Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: October 2008
Generated 01-Nov-2008 04:55 CET
GEO-106FREE 20070601 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for October 2008
Total Hits 13670
Total Files 10438
Total Pages 2886
Total Visits 1646
Total KBytes 168.93 MB
Total Unique Sites 647
Total Unique URLs 260
Total Unique Referrers 112
Total Unique User Agents 58
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 18 204
Hits per Day 440 1044
Files per Day 336 666
Pages per Day 93 206
Visits per Day 53 76
KBytes per Day 5.45 MB 20.72 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 10438
Code 206 - Partial Content 10
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 29
Code 304 - Not Modified 1666
Code 403 - Forbidden 1
Code 404 - Not Found 1520
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 6

Daily usage for October 2008

Daily Statistics for October 2008
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 589 4.31% 453 4.34% 97 3.36% 67 4.07% 43 6.65% 5.35 MB 3.16%
2 721 5.27% 557 5.34% 130 4.50% 61 3.71% 63 9.74% 7.43 MB 4.40%
3 462 3.38% 373 3.57% 139 4.82% 60 3.65% 58 8.96% 7.77 MB 4.60%
4 116 0.85% 66 0.63% 47 1.63% 35 2.13% 26 4.02% 1.42 MB 0.84%
5 214 1.57% 144 1.38% 51 1.77% 34 2.07% 24 3.71% 2.18 MB 1.29%
6 307 2.25% 244 2.34% 81 2.81% 46 2.79% 35 5.41% 4.25 MB 2.51%
7 252 1.84% 195 1.87% 55 1.91% 42 2.55% 27 4.17% 2.92 MB 1.73%
8 369 2.70% 267 2.56% 82 2.84% 65 3.95% 48 7.42% 3.94 MB 2.33%
9 424 3.10% 299 2.86% 62 2.15% 46 2.79% 41 6.34% 3.82 MB 2.26%
10 418 3.06% 333 3.19% 87 3.01% 52 3.16% 35 5.41% 4.09 MB 2.42%
11 155 1.13% 97 0.93% 50 1.73% 43 2.61% 33 5.10% 1.81 MB 1.07%
12 367 2.68% 294 2.82% 124 4.30% 57 3.46% 36 5.56% 4.00 MB 2.37%
13 688 5.03% 557 5.34% 206 7.14% 64 3.89% 47 7.26% 20.72 MB 12.26%
14 727 5.32% 596 5.71% 122 4.23% 73 4.43% 43 6.65% 9.12 MB 5.40%
15 472 3.45% 403 3.86% 109 3.78% 73 4.43% 46 7.11% 5.81 MB 3.44%
16 365 2.67% 285 2.73% 55 1.91% 44 2.67% 35 5.41% 3.37 MB 1.99%
17 397 2.90% 332 3.18% 68 2.36% 46 2.79% 28 4.33% 7.42 MB 4.40%
18 200 1.46% 151 1.45% 61 2.11% 39 2.37% 38 5.87% 2.87 MB 1.70%
19 205 1.50% 136 1.30% 80 2.77% 47 2.86% 35 5.41% 2.22 MB 1.32%
20 645 4.72% 513 4.91% 96 3.33% 66 4.01% 59 9.12% 7.89 MB 4.67%
21 627 4.59% 480 4.60% 114 3.95% 53 3.22% 49 7.57% 6.29 MB 3.72%
22 1044 7.64% 666 6.38% 141 4.89% 76 4.62% 65 10.05% 10.44 MB 6.18%
23 631 4.62% 518 4.96% 99 3.43% 47 2.86% 39 6.03% 7.26 MB 4.30%
24 542 3.96% 461 4.42% 76 2.63% 54 3.28% 47 7.26% 8.91 MB 5.27%
25 249 1.82% 210 2.01% 93 3.22% 39 2.37% 34 5.26% 4.06 MB 2.40%
26 166 1.21% 97 0.93% 71 2.46% 49 2.98% 35 5.41% 1.77 MB 1.04%
27 615 4.50% 460 4.41% 99 3.43% 48 2.92% 38 5.87% 5.32 MB 3.15%
28 538 3.94% 408 3.91% 124 4.30% 57 3.46% 42 6.49% 5.71 MB 3.38%
29 621 4.54% 437 4.19% 106 3.67% 62 3.77% 48 7.42% 5.77 MB 3.42%
30 340 2.49% 269 2.58% 84 2.91% 58 3.52% 38 5.87% 2.84 MB 1.68%
31 204 1.49% 137 1.31% 77 2.67% 46 2.79% 34 5.26% 2.18 MB 1.29%

