Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: August 2008
Generated 01-Sep-2008 04:58 CEST
GEO-106FREE 20070601 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for August 2008
Total Hits 8619
Total Files 6558
Total Pages 2442
Total Visits 1260
Total KBytes 98.75 MB
Total Unique Sites 341
Total Unique URLs 259
Total Unique Referrers 77
Total Unique User Agents 43
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 11 128
Hits per Day 278 452
Files per Day 211 388
Pages per Day 78 139
Visits per Day 40 64
KBytes per Day 3.19 MB 9.00 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 6558
Code 206 - Partial Content 2
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 35
Code 304 - Not Modified 723
Code 403 - Forbidden 1
Code 404 - Not Found 1300

Daily usage for August 2008

Daily Statistics for August 2008
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 182 2.11% 141 2.15% 75 3.07% 48 3.81% 31 9.09% 2.15 MB 2.18%
2 71 0.82% 45 0.69% 30 1.23% 26 2.06% 19 5.57% 792.66 KB 0.78%
3 106 1.23% 68 1.04% 43 1.76% 33 2.62% 25 7.33% 1.12 MB 1.13%
4 350 4.06% 281 4.28% 59 2.42% 45 3.57% 33 9.68% 2.74 MB 2.77%
5 181 2.10% 124 1.89% 53 2.17% 47 3.73% 40 11.73% 1.29 MB 1.31%
6 273 3.17% 207 3.16% 108 4.42% 55 4.37% 38 11.14% 3.86 MB 3.91%
7 213 2.47% 158 2.41% 93 3.81% 49 3.89% 36 10.56% 2.70 MB 2.73%
8 358 4.15% 251 3.83% 94 3.85% 47 3.73% 31 9.09% 4.28 MB 4.34%
9 82 0.95% 53 0.81% 40 1.64% 36 2.86% 20 5.87% 1.01 MB 1.02%
10 89 1.03% 62 0.95% 35 1.43% 24 1.90% 16 4.69% 810.80 KB 0.80%
11 357 4.14% 291 4.44% 67 2.74% 36 2.86% 25 7.33% 3.68 MB 3.72%
12 389 4.51% 328 5.00% 88 3.60% 39 3.10% 29 8.50% 3.99 MB 4.04%
13 262 3.04% 225 3.43% 123 5.04% 32 2.54% 29 8.50% 4.32 MB 4.37%
14 339 3.93% 280 4.27% 120 4.91% 41 3.25% 25 7.33% 4.33 MB 4.38%
15 221 2.56% 160 2.44% 97 3.97% 43 3.41% 24 7.04% 2.78 MB 2.81%
16 248 2.88% 176 2.68% 78 3.19% 38 3.02% 22 6.45% 2.08 MB 2.10%
17 252 2.92% 182 2.78% 97 3.97% 49 3.89% 41 12.02% 3.16 MB 3.20%
18 426 4.94% 326 4.97% 116 4.75% 56 4.44% 40 11.73% 4.02 MB 4.07%
19 321 3.72% 263 4.01% 67 2.74% 36 2.86% 22 6.45% 4.00 MB 4.05%
20 425 4.93% 368 5.61% 97 3.97% 38 3.02% 28 8.21% 9.00 MB 9.11%
21 336 3.90% 254 3.87% 81 3.32% 39 3.10% 27 7.92% 2.84 MB 2.88%
22 310 3.60% 201 3.06% 101 4.14% 50 3.97% 26 7.62% 2.71 MB 2.75%
23 110 1.28% 80 1.22% 30 1.23% 24 1.90% 17 4.99% 1.26 MB 1.28%
24 215 2.49% 156 2.38% 91 3.73% 29 2.30% 16 4.69% 2.60 MB 2.63%
25 262 3.04% 201 3.06% 56 2.29% 38 3.02% 27 7.92% 3.27 MB 3.31%
26 452 5.24% 388 5.92% 57 2.33% 36 2.86% 25 7.33% 7.38 MB 7.47%
27 446 5.17% 253 3.86% 63 2.58% 41 3.25% 27 7.92% 3.37 MB 3.42%
28 423 4.91% 339 5.17% 109 4.46% 40 3.17% 32 9.38% 4.67 MB 4.73%
29 392 4.55% 320 4.88% 139 5.69% 64 5.08% 40 11.73% 4.45 MB 4.51%
30 299 3.47% 230 3.51% 67 2.74% 41 3.25% 30 8.80% 2.70 MB 2.74%
31 229 2.66% 147 2.24% 68 2.78% 44 3.49% 30 8.80% 1.45 MB 1.47%

