 1 0.06% Unknown
9 871 7.74% 207 2.70% 2.27 MB 1.73% 10 0.64% Slovenia
10 55 0.49% 52 0.68% 2.24 MB 1.71% 1 0.06% Slovenia

Top 30 of 116 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 4865 43.21% - (Direct Request)
2 72 0.64%
3 18 0.16%
4 16 0.14%
5 11 0.10%
6 8 0.07%
7 5 0.04%
8 4 0.04%
9 4 0.04%
10 3 0.03%
11 3 0.03%
12 2 0.02%
13 2 0.02%
14 2 0.02%
15 2 0.02%
16 2 0.02%
17 2 0.02%
18 2 0.02%
19 1 0.01%
20 1 0.01%
21 1 0.01%
22 1 0.01%
23 1 0.01%
24 1 0.01%
25 1 0.01%
26 1 0.01%
27 1 0.01%
28 1 0.01%
29 1 0.01%
30 1 0.01%
View All Referrers

Top 20 of 20 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 15 42.86% auditoria
2 2 5.71% auditoria d.o.o.
3 1 2.86% 8 9 maj 2009 simpozij
4 1 2.86% auditoria slovenia
5 1 2.86% auditoria social
6 1 2.86% boris vrhovec
7 1 2.86% echoson slovenija
8 1 2.86% genomel
9 1 2.86% ibm golf
10 1 2.86% izvedba dogodkov
11 1 2.86% janez zidar
12 1 2.86% janssen cilag slovenia
13 1 2.86% kocmur marga
14 1 2.86% konferenca junij 2009 portorož
15 1 2.86% lichen sclerosus
16 1 2.86% malnarjeva 10
17 1 2.86% marga kocmur tel
18 1 2.86% maša pentek
19 1 2.86% ozvočenje in snemanje dogodkov
20 1 2.86% tržaška 286

Top 15 of 77 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 2721 24.17% Mozilla/5.0
2 2143 19.04% MSIE 7.0
3 1948 17.30% MSIE 6.0
4 944 8.39% Najdi.s
5 712 6.32% msnbot/2.0b (+
6 598 5.31% MSIE 8.0
7 314 2.79% Yahoo! Slurp/3.0
8 264 2.34% msnbot/1.1 (+
9 179 1.59% Googlebot-Image/1.0
10 165 1.47% Java/1.6.0_13
11 151 1.34% Googlebot/2.1
12 106 0.94% Yahoo! Slurp
13 89 0.79% Java/1.6.0_04
14 83 0.74% Java/1.6.0_11
15 70 0.62% Jyxobot/1
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for May 2009

Top 30 of 30 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 6156 54.68% 4513 58.82% 66.96 MB 51.06% Slovenia
2 2219 19.71% 805 10.49% 19.36 MB 14.76% United States
3 1036 9.20% 885 11.53% 14.91 MB 11.37% Unresolved/Unknown
4 348 3.09% 321 4.18% 9.47 MB 7.22% Germany
5 219 1.95% 200 2.61% 1.99 MB 1.52% Great Britain (UK)
6 206 1.83% 166 2.16% 4.70 MB 3.58% Netherlands
7 186 1.65% 155 2.02% 3.51 MB 2.68% Spain
8 139 1.23% 94 1.23% 2.32 MB 1.77% China
9 113 1.00% 108 1.41% 438.00 KB 0.33% Croatia (Hrvatska)
10 92 0.82% 84 1.09% 1.10 MB 0.84% Sweden
11 91 0.81% 65 0.85% 980.53 KB 0.73% France
12 74 0.66% 72 0.94% 1.08 MB 0.82% Poland
13 70 0.62% 35 0.46% 1.03 MB 0.79% Czech Republic
14 51 0.45% 24 0.31% 263.79 KB 0.20% Denmark
15 47 0.42% 37 0.48% 1.02 MB 0.78% Romania
16 26 0.23% 24 0.31% 262.90 KB 0.20% Austria
17 25 0.22% 1 0.01% 277.23 KB 0.21% Bosnia and Herzegovina
18 25 0.22% 24 0.31% 92.69 KB 0.07% Ecuador
19 25 0.22% 25 0.33% 125.70 KB 0.09% Honduras
20 25 0.22% 24 0.31% 68.62 KB 0.05% India
21 25 0.22% 24 0.31% 261.84 KB 0.20% Italy
22 20 0.18% 16 0.21% 466.92 KB 0.35% Ireland
23 16 0.14% 3 0.04% 36.27 KB 0.03% Korea (South)
24 10 0.09% 6 0.08% 199.80 KB 0.15% Taiwan
25 6 0.05% 3 0.04% 90.26 KB 0.07% Russian Federation
26 3 0.03% 3 0.04% 65.66 KB 0.05% Ukraine
27 2 0.02% 2 0.03% 58.42 KB 0.04% Canada
28 1 0.01% 0 0.00% 1017 bytes 0.00% Brazil
29 1 0.01% 1 0.01% 29.65 KB 0.02% Israel
30 1 0.01% 1 0.01% 67.98 KB 0.05% Lithuania

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)