Hourly usage for October 2008

Hourly Statistics for October 2008
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 9 296 2.17% 7 219 2.10% 3 106 3.67% 101.67 KB 3.08 MB 1.82%
1 11 343 2.51% 8 265 2.54% 4 146 5.06% 127.35 KB 3.86 MB 2.28%
2 6 210 1.54% 3 121 1.16% 3 110 3.81% 84.23 KB 2.55 MB 1.51%
3 7 237 1.73% 5 166 1.59% 3 104 3.60% 74.66 KB 2.26 MB 1.34%
4 5 177 1.29% 3 113 1.08% 2 65 2.25% 85.57 KB 2.59 MB 1.53%
5 5 165 1.21% 3 98 0.94% 1 57 1.98% 81.61 KB 2.47 MB 1.46%
6 5 169 1.24% 3 99 0.95% 1 51 1.77% 68.79 KB 2.08 MB 1.23%
7 10 332 2.43% 7 237 2.27% 2 88 3.05% 95.86 KB 2.90 MB 1.72%
8 22 698 5.11% 19 617 5.91% 4 142 4.92% 304.33 KB 9.21 MB 5.45%
9 28 877 6.42% 21 661 6.33% 3 119 4.12% 266.04 KB 8.05 MB 4.77%
10 31 964 7.05% 24 774 7.42% 6 203 7.03% 776.90 KB 23.52 MB 13.92%
11 30 956 6.99% 24 749 7.18% 4 132 4.57% 303.31 KB 9.18 MB 5.44%
12 28 898 6.57% 23 736 7.05% 4 134 4.64% 348.94 KB 10.56 MB 6.25%
13 40 1264 9.25% 29 912 8.74% 5 155 5.37% 416.43 KB 12.61 MB 7.46%
14 36 1131 8.27% 28 884 8.47% 6 187 6.48% 455.96 KB 13.80 MB 8.17%
15 37 1147 8.39% 28 882 8.45% 4 146 5.06% 392.24 KB 11.87 MB 7.03%
16 19 589 4.31% 14 443 4.24% 4 125 4.33% 235.55 KB 7.13 MB 4.22%
17 15 472 3.45% 11 344 3.30% 4 134 4.64% 168.02 KB 5.09 MB 3.01%
18 19 593 4.34% 15 485 4.65% 4 134 4.64% 229.46 KB 6.95 MB 4.11%
19 9 308 2.25% 7 241 2.31% 3 113 3.92% 264.88 KB 8.02 MB 4.75%
20 10 318 2.33% 7 241 2.31% 2 79 2.74% 120.98 KB 3.66 MB 2.17%
21 20 635 4.65% 15 491 4.70% 3 111 3.85% 221.32 KB 6.70 MB 3.97%
22 15 475 3.47% 11 356 3.41% 3 115 3.98% 171.09 KB 5.18 MB 3.07%
23 13 416 3.04% 9 304 2.91% 4 130 4.50% 184.95 KB 5.60 MB 3.31%