Hourly usage for August 2008

Hourly Statistics for August 2008
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 6 212 2.46% 4 148 2.26% 3 104 4.26% 66.50 KB 2.01 MB 2.04%
1 6 206 2.39% 5 156 2.38% 2 88 3.60% 58.09 KB 1.76 MB 1.78%
2 6 194 2.25% 4 126 1.92% 4 124 5.08% 93.77 KB 2.84 MB 2.87%
3 12 376 4.36% 8 278 4.24% 5 158 6.47% 111.93 KB 3.39 MB 3.43%
4 4 143 1.66% 2 87 1.33% 3 105 4.30% 66.57 KB 2.02 MB 2.04%
5 4 124 1.44% 2 66 1.01% 2 69 2.83% 49.34 KB 1.49 MB 1.51%
6 4 126 1.46% 2 73 1.11% 2 63 2.58% 40.76 KB 1.23 MB 1.25%
7 7 222 2.58% 5 162 2.47% 1 61 2.50% 71.02 KB 2.15 MB 2.18%
8 15 476 5.52% 12 398 6.07% 2 90 3.69% 148.07 KB 4.48 MB 4.54%
9 20 635 7.37% 16 499 7.61% 2 78 3.19% 234.40 KB 7.10 MB 7.19%
10 19 613 7.11% 15 474 7.23% 4 152 6.22% 206.55 KB 6.25 MB 6.33%
11 17 533 6.18% 13 405 6.18% 2 85 3.48% 135.32 KB 4.10 MB 4.15%
12 16 503 5.84% 12 383 5.84% 3 108 4.42% 163.06 KB 4.94 MB 5.00%
13 20 647 7.51% 17 537 8.19% 3 103 4.22% 300.76 KB 9.10 MB 9.22%
14 13 432 5.01% 10 340 5.18% 2 91 3.73% 128.50 KB 3.89 MB 3.94%
15 13 425 4.93% 9 294 4.48% 3 115 4.71% 170.39 KB 5.16 MB 5.22%
16 12 384 4.46% 10 314 4.79% 2 89 3.64% 134.21 KB 4.06 MB 4.11%
17 14 434 5.04% 11 370 5.64% 2 88 3.60% 274.25 KB 8.30 MB 8.41%
18 10 312 3.62% 7 244 3.72% 1 45 1.84% 126.06 KB 3.82 MB 3.86%
19 8 268 3.11% 6 210 3.20% 3 97 3.97% 105.69 KB 3.20 MB 3.24%
20 11 365 4.23% 8 264 4.03% 3 112 4.59% 102.41 KB 3.10 MB 3.14%
21 10 312 3.62% 8 265 4.04% 2 92 3.77% 127.38 KB 3.86 MB 3.91%
22 8 275 3.19% 6 192 2.93% 4 129 5.28% 134.31 KB 4.07 MB 4.12%
23 12 402 4.66% 8 273 4.16% 6 196 8.03% 212.55 KB 6.43 MB 6.52%