Top 30 of 260 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 778 5.69% 21.47 MB 12.71% /
2 188 1.38% 7.77 MB 4.60% /dejavnost.htm
3 162 1.19% 4.00 MB 2.37% /opodjetju.htm
4 150 1.10% 4.10 MB 2.43% /reference.htm
5 133 0.97% 4.25 MB 2.52% /index_eng.htm
6 123 0.90% 3.52 MB 2.08% /galerija.htm
7 116 0.85% 3.13 MB 1.86% /prednosti.htm
8 103 0.75% 40.69 KB 0.02% /danube2005/
9 81 0.59% 1.93 MB 1.14% /opodjetju_eng.htm
10 81 0.59% 1.97 MB 1.17% /reference_eng.htm
11 80 0.59% 3.83 MB 2.27% /dejavnost_eng.htm
12 75 0.55% 1.97 MB 1.16% /prednosti_eng.htm
13 73 0.53% 2.21 MB 1.31% /galerija_eng.htm
14 72 0.53% 1.28 MB 0.76% /galerija_hec.htm
15 66 0.48% 1.43 MB 0.84% /Cenik_nov.htm
16 51 0.37% 1.45 MB 0.86% /danube2005/eng_program.htm
17 51 0.37% 671.68 KB 0.39% /drobtinice.htm
18 49 0.36% 719.67 KB 0.42% /danube2005/eng_organization.htm
19 43 0.31% 398.44 KB 0.23% /danube2005/eng_invitation.htm
20 40 0.29% 17.59 KB 0.01% /danube2005/css/danube.css
21 32 0.23% 359.70 KB 0.21% /danube2005/eng_accommodation.htm
22 30 0.22% 364.79 KB 0.21% /danube2005/eng_links.htm
23 30 0.22% 29.74 KB 0.02% /indexcenik.htm
24 26 0.19% 263.89 KB 0.15% /danube2005/eng_sponsors.htm
25 24 0.18% 316.33 KB 0.18% /danube2005/eng_registration.htm
26 24 0.18% 7.01 KB 0.00% /menopavza/css/menop2.css
27 23 0.17% 5.14 KB 0.00% /default.css
28 21 0.15% 270.64 KB 0.16% /danube2005/short eng_program.htm
29 15 0.11% 275.00 KB 0.16% /danube2005/docs/obrazec-placilo.kreditna_k.doc
30 14 0.10% 747.76 KB 0.43% /danube2005/pre-final_programme.pdf
View All URLs

Top 10 of 260 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 778 5.69% 21.47 MB 12.71% /
2 188 1.38% 7.77 MB 4.60% /dejavnost.htm
3 133 0.97% 4.25 MB 2.52% /index_eng.htm
4 150 1.10% 4.10 MB 2.43% /reference.htm
5 162 1.19% 4.00 MB 2.37% /opodjetju.htm
6 80 0.59% 3.83 MB 2.27% /dejavnost_eng.htm
7 123 0.90% 3.52 MB 2.08% /galerija.htm
8 116 0.85% 3.13 MB 1.86% /prednosti.htm
9 73 0.53% 2.21 MB 1.31% /galerija_eng.htm
10 81 0.59% 1.97 MB 1.17% /reference_eng.htm

Top 10 of 61 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 778 5.69% 617 39.20% /
2 188 1.38% 89 5.65% /dejavnost.htm
3 133 0.97% 78 4.96% /index_eng.htm
4 103 0.75% 69 4.38% /danube2005/
5 162 1.19% 55 3.49% /opodjetju.htm
6 123 0.90% 45 2.86% /galerija.htm
7 116 0.85% 41 2.60% /prednosti.htm
8 150 1.10% 41 2.60% /reference.htm
9 72 0.53% 37 2.35% /galerija_hec.htm
10 81 0.59% 36 2.29% /opodjetju_eng.htm

Top 10 of 61 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 778 5.69% 523 32.65% /
2 103 0.75% 83 5.18% /danube2005/
3 150 1.10% 79 4.93% /reference.htm
4 162 1.19% 78 4.87% /opodjetju.htm
5 133 0.97% 74 4.62% /index_eng.htm
6 188 1.38% 72 4.49% /dejavnost.htm
7 123 0.90% 61 3.81% /galerija.htm
8 51 0.37% 48 3.00% /drobtinice.htm
9 116 0.85% 45 2.81% /prednosti.htm
10 81 0.59% 43 2.68% /opodjetju_eng.htm