Top 30 of 259 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 534 6.20% 13.92 MB 14.09% /
2 140 1.62% 5.91 MB 5.99% /dejavnost.htm
3 131 1.52% 3.63 MB 3.67% /reference.htm
4 113 1.31% 2.76 MB 2.79% /opodjetju.htm
5 102 1.18% 3.32 MB 3.36% /index_eng.htm
6 97 1.13% 2.60 MB 2.63% /prednosti.htm
7 96 1.11% 34.56 KB 0.03% /danube2005/
8 95 1.10% 2.70 MB 2.73% /galerija.htm
9 81 0.94% 2.41 MB 2.44% /galerija_eng.htm
10 76 0.88% 1.83 MB 1.86% /reference_eng.htm
11 75 0.87% 1.38 MB 1.40% /galerija_hec.htm
12 74 0.86% 1.57 MB 1.59% /Cenik_nov.htm
13 72 0.84% 1.94 MB 1.96% /prednosti_eng.htm
14 71 0.82% 3.47 MB 3.51% /dejavnost_eng.htm
15 71 0.82% 1.74 MB 1.76% /opodjetju_eng.htm
16 59 0.68% 786.01 KB 0.78% /drobtinice.htm
17 41 0.48% 1.25 MB 1.27% /danube2005/eng_program.htm
18 34 0.39% 519.86 KB 0.51% /danube2005/eng_organization.htm
19 32 0.37% 14.81 KB 0.01% /danube2005/css/danube.css
20 32 0.37% 31.72 KB 0.03% /indexcenik.htm
21 31 0.36% 22.64 KB 0.02% /menopavza/
22 29 0.34% 251.65 KB 0.25% /danube2005/eng_invitation.htm
23 28 0.32% 319.73 KB 0.32% /danube2005/eng_accommodation.htm
24 25 0.29% 251.33 KB 0.25% /danube2005/eng_sponsors.htm
25 24 0.28% 321.02 KB 0.32% /danube2005/eng_links.htm
26 24 0.28% 316.33 KB 0.31% /danube2005/eng_registration.htm
27 22 0.26% 6.75 KB 0.01% /default.css
28 21 0.24% 1.19 MB 1.21% /danube2005/pre-final_programme.pdf
29 19 0.22% 440.00 KB 0.44% /danube2005/docs/obrazec-placilo.kreditna_k.doc
30 18 0.21% 238.80 KB 0.24% /danube2005/short eng_program.htm
View All URLs

Top 10 of 259 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 534 6.20% 13.92 MB 14.09% /
2 140 1.62% 5.91 MB 5.99% /dejavnost.htm
3 131 1.52% 3.63 MB 3.67% /reference.htm
4 71 0.82% 3.47 MB 3.51% /dejavnost_eng.htm
5 102 1.18% 3.32 MB 3.36% /index_eng.htm
6 113 1.31% 2.76 MB 2.79% /opodjetju.htm
7 95 1.10% 2.70 MB 2.73% /galerija.htm
8 97 1.13% 2.60 MB 2.63% /prednosti.htm
9 81 0.94% 2.41 MB 2.44% /galerija_eng.htm
10 72 0.84% 1.94 MB 1.96% /prednosti_eng.htm

Top 10 of 57 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 534 6.20% 400 33.09% /
2 96 1.11% 62 5.13% /danube2005/
3 140 1.62% 59 4.88% /dejavnost.htm
4 102 1.18% 46 3.80% /index_eng.htm
5 113 1.31% 43 3.56% /opodjetju.htm
6 131 1.52% 43 3.56% /reference.htm
7 81 0.94% 39 3.23% /galerija_eng.htm
8 95 1.10% 37 3.06% /galerija.htm
9 97 1.13% 36 2.98% /prednosti.htm
10 75 0.87% 34 2.81% /galerija_hec.htm

Top 10 of 58 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 534 6.20% 346 28.06% /
2 96 1.11% 75 6.08% /danube2005/
3 131 1.52% 61 4.95% /reference.htm
4 59 0.68% 57 4.62% /drobtinice.htm
5 140 1.62% 53 4.30% /dejavnost.htm
6 113 1.31% 50 4.06% /opodjetju.htm
7 102 1.18% 47 3.81% /index_eng.htm
8 95 1.10% 45 3.65% /galerija.htm
9 81 0.94% 35 2.84% /galerija_eng.htm
10 97 1.13% 35 2.84% /prednosti.htm