Top 30 of 647 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 676 4.95% 425 4.07% 6.17 MB 3.65% 119 7.23% Slovenia
2 408 2.98% 99 0.95% 2.19 MB 1.30% 60 3.65% United States
3 384 2.81% 269 2.58% 3.59 MB 2.13% 54 3.28% Slovenia
4 349 2.55% 225 2.16% 3.00 MB 1.78% 6 0.36% Slovenia
5 318 2.33% 90 0.86% 1.73 MB 1.02% 4 0.24% Slovenia
6 284 2.08% 270 2.59% 3.58 MB 2.12% 6 0.36% Slovenia
7 268 1.96% 137 1.31% 4.19 MB 2.48% 145 8.81% Unknown
8 196 1.43% 118 1.13% 1.61 MB 0.96% 10 0.61% Slovenia
9 186 1.36% 158 1.51% 3.11 MB 1.84% 5 0.30% Slovenia
10 150 1.10% 134 1.28% 14.17 MB 8.39% 4 0.24% Unknown
11 149 1.09% 64 0.61% 752.58 KB 0.44% 1 0.06% Slovenia
12 143 1.05% 93 0.89% 1.12 MB 0.66% 3 0.18% Slovenia
13 130 0.95% 130 1.25% 1.70 MB 1.01% 3 0.18% Slovenia
14 130 0.95% 91 0.87% 1.77 MB 1.04% 2 0.12% Slovenia
15 127 0.93% 116 1.11% 5.32 MB 3.15% 2 0.12% Slovenia
16 111 0.81% 56 0.54% 1.60 MB 0.95% 29 1.76% Unknown
17 106 0.78% 102 0.98% 1.32 MB 0.78% 3 0.18% Slovenia
18 104 0.76% 100 0.96% 690.31 KB 0.40% 3 0.18% Unknown
19 90 0.66% 47 0.45% 975.57 KB 0.56% 1 0.06% Slovenia
20 82 0.60% 74 0.71% 1.94 MB 1.15% 1 0.06% Slovenia
21 78 0.57% 75 0.72% 847.15 KB 0.49% 3 0.18% Spain
22 76 0.56% 75 0.72% 851.10 KB 0.49% 3 0.18% Slovenia
23 73 0.53% 24 0.23% 266.75 KB 0.15% 3 0.18% Slovenia
24 71 0.52% 71 0.68% 410.70 KB 0.24% 1 0.06% Slovenia
25 65 0.48% 40 0.38% 571.10 KB 0.33% 26 1.58% Unknown
26 64 0.47% 58 0.56% 1.68 MB 0.99% 57 3.46% Germany
27 62 0.45% 52 0.50% 2.46 MB 1.46% 1 0.06% Slovenia
28 62 0.45% 59 0.57% 2.08 MB 1.23% 9 0.55% Germany
29 60 0.44% 57 0.55% 935.52 KB 0.54% 2 0.12% Slovenia
30 59 0.43% 58 0.56% 714.84 KB 0.41% 3 0.18% Netherlands
View All Sites

Top 10 of 647 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 150 1.10% 134 1.28% 14.17 MB 8.39% 4 0.24% Unknown
2 676 4.95% 425 4.07% 6.17 MB 3.65% 119 7.23% Slovenia
3 127 0.93% 116 1.11% 5.32 MB 3.15% 2 0.12% Slovenia
4 268 1.96% 137 1.31% 4.19 MB 2.48% 145 8.81% Unknown
5 384 2.81% 269 2.58% 3.59 MB 2.13% 54 3.28% Slovenia
6 284 2.08% 270 2.59% 3.58 MB 2.12% 6 0.36% Slovenia
7 186 1.36% 158 1.51% 3.11 MB 1.84% 5 0.30% Slovenia
8 349 2.55% 225 2.16% 3.00 MB 1.78% 6 0.36% Slovenia
9 62 0.45% 52 0.50% 2.46 MB 1.46% 1 0.06% Slovenia
10 408 2.98% 99 0.95% 2.19 MB 1.30% 60 3.65% United States

Top 30 of 112 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 4655 34.05% - (Direct Request)
2 106 0.78%
3 47 0.34%
4 24 0.18%
5 24 0.18%
6 22 0.16%
7 22 0.16%
8 21 0.15%
9 20 0.15%
10 6 0.04%
11 6 0.04%
12 5 0.04%
13 5 0.04%
14 5 0.04%
15 4 0.03%
16 4 0.03%
17 4 0.03%
18 3 0.02%
19 3 0.02%
20 3 0.02%
21 3 0.02%
22 3 0.02%
23 3 0.02%
24 3 0.02%
25 2 0.01%
26 2 0.01%
27 2 0.01%
28 2 0.01%
29 2 0.01%
30 2 0.01%
View All Referrers

Top 20 of 43 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 29 37.18% auditoria
2 3 3.85% organizacija dogodkov
3 2 2.56% %22amos -
4 2 2.56% boris vrhovec
5 2 2.56% natalija bah čad
6 2 2.56% srečanje poslovnih partnerjev
7 2 2.56% zvezdan pirtošek
8 1 1.28% 3d animacija podjetja
9 1 1.28%
10 1 1.28% auditoria d.o.o.
11 1 1.28% auditoria social
12 1 1.28% auditoriad.o.o.
13 1 1.28% barbara gužič
14 1 1.28% bojana Žvan
15 1 1.28% dr. pirtošek
16 1 1.28% event agency
17 1 1.28% family names in ljubljana
18 1 1.28% fijet
19 1 1.28% gent danube
20 1 1.28% golf hotel kongresi v oktobru
View All Search Strings

Top 15 of 58 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 3456 25.28% MSIE 6.0
2 3306 24.18% MSIE 7.0
3 2997 21.92% Mozilla/5.0
4 1060 7.75% Najdi.s
5 541 3.96% Yahoo! Slurp
6 290 2.12% msnbot/1.1 (+
7 250 1.83% Googlebot-Image/1.0
8 213 1.56% msnbot-media/1.1 (+
9 157 1.15% Googlebot/2.1
10 153 1.12% Yahoo! Slurp/3.0
11 144 1.05% Java/1.6.0_07
12 111 0.81% Yanga WorldSearch Bot v1.1/beta (
13 92 0.67% findlinks/1.1.3-beta9 (+
14 72 0.53% Java/1.6.0_04
15 64 0.47% findlinks/1.1.4-beta1 (+
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for October 2008

Top 30 of 39 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 8752 64.02% 7021 67.26% 91.83 MB 54.36% Slovenia
2 1832 13.40% 828 7.93% 22.24 MB 13.16% United States
3 1088 7.96% 814 7.80% 25.73 MB 15.23% Unresolved/Unknown
4 383 2.80% 322 3.08% 8.03 MB 4.75% Germany
5 294 2.15% 280 2.68% 7.18 MB 4.25% Netherlands
6 223 1.63% 211 2.02% 4.28 MB 2.54% Spain
7 119 0.87% 110 1.05% 1.18 MB 0.70% Great Britain (UK)
8 98 0.72% 80 0.77% 1.32 MB 0.78% Sweden
9 93 0.68% 91 0.87% 206.47 KB 0.12% Austria
10 92 0.67% 89 0.85% 383.88 KB 0.22% Yugoslavia
11 77 0.56% 40 0.38% 1.10 MB 0.65% France
12 76 0.56% 72 0.69% 390.16 KB 0.23% Croatia (Hrvatska)
13 64 0.47% 58 0.56% 523.10 KB 0.30% China
14 55 0.40% 36 0.34% 187.10 KB 0.11% Mexico
15 50 0.37% 48 0.46% 198.22 KB 0.11% Ecuador
16 36 0.26% 34 0.33% 1010.10 KB 0.58% Europe
17 30 0.22% 29 0.28% 361.28 KB 0.21% India
18 27 0.20% 23 0.22% 33.99 KB 0.02% Benin
19 26 0.19% 24 0.23% 268.68 KB 0.16% Puerto Rico
20 25 0.18% 24 0.23% 267.79 KB 0.15% Bosnia and Herzegovina
21 25 0.18% 23 0.22% 35.72 KB 0.02% Bulgaria
22 25 0.18% 24 0.23% 267.79 KB 0.15% Greece
23 24 0.18% 24 0.23% 266.92 KB 0.15% Argentina
24 24 0.18% 24 0.23% 266.92 KB 0.15% Switzerland
25 24 0.18% 24 0.23% 266.92 KB 0.15% Estonia
26 24 0.18% 24 0.23% 98.23 KB 0.06% Uzbekistan
27 23 0.17% 23 0.22% 50.97 KB 0.03% Romania
28 22 0.16% 22 0.21% 17.22 KB 0.01% Hungary
29 15 0.11% 11 0.11% 200.54 KB 0.12% Ukraine
30 4 0.03% 2 0.02% 1.35 KB 0.00% Italy

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)