Top 30 of 341 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 921 10.69% 621 9.47% 6.60 MB 6.69% 97 7.70% Slovenia
2 647 7.51% 478 7.29% 4.47 MB 4.53% 50 3.97% Slovenia
3 177 2.05% 141 2.15% 4.62 MB 4.67% 5 0.40% Slovenia
4 161 1.87% 98 1.49% 1.97 MB 1.99% 41 3.25% Slovenia
5 156 1.81% 111 1.69% 2.79 MB 2.82% 104 8.25% United States
6 139 1.61% 23 0.35% 726.45 KB 0.72% 32 2.54% United States
7 136 1.58% 86 1.31% 2.49 MB 2.52% 82 6.51% Unknown
8 126 1.46% 119 1.81% 3.48 MB 3.53% 7 0.56% Netherlands
9 121 1.40% 24 0.37% 266.75 KB 0.26% 3 0.24% Slovenia
10 103 1.20% 53 0.81% 1.51 MB 1.53% 1 0.08% Slovenia
11 99 1.15% 97 1.48% 1.44 MB 1.46% 3 0.24% Slovenia
12 92 1.07% 69 1.05% 1.90 MB 1.93% 1 0.08% Slovenia
13 86 1.00% 43 0.66% 1.17 MB 1.19% 10 0.79% Russian Federation
14 86 1.00% 84 1.28% 5.02 MB 5.08% 1 0.08% Slovenia
15 73 0.85% 27 0.41% 319.25 KB 0.32% 2 0.16% Slovenia
16 71 0.82% 68 1.04% 1.04 MB 1.06% 1 0.08% Slovenia
17 68 0.79% 41 0.63% 1.10 MB 1.11% 20 1.59% United States
18 67 0.78% 67 1.02% 547.90 KB 0.54% 2 0.16% Slovenia
19 63 0.73% 63 0.96% 0 bytes 0.00% 26 2.06% Slovenia
20 55 0.64% 33 0.50% 564.43 KB 0.56% 2 0.16% Romania
21 55 0.64% 51 0.78% 588.60 KB 0.58% 2 0.16% Slovenia
22 54 0.63% 29 0.44% 370.36 KB 0.37% 1 0.08% Slovenia
23 54 0.63% 51 0.78% 1.48 MB 1.50% 3 0.24% Netherlands
24 54 0.63% 51 0.78% 1.48 MB 1.50% 3 0.24% Netherlands
25 54 0.63% 51 0.78% 1.48 MB 1.50% 3 0.24% Netherlands
26 53 0.61% 51 0.78% 583.13 KB 0.58% 3 0.24% Slovenia
27 52 0.60% 27 0.41% 317.26 KB 0.31% 1 0.08% Slovenia
28 52 0.60% 48 0.73% 535.27 KB 0.53% 2 0.16% Slovenia
29 50 0.58% 48 0.73% 534.92 KB 0.53% 2 0.16% Slovenia
30 50 0.58% 12 0.18% 27.45 KB 0.03% 18 1.43% United States
View All Sites

Top 10 of 341 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 921 10.69% 621 9.47% 6.60 MB 6.69% 97 7.70% Slovenia
2 86 1.00% 84 1.28% 5.02 MB 5.08% 1 0.08% Slovenia
3 177 2.05% 141 2.15% 4.62 MB 4.67% 5 0.40% Slovenia
4 647 7.51% 478 7.29% 4.47 MB 4.53% 50 3.97% Slovenia
5 126 1.46% 119 1.81% 3.48 MB 3.53% 7 0.56% Netherlands
6 156 1.81% 111 1.69% 2.79 MB 2.82% 104 8.25% United States
7 136 1.58% 86 1.31% 2.49 MB 2.52% 82 6.51% Unknown
8 161 1.87% 98 1.49% 1.97 MB 1.99% 41 3.25% Slovenia
9 92 1.07% 69 1.05% 1.90 MB 1.93% 1 0.08% Slovenia
10 103 1.20% 53 0.81% 1.51 MB 1.53% 1 0.08% Slovenia

Top 30 of 77 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 4421 51.29% - (Direct Request)
2 34 0.39%
3 28 0.32%
4 23 0.27%
5 22 0.26%
6 22 0.26%
7 16 0.19%
8 12 0.14%
9 10 0.12%
10 5 0.06%
11 5 0.06%
12 3 0.03%
13 2 0.02%
14 2 0.02%
15 2 0.02%
16 2 0.02%
17 2 0.02%
18 2 0.02%
19 1 0.01%
20 1 0.01%
21 1 0.01%
22 1 0.01%
23 1 0.01%
24 1 0.01%
25 1 0.01%
26 1 0.01%
27 1 0.01%
28 1 0.01%
29 1 0.01%
30 1 0.01%
View All Referrers

Top 20 of 29 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 17 36.17% auditoria
2 2 4.26% danube advertising poster
3 2 4.26% zvezdan pirtošek
4 1 2.13% auditoria*
5 1 2.13%
6 1 2.13% aventis pharma
7 1 2.13% bernardin portorož
8 1 2.13% direktor grand hotel union
9 1 2.13% fajko bajrović
10 1 2.13% igor ravnik
11 1 2.13% jaka jagodic
12 1 2.13% janez faganel memorial lecture
13 1 2.13% jansen cilag beograd
14 1 2.13% k. klein graz
15 1 2.13% keber natalija
16 1 2.13% kongres 22. oktober 2008
17 1 2.13% kongresni center ljubljana
18 1 2.13% loreal
19 1 2.13% loreal slovenija
20 1 2.13% mednarodna strokovna konferenca
View All Search Strings

Top 15 of 43 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 1656 19.21% MSIE 7.0
2 1601 18.58% Najdi.s
3 1581 18.34% Mozilla/5.0
4 1297 15.05% MSIE 6.0
5 515 5.98% Yahoo! Slurp
6 427 4.95% msnbot/1.1 (+
7 324 3.76% Java/1.6.0_04
8 161 1.87% BabalooSpider/1.3 (BabalooSpider;;
9 131 1.52% Googlebot-Image/1.0
10 126 1.46% Java/1.6.0_05
11 117 1.36% msnbot-media/1.1 (+
12 114 1.32% Googlebot/2.1
13 112 1.30% MSIE 5.5
14 90 1.04% WebAlta Crawler/2.0 ( (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; ru-RU)
15 52 0.60% findlinks/1.1.3-beta9 (+
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for August 2008

Top 30 of 33 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 5199 60.32% 4200 64.04% 52.50 MB 53.17% Slovenia
2 1310 15.20% 535 8.16% 12.41 MB 12.57% United States
3 438 5.08% 413 6.30% 11.38 MB 11.52% Netherlands
4 413 4.79% 316 4.82% 7.25 MB 7.35% Unresolved/Unknown
5 158 1.83% 137 2.09% 3.05 MB 3.09% Germany
6 117 1.36% 109 1.66% 3.21 MB 3.25% Spain
7 101 1.17% 98 1.49% 1.13 MB 1.14% France
8 97 1.13% 90 1.37% 653.61 KB 0.65% Croatia (Hrvatska)
9 95 1.10% 83 1.27% 1.08 MB 1.10% Great Britain (UK)
10 90 1.04% 45 0.69% 1.25 MB 1.26% Russian Federation
11 82 0.95% 56 0.85% 616.28 KB 0.61% Romania
12 55 0.64% 54 0.82% 842.48 KB 0.83% Mexico
13 49 0.57% 47 0.72% 320.01 KB 0.32% Canada
14 49 0.57% 47 0.72% 137.42 KB 0.14% Yugoslavia
15 47 0.55% 46 0.70% 115.43 KB 0.11% Italy
16 38 0.44% 38 0.58% 114.80 KB 0.11% Bosnia and Herzegovina
17 28 0.32% 27 0.41% 147.33 KB 0.15% Mozambique
18 27 0.31% 26 0.40% 92.19 KB 0.09% Puerto Rico
19 26 0.30% 25 0.38% 303.70 KB 0.30% Brazil
20 25 0.29% 24 0.37% 70.39 KB 0.07% Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
21 24 0.28% 24 0.37% 267.29 KB 0.26% Dominican Republic
22 24 0.28% 23 0.35% 34.86 KB 0.03% Lithuania
23 23 0.27% 23 0.35% 62.34 KB 0.06% Switzerland
24 21 0.24% 17 0.26% 84.67 KB 0.08% Australia
25 18 0.21% 17 0.26% 509.28 KB 0.50% Europe
26 17 0.20% 13 0.20% 384.13 KB 0.38% Korea (South)
27 15 0.17% 13 0.20% 420.73 KB 0.42% Norway
28 12 0.14% 1 0.02% 59.06 KB 0.06% Sweden
29 11 0.13% 8 0.12% 274.75 KB 0.27% Taiwan
30 6 0.07% 3 0.05% 36.72 KB 0.04% China

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)